I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 9 December 2013


Council Chamber
Orewa Service Centre
50 Centreway Road


Rodney Local Board









Brenda Steele


Deputy Chairperson

Steven Garner



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Thomas Grace



Beth Houlbrooke



John McLean



Phelan Pirrie



Greg Sayers



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


4 December 2013


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Hill Street intersection                                                                                         5

8.2     Sandpsit Ratepayers Association                                                                      6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        North Rodney Swimming Pool Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study            9

13        Concept Plan for the Atlas Site, 80 Great North Road, Warkworth                      27

14        Huapai Skate Half Pipe Update                                                                                  37

15        Highfield Donkey Society Incorporated Memorandum of Understanding           41

16        Warkworth Showgrounds Landscape Plan Approval                                             51

17        Matakana Playground Design                                                                                    55

18        Memorial Seat Request Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park                                         59

19        Parks, Sports & Recreation Quarterly Update to the Rodney Local Board for the July-September 2013 Period                                                                                               65

20        King George V War Memorial Renewal                                                                    71

21        Warkworth Library Mural                                                                                            73

22        Consultation results on public art by Ruby Watson for Warkworth                     77

23        Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report                                   85

24        Auckland Transport Update to Rodney Local Board, December 2013               109

25        Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards                                       121

26        New Road Name – Tamahunga Lane                                                                      167

27        Report on Rodney Tourism Services                                                                      173

28        Appointments to internal Council groups                                                              175

29        Proposed Unitary Plan - Submissions process and local board input               177

30        Rodney Local Board Workshop Records                                                               181

31        Local Board Agreement

This report was not available when the agenda was compiled. The report will be included in an addendum agenda or be tabled on the day.


32        Greens Road Update

This report was not available when the agenda was compiled. The report will be included in an addendum agenda or be tabled on the day.


33        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 18 November 2013 as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


8.1       Hill Street intersection

1.       Roger Williams will be in attendance to address the Rodney Local Board on a new proposal for the Hill Street intersection at Warkworth.

2.       Mr Williams, a retired engineer, has designed a concept plan for improving the Hill Street intersection which he wants to outline to the Rodney Local Board.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Mr Williams for his proposal to improve Hill Street intersection at Warkworth.










8.2       Sandpsit Ratepayers Association

1.       The Chairman of the Sandspit Ratepayers Association, Alex Fowler, will address the Rodney Local Board on infrastructure concerns at Sandspit.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Alex Fowler, Chairman of the Sandspit Ratepayers Association for his presentation on infrastructure concerns at Sandspit.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



North Rodney Swimming Pool Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study


File No.: CP2013/26788





1.       To undertake a needs assessment, and to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for funding to be allocated to a feasibility study, should a need be identified, for a potential swimming pool facility in the north Rodney area.

Executive Summary

2.       There are currently no publicly operated swimming pools in the Rodney Local Board area, and residents have to travel substantial distances to access public swimming pools. It has been requested by the local community that a community swimming pool be built for the north of Rodney. More than half of the submissions on the draft 2011-2013 Local Board Plan endorsed the provision of an aquatic facility or learn-to-swim pool.

3.       Community Policy and Planning (North) are planning to undertake a north Rodney swimming pools needs assessment and feasibility study to identify current and future aquatic/swimming pool needs for the north of Rodney. This work will be undertaken in the next 9 to 12 months. If the needs assessment indicates that there is adequate swimming pool provision in the north of Rodney, the feasibility study will not proceed.

4.       In planning the scope of this project, financial matters concerning the feasibility study have been considered which include specialised technical elements that will be contracted out. These elements cover architectural services, geotechnical testing and civil engineer services. There are no identified budgets for this work to be undertaken.

5.       The cost of these specialised services across the programme is estimated at $40,000, of which $30,000 is required in 2013-2014 and $10,000 in 2014-2015. There are currently no funds allocated in the Long Term Plan 2012 – 2022 (LTP) for this project. It is requested that Rodney Local Board allocate funding in principle to enable the specialised services to be undertaken should at the feasibility study stage subject to a proven need being established.

6.       Auckland Council is currently undertaking a review of all council owned aquatic facilities to determine council’s future provision of facilities across Auckland. The primary outcome is a long-term development plan, which identifies action points and recommendations to guide council’s provision of and investment into aquatic and recreation facilities. The network plan will inform the three year review of LTP.

7.       The aquatics and recreation network plan will give a high level gap analyst of provision across the whole of Auckland and indicate priority areas to inform possible capital expenditure for the pending review of the LTP.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      agree to fund in principle (subject to the proven need), $30,000 for specialised technical work as part of a north Rodney swimming pool feasibility study, from the ‘Community Facility Initiatives’ budget 2013-2014 and a further $10,000 in 2014-2015.

b)      endorses the project time line for the north of Rodney swimming pool needs assessment and feasibility study (subject to proven need).




8.       Auckland’s north Rodney area does not have a public swimming pool and in recent years local communities have been requesting a community pool. Consultation for the 2011-2013 Local Board Plan has shown strong public support for a local community pool in the north of Rodney. More than half the submissions (423) to the draft plan have endorsed the provision of an aquatic facility or learn-to-swim pool.

9.       The north of Rodney is defined as an area within an approximate 20km radius of Warkworth comprising of the towns of Wellsford, Warkworth, Leigh, Algies Bay-Mahurangi, Snells Beach and settlements in the Cape Rodney and Tauhoa-Puhoi area. In 2006 this area had a population of 20,390 and is projected to grow by 45 percent to nearly 30,000 in 2031.

10.     The Rodney District Recreation Strategy 1994-2021 (reviewed 1999) acknowledged that council’s involvement in “sportsfields and sports facilities should be seen in the broadest sense as referring not only to council accommodating bat and ball sports but also to areas, surfaces or buildings, occupying council land and accommodation a range of other sporting activities”. However the strategy remained silent on the provision of public pools.

11.     Demand for a swimming pool complex in the north Rodney area was first formally considered by the legacy Rodney District Council in the 2009 Warkworth Recreation Study. The study acknowledges that demand for a swimming pool complex is being driven by the local AquaKidz swim school and the Underwater Hockey Club. The Warkworth Recreation Study refers to the 2007 ARPASS Regional Aquatics Facility Strategy that indicates a generic ratio as a guideline for the provision of aquatic facilities as 1:30,000-50,000. ARPASS notes that the scope of facilities provided is an integral determining factor when considering likely catchment populations.

12.     One of the key recreational initiatives in the Rodney Local Board Plan 2011 – 2013 is to “Assess the needs and construct a swimming pool/aquatic facility in Rodney”. This is also identified within the second Local Board Agreement “Local board information and agreements” of the Auckland Long Term Plan 2012-2022 (LTP) with Rodney Local Board taking an advocacy role. It also acknowledges that work should be undertaken to determine, “The feasibility of a swimming pool in the north of Rodney”.

13.     Auckland Council is currently reviewing of all council owned aquatic facilities to determine council’s future provision of facilities across Auckland. The primary outcome is a long-term development plan which identifies action points and recommendations to guide council’s provision of and investment into aquatic and recreation facilities. It is intended the network plan will inform the pending review of the LTP.

14.     The aquatics and recreation network plan will provide a high level gap analyst of provision across the whole of Auckland and indicate priority areas to inform possible capital expenditure for the next LTP.

15.     Currently there is no financial provision in the Long-term Plan for a swimming pool facility in the north Rodney area. The outcomes of and needs assessment and feasibility study will be used to inform the network planning on the need and cost for a swimming pool facility in north Rodney. The governing body will determine whether any funding should be allocated as part of the LTP review.

Project description

16.     There are two work streams that will be undertaken over a 9 – 12 month period that will identify any swimming pool provision in the north of Rodney These are:

a needs assessment (stage one)

a feasibility study (stage two). Should the needs assessment identify there is adequate swimming pool provision in the north of Rodney then there will be no requirement to undertake the feasibility study.

Needs Assessment

17.     A needs assessment for a swimming pool in the north of the Rodney area will help understand the factors determining demand for a potential facility. An on-line swimming pool user/non user survey for north of Rodney is currently running to find out current user and non-user behaviour of swimming pools and to identify potential needs for swimming pool provision. Results from the online survey will inform the overall needs assessment.

18.     The needs assessment will be informing the facility design scope for any feasibility study. Meeting community needs and achieving value for money will be the two main guiding principles for this assessment.

19.     The needs assessment will cover:

·    Identification of key community values and Local Board priorities.

·    Community consultation through an on-line survey and engagement workshops

·    Stocktake of existing council and non-council provision

·    Review of strategic and facility plans

·    Identification of current and future trends

·    Analysis of social indicators

Feasibility Study

20.     The feasibility study identifies the drivers for the project, estimated costs, risks and expected benefits, and to support decision-making. The purpose of a feasibility study is to examine the viability of a proposal so that any decision can be informed by objective analysis. Feasibility analysis is typically undertaken on more than one possible option to allow for comparisons between alternatives.

21.     The feasibility study will cover:

·    Management options

·    Facility components

·    Location options

·    Technical design options

·    Social, economic and environmental sustainability

·    Opex and capex for any option

22.     There are certain specialised technical elements to the feasibility study which will need to be contracted out, such as architectural services, geotechnical testing and civil engineer services. There is no budget in the LTP for this work to be undertaken.

23.     The Rodney Local Board have indicated that they may have funding available to fund these specialised technical services through their ‘Community Facility Initiatives’ budget.

Project timeline


Planned Delivery Date

Stage One – Needs Assessment

Nov 2013

On-line survey

Nov 2013-Feb 2014

Community engagement

Feb-March 2014

Scoping workshop with LB working group

March 2014

Needs assessment completed

April 2014




Stage Two - Feasibility Study (Only undertaken if proven need for swimming pool)

May 2014

Site Selection

May-June 2014

Geotechnical site surveys 

June-July 2014

Concept plans for proposed facility and consultation on concept design

July-August 2014

Operating costs/models completed

August 2014

Feasibility Study completed

August 2014

LB sign off Feasibility Study

September 2014

Project risk

The following project risks have been identified:


24.     There is a requirement to undertake substantial community engagement as part of the needs assessment in February & March 2104. There is also other major consultation/engagement planned during this period which may have an impact on the communities of north Rodney responding.


Funding Request

25.    Should there be a proven need identified through the needs assessment then there will be the requirement to undertake the feasibility study stage. As part of the feasibility there are elements of specialised technical services which will need to be undertaken.

26.     There are currently no funds allocated in the Long Term Plan 2012 – 2022 (LTP) for the feasibility study stage.  Specialists services requiring funding include:

·   Geotechnical site testing

·   Civil Engineer -  Utilities and infrastructure

·   Architectural Service

·   Concept design drawings

·   QS capital project costings      


27.     The costs are estimated to be $40,000, of which $30,000 will be required in 2013/2014 financial year and $10,000 in 2014/2015 financial year.

28.     It is therefore requested that Rodney Local Board consider allocating (subject to a proven need), $40,000 for specialised technical work as part of a north Rodney swimming pool feasibility study from the ‘Community Facility Initiatives’ budget 2013-2014 and a further $10,000 in 2014-2015.

Local Board Views

29.     A Local Board workshop was held on 6 September 2013 to outline the process to undertake a swimming pool needs assessment and feasibility study (subject to proven need) for the north Rodney area. The potential costs to undertake this was identified at the workshop and the Local Board members expressed support and possible financial assistance to fund the specialised technical aspects for the feasibility study. A report outlining the funding required would have to be presented to a LB meeting for consideration.

Maori Impact Statement

30.     The rohe (tribal region) of Ngati Manuhiri and Ngati Whatua o Kaipara include the Warkworth area.

31.     Maori residents and ratepayers total 9.5 percent of the population in the Rodney Local Board area. The swimming pool feasibility study does not specifically target Maori groups, however Maori communities are likely to benefit from any new swimming pool provision. Maori will be consulted on their views on any new swimming pool provision. 



32.       Consultation for this project will be carried out during both the needs assessment and the feasibility study stages including:

·   A north Rodney swimming pool survey to understand current user and non-user behaviour

·   Consultation on concept design for the proposed facility at the feasibility study stage(If needs proven)

Financial and resourcing implications

Implementation Issues

33.     If the needs assessment identifies there is adequate swimming pool provision in the north of Rodney, then there will be no requirement to undertake the feasibility study. Should this be the case then any funding allocated to the feasibility study would not be utilised.

34.     Should funding to undertake the full feasibility study not be available, then certain specialised technical elements will not be included within the final report. This could affect possible build costs, shortages in allocated capital funding and potential reduction in size of the provision and range of facilities/services, and ultimately impact on any decision to build a new facility.








Project Execution Plan - North Rodney swimming pool assessment and feasibility study





Paul Clark - Principal Policy Analyst


Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Concept Plan for the Atlas Site, 80 Great North Road, Warkworth


File No.: CP2013/26274





1.       The purpose of this report is to inform and update the Local Board of the timeframes and work required to deliver a concept plan for the future development of 80 Great North Road, Warkworth (known as the Atlas site).

Executive Summary

2.       The former Rodney District Council purchased the land at 80 Great North Road Warkworth (the site) from the former Atlas Concrete Group in 2004 (Attachment A).  It is currently leased out to Works Infrastructure Ltd (Downer EDI Works Ltd).

3.       In 2009, the former Rodney District Council identified the site for divestment as part of a programme to reduce debt. Community pressure to retain the land for a park resulted in a decision by the Auckland Council Regional Development and Operations Committee in 2012 to retain the site.  The resolution stated that the future use and function of the site was to be consistent with the intentions set out in the Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve Management Plan.

4.       There is community interest in the site and a concept plan is required to inform future development and use.  The key objective is to determine the best use of the site to cater for community needs and aspirations. 

5.       A set of preliminary draft key principles has been produced to inform the development of the concept plan.  They are consistent with outcomes sought in the Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve management plan. The principles will be consulted upon and refined as part of the development of the concept plan. 

6.       The concept plan will be a tool to inform the funding required through the next Council’s Long-term Plan. 

7.       Risks to the project include short timeframes, levels of contamination testing required (budget constraints) and stakeholder expectations.  There is a risk that delivery of the concept plan for approval at the July 2014 Local Board meeting will not be achievable. Staff recommend that a political working party be established and delegated authority for the project to assist in progressing development of the concept plan in a timely manner.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      endorses the project plan (including consultation) and timeline outlined in Table 1 of this report.

b)      endorses  that the preliminary draft key principles (Attachment C) will be used to inform development of the concept plan.

c)      approves the establishment of the political working party to assist in the timely development of the concept plan.



8.       The former Rodney District Council purchased 80 Great North Road, Warkworth from the former Atlas Concrete Group in 2004.   It is triangular shaped and consists of two lots, Lot 1 DP150324 (2.294 hectares) and Lot 2 DP 150324 (0.4890 hectares) which are separated by a stream (see Attachment A). It is located on the southern boundary of Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve and is also known as the Atlas site. The Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve Management Plan (adopted by the former Rodney District Council in 2004) includes this particular site. 

9.       In 2009, the former Rodney District Council identified the site for divestment as part of a programme to reduce debt (Minute No 068-02-09).  Community pressure to retain the land for a park resulted in a decision by the Auckland Council’s Regional Development and Operations Committee in 2012 to retain the site.  The retention of the land was supported by the previous Rodney Local Board.

10.     The land is to be retained for a recreation reserve to cater for the future needs of the local community, and the future use and function of the land is to be consistent with the intentions set out in the Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve Management Plan (Resolution number RDO/2012/59).

11.     Part of the site is currently leased to Works Infrastructure Ltd (Downer EDI Works Ltd).  The lease expired on October 2012 (see Attachment B), however a new lease is being negotiated by Auckland Council Property Ltd.    

Project description

12.     There is community interest in the site and a concept plan is required to inform future development and use.  The project will produce a concept plan with key principles that will inform future development of the site and how best to cater for community needs and aspirations. 

13.     The concept plan will inform the amount of funding that will be required from the Council’s next Long Term Plan (LTP). 


14.     The concept plan is to be presented for approval at the July 2014 Rodney Local Board meeting so that implementation costs can be estimated and funding can be sought in the Council’s next LTP.


Project timeline


15.     The project plan timeline for planned delivery dates, is outlined in Table 1.


Project plan

Planned Delivery Date

Local Board report– approval of project plan with scope, timeline, preliminary draft key principles and delegation to a political working party (PWP)

18 December 2013

Consultation: stage one – community workshop

Early February 2014

Consultation: stage two – additional consultation opportunity

Early March 2014

Delivery of two draft concept plans (including pros and cons and draft key principles) by Asset Development and Business Support (ADBS)

Early April 2014

PWP  to approve two draft concept plans for consultation

April 2014

Consultation – stage three - community open day/public meeting

Late April 2014

Consultation – stage four - online survey (four weeks) of two draft concept plans

Late April 2014

PWP to discuss feedback and confirm draft concept plan

June 2014

Local Board – report to Local Board to get draft concept plan endorsed

July 2014

Table 1 Project plan timeline



16.     Preliminary draft key principles

17.     A set of preliminary draft key principles has been produced to inform the development of the concept plan.  They are consistent with outcomes sought in the Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve Management Plan (Attachment C).  The principles will be consulted upon and refined as part of the development of the concept plan. 


18.     Project risks

19.     The following project risks have been identified:


·    The project has tight timeframes and delivery of the concept plan for approval at the July 2014 Local Board meeting may not be achievable.  It is recommended that a political working party is delegated authority for the project to assist in progressing development of the concept plan in a timely manner. 

·    Current and historic use of the site as a works depot means that there may be environmental risks and liabilities in changing the use of the site to a recreation reserve.   In order to change the use of the site the land must be tested for levels of contamination. National regulations set out the method and extent of testing required. Depending on results this may need to be remediated prior to the change of use occurring. 

·    Competing stakeholder expectations identified during consultation could lead to the extension of project timeframes.


Local Board Views

20.     A workshop was held with the Local Board on 11 November 2013 to discuss the project plan including timeframes, community engagement and preliminary draft key principles. It was also proposed that a political working party could be established under delegation to assist in the timely delivery of the project.   There have been some minor changes to the timeframe previously discussed with the Local Board to ensure delivery of the concept plan for approval at the July 2014 Rodney Local Board meeting. 

Māori Impact Statement

21.     The rohe (tribal region) of Ngati Manuhiri and Ngati Whatua o Kaipara include the Warkworth area.  Maori residents and ratepayers total 9.5 per cent of the population of the Rodney Local Board area.  There will be an opportunity for iwi to express their interest and values for the site during the community consultation process.



22.     Consultation for this project is outlined in the project plan. Specific activities include:


·    Two community workshops will be held to determine the best use of the site to cater for community needs and aspirations. 

·    The project will also be included in a Local Board expo which will provide an opportunity for further community engagement.

·    An online survey will provide an opportunity for the community to comment on two draft concept plans for a four week period. 


Financial and resourcing implications

23.     Budget has been allocated for this project under the LTP.  There are no financial implications relating to the development of the concept plan.


Implementation issues

24.     There is currently no budget allocated for the implementation of the concept plan.  A quantity survey of the concept plan is required to inform an investment proposal to the LTP.







Location plan



Lease area of Works Infrastructure (Downer EDI Works Ltd)



Preliminary draft key principles aligned with reference from the Warkworth Show Grounds Reserve Management Plan





Wendy Rutherford - Principal Policy Analyst


Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Huapai Skate Half Pipe Update


File No.: CP2013/26674





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of the Rodney Local Board to relocate the new Huapai skate half pipe to a site adjacent to the netball courts within the Huapai Recreation Reserve.

Executive Summary

2.       In February 2011 the Huapai skate half pipe was closed due to its poor condition.  A renewal process was commenced. However, at the time Watercare were installing new reticulation within the area of the closed half pipe.  Watercare requirements meant that the half pipe could not be renewed in its previous location and so a new location had to be determined.

3.       Initial consultation with the Huapai Reserve Advisory Committee showed that there was opposition to the half pipe being moved further into the reserve and Parks staff commenced seeking alternative reserve locations within Huapai and Kumeu.

4.       Over the course of 18 months alternative sites were identified, however further consultation showed that none of these sites were suitable.  In October 2013 a request was made of the Huapai Reserve Advisory Committee to reconsider allowing the skate half pipe to be located within the Huapai Recreation Reserve which was partially supported.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approves the relocation of the Huapai skate half pipe within the Huapai Recreation Reserve as identified on the Huapai Skate Ramp Location (Attachment A).




5.       After being notified that the Huapai skate half pipe could no longer remain in its current location, officers spent considerable time identifying a number of alternative sites within Huapai and Kumeu where the half pipe could be located.  A previous resolution was passed by the Rodney Local Board to install the skate pipe at the intersection of Station Road and SH16 in Huapai however this was strongly opposed by the Huapai School and Auckland Transport and as such this location is no longer deemed appropriate.

6.       Intensive community consultation was undertaken for each preferred location with considerable opposition being raised by the wider community for a number of reasons.  At the same time, the Auckland District Plan Rodney Section also stated that any new skate equipment to be located within a site required resource consent.

7.       The Huapai Reserve Advisory Committee did not support the half pipe being moved further into the reserve for a number of reasons such as the potential to have increased vandalism of club rooms as there is no lighting on site, and concerns for the inappropriate use of the half pipe after hours.

8.       The Advisory Committee still hold these concerns however recognise that the alternative sites that have been considered are not the most appropriate location, and have asked that the Rodney Local Board make the ultimate decision on where the half pipe should be located.

9.       The Advisory Committee also seek support from the Rodney Local Board to prioritise lighting for the reserve carparks should the half pipe be located within the reserve to help alleviate their vandalism concerns.


Local Board Views

10.     The previous Rodney Local Board Halls, Reserves and Kawau Island Committee fully supported the location of the half pipe within the Huapai Recreation Reserve.

Maori Impact Statement

11.     The impact on Maori and iwi was fully considered when the skate half pipe was originally installed within the site and it is considered that there are no additional impacts by relocating the half pipe to the proposed site as it is highly modified.


12.     The skate half pipe has been purchased and constructed off site, and is currently being stored, with associated storage fees, pending this decision

13.     Once the approval has been provided for the half pipe to be located within the reserve the installation can be very quick as resource consent will no longer be required. It is anticipated the skate half pipe can be open for use before the end of November.







Huapai Skate Ramp Location





Danielle Hancock - Parks Advisor  


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Highfield Donkey Society Incorporated Memorandum of Understanding


File No.: CP2013/27005





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the proposed Highfield Donkey Society Memorandum of Understanding for the care and management of donkeys within the Highfield Garden Reserve, Algies Bay.

Executive Summary

2.       Since the death of Alison Roberts, the Highfield Garden Reserve Advisory Committee (HGRAC) has volunteered their time to care for and husband the resident donkeys within Highfield Garden Reserve.  With the creation of Auckland Council the Advisory Committee has sought formal agreement with Council to care for the donkeys and allow for them to remain on site within the reserve.

3.       Advice from Auckland Council’s Legal Counsel recommends that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the best form of agreement between the two parties and suggested that a formal donkey care group be set up to represent the community volunteers.  In 2012, the Highfield Donkey Society was incorporated and is now the lead carer for the donkeys within the reserve.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Highfield Donkey Society Incorporated and the Rodney Local Board in relation to the care and management of donkeys within Highfield Garden Reserve, Algies Bay.

b)      approve funding of up to $1,500 per annum from the Parks Volunteer budget for the care of the donkeys.




4.       The presence of donkeys within the Highfield Garden Reserve, Algies Bay stems from an original gifting of the land to the Crown in 1976.  Mrs Alison Roberts gifted 3.55ha of her farm to the Crown, with her herd of donkeys as well as fences and sheds.  After the gifting Mrs Roberts continued to care for the donkeys and manage their breeding, housing and feeding. She sadly passed away a few years ago. 

5.       Following on from Mrs Roberts’ passing, the HGRAC and local volunteers took the lead in the care and husbandry of the donkeys and worked closely with the Rodney District Council to support this.

6.       With the establishment of Auckland Council, the HGRAC applied to the Council to formalise the retention of the donkeys on site through the mechanism of a formal agreement.  In July 2012 Local and Sports Parks North approached Legal Services for assistance in formulating this agreement.

7.       Initial advice from Legal Services was that a grazing license was the most appropriate form of agreement.  However, the HGRAC did not support an agreement of this kind. Over the next 13 months the Highfield Donkey Society was incorporated and they prepared a draft MOU as the suggested agreement format. Discussions ensued between Auckland Council, the Highfield Donkey Society and the Crown as to whether an MOU was an appropriate agreement format under the Reserves Act 1977. In September 2013 Auckland Council, the Highfield Donkey Society and representatives from the Local Board agreed that an MOU was appropriate.

8.       The attached MOU is the result of discussions between Legal Services, Local and Sports Parks North, the Rodney Local Board and the Highfield Donkey Society Incorporated.  All parts to this MOU are agreed by all parties.

9.       Historically, Council has contributed around $1,500 per annum towards the care of the donkeys.


Local Board Views

10.     Rodney Local Board members have been closely involved in discussions with all parties throughout negotiations of the MOU and their feedback has been incorporated.

Maori Impact Statement

11.     Local iwi were fully consulted through the development and adoption of the Highfield Garden Reserve Management Plan, where it was identified that the donkeys were a key part of the reserve and were envisaged as being present in perpetuity.

12.     This MOU acts as a working agreement to the long term management of the donkeys in keeping with the aspirations of the Reserve Management Plan.  Due to the legal decision to accept an MOU as an appropriate agreement format it is not considered necessary to undertake any wider consultation than has already occurred.

Implementation Issues

13.     There are no implementation issues identified with this proposal.







Highfield Donkeys MOU





Danielle Hancock - Parks Advisor  


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Warkworth Showgrounds Landscape Plan Approval


File No.: CP2013/26966





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the proposed landscape plan for the Warkworth Showgrounds.

Executive Summary

2.       In July 2013 the Rodney Local Board approved an amended Development Plan for the Warkworth Showgrounds.  A proposed Landscape Plan has now been developed to enable implementation of the Development Plan and approval of this plan is sought through this report.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the Warkworth Showgrounds Landscape Plan attached as Attachment A.




3.       Subsequent to the approval of an amended Development Plan for the Warkworth Showgrounds in July 2013, a Landscape Plan has been developed to inform future site works.

4.       This Landscape Plan has been consulted on individually with the key stakeholders of the Showgrounds and this final version has been endorsed by all groups on site.

5.       Approval of this Landscape Plan will allow the perimeter walkway to commence in early 2014 as well as the removal of any weed tree species and future planning around planting plans for buildings and carparks.


Local Board Views

6.       Feedback from the Rodney Local Board through workshops has been included in this Landscape Plan.

Maori Impact Statement

7.       Iwi were fully consulted during the development of the Warkworth Showgrounds Reserve Management Plan and their feedback was incorporated into the site’s development plan.  The work proposed continues with the delivery of that agreed plan.  The changes recommended to the master plan are consistent with the objectives and policies of the reserve management plan and are not considered a significant change.

8.       It is not considered that there will be any adverse effects on cultural heritage values at the site and the provision of the facility will benefit Maori along with other groups within the community.








Warkworth Showgrounds Landscape Plan





Danielle Hancock - Parks Advisor  


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Matakana Playground Design


File No.: CP2013/26994





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the Matakana Wharf Reserve Playground Design.

Executive Summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board has identified a project for 2013/2014 to design and construct a new playground within the Matakana Wharf Reserve.  This report seeks approval for a playground design that has been through thorough public consultation and feedback sessions.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the Matakana Playspace Concept Plan attached as Attachment A.




3.       A Rodney Local Board priority for 2013/2014 is to construct a new playground in Matakana.  The Matakana Wharf Reserve has been identified as the most appropriate location and since August 2013 local stakeholders have been engaged to feed into the proposed design.

4.       Local school children have been consulted as well as students from Mahurangi College, the local Matakana community groups as well as the general public.

5.       The site is sloping and poses a number of challenges to delivering a playground, and as such the design is unique, made of materials that represent Matakana, and makes the most of the site contours. 

6.       It is intended that once the design has been approved there will be a period of up to three months for building consent, Council procurement, product manufacture and shipping (at least six weeks for parts to be manufactured and shipped).  Works have already commenced on site with general weed clearance, and closer to the construction period earthworks can commence to prepare the site. 

7.       It is anticipated that the playground will be installed prior to winter 2014 and available for use thereafter.


Local Board Views

8.       Initial feedback from Rodney Local Board members was considered when designing the playground and Parks Portfolio holders are being consulted at the Rodney Local Board Parks and Reserves meeting on 2 December 2013.

Maori Impact Statement

9.       Representatives of local iwi Ngati Manuhiri were invited to attend the public feedback session held in Matakana.  Feedback received from attendees was incorporated into the attached concept design.

Implementation Issues

10.     Inclement weather or shipping delays could cause delays to the timing of the installation of the playground.  Should the site become too wet in autumn to undertake site works, all works will have to be delayed until the following summer.







Matakana Playspace Concept Design





Danielle Hancock - Parks Advisor  


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Memorial Seat Request Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park


File No.: CP2013/27021





1.       This report seeks landowner approval to allow the Dunn family to install two park benches at Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park, Puhoi.

Executive Summary

2.       The Dunn family is seeking permission to install two concrete park benches along the picturesque walkways within the Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park.  Both seats are to memorialise Arthur Dunn who was a major figure in Puhoi and a long serving park volunteer.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approves the installation of two memorial park benches on the loop walkway within the Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park for the Dunn family.




3.       Mrs Dunn seeks permission to donate two park benches to be placed along the picturesque loop walkway within the Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park.  Her husband Arthur was a dedicated long term volunteer within the reserve and instrumental in some of the early development of the park.  Other memorials to Mr Dunn have already been established within the reserve.

4.       The locations have been chosen in conjunction with the Puhoi Pioneers Memorial Park Advisory Committee who fully supports the locations.  Committee members will also assist with installing the benches.


Local Board Views

5.       The request for the park benches was received during October 2013 and this request has yet to be presented to the new Rodney Local Board Parks Portfolio Holders.

Maori Impact Statement

6.       Feedback has been sought from local iwi however to date no responses have been received.


7.       The cost of the park benches and installation will be donated by the Dunn family. The benches will be placed in the locations shown on Attachment A.  The application meets the criteria set out within the Auckland Council Plaques and Memorials on Parks Interim Guidelines 2011.

8.       The Parks Advisor has been out to site and deemed the locations appropriate for the request.

Implementation Issues

9.       There are no implementation issues foreseen with this proposal.







Dunn Memorial Benches Application





Danielle Hancock - Parks Advisor  


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Parks, Sports & Recreation Quarterly Update to the Rodney Local Board for the July-September 2013 Period


File No.: CP2013/26242





1.       This report provides an overview of the Parks, Sports and Recreation (PSR) activities for the July to September 2013 quarter.

Executive Summary

2.       The Parks, Sports and Recreation (PSR) September 2013 quarterly report to the Rodney Local Board seeks to update Local Board members on the activities carried out by the PSR units – Local and Sports Parks (LSP), Recreation Facilities & Service Delivery (RFSD), Regional & Specialist Parks (RSP) and Asset Development & Business Support (ADBS) – for the July to September 2013 quarter.  The information included is a summary of key departmental indicators within the Local Board area.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receives the Parks, Sports and Recreation Quarterly Update report.


3.       The Parks department (PSR) have been presenting Local Board quarterly reports since the January to March 2011 quarter.  PSR have reviewed the content and format of the report with the intention of making it both concise and more meaningful to the Local Board.  The A3 report format presents a summary of key indicators and comments on progress.  It provides a snapshot of historical performance over the quarter. 


Local Board Views

4.       Local Board feedback on the report will assist to enhance its future effectiveness. 

Maori Impact Statement

5.       Iwi will be advised of any projects that may have significance to them and will be consulted with accordingly. 







Rodney Local Board Quarterly Report



Capex Project Summary: Rodney







Naila D'Souza - Programme Coordinator


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



King George V War Memorial Renewal


File No.: CP2013/27057





1.       To seek approval from the Rodney Local Board to contribute $4,200 from the 2013/2014 CAPEX Arts Collection Renewal (Rodney) budget towards the cost of restoration of the World War 1 King George V Memorial at Matakana.

Executive Summary

2.       This report recommends the expenditure of the Local Board CAPEX public art renewal budget (WBS code N.004324.01) to contribute to the cost of replacing the vandalised Oamaru stone head and restore damage to the body and plinth of the War Memorial Monument of King George V located in Matakana Wharf Reserve, Matakana Road. 

3.       At the request of the Parks Department, which retain responsibility for war memorials, consultation is being undertaken on this renewal project due to the requirement for a high level of aesthetic expertise. An experienced sculptor with specific experience in figurative work and a specialist stone conservator will repair the body and plinth due to damage and poor restoration work previously completed.  The estimated total cost of the renewal is $19,930. The World War 1 Political Steering Group has agreed to contribute $15,730 as part of preparation for the 2015 World War 1 Centenary. The Local Board contribution would be $4,200. Restoration of the King George V memorial is scheduled to be completed by early April 2014.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approves the expenditure of $4,200 to contribute towards the cost of the renewal of the King George V Memorial Monument, located at the Matakana Wharf Reserve, Matakana.





4.       Work is underway to replace the vandalised Oamaru stone head and restore damage to the body and plinth of the Memorial Monument of King George V located in Matakana Wharf Reserve, Matakana Road by ANZAC Day 2014.

5.       On Monday 23 September 2013 the World War 1 Centenary Political Steering Committee agreed to fund $15,730 towards the cost of repairing the Matakana memorial as part of the wider upgrade of WW1 Memorials prior to the World War 1 Centenary in 2015. The estimated total cost of the renewal is $19,930. $4,200 is being sought from the 2013/2014 Arts Collection (Rodney) budget. 

6.       The Parks Department has overall responsibility for the management of war memorials; however the Arts and Culture Unit are consulting on this particular renewal due to the requirement for a high level of aesthetic expertise.

7.       The heritage monument completed in 1919 by the artist W.H. Feldon depicts the monarch King George V.

8.       The memorial is unusual because a New Zealand sculptor made it, at a time when most New Zealand communities sent orders for sculpted figures to Italy. At the time, the community was mourning the loss of sons and brothers killed in World War I. Matakana people subscribed to create a suitable memorial, which was situated close to the entrance to the village. In 2006, the sculpture was relocated to another site in Matakana Wharf Reserve in liaison with the Warkworth RSA and was completely refurbished and head refitted after vandals removed it. The head was removed by vandals again in 2012. 


Local Board Views

9.       A workshop in August 2013 canvassed the previous Rodney Local Board on the spending of the CAPEX Arts Collection Renewal budget towards this project and the Local Board advised its support in principle. 

Maori Impact Statement

10.     The restoration work relates to the renewal of an existing war memorial and no specific impacts for Maori have been identified.


11.     Members of the local community strongly support the restoration of the memorial.

12.     This report does not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

13.     Consideration is also being given to investing in a refurbishment of the site immediately surrounding the memorial to improve security and to reflect the upgraded standard of the memorial. The Northern Parks team would be responsible for this work.

Implementation Issues

14.     The Arts and Culture Public Art Unit will manage this project and co-ordinate all affected parties. No significant implementation issues are expected.

15.     To mitigate the possibility of vandalism in the future, the head will be more robustly pinned than previously and a copy of the head will be retained for future reference.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Julia Scott - Contractor


Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Warkworth Library Mural


File No.: CP2013/27659





1.       To seek the approval for the proposed design for the Warkworth Library mural.

Executive Summary

2.       At its business meeting on 9 September 2013 the Rodney Local Board approved an amendment to previous resolution RD/2013/87 to replace $10,000 from the Arts Embellishment Fund, previously approved for a mural for the Warkworth Library by Mahurangi College students, with up to $10,000 from the remaining Auckland Regional Services Trust fund.

3.       When the artwork for the mural on the Sandspit toilet was being considered, one of the designs from a Mahurangi College student was considered suitable for a mural on the Warkworth Library and the Arts and Culture team were asked to facilitate the project.

4.       At the Rodney Local Board workshop on Monday, 25 November 2013, the Arts and Culture Project Manager sought feedback on several designs from Mahurangi College student Grace Newson. The Local Board indicated their preference for the work, which comprises panels featuring wood pigeons, a tui and a fantail. The mural will be located on the rear wall of the Warkworth Library which faces east-south-east. The Arts and Culture Project Manager has been working closely with the student, a professional mural artist, the arts teacher from Mahurangi College and the Warkworth Library team.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the design of the Warkworth Library mural, as per Attachment A to the agenda report, by student Grace Newson in collaboration with artist Adrian Jackman for a mural painted on panels which will be fixed to the building and feature wood pigeons, a tui and a fantail.

b)      grant landowner approval to attach the mural by Mahurangi College student Grace Newson to the rear outside wall of the Warkworth Library and grants any access needed for the installation of the mural.




5.       When considering artwork for a mural on the Sandspit toilet the Rodney Local Board expressed an interest in utilising some of the artwork submitted for a mural on the rear wall of the Warkworth Library. Arts and Culture staff were asked to facilitate the project and the Local Board at a recent workshop selected their preferred designs for the mural. The mural will consist of panels featuring wood pigeons, a tui and a fantail.


Local Board Views

6.       Feedback from the Local Board was sought at a workshop on 25 November 2013 and they selected their preference for a mural which featured wood pigeons, a tui and a fantail.

Maori Impact Statement

7.       This project integrates art into the everyday life of the community, benefitting all including Maori.

Implementation Issues

8.       There are no significant implementation issues.







Warkworth Library Mural Design





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Consultation results on public art by Ruby Watson for Warkworth


File No.: CP2013/27512





1.       The purpose of this report is to inform the Rodney Local Board on the outcome of public consultation for Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi, a new permanent artwork by Ruby Watson under development for the Warkworth riverfront, and to receive the Local Board’s approval to install Ms Watson’s artwork elements in the locations proposed.

Executive Summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board requested community consultation on Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi by Ruby Watson, a new permanent artwork proposed for the Warkworth riverfront. The Local Board allocated $46,000 from the legacy ARST fund for this project on 9 September 2013. Responses to consultation activities to date indicate public support for the project, therefore staff recommend implementation of the project. 



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approves the Ko nga Manu te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi project proceeding based on the feedback from the Warkworth community.

b)      approves the locations on the Mahurangi Riverbank for the Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi artwork by Ruby Watson as proposed in Attachment A of this report.

c)      grants land owner approval for installation of the Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi artwork on the Mahurangi Riverbank.




3.       At its 9 September 2013 business meeting, the Rodney Local Board adopted the following  resolution:

b) ‘approve $46,000 from the remaining Auckland Regional Services Trust fund for new,   permanent artwork by Ruby Watson for Warkworth’s riverfront area, subject to:

          i)   the confirmation of a public consultation process with the Warkworth community which is to be confirmed with the Local Board prior to commencement.

ii)  the results of the public consultation and the recommended art work being reported back to the Local Board for final approval’ (RD/2013/263).


4.       Public consultation included:

·    A ‘Riverbank Tour’ with Ms Watson was led by library staff and took place on 9 November 2013. Participants included two Local Board members and other Council staff. Staff distributed tour invitations to the Warkworth Business Association, the Warkworth Riverbank Enhancement Group, and Lions and Rotary groups. Notices appeared about the tour in Mahurangi Matters and Our Auckland.


·    A three-week display about Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi in the Warkworth Library included an open invitation to provide input into the artwork’s proposed locations.


5.       Public consultation indicates wide support for the project, with appreciation expressed for its use of native bird forms that may be “discovered” in and around the riverfront. A few questions were raised about the money spend to portray native birds instead of spending the money on conservation work for the birds. The artist indicated she is generally in support of working with the community to raise money for conservation projects for example by donating drawings of the artworks.

6.       The feedback during the Riverbank Tour was unanimously in support of the work; some passersby even expressed interest in buying the mock ups.

7.       The Warkworth Library staff are fully supportive of the artworks and its potential to engage with younger visitors.

8.       The Warkworth Riverbank Enhancement Group supports the enhancement of the riverfront area and contributed feedback on individual locations.

9.       Ngati Whatua representative Glenn Wilcox supports the artwork and appreciates the awareness it raises for the importance of birds to this area.

10.     During the consultation period the notice board in the Warkworth Library was used for people to indicate their preferred location for the works with a red dot on the map. That feedback contributed to the locations as proposed in this report in attachment A.

11.     Future public engagement includes a proposed launch, hosted by the Rodney Local Board, of Ko nga Manu o te Mahurangi – Birds of the Mahurangi following its installation.

12.     The Arts and Culture Project Manager worked closely with the artist to refine materials and methodology that resulted in budget savings. These savings will allow for the creation of more bird forms than previously thought. Final number will depend on consenting and construction costs. Attachment A shows current list of locations, with final selection dependent on revised budget once all costs are identified.


Local Board Views

13.     All aspects of this project have been developed with the active involvement of the Rodney Local Board. The views of the Local Board regarding locations were discussed in a workshop held on 25 November 2013 and these have been taken into consideration along with the public views in the final recommendation.

Maori Impact Statement

14.     Glenn Wilcox of Ngati Whatua o Kaipara supports the project. He advised on the artwork’s title and on the importance of native birds to tangata whenua. He will further advise on required protocols related to the installation of the artwork. Staff Community Development, Arts and Culture, Local Board Services and Te Waka Angamua will continue to work together to ensure this happens.


15.     This report does not invoke the Auckland Council significance policy.

Implementation Issues

16.     Significant implementation issues have not been identified.









Attachment A Feedback and Proposed Locations





Annalily van den Broeke - Coordinator Public Arts


Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report


File No.: CP2013/25497





1.       This quarterly update from the Infrastructure and Environmental Services (I&ES) department covers the period from August to October 2013.  It reports on both regional and place based activities undertaken by the three I&ES units – Environmental Services, Stormwater and Solid Waste.

2.       This report also tracks the delivery and expenditure of environmental budget lines from the 2013/2014 Local Board Agreement (LBA), as assigned to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Department.

Executive Summary

3.       The I&ES Department delivers on the Auckland Plan and Local Board Plans through the delivery of environmental programmes, regional stormwater and waste services, as well as the maintenance and enhancement of Auckland's natural environment.

4.       This report has been written to update the Board on the delivery of activities and work programmes by I&ES.  A number of these regional activities have a distinct local involvement and impact and are detailed in the attachments to this report.

5.       This report also includes some background information for newly elected board members, to familiarise them with the work programme and priorities of the department.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receives the Infrastructure and Environmental Services update report for the period August to October 2013.



6.       This report and attachments specifically details the activities delivered by the three units of I&ES within the Local Board area which support and contribute to the following Rodney Local Board Plan priorities and initiatives:

Priority: Protect and enhance our natural environment


Undertake environmental programmes in Rodney and fund community-led programmes

Actively encourage Rodney’s residents to participate in the Auckland Retrofit Your Home Initiative and other sustainability initiatives and programmes

Support waste minimisation practices and education, sustainable business and farming initiatives and investigate opportunities for e-waste facilities in Rodney

Promote the following concepts through the Unitary Plan and, where appropriate, bylaws:

-biodiversity, biosecurity and avoiding degrading natural habitats

-protecting ecologically sensitive areas, planting suitable trees in road reserves of urban areas

Support and assist iwi initiatives that align to environmental well-being

7.       In addition this report may detail activities which may not be specifically identified in the Rodney Local Board Plan but which will; impact on the local area.

8.       The following provides some background information for board members, to familiarise them with the work programmes and priorities delivered by the three units within the I&ES department.

Environmental Services Unit

9.       The Auckland Plan describes a transformational shift to ‘strongly commit to environmental action and green growth’.  It is the responsibility of the Environmental Services Unit (ESU) within I and ES to support that shift through the development, promotion and implementation of projects that support environment and sustainability outcomes.

10.     Improving freshwater quality is a key focus for ESU and is supported through the implementation of catchment-based restoration projects (such as the Sustainable Catchments Programme and Project Twin Streams), land management programmes, and community education initiatives such as Wai Care.

11.     The vision of the Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy is to ensure that Auckland’s biodiversity is flourishing and treasured. In supporting this vision, as well as that of the Auckland Plan, the biodiversity team provide technical advice to ecological restoration projects being delivered by either Council or private landowners. Biodiversity staff also provides technical input into the evaluation of resource consent applications and other statutory processes, such as the development of the draft unitary plan. 

12.     Biosecurity works alongside biodiversity to contribute to environmental outcomes. Biosecurity is responsible for the implementation of the Regional Pest Management Strategy through a number of programmes, and is also responsible for the regional coordination of national biosecurity management programmes, such as the local response to kauri dieback and kiwifruit vine disease (PSA).

13.     ESU also delivers a number of projects that support community development through engaging communities in environment and sustainability projects.  These projects include Wai Care, Enviroschools and Trees for Survival.  In addition, ESU is currently developing and trialling a number of household sustainability initiatives in various local board areas. 

Solid Waste Unit

14.     The Solid Waste Unit, within the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Department, is responsible for the management of the region’s kerbside domestic refuse, recycling, hazardous waste, inorganics, illegal dumping and litter collection. It also manages some transfer stations, and develops and delivers waste minimisation programmes. It is made up of four main operational delivery groups; Waste Planning, Waste Minimisation, Waste Operations and Waste Infrastructure and Assets.

15.     The Waste Planning team is responsible for carrying out implementation planning for the delivery of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) and ensuring our waste operations and plans are consistent with regional waste bylaws and national level waste legislation. They advocate council views to central government on waste issues.

16.     The Waste Minimisation team is responsible for the development, management and delivery of waste minimisation behaviour change and education programmes to households, businesses, and schools. This includes programmes such as the Create Your Own Eden composting courses and WasteWise schools.

17.     The Waste Operations team is responsible for the management of the region’s kerbside domestic refuse, recycling and inorganic waste collection services, servicing and maintaining public litter bins and loose litter cleaning.

18.     The Waste Assets and Infrastructure team is responsible for providing infrastructure to ensure Auckland meets its obligations under the Waste Management Act for the safe and efficient recovery, recycling and disposal of waste across the region.

19.     These infrastructure requirements are managed in many ways. For example, through direct service supply contracts for delivery of waste to landfill, Build Operate Own and Transfer contracts for facilities to process recycling, and through council-owned assets and operations such as those at the Waitakere Transfer Station in Henderson and the Claris Landfill on Great Barrier Island. In addition, the team also procures and manages the stock of refuse and recycling bins and public litter bins. Finally, they work with suppliers to make provision for hazardous waste drop off, recovery and disposal.

Stormwater Unit

20.     Council’s Stormwater Unit is largely responsible for two of the activities outlined in the 2010 amendment of the Local Government Act 2002: Stormwater drainage, and flood protection and control, and is required to comply with the Resource Management Act and other legal requirements. The purpose of these activities is to minimise the nuisance of flooding, protect people and property from the adverse effects of extreme storm events and protect the environment and public health by reducing stormwater contaminant and sediment runoff that is discharged into natural waters.

21.     Council’s stormwater functions are guided by the draft Stormwater Unit Strategic Direction and the Stormwater Asset Management Plan 2012-2032.

22.     The Stormwater Asset Management Plan is updated every three years and its review is a key focus for the 2013/14 financial year. The Stormwater Asset Management Plan spans a 20-year period with focus on the ten year period covered in the council’s 10-year Long Term Plan (LTP).  The Stormwater Asset Management Plan addresses all major asset based activities.  A primary purpose of asset management planning is to ensure that present and future customer service requirements are met while managing assets in the most cost effective manner.

23.     The draft Stormwater Unit Strategic Direction was completed in 2013.  It is a non-statutory document aligned to the Auckland Plan that guides the operational matters of the council in relation to stormwater that informs and engenders support from internal and external parties involved in stormwater management.  The document ultimately will be incorporated into the updated Stormwater Unit Asset Management Plan 2015-2035.


Local Board Views

24.     This is a report prepared specifically for the Rodney Local Board.

Maori Impact Statement

25.     While this report is for information only and does not require any decision making, it is recognised that environmental management, water quality and land management has integral links with the mauri of the environments and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

Implementation Issues

26.     The activities detailed in this report are within budget. Any decisions arising from discussions and planned changes to work programmes will have financial and resourcing implications which will need to be managed.







Environmental Services Unit update



Stormwater Local Board Update Report



Solid Waste Update Report



Auckland Household Waste Prevention Study





Theresa Pearce - Relationship Advisor

Lucy Hawcroft - Relationship Advisor

Varsha Belwalkar - Stormwater Liaison Advisor

Mara Bebich - Senior Relationship & Engagement Advisor  


John Dragicevich - Manager Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Auckland Transport Update to Rodney Local Board, December 2013


File No.: CP2013/27009





1.       The purpose of this report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport activities.


2.       The report provides an update on transport matters for the information of the Rodney Local Board and a register of transport issues in the Board’s area, as collated by Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager North.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Update to the Rodney Local Board for December 2013.




Update on Local Board Capital Transport Fund


3.       The Rodney Local Board’s annual budget for the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 financial years from Auckland Council’s Local Board Capital Transport Fund is $369,261.


4.       Construction of the following projects has been approved and is being progressed:


·     Mountable kerb outside 336 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach;

·     Footpath extension, Fordyce Road, Parakai.


5.       Detailed design for the following projects is proceeding:


·    New kerb, channel and footpath outside 96 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach;

·    New footpath from Puhoi Library to Krippner Road Bridge, Puhoi;

·    Puhoi pedestrian bridge adjacent to Krippner Road Bridge, Puhoi;


6.       Costs for the following two alternative options in relation to the Point Wells project are now being prepared:


·    A 3m wide path from the new shared cycleway/walkway at No. 52 towards the dairy; and

·    A 1.8m wide path from the new shared cycleway/walkway at No. 52 towards the dairy.


7.       Advice on the projects listed above will be provided when available for the Board’s further consideration.


8.       Firm cost estimates for the following projects will be provided when available for the Board’s further consideration


·    New footpath Waitoki Rd, Waitoki;

·    New Footpath Oaia Rd, Muriwai – north of Waitea Rd, eastern side;

·    Local access road improvements, 338 – 382 Main Road, Huapai;

·    New footpath Coatesville Riverhead Highway, eastern side, Elliot

St to bridge;

·    New footpath Mahoenui Valley Rd opposite the school to intersection of Coatesville-Riverhead Highway;

·    New footpath Goodall Road, Snells Beach;

·    New footpath Rodney St, Wellsford;

·    New footpath, School Road, Wellsford;

·    Extend loose chip footpath on the northern side of Coatesville

Riverhead Highway from Glenmore Rd to 250 Coatesville-Riverhead


AT HOP and the New Network


9.       Auckland Transport is just over halfway through the roll-out of its new integrated public transport card, AT HOP.


10.     Approximately 150,000 AT HOP cards are being used by customers, accounting for approximately 77 per cent of all trips on those parts of the network which are live. In the past month there have been more than 1.2 million AT HOP transactions across bus, ferry and train (an average of 41,348 transactions per day).


11.     The roll-out is progressing according to plan though some customers may have experienced some technical issues which are inevitable with a project of this scale and complexity. Auckland Transport has thanked its customers for their patience and support as we move to full implementation.


12.     Meanwhile, the roll-out continues on the bus network. AT HOP can now be used on LINK (City, Inner and Outer) buses and some Metrolink buses. Remaining Metrolink buses are planned to launch AT HOP on 24 November 2013 and the switch over for all NZ Bus vehicles will be completed with the planned launches on 7 December (Go West) and 8 December (Waka Pacific).


13.     Bus operators still to receive AT HOP are Bayes (school buses), Ritchies (North Shore and West Auckland), Howick and Eastern, Waiheke Bus Company and the Airporter 380 services connecting Onehunga, Papatoetoe and Manukau with Auckland Airport.


14.     Auckland Transport has ambassadors on buses and at stops to assist its customers and staff are also available on 09-3664467 to answer questions. Customers can also visit: www.ATHOP.co.nz


Law change for use of child restraints


15.     From 1 November the mandatory use of child restraints in vehicles will be extended by two years, with all children required to be correctly secured in an approved restraint until their 7th birthday. These changes will make travel safer for New Zealand children, reducing tragic and preventable deaths and serious injuries among our youngest road users.


16.     The rule change will bring New Zealand into line with the requirements of Australia, and is an important step forward in improving the safety of children on New Zealand roads.


17.     Road crashes are a leading cause of death and injury for children in New Zealand and child restraint use is a proven strategy for reducing death and injury in road crashes. However, an appropriate child restraint needs to be used every time and used properly. Children are especially vulnerable to injury in crashes, and the standard seats and safety belts installed in most vehicles are designed to protect an average sized adult. Because children are smaller and have different body shapes, they need more protection to keep them safe in a car.


18.     Children must be restrained at all times when travelling in a vehicle, even when travelling a short distance. Restraints prevent injury by:


·    Keeping the child in the vehicle.

·    Contacting the strongest parts of the body.

·    Spreading the crash forces over a wide area of the body.

·    Helping the body to slow down safely.

·    Protecting the head, neck and spinal cord.


19.     Further information is available at: http://www.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/students-parents/child-restraints.html.


Issues Update


20.     The following Issues Update comprises issues raised by Elected Members and Local Board Services staff to 21 November 2013:







Monowai Road, Wainui

Request for seal extension and more regular maintenance on Monowai Road, Wainui.

A meeting requested by Mark Mitchell MP with a representative of Monowai Road residents and Auckland Transport staff on took place on 16 September 2013. Topics discussed were the seal extension prioritisation programme and its subsequent validation, the specific problems experienced by Monowai Road residents and how these would be addressed, the maintenance programme for the road and future plans.


Sandspit Road, Warkworth

Concerns of slumping on Sandspit Road, Warkworth

In response to previous concerns about the condition of Sandpit Road a few hundred metres from the Hill Street intersection, Warkworth, the Board was advised that the area had been levelled with hot mix by way of a temporary repair and that Road Corridor Maintenance staff were investigating a more permanent means of repair that will not jeopardise future road widening improvements. On 15 August Members were advised that an investigation by a local structural engineer had been commissioned so that options for a more permanent repair could be prepared. Once these options have been finalised a meeting/site visit will be arranged to discuss the issue further with Members. With Road Corridor Maintenance staff.


Koraha Road and Awa/Annett/Fork Roads, Kumeu

Damage to road surfaces on Koraha Road and Awa/Annett/Fork Roads, Kumeu.

In response to concerns raised by former Board Chair Bob Howard and Cr Penny Webster, about extensive damage caused by trucks accessing clean fill in the vicinity of Koraha, Awa, Annett and Fork Roads, Kumeu. Cr Webster and Members were advised on 9 September that although the roads have been subject to damage and deterioration, Auckland Transport undertakes regular monitoring and carries out necessary maintenance as required. It was acknowledged that the clean fill operations were causing concern on these narrow country roads, which were never designed and constructed for the excessive number of heavy vehicles and, that temporary patch and hold repairs, permanent stabilizing repairs of patches, and digout repairs carried out throughout the winter months, had in some instances been compromised by the wet conditions. However, Members are assured that Auckland Transport will continue to maintain these roads to a safe standard until the clean fill operations cease and permanent repairs can be carried out. To address the situation with permanent repairs at this stage, when the clean fill operations will continue for some time, is not considered an effective use of available funds. Members were advised that, while resource consent conditions for operations such as clean fills often include a requirement for the entrance to the property concerned to be reinstated by the operator, this does not extend to the roads leading to and from the sites. Auckland Transport receives a subsidy for repair of its roads from NZTA’s road user charges, which all truck operators are subject to and which provides them with a legal right to use the roads.


Footpath programme

Request for information about addition to footpath programmes as a result of new subdivisions.

At the Rodney Local Board meeting on 12 August, former Chair Bob Howard, referred to new developments in Riverhead, noting that there will be footpaths provided throughout these new subdivisions but these will not connect to any on the existing network. He asked whether Auckland Transport made provision for these connections in subsequent footpath construction programmes. On 9 September Members were advised that the need for connectivity from new subdivisions to existing networks is noted at the time Auckland Transport’s Consents Specialists review applications for subdivision consents lodged with Auckland Council. The footpaths required are included in the footpath programme for future consideration and prioritisation with other requests received from local boards and members of the public across the region. However, this list is extensive and delivery of specific projects therefore depends on their need relative to others, together with the budget available in each financial year.


Higham Road, South Head

Request for update on the proposed installation of signage at Higham Road, South Head.

On 21 August 2013 Member Steele and Cr Webster requested an explanation of the situation with Higham Road, South Head, where residents had been advised signage was to be installed. On 11 September Cr Webster and Members were advised that Auckland Transport has resolved to issue the Higham’s with a Licence to Occupy with conditions attached, which would permit the buildings to remain on the paper road. The licence to occupy is for non-exclusive use and the buildings will be available for use by the general public in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed. The Highams will be required to obtain such resource, engineering, building and other consents, required by Auckland Council and signage will be installed along the paper road to inform the public of access issues/conditions of use. On 29 August Members were asked for feedback on a proposal to install signage and fence posts that will highlight the unformed legal road route to the beach. No concerns were raised by Members.


Algies Bay, Warkworth

Request for maintenance on roads in Algies Bay, Warkworth.

On 21 August former Member Turner advised that various road markings in Algies Bay, Warkworth, have for some time indicated that repairs were to be undertaken but as yet no action has been taken. Rodney Local Board Transport Committee Members were advised on 24 September that repairs will be carried out in Deerness Crescent (corner onto Alexander Road, plus outside 28, and the curb blocks on the corner onto Gordon Craig place), Will James Avenue (intersection with Alexander Road, plus outside 8, 10 and 24) and Mahurangi Road (footpath crossing outside 573, the old shop on the corner with Alexander Road) prior to the end of October. It was noted that the slumped area outside 28 Gordon Craig place will not be repaired at this stage. It was also advised that Gordon Craig Place (outside 2, 9, 31, 32, 33, and 34, in the vicinity of the yacht club, the top of the main boat ramp, by the tractor parking area and at the intersection with Mera Road) is on the 2013/2014 reseal programme and the areas marked will be repaired prior to the reseal.


Various Projects, Rodney Local Board Area

Request for further information about various projects in the Rodney Local Board area.

During discussion of Auckland Transport's work programme in the Rodney Local Board area for 2013/2014, Members requested further information on Mahurangi East Road and Tamatea Drive intersection improvements, walking improvements at 15 Neville Street and on Matakana Road, safety improvements at Kahikatea Flats Road (Dairy Flat – SH16) and Old North Road (Riverhead to Helensville). On 7 September Members were advised that the Mahurangi East Road and Tamatea Drive Intersection Improvements project was initiated by Road Corridor Operations engineers. Its scope involves installation of a refuge island outside 177 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach. The relocation of zebra crossing and upgrade to pedestrian platform at 17 Neville Street was also initiated by Road Corridor Operations engineers and its scope involves relocation of an existing zebra crossing and upgrade to a pedestrian platform at 17 Neville Street, Warkworth. Walking improvements and installation of a new footpath, kerb and channel on Matakana Road were initiated by Road Corridor Operations and its scope involves installation of a new 1.8m footpath with kerb and channel and new stormwater pipe work which will link the existing footpath outside 951 Matakana Road to the Tamahunga Drive bridge.  It was noted that the latter project has been discussed with the Matakana Community Group at meetings also attended by former Member Turner and Cr Webster. The physical cost estimate for the project is high, so it may not be able to be delivered under the Minor Safety Improvement programme unless a contribution from Auckland Council’s Stormwater Team can be secured. There is also a complication with the footbridge across the stream, given that the bridge purchased by the community group has been deemed not fit for purpose. On 20 November Board staff were advised that the Old North Road (Riverhead to Helensville) project was initiated by the Road Corridor Safety team as Old North Road is one of Auckland’s high risk rural roads where there have been several crashes, many of which involved motorcyclists. There are six sites along the route from SH16 in the south to Peak Road in the north which require treatment, involving route delineation, road marking and signage, localised shoulder widening / shape correction and the provision of side protection. The Kahikatea Flats Road (Dairy Flat – SH16) project was also initiated by the Road Corridor Safety team. Kahikatea Flats Road is also one of Auckland’s high risk rural roads and provides an East-West link/alternate route to SH1. There are several sites along this route where shoulder widening, extending culverts, providing additional road marking, signage, delineation and RRPMs (raised reflective pavement markers, or cats’ eyes) and speed management (including mini roundabouts and urban features such as threshold signage and flower beds) will further ensure the safety of motorists unfamiliar with the route.


Charles Street, Scotts Landing, Mahurangi East

Request for information on Charles Street, Scotts Landing, Mahurangi East.

On 6 September 2013 Board Staff forwarded information on Charles Street, Scotts Landing, a paper road over which there is a dispute over access rights. Information as to the origin of soil dumped in the area, blocking the paper road, and its removal was also sought. On 11 September Cr Webster and Members were advised that Auckland Transport staff had visited Charles Street but at that time there had been no evidence of soil having been dumped on the paper road. Updates were forwarded to Board staff on 11 October and 18 November advising that a way forward would be communicated to the Board when the issue had been resolved. With Road Corridor Operations.


325 Sandspit Road, Warkworth

Maintenance at 325 Sandspit Road, Warkworth.

On 7 September 2013 former Member Turner asked if there was going to be a smooth finish to the maintenance seal outside 325 Sandspit Road, Warkworth, noting that the finish is well below standard. Members were advised on 12 September that, though this section of road has been prone to subsidence in the past due to the ground conditions (the adjacent limestone quarry) and trees along the property boundary, it appears to have settled recently. The site is on the 2013/2014 rehabilitation programme and this work is likely to be carried out in April/May 2014. A chip seal finish will be used on the surface as a part of these works.


Sandspit and Matakana Roads, Warkworth

Traffic Counts for Sandspit and Matakana Roads, Warkworth.

Referring to information provided in Auckland Transport’s Quarterly Report in relation to the Regional Traffic Counting Programme, former Member Turner asked on 29 August whether Sandspit and Matakana Roads were included on the programme and, if so, what the latest traffic counts for these roads were. Comprehensive information comprising counts taken at several locations on both Matakana and Sandspit Roads by both Auckland Transport and Rodney District Council was provided to Members on 25 September 2013.


Sandspit Wharf, Warkworth

Request for update on Sandspit Wharf, Warkworth, and request for floating pontoon.

Local Board staff requested a general update on Sandspit Wharf, Warkworth, also requesting installation of a floating pontoon, on 11 September 2013. On 25 September Members were advised that the request for installation of a pontoon is being considered, with existing stock possibly being redeployed to Sandspit. A final decision on this will be available in 2 – 3 months. By way of a general update, there are plans for a minor upgrade of the Sandspit ticketing office which will make the facility more attractive for staff and for passengers using the ferry service. Initially this involves a repaint of the structure, but in the medium term (6 – 12 months) will include extending the internal Harbourmaster’s office space to accommodate three desks and a kitchenette; and reconfiguring and refurbishing (painting) the internal waiting area to make this a more pleasant space. Once these improvements have been made, the Deputy Harbourmaster and other staff members will be permanently based at Sandspit Wharf. Security at the facility has recently been improved with the installation of 5 CCTV cameras on the wharf itself. Though barrier equipment at the Sandspit Car Park is old and difficult to maintain, staff are monitoring this closely while they continue to explore the possibility of its replacement.


Makarau Road, Kaukapakapa

Request for culverts to be cleared on Makarua Road, Kaukapakapa.

On 11 September Member Grace advised that culverts on Makarau Road, Kaukapakapa, particularly those in the vicinity of the village, were blocked to the extent that water runs across the road when it rains. Member Grace was advised by Auckland Transport's Customer Response Team on 8 October that the culverts had been cleared.


Old Railway Road, Kumeu

Repairs required on Potholes Old Railway Road, Kumeu.

Rodney Local Board Member Warren Flaunty advised on 11 September that, with Watercare Services working in the Kumeu/Riverhead area, people are using Old Railway Road as a detour. As a result, the road is pot-holed from start to finish. On 18 November Member Flaunty was advised that a request for repair of the pot holes had been scheduled into the work programme and these would be actioned within 30 days.


Woodcocks Road, Warkworth

Request as to reasoning behind speed limit change on Woodcocks Road, Warkworth.

Member Garner requested clarification on 16 September 2013 as to why the speed limit on Woodcocks Road, Warkworth had been changed, with the 50km speed limit being reduced, but speed from Mansel Drive west being increased. In an update on 30 September Members were advised this area had been under temporary traffic management for a considerable period during road upgrading work associated with the Mega Mitre 10 development and other nearby subdivisions. Staff will therefore check whether the permanent signs were correctly reinstalled following the work and review whether the new developments justify a speed limit change. On 19 November Members Garner, Pirrie and Board staff, were advised the permanent speed limits in this area have not changed from those inherited from Rodney District Council in November 2010. Woodcocks Road has a number of speed zones which include a 50km/h speed limit starting from the State Highway and running through the area past the college and the adjacent developed industrial area; this changes to a 70km/h zone at the end of the fully developed industrial area and runs through the partially developed area with the Mega Mitre 10, the new road serving the retirement village on the north side and some scattered residential development on the south side; and a 100km/h zone commencing near the one lane bridge and extending away to the west through the fully rural area. There may have been the perception of a speed limit change from the temporary speed limits that were in place during construction of the Mega Mitre 10, some of the adjacent subdivisions and the road upgrading; however, the permanent speed limit has not changed. The existing 70km/h area has been reviewed, but there is currently insufficient development in this area to justify a fully urban 50 km/h speed limit. The notified Unitary Plan however identifies future urban zoning for the adjacent land all the way to the one lane bridge and it is therefore reasonable to expect that this area will eventually qualify for an urban 50 km/hr speed limit, though it is uncertain how soon that will happen as it depends on the timing of private developments.


SH16, Waimauku

Request for Auckland Transport perspective about SH16, Waimauku.

Several Members forwarded an email from a resident of Waimauku concerned at the number of serious and fatal crashes on SH16, Member Garner asking what Auckland Transport knows about the safety issues in the area and for a perspective and/or update. Member Steele also forwarded the resident's email to NZTA, and was advised that an engineer from NZTA would respond to her query. Members were further advised on 1 October that, as SH16 at Waimauku is not within Auckland Transport’s jurisdiction, no comment. Would be made; however, information on Auckland Transport's work with NZTA, the Safe Systems Partnership and NZTA's High Risk Rural Roads Guide was provided.


463 Matakana Road, Matakana

Request for permission to plant in front of the property located at 463 Matakana Road, Matakana.

On 17 September 2013 Member Garner asked on behalf of the owner of the property at 463 Matakana Road, Matakana, what the status of the land between the creek and road adjacent to the property is, noting that it appeared to be Auckland Transport waste land. On 18 September Members of the Rodney Local Board Transport Committee were advised that the area adjacent to the road reserve from 463 Matakana Road to Anderson Road is shown on Auckland Council's GIS system as 523 Matakana Road. The owner of 463 Matakana Road would therefore need to seek permission from the owner of this property, if this is the area he wanted to plant. With respect to planting within the road corridor, which includes the berm, Members were advised that Auckland Transport’s policy is not to allow individual property owners to use this space, going so far as to issue encroachment notices to those who do. The main reason behind this is maintenance; while the current property owner may be happy to maintain the area, subsequent owners may not be and it would then fall to Auckland Transport/Auckland Council to maintain, at the expense of ratepayers. Members were also advised that the reason grass berms are favoured over planted areas is to protect sight lines for motorists, especially on bends.


Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Riverhead

Request to remove tree overhanging Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Riverhead

Member McLean asked that follow up action be taken by Auckland Transport on a declined request to remove a tree from the property at 686 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Riverhead, which was overhanging the road and perceived as a danger to passing motorists. On 20 September Rodney Local Board Transport Committee Members were advised that Auckland Transport was not able to remove the tree under the emergency works act as there was no imminent danger of the tree falling. However, as there was a potential risk of the tree falling into the road reserve, under s355 of the Local Government Act, Auckland Transport has the power to request that the tree be removed by the property owner within a designated time period. Auckland Transport will therefore write to the owner as soon as possible requesting that the tree be removed within 14 days. If the tree has not been removed after this time has elapsed Auckland Transport will pay the cost of engaging a contractor to remove the tree, recovering the costs of removal from the property owner. Links to the relevant legislation were provided to Members.


Access Road, Kumeu

Requests for various repairs in the vicinity of Access Road, Kumeu.

Former Board Chair Bob Howard provided photographs of repairs required in the vicinity of Access Road, Kumeu, on 9 September 2013. On 20 September Member Howard and Rodney Local Board Transport Committee Members were advised that the repair of potholes and repainting of road markings would be actioned; however, crown lifting of the trees on SH16 should be referred to Auckland Council staff, and work required within 5m either side of the rail lines should be referred to KiwiRail for action.


Warkworth Cycle Network Plan

Request for update on Warkworth Cycle Network Plan.

Board staff requested an update on progress of the Warkworth Cycle Network Plan on 27 September 2013. On 20 November they were advised that, whilst Warkworth is not shown on the Auckland Cycle Network, which covers mostly the urban area of Auckland within the Rural Urban Boundary (RUB), this does not preclude local cycling networks being developed for towns outside the RUB. Work has begun in developing such a network for Warkworth, together with other satellite towns, but the project has recently been put on hold through workload prioritisation for the current financial year. Last financial year Auckland Transport constructed a three metre wide shared path within the town of Point Wells in conjunction with recently completed traffic calming measures. This path will not only benefit the local community but will improve safety for users of the Point Wells to Matakana Walkway/Cycleway. Protection from general traffic has also been provided for the section of the path where it leaves Point Wells and goes off road. Auckland Transport supports the community’s proposal to continue this pathway through to Warkworth and has/will provide assistance to the group wherever possible. 


Muriwai Road, Muriwai

Proposed minor safety improvement work on Muriwai Road, Muriwai.

Muriwai Road has been identified as one of several medium to high risk roads across the region, with a number of crashes occurring along the route over the past five years. Documentation illustrating proposed changes to reduce the likelihood of crashes along the route that have resulted from investigations conducted by Auckland Transport was sent to Members on 4 October with a request for comment no later than 24 October. No comments were received from Members.


Underwood Road, Wellsford

Request for assistance for application of dust suppressant on Underwood Road, Wellsford.

Member James Colville asked on behalf of residents for assistance with the application of a dust suppressant on a 300m section Underwood Road, Wellsford, on 20 November 2013. The residents indicated that they would provide the suppressant, but requested provision of the necessary machinery and metal. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance staff. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance for consideration



Local Board Views

21.     This report is for the Local Board’s information.

Maori Impact Statement

22.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


23.     The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy, all programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the Council’s Annual Plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.

Implementation Issues

24.     There are no implementation issues.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Ellen Barrett – Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards


File No.: CP2013/27010





1.   The purpose of this report is to inform Boards about progress on activities undertaken by AT in the three months July-September 2013, and the planned activities anticipated to be undertaken in the three months October-December 2013.


2.   Attachments include:

·      A –       AT activities, broken down by Local Board

·      B –       Decisions of the Transport Co-ordinating Committee, by Board

·         C –       Report against local board advocacy issues (replaces the previous reports against the Local Board Plan and Local Board Agreement)

·      D –       Report on the status of the Board’s projects under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report.




Main activities during the period under review


Capital Programming


3.   The current approved forecast for the 2013/14 Capital Programme is $887M. It is made up of Core Business Capital Projects at $471M, Renewals at $217M, Local Board Initiatives at $12M and CRL/EMU/SMART at $187M


During the period July to September the organization was able to deliver/achieve 13% ($115M) of the approved programme. And from the period October to December the projected expenditure is at $218M or 25% of the total programme. It is anticipated that the organization will be able to improve the delivery of the capital programme during the regular construction period (October to May).


Seal extension validation and prioritisation analysis to determine the 10 year programme is at the final stage with new traffic counts received, and all high priority road asset data checked externally. This will determine which road will be committed to over the summer construction period.   



Infrastructure Development


Road Development


4.    Taharoto/Wairau Stages 6 and 8 – 1939 bridge replacement completed, new utility ducting 95% complete, cable installation ongoing, retaining wall 27-33 Wairau Rd completed, new cantilever footpath on remaining bridge complete, footpath and kerbing 60% complete, pavement construction 50% complete.


5.    Tiverton Wolverton Route upgrade - management of construction phase of project. With Wolverton St construction at 95% completion, pavement reconstruction is being progressed on Tiverton Rd. Planned for 60% completion on Tiverton Rd by 31 December. Kerb and Channel and footpath renewal target is 85% completion for full length of Tiverton Rd


6.    Pukekohe Town Centre - Design work has been completed for the 2013-2014 programme of works. (West Street; Queen to Tobin and Tobin Street; Edinburgh to Seddon).  Tender documentation will be released in October. The programme is to commence construction of these projects in January 2014, (approximate value $1.3m over two financial years).


7.    King-Queen-Constable Intersections – Design is complete and tender document released for public tender. The programme is to commence construction of these projects in January 2014, (approximate value $1.3m).


8.    Flat Bush School Road Stage 4 Murphy’s Road Intersection Upgrade – relocation of power cables is ongoing with completion expected in early December 2013; this will be followed by the installation of pipeline along Murphy’s Road by Watercare.


In addition to the works already in progress, further works are to be carried out during the period from October to December 2013.  The major projects include:


9.    Tiverton Wolverton Route upgrade – complete all works on Wolverton Rd and complete 60% of pavement renewal works on Tiverton Rd. Complete 50% of works on New Windsor Rd including retaining wall package. Complete all works on Blockhouse Bay Rd at intersection.Overall project completion in March 2014.


10.  Khartoum Place Upgrade – this is an Auckland Council contract managed by Auckland Transport – tender due to go out in October 2013



11.  Taharoto Wairau Upgrade Stages 6 and 8 – complete installation of utilities, all widening works, new pavement, surfacing, signs, signals and road markings.  Likely completion date has moved to late November.


12.  Evaluate and award both the Pukekohe Town Centre and King-Queen-Constable Intersections as early as possible to provide the successful contractor as much lead time as possible to organise the works prior to 6 January 2014 expected commencement date.



Road Design


13.  Hibiscus Coast Busway Station:  Auckland Council has received a claim from a third party for a judicial review with regard to the granting of the resource consent for Stage 2 on a non-notified basis.  The construction of Stage 2 has been put on hold until the matter is resolved.


14.  Albany Highway Upgrade:  NZTA has brought forward the SH1-SH18 Connection project in its programme and has requested further analysis of the impact of this on the Albany Highway Upgrade project.  Construction is now programmed to start in January 2014.


15.  Upper Weiti Bridge: The feasibility study is complete.  Three options are recommended to go forward to scheme assessment: Curley Avenue to East Coast Road link road; signalisation of Silverdale Street; and signalisation of Wainui Road.


16.  Taharoto/Wairau Upgrade: The construction of Stages 6 & 8 is well underway.  Negotiations are proceeding with Atlas Concrete with regard to the encroachment onto the road reserve


17.  Upper Harbour Drive Walking and Cycling:  The final scheme assessment report has been received and the road safety audit has been completed.  The preferred option of on road cycle lanes on both sides and a footpath on the northern side will be taken forward to detail design.


18.  Warkworth SH1 Intersections: NZTA’s construction contract for the Hudson Road intersection is well underway.


19.  Warkworth Western Collector:  16 of the 17 submissions on the Notice of Requirement were in support of the project and Auckland Council has confirmed that no hearing will be required


20.  Gills to Oteha Valley Link:  The Notice of Requirement has been served on Auckland Council.  The notification period commenced on 17 October 2013.


21.  SH17/The Avenue Lucas Bridge Upgrade:  The design tender has been withdrawn due to new information coming to light about the structure of the existing Lucas Creek Bridge.  Further investigation is required to confirm that the widening of the bridge is still viable before the design contract can be re-tendered.


22.  Onewa Road Westbound Transit Lane:  The design has been amended to address feedback received during the public consultation process.  Construction funding has been brought forward to 2013/14. 


23.  Albany Highway South Upgrade: Internal traffic modelling review of original NSCC assumptions and feasibility has shown that the design provides capacity beyond what is reasonably required for future growth.   Decision over full redesign is on hold however until NZTA modelling into the SH1/SH18 connection is complete; as this has potential traffic implications for the project due to the removal of access to Albany from SH18. NZTA decision is expected before December 2013.


24.  Te Atatu Road Corridor Improvements: Continuation of both land take and consents works in the second quarter of 2013/14.  Out of 111 properties, 74% of land acquisitions have been settled, with a further 1% verbally-agreed or signed (approaching settlement). 


25.  Lincoln Road: The funding application for NZTA’s subsidy is at the final stage.   The consultation with the directly affected properties owners will commence by the end of October. The public consultation with the wider community and the designation process is planned to start early 2014.


26.  Glen Eden Park N Ride: The preferred option has been agreed amongst various stakeholders and this has been communicated to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board. Consultation with the Glen Eden Business Association is completed, and public consultation with the affected parties is underway. The detailed design is anticipated to be completed before Christmas this year.


27.  Brigham Creek Road (SH16-SH18): The scoping investigation has started and expected to be completed in February 2014.  The outputs of this scoping investigation will be used to set the scope and required outputs for the feasibility phase which will be subject to a separate exercise later in this financial year.


28.  Te Atatu Ferry Terminal: The feasibility study to investigate the physical possibility of establishing a ferry terminal and associated facilities at Te Atatu Peninsula has been completed.  The study has concluded that it appears physically feasible to construct a ferry terminal and associated facilities on the foreshore of Te Atatu Peninsula on the downstream side of the Whau River Bridge.  Further investigation is underway into the operational aspects of the ferry terminal in order to build a business case. 


29.  Te Atatu Bus Interchange: The investigation and evaluation of location options for the Te Atatu bus interchange has reached a hold point and is waiting for NZTA to release the final design for the SH16/Te Atatu Road intersection upgrade.   The investigation has identified 11 potential locations and will be evaluating all options against a set of criteria that are based upon Auckland Transport’s strategic objectives and the feedback received from local residents to date.  NZTA are expected to release the final design for the SH16/Te Atatu Road intersection upgrade in late October. 


30.  Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Intersection: The tender for the detailed design has been published and closes on 25 October 2013. Public engagement commences in late November; feedback from this process will be integrated into the detailed design as appropriate.


31.  Federal Street Upgrade: Construction of the upgrade has started and is on track to be completed in May 2014.


32.  Mill Road: The scheme assessment for the northern section is undergoing legal review.  A documentation review is under way for the southern section to support preparation of the investigation tender.


33.  Half Moon Bay: The investigation phase of this project will be tendered by September 2013.  Auckland Transport is continuing to develop the NZTA funding application.


Key Agency Initiatives


34.  AMETI: Footpath, kerb and channel construction has begun on Ellerslie Panmure Highway between Forge Way and Mt Wellington Highway. Work continues on construction of the local road with landscaping and planting underway and finishing works on top of the 220m long covered box adjacent to the Panmure station.  Inside the box fire protection, with the installation of electrical and mechanical components being installed.The first fix of services for the station building is complete and internal linings and glazing are being installed. Canopies, Lift shafts and escalators are substantially complete,with large areas of architectural finish now being unveiled. The plan is to commission the new building on 19 January 2014.


35.  Work has continued on construction of the northern portion of the AMETI Link Road which will extend from Morrin Road to Mt Wellington Highway. Archeological issues have been resolved and documented in this area with construction of the retaining wall and bulk fill for the level of the link road progressing well. However a portion of the new road north of Mountain Road Bridge has been sealed. Construction of the southern portion is advancing with the main storm water line substantially complete. Road sealing has begun on the AMETI link road south between Ellerslie Panmure highway and William Harvey Place. A temporary footbridge between William Harvey Place and Ireland Road has been installed and is being well patronised. Work on Ireland Road is progressing well with approximately 50m of the 200m diameter culvert already tunneled. Work has been delayed in the southern area due to archaeological discoveries and delays in NCI Building Consent. Considerable progress has been made on storm water construction on the southern portion, including the new outfall to Van dames Lagoon. The access track into Van Dammes Lagoon is being constructed. Watercare works and NCI accommodation works are yet to commence.


36.  The investigation and design of the busway extending from Panmure to Pakuranga continues.  The design of the busway between Panmure and the Panmure Bridge is complete and the Scheme Assessment Report for the busway between Panmure Bridge and Botany is being finalised.  The Request for Tender of the planning services required for consenting of the Panmure to Pakuranga section of busway and Reeves Road Flyover has been issued. The project is also preparing tender documentation for specimen design of the Reeves Road flyover and final design of the Pakuranga Road section of the busway.


37.  The final design of the bus interchange development at Sylvia Park is near complete. Consent documentation has been prepared. An environment court hearing regarding the compulsory acquisition of a property at 430 Mt Wellington Highway has been deferred to November. This acquisition is required to enable consenting and construction to advance.


38.  East-West Link (MMEWS): The project team has scheduled options workshops with AT, NZTA and Auckland Council staff to further investigate, develop, assess and agree on programme options. These workshops will incorporate land use planning, social/environmental impacts and other opportunities associated with this project.  AT and NZTA plans to further update local boards on the project within the next few months. An approved preferred programme option will be taken forward for full public consultation in early 2014. The feedback from the public consultation will be incorporated into the draft programme business case which will be presented to the AT and NZTA Boards for approval. This is planned for mid-2014. Any preferred programme of work is likely to include a mix of various elements of the options above, not just one of them.


39.  Dominion Road: The design contract was awarded to Beca on 14 August 2013.  Initial design work will be completed late this year with the plan for stakeholder final review to occur before finalizing the design.  The project team is confident that final design work will be completed by April 2014 with a start on construction in August 2014.


40.  NorSGA: Construction is continuing on Rua Rd south however wet weather and limited site access is likely to result in the Rua/Fred Taylor intersection not being constructed before the shutdown for the Xmas Moratorium. The resource consent application for the Don Buck Rd extension has been notified and a hearing is scheduled for 15 November to address issues with an adjoining land owner who has not given his approval as an affected party. The Northside Drive East Notice of Requirement has been notified and submissions close 1 November. (A date is yet to be confirmed for the hearing). Resource consent has been lodged for the Fred Taylor/Garelja intersection and it is anticipated that land acquisitions and affected party approvals will be obtained by mid November. (Construction is planned to commence late January 2014). DVAC approval has been obtained to progress the Hobsonville Road project based on the revised design which incorporates transit lanes through Hobsonville Village. The existing Notice of Requirement documentation for Hobsonville Rd is to be updated to incorporate the effects of adopting the revised design.


41.  Harbour Edge Development (HED): A master delivery plan for the harbour edge projects is being developed in conjunction with the City Rail Link project, based on earliest delivery of projects with minimum disruption to the city Centre. Four new PT Interchanges for the city centre are being investigated to enable the roll-out of the 2016 PT Network. An early focus is on site locations, layouts and operational efficiencies for Downtown, Wynyard Quarter and the Learning Quarter, as well as the connecting corridors. Concept design options for the Quay St Seawall seismic upgrade are underway, which will inform options for both the Quay St Upgrade and the Ferry Basin Redevelopment master-plan. Early improvements to Quay St start this month and a programme of events on the harbor edge is being developed with ATEED and Waterfront Auckland over summer. A HED Manawhenua Forum meets quarterly to discuss portfolio issues and seek input from interested iwi on the issues and opportunities in this space. Tenders have been called for the design of roading infrastructure in Wynyard Quarter, with construction targeted to start in 2014/15. Waterfront Auckland starts work on the Westhaven Promenade in October. Options to provide a coastal walkway from Westhaven to St Heliers are being investigated.



PT Development


42.  Papakura Station: The project is now complete including the cycle storage area. The temporary park and ride adjacent to the bus interchange is under review and towards assessment as a permanent parking area.


43.  Mount Albert Station: Stage 2 of the project is to develop the link bridge connection into New North Rd and to upgrade the existing underpass. Confirmation of budget is in progress with expectation that the works will be completed by mid-2014.


44.  Half Moon Bay Ferry Terminal and Precinct Plan: The Master Planning report and Concept plan were reviewed by the AT Board and will be presented to the local stakeholder forum in late 2013/early 2014. Over the next 3 months the staging of the overall plan will be reworked to ensure the most important issues are prioritised, taking account of the overarching focus on the achievement of efficient and effective public transport outcomes. Parking remains key to unlocking the HMB marina and a number of parking demand measures are being planned or in progress over the next 3 months.  Reclamation and land use strategies are will be reviewed further over the next 3 months.


45.  Manukau Rail Station: The Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) works have now restarted with a new main contractor Hawkins Infrastructure. As a result the completion date for the station and the tertiary building is now targeted for May 2014 Good progress is being made with building water tightness.  Full construction recommenced in September 2013.  The new ticketing gates will be installed during March 2014.  Detailed design for the bus interchange is still making good progress towards completion in 1st half of 2015. Construction tender has now been awarded for the North Davies Ave linear park works. The agreed construction completion date for these works is by the end of February 2014.


46.  Parnell Station: The final enabling works on the Domain pathways and signaling were substantially completed in September 2013. Over the recent wet period the new soil nail retaining area has been subject to detailed scrutiny that has resulted in the need for some further retaining works and some pathway repair works. This work will be completed over the labour weekend. The Auckland Transport board approved the detailed design funding for the station in September 2013 and over the next months the programme for delivery will be refined towards an anticipated completion date late in 2015. Planning is underway for the access ways, connections to the Domain and Carlaw park development and up to the University precinct. The NZTA are working on plans for better connectivity across Stanley St.


47.  Newmarket Rail (formerly Sarawia St) Level Crossing: Public consultation has been finalised including a more detailed analysis of an underpass to Sarawia St. The feedback on all options has been evaluated and a preferred option was recommended to the AT board in September 2013. The AT board requested further information and analysis before any final decision. Over the next month the requested further analysis will be provided to the AT board with an expected final decision by the end of October 2013. Commencement of the detailed design is scheduled for December through to March 2014 during which time there will be further community engagement. Construction works are anticipated to be from April 2014 through to March 2015.


Strategy and Planning


48. Auckland Integrated Transport Programme (ITPv2) and its key components

Work is underway on delivering the next version of the ITP which is due by the middle of 2014.  Work are also continuing on the development/updating of the key components of the ITP including:

·    Regional Rapid Transit Review (RTN) review – further analysis required in view of the RDS update

·    Rail Development Strategy (RDS) update – in progress

·    Rail Level Crossings Study – joint review with KiwiRail in progress

·    Park and Ride and Parking Strategy – review and update of legacy strategies in progress

·    Regional Passenger Transport Plan – formally adopted by the AT Board on 23rd September 2013.  Consultation of the new network for the other areas in Auckland will be undertaken in 2014-15.  Implementation of the new network will commence in early 2015.

49. Regulatory planning

Strategy and Planning continues to lead and co-ordinate AT’s responses to proposed plan changes and Notices of Requirements (NoRs) to ensure that land use and transport are integrated and that proposed land use changes enable AT to deliver its capital works programme.  During the first quarter, there are 33 applications including 3 new applications that are in progress.  5 applications were completed this quarter.

AT also continued working closely with the Auckland Council on the review of the draft Unitary Plan.  AT has been assisting the council on matters such as cycle parking, Integrated Transport Assessments, parking, loading and access provisions.  AT has also been working with the Auckland Utility Operators Group on trees in road corridor provisions.

Over the next quarter, AT will be reviewing the Proposed Unitary Plan as notified on 30 September 2013.

50. Corridor management plans (CMPs)

The 10 priority arterial CMPs in the 2012/13 year are now nearing completion:

·    Great North Road-Rata St-Ash St corridor - draft plan reviewed

·    Albany Highway-Greville Rd-Tawa Dr corridor – draft plan reviewed

·    Takapuna North (East Coast Road Stage 2) – draft plan reviewed

·    East Tamaki Road-Springs Rd-Harris Rd corridor – draft plan completed

·    City East West Transport Study – draft plan completed and initial recommended projects are under concept design

·    Tamaki Drive-Ngapipi Rd-Kohimarama Rd-Kepa Rd corridor – draft plan under review

·    Ellerslie-Panmure Highway – draft plan under review

·    Balmoral Road-St Lukes Road corridor – draft plan under review

·    Great South Road Stage 2 – scope of the CMP was extended to include Shirley Road and those sections of Coronation and Rangitoto Road that are currently bus routes. 

·    Pakuranga Road – in progress

The 2013/14 CMP programme was finalised, three of which are currently at scoping stage:

·    Great North Road (between Ash Street and Karangahape Road) – scoping completed

·    New North Road (Blockhouse Bay Road to Mt Eden Road) – scoping underway

·    Manukau Road (Broadway to Royal Oak roundabout) – scoping underway

51. Transport modelling

Work is continuing on the update/development of transport models including:

·    Local area traffic modelling – Takapuna town centre, Ponsonby Road, proposed Convention Centre

·    CRL transport model in parallel with the APT3 update

·    Updating the Auckland Passenger Transport (APT3) model

52. Asset Management Plan 2015-2018

The development of the next Asset Management Plan 2015-2018 is continuing.  The plan will give effect to the ITPv2 and will support forward investment decisions.

53. Seismic Screening Programme

Work is continuing on the screening of all transport assets for earthquake susceptibility. 

54. Asset Condition Surveys

The asset condition surveys for higher risk transport assets is continuing and is on schedule for completion by the end of December 2013.  Minor safety and other issues are prioritised and addressed through the maintenance teams. More extensive defects are included in the long term forward renewal works programme and, where feasible, coordinated with the capital new works programme.

There were no major safety issues requiring immediate action or restrictions on access have been identified.


Community Transport


55. School Transport Programme and Road Safety Education


·      The number of schools signed onto the TravelWise Programme has now reached 343.

·      Key activities that were undertaken with the schools included, safety at the school gate parking enforcement, speed enforcement campaigns undertaken with the NZ Police, cycle training, scooter training, school leadership programme for intermediate and high school students and school curriculum transport related activities targeted at road safety and school travel options.

·     Walking School Buses now number 354 in the region with a continued programme of recruitment and recognition for the volunteers who accompany the buses. 

·      Demand for cycle training is still strong from schools and greater partnerships with the NZ Police, Sports Trusts and Bike NZ have been developed to deliver cycle training and cycle safety. 

·      The following regional road safety education campaigns are being developed for the coming eight months: 


1.   The Sober Driver campaign – with a focus on the Christmas

2.   Pedestrian safety campaign – pay attention or pay the price

3.   Motorcycle safety and training campaign

4.   Back to school speed campaign focused on targeting drivers speed around schools

5.   Distractions campaign


56. Travel Planning and Cycle and Walking


·   Commute travel planning packages and personal journey plans being delivered across the region targeting business, communities, business associations and tertiary institutions.

·    The spring “Cycling’s the go” safety and promotional campaign is being delivered over the coming months targeting, cycle training, safety, guided rides and maintenance programmes.

·    The development of the Auckland Cycle network continues with priority being placed on working with the NZTA on Grafton Gully, working with Local Board Greenway proposals, Beach Road, Great South Road, Puhinui Road and the New Zealand Cycle Trail network expansion programme of the Airport to City & Waiheke routes.


Road Corridor Access


57. Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) Rollout


Good progress has been made in closing out the Year 1 (2011/12) and Year 2 (2012/13) cabinet areas with 163 cabinet areas now completed and moved into warranty.  The linking of the Year 3 CAR approvals to the completion of the Year 1 and 2 work has had the desired effect and focused the contractor on completing this work.  The next milestone is the completion of 230 cabinet areas by 31 October 2013.

There are now 31 Year 3 cabinet areas which have completed the civil and hauling phases and are undergoing final quality assurance checks by VisionStream and Chorus before being handed over to Auckland Transport for sign-off.  There are currently 86 cabinet areas under construction with a further 28 cabinet areas awaiting build commencement. 


58. Hunua 4 Watermain

The construction of Watercare’s Hunua 4 bulk water watermain is continuing westwards on Puhunui Road. 

The final reinstatement of the Great South Road/Puhunui Road intersection has been satisfactorily completed and the general issues around the construction methodology and reinstatement have been resolved.

The crossing of the Puhinui Road/Lambie Drive intersection was carried out over the weekend of 11/13 October 2013.  This work was undertaken in much the same manner as that at the Great South Road/Puhunui Road intersection and required the closure of Lambie Drive over the weekend.   There were no significant problems experienced and the intersection was fully reopened before the morning peak period on Monday.


59. Waterview Tunnel Boring Machine

There are a further 8 components of the Waterview Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) which are expected to arrive at the Port of Auckland in October 2013 which will require transport to the Waterview Tunnel site.

We are working with the Well Connected Alliance and the transport contractor regarding the movement of 22,000 reinforced concrete segments from East Tamaki to the Waterview Tunnel site.  These precast segments will be used to line the new tunnel and weigh 10 tonnes each.  Approval is being sought to move 3 segments on each vehicle which will require a High Productivity Motor Vehicle (HPMV) permit as the gross weight will exceed 44 tonnes.  The movement of these precast segments will require in excess of 7,000 laden trips over the next 2 years.  Most of the travel will be on SH20.


Road Corridor Maintenance


60. West


·      The new contract for west area road maintenance which include the wider scope of the Henderson – Massey, Waitakere and the Whau local board areas started in July and levels of service and contractor resources scaled up to allow for the larger size & scope of  works included in this contract.


·    Extensive reconstruction works in pavement and footpath assets have been programmed and are well underway across the region. Initial focus has been in the Whau ward to balance out the levels of service and standard of asset condition. Major pavement works are currently underway in Margan Ave, Kinross St and Birdwood Rd. Four other sites are programmed to be rehabilitated this construction season dependent on final design criteria vs. available budget.


·    A large programme ($7M+) of resurfacing is also underway throughout the central – west region. This schedule of activities includes approx. 15.6km of Asphaltic Concrete surfacing and 63km of various Chip Sealing (resealing) sites. This programme continues on from the previous 3 years, in the RCM undertaking to raise the standard of road surface condition in the western area.


·    Very wet and poor weather conditions encountered in August & September caused multiple slip sites in the Waitakere ward which needed major design and investment in retaining structures. These sites are also well underway, that’s to a quick response from the contractor. The hardest hit area of the storms was Titirangi Road & Titirangi Beach Roads where 5 separate minor under slips required treatment over the last 2 months. Fortunately the torrential cyclone season has passed and two major slip sites within the Waitakere Ranges (Candia Rd & Laingholm drv.) are nearing completion with another two awaiting final detailed design & funding approvals.



61. Streetlights


·    Completed the section of Tamaki Drive (Okahu section) with new poles and luminaires in accordance with the Tamaki Drive approved upgrade report. There are only 25 poles and lights to complete the upgrade between Ngapipi Road and The Strand.

·    St George Street Papatoetoe is currently being upgraded with new poles and lights.  The former decorative type lights will become gas look alike lights for decorative purpose only.

·    Bowen Street in the CBD has been upgraded to provide increased safety for pedestrians walking into the city especially from the university at night.

·    Installation of new lights and poles supporting the Vector undergrounding programme removing overhead lines.  Areas where undergrounding has taken place are Epsom, and Penrose.


62. South

·    Approval has been given to proceed with the second section of the East Street road reconstruction project in Pukekohe.  This project is being undertaken by John Filmore Contractors as a separate contract to the RCM South contracts and work is programmed to start in January 2014.

63. Central

·    Foot path upgrades in Raumati road, and Poto Street are in the final stages. Foot path work has also commenced at the Remuera road end of Orakie road.

·    Preparation for major road works on Orakei road (Shore to Ngapipi roads) is in progress, with construction scheduled to commence early Jan 2014. This project is in conjunction with the Auckland Council Shore road Boardwalk project and in consultation with the local Iwi.

·    RCM Central Contract has completed several Footpath and Kerb & Channel Upgrades in the Arch Hill area over the last few months. These upgrades have significantly enhanced the streetscapes of this area within the Waitemata ward.

·    A major road rehabilitation upgrade of Hukanui Crs was undertaken over the October Schools holidays which will eliminate on-going maintenance activities on this busy residential road. Our contractor modified their construction programme to ensure that parents and teachers from the school had access into Marist School first week back following the break.


64. North


·    During the period of 24-25th September 2013 the North Shore, Hibiscus Coast and greater Auckland area were subjected to a severe weather system that brought high winds and heavy rainfall.  High winds toppled a significant number of trees and the heavy rainfall caused flooding and minor slips. Contractors worked hard to ensure that all sites were made safe with only minimal disruption to traffic flows.


·    Area wide pavement treatment activities have been completed on Argent Lane, Station Road, Nobilo Road and Wintour Road. Other works completed I September includes Makarau Road Slip reinstatement and Kaipara Flats Walkway and Footbridge.





Road Corridor Operations


65. One Network Road Classification project

AT is a Road Controlling Authority member of the One Network Road Classification project with NZTA. This is a national initiative which is a recommendation of the Ministerial Road Maintenance Task Force, which aims to develop a national road classification which will support better asset management across the country.

Benefits are:

Planning, investment, maintenance and operational decisions relating to each road will reflect its function as part of the broader network

Over time road users can expect to have a similar experience across the country, on roads with the same classification

An integrated classification system will also make collaboration easier, leading to a more efficient roading network and improved value for money.

Progress to date includes:

·    A draft One Network Road Classification (ONRC) framework has been developed

·    Roadshows introducing the draft ONRC to all Road Controlling Authorities in NZ have been completed and feedback sought

·    The next step is to collate all feedback and update the ONRC Framework;


66. Route optimisation Investigation and analysis.

Route optimisation was completed on 30% of the arterial road network for the second year of the programme (2012-2013) with 100km of routes being optimised. This year, 2013/14, our primary focus will be in the Central area of Auckland with a focus on the inner city. This will align our network operations to accommodate recent changes to the Public Transport services and land use changes that have occurred in the Central City. The Central City has been divided into five key zones and each zone has an assigned technical lead. Approximately 103 intersections in the central area will be reviewed and optimised. Work has commenced on Stage 1 reports to establish the existing conditions, known planning and possible improvements. Internal workshops have been held to understand the programme and the likely effect of Changes to Bus services, The Central East West Transport study and Foreshore development


Work is in progress on 16 identified routes in the Central City


67. Physical Works Programme (other routes across the region):

·    6 projects are at the scheme design stage

·    5 projects are at the detailed design stage

·    1 project is under construction



Road Safety


68. Version 1. of Urban KiwiRAP risk mapping software has been developed and all Auckland routes, intersections, and vulnerable user groups have been mapped and prioritised.

The software methodology will be further revised in Oct/Nov, and is due for launch in December 2013.


69. An Urban Motorcycle Route demonstration project brief has been developed for West Auckland and the project is expected to commence in November.


70. The high risk rural roads SERR (Self Explaining Rural Roads) project working group has confirmed parameters for option development. Investigation is expected to commence early in the New Year.


71. The Red light camera policy has been agreed with NZ Police and now working on technology applications. AT has completed a site selection report on 22 of the highest red-light running crash risk intersections.

Parking and Enforcement

72. Waitemata

Freemans Bay – A questionnaire survey on parking issues in residential streets was completed in August. 87% of residents felt that crowded parking was a problem in Freemans Bay.

St Marys Bay – A questionnaire survey on the trial parking zone was completed in August. 65% of residents supported the trial parking zone in St Marys Bay.

Eden Terrace – Pay and display on-street parking was introduced into several streets in Eden Terrace in July. Parking in the paid area costs $1.00 per hour. There is no time limit. Paid parking operates from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. The Eden Terrace Business Association is very happy with the parking management system and has even received positive comments from some businesses. No formal surveys have been carried out but there has been an observed improvement in availability.   

K Road Car Park – AT exited the K Road Car Park on 13 August ending 40 years of council tenure.  The car park was sold by the previous landlord to Tournament Parking.

Parnell – The Parking Design Team completed the review of on-street parking in Parnell in August. This included several minor parking restriction changes and removing a lot of signage on Parnell Road.


73. Waiheke

Matiatia – AT gave notice of termination to all car park leaseholders during September.  These 145 leased car parks are often vacant and underutilised, giving rise to complaints from casual users wishing to find a park.  Seventy of the currently leased car parks are being converted to pay and display parking, to satisfy the growing demand for casual parking.  The remaining 75 will be available for lease at commercial rates.  Expressions of interest from current leaseholders are being sought for these car parks.

74. Orakei

Remuera – Time restrictions were removed in August in Remuera town centre along Remuera Road.  AT will be using demand responsive pricing to manage the parking.

75. Howick

Howick – Parking occupancy surveys has been completed in August and business questionnaire surveys are being collected currently.

Halfmoon Bay Car Park – Changes have been approved by the Local Board and a report is currently being prepared for approval at Traffic Control Committee. The changes include a 14 hour time restriction and priority for car pool users.  Implementation expected in November.

76. Franklin

Pukekohe – Strategy and Planning commenced a Comprehensive Parking Management Plan to coordinate with the Area Plan. The parking report is expected to be completed early next year.

77. Takapuna – Devonport

Killarney Street Car Park – The owner of this car park, Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA), decided to put the car park services up for tender in July.  AT did not submit a tender.  A contract was awarded by RFA to Wilson parking.  AT has exited the car park.

78. Hibiscus and Bays

Orewa – A P120 town centre parking zone was implemented in August.

79. Manurewa – Papakura

Papakura – AT has agreed to seek a temporary consent for the continuation (eighteen months) of the temporary Park and Ride site.  This action will enable a further review when more information is known about the possible electrification of the railway to Pukekohe.


Public Transport


80. During the third quarter of 2013, the Public Transport Department focused on analysing feedback on the new on the new network in South Auckland. Planning for implementation of the PTOM contracting model continued.

81. Rail patronage is showing signs of renewed growth after a period of relative stability while rail service reliability has shown pleasing improvements over the last few months.


82. The final quarter of 2013 sees changes to the proposed South Auckland new network bus services in response to public feedback finalised and communicated to customers. This will be followed by preparing the South Auckland bus network for a competitive tendering process.


83. The implementation of Auckland Integrated Fare System (AIFS) on buses was briefly paused while an intermittent technical issue was resolved but has now resumed with implementation on North Star services on 13 October 2013. It is envisaged that the roll-out on remaining NZ Bus services will be completed by the end of 2013.


84. A new train timetable is to be implemented on 29 October 2013 doubling Western Line weekend train frequencies during the day from hourly to half-hourly and extending Sunday train service to Swanson. In addition, weekend Southern Line train services will start earlier and a number of adjustments made to other services, primarily to improve reliability.


85. An ongoing programme of bus timetable adjustments, in partnership with our service providers, continues so that published timetables more closely reflect actual bus running times. This is leading to a significant improvement in bus service reliability. 


86. Consultation began on Green Bay / Titirangi route changes began on 21 October 2013 to improve the frequency on key routes and simplify the bus network as an interim improvement step towards the future new bus network.


87. The closure of most Northwestern Motorway bus lanes for up to 2-3 years for the Waterview Connection project has delayed many bus services by 6-8 minutes in the afternoon peak. AT has reviewed bus timetables; changed some bus routes and added more express bus service to help address the delays to service. Meanwhile, the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) opened a bus/transit lane on the westbound approach to the Great North Road interchange on 20 October 2013 to significantly reduce bus delays.







Schedule of activities undertaken for the first quarter (2013/14) ending 30 September 2013 and forward works programme for the second quarter (2013/14) ending 31 December 2013



Traffic Control Committee Decisions July-September 2013



Local Board Advocacy Report






Various Auckland Transport authors


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Manger, Auckland Transport


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



New Road Name – Tamahunga Lane


File No.: CP2013/27544





1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for a new road name in the MVR Ltd subdivision off Tamahunga Drive, Matakana.

Executive Summary

2.       A condition of the subdivision consent required the applicant to suggest to Council a name for the new road within the subdivision which will vest in Council.

3.       The applicant wishes to name this 550 metre loop road “Tamahunga Lane”.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Tamahunga Lane for the MVR Ltd subdivision off Tamahunga Drive in Matakana, Council reference R57104.




4.       Applicant: MVR  Ltd

Site address: 2 Tamahunga Drive

Council Reference: R57104

5.       This 40 Lot development was approved in 2011 and marketing of the properties has commenced. As required by the resource consent the applicant company has suggested that the new road be named Tamahunga Lane. The new road runs off Tamahunga Drive which itself has been named in connection to Mt Tamahunga which dominates the ridgeline above Matakana Village. The applicant considers it appropriate to extend the use of this name but with the variation of the “road type”.

6.       The land has been owned by a variety of European owners in the past and it would be inappropriate to single out any one with particular interest in the land to warrant naming the road.


Local Board Views

7.       A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.

Maori Impact Statement

8.       The applicant has written to local iwi, in this case the Manuhiri Kaitiake Charitable Trust seeking agreement to the use of this name. In reply the Trust stated that it had no issue with the name being used, and that from their perspective it is great to have this culturally significant maunga reflected in the community. They commented that having the same name (albeit a different road type) could lead to possible address confusion. The applicant has considered the suggestion and decided to proceed with his own choice.

9.       The Linz standard on addressing says that it is preferable to not use the same road name (with a different “type” {suffix}) as this can cause possible confusion.



10.     The Land Information database confirms that the only similar name in New Zealand is  Tamahunga Drive in Matakana.


Implementation Issues

11.     If and when the name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign, as required by the condition of resource consent.








Locality Map



Scheme Plan





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees – Resource Consents Team Manager

Julie Bevan – Manager Northern Resource Consenting and Compliance


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Report on Rodney Tourism Services


File No.: CP2013/27703





1.      The purpose of this report is to circulate the “Report on Rodney Tourism Services” commissioned by the Rodney Local Board to assess “Rodney tourism services to attract the Auckland Asian population to Rodney events, activities and businesses”. (RD/2013/53)

Executive Summary

2.      It is recognised that greater economic benefits can be realised by businesses in the Rodney area if they position themselves to be ‘more attractive to the Auckland Asian Market (AAM)’. There is significant potential to increase revenue for tourism and service related businesses from such markets. To do this requires a better understanding of the Rodney area’s current strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. The local board commissioned BTM Marketing Ltd (BTM) to research current levels of Asian patronage, media exposure of various locations in Rodney in Asian languages via online and social media and included dialogue with Rodney businesses, tour companies and a mystery shopper initiative. The final report is now complete and is attached for the Local Board Members information.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receives the Report on Rodney Tourism Services completed by BTM Marketing Ltd dated 31 August 2013.




3.      It is estimated that over 250,000 Asian people live in Auckland. These Asian populations include families, couples, individuals, students, etc who have the potential to travel domestically themselves, and also together with visiting friends and relatives (VFR) from overseas from time-to-time.

4.      The goal is for the Rodney Local Board to be ‘more attractive to the Auckland Asian Market (AAM)’ and to increase revenue for its tourism and service related businesses from such markets. To do so requires a better understanding of the Rodney’s current strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, culminating in an Action Plan in line with the Rodney Economic Development Implementation Plan.

5.      Research included contacting local businesses directly for information and interrogating Asian language travel blogs and websites. BTM Asian staff undertook ‘mystery shopping’ over a range of tourism activities; accommodation, dining and shopping experiences.

6.      A sample of Asian-owned businesses in Rodney were contacted by BTM Asian staff to find out why they chose to live in Rodney, what they do for local entertainment and their impressions of the current AAM.

7.      BTM were also asked to research and develop a range of day excursions and overnight packages aimed at the AAM based on various themes.

8.      Other research included ease of access by AAM to/from Auckland (bus services, tours etc), the availability of China Union Pay and a current profile of Rodney businesses on Asian language and social media.

9.      Potential areas of investment and unrealised business opportunities in Rodney were also considered.

10.    The results of these investigations are compiled in the final BTM Marketing Ltd report entitled ‘Report on Rodney Tourism Services). It is proposed that this report be utilised as an input into the future Rodney Economic Development Plan in the 2014/2015 financial year.



Local Board Views

11.    This report was commissioned by the Rodney Local Board to support activity as part of the Rodney Economic Development Implementation Plan.

Maori Impact Statement

12.    While this report is for information only and does not require any decision making, it is recognised that increased economic activity will benefit a wide range of business, some of which may include Maori interests.


Implementation Issues

13.    This report provides recommendations and presents opportunities that will inform future economic development initiatives.








BTM Marketing Ltd Report on Rodney Tourism Services (Under Separate Cover)





Michelle Sanderson – Local Board Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Appointments to internal Council groups


File No.: CP2013/27857





1.       The purpose of this report is for the Rodney Local Board to appointment members to internal Council groups.

Executive Summary

2.       In the previous term of the Rodney Local Board members were appointed to certain internal Council groups. This has proved to be a very effective arrangement and ensures the Rodney Local Board has representation on these groups. It is proposed to continue the arrangement in the new political term.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      appoint a member and alternate to the following internal Council groups:

i)        Drainage Boards; Te Arai, Okahukura (Tapora) and Glorit representative Member James Colville.

ii)       Urban Design Champion representative Brenda Steele with Member xxxx as an alternate.




3.       It is proposed to continue to appoint Rodney Local Board representatives to the following internal Council groups:

i)        Drainage Boards; Three drainage areas operated under the former Rodney District Council for the purpose of have a representative to liaise with the boards on construction and maintenance works. Three drainage boards exist; Te Arai Drainage District; Okahukura (Tapora) Drainage District; and, Glorit Drainage District. Under the former Rodney District Council specific delegations were given to these drainage boards. The Rodney Local Board has continued to have a representative on these boards.

ii)       Urban Design Champion; Representatives from each of the 21 local boards consider matters in relation to urban design with the objective of making Auckland the world’s most liveable city.


Local Board Views

4.       The Local Board considers there is merit in appointing a representative and alternate to internal Council groups.

Maori Impact Statement

5.       The appointment of Local Board Members to these internal groups will not directly affect Maori, however the Local Board will continue to engage with Maori and represent the view of all people on these groups.

Implementation Issues

6.       No implementation issues have been identified.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Proposed Unitary Plan - Submissions process and local board input


File No.: CP2013/27891





1.       The purpose of this report is to update the Local Board on the process for making submissions on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) and delegate to Members the final approval of the Rodney Local Board’s input into the Auckland Council’s submission on the PAUP.

Executive Summary

2.       Auckland Council will be preparing a submission on the PAUP which will be approved by the Unitary Plan Committee in February 2014.  Local boards have the opportunity to contribute to this submission.

3.       The Rodney Local Board has indicated that it wishes to contribute to this submission.  Due to the timeframes over the Christmas period it is recommended that the final approval of the local board’s input into the Auckland Council submission be delegated to Members



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      delegates to the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson the authority to finalise and approve the Rodney Local Board’s input into the Auckland Council’s submission on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan for the Unitary Plan Committee meeting in February 2014.




4.       The proposed Auckland Unitary Plan was publicly notified in September 2013, with submissions closing on 28 February 2014.

5.       Local boards have an opportunity to contribute to the Auckland Council submission on the PAUP.  Joint workshops of local board chairs and councillors will be held before Christmas to help formulate Auckland Council’s submission.  Local Board’s are able to contribute to the development of the “whole of Auckland Council” submission including identifying any errors and new information since the governing body decision to notify the PAUP.

6.       The Rodney Local Board has previously provided feedback on the draft Auckland Council Unitary Plan.  Responses to this feedback have been provided by officers.  This feedback has been discussed with the local board who indicate that they wish to again raise a number of matters from the original feedback.  Some of the matters to be raised include the requests for the following:

i)        An increase in minimum site sizes in Helensville and Parakai.

ii)       Retention of a number of scheduled activities and Precincts.

iii)      Additional areas of Countryside Living zoned land.

iv)      Retention of provisions for second dwellings/minor household units in rural areas.

v)      Removal of the requirement for resource consents for dwellings on rural sites less than 1 hectare.

vi)      Countryside Living Zone at Taupaki rather than a Mixed Rural zone.

vii)     A special character or historic heritage overlay for Puhoi.

viii)    Urban development to cease at Brighams Creek.

ix)      Option for further intensification of the Countryside Living area on Falls Road, Warkworth.

x)      Change to the Rural Urban Boundary back to Matakana Road rather than east towards Sandspit Road.

xi)      The calculation of land required within the Rural Urban Boundary to be based on a minimum site size of 500m2.

xii)     Land around Green Road, future reserve area at Dairy Flat to be zoned Countryside Living.

xiii)    That key Rodney view shafts be included in the Unitary Plan.

xiv)    Site sizes in Waimauku reflect the current wastewater servicing situation.

xv)    Rules for cleanfills in rural areas to reflect the potential significant effects of these activities.

xvi)    Impervious surface rules in the rural and coastal settlements change to enable the construction of family homes without a resource consent.

7.       The Unitary Plan Committee is to meet in February 2014 to finalise the Auckland Council submission, including local board contributions.

8.       To ensure that the local board’s views are provided on time, it is recommended that the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson be delegated the authority to finalise and approve the local board’s input into the Auckland Council’s submission. 



Local Board Views

9.       Local board feedback on the PAUP has been discussed at a Rodney Local Board workshop and forms the basis of this report.

Maori Impact Statement

10.     The PAUP will impact on Maori and it is understood that specific engagement is occurring with Manawhena and Maatawaka who also have the opportunity to lodge a submission on the PAUP.


11.     In the preparation of feedback on the draft Unitary Plan prior to notification, the local board workshopped unitary plan topics with community representatives and engaged in a number of community consultation sessions.  This feedback reiterates earlier feedback provided that the board considers has not been adequately addressed.

12.     This decision does not trigger the Council’s Significance Policy.

Implementation Issues

13.     Following the delegation, officers will work with the delegated Members to prepare the local boards input into the Auckland Council’s PAUP submission.  Once complete this will be circulated to all Rodney Local Board Members prior to final approval and submission to the Unitary Plan Committee for consideration. 

14.     There are no implementation issues with the provision of the input, however, it is not known whether the Unitary Plan Committee will approve all of the local boards comments for inclusion in the Auckland Council submission.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kathryn Martin – Senior Local Board Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board Workshop Records


File No.: CP2013/27926





1.       Attached are the Rodney Local Board workshop records of 6, 7, 11 and 25 November 2013.

Executive Summary

2.       The newly elected Rodney Local Board will continue to holds regular weekly workshops. Attached for information are the records of the most recent workshop meetings.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      Workshop records for 6, 7, 11 and 25 November 2013 be accepted.








Rodney Local Board workshop 6 November 2013



Rodney Local Board workshop 7 November 2013



Rodney Local Board workshop 11 November 2013



Rodney Local Board workshop 25 November 2013





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013



Rodney Local Board

09 December 2013