I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 30 January 2014 6.30pm Manurewa
Local Board Office |
Manurewa Local Board
Chairperson |
Angela Dalton |
Deputy Chairperson |
Simeon Brown |
Members |
Michael Bailey |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Hon George Hawkins, QSO |
Danella McCormick |
Ken Penney |
Daryl Wrightson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Lee Manaia Local Board Democracy Advisor
24 January 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421 Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Portfolio Lead |
Portfolio Associate |
Portfolio Activity and Responsibilities |
Angela Dalton Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5 Email: Angela.Dalton@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Simeon Brown |
· Governance portfolio · Board leadership · Board-to-Council relationships · Board-to-Board relationships · Local Board Plan · Local Board agreements · Civic duties · Advocacy (local, regional, and central government) · Community partnerships · Relationships with Maoridom and youth · Relationships with government departments and agencies · Relationships with Watercare · Relationship with Property CCO · Relationship with Auckland Waterfront Development · Local funding policy Political Working Party · Relationship with ATEED · Relationship with Regional Facilities CCO’s · Relationship COMET · Relationship Southern Initiative |
· Regulatory portfolio · Resource consents · Heritage · Gambling · Liquor (Simeon Brown as alternate) · Urban design · Swimming pools · Trees · By-laws · Airport noise · Unitary Plan · Waste management |
Simeon Brown Deputy Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5
Daryl Wrightson |
· Community and social well-being portfolio · Community development (incl. CAYAD, CAB, and Manurewa Senior Citizens) · Neighbourhood relationships · Funding for neighbourhood projects · Community safety (excl. town centres) · Graffiti removal · Community advocacy · Community facilities · Youth Council · Contact CAB |
Michael Bailey |
· Town centres and economic portfolio · Town centre renewal (incl. branding) · Design and maintenance · Town Centre marketing · Community safety within town centres · Business Improvement Districts (Michael Bailey and Simeon Brown) · Local priorities in relation to regional economic development initiatives |
Michael Bailey 10 Rimu Road Manurewa 2102 Mob: 021 287 4422 Email: Micahel.Bailey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Danella McCormick |
· Sports parks and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of sports parks · Stewardship of recreation facilities · Relationship with sports clubs · Neighbourhood parks and reserves (incl. esplanade reserves and the coastline) · Design and maintenance · Plantings, playgrounds, bollards, and walkways · Botanic Gardens and Totara Park · Skateparks · Associate for the following portfolios: · Governance · transport |
George Hawkins |
· Libraries and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of Manurewa libraries · Mobile library |
George Hawkins |
· Transport portfolio · Local transport projects (incl. roading, footpaths, cycleways) |
Angela Cunningham –Marino C/- Auckland Council Private Bag 92300 Auckland 1142 Ph: 266 4729 Mob: 027 504 0884 Email: |
Daryl Wrightson |
· Arts, Culture and Events portfolio · Community celebration · Community identity · Neighbourhood gatherings and renewal · Event compliance · Artistic and cultural service levels · Promoting artistic endeavour (particularly among Manurewa youth) · Regional arts · Producing a music and arts centre for Manurewa |
Simeon Brown |
· Recreation Services portfolio · Contact Manukau Leisure |
Danella McCormick |
· Built and Natural Environment portfolio · Restoration of wetlands, streams, and waterways · Local priorities in relation to regional environmental management · Mangroves · Manukau Harbour |
Danella McCormick Shop 3-5 Email: Danella.McCormick@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Civil Defence Emergency Management portfolio · Relationships with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group · Community preparedness, disaster response, relief, and recovery |
Other Board Members:
Hon George Hawkins, QSO 30 Lakeside Drive Email: George.Hawkins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Ken Penney 146e Great South Road
Email: Ken.Penney@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Daryl Wrightson Shop 3-5 |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
1 Welcome 7
2 Apologies 7
3 Declaration of Interest 7
4 Confirmation of Minutes 7
5 Leave of Absence 7
6 Acknowledgements 7
7 Petitions 7
8 Deputations 7
8.1 Deputation - Auckland Regional Migrant Services (ARMS Trust) - Mary Dawson, MNZM, Chief Executive 7
9 Public Forum 8
10 Extraordinary Business 8
11 Notices of Motion 8
12 Manurewa Ward Councillors Update 9
13 Portfolio Update 11
14 Chairperson's Update 13
15 Land owner approval request for early childhood education centre (ECE) at 42R Secretariat Place Manurewa 15
16 Psychoactive Substances Position Paper 23
17 Appointment of Manurewa Local Board Members to the Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group 41
18 Hearing dates for the Manurewa Local Board hearings for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 43
19 Submission from Auckland Council to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Election 47
20 Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term 53
21 Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes 55
22 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
The meeting will begin with a prayer.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Manurewa Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 December 2013 as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Manurewa Ward Councillors Update
File No.: CP2013/28617
1. A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Manurewa Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Manurewa Local Board on regional matters.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the verbal report be received from: i) Councillor Calum Penrose regarding: · ii) Councillor Sir John Walker regarding: ·
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
File No.: CP2013/28618
1. Providing an opportunity for Portfolio Leads to update to the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the Manurewa Local Board receive the portfolio updates from: i)
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
File No.: CP2013/28619
1. Providing an opportunity for the Chairperson to update the Local Board on issues she has been involved in.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson be received.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Land owner approval request for early childhood education centre (ECE) at 42R Secretariat Place Manurewa
File No.: CP2014/00468
1. To seek land owner approval to establish an early childhood education centre (ECE) on Riverton Reserve, 42R Secretariat Place, Manurewa.
Executive Summary
2. The Taonga Education Centre Charitable Trust (the Trust) has applied for a land owner approval in principle, to establish an ECE on Riverton Reserve, Manurewa. Riverton Reserve has a council approved concept redevelopment plan which includes provision for an ECE. The approved concept plan was widely consulted upon. The Trust is applying for an 80 place ECE facility and a 20 place playgroup, being 100 places in total.
3. Riverton Reserve is zoned POS3 (sport and active recreation) and is classified under the Reserves Act as a Recreation Reserve (see Attachment A for an aerial photo). Part of the redevelopment of Riverton Reserve includes a community facility ‘pavilion’ which, along with the ECE, will require part of the reserve classification to be changed by the council to Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve in order for leases and community activities to be established.
4. As the redevelopment plan provides for an ECE and has been consulted upon and endorsed by the local board, and because the design of the proposed ECE will complement the pavilion and blend in with the overall reserve redevelopment, it is recommended that land owner approval be granted.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) Grant land owner approval in principle, to the Taonga Education Centre Charitable Trust to establish an Early Childhood Education Centre catering for up to 80 ECE places and a 20 place play-group at Riverton Reserve, 42R Secretariat Place, Manurewa, subject to the following conditions: 1) That the proposed design of the ECE is approved by the Manager of Local and Sports Parks - South. 2) That the Trust successfully obtains any regulatory consents that are required for the development. 3) That the council successfully reclassifies the site of the ECE as Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve under the Reserves Act 1977. 4) That a lease which combines the land and buildings required for the proposed ECE is signed between the Trust and Auckland Council. 5) That any other conditions relating to construction details are to be provided by the Local and Sports Parks Manager – South to manage the construction of the ECE and reinstatement of the reserve. |
5. The Trust is an established early childhood education provider in Manurewa. Formed in 2002, it established a teenagers parenting and education unit, and early childhood centre in Clendon. The Trust now supports a range of ECE facilities.
6. The Trust is seeking a site to establish a new ECE in the Randwick Park area. Riverton Reserve was proposed initially because planning for re-development of the reserve had begun and at that time a small portion of the reserve had been considered for an ECE. However, the area was too small to meet Ministry of Education (MoE) criteria and instead the Trust sought to locate the ECE on Hyperion Reserve located nearby.
7. Hyperion Reserve is not zoned or classified for early childhood education activities and the subsequent resource consent for the activity was refused. The proposal also did not receive land owner approval from the local board or support from the Parks department. The resource consent was appealed and settled by the council’s solicitors with conditions and requirements which made establishment and licencing of the ECE challenging.
8. The concept plan for the Riverton Reserve redevelopment had changed in the interim to include a larger alternative area for potential ECE development. The concept plan was widely publicly consulted on and was endorsed by the local board. The site was suggested to the Trust by council staff, and supported by the MoE. The Trust are now requesting that land owner approval be considered for a new ECE proposal on Riverton Reserve. The proposal is to establish a facility for up to 80 ECE places and a 20 place play-group catering for a total of 100 children aged 1-5.
9. ECE provision in Manurewa is uneven. Consequently participation rates vary based on access to culturally appropriate learning places. In the Randwick Park area of Manurewa, participation rates are some of the lowest in the country and subsequently is recognised as a high priority area by the MoE. Providers can seek TAP funding (Targeted Assistance in Participation) from the MoE to establish centres in the areas where they are needed most.
10. The Auckland Plan recognises that ECE participation is a key element in future educational success, and through the Southern Initiative seeks ways to improve provision and establishment of ECE’s.
11. ECE provision in high priority areas is largely undertaken by trusts and incorporated societies. Community focused low cost providers, such as the Trust, seek to encourage higher rates of ECE participation and engagement in education. The council is able to support this in a number of ways. To date one of those has been the provision of reserve land. With increasing pressure being placed on the reserve network, careful consideration must be given to establishing ECE facilities on existing reserves as they essentially remove the land from use by the public and can impact on the reserves intrinsic values.
12. The new proposal by the Trust differs from many others in that it seeks to establish on a large sports park (7.098 hectares) which has been redesigned as a mixed sports and community hub. The sports area consists of playing fields, courts and a skatepark. The community hub consists of a community pavilion, ECE site and associated parking. The proposed site of the ECE is a section of the park that does not lend itself to suitable sports field platforms.
13. An indicative site plan is attached (see Attachment B). This is provided as a basis for approval to an overall lease area – details on building shape, size and specific location will be approved at a later stage because at this point the Trust is seeking land owner approval in principle to enable it to lease and develop the land.
14. The proposal will be designed specifically to be compatible with and complementary to the main Pavilion, and be a discrete part of the overall redevelopment of the reserve. Because the reserve is large, it is considered that the size and scale of the proposed ECE will be in keeping with the redevelopment and will not compromise active or informal recreation space. A condition relating to design and appearance compatibility will be required at a later date so that the ECE building does not detract from the Pavilion building, which is the heart of the redeveloped site. In order to expedite the process, it is recommended that the Manager of Local and Sports Parks approve the final building location and design and landscaping.
15. The land on which the Pavilion building sits and the proposed lease area for the ECE is currently classified as Recreation Reserve under the Reserves Act. This is not an appropriate classification on which to locate these facilities and therefore will need to be reclassified to Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve. A condition of a land owner approval could require that the reclassification for both sites be undertaken by council before the ECE is occupied so that an appropriate community lease can be granted.
16. Re-classification requires public notification and it would be prudent to notify both the ECE and the Pavilion land reclassification for efficiency and the council intention to lease. Once the reclassification is complete there is no further requirement to notify any proposed community leases for the land.
17. The ECE will benefit from being located on Riverton Reserve as there is existing parking, security cameras, power, water and telephone on the site which will result in significant build cost savings. There are also likely to be cost saving synergies in the construction of the ECE and the Pavilion building if done at the same time. As the sports park is largely inactive during the usual hours of ECE operation, the use will activate the park during the day, as will community use of the Pavilion. They will provide a level of passive surveillance which should make the park safer for users and reduce vandalism of park assets. In the evenings and weekends the sports fields, courts and Pavilion will be more heavily used providing the ECE facility with security when it is not in use.
18. ECE parking will make use of the recently developed parking area beside the current disabled spaces, with four spaces marked with ECE hours to allow staff parking that will not clash with peak use of the reserve. Parking on those spaces for any park user outside of ECE hours would be available.
Local Board Views
19. The local board is aware of the journey undergone by the Trust in seeking a location for a new Manurewa ECE through various reports and updates. The local board is also aware of the successful activities of the Trust and have promoted, supported and endorsed the concept development plan for Riverton Reserve including the proposed ECE.
Maori Impact Statement
20. Iwi have been consulted at all stages of the proposed Riverton Reserve re-development which has included provision of an ECE from the outset. Iwi support the redevelopment particularly in the area of increasing participation in early childhood education. Ngati Te Ata compiled a cultural values assessment and other Iwi (Ngai Tai ki Tamaki and Te Akitai o Waiohua) have also been engaged throughout.
21. There is no formal policy as to how the council supports new ECE activities. Staff from several departments are currently looking to develop guidelines to enable more informed decision making about how the council can support ECEs. These will be discussed with the southern local boards once they are drafted.
Implementation Issues
22. The land set aside for an ECE will require re-classification under the Reserves Act from Recreation Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve. The process and cost will be managed by the council. Re-classification of the reserve will require approval from the governing body. Once the land is re-classified there is no further need to notify any new leases of the land and an appropriate lease can be offered to the Trust.
23. The Trust may have to seek a resource consent for the ECE. The rules governing this type of activity in the Public Open Space 3 zone (Active Outdoor Recreation/Organised Sports) are less onerous than in some other reserve zones, and council planners will undertake an assessment of whether the application should be notified.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Riverton Redevelopment photo Dec 2013 |
19 |
bView |
Indicative lease area Taonga at Riverton |
21 |
Authors |
Allan Christensen - Parks and Recreation Advisor |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
30 January 2014 |
Psychoactive Substances Position Paper
File No.: CP2014/00880
1. The purpose of this report is consider a draft position paper on Psychoactive Substances prepared to give guidance concerning the location of premises selling psychoactive substances in the Manurewa Local Board area. It also intended to provide the Psychoactive Substance Regulatory Authority with a view from the Manurewa Local Board about the location of such premises to assist in the formulation of regulations being prepared.
2. The Manurewa Local Board wish to provide feedback to Hamilton City Council on their proposed Psychoactive Substances Local Approved Products Policy.
Executive Summary
3. The purpose of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 (the ‘Act’) is to “regulate the availability of psychoactive substances in New Zealand to protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances.”
4. The draft position paper (attachment A) is intended to give guidance concerning the location of premises selling psychoactive substances in the Manurewa Local Board area. In so doing it serves to addresses community concerns regarding the location of such premises, while having regard to the statutory requirements of the Act.
5. The draft position paper is also intended to provide the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority with inputs from the Manurewa Local Board and its community about the location of premises. This is intended to assist the Authority in drafting regulations for implementing the Act and decisions it will make on the location of any retail license applications to sell psychoactive substances in Manurewa.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) Adopts the Draft Manurewa Local Board Psychoactive Substances Position Paper (Attachment A to the report entitled “Psychoactive Substances Position Paper”). b) Makes a submission to Hamilton City Council in relation to psychoactive substances (Attachment B to the report entitled “Psychoactive Substances Position Paper”)
6. The main purpose of the draft position paper is for the Manurewa Local Board to provide a view that can be applied to all applications that the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority considers for retail licenses to sell approved products in Manurewa. It is also intended to assist the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority in preparing regulations to accompany the Act.
7. The objectives of the draft position paper are to minimise the harm to the community caused by psychoactive substances by providing advocacy to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority of where retail premises that sell psychoactive substances may be located and to ensure that the community, through the local board is able to express a clear view about the location of these retail premises in the regulations being prepared.
8. The draft position paper is aligned to priorities set out in the Local Board Plan and also assists in the delivery of these. The primary priority alignment is with “create resilient communities in attractive neighbourhoods where people can participate, feel safe and enjoy a good quality of life, with easy access to a range of excellent community facilities.”
9. The draft position paper sets out the location of retail premises from which approved products may be sold, which should be restricted to locations within the Manurewa Town Centre as identified in Schedule 1 in attachment A
10. Section 68(a) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to broad areas within a district. The reason for restricting locations to the Manurewa Town Centre area only is predominately about safety. The safety of individuals buying and selling approved products is increased by the presence of high populations, greater visibility, good lighting, coverage of CCTV cameras and increased Police presence. A focused geographic area also enables easier enforcement. Such a restriction would also serve to reduce the availability of psychoactive substances in residential neighborhoods.
11. The draft position paper sets out that any retail premise from which approved products may be sold should not be permitted within 100 meters of a sensitive site existing at the time the license application is made. The separation distances should be measured from the legal boundary of each sensitive site. Section 68(c) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to proximity to premises or facilities of a particular kind within the district (for example, kindergartens, early childhood centres, schools, places of worship, or other community facilities).
12. Attachment A identifies sensitive sites as kindergartens, early childhood centres, schools, places of worship, or other community facilities within or close to the town centre. The local board considers 100 meters to be the appropriate separation distance of retail premises selling approved products from sensitive sites. This distance reduces visibility and profile of such retail premises.
13. The draft position paper proposes that new retail premises from which approved products may be sold should not be permitted within 500 meters of another retail premise from which approved products may be sold. The separation distances are again to be measured from the legal boundary of the premises. Section 68(b) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to proximity to other premises from which approved products are sold. The reason for this is to reduce harm caused by the clustering of the activity.
14. The draft position paper includes recommendations for the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority to consider limiting the number of retail premises in Manurewa. At present there are three interim retail licenses in the town centre and one under consideration near the Town Centre Zone. To further protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances, it is strongly recommended that no more than three retail licenses be granted in Manurewa if any are granted at all, and that a ‘sinking lid’ approach be adopted to reduce the number of licenses over time.
15. A further request to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority is they consider protecting groups from the sale of psychoactive substances, by establishing the hours of operation for the sale of approved products and limit these to 9:00am to 2:30pm. This would act as a harm reduction method as it would help limit the visibility of retail premises to vulnerable groups, such as school children.
16. The Manurewa Local Board is aware that Hamilton City Council is currently consulting on a draft Psychoactive Substance Local Approved Products Policy and is supportive of the policy. Attachment B sets out the local boards input to the consultation process and requests the opportunity to speak in support of the submission
Local Board Views
17. The draft position paper has been prepared with local board members.
Maori Impact Statement
18. The purpose of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 (the ‘Act’) is to “regulate the availability of psychoactive substances in New Zealand to protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances.” This is for all people and the draft position papers provides information to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority on what could be undertaken in Manurewa to implement the legislation. The Maori population is well represented in Manurewa and includes individuals of Mana Whenua descent and mataawaka whose tribal links rest outside the area. Added to which Manurewa has one of the highest populations of young people under 25 years of age in Auckland of which Maori are strongly represented.
19. Nil.
Implementation Issues
20. There are no implementation issues for Auckland Council as the position paper has been prepared to provide a perspective from Manurewa Local Board to inform regulations being prepared by the Ministry of Health, Psychoactive Substance Regulatory Authority.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Draft Manurewa Local Board Psychoactive Substances Position Paper |
27 |
bView |
Manurewa Local Board Submission to the Hamilton City Council in relation to psychoactive substances |
39 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
30 January 2014 |
To: Hamilton City Council
From: Manurewa Local Board (Auckland Council)
1. The Manurewa Local Board is one of 21 Local Boards under Auckland Council and is located in Southern part of Auckland.
2. The Manurewa Local Board would like to express its support for the intent of the Proposed Hamilton City Psychoactive Substances Policy (Local Approved Products).
3. The Manurewa Local Board has taken a strong advocacy position against the sale of psychoactive substances. In 2013 we advocated for Auckland Council to put in place a Local Approved Products Policy and sought support from other Local Boards across Auckland. Over 5000 signatures were collected in the Manurewa Town Centre opposed to legal highs being sold in Manurewa.
4. In Dec 2013 we commissioned a Position Paper to be written expressing our views on the sale of ‘legal highs’ within the Manurewa Local Board area.
5. We are continuing to advocate to Auckland Council to pursue a similar policy path as Hamilton Council.
6. The Manurewa Local Board’s position paper will be taking a similar view as the Proposed Hamilton City policy on the sale of Psychoactive Substances by calling for a restriction on the sale of Psychoactive Substances to the Manurewa Town Centre and to restrict stores selling these products from being within 100m of any sensitive sites within the Town Centre.
7. We also support restrictions on the density of stores selling Approved Products within the approved areas so as to reduce the possible density of stores selling these products.
8. Ultimately we believe that Local Approved Product Policies will allow communities across New Zealand to be able to implement further regulative powers which will protect themselves (particularly young and at risk people) from the sale of these substances.
9. We wish to speak in support of this submission.
Angela Dalton
30 January 2014 |
Appointment of Manurewa Local Board Members to the Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group
File No.: CP2014/00711
1. The purpose of this report is for the Manurewa Local Board to appoint one representative and on alternative to the Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group.
Executive Summary
2. Representatives from the six southern local boards appoint representatives to the Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group. The Manurewa Local Board omitted this appointment when dealing with the appointments to outside organizations at its 12 December 2013 meeting.
3. The Airport Noise Community Consultative Group – Appointment from Auckland local boards to date are as follows:
Lead |
Alternate |
Howick |
Garry Boles |
David Collings |
Mangere-Otahuhu |
Tafafuna‟i Tasi Lauese |
Nick Bakulich |
Manurewa |
Maungakiekie - Tamaki |
Simon Randall |
Otara-Papatoetoee |
John McCracken |
Donna Lee |
Franklin |
Lyn Murphy |
Alan Cole |
That the Manurewa Local Board appoints one representative and one alternate to the Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group. |
4. A number of external organisations provide for the formal participation of elected members in their affairs. Elected member appointees will have a variety of duties and liabilities depending on the individual organisation. Board members may provide updates of their activities with their allocated organisations at local board meetings.
5. The reasons for participation in external organisations can be described in a number of ways:
· a trust deed of an organisation providing for the council to appoint a trustee
· an organisation of interest to the council simply inviting representation at its meetings
· associations entered into by the council which provide for representation - such as Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ)
· organisation governance, or project or programme oversight, such as regional or local parks management groups
· a statutory or regulatory provision (for example a regulation providing for a community liaison committee)
· a resource consent requiring the formation of a representative committee
6. At the commencement of each triennium, committees and local boards recommend appointments to outside organisations as appropriate and the governing body reviews and either makes the appointments it sees fit and delegates the remaining appointments to local boards. At the end of each triennium, appointments to outside organisations must be reviewed by the appropriate officers as to current relevance, and a recommendation made to the appointing body as to whether or not representation should be continued.
7. At the 12 December 2013 Manurewa Local Board meeting the Board appointed members to various outside organisations. The Auckland Airport Noise Committee Consultative Group appointment was inadvertently omitted from the list.
8. It is recommended that the board appoint one representative, and one alternate representative for each organisation and community network listed in the recommendations.
Local Board Views
9. This report seeks the local board’s decision on representatives to outside organisations and community networks.
10. The decisions in this report fall within the local board’s delegated authority.
Māori Impact Statement
11. This report has no specific impact on Māori. It covers appointments of local board members to outside organisations and community networks to represent the view of local communities, including Māori communities.
12. Members are delegated in their capacity as elected local board members. Should they no longer be a local board member, their nominations would be automatically repealed.
13. Elected representatives may be part of any organisation in their private capacity and personal interests.
14. Elected representatives are encouraged to disclose memberships to external orgasniations in the conflict of interest register.
Implementation Issues
15. There are no implementation issues.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Hearing dates for the Manurewa Local Board hearings for the Annual Plan 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/00862
1. To approve the Manurewa Local Board hearing dates for the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
Executive Summary
2. The Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 require Council to use the special consultative procedure to adopt the Annual Plan, and to ensure any person submitting on the Annual Plan is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.
3. The Governing Body agreed the approach to submissions and hearings at its meeting on 19 December 2013. It was agreed that local hearings use the traditional style hearings process, with a forum option being assessed if a local board has a large volume of submissions. The Governing Body also agreed that submissions containing both regional and local content will default to the local hearings panel to be heard.
4. The Manurewa Local Board needs to approve the dates for the local hearings and deliberations.
That the Manurewa Local: a) Approves that the Manurewa Local Board Annual Plan hearings take place on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 at 9am in the Manurewa Local Board Office meeting room, Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa, with an overflow date of Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 9am. b) Approves that the Manurewa Local Board deliberates on the Annual Plan submissions at the ordinary monthly business meeting being held on Thursday, 10 April 2014 at 6.30pm in the Manurewa Local Board Office meeting room, Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa. c) Approves that the Manurewa Local Board adopts its Local Board Agreement at the ordinary monthly business meeting being held on Thursday, 12 June 2014 at 6.30pm in the Manurewa Local Board Office meeting room, Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa. |
5. The Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires Council to use the special consultative procedure to adopt the Annual Plan, and to ensure any person submitting on the Annual Plan is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.
6. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 also requires each local board to complete a local board agreement with the governing body, for each financial year. The Annual Plan must include the local board agreement for each board.
7. The Governing Body agreed the approach to submissions and hearings at its meeting on 19 December 2013. It was resolved as follows:
That the Governing Body agree:
a) that annual plan local hearings follow the traditional style hearing process, with the forum option to be assessed for Local Boards that have large volumes of submissions.
b) that regional hearings predominantly use forum style hearings with very limited and tight criteria for selecting key stakeholders who will be heard in traditional style.
c) that forum style regional hearings are divided into days which are allocated to business, community groups and individuals, with the individual hearing possibly having some topic-based tables.
d) that the regional hearings panel divide into panels should the number of key stakeholders become too great for all to be heard in the time allowed for traditional regional hearings, thereby allowing more key stakeholders to be heard in the timeframe available.
e) that submissions containing both regional and local content will default to the local hearings panel to be heard, noting that if a significant volume of regional submissions are received, they may also be allocated to local hearings.
f) that the ward councillor(s) be part of the local hearings panel, with other councillors scheduled where appropriate to ensure a minimum of two councillors are present at each local hearing to hear regional issues. Other councillors will attend voluntarily as schedules allow.
g) that the following reporting requirements be approved:
i) One regional hearing report and 21 local board hearing reports be prepared covering statistics on submissions received locally and regionally, with a brief high-level analysis of key themes and topics.
ii) Analysis of submissions be provided for one regional deliberation report to the Budget Committee, and 21 local board deliberation reports to the relevant local boards.
h) that subject matter expert comments are captured for inclusion in deliberation reports if requested from the hearings process.
i) that response letters be provided as follows:
i) Key stakeholders are provided with a customised response letter signed by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
ii) Other regional submitters are provided with a generic response letter, which includes key issues and decisions.
iii) Local boards will prepare their own responses to local submitters, via Local Board Services, with support from subject matter experts where required.
j) that the Chair of each hearings panel decide on whether late submissions can be heard.
k) that the Deputy Chair of the Budget Committee be delegated to work with officers to make further decisions on the operation of the hearings.
8. The Manurewa Local Board needs to approve the dates for the local hearings, deliberations and adoption of the Local Board Agreement.
9. It is proposed that the local Annual Plan hearing, to hear the submissions for the Manurewa Local Board area are scheduled as follows:
· Tuesday 18 March 2014 – commencing at 9am - Initial hearing date
· Thursday, 20 March 19 March 2014 - commencing at 9am - overflow hearing day (depending on the number of submitters wishing to be heard)
· Thursday, 10 April 2014 – commencing at 6.30pm - deliberations meeting/including ordinary business meeting
10. The hearing days will be treated as one meeting with one agenda. The deliberations meeting will be held as part of the ordinary April business meeting.
11. The adoption of the Local Board Agreement will be held on Thursday, 12 June 2014.
Local Board Views
12. Local Board views will inform decision-making on this report. Local Board Services will also further discuss the hearings options once the volume of local submissions is known.
Maori Impact Statement
13. A submission form is available in Te Reo Maori. Translators will be available for submissions received in Te Reo Maori, or where a submitter wishes to speak Te Reo Maori at a hearing.
Implementation Issues
14. Local Board Services will manage the local hearings process. No particular implementation issues are anticipated.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Submission from Auckland Council to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Election
File No.: CP2014/00757
1. The Governing Body at its meeting held on 19 December 2013 considered the Auckland Council submission to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Election (item 18). A copy of the submission is attached for the Board’s information.
Executive Summary
2. The Governing Body resolved as follows:
Resolution number GB/2013/161
MOVED by Cr LA Cooper, seconded by Cr MP Webster:
That the Governing Body:
a) endorse the submission to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Elections.
b) agree that Cr MP Webster present the submission to the Select Committee.
That the Manurewa Local Board notes the Auckland Council submission to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Elections. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Submission from Auckland Council to the Inquiry into the 2013 Local Election endorsed at the 19 December 2013 Governing Body meeting |
49 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
30 January 2014 |
Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term
File No.: CP2014/00766
1. Providing an opportunity for the Board to record the achievements of the Manurewa Local Board for the 2013 – 2016 Electoral Term.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the report entitled “Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2013 – 2016 Electoral Term” be received, noting the following additions to the register:
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes
File No.: CP2013/28625
1. Notes taken at the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 4 and 10 December 2013, and the joint Papakura and Manurewa Local Board workshop held on 9 December 2013 are attached.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
That the notes from the 4 and 10 December 2013 Manurewa Local Board workshops and the joint Papakura and Manurewa Local Board workshop held on 9 December 2013 be received.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
4 December 2013 Workshop notes |
57 |
bView |
9 December 2013 Workshop notes |
61 |
cView |
10 December 2013 Workshop notes |
65 |
Authors |
Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 30 January 2014 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa Local Board
Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) |
Danella McCormick |
Michael Bailey [until 12noon] |
Daryl Wrightson |
Staff Present: |
John Adams, Senior Local Board Advisor |
Madelon De Jongh, Local Board Advisor |
Debbie Pinfold, Lead Financial Advisor |
Theresa Walsh, T Walsh Consulting |
Ken Maplesden, Team Leader Sport & Recreation (South) |
Russell Preston, Chief Executive, Counties Manukau Sport |
Audrey Williams, Wiri BID Manager |
Wendy Dunn, Manurewa Town Centre Manager |
Apologies: |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Ken Penney |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Financial quarterly report for period ended September 2013
Debbie Pinfold (Lead Financial Advisor) took the Board through the financial quarterly report for the period ended September 2013.
Board members expressed frustration that they had very little control over the budget, for example, the static guards at the Clendon Library.
Debbie explained that the Board only really have about five budget lines with any discretion to move budgets around.
Angela explained that - for each asset there is a consequential operational expenditure component. - The Manurewa Local Board area is asset poor. - The Board are responsible for ensuring the budget is balanced.
Debbie explained the reporting that the Board will be receiving going forward.
The Board wanted to have a very good understanding of the budgets. The Chair and Deputy Chair have organised monthly financial updates.
Debbie explained: - that there is a lot of source data that has been incorrectly coded which defaults to the regional budget. Debbie has to find the money and make sure it is allocated to the correct Board. This is being worked through. - that the OSCAR subsidy for the Nathan Homestead after school programme is paid to Council, then Council pays the staff.
2. Manurewa Community Facilities Charitable Trust review
Angela gave an overview of the Manurewa Community Facilities Charitable Trust since it was set up in 2009.
Theresa Walsh (T Walsh Consulting), Ken Maplesden (Team Leader Sport & Recreation (South)), Russell Preston (Chief Executive, Counties Manukau Sport) gave an overview of the Manurewa Community Facilities Charitable Trust review. A copy of the Terms of Reference for the review was tabled.
Russell explained that Counties Manukau Sports contracted Theresa Walsh to undertake the review. They also included the Council staff.
3. Wiri Business Improvement (BID) Strategic Plan presentation
Audrey Williams (Wiri BID Manager) tabled copies of the Wiri BID Strategic Plan 2014-2019 and gave an overview the document.
Angela thanked Audrey for presenting the Strategic Plan. Angela explained that the Board will be looking at ways to broker relationships with the larger businesses to look for opportunities to contribute to projects.
Angela advised that the Local Board will be setting their budgets in March 2014.
Audrey advised that the Southern Business Market had been moved to June/July and would like some support from the Board for the market. The market runs at a loss of $50,000 per year.
Audrey reported that the businesses benefited from being involved in the business market expo.
4. Manurewa Business Improvement (BID) Strategic Plan presentation
A copy of the Manurewa BID’s Strategic Plan was tabled.
Wendy Dunn (Manurewa Town Centre Manager), gave an overview of the Manurewa BID Strategic Plan, and how it was being implemented.
Concern was expressed about accessibility to the Manurewa BID with it being in an upstairs location.
Wendy outlined an Elvis event to be run five days (Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun) before the Elvis in the park event. There would be rock and roll lunch time and weekend demonstrations, classic cars down the mainstreet, free bus from Southmall, up to Northcrest, up to Nathan Homestead, then to Botanic Gardens.
Wendy advised they will need assistance with the Elvis event. They need help with the printing costs, the bus for Saturday & Sunday and flags – Wendy to provide quotes. Investigation required as to whether the “find you field of dreams” bus could be hired or used for that weekend – dates are 19th to 23rd February 2014. Would like the flyers printed for every school child to be able to take home.
Danella will provide contacts for signs to Wendy.
Wendy advised that she is also planning another event around food. It was suggested that perhaps it could be timed for around Diwali.
Lee to provide Wendy with the contacts for banners and tear drop flags.
Wendy Madelon
Lee |
Meeting closed at 1.10pm.
30 January 2014 |
Manurewa and Papakura Local Boards
Joint Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Wednesday, 9 December 2013
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Papakura Local Board
Office Meeting Room
Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura
Present: |
Bill McEntee (Chair Papakura) |
Angela Dalton (Chair Manurewa) |
Graham Purdy (Papakura) |
Simeon Brown (Manurewa) |
Stuart Britnell (Papakura) |
Michael Bailey (Manurewa) |
Michael Turner (Papakura) |
Danella McCormick (Manurewa) |
Brent Catchpole (Papakura) |
Daryl Wrightson (Manurewa) |
Katrina Winn (Papakura) |
George Hawkins, QSO (Manurewa) |
Councillor Calum Penrose |
Councillor Sir John Walker |
Staff Present: |
John Adams, Senior Local Board Advisor Manurewa |
Karen Gadomski, Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura |
Madelon De Jongh, Local Board Advisor Manurewa |
Trish Wayper, Democracy Advisor – Papakura Local Board |
Ian Maxwell, Manager – Parks, Sports and Recreation |
Mark Bowater, Manager – Local and Sports Parks |
Malcolm Page, Manager – Local and Sports Parks South |
Paul Dabbs, Team Leader – Operations, Local and Sports Parks |
Ross Webster, Contract Co-ordinator Full Facility |
Theunis Van Schalkwyk, Project Director Key Agency Initiatives – Auckland Transport |
Tarun Ahuja, Principal Engineer – Investigation and Design – Auckland Transport |
Felicity Merrington, Relationship Manager – Elected Member Liaison Unit – Auckland Transport |
Apologies: |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Ken Penney |
Item |
1. Parks Service Levels
Mark Bowater, Manager – Local and Sports Parks gave an overview of the parks contracts and service levels since transition in 2010. He stated that initial asset data had been inaccurate and that a considerable amount of time had been invested in obtaining accurate data and renegotiating contracts where necessary to fill gaps. Service levels had now been set regionally and contractors were performing to required standards.
Councillor Penrose felt that there was still confusion internally and externally concerning who undertook some works especially around the motorway. This could be Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, New Zealand Transport Agency or the Motorway Alliance.
Action: Maps were to be presented to the Auckland Council’s Strategy and Finance Committee in the near future outlining these responsibilities and who was responsible for actions.
The following issues were raised:
Questions were asked as to why some berms were mowed and not others. Berms outside parks were mowed but some private berms were also mowed. This was because Auckland Transport had a hardship fund which could be applied for. This was for people who had disabilities or other problems which prohibited them from mowing lawns.
Some areas around the Pahurehure outlet were not being mowed.
Action: Paul Dabbs was to liaise with Board Member Graham Purdy concerning the surrounds of the Pahurehure inlet not being mown.
Massey Park – Rubbish collection had been unsatisfactory. Contractors had been instructed to undertake daily pickup.
Action: Paul Dabbs to investigate whether daily pickup was taking place from Massey Park.
Cemeteries – Still felt that Gatland Road Cemetery was not being maintained as well as it should be. Also request contractors not to park in parking spaces on the edge of the cemetery when a service was being held. Not only were they taking up valuable parking spaces but it was felt it was disrespectful.
Walkways and Alleyways – Some confusion between who undertook the maintenance of these areas. It was understood that if it was a road to a park it was parks responsibility, if it was a road to a road it was Auckland Transports responsibility.
Contractors timeframes – needed to be a bit more flexible eg. During heavy rain as work being undertaken was damaging areas.
McLennan Park – area around settlement ponds not being maintained.
Action: Parks staff to report back to the Papakura Local Board on the above issues.
Clendon Park Carpark – Needed new lock on gate. Had been reported but was taking some time to fix.
Action Parks staff to report back to Manurewa Local Board.
Quality Control was questioned. This was undertaken in four ways: 1. Contractor system 2. Independent Auditor 3. Council Rangers 4. Call Centre Complaints and feedback
Malcolm Page was to report back to both the Manurewa and Papakura Local Boards in March/April 2014 concerning Levels of Service. At this time the Boards would be given an opportunity to discuss the levels set and contribute financially if they wanted the levels raised.
2. Redoubt – Mill Road Update
Theunis Van Schalkwyk, Project Director Key Agency Initiatives – Auckland Transport made a powerpoint presentation to the board (Attachment A).
Action: The Board Members requested that a map outlining crash sites on Mill Road be supplied to the Board, Councillors Penrose and Sir John Walker.
Key dates included: - First quarter 2014 – start feasibility/investigation of central and southern sections - Second quarter 2014 – northern section NoR lodged - Late 2014/early 2015 – public notification and submissions for northern section NoR - 2017 – 2019 – construction of key junction improvements: Hollyford Road and upgrade of Redoubt Road between State Highway 1 and Hollyford Intersection - 2020 onwards – phased construction along Mill Road corridor and Murphys Road driven by growth.
Papakura Board Members expressed concern regarding the proposed route which had been defined by the Papakura District Council and the effect and anxiety this was causing residents and homeowners. This proposed route had been included in past maps and these residents were having trouble selling or developing properties because of this proposal.
Action: Auckland Transport and the Board was to work closely together to alleviate these community concerns as soon as possible.
Auckland Transport were to supply the Boards with an update in February 2014 with some key messages around the project that the Board Members can use when the community is asking questions.
Meeting closed at 4. 24 pm.
30 January 2014 |
Manurewa Local Board
Workshop Notes
Date of Workshop: Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Manurewa Local Board
Office Meeting Room
7 Hill Road, Manurewa
Present: |
Angela Dalton (Chair) |
Danella McCormick |
Simeon Brown (Deputy Chair) |
Ken Penney |
Michael Bailey [from 7.25pm] |
Daryl Wrightson |
Staff Present: |
Rex Hewitt, Relationship Manager |
John Adams, Senior Local Board Advisor |
Mary Hay, Local Board Engagement Advisor |
Jacqueline Pryor, Local Board PA/Liaison |
Apologies: |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
George Hawkins, QSO |
Item |
Who to Action |
1. Manurewa Local Board Plan Visioning Exercise and Direction Setting
Board members present gave input on the following: 1.1 Brainstorming ideas for a vision... thinking about future Manurewa (30 years hence) |
4% unemployment |
Successful business |
Buzzy Town Centre Happy people |
Booming Business Environment |
Free Parking |
0% unemployment |
Wiri BID Economic Powerhouse of NZ |
Bustling Thriving town centre |
Enjoyable shops or shopping |
No need to travel for all needs |
Employment |
Vibrant town centres |
Wiri BID associates area fully utilised |
Better shopping |
Transport links cycle links |
Lots of open space |
Green |
Clean |
Safe clean walk ways |
Lots of walkways/Parks etc |
Beautiful beaches |
Green spaces (Town Centre) |
Green! Clean, waterways, parks, streetscapes |
Nice homes where people care |
Affordable housing |
Connected communities of uniqueness |
Catering for more cultures |
Improvements |
Strong residents groups |
Libraries that meet the needs of all of our community |
Friendly |
Educated community that care for each other |
Quality sportsclubs & fields |
Cultural awareness |
Theatre |
Events on a monthly basis for community |
Difficult and/or out of the box Events |
Public Art |
Happy people |
Together |
Strong families |
Families |
Safe |
No Crime |
Safe communities |
Less Liquor |
No tagging |
Put Manurewa on the map |
Envy of the rest of the region |
Safe, warm, happy |
Rich in heritage |
1.2 Developing a vision statement (3 years hence) Key words · Family · Employment · Safety · Events · Participation · Economy/Business · Buzzy · Thrive · Happy · Unique · Clean · 100% pure · Connections / Network
1.3 Possible vision/mission statements (agreement yet to be reached) · lead and enable its community to reach their potential · work with the community to ensure Manurewa is a safe and vibrant environment for all to enjoy · Manurewa is not a place to live...it’s your home! · Connect, support and empower our communities to reach their potential and promote a safe and vibrant community we can all call home. · Lead our community to succeed · Driving a safe and vibrant community where all can succeed · The Soul of the South (possible translation to Maori) · Creating the conditions where our community can continue to flourish/thrive/progress · Proud to call Manurewa HOME |
1.4 Considering priorities/themes/objectives (for the next 3 years) Draft themes 1. Safer & strong communities 2. A great place to live – HOME 3. Enjoyable outdoor spaces & facilities 4. Good employment opportunities 5. Unique and vibrant art and culture community 6. Protecting our heritage and the environment for our future 7. Accessible , affordable and safe transport (public & private) 8. Employment/Education 9. Thriving business & shopping opportunities 10. Unique/a place of aspiration 11. Safe/youth |
2. Event at Nathan Homestead The Board members present gave the following ideas for an event or events to be held at Nathan Homestead: · Teddy Bears picnic · Valentine’s Day – Love is all around · Regular outdoor performances - music – jazz · Adults day · Food and wine · Murder mystery – cluedo · Mother’s day · Outdoor exhibitions
Meeting closed at 7.40pm.