I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Development Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 12 June 2014 10.00am Reception
Lounge |
Auckland Development Committee
Chairperson |
Deputy Mayor, Penny Hulse |
Deputy Chairperson |
Chris Darby |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Dick Quax |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Member Josie Smith |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Ross Clow |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Penny Webster |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Mike Lee |
Member Liane Ngamane |
(Quorum 11 members)
Tam White Democracy Advisor
10 June 2014
Contact Telephone: 09 307 7253 Email: tam.white@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland Development Committee 12 June 2014 |
9 Hobsonville Point 20ha Block: Future Residential Use 5
Auckland Development Committee 12 June 2014 |
Hobsonville Point 20ha Block: Future Residential Use
File No.: CP2014/11660
1. The purpose of this report is to determine the future use of the Council’s 20ha block of land at Hobsonville Point. The report recommends the full 20ha should be committed for residential development immediately, rather than the current position which is to retain the option of 10ha of this land for a Marine Industry Precinct (MIP - also branded as Yard 37) until financial year 2015/16. The report addresses the consequential decisions around Special Housing Areas (SHA’s) and the application of the Council’s affordable housing objectives.
Executive summary
2. In 2010, ACPL assumed management of a legacy project from Waitakere City Council to develop a Marine Industry Precinct (MIP) on 20ha of land at Hobsonville Point.
3. Despite developing a close working relationship with the marine industry, redesigning the MIP complex and launch facilities to meet industry needs, obtaining all consents, and initiating national and international marketing of the facility; there has been no sales of land at the MIP for boat building premises, nor any significant pre commitment.
4. In May 2013, the Strategy and Finance Committee considered the future of the Hobsonville Point land and resolved to future-proof two options. The first was a 20ha residential development of the site. The second was a combined residential – marine industry precinct solution of up to 10ha marine industry, and 10ha residential. The potential for up to 10ha marine area was on the basis that a minimum of three pre-sales was achieved by financial year 2015/16. If not the full 20ha would be committed to residential.
5. Four fundamental factors have changed since the May 2013 decision of the Strategy and Finance Committee which impact the potential development options at Hobsonville.
a) There have been no substantive offers by the marine industry to buy and develop at Hobsonville. In fact, the only company that had entered some form of arrangement to locate to Hobsonville exited the site in December 2013.
b) There are, and have been, statements that one or more operators may purchase at Hobsonville if superyacht contracts can be secured. However this has never eventuated, and there is no realistic prospect before ACPL that provides comfort that a thriving and viable MIP can be established at this location.
c) Waterfront Auckland is currently working on a marine strategy, and as part of that is considering how best to use Site 18 in the Wynyard Quarter to support the marine sector. Site 18 will, in all likelihood, be the new location for Emirates Team New Zealand. The strategy will consider options for the use of the parts of the site not occupied by Emirates Team New Zealand.
d) A residential master plan for the 20ha development has clearly demonstrated that a far better urban design solution, including a minimum 10% affordable housing component, can be achieved at Hobsonville Point if the whole 20ha is comprehensively planned for residential, local centre and mixed use development. To preserve the 10ha MIP, distorts the residual 10ha land for residential development.
e) The introduction of the Housing Accord and the opportunity for a SHA at Hobsonville Point, has brought forward the opportunity for the Council to achieve its housing policy objectives.
6. The financial implications of this decision are very significant for the Council and its ratepayers. This is particularly so in the context of the pending LTP, where there is a need to prioritise expenditure to achieve best overall results.
7. The 2011 business case for the MIP, as presented by ACPL and approved by the Council, indicated that the 20ha Marine Precinct would result in a loss of around $9.1m.
8. The 2013 review which approved the reduction of the MIP to 10ha with the residual land becoming residential concluded a loss of $7.6m. This would now be materially greater. At the same time it was also calculated that should 20ha be sold as residential it would return a $1m dollar surplus.
9. The predominately residential development now recommended by the ACPL Board will result conservatively in the Council getting back everything spent to date on this site, some $30m.
10. It should be noted that all these figures are excluding considerable holding costs. The predicted 2013 loss for a 10ha MIP would also increase given construction cost increases since this date.
11. In essence, in the view of the Board of ACPL, the Council faces a clear choice. On the one hand it can opt for the certainty of a significant housing outcome, already identified as a top priority, together with a material financial benefit for ratepayers. On the other hand, it can opt for uncertain, possible but not likely, economic development benefits of a MIP.
12. The conclusion of this report is that the full 20ha of land at Hobsonville Point be committed to residential development at this time and that the following recommendations be adopted.
That the Auckland Development Committee: a) note that despite extensive marine industry consultation and national and international marketing of the marine industry opportunities at Hobsonville, no presales were achieved, nor is there any current substantive prospect of presales. b) note the marine industry’s view that the refit industry offers prospects for the New Zealand marine industry, and that Waterfront Auckland offers opportunity for the refit industry, in addition to other options that are available in the region. c) note that the urban design solution for a comprehensive 20ha development at Hobsonville Point is a significantly better urban design solution compared to a master plan which attempts to preserve a 10ha MIP in the interim. d) note the significant demand for additional housing within Auckland as outlined in the Auckland Housing Accord, and the opportunity the 20ha Hobsonville Point block provides to assist in furthering the Council’s housing objectives. e) note that ACPL continue to provide interim accommodation for the one short-term tenant which remains on the Hobsonville site, subject to agreeing appropriate terms to exit the premises. f) agree that Council not proceed with a MIP at Hobsonville Point and that no further work be undertaken on the MIP apart from existing contractual obligations. g) approve the full 20ha of Hobsonville Point be committed for residential development and associated ancillary activities at this time. h) endorse the 20ha Hobsonville Point block being developed for predominantly high intensity residential development with a mix of typologies and incorporating a local centre/mixed use precinct. i) endorse the affordable housing offer of a minimum 10 per cent up to 15 percent of the Auckland Regional median house price. j) agree ACPL be authorised to seek a SHA classification for the remaining 10ha block at Hobsonville Point. k) agree that Launch Road be vested as a Public Road. l) ask ACPL to advise the marine industry of this decision and the reasons for it; and to thank the industry for its attempts to activate this precinct over the last three years, and to encourage the industry to continue working with Waterfront Auckland and ATEED on refit options. |
13. Following the Government decision in 2000 to close the Hobsonville Air force base, Waitakere City Council sought to establish a MIP at Hobsonville Point.
14. This was for two reasons. The first was to promote economic development in support of the marine industry in Auckland, and a view that the industry would significantly benefit from the opportunity to cluster at a single location. The Hobsonville Point land was originally seen as a significant opportunity for the marine industry because it was one of the very few locations on the Auckland Waterfront which was close to the harbour with deep water access, albeit with height limits due to the Auckland harbour bridge. The second reason was to assist in providing local employment.
15. The MIP was seen as offering benefits to Auckland in terms of:
· Creating a base and home for the Auckland marine industry;
· Promoting economic development;
· Creating the opportunity for the clustering of land extensive superyacht builders; and
· Providing local employment.
16. The disadvantages of the site were seen as:
· The separation of the MIP land from the harbour which requires expensive infrastructure to launch and retrieve vessels
· The amount of dredging and up front capital input to create the facilities;
· The inability to bring tall masted vessels to pass under the Harbour Bridge; and
· The disproportionately high expense for the short term refit of vessels due to launching costs and in some cases the removal of masts from vessels.
17. This project was adopted by the Auckland Council as a legacy project in 2010 and was placed under the management oversight of ACPL.
18. In 2010, there were two superyacht businesses operating on short-term leases, at Hobsonville – one on the ACPL property, and one on adjoining land owned by HLC. The purpose-built superyacht Sovereign Building remained effectively vacant.
19. By 2011 the land was acquired and a comprehensive development plan (resource consent) approval was granted. In addition ACPL revised the Masterplan and review of the launch infrastructure in consultation with the marine industry. Funding approval was received from the Strategy and Finance Committee in September 2011. ACPL indicated to the marine industry that if the necessary level of commitment (three significant committed purchasers) was achieved then the Council would trigger the development process.
20. ACPL instituted a significant review of the MIP in 2012 and worked with the marine industry to ensure the 20ha precinct was workable and efficient for the marine industry. All the necessary resource consents were obtained, including an amendment to the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).
21. The development needed significant capital injection at the beginning of the project, to put in place the necessary infrastructure to get 100m long superyachts from the harbour to the MIP. This required special roading, ramps / slipways and dredging. The government, through NZTE, committed $2 million including GST to these enabling works as part of a partnership between the Council and NZTE.
22. The marine industry was never able to make this level of commitment, and the MIP has not been triggered to date.
23. A review of international trends in the superyacht marine industry, and discussions with the marine industry in 2013 identified that there was minimal prospect of the New Zealand marine industry needing 20ha at Hobsonville.
24. At the same time, the Council was developing the Auckland Plan – the first time the region would benefit from a fully integrated strategy for Auckland. This plan identified a number of key strategies for Auckland. Two critical strategies are particularly relevant to this issue, being the Council’s housing objectives and economic development objectives.
25. In May 2013, the Strategy and Finance Committee considered all matters relating to the MIP at Hobsonville. A copy of that decision is appended as Attachment A. In essence, the committee resolved:
· To reduce the MIP from 20ha to 10ha, recognising the feedback from the marine industry and analysis of international trends that there was minimal prospect of needing the full 20ha.
· That the residual 10ha should be committed to housing, and that the land should be zoned Residential.
· To retain the opportunity for the marine industry for up to 10ha of land at Hobsonville while the Unitary Plan was going through the statutory process or until the 2015/16 year.
· That if the marine industry could secure the necessary three significant presales from major boat builders, then the MIP would be triggered.
· That if it could not be achieved by the time the Unitary Plan became operative in 2015/16, then the remaining 10ha would also be committed to housing.
Current marine industry activity at Hobsonville
26. Following this Committee resolution, and in line with the May 2013 resolutions, in order to future proof the MIP, ACPL has:
· Engaged with the marine industry on the strategy for the Yard 37 project (MIP) articulating the parameters of ACPL’s involvement and the required pre-commitment of 3 significant boat building presales.
· Secured approval for comprehensive development plan (resource consent) for the 10ha site and have also secured resource consent for an amended road network design around the MIP.
· Progressed in line with the Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) between HLC & ACPL to develop joint infrastructure to service the area. HLC activated the Launch Road section of these works in 2013. This required the roading and associated infrastructure to be fully designed and constructed to MIP standards which is currently underway.
· Negotiated with NZTE with a view to extending the $2m Major Regional Initiative (MRI) grant for a period of up to 3 years.
27. To date there has been no substantiated interest in the MIP from the boat building/marine industry necessary to trigger the development. Nor is there definite interest in the foreseeable future.
28. One superyacht operator did try and establish in the former Sovereign Yachts building. However, this operator was unable to make its operation work and exited the premises in December 2013.
29. A second operator who had a lease of a former hangar building on HLC land adjoining the MIP, and who was targeted to transfer onto MIP land, has closed down its business and also exited the Hobsonville Point area.
30. The third operator has a month to month licence to occupy and remains on-site in a former wasp hangar building within the MIP 10ha block. However, the nature of workload for this business means it is not in a position to commit to a full lease or purchase of the premises.
31. Recently a major boat builder has indicated that it may have a possible boat order towards the end of the year. Should the order materialise, it states it may be in a position to purchase land for the boat building operation. If this eventuates, there would still be a shortfall of two further significant boat building sales to achieve minimum needed. There is still no certainty around an agreed contract for the job and there have been previous similar situations of potential boat building sales and nothing has eventuated.
32. Lastly, it is important to acknowledge the current situation. In May 2013, when the resolutions were made by the Strategy and Finance Committee there was one prospective sale and two existing operators at Hobsonville. The current reality is that there is now only one operator at the MIP base, on a month to month licence paying less than market retail.
Establishment Costs
33. The Hobsonville Point land was originally seen as a significant opportunity for the marine industry. This was because it was one of the very few locations on the Auckland coastline which was close to the harbour with deep water access, albeit with height limitations for tall masts due to the Auckland Harbour Bridge clearance limitations.
34. The MIP land is some 400m from the water’s edge in an elevated area, to be accessed from a deep water channel across tidal flats.
35. To turn the MIP into reality, there is still significant investment required in creating buffer zones, dredging channels, constructing slipways and boat haulage areas, and realigning and building major roading infrastructure so that boats can be successfully launched and retrieved.
36. The justification for this ratepayer expenditure was subject to three significant boat building presales being obtained, as outlined above.
NZTE Funding
37. NZTE agreed to fund $2 million towards the establishment costs as a contribution towards the economic development of the marine industry.
38. NZTE has recently advised that because of the length of time that this potential project has taken and the delays incurred in securing presale commitments at Hobsonville, that the $2 million fund is no longer available from June this year.
39. This means that should the Council wish to initiate the MIP, then the cost to the Council will increase by $2 million. This is not budgeted for within the long-term plan.
40. NZTE could be approached to instead lift its funding towards the development of Site 18 as an alternative investment to support the marine industry.
Marine Industry View
41. ACPL has had further discussions with the marine industry over the current situation and the issues associated with the inability of the industry to confirm presales commitments to the MIP.
42. The marine industry view is set out in the letter from the Marine Industry Association and appended to this report as Attachment B.
43. In summary, the marine industry’s view from their letter and discussions is that:
· The Council should maintain the opportunity for the 10ha MIP at Hobsonville.
· The belief that the industry will eventually be in a position to support the MIP location through boat building and refit contracts.
· That the marine industry has been through a significant time of downturn due to the international financial situation and a very significant reduction in new orders for superyachts over a number of years.
· The number of new orders for superyachts internationally is starting to grow in a number of countries.
· New Zealand may not obtain a strong position in the new build superyacht industry for a variety of reasons, particularly around the relatively cheaper costs that can be achieved in other boat building nations. However, the industry see a significant future for the retrofit industry within New Zealand.
· There is strong economic development potential of the marine industry for New Zealand.
· The MIP should be made available for small operators as a way of establishing the precinct.
ACPL Assessment
44. From ACPL’s perspective:
a) The MIP has been ready to proceed to physical works since late 2011 and has only been deferred because of the inability to get the pre-commitment of three large superyacht builders to locate at Hobsonville.
b) There is still no substantive commercial interest in the site, nor firm prospect of the 3 presales being met. However, the following points should be noted:
· Waterfront Auckland has committed berthage and land to the marine refit industry at Wynyard Quarter. This operation is clearly attractive to the market, based on the number of superyachts that have stayed in New Zealand for refit purposes. Further, Wynyard Quarter accommodates a marine cluster consisting of numerous marine industry support activities and operations. Wynyard Quarter is the logical location to provide land for the retrofit industry.
· The concept of making Hobsonville Point available for small operators to try and grow the industry does not provide a solution. There are a number of small boat operators throughout Auckland located within industrial areas. They operate well in these locations and there are no particular requirements as to why they would need to locate specifically at Hobsonville Point.
· The purpose of the Hobsonville Point MIP was to attract mega boats or superyachts that could not be accommodated elsewhere in Auckland, and the necessity for this size and weight of vessel to have a direct coastal location (including deep water access). These are the primary elements that support the Hobsonville Point land to be committed to marine industrial purposes rather than residential. There is not a shortage of land within Auckland to provide for small marine operators.
45. ACPL sought a report from Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development on the future of the marine industry. This work was in addition to the research previously commissioned by ACPL. It is noted that the findings were generally consistent.
46. That report identified:
· The fundamental change in focus that is occurring in the New Zealand marine industry from the manufacture of new vessels, to refitting existing vessels.
· This change has been driven off the high New Zealand dollar, new manufacturing capacity in competitive markets, particularly Asia, and the lasting impact of the global financial crisis which has reduced demand for new superyachts.
· This has seen a significant reduction in the demand for new superyacht construction into the New Zealand market.
· While New Zealand enjoys a high reputation for its boating craftsmanship and innovation, nevertheless the number of new vessel orders for New Zealand operators remains very low.
· Waterfront Auckland and their work in attracting the refit industry, has demonstrated the significant economic development of this part of the industry.
47. It had been hoped that the May 2013 resolutions and Council’s commitment to the 10ha MIP would prove a sufficient catalyst to attract marine industrial operators to Hobsonville. This has not happened.
48. These factors have led to ACPL seeking a final decision on the MIP now rather than in the financial year 2015/16 as resolved by the Strategy and Finance Committee in May 2013. As noted above in this report, several factors have changed since that decision, which warrant a reconsideration of the Council’s position on this matter.
Council’s Housing Agenda
49. Bring forward a decision to develop the full 20ha of the MIP land, will offer a significant opportunity to progress Councils Housing Agenda.
50. The Auckland Housing Accord also identifies the importance of bringing significant additional areas of residential land/housing to market within a shorter time frame to assist in the significant growth Auckland is experiencing.
51. Hobsonville Point is capable of making a good contribution to the Council's housing agenda. The 10ha of the Council land already identified for residential development was confirmed as a SHA in 2013. This will assist in expediting the development of this area providing approximately 267 homes. If the remaining 10ha was to be confirmed for residential at this time and identified as an SHA this would effectively double the number of homes that can be developed in the short term to assist in meeting Auckland’s residential growth targets
52. The full 20ha residential future can be designed in a comprehensive and integrated manner. This is as opposed to a design which needs to accommodate a possible future industrial precinct, which includes a substantial buffer around the edge and limited public through access due to safety and security requirements associated with a MIP.
Affordable Housing
53. In addition the bringing forward of the housing programme, will further enable the promotion of affordable housing as a component of the development.
54. Under the Auckland Housing Accord and the PAUP, 10% of new homes are targeted to meet the Council’s affordable housing policies. These policies target a range of criteria built around the house sale price being equal or less than 75% of the median Auckland regional house price.
55. This report recommends that at least 10 percent of new homes meet the Council’s affordable housing objectives with opportunities being explored to exceed this expectation
56. Such an approach would enable various methodologies or approaches to affordable housing to be tested and developed by ACPL.
Residential master plan
57. ACPL has commissioned a master plan for residential development of the full 20ha MIP in Hobsonville Point. The purpose of this work has been to evaluate the outcomes that could be achieved if the full 20ha were developed for this purpose. This exercise also enables the benefits and costs of the two options to be analysed (i.e. 10ha vs 20ha). The residential block is referred to as “The Airfields”.
58. The master plan provides for high quality intensive residential development within the 20ha block. The development is consistent with and complementary to the form of development throughout Hobsonville Point.
59. The master plan provides for a mix of housing typologies to promote a diverse residential community.
60. The development of the draft master plan has highlighted the following advantages of a 20ha residential scenario:
· Increased housing supply – approximately 673 versus 267 subject to usual regulatory processes;
· Increased affordable housing supply;
· Opportunities for the inclusion of complementary mixed use developments, which results in local employment opportunities and a small local centre based in the existing wasp hanger building. This will build on the similar development proposed immediately opposite the MIP land on Hobsonville Land Company property;
· Better integration with proposed residential development on adjoining sites;
· Enable consistent and enhanced urban design outcomes, including improved linkages, public connections, open spaces and street frontages; and
· Cost effective infrastructure provision.
61. HLC has resource consent for mixed use development on its land to the north of Launch Road and adjoining the Council land. HLC see this land as providing a community hub at this eastern end of Hobsonville Point adjacent to “The Landing” and the ferry terminal. The proposed ACPL master plan for this block complements this approach. It provides an area for a local centre based on the existing heritage Wasp Hangar building. It also provides opportunities for mixed use including employment opportunities.
62. In accordance with the Strategy and Finance committee resolutions, the master plan has been prepared on the basis of a 20ha development. This plan was then adapted to enable the work to be staged.
63. HLC is the owner of adjoining land on all four boundaries of the 20ha ACPL block. HLC has been consulted over the development of the master plan. It supports the 20ha development at “The Airfields” and supports the master plan and the urban design this plan will facilitate.
64. The work on the master plan has identified that preserving the 10ha MIP and staging the development significantly compromises the urban design outcomes for the 20ha block. While a technical solution can be found, the unusual L-shaped block of land which would be developed for residential purposes creates inefficiencies in terms of street layout and results in a significant compromise of the overall master plan. A far better urban design solution integrating HLC’s land can be achieved if the full 20ha site is treated holistically.
65. Compounding this, the most cost-effective way to provide the utilities to service the 20ha block is to gain access from Hobsonville Point Rd/Launch Rd. The 10ha MIP block fronts Launch Rd. This impacts in two ways. It increases the cost in providing utility services located so as to avoid the MIP land and there is inefficiency in having fewer sites available to fund infrastructure costs.
Employment Opportunities
66. As part of the strategic review of the 20ha by ACPL in 2013, ACPL investigated the option of part or all of the land being used for industrial purposes. This assessment recognised the economic development and employment objectives which were part of the rationale behind the original MIP.
67. As reported to the Strategy and Finance Committee in May 2013 as a result of this strategic review ACPL concluded:
“The use of the site for industrial purposes is not the highest and best use of the land. The indicative realisable land values are less than the existing marine precinct and significantly less than would be achieved from a residential development. There already exists enough industrial land in West Auckland to satisfy 15 – 20 years of demand. In addition the nature of this land on the coast within the character area of Hobsonville Point including fundamental limitations such as access, character, location and residential neighbours means it is not considered a viable financial proposition going forward, or a suitable location for general industry.”
68. When the MIP was being considered, a suite of plan changes were being advanced by Waitakere City Council to create employment in the northwest. These included the Westgate land (called Massey north), the Hobsonville Corridor and the MIP. All three areas were successful through the statutory process and were made operative. Westgate and Hobsonville Corridor provided for a broad range of employment and business uses. The MIP as stated was a niche industrial area confined to marine industrial activity.
69. Westgate is now subdivided and development is commencing which provides significant “ready to go” business and employment opportunities now. The Hobsonville corridor remains undeveloped at this stage, but fully zoned for employment activities when the market demand occurs.
70. Very significant areas of undeveloped industrial and business land are zoned along the Hobsonville Corridor. This provides approximately 70ha of development land for a broad range of light industrial and employment activities. None of this land is yet developed. In addition, significant commercial retail and business land is zoned as part of the Westgate development. Core infrastructure is currently being provided into this area and development is commencing. This represents approximately 75ha of available industrial land plus significant business land.
71. It is noted that the development at Westgate (formerly Massey North) has progressed significantly since May 2013 with completion of core infrastructure such as roads, stormwater, parks and services and private sector development now happening. There has also been movement towards the development of Hobsonville Corridor with earthworks occurring as part of the delivery of core infrastructure.
72. In summary the analysis of the Northern Strategic Gateway (NorSGA) and north-western corridor has indicated that there is significant vacant industrial and business land targeted at the Hobsonville area, Westgate, and in the future, Whenuapai. This land is very extensive and better suited to industrial development in terms of proximity to motorways and the metropolitan centre of Westgate. Committing Hobsonville Point from industrial to residential purposes will not constrain the opportunity for employment-generating activity or economic development generating activity to locate within the north-western area.
73. In addition, the 20ha ACPL master plan makes a complementary provision for 2ha to 3ha of land adjoining Launch Rd which would be suitable for mixed use development. This is also supported within ACPL’s submission to the PAUP. These activities are focused on the Wasp Hangar building (a heritage structure), which the ACPL submission to the PAUP seeks a Local Centre zoning for. It extends further east along the Launch Rd frontage, with the opportunity for business and/or residential activity. This would complement and strengthen the HLC proposal for a neighbourhood centre on their adjoining land which has approval as part of the Sunderland Comprehensive Development Plan.
74. While this area of land is significantly smaller than the 20ha, the nature of business and employment activity is that it is potentially much more intense. It would provide for a range of activities, including general business, office and other employment-generating opportunities. The combination of the HLC and ACPL proposal for this mixed use hub would provide realistic opportunity for employment activities. The most logical opportunity is niche retailing (supported by offices and other related business) associated with the unique location of Hobsonville Point whilst servicing the Hobsonville Point community.
Local board views and implications
75. ACPL has presented this review to the Upper Harbour Local Board in a workshop on the 11th of April 2014. The Board has been generally supportive of the proposal. It has verbally provided feedback on the 20ha Master Plan. This feedback will be considered further in the ongoing development of the Master Plan.
76. The Local Board at the workshop verbally supported the recommendation to terminate the MIP and to commit the full 20ha residential development.
77. As previously stated, HLC is the adjoining land owner on all boundaries of the MIP. ACPL has fully consulted with HLC over the development of both the MIP and “The Airfields” Master Plan.
78. The HLC position is that it fully supports a 20ha residential development at Hobsonville Point and would also support a 10ha residential development and 10ha Marine Industrial Precinct. However HLC would not support a MIP at Hobsonville Point of a significantly lesser area than 10ha. Their concern is that a smaller MIP of (say) 5ha could have a negative urban design outcome and cost impact on the area.
Maori impact statement
79. There has been no engagement in the preparation of this report. However, the future use of the Council 20ha has been under discussion since the development of the original Plan Change 13 to the Waitakere District Plan and through the preparation of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. Iwi was extensively consulted on the development of the Draft Unitary Plan.
80. Consultation was also undertaken on specific consents for the Marine Industrial Precinct, particularly in relation to storm water management and water treatment.
81. If the Committee adopts this report, then ACPL will prepare the necessary framework plan and consents.Engagement with iwi will be a necessary part of the formal regulatory process.
82. The purchase and work on the MIP by Waitakere Properties Limited and ACPL has been a very significant investment over the last decade.
83. If the MIP proceeds at 10ha, ACPL then will need to install the Launching Ramp and Slipway, Forecourts and Hardstands. As already noted, NZTE has advised that because of the length of time that the project has taken and the delays in securing presale commitments at Hobsonville, that the $2 million fund is no longer available from June this year.
84. This means that should the Council wish to initiate the MIP, then the cost to the Council will increase by a further $2 million. This is not budgeted for within the long-term plan.
85. The 2013 review identified a projected loss of $7.6m for the total residential/MIP project should the 10ha MIP be activated. Further review and analysis undertaken by ACPL has confirmed that the loss would be higher than anticipated at the time of that report.
86. If the development proceeds as 20ha residential, then in the current market the Council will be able to give effect to its residential objectives and conservatively recover Council’s costs in this land.
87. If the Committee adopts this report, then the following actions will be necessary to give effect to the 20ha master plan.
a) ACPL will seek a SHA to be applied to the remaining 10ha of the MIP block.
b) ACPL will seek a qualifying development under the Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas Act for the master plan, covering the full 20ha of the MIP block at Hobsonville Point.
c) ACPL will move to implement the Hobsonville development under the normal delegations and processes of the Council and ACPL.
d) ACPL will communicate the decision and the reasons for it to the marine industry and thank them for their attempts to activate the MIP over the last four years.
e) ACPL will hand over to Waterfront Auckland all information, material and potentially any surplus assets on the MIP to assist them in their proposals to expand refit facilities for the marine industry at Wynyard Quarter.
f) Launch Road will no longer need to be “a private road” and will vest as a public road as part of the subdivision consent process for “The Airfields”.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Decision of the Strategy and Finance Committee 2013 |
17 |
bView |
Letter of the Marine Industrial Association |
35 |
Authors |
Don Greenaway – Development Manager Allan Young – Manager Development John Dunshea – Manager City Transformation |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager David Rankin – Chief Executive, Auckland Council Property Limited Roger Blakeley - Chief Planning Officer |