Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 5 December 2013 4.15pm Waiheke Local
Board Office |
Waiheke Local Board
9.1 The Esplande Survey - Lisa Henley
9.2 Waiheke Community Art Gallery Inc - Alex Stone, Linda Chalmers and Caroline Forsyth
A. Waiheke Community Art Gallery presentation 21
9.3 The Friends of the Hauraki Gulf group - Research towards a possible northern side marine reserve
A. Friends of the Hauraki Gulf statement 23
B. Subtidal and intertidal habitats of the North Coast of Waiheke Island 25
9.4 Waiheke Island Community Planning Group Inc - Christopher Wragg
A. Waiheke Island Community Planning Group Inc - summary 61
9.5 Feedback on Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan (HGMSP) process and Inner Islands' lack of representation - Ping Lee-Wragg
A. Ping Lee-Wragge presentation 63
9.6 Waiheke Community Shed Inc - Waiheke Community Shed representative
9.8 Special Consultative Procedure for the time and season rule and access rules for dogs on Waiheke - Barbara Wilkinson
9.12 Waiheke Wine Growers Association, funding application - Jenny Holmes
A. Vintage Festival presentation 115
9.13 Waiheke Rudolf Steiner Education Trust, Central Facility Partnership Funding application - Claudia Hellberg
A. Community Building presentation 123
9.14 Hauraki Gulf Enhancement Society - Proposed leases in Rangihoua - Jessica Bevin
A. Hauraki Gulf Enhancement Society 127
14 Auckland
Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards -
For the quarter - 1 July to 30 September 2013
19 Waiheke Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014
25 Draft Local Board Agreement