

Meeting Room:



Thursday 12 December 2013


Waikowhai Meeting Room
Fickling Convention Centre
546 Mt Albert Road
Three Kings


Puketapapa Local Board






ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


8.1       Three Kings Precinct Plan

A.      South Epsom Planning Group presentation                                                           3

9.1       Greg McKeown

A.      Presentation by G. McKeown                                                                              17

9,2       Three Kings Residents United Group

A.      Three Kings United Residents Group presentation                                              21

15        Puketapapa Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014

A.      Updated Puketapapa Local Board SLIPs Programme 2013/2014                      25

16        Auckland Transport Monthly Update Report – December 2013

A.      Local Board Transport Capital Fund - Financial Update for Puketapapa Local Board                                                                                                                              31

21        Board Member Reports December 2013

A.      E Kumar Board Member Report September to 11 December 2013                   33

Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013



Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Puketapapa Local Board

12 December 2013


Report NameBoard member report –Ella Kumar



Portfolio: Events, Sport and Recreation, Arts and Culture, Library,

Significant points from monthly Board workshops and briefings


Portfolio activities for the month September to 11th December 2013







Brief Description

24th September

Santa Parade

Local Board Office

Discussions on the route for parade.

25th September

Try A Craft

Mt Roskill Grammar School Community Education office

Debrief on event.

Outcome: a successful art/culture event educating community of other ethnic group arts.

28th September


Shanti Niwas


Attended the celebration for older people.

3rd October

Pah Homestead Community day

Pah Homestead

Meeting to update the activities for the event on the 12th October 2013.

5TH October

Diwali event


Vodafone Event Center

Attended the Manukau Indian Association event

8th October

Creative Communities funding

Town Hall

Regional funding allocation

Full Day

9th October

Auckland Council Diwali Launch

Rendezvous Grand Hotel Conference room

Launch for the 2013 Diwali festival, sponsors, media partners, guests

10th October

Ethnic communities

Three Kings Plaza

Attended the RCN event for diverse communities.

11th October

Santa Parade

Local Board Office

Meeting with Otahuhu Brass band co ordinator to organise their participation in event.

12th October

Pah Homestead Community Day

Pah Homestead

Event for the community to increase local community attendance from Puketapapa Local board area.

This event had community participation.

13th October

Diwali festival


Vodafone event center

Humm FM Diwali event

14th October

NZ Herald article for Diwali

Local board Office

Met journalist for a Diwali article

16th October



Diwali photo shoot

Local board Office


Roop Darshan

Weekly workshop welcome to newly elected board.

Radio station took photos for Diwali to place on facebook with radio message delivered promoting Auckland Council Diwali festival and the culture of Diwali, how it is celebrated.

19th -20th October

Auckland Council Diwali Festival

Aotea  Center

Annual event delivered and organised by ATEED.

21st ,22nd, 24th


Diwali Festival school programme

Various school

Delivered messages of Diwali and the culture behind Diwali.

23 October


Local board Office


26th October


Onehunga Library

Papatoetoe town center

Education on Diwali

27th October


Mt Albert Library

Education on Diwali


28th October


Manukau Vodafone event center

Radio Tarana event

29th October


Panmure Library

Education on Diwali

30th October

Fitness machines

For the park

May Road War Memorial Park

Discussed the location for fitness machines around the children’s playground.

31st October

Inaugural Local Board event for elected members

Fickling Center

Sworn in for local board

1st November


Onehunga Library

Education on Diwali  festive foods for Community

2nd November



Sandringham Festival

New Lynn Library


Sandringham park

Education on Diwali

5th November

KHPUG meeting

Tri Star Gymnasium

Regular monthly catch up with the Keith Hay Park recreation and sports codes

Soccer, Cricket, Gymnastics, Cameron Pools

6th November


Avondale Library

Education on Diwali

9th November


Mt Roskill Library


Remuera Library

Education on Diwali

12th November

Events Portfolio meeting

Local Board office

Update on upcoming events Taste of Puketapapa

Santa Parade

14th November

Lynfield reserve Board walk


New walk way to be commenced. Local Board walked through the walk way, not completed yet in the process.

16th November

Building Bridges event




Ethnic Panel event

Mt Roskill Primary school




Diverse communities building bridges between parents and schools.


Local Board elections

Diverse community representation low

20th November

Diwali Debrief


Discussions on what worked pros and cons.  Met other council staff behind scenes working group.

20th November

Citizenship ceremonies

Fickling center

Two ceremonies

22 November

Local board Workshop

Local Board Office

Run through agenda

26th November

Pah Homestead Community day


Pah Homestead

Met with Pah Homestead staff. Discussions on Pros and Cons of event for 2014 event.

25th November

Santa Parade

Local Board office

Meeting with working committee to update final requirements for Santa Parade.

27th November

Local board Workshop governance

Mt Albert War Memorial Hall

Advance Governance workshop for local board members

Full day

28th November

Business Meeting

Wesley Community center


29th November

Santa Parade

Local board office

Printing, prepare event documents etc.

30th November

Santa Parade

Mt Roskill Shops

Community event

3rd December

Creative Communities





Monthly catch with Chair

Local Board office

Mary and I met Fahima

A group that was not successful in the last funding to see how we can help for future applications.


Catch up with Board Chair Julie

4th December

Local board Workshop

Local Board office


5th December

Santa Parade debrief

Local board office

Met with Business association and parade youth committee.

Debriefed event for future of this event.

6th December

Carols by Candlelight


Three Kings Reserve

Annual Event

10th December

Events portfolio meeting


Taste of Puketapapa event debrief and prize draw

Local Board office

Debriefed with Jody, Ren and team for the future of this event.


Drew the prizes with community member Dawn and board member Doig.

11th December

Local Board Workshop

Local board office

Run through Agenda



Any other issues:

Events, Sport and Recreation and Arts/Cultural Activity:

Tri Star Gymnastics stage 2 project.

Lovelock Track

Mt Roskill Grammar School Hockey Turf

Pah Homestead



Santa Parade

Santa Parade November 30th Saturday 10.00am to 12.30pm

Discussion continues with youth committee, Comms department and Event council teams.

Successful event delivered; with over 1000 people attended, we doubled the number of stalls and floats this year, 30 floats. 

Many community members did compliment the event and are very happy we have sorted local event shared by all.


Taste of Puketapapa

Excellent two week event.

Our community plus other Auckland community were able to come over and taste the diverse community dishes. 


Carols by Candlelight

Excellent annual Christmas event for the community.

Weather was great and atmosphere was amazing.


Other Issues:


87 Parau Street

Issue with hedges and allergies, neighbours house belong to Housing NZ, met with Lily Brown housing NZ on site to sort our possibilities to trim and remove the allergy plants.

This owner is 82 years old and also facing issues about her berms. 

She was angry as a pensioner she now has to pay for the berm on top of her lawn to be mowed.



A lot of dumping around the Sommerset Road on the Auckland Transport land.  As soon as the side berm grass is over grown to half a meter high dumping is becoming a problem, sofa’s televisions.  I had to lodge a complaint for all dumping to be picked up so community don’t start dumping.  Signs need to be placed around this area.


Email of solo parent:


Dear Ella,


I am writing in regards to the lawn which needs to be mowed, outside my property 562 Richardson Road. Being a corner house I have. Two sides which needs to be mowed and I have been quoted NZD45 for the first cut and NZD30 for every fortnightly cut (this is not even counting my regular lawn cost of NZD30 which is done fortnightly).  This means I have to pay double the amount for the lawn! NZD30 fortnightly is going to add up the cost of lawn mowing to NZD1440.00 per annum instead of NZD720.00 and I think this is outrageous!  It is already so hard managing the expenses as a Solo mum with rising rates, electricity and other necessities and I am not happy with this decision made by Land transport.


I will appreciate if you can please see if it can be arranged to be done  as I  think this had been unfairly passed on to me as  the house owner.


Thank you appreciate your assistance with this.


Kind Regards 

Kalpa Patel 




I request the Board to consider adopting these recommendations below.

Even though the Board has already agreed in the previous Annual Plan to not have berm mowing, our residents are more affected than we thought at the time. I recommend we review our position and consider community feedback on this issue. Many of our affected residents are from low income or refugee background. There are a high number of rental properties so there is no strong a sense of ownership of some of the areas which are now presenting us a problem.


That the Puketapapa Local Board

a) receives the report

b) requests officers to investigate other methods initiate to deter people from dumping including possible erecting signs around the Sommerset Road indicating “No Dumping” to deter people from dumping along this road.

c) agrees to investigate options for addressing the berm mowing issue is proving to be a problem issue for some parts of our community.

d) requests officers to assist in identifying ownership of those parcels of land that are overgrown so that it can help the board and the community to find a way to address this.




Board Member Ella Kumar