Albert-Eden Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 3.00pm.





Peter Haynes


Deputy Chairperson

Glenda Fryer



Helga Arlington



Lee Corrick



Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton



Margi Watson



Tim Woolfield










Albert-Eden Local Board

04 June 2014




1          Welcome


2          Apologies


Resolution number AE/2014/21

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         notes the apologies from Governing Body members Casey and Fletcher for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number AE/2014/22

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 7 May 2014, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



'Cricket in the Community' - Auckland Cricket


Daniel Farrow, Cricket Operations Manager, Auckland Cricket, was in attendance to speak to the Board regarding Auckland Cricket’s ‘Cricket in the Community’ discussion paper.


Resolution number AE/2014/23

MOVED by Member TH Woolfield, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      thanks Daniel Farrow, Cricket Operations Manager, Auckland Cricket, for his Deputation presentation.




Friends of Fowlds Park and The Tree Council


Steve Coyte, Friends of Fowlds Park, Dr Mels Barton, Tree Council and John Adam were in attendance to speak to the Board regarding Fowlds Park.


A document was tabled in support of this item.

A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number AE/2014/24

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        thanks Steve Coyte, Friends of Fowlds Park, Dr Mels Barton, Tree Council and John Adam for their Deputation presentation.

b)        requests Parks officers to investigate the additional material provided by the Friends of Fowlds Park and the Tree Council with respect to the future development of Fowlds Park.




a     Fowlds Park Powerpoint Presentation



9          Public Forum



Saint Lukes Environmental Protection Society (STEPS)


Elizabeth Walker, Roy Clements and Pat Prescott, Saint Lukes Environmental Protection Society (STEPS), were in attendance to speak to the Board regarding Meola Creek and in support of Member Easte’s Notice of Motion under item 11.1.


Resolution number AE/2014/25

MOVED by Member GD Easte, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        thanks Elizabeth Walker, Roy Clements and Pat Prescott, Saint Lukes Environmental Protection Society (STEPS), for their Public Forum presentation.





Open Space – Three Kings Quarry Development


Gary Bryant was in attendance to speak to the Board regarding Open Space developments at Three Kings Quarry.


Resolution number AE/2014/26

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        thanks Gary Bryant for his Public Forum presentation.





10        Extraordinary Business



Fowlds Park upgrade


The Board has recently become aware that engagement with Ngati Whatua regarding the proposed redevelopment of Fowlds Park wasn’t able to take place before the Board resolved to approve the installation of an artificial turf on the number three field at Fowlds Park.

The Board is therefore requested to consider as an item of extraordinary business how to best engage with Ngati Whatua on this project.


Resolution number AE/2014/27

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        considers an extraordinary item of business at Item 26.1 to discuss the Fowlds Park upgrade and engagement with Ngati Whatua.




Resolution number AE/2014/28

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member H Arlington:  

That Item 26.1 be considered at this point.




11        Notices of Motion



Notice of Motion - Meola Creek


Resolution number AE/2014/29

MOVED by Member GD Easte, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the report.

b)      strongly reaffirms its support for naturalising our urban streams, and for daylighting sections of them where practical.

c)      supports the proposal to daylight about 400 metres of Meola Creek in the vicinity of Haverstock Road, with funding from the Stormwater Department’s maintenance budget.

d)      requests that a project to daylight part of Meola Creek within Mount Albert War Memorial Reserve be scoped for potential inclusion in the 2015-2025 long- term plan.

e)      notes that funding from the 2014/2015 Environmental sustainability budget has been provisionally allocated for a comprehensive Meola Creek Management Plan to provide a vision and guidance for governance of the stream.








2013/2014 Albert Eden Local Board SLIPs Programme Update for June 2014


Resolution number AE/2014/30

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the 2013/2014 Albert Eden Local Board SLIPs Programme Update for June 2014 report.

b)      approves the following amendments to the following 2013/2014 project budgets already approved

          i.             School Reserve development – Reduce the project budget of $9,000 allocated under resolution AE/2013/165 to $1,000 Operating Expenditure

          ii.            Edenvale Reserve consultation on playground : stage one – Increase the project budget of $5,000 allocated under resolution AE/2013/165 to $6,000 Operating Expenditure

          iii.           Nicholson Park concept plan – Increase the project budget of $11,000 allocated under resolution AE/2013/165 to $14,200 Operating Expenditure

          iv.           Sainsbury Reserve design, budget top up for public consultation - $3,000 Operating Expenditure

          v.            School Reserve public consultation for playground renewals, budget required to undertake the design plan and public consultation - $3,500 Operating Expenditure.

c)      notes the following projects have realised operational funding savings which have been returned to SLIPs operational budget for reallocation within 2013/2014:

          i.             Balmoral Heights community butterfly garden – savings of $2,000 Operating Expenditure returned

          ii.            Anderson Park concept plan – savings of $1,900 Operating Expenditure returned as the completion of the public consultation process will be undertaken in 2014/2015 (This will require an operational funding top up in 2014/2015 to complete).

d)      approves the following 2013/2014 SLIPs projects for budget top ups:

          i.             Mt Albert War Memorial Park stage two development, consenting applications and assessments top up - $5,000 Operating Expenditure

          ii.            Watea Reserve ‘greenway’ pathway stage two, consenting and assessments top up -  $1,200 Operating Expenditure.

e)      notes that upon approval of the above recommendations there will be $492,024.25 SLIPs capital funding remaining to allocate, which will defer across into the 2014/2015 financial year for allocation to projects for delivery.

f)       notes that upon approval of the above recommendations there will be no SLIPs operational funding remaining to allocate in the 2013/2014 financial year.









Resolution number AE/2014/31

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:  

That Item 23 be considered at this point.





Albert-Eden Transformation Programme


Rachael Eaton, Team Leader City Transformation Central and Islands, Adam Johnstone, Project Leader and Gemma Sandford, Project Leader, were in attendance to speak to this report.


A document was tabled in support of this item.

A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number AE/2014/32

MOVED by Member GD Easte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Albert-Eden Transformation Programme report.

b)      endorses the scope of the Albert-Eden Transformation Programme to include coordination of projects at:

          i.             Mt Albert town centre

          ii.            Point Chevalier town centre

          iii.           Sandringham town centre and Sandringham Reserve

          iv.           Greenwoods Corner town centre

          v.            Waterview Precinct Plan implementation.

c)      notes that Council staff will provide monthly progress reports to the Albert-Eden Local Board on the Albert-Eden Transformation Programme.

d)      requests council staff to investigate opportunities for Unitec design students to be involved in the concept design process for the Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade.

e)      notes that the development of the Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade concept plan will commence in June 2014, with detailed design to follow, and public consultation taking place in late 2014.

f)       endorses the scope of the Sandringham community-led public realm plan to include the Sandringham Reserve and the whole town centre area.

g)      endorses the provision of $25,000 to produce a Sandringham community-led public realm plan, from the $4,928,302 allocated to the “Albert-Eden town centres” in the Auckland Council Long-Term Plan (2012-2022).


h)      thanks Rachael Eaton, Team Leader City Transformation Central and Islands, Adam Johnstone, Project Leader and Gemma Sandford, Project Leader, for their presentation.




a     Transformation Powerpoint Presentation





Chamberlain Park Golf Course Development Options


Shyrel Burt, Principal Policy Analyst and Rebecca Eng, Principal Policy Analyst, were in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2014/33

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Chamberlain Park Golf Course Development Options report and the initial concept plan for Chamberlain Park.

b)      notes that the initial concept plan is a starting point for a discussion about alternative uses of Chamberlain Park, and does not represent a developed plan.

c)      consults with the community on the initial design ideas for Chamberlain Park, during the draft Albert-Eden Local Board Plan consultation period taking place from 7 July to 6 August 2014.

d)      requests Community and Cultural Policy officers to commence the development of the Chamberlain Park master plan, following the initial consultation phase, that sets the direction for the park and outlines various options, to be consulted on with the community.

e)      thanks Shyrel Burt, Principal Policy Analyst and Rebecca Eng, Principal Policy Analyst for their presentation.





Auckland Transport Monthly Update Report – June 2014


Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2014/34

MOVED by Member TH Woolfield, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Auckland Transport Monthly Update – June 2014 report.

b)      requests that Auckland Transport investigate the feasibility of using Local Board Transport Capital funds to implement a new Local Area Traffic Management scheme near Gladstone School in an area bordered by the school, the Western Rail Line, Carrington Road and Segar Road and report back with a Rough Order of Cost.

c)      requests that Auckland Transport investigate the feasibility of using Local Board Transport Capital funds to enhance the existing Point Chevalier Local Area Traffic Management scheme and report back with a Rough Order of Cost.

d)      supports, in principle, the idea of building a walking and cycling route paralleling the Western Rail line from Waterview to Henderson.

e)      notes the Rough Order of Cost provided for upgrading lighting on main roads and in town centres, of $1,078,000; and requests that Auckland Transport conduct detailed design and provide a Final Cost to the Board for completing the project.

f)       thanks Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager for his presentation.




Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards
For the quarter - 1 January to 31 March 2014


Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2014/35

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report.

b)        thanks Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager for his presentation.




Quarterly Performance Report for the Albert-Eden Local Board for the period ended March 2014


Resolution number AE/2014/36

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Quarterly Performance Report for the Albert-Eden Local Board for the period ended March 2014.




Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report


Emma Cordery, Relationship Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2014/37

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      notes the information in the Infrastructure and Environmental Services update report.

b)      thanks Emma Cordery, Relationship Advisor for her presentation.




Albert-Eden Local Board 2014/2015 Proposed Library Renewals


Resolution number AE/2014/38

MOVED by Member H Arlington, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Albert-Eden Local Board 2014/2015 Proposed Property Renewals report.

b)      approves the property renewals programme 2014/2015 for Libraries as listed in Attachment 1.

c)      requests clarification from Libraries officers regarding the cost of the Epsom library energy efficient lighting project and should there be any funding remaining following the implementation of this project that it be used for the Mount Albert toilet refurbishment project in 2014/2015.

d)      delegates responsibility to the Manager Assets Planning and Business - Libraries to approve any moderate changes to the budget, in the event that there is a variation to identified costs for its property renewals programme.

e)      approves that any project surplus be held as contingency for other 2014/2015 Library renewals projects. 





Urgent Decision- Mt Albert Town Centre landmark tree lights event


Resolution number AE/2014/39

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      notes the urgent decision on the Mt Albert Town Centre landmark tree lights event.





Chairperson's Report


A document was tabled in support of this item.

A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed at the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number AE/2014/40

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives the tabled Chairperson’s report.




a     Chairperson's Report - June 2014




Board Members' Reports


Resolution number AE/2014/41

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)            receives Members’ H Arlington, GJ Fryer and MJ Watson’s Local Board Members’ reports.

b)            notes the critical importance of economic development to our community, town centres and ‘business precincts’.

c)            requests extensive consultation with Local Boards before the Governing Body makes any change to the present system where Auckland Council economic development officers support the Board.

d)            does not believe the role of local economic development is one which should be under council-controlled organisation control.





Governing Body Members' update


Resolution number AE/2014/42

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member H Arlington:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)            that Standing Order 3.9.14 be amended to allow Governing Body Members Cathy Casey and Christine Fletcher to have speaking rights.

b)            that Governing Body Members' verbal updates be received.




Reports Requested/Pending


Resolution number AE/2014/43

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member TH Woolfield:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        receives the list of reports requested/pending.




Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number AE/2014/44

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Member H Arlington:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)        receives the Albert-Eden Local Board workshop notes for the workshops held on the 14 and 21 May 2014.



26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Fowlds Park Upgrade


Resolution number AE/2014/45

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      requests Parks officers to consult with Ngati Whatua o Orakei and other mana whenua and that in the meantime that the Board’s decision to proceed with an artificial turf at Fowlds Park be put on hold.




5.54 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.






