Henderson-Massey Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Henderson Civic Centre, 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson on Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 5.00pm.
Chairperson |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shane Henderson |
Members |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Peter Chan, JP |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Will Flavell |
Tracy Kirkley |
Luke Wilson |
Luke Wilson |
5.02 pm |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 30 January 2014 |
The chairperson led the opening prayer and welcomed those present to the meeting.
2 Apologies
Resolution number HM/2014/1 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Member TJ Kirkley: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives apologies from board member Luke Wilson for lateness. |
Secretarial note: Apologies for absence from Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and Ward Councillor Linda Cooper were noted. |
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
The following are the declared interests as at 30 January 2014.
Vanessa Neeson, JP (Chairman) |
N/A |
N/A |
Shane Henderson (Deputy Chairman) |
Waitakere Community Law Service |
Employee |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Keep Waitakere Beautiful |
Trustee |
Peter Chan, JP |
Cantonese Opera Society of NZ |
Member |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Westgate Pharmacy |
Contractor |
Will Flavell |
Rutherford College |
Employee |
Tracy Kirkley |
District Licensing Committee |
Member |
Luke Wilson |
NZ Police - Massey Community Constable |
Employee |
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HM/2014/2 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Confirms the minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 5 December 2013, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
Resolution number HM/2014/3 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member BA Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Agrees that items 7, 10,11, 12 and 13 be accorded precedence at this time.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Resolution number HM/2014/4 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member BA Brady: Airbridge That the Henderson-Massey Local Board a) Notes that the Henderson Civic Centre airbridge is an iconic thoroughfare in west Auckland and the board is disappointed by the repeated vandalism that occurs there b) Requests property officers consult with both councillors and the local board to develop criteria for the implementation of solutions to the vandalism problems at the Henderson Civic Centre airbridge c) Requests property officers repair the current damage as soon as possible. |
Resolution number HM/2014/5 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member LW Wilson: Community Awards That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: d) Requests council staff prepare a proposal for regular community appreciation events for the Henderson-Massey Local Board to recognise the efforts of members of our community in the Henderson-Massey local board area, to be presented to the Board at its business meeting 20 March 2014. |
Resolution number HM/2014/6 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member WI Flavell: Neighbours Day That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: e) Requests council staff prepare a proposal outlining how the Henderson Massey Local Board can support Neighbours’ Day events on 29-30 March 2014, including the background to Neighbours Day, the purpose of the support requested, how the support requested aligns with the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan and any processes necessary to administer the funding according to Auckland Council best practice, to be presented to the Board at its business meeting 20 March 2014. |
Resolution number HM/2014/7 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member BA Brady: Henderson Framework Implementation Plan That the Henderson-Massey Local Board f) Approves the preparation of a Henderson Framework Implementation Plan by Beca Ltd. for use in preparing the board’s 2015/16 – 2017/18 Local Board Plan g) Requests an early workshop with Board members to provide direction and finalise the scope of the Henderson Framework Implementation Plan. h) Requests workshops as necessary during the plan’s preparation so the Board can provide direction and respond as a stakeholder i) Delegates operational decision making for the Henderson Framework Implementation Plan to the planning portfolio holder j) Approves $25,000 for the preparation of the Henderson Framework Implementation Plan with $12,500 funded from the Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Fund and the remainder funded from unspent operational budgets. |
Secretarial note: Presentation on the Henderson Framework Implementation Plan received from Douglas Sadlier and can be found on the Auckland Council website and the records of the archived minutes. |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number HM/2014/8 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: b) Agrees to adjourn the meeting until 7:00 pm, 30 January 2014 at Council Chambers 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson.
The meeting adjourned at 5.45 pm and reconvened at 7.02 pm. |
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number HM/2014/9 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Recognises and congratulates Reverend Judy Cooper, QSM and Mr. Wenceslaus Anthony, MNZM with regards to the New Years Honors 2014 they each have been awarded b) Acknowledges the ongoing work that Reverend Judy Cooper, QSM and Mr. Wenceslaus Anthony, MNZM have undertaken in our community. |
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Resolution number HM/2014/10 MOVED by Member TJ Kirkley, seconded by Member MFP Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the presentation from Mary Dawson, Chief Executive of Auckland Regional Migrant Services on the activities of their organisation in Auckland and in particular, the Henderson-Massey Local Board area. |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Malcolm Mott Mr. Mott spoke on his concerns regarding the resource consent that was granted for the stage 2 development adjacent to Bordeaux Parade as this will lead to traffic congestion and reduced road safety, especially for children in that area. |
9.2 |
Living Wage Aotearoa Ms. Yukich and Ms. Annie Newman addressed the board on the living wage and requested that the board support their submissions. |
9.3 |
Toa Greening on Project Microcar Mr. Greening spoke to the board on the use of Microcars on tAuckland roads to reduce traffic congestion at peak times. |
Resolution number HM/2014/11 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson, seconded by Member BA Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives public forum submissions and thanks public forum speakers for their presentations. |
Secretarial note: Tabled documents from Mr Mott, Living Wage Aotearoa and Mr Greening can be found on the Auckland Council website and has been placed on the archived records. |
Member WW Flaunty left the meeting at 7.57 pm.
Member WW Flaunty returned to the meeting at 8.01 pm.
8.25 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.