I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Papakura Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Local Board Chambers
Papakura Service Centre
35 Coles Crescent


Papakura Local Board









Bill McEntee


Deputy Chairperson

Michael Turner



Stuart Britnell



Brent Catchpole



Graham Purdy



Katrina Winn



(Quorum 3 members)




Trish Wayper

Local Board Democracy Advisor


23 January 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 295 1331

Email: Patricia.Wayper@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Councillors' Update                                                                                                       7

13        Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987                                                                                            9

14        Youth Connections Governance                                                                               63

15        Establishment of Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee                       65

16        Draft Psychoactive Substances Position Paper (Local Approved Products)      79

17        Funding for Local Board Community Engagement Collateral                               95

18        Funding of Stakeholder Meeting                                                                               97

19        Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Submissions Process and Papakura Local Board Input                                                                                                                                       99

20        Resolution from Auckland Development Committee held on 28 November 2013 111

21        Reports Requested - Pending - Issues                                                                   115

22        Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes                                                                121  

23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


24        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                               125

C1       Designation of Land in Takanini for a Stormwater Channel                                125  


1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Member Brent Catchpole


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 11 December 2013, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Councillors' Update


File No.: CP2013/28263





1.       An opportunity is provided for Councillors’ Calum Penrose and Sir John Walker to update the Board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



a)      That the Councillors’ update be received.





There are no attachments for this report.     



Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987


File No.: CP2014/00389





1.       The purpose of this report is to present to the Papakura Local Board four applications for special exemptions from some of the requirements of the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 (The Act).

Executive Summary

2.       The Local Board must conduct a hearing and consider each of the applications for special exemption.  The Local Board must resolve to decline, grant or grant subject to conditions, the exemptions sought.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the applications by:

i)       Aaron & Sarah Pickering – 1 Renwick Street, Papakura

ii)      CL & BJ Neary – 42 Manse Road, Pahurehure

iii)     John Houston – 9 Chippewa Place, Takanini

iv)     Gary & Lisa Dalbeth – 2 Cadenza Place, Conifer Grove, Takanini

b)      determine each application, by way of resolution, to:

i)        grant the application for special exemption as sought, or

ii)       grant the application subject to conditions, or

iii)      declining the application for special exemption sought.




3.       Each property, which is the subject of an application before the Local Board, has been inspected by Auckland Council pool inspectors.  In each case, the swimming/spa pool fencing does not comply with that Act.  The details of non-compliance in each case vary and are specified in the attachments to this report. Each applicant has chosen to seek a special exemption from the requirements of the Act.


4.       The purpose of the Act is stated to be “to promote the safety of young children by requiring the fencing of … swimming pools”.


5.       The Act requires pool owners to fence their pool with a fence.  Specific detail on the means of achieving compliance with the Act is contained in the schedule to the Act.  If a pool is not fenced with a complying fence it is an offence under the Act, unless exempt.


6.       An exemption can only be granted by the Local Board after a consideration of the particular characteristics of the property and the pool, other relevant circumstances and taking into account any conditions it may impose.  Then, only if “satisfied that an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children”, can an exemption be granted.


7.       Defining the immediate pool area will be relevant to considerations concerning the property and the pool. The immediate pool area means the land in or on which the pool is situated and as much of the surrounding area that is used for activities or purposes related to the use of the pool.  The Act provides that the fence should be situated to prevent children moving directly to the pool from the house, other buildings, garden paths and other areas of the property that would normally be available to young children.


8.       Another common consideration for Local Boards in exemption applications will be instances where a building forms part of the pool fence.  Where doors from a building open into the pool area, the Territorial Authority may grant an exemption from compliance with clauses 8 to 10 of the schedule to the Act.  It may exempt if it is satisfied that compliance with the Act is impossible, unreasonable or in breach of any other Act, regulation or bylaw, and the door is fitted with a locking device that when properly operated prevents the door from being readily opened by children under the age of 6 years. If the Local Board is satisfied that a door within a wall in a building meets that test, the Local Board must also be satisfied that an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children.


9.       When granting a special exemption, the Committee may impose such other conditions relating to the property or the pool as are reasonable in the circumstances (section 6(2) of the Act).  Issues to be considered include:

a)   Will the exemption be personal to the applicant so that on a sale of the property a new owner will need to apply for a new exemption?  This might be appropriate where the personal circumstances of the applicant have been considered as a relevant circumstance  and had a bearing on the exercise of the discretion


b)   Will the exemption be granted for a fixed term and irrespective of changes of ownership so that the exemption runs with the property?


c)   Are there any other conditions which should be imposed, repairs to existing fencing, or a requirement for more frequent inspection of the pool (currently pools are inspected every three years).


10.     Any exemption granted or condition imposed may be amended or revoked by the swimming pool exemption committee by resolution.  The rules of natural justice would however dictate that this action should not be taken without prior notice to the pool owner and allowing the pool owner an opportunity to be heard.


11.     The recommendations contained within this report fall within the Local Board’s delegated authority.


12.     The Act enables an exemption to be granted from clauses 8 to 10 of the Act (doors in walls of buildings) if the Local Board is satisfied that compliance with the Act is impossible, unreasonable or in breach of any other Act, regulation or bylaw and the door is fitted with a locking device that when properly operated prevents the door from being readily opened by children under the age of 6 years.


13.     The overarching consideration in terms of the Act is that a resolution to grant an exemption may only be made after having regard to the particular characteristics of the property and the pool, any other relevant circumstances and any conditions it may impose, and only if it is satisfied that such an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children.


14.     The Local Board may resolve to grant, grant subject to conditions, or decline an application for special exemption.

15.     If an application is declined the applicant will be required to fence their pool in accordance with the Act.

16.     The exemption hearing process under the Act does not trigger the significance policy but it is an important statutory function.


17.     The Council is committed to ensuring that Auckland is a safe place for children to live and play in.  Pool fencing issues have a strong relationship with the Council’s strategic priorities for community safety.

Local Board Views

18.     The Local Board is the decision maker in relation to exemption applications under the Act.

Maori Impact Statement

19.     This report does not raise issues of particular significance for Maori.


20.     Compliance with the Act is a mandatory requirement for all pool owners unless exempt.

21.     Council’s pools inspectors have consulted with the applicants in each case.  Applicants have been made aware of the Council’s requirements to ensure fencing is compliant with the Act.  The applicants have elected to seek a special exemption for individual reasons.

Implementation Issues

22.     The decision must be made by resolution and contain conditions (if any).







1 Renwick St Evaluation



1 Renwick St Application



9 Chippewa Pl Application



9 Chippewa Pl evaluation



42 Manse Pl Application



42 Manse Road evaluation sheet



2 Cadenza Place Evaluation



2 Cadenza Place application





Chant'e Bellve - Swimming Pool Inspector


Ian McCormick - Manager Building Control

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



SWP Exemption Evaluation Sheet





Address:       1 Renwick Street, Papakura               Date: 23 August 2013

Item(s) requested in accordance with SWP Act 1987 at last



Spa pool is not compliant with FOSPA, but is compliant with AS3500, special exemption applied for.


Item(s) exemption is applied for:


Spa pool to use lockable cover as acceptable means of compliance as set out in NZ8500 3.10.




The spa pool is not compliant with the schedule of FOSPA 1987 but compliant with NZS 8500-2006.

Compliance with the standard is regarded to provide a child safe alternative to a fence that complies with the schedule of FOSPA 1987.

It is therefore recommended that the special exemption be granted under the condition that ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times.



Committee Member Comments:










Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



SWP Exemption Evaluation Sheet





Address:      9 Chippewa Place, Takanini                 Date: 20 November 2013

Item(s) requested in accordance with SWP Act 1987 at last



Please fence the spa pool as per the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987.


Item(s) exemption is applied for:


Spa pool to use lockable cover as acceptable means of compliance as set out in NZ8500 3.10.




The spa pool is not compliant with the schedule of FOSPA 1987 but compliant with NZS 8500-2006.

Compliance with the standard is regarded to provide a child safe alternative to a fence that complies with the schedule of FOSPA 1987.

It is therefore recommended that the special exemption be granted under the condition that ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times.



Committee Member Comments:

















Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



SWP Exemption Evaluation Sheet





Address:     42 Manse Road, Papakura                    Date:  11 December 2013

Item(s) requested in accordance with SWP Act 1987 at last



Non-pool associated activity in the pool area. Clothesline in pool area, unable to be sited anywhere else.


Item(s) exemption is applied for:


To have clothesline remain in the pool area.




The pool area is not compliant with the schedule of FOSPA 1987 in that there is a non-pool associated activity in the pool area (clothesline) and the non compliant issue is such that the risk is not high but nevertheless a risk does exist. (Clothesline has been in it’s current position for 40 years)

It is recommended that the application is declined unless the elected members are satisfied, having regard to the particular characteristics of the property and pool and any other relevant circumstances, that the granting of exemption will not significantly increase the danger to young children.




Committee Member Comments:


























Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014






Lodgement checklist-Minor Bldg work_Page_1_Image_0001SWP Exemption Evaluation Sheet





Address:       2 Cadenza Place, Conifer Grove                    Date: 15 January 2014

Item(s) requested in accordance with SWP Act 1987 at last



Spa pool to be fenced as per the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 or be emptied of water until the pool fencing complies.


Item(s) exemption is applied for:


Spa pool to use lockable cover as acceptable means of compliance as set out in NZ8500 3.10.




The spa pool is not compliant with the schedule of FOSPA 1987 but compliant with NZS 8500-2006.

Compliance with the standard is regarded to provide a child safe alternative to a fence that complies with the schedule of FOSPA 1987.

It is therefore recommended that the special exemption be granted under the condition that ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times.



Committee Member Comments:
















Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Youth Connections Governance


File No.: CP2013/28296





1.       This report proposes a steering group be established as part of the governance structure for the Papakura Youth Connections project.

Executive Summary

2.       A number of Youth Connections Projects have been established across Auckland, as part of a regional strategy for putting children and young people first. The Papakura Youth Connections Project was established in April this year and is jointly-funded by the Papakura Local Board and the Hugh Green Foundation. 

3.       A steering group is proposed to provide support and champion the project, advise, monitor and assist the project to connect with local networks.  The steering group will bring together key people and provide a coordinated overview that does not currently exist for this project. 




That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Endorse the establishment of the Papakura Youth Connections Steering Group to provide support and champion the Papakura Youth Connections Project, throughout the term of the project.

b)      Youth Portfolio Lead represent the local board on Papakura Youth Connections Steering Group.




The Project

4.       Youth Connections projects are directed at the transition of young people from school and study into training, education and, ultimately, meaningful employment.

5.       The Papakura Youth Connections Project was established by the Papakura Local Board in April this year, jointly-funded by the Hugh Green Foundation ($150,000 over two years) and the Papakura Local Board ($45,000 over two years). The total contract value is $195,000 over two years.  

6.       A contract tendering process took place in June 2013 for the delivery of the project. The contract was awarded to Papakura Marae, with the services agreement commencing on 15 July 2013. The first project progress report is to be presented at the January 2014 meeting of the local board.

The Steering Group

7.       A steering group is proposed to support and champion the project, advise, monitor and assist the project to connect with local networks.  The steering group will bring together key people and provide a coordinated overview that does not currently exist for this project. 

8.       Membership of the steering group is proposed to affirm the partnership between the local board and the Hugh Green Foundation by comprising representatives of both organisations and key project stakeholders. Further, it will demonstrate an ongoing commitment to youth development in Papakura and contribute to the sustainable future for youth envisaged by the project. 

9.       Administrative support for the steering group will be provided through existing council resources.

10.     The key stakeholders of the steering group are the Papakura Local Board and the Hugh Green Foundation. Additional stakeholders have been identified as being, for example, one representative each from Papakura Youth Council (Chair), local business, local secondary schools and local youth providers. The steering group will be no more than 7 people. The quorum will be four. 


Local Board Views

11.     The Papakura Youth Connections project has the support of the local board and aligns with the local board plan.

Maori Impact Statement

12.     The Papakura Youth Connections project will actively support opportunities for young Māori to engage in education, training and employment and contribute to the social, cultural, economic and environmental success of Auckland. The oversight role of the steering group is critical to the project delivering for young Maori with possible iwi representation on the Steering Group.

Implementation Issues

13.     There are no implementation issues identified. Implementation is covered by the delivery contract




There are no attachments for this report.    



Rouruina Emile Brown – Community Development Project Leader


Leora Hirsh – Manager Community Development and Safety

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Establishment of Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee


File No.: CP2014/00004





1.       To establish a committee of the Papakura Local Board, to be known as the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee, and to delegate the local board’s Reserves Act powers and responsibilities for Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve to the joint management committee.

Executive Summary

2.       The Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Joint Management Plan (“the plan”) was prepared by the former Papakura District Council and Te Roopu Kaitiaki o Papakura (the “plan partners”) and contains long-term objectives and detailed implementation actions for the effective management of Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve.

3.       The plan was adopted by Papakura District Council on 11 May 2010 following a public process which began in June 2008.  The plan was approved pursuant to the provisions of section 41(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation. A joint management agreement was adopted by the plan partners on 28 September 2010.  The plan was reviewed and amended in 2013.

4.       One of the plan’s objectives is to ensure that mana whenua and council work together in partnership to manage the reserve.  To give effect to this objective and implement the plan, the joint management agreement requires the establishment of a committee comprising equal membership from the local board and mana whenua, which would have delegated powers and responsibilities under the Reserves Act 1977.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Establishes a committee, to be known as the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee, to administer and manage the Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977;

b)      Agrees that the committee will comprise six Papakura Local Board members and six Mana Whenua representatives;

c)      Agrees the draft Terms of Reference set out in Attachment B to this report;

d)      Agrees that the committee will not be dissolved at the end of the 2013-2016 electoral term.




5.       Pukekiwiriki Historic Reserve is located at the top of Redhill Road in Papakura at the point where the Hunua foothills meet the lowlands that slope towards the Manukau Harbour. While the physical area of the hill measures about nine hectares the actual Reserve is smaller, measuring 1.57 hectares and contains the top of the hill (the Paa occupation site), the gentle slopes of kirikiri ridge to the northwest and a small amount of land below the hill which is located at the current entrance to the Paa off Redhill Road.

6.       A Reserve Management Plan (the “plan”) was prepared jointly by Papakura District Council and Mana Whenua (the “plan partners”) and contains long term objectives, and detailed implementation actions for effective management of Pukekiwiriki Paa in recognition of their combined desire for the enhancement and protection of this taonga.  Whilst the plan was adopted by Papakura District Council in May 2010, for technical reasons it was not approved by the Minister of Conservation at that time and has subsequently been amended through joint discussion between Papakura Local Board and Mana Whenua representatives (Papakura Local Board meeting 18 September 2013).  Now that the plan has been finalised, the joint management committee can be formally established.

7.       A Joint Management Agreement was adopted by the plan partners on 28 September 2010, in line with the co-management proposals set out in the plan.  This agreement is included at Attachment A for information, as it sets out the context for co-management of the reserve. Upon the creation of Auckland Council, responsibility for reserve management in Papakura was allocated to Papakura Local Board.  A joint management committee was proposed in April 2012 and terms of reference were drafted and discussed at a subsequent joint meeting in May 2012.

8.       Iwi and council agreed to meet on an informal basis until the management plan had been amended.  These meetings involved discussion of how the reserve management plan could be amended to more accurately reflect historic accounts referred to in the plan, and to reflect the structure of Auckland Council.  The programme of works for the reserve was also discussed in some detail, to enable prioritisation of the capital budget.

9.       Papakura Local Board received a report on the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan at its meeting on 18 September 2013 and made the following resolutions:


Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan


Resolution number PPK/2013/1

MOVED by Member HL Joyce-Tahere, seconded Member KJ Robinson:  

a)       That the Papakura Local Board approves the name change from Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve, to Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve as per the historic reserve classification under the Reserve Act 1977.

b)       That the Papakura Local Board approves the attached Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan (subject to the Minister of Conservation’s approval) as the reserve management plan for Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977.

c)       That the Papakura Local Board confirms that, following Ministerial approval of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan, a Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee will be established comprising six members of the Papakura Local Board and six Mana Whenua representatives.



10.     Amendments have been made to the proposed Terms of Reference (Attachment B), following legal advice about the status of the joint management committee and the associated procedural requirements.  These should be discussed and adopted by the joint management committee at its first formal meeting.  As a committee of the local board, the standard local board standing orders would apply.  However it would be possible for the joint management committee, once formally established, to resolve to vary aspects of the standing orders if it so wished. 

11.     Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee is to have delegated responsibility for the enduring co-management of the historic reserve.  It should be noted that the powers to be exercised by the committee would include landowner consent for activities undertaken on the historic reserve, in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977.  To ensure continuity of management, it is important that the joint management committee is not dissolved at the end of each electoral term.  For the avoidance of doubt, it should therefore be stated that the joint management committee will continue beyond the 2013-2016 electoral term.

12.     In accordance with the Council’s policy for payments to non-elected members (governed by Part 4 of the Elected Members Expense Rules) the set allowance per meeting attended, per iwi representative, is $235.00 plus travel expenses.  The meeting allowance also covers preparation time, such as reading of agenda reports and clarification of issues prior to the meeting, though is only payable upon actual attendance at the meeting.  These costs would need to be paid from the local board parks operational budget allocated to Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve.


Local Board Views

13.     The recommendations within this report fall within the local board’s delegated authority.

Maori Impact Statement

14.     The reserve management plan (and subsequent amendments) was jointly written by council and by mana whenua comprising of Ngāti Tamaoho, Te Akitai Waiohua, Ngāti Te Ata, Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki, Ngāti Paoa and Ngāti Whanaunga.  The reserve management plan directs that the reserve will be jointly managed by Papakura Local Board and mana whenua and the formal establishment of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee will give effect to this requirement.


15.     The local board’s decision on this matter does not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

Implementation Issues

16.     The Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan is to be approved by the Minister of Conservation before it can be given status under the Reserves Act 1977.  The council has recently been delegated the authority to grant ministerial approval but the process needs to be triggered through the submission of a formal report.  At this stage, the supporting information for the report is being collated by officers and should be submitted by early February.  It should be noted that legally the joint committee can be established without having to wait for ministerial approval of the reserve management plan; although implementation actions may be limited until formal approval is granted.

17.     The Papakura Local Board operational budget allocated to the management of Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve will need to be sufficient to also cover the costs of attendance at joint management committee meetings by iwi representatives.







Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Agreement 2010



Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee Draft Terms of Reference





Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee


Terms of Reference




Papakura Local Board:                Bill McEntee

                                                            Michael Turner

                                                            Graham Purdy

                                                            Stuart Britnell

                                                            Katrina Winn

Brent Catchpole



Iwi Representatives:         

Ngati Tamaoho                                   Ted Ngataki               

Ngati Te Ata                                        Willie Brown               

Te Akitai Waiohua                               Karen Wilson              

Ngati Whanaunga                               Nathan Kennedy        

Ngati Paoa                                          Johannah Rawiri                                            

Ngai Tai ki Tamaki                              Dave Beamish                       


Alternate members:

Ngati Tamaoho                                   Dennis Kirkwood

Ngati Te Ata                                        Karl Flavell

Te Akitai Waiohua                               David Wilson

Ngati Whanaunga                               [TBC]

Ngati Paoa                                          Lucy Tukua                

Ngai Tai ki Tamaki                              [TBC]


Where an iwi representative cannot attend a meeting, the alternate member for that iwi representative may attend the meeting on behalf of that iwi representative.



The Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Joint Management Plan (“the Plan”) was prepared by the former Papakura District Council and Te Roopu Kaitiaki o Papakura and contains long-term objectives and detailed implementation actions for the effective management of Pukekiwiriki Paa.

The Plan was adopted by Papakura District Council on 11 May 2010 following a public process which began in June 2008.  The Plan was approved pursuant to the provisions of section 41(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation.

One of the Plan’s objectives is to ensure that mana whenua and council work together in partnership to manage the reserve.  To give effect to this objective and implement the Plan, Papakura Local Board has established the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee, comprising representatives of the local board and mana whenua.  The local board has delegated its Reserves Act powers and responsibilities for the Pukekiwiriki Paa reserve management to the joint management committee.


To implement the visions, principles, goals and objectives outlined in the Plan whilst recognising the integrity and policies of each party, and working together in the spirit of partnership. To exercise delegated powers under the Reserves Act 1977.


To co-manage the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve according to the vision, principles and objectives of the Plan, in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977.



Chairperson and deputy chairperson:


The committee will appoint the chairperson and the deputy chairperson at the first meeting. The term of the chairperson and deputy chairperson will be up to one year, or until a new chairperson and the deputy chairperson is appointed (whichever is longer).



Decision making:  


The committee will aspire to make all decisions by consensus.





Three iwi representatives (or alternates) and three local board representatives.



Meeting Frequency:


Meetings of the committee will be held twice a year unless otherwise resolved by the committee.

The committee will agree upon a meeting schedule at its first meeting.





Auckland Council will be responsible for funding the implementation of the Reserve Management Plan and resourcing the committee to give effect to its decisions.  Papakura Local Board will make annual provision for ongoing implementation, maintenance and management of the reserve within the capital and operating budgets allocated to local parks services.





The Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee has responsibility for the administration and management of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Historic Reserve, as outlined in the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan/Ta Mahere Whakahaere o Pukekiwiriki.


The Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee is responsible for the Iimplementation and monitoring of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan at a governance level.  The Committee has the decision making authority regarding allocation of the Papakura Local Board budget for implementation of the Reserve Management Plan.


Powers may include, but are not limited to:


·    Determining the priorities for implementing the Pukekiwiriki Paa Reserve Management Plan

·    Managing the implementation actions of the Plan

·    Monitoring the progress of implementation of the Plan

·    Monitoring the effects of implementation on the land

·    Ensuring that maintenance resources and actions are targeted to meeting the objectives and implementation actions of the management plan

·    Ensuring that funding and resourcing for the reserve takes account of the specific and unique needs of the reserve as set out in the management plan

·    Viewing and treating the Paa, not just as a reserve, but as a significant taonga that requires particular care and joint expertise to manage

·    Setting a prescribed process for works to be carried out on the reserve, in accordance with Reserves Act requirements

·    Ensuring that maintenance is carried out in accordance with the Reserve Management Plan and that the Joint Management Committee agrees the levels of service for maintenance on the reserve, subject to any wider council standards

·    Ensuring that maintenance regimes for the Paa are developed from the Reserve Management Plan, subject to any wider council standards

·    Ensuring that actions identified in the Reserve Management Plan are carried out in the manner set out in the Plan, as resources permit

·    Review of the Joint Management Agreement adopted on 28 September 2010





Note: relevant legislation includes but is not limited to:

Local Government Act 2002

Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009

Reserves Act 1977




Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Draft Psychoactive Substances Position Paper (Local Approved Products)


File No.: CP2014/00700





1.       The purpose of this report is to consider a draft position paper on Psychoactive Substances prepared to give guidance concerning the location of premises selling psychoactive substances in the Papakura local boards area. It is also intended to provide the Psychoactive Substance Regulatory Authority with a view from the Papakura local board about the location of such premises.

Executive Summary

2.       The purpose of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 (the ‘Act’) is to “regulate the availability of psychoactive substances in New Zealand to protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances.”

3.       The draft position paper (Attachment A) is intended to give guidance concerning the location of premises selling psychoactive substances in the Papakura Local Board area. In so doing it serves to address community concerns regarding the location of such premises, while having regard to the statutory requirements of the Act.

4.       The draft position paper is also intended to provide the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority with a clear view from the Papakura Local Board and its community about the location of premises. This is intended to guide the Authority in drafting regulations for implementing the Act and decisions it will make on the location of any retail license applications to sell psychoactive substances in the Papakura area.




That the Papakura Local Board adopts the Draft Psychoactive Substances Position Paper (Attachment A of the Agenda Report).




5.       The main purpose of the draft position paper is for the Papakura Local Board to provide a clear view that can be applied to all applications that the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority considers for retail licenses to sell approved products in Papakura. It is also intended to assist the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority in preparing regulations to accompany the Act.


6.       The objectives of the draft position paper are to minimise the harm to the community caused by psychoactive substances by providing a clear view to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority of where retail premises that sell psychoactive substances may be located in and to ensure that the community, through the Local Board is able to express a clear view about the location of these retail premises in any regulations or future policy.

7.       The draft position paper assists in the delivery of one of the Papakura Local Board’s priorities as set out in the Local Board Plan; “Building strong, resilient, self reliant communities: We will work closely with central government departments and not for profit agencies to determine what our people need and how to improve support programmes, services and benefits for them”. In particular the document supports the objective that “all people in our community will have a quality of life that advantages them” and in relation to young people “work with agencies to create safer living environment.”

8.       The draft position papers sets out the location of retail premises from which approved products may be sold and should be restricted to locations within the Papakura Metropolitan Centre Zone as identified in Schedule 1 in Attachment A

9.       Section 68(a) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to broad areas within a district.The reason for restricting locations to the Papakura Metropolitan Centre Zone area only is predominately about safety. The safety of individuals buying and selling approved products is increased by the presence of high populations, greater visibility, good lighting, coverage of CCTV cameras and increased Police presence in the Metropolitan Centre Zone. A focused geographic area also enables easier enforcement. This also reduces the availability of psychoactive substances in residential neighborhoods.

10.     The draft position paper provides for any retail premise from which approved products may be sold should not be permitted within 100 metres of a sensitive site existing at the time the license application is made. The separation distances should be measured from the legal boundary of each sensitive site.  Section 68(c) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to proximity to premises or facilities of a particular kind or kinds within the district (for example, kindergartens, early childhood centres, schools, places of worship, or other community facilities). The draft position paper identifies sensitive sites as kindergartens, early childhood centres, schools, places of worship, or other community facilities within or close to the Metropolitan Centre Zone.The local board considers 100 meters to be the appropriate separation distance of retail premises selling approved products from sensitive sites. This distance reduces visibility and profile of such retail premises.

11.     The draft position paper provides for new retail premises from which approved products may be sold should not be permitted within 500 meters of another retail premise from which approved products may be sold. The separation distances are again to be measured from the legal boundary of the premises. An exception may be made to this if the retail premises are existing retail premises with an interim license in the Metropolitan Centre Zone; which obtain a full license to sell approved products at their existing premises; and which are not located within 100 metres of a sensitive site. Section 68(b) of the Act provides that the location of premises from which approved products may be sold may be indicated by reference to proximity to other premises from which approved products are sold.The reason for this is to reduce harm caused by the clustering of the activity.

12.     The draft position paper includes recommendations to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority to consider limiting the number of retail premises in Papakura. At present there are three interim retail licenses in the Metropolitan Town Centre Zone. To further protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances, it is strongly recommended that no more than three retail license be granted in Papakura if any are granted at all, and that a ‘sinking lid’ approach be adopted to reduce the number of licenses over time.

13.     A further request to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority is they consider to further protect groups from the sale of psychoactive substances, that the hours of operation for the sale of approved products be limited to 9:00am to 2:30pm as a harm reduction method as this would help limit the visibility of retail premises to vulnerable groups, such as school children.


Local Board Views

14.     The draft position paper has been prepared with local board members.

Maori Impact Statement

15.     The purpose of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 (the ‘Act’) is to “regulate the availability of psychoactive substances in New Zealand to protect the health of, and minimise harm to, individuals who use psychoactive substances.” This is for all people and the draft position papers provides information to the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority on what could be undertaken in Papakura to implement the legislation.

Implementation Issues

16.     There are no implementation issues for Auckland Council as this matters has been prepared to provide a position to help inform regulations being prepared by the Ministry of Health, Psychoactive Substance Regulatory Authority.








Draft Psychoactive Substances Position Paper (Local Approved Products)





Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Funding for Local Board Community Engagement Collateral


File No.: CP2014/00572





1.       To approve funding for Papakura Local Board branded collateral.

Executive Summary

2.       The Papakura Local Board will be undertaking extensive community engagement in 2014, with projects such as the Local Board Plan, Unitary Plan and Local Board Agreement.  One of the hurdles to public participation in consultation processes can be a lack of awarenesss of the role of local boards.  This can be partly mitigated by increasing visibility of the Board’s brand in the following ways:

a.   Board members and staff wearing local board branded shirts when working at community events;

b.   Making local board branded banners visible at community events;

c.   Distributing branded items, such as pens, notebooks, torches/keyrings, bags, drink bottles, lip balm, lollipops and Frisbees, at community events.  This also services as an acknowledgement of the contribution communities make to consultation processes.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approve funding the $4,818.50 (including GST) from the communications budget to cover the costs of branded items polo shirts for Papakura Local Board members and Papakura Local Board staff.

b)      Approve funding of $758.00 (including GST) from the communications budget to cover the costs of branded banners.

c)      Approve funding of $4,498.23 (including GST) from the communications budget to cover the costs of branded collateral to be used as gifts to the community.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Mary Hay - Local Board Engagement Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Funding of Stakeholder Meeting


File No.: CP2014/00332





1.       To approve funding of a stakeholder event held on 20 December 2013.

Executive Summary

2.       Papakura Local Board invited key stakeholders from the local community to a pre-Christmas “thank you” event, in order to acknowledge the invitees’ contribution to Papakura and to the well being of local residents.  The net cost of the event was $725.00 and around 50 stakeholders attended.

3.       The event was welcomed by attendees who also found it to be a useful networking opportunity.  It is proposed that a similar event be held each year in mid December.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approve funding of $725.00 from the Local Board Relationship budget to cover the costs of the stakeholder event held on the morning of 20 December 2013;

b)      Agree that a community stakeholder “thank you” event be held in mid December each year at the local board offices.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Submissions Process and Papakura Local Board Input


File No.: CP2014/00486





1.       The purpose of this report is to approve Papakura Local Board’s input to the Auckland Council submission on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) to the independent Hearings Panel.

Executive Summary

2.       Auckland Council will be preparing a submission on the PAUP which will be approved by the governing body on 27 February 2014.  Local boards have had the opportunity to input into the submission through participation in joint workshops with the Unitary Plan Committee.

3.       Local boards also have the opportunity to provide written input that will be included as part of the Auckland Council submission.  The board’s draft input is included at Attachment B to this report.



That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approves the content of Attachment B to this report as the board’s written input into the Auckland Council’s submission on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan;

b)      Requests that officers seek confirmation from the chair of the hearings panel that local boards will have the opportunity to speak to the panel about issues relevant to the local board area;

c)      Delegates to the chairperson the authority to clarify the content of the local board’s input and any other matters requested by the governing body and/or the independent Hearings Panel.




4.       The PAUP was publicly notified in September 2013, with submissions closing on 28 February 2014.

5.       Auckland Council will make a submission to the independent Hearings Panel on the PAUP.  The scope of the council submission is limited to identifying errors, clarifying interpretation of matters and incorporating new information (for instance plan change decisions) since the governing body decision to notify the PAUP.

6.       While the governing body has decision making responsibility for the submission, it is intended to be a “whole of Auckland Council” submission that includes the views of local boards.  Boards have been involved in the development of the Unitary Plan since mid 2012 via community engagement activity, provision of formal feedback, joint workshops, a political working party and speaking rights at Auckland Plan Committee meetings making decisions on the notified version of the Unitary Plan.  Papakura Local Board’s formal feedback from previous stages is included at Attachment A to this report. 

7.       During November and December 2013, the Unitary Plan Committee held a series of workshops to provide guidance to officers drafting the submission.  Local board chairs were invited to attend and participate in these workshops.

8.       The Chief Planning Officer has recommended that local boards contribute in the following ways:

i.        Encourage and support community members within their local board area to make their own submissions on the PAUP.

ii.       Contribute to the development of the “whole of Auckland Council” submission including identifying any errors and new information since the Governing Body decision on the PAUP, and participating in Unitary Plan Committee deliberations on the submission on the PAUP.

iii.      If the local board so wishes, it can include a statement of “community views” that would form part of the “whole of Auckland Council” submission.

iv.      It is proposed to recommend to the chairperson of the Independent Hearing Panel that the panel provide the opportunity for local board chairs to orally present any community views included in the “whole of Auckland Council” submission.

9.       In addition to participation at the Unitary Plan Committee workshops, the local board has chosen to provide a position statement (Attachment B) for inclusion within the council submission on the PAUP.  The position statement encapsulates the views received from local communities during the previous engagement phases on the unitary plan.

10.     If it is agreed with the chair of the hearings panel, the board requests the opportunity to speak to the panel at the appropriate stage in the process about their community’s views.


Local Board Views

11.     Local board feedback on the Unitary Plan has been submitted at the initial stakeholder engagement phase (November 2012) and at the draft Unitary Plan stage (July 2013).  Local board chairs were also given speaking rights at the Auckland Plan Committee meetings during August 2013 that agreed to notify the PAUP.

Maori Impact Statement

12.     The PAUP will impact on Maori and it is understood that specific engagement is occurring with Mana Whenua and Maatawaka who also have the opportunity to lodge a submission on the PAUP.


13.     In the preparation of feedback on the draft Unitary Plan prior to notification, the local board workshopped unitary plan topics with community representatives and engaged in a number of community consultation sessions.

14.     This decision does not trigger the Council’s Significance Policy.

Implementation Issues

15.     It has not yet been confirmed whether the Unitary Plan Hearings Panel will agree to meet with individual local boards as part of the hearings process.







Papakura Local Board feedback on initial and draft stages of the Unitary Plan



Papakura Local Board Position Statement on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan





Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014





Unitary Plan - Papakura Local Board Feedback – (initial input) 15 November 2012


Resolution number PPK/2012/246

MOVED by Member KJ Robinson, seconded Member DG Purdy:  


a)         That the Papakura Local Board provides the feedback set out within this report on the development of the draft Unitary Plan, to inform direction-setting by the Unitary Plan Political Working Party in December 2012 and decision-making on the draft plan by the Auckland Plan Committee in March 2013.


b)         That the Papakura Local Board endorses the conclusions of the fine grain analysis of the Papakura area undertaken by Studio D4 to inform the Board’s feedback on the development of the draft Unitary Plan.


c)         That the Papakura Local Board expresses concern that the Unitary Plan timeline to date has not allowed for sufficient time for full consideration of all elements which effect and impact on Auckland’s future.


d)         That the Papakura Local Board expresses concern that it has not been sufficiently resourced to analyse all the proposals contained in the draft supporting documents for the Unitary Plan including existing strategies and plans for Papakura and ongoing plan changes.


e)         That the Papakura Local Board provides the following feedback on the development of the draft Unitary Plan to inform direction-setting by the Unitary Plan Political Working Party in December 2012 and decision-making on the draft plan by the Auckland Plan Committee in March 2013:


i)          On Urban Design, the Papakura Local Board wishes to formally record its expectations regarding the ability of the Unitary Plan to deliver on Auckland Plan Strategic Direction 10, namely to “Create a stunning city centre, with well-connected quality towns, villages and neighbourhoods”:

1)   That the Plan should follow a design led and place based approach.

2)   That urban design regulatory controls be included within the Unitary Plan, with the appropriate rule and assessment criteria structure to enable those rules to inform and influence development proposals and improve the quality of development in our neighbourhoods. 

3)   That during the next stage of development of the Unitary Plan, the Local Board be provided with updates on how the Unitary Plan provisions will deliver high quality urban environments that respond appropriately to their context (including topography, character and amenity values), particularly within those areas identified as being of moderate to significant change.  The design and management of streets should also be of a high standard.


ii)         On the general approach to the development of the Unitary Plan:

1)         That the general approach of one Unitary Plan for Auckland with a consistent approach to zones and overlays is endorsed but that the Plan provisions must give effect to local strategies, which will be expressed fully in Area Plans.

2)         That the Unitary Plan should have a number of triggers in place before the additional development potential provided by the plan can be uplifted, to ensure that all necessary infrastructure to handle increased population (including transport, water, wastewater, schools, health, and other community and social infrastructure) is in place before new development, over and above existing plan provisions, is permitted.

3)         That there should be a staged approach to the development of town and local centres, to support Papakura as a metropolitan centre, Takanini as a town centre and Hingaia as a neighbourhood centre.

4)         That development of the Papakura Area Plan must be given a higher priority than currently programmed, to ensure that planning provisions are appropriate and well planned at the local level.  Until the Area Plan is in place, the Unitary Plan should adopt an interim approach designed to avoid irreversible outcomes.

5)         That brownfield development should be prioritised and encouraged, to ensure the effective use of urban land.

6)         That new Greenfield developments should be master planned in order to ensure that comprehensive development occurs and that infrastructure and transport planning is effective.  The provisions of existing Structure Plans should be reviewed and updated in line with Auckland Plan strategic directives, to ensure that environmental quality is not compromised and that sustainable new communities are delivered. 

7)         New developments should provide for and enhance existing parks and open space


iii)         On the Residential Housing Package:

1)         That the proposal to reduce the numerous existing zones to four is generally supported but that the integration between zones needs further consideration and planning to ensure a gradual transition between zones.

2)         That the proposed height limits for the terraced housing and apartment building zone are unlikely to be viable over much of the Unitary Plan period.

3)         That minimum unit sizes and room sizes for terrace housing and apartment buildings is supported.

4)         That the requirement for a mix of apartments in larger apartment buildings is supported.

5)         That the removal of density controls for mixed housing developments with three or more units is supported, provided that a high quality design and level of amenity is required.

6)         That minor or “accessory” units are supported as permitted activity, provided appropriate design and quality controls are in place


iv)        On the Business Activity Package:

1)         That the proposed building heights for the town and local centres are generally supported but the Board questions the viability of delivering these in the short to medium term.

2)         That, as with residential developments, business developments must be sustainable and required to ensure good urban and building design outcomes.

3)         That the restrictions on out-of-zone retailing are supported.

4)         That adequate parking is retained and provided for within the Papakura CBD, including sufficient kerbside parking, to ensure space is available for both employees and visitors and to support the economic growth of Papakura.  Sufficient parking should also be provided in industrial areas and planned for around the long term public transport hubs.


v)         On the Historic Heritage and Historic Character Package:

1)          That an analysis should be undertaken to ensure that the appropriate buildings, properties and areas in the Papakura area are scheduled.

2)          That the proposal to make repair and maintenance of historic heritage buildings a permitted activity is generally supported if it will incentivise the upkeep of historic places.

3)          That the proposal to prohibit demolition of Category A historic heritage buildings is questioned, as it may be acceptable in some instances to retain the façade and enable economic redevelopment of a site to occur.

4)          That the proposal that all other works require resource consent is supported.



vi)        On the Natural Environment Package:

1)         That the approach to Significant Ecological Areas is supported.

2)         That the Unitary Plan should have strong directives and require a range of stormwater treatments, not just traditional piping methods.  Swales, treatment ponds, landscaping for example, should be permitted activities to encourage more natural forms of stormwater treatment and improve the quality of our coastlines and water courses.

3)         That the process to obtain resource consent for the removal of mangroves must be simplified.  This could include providing for removal as a permitted activity where the waterways are of historical significance.  It should be recognised that natural waterways often provide an effective way of treating stormwater and mitigating flooding and that expensive engineering solutions are not always necessary.


vii)       On the Rural Land package:

1)         That the local board generally supports the proposed new zones and the protection of rural productive land.


viii)       On the Rural Urban Boundary:

1)         That the Rural Urban Boundary should be considered carefully in the context of the Unitary Plan zoning and rules. 

2)         That the delineation of the RUB in the extensive Structure Plan areas around Takanini and Hingaia should be clarified and a comprehensive approach taken in the Unitary Plan.

3)         That the Papakura Local Board recognises that a separate piece of work is underway of the Rural Urban Boundary and until this is further progressed and information provided from discussions and analysis the Board has a concern about the future of the boundaries and the use of the land contained within it.





Draft Unitary Plan -  Papakura Local Board Feedback, 17 July 2013


Resolution number PPK/2013/204

MOVED by Member CA Conroy, seconded Member DG Purdy:


a)         That Papakura Local Board provides the following feedback on the Draft Unitary Plan, to inform discussions with the Auckland Plan Committee in July 2013 and decision-making by the Auckland Plan Committee in August 2013.


b)         That the Papakura Local Board endorses the recommendations from Studio D4 at Attachment A to the agenda report.


c)         That the detailed comments contained in Attachment 25A to the Minutes dated 17 July 2013, which are to be signed off by the Chair and Deputy Chair, form part of Papakura Local Board’s formal submission on the Draft Unitary Plan.


d)         That the Papakura Local Board expresses concern that the development of the Unitary Plan has been at too fast a pace to allow for adequate consideration of all the potential impacts on local communities.


e)         That the Papakura Local Board raises the following detailed concerns in relation to the provisions of the Draft Unitary Plan:

i.    A central principle of planned growth should be that infrastructure and jobs are provided alongside development;

ii.    To ensure that the growth of the Metropolitan Centre can fully deliver Auckland Plan outcomes and support the increase in population, adequate public transport and roading improvements must be provided;

iii.   The Papakura Area Plan should be commenced to ensure that the transition to a Metropolitan Centre is managed in a locally distinctive manner, with physical and character constraints fully recognised;

iv.  The requirement for a Precinct Plan for the metropolitan centre and key adjoining areas of change should be addressed urgently and Council resources provided to investigate catalyst projects, in partnership with the private sector;

v.   The Takanini Structure Planned area should be incorporated within the Rural Urban Boundary that is defined within the notified Unitary Plan;

vi.  The manner and timing of Greenfield land release should be clarified in order to reduce the potential for unsustainable development and ensure that future urban land is not blighted;

vii.  Urban Design controls should be able to be enforced and not relegated to “guidance”;

viii. The national and international importance of the Manukau Harbour should be recognised as equal to Auckland’s other Harbours, and merit the same attention at a regional level;

ix.  Policies and rules on Mangrove removal and Pacific Oyster removal should be clearer and less restrictive;

x.   A Precinct Plan should be prepared for the Manukau Harbour, introducing a control regime based on the earliest reference date that can be supported by local photographic evidence.


f)          That the Papakura Local Board request the following changes to the proposed Unitary Plan zoning:

i.    The area between Trentham Road and Waterview West should be zoned Mixed Housing;

ii.    The Single House zone should be restricted to subdivision areas completed since 1980 with the remaining areas zoned Mixed Housing (unless edge of centre Terrace Housing and Apartments zone applies);

iii.   A Special Zone should be identified around the Hawkins Theatre, RSA and adjoining community and educational facilities;

iv.  A Special Zone should be identified at the Karaka Bloodstock Centre.


For attachment 25A see pages 22-25 at http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/SiteCollectionDocuments/aboutcouncil/localboards/papakuralocalboard/meetings/papakuralbmin20130717att9-25a.pdf

Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan


Position Statement by Papakura Local Board


This position statement incorporates the community views expressed during early stakeholder engagement in October-November 2012 and public engagement on the draft unitary plan in March-May 2013.  Papakura Local Board wishes to ensure that the Hearings Panel for the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) is fully apprised of the community’s views on the local application of the PAUP provisions.


The local board’s vision is for Papakura to become a centre of sporting excellence, which will have implications for the way land is used and for the planning of new facilities.  The PAUP provisions need to be flexible enough to respond to change over time, as not all types of development proposals can be foreseen in detail.  The PAUP should not restrict the scope for new and improved sporting facilities and the expansion of the hospitality and tourism sectors that will flow from hosting national and international events.  Opportunities to diversify housing, leisure and employment choice in the southern growth area should be facilitated by the PAUP, in order to support Papakura Metropolitan Centre and reduce people’s need to travel by car for jobs, retail and leisure purposes. 


The south will take the largest element of Auckland’s future greenfield expansion, with the proposed future urban zone providing for up to 55,000 homes and associated infrastructure and business development.   Papakura is identified as the major centre to serve this southern expansion, therefore the revitalisation and development of Papakura Metropolitan Centre is fundamental to achieving sustainable growth in the south.  The scale of growth envisaged in and around Papakura is driven by the overarching strategy of the Auckland Plan.  Delivery of the strategy for the area will be contingent upon the necessary supporting transport, storm water and other key infrastructure being funded through public and private investment.


The local board position is that any development contributions arising from housing and business growth in the Papakura area should be allocated directly to infrastructure provision to serve the local area.  Development within and adjacent to the established residential and commercial areas should be accompanied by the upgrading of infrastructure and transport: for example it should assist with the provision of footpaths, cycle-ways, street lighting and public transport.  The PAUP should facilitate integration between new edge of town development and the older, established urban areas.


The PAUP establishes a permissive approach to development and Papakura Local Board supports this, provided that infrastructure and jobs are delivered alongside both urban intensification and new greenfield development; and that good design and high quality development is assured.  The principle of creating new areas where people can live, work and play is central to achieving balanced and sustainable growth.  The local board expects to be fully engaged in the master planning of the Special Housing Areas in Takanini (Addison) and Hingaia, to ensure these deliver sustainable development supported by good infrastructure, services and facilities.  Equally, the local board expects to be a key stakeholder in the structure planning of the future urban zones at Takanini and Drury, to ensure that housing and business growth supports the vitality and development of the metropolitan centre.



The local board is aware of the submission by Housing New Zealand Corporation on the draft Unitary Plan, which proposes a comprehensive precinct at Takanini and a residential precinct at Red Hill.  Although these precincts are not currently included in the PAUP, the local board wishes to state for the record that it does not support the residential precinct at Redhill.


The local board will expect to be fully engaged in master planning exercises for any special housing areas in the Papakura area.  It will be vital to ensure that planning for any special housing areas fully addresses the social, cultural and economic needs of local communities.


The Urban Design Manual is critical to achieving quality development; compliance with the guidance should smooth the path to development.  The PAUP should facilitate the development of mixed use buildings within the metropolitan centre, so that there is scope for business, residential and community uses to expand and flourish within the footprint of redeveloped sites.


The PAUP should recognise the cultural, social and economic wellbeing benefits attributed to the Manukau Harbour; including its role in supporting live, work, play concepts.  Manukau Harbour is of critical importance to the existing communities in the southern growth area.  The harbour provides economic, transport and recreational benefits as well as being of international cultural and biodiversity significance.  Associated with this is a need to support strong outcomes around the improvement of water quality; adopt appropriate management frameworks for pacific oyster and mangrove removal; and protect wharf and port facilities to ensure future cross harbour transport linkages are not compromised.


Finally, the board’s feedback on the draft unitary plan included a request for a special zone to be identified around the Hawkins Theatre, RSA and adjoining community and educational facilities at Ray Small Drive/Elliot Street.  The officer response was that subsequent to this feedback some zoning changes were implemented, though a special zone had not been felt appropriate.  The board notes however that the RSA and St John’s sites are zoned Mixed Housing Urban in the PAUP, which would put them at risk of redevelopment for housing and lead to a loss of vital community facilities in an accessible location near to the metropolitan centre zone.  The board therefore requests that alternative zoning is applied which would protect the community importance of these sites and reflect the current uses.

Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Resolution from Auckland Development Committee held on 28 November 2013


File No.: CP2014/00666





1.       The purpose of this report is to update the Local Board on the Auckland Plan Annual Implementation.

Executive Summary

2.       At its 28 November 2013 meeting, the Auckland Development Committee considered a report entitled “Auckland Plan Annual Implementation 2013/2014”, which is attached to this report.

3.       The Auckland Development Committee resolved as follows:

4.       Resolution number AUC/2013/13

MOVED by Cr GS Wood, seconded by Cr LA Cooper:

That the Auckland Development Committee:

a)           request that the report be circulated to the Local Boards, Council Controlled

               Organisation’s and the Independent Maori Statutory Board.

b)           provide feedback on the Auckland Plan Annual Implementation Update from the

               committee members early in the new year.


Please Note:      Because of the size of the document a copy of the Annual Implementation Update 2013/2014 has been distributed to Board Members, the Papakura Library and the Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent Papakura only. 

                            An electronic copy can be accessed on the following link:




That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Receive the report.








Auckland Plan Implementation Report - 28 November 2013



Auckland Plan Implementation 2013/2014 (Under Separate Cover)





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


File No.: CP2014/00669





1.       Providing an update on reports requested and issues raised at previous meetings.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil



a)      That the report entitled “reports requested – pending-issues” by the Democracy Advisor be received.









Reports Requested - Pending - Issues - January 2014





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Reports Requested/Pending/Issues                                        JANUARY 2012 – JANUARY 2014

Row No.

Date of Resolution

Group reporting



Officer Item Referred to



20 June 2012

Local and Sports Parks

Prince Edward Park

Resolution number PPK/2012/1

That the Papakura Sea Eagles Rugby League Club be thanked for their presentation and that the proposal be referred to parks staff for consideration and report back to the Papakura Local Board.


Andrew Moor


Have initial design and capacity work done for lighting based on feedback from clubs. Detailed design and pricing underway. Meeting with clubs again to feedback progress and decide on how the work will be staged over two years.

Have agreed that irrigation and lighting are the next priorities for the park. LSP team have provided some options for possible lighting layouts. League Club to meet 14/08/13 and will feedback preference. 

Staff have met with the users and have developed a concept plan. Agreed that first stage of this would be irrigating the sportsfields and lighting one field. Work programmed for 2013/14 financial year.

Meeting with user groups arranged for early April.  Design work to proceed after this meeting.
LSPS staff and Board Parks Portfolio members held a meeting with softball and rugby league clubs.  Both clubs are open to working together to develop the reserve.  They have provided staff with a breakdown of works they would like to see undertaken on Prince Edward.  Staff to ascertain how these works can be fitted into current and future years budgets and then work with clubs and Board to prioritise and programme these.

LSPS staff to make contact with Softball Club advising them of intention to develop master plan.

Call meeting of softball and league and establish a user group committee for the reserve.

Develop draft concept plan with users.

Workshop with the Board – October 2012.


8 July 2012

Community and Cultural Policy

Takanini Community Centre Development

Resolution number PPK/2012/2

That the Papakura Local Board notes that a region wide community facilities review is scheduled to get underway this year to assist the Governing Body to consider and prioritise community facility provision across Auckland.

That the Papakura Local Board directs officers to urgently investigate the need and feasibility of including a community facility as part of planning for the Takanini Library development.



Dena Gilmore

Consultation being undertaken as part of the Papakura Local Board Plan


Presentation to be made to 29 July 2013 Workshop

Presentation to be made to 11 July 2013 Workshop


Officers are exploring options for funding of feasibility report as it is not currently funded.


20 February 2013


Electronic Visual Display Unit

b)         That the Papakura Local Board received advice as to the provision of an electronic visual display unit being installed at the Papakura Train Station to enable weekly calendar of events and areas of interest to be viewed by visitors.





Economic Report on August Agenda

Scoping report would have to be undertaken.  Would need further discussion with the Board.


19 June 2013



Papakura Museum - void

Resolution number PPK/2013/5

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)       Approves the allocation of $40,560 of operational funding from the current financial year 2012/2013 to the Papakura and Districts Historical Society, to increase the curator hours for the Papakura Museum over the two year period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2015.

b)       Requests that the Papakura and Districts Historical Society report monthly on the number of visitors, activities and programmes at the Papakura Museum, as a condition of funding. 

c)       Requests a workshop on the issue of the development of the void space in the Papakura Museum including the costs and requirements with the appropriate council staff attending.

d)       Requests officers provide the board with a report outlining the specifications and design work required for the void space in the Papakura Museum.

Alison Farrell

Leilani Unasa



The Board sent a letter of support to the Historic Places Society

Consultation being undertaken as part of the Papakura Local Board Agreement



Report to September 2013 meeting


Being workshopped on 11 July 2013 followed by report to August business meeting.


11 December 2013


Venue Hire Policy

Resolution Number PPK/2013/311

That the Papakura Local Board requests an urgent report from Council officers prior to the Board’s  January meeting to examine and discuss the service levels in the Local Board area which impacts on the hireage of halls and facilities to be undertaken with the event portfolio holders.


Kevin Marriot

To be workshopped 12 February 2014



Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2014/00749





1.       Attached is a copy of the notes taken at the Papakura Local Board Workshop dated 4 December 2013.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil



That the Papakura Local Board workshop notes for the meeting held 4 December 2013 be received.









PLB Workshop Notes - 4 December 2014





Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014





What:                     Papakura Local Board Workshop

Where:                   Council Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura

When:                    Wednesday 4 December 2013

Present:                 Bill McEntee (Chair), Michael Turner, Graham Purdy, Brent Catchpole, Katrina Winn

Apologies:              Stuart Britnell

Staff:                      Raewyn Curran, Karen Gadomski, Debbie Pinfold




1.   Local Board Plan – Direction Setting


The Board received a briefing and advice from the following officers in attendance:


Infrastructure and Environmental Services – Emma Joyce, Tessa Chilala, Michael Ngatai

Parks Sport and Recreation – Andrew Moor, Willie Iosia, Ken Maplesden, Vincent Perry


A wide ranging discussion highlighted the following points:


On environment and infrastructure


·    Need to identify all stormwater outlets to the Manukau

·    Papakura Stream a priority catchment – sustainable catchments funding available

·    Manukau Harbour restoration projects should be prioritised – support the Forum in the “doing” phase

·    Sustainable living “hubs” around sports centres?

·    Greenways Plan – need a holistic overview of the current network and future opportunities for linkage

·    Parks network – prioritisation tool developed to identify areas of biodiversity/ecological value (report to Board expected February 2014)


On Parks


·    A point of difference for Papakura around sporting excellence – invest in spaces and facilities

·    Complete existing projects before adding new ones as Capex programme ambitious as it is

·    Query logic of equestrian facilities at Opaheke – could this offer BMX opportunities otherwise clubs/competitions looking to relocate to Colin Dale Park in Mangere

·    Hockey - a very proactive sport and revised facilities plan underway to feed into LTP.  Hockey club locally has no home pitch or training facilities – artificial pitch being built at Strathallan College, could work with them to develop hockey as a focus for the area

·    School partnerships – opportunity for community access, e.g. Papakura High School rebuild

·    Bruce Pulman Park – need to know the Trust’s aspirations over next 3 – 10 years

·    Look at assets overall - need to think about how older parks and facilities will be maintained or enhanced over time


Board Members thanked the officers for their input and will continue to discuss and expand the ideas raised to help with local board plan direction setting and with informal engagement in February-March 2014.



The workshop closed at 3.00 p.m.




Papakura Local Board

29 January 2014



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Designation of Land in Takanini for a Stormwater Channel

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

In particular, the report contains a proposal to designate land which, if approved, will then lead to council purchasing this land in the near future.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.