I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 9 December 2013 1.00pm Council
Chamber |
Rodney Local Board
Chairperson |
Brenda Steele |
Deputy Chairperson |
Steven Garner |
Members |
James Colville |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Thomas Grace |
Beth Houlbrooke |
John McLean |
Phelan Pirrie |
Greg Sayers |
(Quorum 5 members)
Raewyn Morrison Local Board Democracy Advisor
5 December 2013
Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399 Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Rodney Local Board 09 December 2013 |
31 Local Board Agreement 5
32 Greens Road Update 27
Rodney Local Board 09 December 2013 |
File No.: CP2013/28063
1. This report seeks agreement from the Rodney Local Board on content for the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 (including the draft Rodney Local Board Agreement 2014/2015) and a draft Fees and Charges Schedule.
2. The report also provides information on the next steps in the process to finalise local board budgets and agreements for 2014/2015.
Executive Summary
3. For each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement (as agreed between the governing body and the local board) for each local board area.
4. The draft local board agreement is largely based on year three of the Long-term Plan 2012-2022[1] (LTP) and reflects the priorities in the local board plan, shows intended provision of local activities, and the capital and operating expenditure required to fund these activities. A separate consultation section has been developed to identify any proposed budget changes and to highlight any new areas of advocacy for 2014/2015.
5. The draft local board agreement must be included in Auckland Council’s draft Annual Plan 2014/2015, which the governing body will meet to adopt on 19 December to be released for public consultation on 23 January 2014.
6. A summary of the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 must also be prepared as part of the consultation. The summary will contain both regional and local board specific information. The local information focuses on the local priorities for 2014/2015 and what might change from year three of the LTP.
7. Following the consultation phase, each local board will reconsider its agreement and budget for 2014/2015 and, if required, reprioritise proposed local activities within its fiscal envelope before adopting a final local board agreement in June 2014. The governing body will adopt Auckland Council’s Annual Plan 2014/2015, including 21 local board agreements, on 26 June 2014.
8. Local fees and charges schedules will be finalised in May 2014. A draft schedule is provided for agreement by the Local Board to support draft financial statements. The Community Development Arts and Culture department (CDAC) are currently reviewing a fees and charges model and will commence engagement with local boards in December 2013.
9. A review of the capital expenditure programme is currently underway by the operations division to improve long term delivery and prioritisation of capital projects. Engagement with local boards on a re-forecasted capital project delivery programme will commence in early 2014. Financial statements included in this draft local board agreement remain based on year three of the LTP, adjusted to reflect approved budget changes since the adoption of the LTP.
That the Rodney Local Board: a) agree the local content for the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015, including: i) draft Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 (including intended level of service provision and financial statements) ii) introduction to the draft Local Board Agreement (including chairs message and proposed changes for consultation). b) agree the draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015. c) delegate the Chairperson authority to make any final minor changes to the local board content for the draft Annual Plan before it is released for public consultation, and to the summary of the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015.
10. The governing body will meet to adopt the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 19 December 2013, which must include the draft local board agreement for each local board.
11. This report seeks approval of local board content for the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 and agreement of draft local fees and charges for 2014/2015. It also provides information on the process that will be followed to finalise the local board budgets and agreements for 2014/2015 following public consultation.
12. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the Governing Body on 19 December 2013, when it meets to adopt the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 for consultation.
13. Local board financial statements are based on year three of the LTP and adjusted to reflect revised budgets endorsed by the Budget Committee on 21 November 2013 to achieve a reduced rates increase of 2.5% for 2014/2015, as well as other approved budget changes since the adoption of the LTP.
14. Whilst operational savings are reflected in revised budgets, these changes will not impact service levels.
Draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 content
15. The draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 content includes:
a) the draft Rodney Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 which outlines:
i. a description of each group of local activities
ii. key initiatives planned for 2014/2015
iii. intended levels of service provision
iv. financial statements
v. capital projects list.
b) an introduction to the draft Rodney Local Board Agreement which outlines:
i. a message from the chair
ii. areas for consultation with local communities
iii. proposed budget changes
iv. new advocacy areas for 2014/2015
v. about the local board area
vi. local board plan priorities.
16. Community, development, arts and culture performance measures were reviewed this year to improve clarity. This resulted in the removal of two performance measures and amendment to wording of six other performance measures.
Draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 summary
17. A summary of the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 must be prepared as part of the consultation. Local information focuses on local priorities for 2014/2015 and what might change from year three of the LTP. It includes both content and images and this year will be presented in OurAuckland.
18. Officers will work with local boards using the usual OurAuckland approval process for signoff of the summary content.
Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015
19. Local fees and charges schedules will be finalised in May 2014. A draft fees and charges schedule has been provided for your agreement to support draft financial statements. The Community Development Arts and Culture (CDAC) department are currently reviewing a fees and charges model and will commence engagement with local boards in December 2013.
20. Officers will undertake a budget refresh in February 2014, and updated prioritisation models will be developed for each local board that reflect adjustments made as part of the budget refresh.
21. The opportunity for a more in depth examination of budgets across the organisation begins early next year as part of the development of the next 2015-2025 LTP and Local Board Plans.
22. The timeline for finalising the local board agreement for 2014/2015 is set out in the implementation section of this report.
Local Board Views
23. This report seeks agreement from the Local Board for its draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 content and draft Fees and Charges Schedule.
Maori Impact Statement
24. Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant iwi. The draft local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the LTP, which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.
Implementation Issues
25. The timeline and high-level process for finalising the local board agreement for 2014/2015 is set out below.
Timing |
Process for finalising local board agreements |
9 – 18 Dec |
Local boards meet to agree draft local board agreements and content for consultation |
19 Dec |
Adoption of draft Annual Plan 2014/2015, including 21 local board agreements |
23 Jan – 24 Feb |
Draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 consultation Released for public consultation on 23 January using the special consultative procedure |
Feb |
Budget Refresh Officers review budgets to inform adjustments that will feed into the local board prioritisation models |
Feb - early April |
Engagement on local board advocacy with departments and CCO’s Assess progress and inform development of an updated set of advocacy for 2014/2015 |
17 Mar – 17 Apr |
Local board hearings, workshops and decision meetings Reconsider agreements (including budgets) and advocacy areas and hold a formal meeting to agree a final balanced budget and set of advocacy areas for 2014/2015 |
Late April |
Governing body discussions with local boards |
1 May |
Governing body discussions with CCOs |
5 - 23 May |
Local board agreements and financial statements updated |
9 - 26 Jun |
Adoption of Local Board Agreements and Annual Plan 2014/2015 Local boards meet to adopt their agreements between 9 - 19 June. Governing body meets to adopt draft Annual Plan, including 21 draft LBAs, on 26 June |
No. |
Title |
Page |
Draft Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 |
9 |
Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 |
23 |
Authors |
Kate Marsh - Financial Planning Manager - Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager |
09 December 2013 |
File No.: CP2013/28156
1. To establish an appropriate interim use of the farm on Green Road, Dairy Flat, and consider both the commercial and community use requirements until the development of the future sports park on the property.
Executive Summary
2. The Green Road farm in Dairy Flat has been earmarked as a future sports park and an area for active and passive recreational pursuits. There is limited funding for the development of a reserve management plan and there is no specific timeframe set for the development of the sports park although it is understood that funding has been allocated for 2020-21 in the LTP. This report is about the interim use of the property for commercial and community use. Auckland Council Property Limited is delegated management for the commercial use of this future service land.
3. There are two residential dwellings on the property, which until recently were returning $46,280 per annum. However one house has become vacant and some upgrading and maintenance is currently being undertaken to enable it can be let again. Upon completion of this work the house to be re-let at a higher rental figure (circa $600 per week). Both tenancies come under the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and can be terminated with three months notice.
4. There is no executed agreement between the current grazing tenant and Council and no licence fee is being paid. The situation is unsatisfactory due to the size and quantity of stock being grazed on the property and the general upkeep on the farm. It is recommended that this grazing arrangement be terminated.
5. The Green Road farm was purchased by the Rodney District Council (RDC) for a future sports park and any lease on the property must be granted in accordance of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). The LGA places restrictions on leasing land acquired for or held for parks (section 138) and a licence that provides tenure for more than 6 months requires community consultation.
6. Continued grazing is a realistic short-term option for the Green Road property and it is recommended that Council negotiates the use and tenure of the land at 124 Green Road for grazing and considers other opportunities that have been identified for the interim use of the property while planning for the future sports park.
7. Council has been approached regarding using a portion of the land (size yet to be determined) for a turf farm. This would provide an additional revenue stream to the grazing licence. A 10 year licence term has been requested. Community consultation (in accordance with the LGA) will be required for tenure of this period. The long term impact of removing topsoil from the land needs to be seriously considered. If the Local Board wishes to pursue this option, an impact report on the effects of a turf farm on the land and its potential effect on Council's future playing fields is recommended prior to a final decision.
8. Auckland Council Local and Sports Parks department are interested in using a portion of land (size yet to be determined) for a clean fill site. This would provide economic benefits for council and is an option that requires further consideration.
9. Consideration also needs to be given as to how community use operators are to be accommodated on the property. Currently the Silverdale Pony Club and the North Shore Model Aero Club operate from the property but neither have any formal licence or agreement with Council. It is recommended that a monthly licence (non-exclusive) is entered into with the current community users of the property at 124 Green Road being the North Shore Model Aero Club and the Silverdale Pony Club. This is an interim measure until planning for the future sports park has been completed. Both groups have indicated that a more permanent, longer tenure would be more suitable to their requirements.
That the Rodney Local Board: a) supports the renewal of tenure of the two residential dwellings continuing at market rental. b) directs that ACPL terminate the arrangement with the existing grazier of the property at 124 Green Road as soon as possible, ACPL to give within one months notice to vacate in consultation with the Council Legal department. c) directs that a farm assessment be carried out to ascertain the appropriate grazing conditions for the property, including type, age & size of animals, maximum stock numbers and other conditions. This assessment to include recommendations as to how much of the 154ha property could/should be given over to grazing. d) directs ACPL to negotiate the use and tenure of the land at 124 Green Road for an initial term of six months at a market rental determined by Auckland Council Property Ltd. e) directs that ACPL report back to the Rodney Local Board on the potential for and area of the property to be used for; i) a turf farm and an impact report on the effects of a turf farm on the land and its potential effect on Council's future playing field is requested from the applicant. ii) A ToughMudder event; ToughMudder is an international adventure event organising company who wish to hold an annual event incorporating a 16-20km obstacle course run at Green Road. iii) the option of part of the property being used as a clean fill site. f) seek a report recommending community leases and formal agreements for current community users of the property at 124 Green Road being the North Shore Model Aero Club and the Silverdale Pony Club as interim measures until planning for the future sports park has been completed.
10. The Green Road farm in Dairy Flat has been earmarked as a future sports park and an area for active and passive recreational pursuits. There is limited funding for the development of a reserve management plan and there is no timeframe set for the development of the sports park, although it is understood that funding has been allocated for 2020-21 in the LTP.
11. This report is about the interim use of the property for commercial and community use. Auckland Council Property Limited is delegated management for the commercial use of this future service land. The Rodney Local Board is delegated authority for decision making of community leases.
Current Uses
12. The property currently has two residential dwellings which until recently have been returning $890 per week ($46,280 per annum).
13. One of these properties has recently been upgraded and is achieving market rental. The tenant in the other house has recently vacated, which has allowed the second property to be upgraded. This house is quite basic in its amenities and required redecoration and modernisation. These works include an upgrade of the bathroom, painting the interior, replacing the curtains as necessary and having the house insulated. Once completed, the rent will increase from $440 to $600-$650 per week.
Grazing License:
14. The current grazing tenant has had an arrangement for use of the Green Road farm for some years, commencing prior to transition. Although a grazing licence was discussed between the grazier and RDC, this was never finalised nor executed. There has been no fee paid for the grazing.
15. There have been a number of issues with treatment of the property, including stock size, fence maintenance and general upkeep of the farm. While there are claims that the paddocks were fertilised last March, the extent of this fertilisation is unknown. Council has informed the tenant that the grazing licence at Green Road is under review and he has been informally told that he could be given notice to vacate, possibly within three months. He has expressed a wish to continue as the grazier on the property, preferably long term or if for at least a year if possible. He has informed us that he would require 6 months to secure new grazing for his stock.
16. It is recommended that the current grazing tenancy be terminated as soon as possible and if the Local Board decides to continue grazing the property, then a new Licensee is found.
17. Council income from grazing varies considerably in the Auckland area. Currently in the North Shore and Rodney area, grazing is returning between $120 and $150 per hectare. Prior to arranging a market valuation to ascertain the current market value for the Green Road Grazing Licence, a farm assessment will be required which would include appropriateness for type, age & size of animals, maximum stock numbers and other conditions. A decision also needs to be made as to exactly how much of the 154ha property is to be given over to grazing and these areas specifically defined.
18. The Green Road farm was purchased for a future sports park and any lease on the property must be granted in accordance of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). The LGA places restrictions on leasing land acquired for or held for parks (section 138) and a licence that provides tenure for more than 6 months requires community consultation.
Current 'Community' Uses:
19. The North Shore Model Aero Club and the Silverdale Pony Club currently run their operations on the property. Neither have any formal agreement with Council although both have been using Green Road for a considerable time. Both wish to remain on the property, expressing an interest in obtaining their own lease/licence. It is recommended that the Community Leases officers report back to the Rodney Local Board detailing a licence agreement (non-exclusive) as an interim measure while planning for the future development of the park is undertaken. The length of term should be discussed with the clubs and staff recommend an acceptable licence period and area in the report.
Interim Use Enquiries
20. ACPL and Parks have received enquiries regarding obtaining a grazing licence for Green Road, including one from Mr Dave Taylor who has the support of both the former owner and Auckland Council Parks department.
Council Farm Overrun
21. The possibility of the property being farmed by Council in conjunction with the current AC Regional Parks farming and grazing operations has been raised but is unlikely. However, Council’s farm advisor has been consulted and advice sought in the future grazing options.
Clean fill site
22. The Local and Sports Parks department are interested in using a portion of land (size yet to be determined) for a clean fill site. This would provide economic benefits for Council and is an option that requires further consideration.
Turf Farm
23. A request has been received from Recreational Services Ltd to establish a turf farm on the north western part of the property. Recreational Services currently contract to Council across the region supplying turf and other commodities for the Parks department. Their current turf farm is in South Auckland and they wish to establish another farm in the north. They have indicated that they would be happy to fit in with existing uses (Grazing, Pony Club, and Model Aero Club) and would be prepared to work with Council and install any irrigation in such a way that it could be used for the playing fields when they are developed in the future.
24. Although actual licence fees have not yet been discussed, a turf farm is likely to be a lucrative option and they are looking at 10 year licence term, with a proviso to reduce the area should Council wish to bring forward any sports field development in the any area used by the turf farm. A licence term that is for a period greater than six months requires public consultation (in accordance with the LGA section 138) prior to a licence being granted.
25. The long term impact of removing topsoil from the land needs to be seriously considered. A former landowner of the property has urged caution in this regard, claiming that the property has only a thin covering of topsoil which could easily be compromised. If the Local Board wishes to pursue this option, an impact report on the effects of a turf farm on the land and its potential effect on Council's future playing fields is recommended prior to a final decision.
26. ToughMudder is an international adventure event organising company, which holds grueling 16-20km obstacle course runs designed by Special Forces to test all-around strength, stamina, mental grit, teamwork and camaraderie. Tough Mudder currently runs events in the US, Europe & Australia and is looking to New Zealand.
27. Events are held at a range of venues including private farm properties; large parks; or off-season ski resorts. Around 160 hectares of contiguous land is required for the event. Terrain that has some variety such as small hills or forests is preferable although not necessary, however it is important to have some flat open area for certain obstacles and for the Base Area.
28. It is important to have good access from public roads and it must be possible to close the event area off completely from the general public on the event weekend and to manage access to the course. This is due to safety and insurance reasons.
Pony Clubs
29. In addition to the Silverdale Pony Club’s request for a formal agreement to use part of the property, enquiries have also been received from other pony clubs about the possibility of their relocating to Green Road. Future planning for a sports park will consider the possibility of several pony clubs co-locating on the site.
Field Archery
30. There has also been a request from the NZ Field Archery Association to set up a field archery training school, using part of the bush reserve area on the Sunnyside Road end of the property. Field archery is shooting at fixed targets within forested areas. The NZ Field Archery Association has inspected the area and found it to be very suitable.
Local Board Views
31. A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board regarding the existing community use of the land at 124 Green Road. Direction is sought from the Rodney Local Board regarding the existing grazing agreement and the future commercial use of the land at 124 Green Road.
Maori Impact Statement
32. Tribal rohe of Dairy Flat include Ngati Whatua and Waiohau – Tamaki. The longer term use of the site will be a matter to discuss with Iwi and this engagement will be developed in partnership with the adjoining local boards.
33. Auckland Council Property Limited is delegated management for the use of the land at Green Road while planning for the future sports park is being progressed. The future business owner of this land is anticipated to be Auckland Council Local and Sports Parks, North. The Council departments for Local and Sports Parks, North and Parks Sports and Recreation (North and West) have been consulted regarding the interim use of the future sports park and support the recommendations made in this report.
34. The Rodney Local Board is delegated authority for decision making of community leases. It is recommended that a monthly licence (non-exclusive) is the best way to grant occupation rights. A ‘non-exclusive’ licence means that, unlike a lease, the licensee does not have sole and exclusive use of the licensed area.
Implementation Issues
35. The current grazing tenancy be terminated as soon as possible.
36. Identification of a new grazing tenant to be undertaken. Discussions with a new grazing tenant will require consideration of the area required for community use (Pony Club and Aero Club), potential commercial use (turf farm) and potential Council use (clean fill site).
37. An impact report on the use of part of the site for a turf farm is required should this possibility be given consideration by Council.
38. The possibility of a ToughMudder event being held on the property.
39. The possible clean fill site requires scoping and consent.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Roger Sweeney – Team Leader Property Management, Auckland Council Property Limited |
Authorisers |
Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager |
[1] 2014/2015 financial statements reflect reprioritisations made during the 2013/2014 annual planning process and revised budgets endorsed by the Budget Committee on 21 November 2013 to achieve a 2.5% rates increase for 2014/2015.