Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Ground Floor, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 17 October 2013 at 5.30pm.
Chairperson |
Dr Camille Nakhid |
Deputy Chairperson |
Rev Amail Habib |
Members |
Asoka Basnayake |
Sadiqa Hajee |
John Hong |
from 5.40pm, item 4; until 6.30pm, item 5 |
Kafeba Mundele |
from 5.50pm, item 5 |
Cr Richard Northey, ONZM |
until 7.40pm, item 7 |
Ann Pala, QSM |
Grace Ryu |
Jeet Suchdev, JP,QSM |
until 7.43pm, item 7 |
Kudakwashe Tuwe |
Susan Zhu |
Bevan Chuang |
for non-attendance |
John Hong |
for lateness and early departure |
Kafeba Mundele |
for lateness |
Jeet Suchdev |
for early departure |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 17 October 2013 |
Resolution number EPAB/2013/79 MOVED by Member C Nakhid, seconded by Member A Habib: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) accept an apology from Member Chuang for non-attendance, Member Hong for lateness and early departure, Member Suchdev for early departure and Member Mundele for lateness.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number EPAB/2013/80 MOVED by Member S Hajee, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 19 September 2013, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
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Member Hong entered the meeting at 5.40 pm. |
Resolution number EPAB/2013/81 MOVED by Member C Nakhid, seconded by Member A Habib: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the EPAP actions progress report.
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Member Mundele entered the meeting at 5.50 pm. Member Hong exited the meeting at 6.30 pm. |
The following topics were discussed by the Panel: - Selection processes for an ethnic advisory panel; - Briefing report to an incoming Ethnic Panel; - Feedback on the Ethnic Youth Hui; - Follow up from meeting with Susan Devoy. |
Resolution number EPAB/2013/82 MOVED by Member A Habib, seconded by Member A Pala: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank the Chairperson for her report. b) request Council officers distribute the proposed model for the Panel before the meeting with his worship the Mayor; c) request Council officers investigate options regarding the members’ mailbox access after 1 November; d) thank Austin Kim and Raewyn Stone for the support on the Ethnic Youth Hui; e) thank Councillor Northey for his support to the Panel; f) request notes from meeting of 5 September be sent to Dame Susan Devoy; |
The meeting adjourned for dinner at 6.40 pm.
Secretarial note: At 6:40 pm, Councillor Northey was invited by the Chairperson to hand out the certificates of commemoration to Panel members who did not attend the September meeting – Member Tuwe and Member Zhu.
The meeting reconvened at 7.07 pm.
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Resolution number EPAB/2013/83 MOVED by Member C Nakhid, seconded by Member A Habib: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the reports; b) thank Members Chuang, Hajee, Suchdev and Tuwe for their monthly reports.
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Member Suchdev exited the meeting at 7.43 pm.
Resolution number EPAB/2013/84 MOVED by Member A Habib, seconded by Member S Hajee: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the Youth Sub-Committee’s report. b) agree to include the following on a briefing report to an incoming Panel: Recommendations - Prioritise areas of focus, e.g. effective engagement with communities and Local Boards, - Less operational, more advisory, e.g. newsletter shouldn’t be done by the Panel; - Smaller agendas with focused topics of discussion on each meeting; - Community-focused work; - Empower community-led meetings, e.g., Ethnic Youth Hui; - Effective feedback to communities; - Council structures, processes and officers; - Community relationship/requests management, e.g., Council customer service and issue management; - Focus on the long-term status of the Panel; - Engage not only with Council but also with organisations and government agencies who work with refugees and migrant communities (be a bridge between Council and those organisations); - Develop and maintain effective professional working relationship with Council (particularly staff); - How will you define expectations? - Manageable and realistic expectations; - Maintain gender balance; - Written guidelines for EPAP social media; - Governance and media training opportunities;
Successes - We’re still here; - Good representation of ethnic communities (religious and ethnic diversity); - Racism conference; - Forums and public meetings; - Ethnic Youth hui; - Media coverage, social media engagement and newsletter (Comms); - Adapting work programme and input to the ToR; - Panel’s internal relationships moved from being rocky to developing solid foundations; - Support from Mayor, Councillors and Council staff; - Good leadership and team work; - Advocacy on behalf of communities, e.g. Diwali Festival; - Effected significant changes to ways of thinking about and engaging with ethnic communities; - Achieved main objective, i.e. to communicate main interests and preferences of the ethnic communities to Council; - Carried out work programme; - Capacity building; - Achievement of continuation of the Panel; - Respected each others communities and cultures;
What can we do better? - Respond to emails; - More user-friendly email system, e.g. password change, mailbox security and smart phone access; - Good management of our expectations, e.g. narrow and focus; - Work in a more positive way with Council (make it work smoother); - Secure better resourcing;
e) agree to provide the briefing report to an incoming Panel to the Mayor; f) request recommendations to incoming Panel outlined on b) be included in the officers’ Governing Body report on the future of the Panel; |
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Greater Tāmaki Stormwater Network Discharge Consent – Stormwater Priorities Consultation |
Resolution number EPAB/2013/85 MOVED by Member K Mundele, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the report.
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Resolution number EPAB/2013/86 MOVED by Member A Pala, seconded by Member A Habib: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the report. b) agree to hold end of year EPAP event at 5pm on Saturday 30 November 2013, location to be confirmed. c) agree to continue monitoring and managing EPAP facebook page. d) agree that Member Tuwe will draft a letter of congratulations to Mervin Singham by Friday 18 October. e) note that the deadline for submitting expenses is Monday 21 October, midday. |
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.30 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
LEAD OFFICER:.........................................................