Central Facility Partnerships Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Central Facility Partnerships Committee held in the Civic Building, Level 15 Committee Room, 1 Greys Avenue, Auckland on Monday, 16 June 2014 at 1.01 pm.




Deputy Chairperson

Desley Simpson, JP

Orakei Local Board (Presiding)


Harry Doig

Puketapapa Local Board (from 1.06 pm, Item 4)


Peter Haynes

Albert/Eden Local Board


Chris Makoare



Christina Spence

Great Barrier Island Local Board





Greg Moyle

Waitemata Local Board


Shirin Brown

Waiheke Local Board (from 1.04 pm, Item 4)




Chairperson  Shale Chambers

Member          Member John Meeuwsen





Central Facility Partnerships Committee

16 June 2014




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number CFPC/2014/1

MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Member CL Makoare:  

That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee:

a)         Accept apologies from Harry Doig for lateness and Chairperson, Shale Chambers and Member John Meeuwsen for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


The following declarations of interest were received and have been noted as secretarial notes by the relevant item:


·         Christina Spence – Barrier Social Club Committee Member

·         Christina Spence – Aotea Board Riders Club – relationship to landowner



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number CFPC/2014/2

MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Member PD Haynes:  

That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee:

a)         Confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 11 December 2013, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.




6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Central Facility Partnership Stage Two applications and Feasibility Study requests for 2013/14


Resolution number CFPC/2014/3

MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Member PD Haynes:  

That the Central Facility Partnerships Committee:

a)      Approve the following legacy projects for extended draw down dates until June 2015:

·      St Heliers Community Centre and Church project;

·      Nga Hau Maiangi project;

·      Akarana Marine Sports Trust; and

·      Tri Star Gymnastics club project.

b)      Withdraw the $650,000 legacy funding allocated to the Mt Albert Grammar Aquatic project, reallocate $50,000 into the Central Facilities Partnership fund for 2013/2014 and reallocate $600,000 into the Central Facilities Partnership fund for 2014/2015.

c)      Withdraw the $853,854 legacy funding allocated to the Avondale Primary Swimming Pool project and reallocate into the Central Facilities Partnership Fund for 2014/2015.

d)      Acknowledges the entity change for the legacy funding allocated to Royal Akarana Yacht Club to Akarana Marine Sports Trust (AMST).

e)      Reallocate the balance of $5528 from the Barrier Social Club roofing project in 2012/2013 to Central Facilities Partnership fund for 2013/2014.

f)       Reallocate the balance of $6000 from the Maungarei Community Christian Trust project in 2012/2013 to Central Facilities Partnership fund for 2013/2014.

g)      That the Central Facility Partnerships Funding Committee approve/decline the following project applications for 2013/2014:

Feasibility Study Applications approved:



LB Area

Project Description

Project  Cost



Auckland Basketball Services Ltd (ABSL)


To identify opportunities and determine options to remedy basketball court capacity shortage within central Auckland.




Remuera Bowling Club Inc


To scope the potential for a “Centre for Bowls” to be developed in central Auckland that would incorporate both indoor and outdoor greens to create year round access for playing bowls, as a well as central headquarters, office space and clubroom facilities.



a)   Notes that Auckland Bowls has contributed $5000 towards project.


b)   Notes that Auckland Bowls will be the administrating body for these funds.


c) $25,000

YMCA Auckland


To identify options or opportunities for the YMCA around the potential to increase the capacity and the footprint of the YMCA City Stadium in Pitt St. 








Feasibility Applications Declined:


Ellerslie Eagles Rugby League Club


To identify options to upgrade and redesign the Ellerslie Eagles club facilities for extended use by members/users/community groups.





Notes that Council Staff will work with the club, Sport Auckland and Auckland Rugby League to redevelop the application with a view to re-submitting it in a future funding round.

Marist Rugby League Club


A feasibility study to determine the shape and scope of a redesign and rebuild of club facilities in co-operation with other sports codes and community groups.





Notes that Council Staff will work with the club, Sport Auckland and Auckland Rugby League to redevelop the application with a view to re-submitting it in a future funding round.


h)      That the Central Facility Partnerships Funding Committee approve the following Stage Two project applications for 2013/2014:

Stage Two Project Applications Approved:


LB Area

Project Description

Project  Cost



Auckland Grammar School


To develop an artificial turf with lights to release pressure on the existing grass fields





Notes that community access was an important aspect of this decision

Auckland Rowing  Association Incorporated


Stage 1 of a regional water sports centre to create water access for rowing and other aquatic sports, through the installation of hardstands, a jetty and a floating pontoon.

 $1,800,000    stage 1

 $800,000                  over 2 years



Noting that Auckland Rowing would need to apply in the 2014/15 funding year and the outcome cannot be assumed.

Ellerslie Sports Club


To build a club rooms for both cricket and football on Michaels Ave Reserve as part of the Stage 3 of the Michael Ave Reserve Concept Plan.




Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust

Great Barrier

To complete renovation and refurbishment of the Gray Homestead as a heritage museum.




Three Kings United Football Club


To build a new clubhouse in accordance with the council developed Keith Hay Park plan.




Waiheke Island Rudolf Steiner Education Trust


To establish a family support and education centre alongside the Rudolf Steiner Fossil Bay Kindergarten in Oneroa.



Defer application to the next funding round

 $ 10,878,096







Stage Two Project Applications Declined:


Aotea Boardriders Club

Great Barrier

To build a small multi use clubrooms for the club and other affiliated water based and water safety groups on Great Barrier Island.




Eastern Suburbs Gymnastics Club


To expand and improve current facilities based on options reported through a feasibility study in order to meet the demand for gymnastics.




The Auckland Performing Arts Centre of Western Springs (TAPAC)


To install a disability access ramp at the entrance to TAPAC and to install an accessible and safe theatre seating block.








13        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items. 






2.19 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









