I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee









Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Alf Filipaina



Cr Denise Krum



Cr Calum Penrose



Member David Taipari



Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE



Member Karen Wilson



Cr George Wood, CNZM



Mayor Len Brown, JP



Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse



(Quorum 3 members)




Elaine Stephenson

Democracy Advisor


6 June 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6328

Email: elaine.stephenson@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz







The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee will be responsible for:


·         Being Auckland’s strategic forum for civil defence and emergency management planning and policy;

·         Establishing an emergency management structure for the Auckland region;

·         Develop, approve, implement and monitor the Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan;

·         Performing the statutory functions of a civil defence emergency management group;

·         Representing Auckland in the development of national emergency management policy;

·         Developing policy for, and monitoring, the Auckland Council’s civil defence, emergency management and natural hazards functions; and

·         Engaging with Local Boards on civil defence and emergency management issues.


The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee will exercise the statutory powers outlined in the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and the Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan.


The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee is authorised to approve use of the established emergency funding facility provided for emergency management.


Relevant legislation includes but is not limited to:


Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002; and
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996.





Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        7

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   7

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               7

4          Petitions                                                                                                                          7  

5          Public Input                                                                                                                    7

6          Local Board Input                                                                                                          7

7          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

8          Notices of Motion                                                                                                          8

9          New Zealand Fire Service Vision 2020 presentation                                                 9

10        Auckland Hazards Update                                                                                          11

11        Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management - Auckland Civil Defence Capability Assessment presentation                                                                        13

12        Update on Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management's work programme                                                                                                                                       15

13        New Zealand Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT)                       23

14        Civil Defence and Emergency Management Update on Work Programme          25  

15        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


An apology from Deputy Mayor PA Hulse has been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 6 March 2014, as a true and correct record.



4          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


5          Public Input


Standing Order 3.21 provides for Public Input.  Applications to speak must be made to the Committee Secretary, in writing, no later than two (2) working days prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.


6          Local Board Input


Standing Order 3.22 provides for Local Board Input.  The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time.  The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give two (2) days notice of their wish to speak.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.


This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 3.9.14 to speak to matters on the agenda.


At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.


7          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local  authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


8          Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


New Zealand Fire Service Vision 2020 presentation


File No.: CP2014/11052





1.       To update the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee on the New Zealand Fire Service new vision.

Executive summary

2.       The New Zealand Fire Service has developed a new Vision 2020, setting out its approach to supporting communities and allied agencies toward 1010.  Commander Brian Butt of the New Zealand Fire Service will present to the committee outlining this vision.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      receive the presentation by Commander Brian Butt regarding the New Zealand Fire Service new vision.

b)      thank Commander Brian Butt for his presentation.




There are no attachments for this report.      



Hantie van der Stoep - Executive Assistant to Clive Manley


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


Auckland Hazards Update


File No.: CP2014/11535





1.       To provide an update on Auckland hazards.

Executive summary


2.       Auckland faces many hazards which can affect the region on different scales and over varying time periods.  The Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Hazards quick reference guide has been developed to communicate what these hazards are and how they might impact the region in the future.  To inform future decision making, a programme of work has commenced to produce similar documents at Local Board level so that communities can understand their specific hazard risks.  Once each Local Board report is complete it is intended that community sessions will be held to help communities understand their hazard exposure. 

This presentation will cover the range of hazards which can affect Auckland.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      receive the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Hazards quick reference guide.

b)      thank Richard Woods, Manager Planning and Intelligence, for his presentation.





There are no attachments for this report.    



Richard Woods - Manager Planning and Intelligence


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management - Auckland Civil Defence Capability Assessment presentation


File No.: CP2014/11880




An evaluation of the Auckland CDEM Group is undertaken to give feedback to the Group on their performance relative to a national standard on a regular basis.  The National Capability Assessment 2014 is part of the CDEM Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, which aims to track the state of CDEM in New Zealand.

Executive summary

Jane Rollin, Regional Emergency Management Advisor for the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, will present on this topic.  Jane will be leading the Auckland Monitoring and Evaluation Team.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      receive the Auckland Civil Defence Capability Assessment presentation.

b)      thank Jane Rollin, Regional Emergency Management Advisor for the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, for her presentation.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Hantie van der Stoep - Executive Assistant to Clive Manley


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


Update on Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management's work programme


File No.: CP2014/11885





To update the Civil Defence Emergency and Management Group Committee about the updated Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management’s (MCDEM) work programme.

Executive summary

This report is a regular report that will keep the Civil Defence Emergency and Management Group Committee up to date on the MCDEM’s work programme.

The report will be presented by Jane Rollin, Regional Emergency Management Advisor for the MCDEM.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      receive the update on the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management’s work programme.

b)      thank Jane Rollin, Regional Emergency Management Advisor for the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, for her presentation.








April work programme update





Hantie van der Stoep - Executive Assistant to Clive Manley


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014





21 May 2014


Chairs of Coordinating Executive Groups


MCDEM Work Programme Status Report – April 2014

The MCDEM work programme for FY 2013/14 is shown in the Business Plan that was distributed to CDEM Groups at the beginning of the financial year.  This report shows progress and developments against the themes shown in the Business Plan.  Now that the Government has announced the budget for 2014/15 MCDEM will commence the detailed planning of priorities and the work programme.  The appropriation for 2014/15 amounts to $11.102M, a slight increase from the $10.84M allocated to this year.  One reason for the increase is an allocation that will enable us to develop a business case for public alerting discussed later in this report.

I encourage you to share this report with Managers of CDEM Group Offices and at your discretion, it can be shared with other officials in your Group.


Summary of Progress

1.         Transfer to Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

The transfer of accountability for the MCDEM and its work to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) occurred on 01 April 2014. At the same time the Ministry also relocated from 22 The Terrace to level 17 of Bowen House in the Parliamentary complex.  No changes occurred to staff or to the location of the regional offices in Auckland and Christchurch. The policy staff and those involved in public information are now co-located with the rest of MCDEM staff on one open plan floor.  The transition of staff and the routine work programme was accomplished smoothly.  The second phase of the transition project is now underway and is focussed on transferring the responsibility for supporting the ICT systems in the NCMC from DIA to DPMC. Originally intended to be completed by the end of June 2014, this work is likely to be delayed while the opportunity is taken to investigate the potential for a public-private support arrangement to be put in place. DIA will continue to provide the support until a new arrangement is established.


2.         Get Ready Week, September 21-27


The national advertising schedule for Get Ready Week has been confirmed and MCDEM is working with CDEM Groups to provide supporting resources that can be used. These include posters, logos, email and website images and bulk discounts for ordering bags and reprints of publications nationally.

National advertising for the week will not start until Sunday 21 September to ensure the Get Ready messages are not lost in the election campaign advertising.

Contact: Vince Cholewa (04) 817 8560 vince.cholewa@dpmc.govt.nz

Level 17, Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | PO Box 5010 | Wellington 6145 | New Zealand

Tel: +64 4 817 8555 | Fax: +64 4 817 8554 | emergency.management@dpmc.govt.nz | www.civildefence.govt.nz

The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management is a business unit of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabine

3.         New Zealand ShakeOut 2015


Initial planning for New Zealand ShakeOut 2015 has begun and details of an inter-agency planning team will come shortly. The planning team will confirm a date for the national earthquake drill, which is likely to be September or October 2015 to fit in with school terms. Similar to 2012, New Zealand ShakeOut will be part of the Get Ready Get Thru campaign and the National Exercise Programme. New Zealand ShakeOut will be the full-time focus of MCDEM’s Public Education Advisor for about a year from the date of the national drill. Support from Groups and other agencies, which were so willingly and expertly provided in 2012, will be crucial for success in 2015.


Contact: Vince Cholewa (04) 817 8560 vince.cholewa@dpmc.govt.nz


4.         Emergency Management Information System (EMIS)


MCDEM conducted an EMIS Super User’s course with the assistance of the North and South Island EMIS trainers in April.  Results of the EMIS user survey have been made available to CDEM Groups. Meanwhile testing on the new Alerts function has started while a number of other enhancements are on track for completion by the end of the financial year. A user group is being formed and will meet in June to agree system simplification.

Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz


5.         Review of the National CDEM Plan and Guide


The revised National CDEM Plan (revised Plan) has completed a number of critical steps including:

·       The Minister of Civil Defence approved on 12 January 2014 the final draft of revised Plan and agreed to it commencing the government approval and regulation making process.

·       The Readiness and Response Board of ODESC (the Committee of Officials’ for Domestic and External Security Coordination) on 7 February 2014 noted the final draft of the revised Plan and the arrangements and amendments it contains.

·       Drafting the revised Plan as a Regulation by the Parliamentary Counsel Office was completed in April 2014.

·       Cabinet Committee approved on 15 May 2014 to issue the revised Plan for public consultation and to table the revised Plan in the House. 


The revised Plan has been amended to incorporate the feedback provided in 2010 prior to the Christchurch earthquake, the Findings of various reviews and the recommendations and advancements in national CDEM planning that have occurred since the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The major amendments to the revised Plan include:


·       Updating terminology and references to legislation and agency names to reflect current arrangements.

·       Providing a more user-friendly document that gives a consistent level and type of information.

·       Revise the purpose, objectives and scope of the Plan to more adequately reflect its full intent and scope.

·       Amending areas of the Plan that were identified as lacking clarity, to provide for a greater understanding of roles and responsibilities.

·       Incorporating recommendations and findings of the Review of the CDEM Response to the 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake and the Review of Emergency Welfare Arrangements.


The next steps are to release the revised Plan for public consultation (for 40 working days) and to table it in the House (for 90 days). This is scheduled to commence on 23 May 2014 and will close on 25 July 2014. Public consultation will be advertised in several metropolitan newspapers, and the document will be made available on the Ministry’s website (www.civildefence.govt.nz). CDEM Groups have been made aware of the impending public consultation via email and will be reminded at the time of its release with further emails as well as via e-Bulletin articles.

Contact: Jenna Rogers (04) 817 8570 jenna.rogers@dpmc.govt.nz


6.         Corrective Action Plan


The majority of the actions that comprise the Corrective Action Plan arising from the review of the Christchurch response are on target to be completed within the projected timeframes.

Progress in some of the key components of the CAP are covered elsewhere in this update.

The revised Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) has been finalised and published. Consultation on a concept for the establishment of a ‘cadre of experienced emergency managers’ is now underway.

Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz


7.       Review of Arrangements for Delivery of Welfare Services in Emergencies


The Welfare Corrective Action Plan was distributed in April 2013 to CDEM Groups and agencies that play a role in delivering emergency welfare services in an emergency. The corrective actions are being worked through and have informed the revision of the Welfare Services section of the National CDEM Plan. Changes implemented in 2013 included:

·       Transition to Welfare Coordination Groups (WCG) and Civil Defence Centres (CDC).

·       Confirmation of the continued use of the term ‘Welfare Manager’ – including in the revised Welfare Services section of the National CDEM Plan.

·       Inclusion in the revised National CDEM Plan confirmation of the nine welfare sub-functions and responsible/support agencies.

·       Transition of the overarching responsibility for welfare services from MSD to MCDEM (and therefore to involve CDEM Groups) once the new Plan is implemented (likely to be in 2015).

The focus for 2014 includes the following:

·       Continued engagement with agencies and CDEM Groups on the arrangements in the draft revised National CDEM Plan and the supporting Guide.

·       CDEM Group Welfare Forum was held on 19-20 March 2014 in Auckland.

·       Commencement of the project to review the Welfare in an Emergency Director’s Guideline (DGL 11/10), which will be issued for sector consultation later in 2014.


Contact: Sarah Stuart-Black (04) 817 8574 sarah.stuart-black@dpmc.govt.nz



8.         Capability Development Programme


We are finalising contract negotiations with the selected provider so that work can commence this month. We aim to have the first residential Controllers’ course delivered in November 2014.

Contact: Grant Morris (04) 817 8581 grant.morris@dpmc.govt.nz


9.         Publications - Review, Development and Consultation


A number of the Ministry’s publications are currently being reviewed or developed. These include:

·       Lifeline Utilities and CDEM: Director’s Guideline (review and amalgamation of DGL 3/02 and BPG 1/03). The document was issued for sector consultation in October 2013, and is currently being finalised and will be published by 30 June 2014.

·       Logistics: Director’s Guideline. A workshop with stakeholders was on 15 May 2014. Sector consultation on the draft document will occur in mid-2014.

·       CDEM Group Planning: Director’s Guideline. A survey seeking stakeholder feedback on this publication was issued in July 2013 and informed the development of the current draft. Sector consultation on the draft document will occur in mid-2014.

·       Recovery Management: Director’s Guideline (review and amalgamation of IS 5/05 Focus on Recovery and DGL 4/05 Recovery Management). A survey seeking stakeholder feedback on this publication was issued in February 2014 and is being used to inform the development of the current draft. A workshop with stakeholders is being held on 24 July (being hosted by the Waikato CDEM Group). Sector consultation will occur in late 2014 or early 2015.

·       Welfare in an Emergency: Director’s Guideline. A survey seeking stakeholder feedback on this publication was issued in February 2014, and is being used to inform the development of the current draft. Sector consultation on the draft document will occur in late 2014.


Contact: Sarah Stuart Black (04) 817 8574 sarah.stuart-black@dpmc.govt.nz


10.       Review of the legislation for recovery from an emergency


The Minister of Civil Defence agreed in August 2013 that the first stage of the review of the framework for recovery will comprise a review of the CDEM Act to develop proposals for generic provisions in the Act for recovery from emergencies of small to large (but not significant) scale.

MCDEM appreciates the input to date from CDEM Groups, which was used in developing a set of draft policy proposals to amend the CDEM Act. In May 2014, the Minister agreed in principle to these proposals, which now require further work to round out the details. CDEM Group input will be sought on this work to assist in finalising the proposals. This will likely occur over the next few months.

A final set of policy proposals to amend the CDEM Act is now likely to be submitted to Cabinet after September 2014. The legislative processes to amend the Act are likely to then extend into 2015.

Contact: Geraldine Canham-Harvey(04) 817 8557 geraldine.canham-harvey@dpmc.govt.

11.       Tsunami Risk Management

Consultation on the draft standard for the use of sirens in tsunami warnings has been extended to 20 May at the request of CDEM Groups.

Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz


12.       MCDEM Website Redevelopment 

Redevelopment of the MCDEM website, www.civildefence.govt.nz, has been transferred to DPMC. MCDEM has been emailing updates to Group Managers, asking them to forward the messages to EMO’s and ICT staff. MCDEM has also copied the updates to PIM staff for information.

The redevelopment project will require a small amount of work by your ICT staff but no other costs will be required by Groups. Your ICT staff will need to check the links between the websites to make sure they will work correctly so that changes to your Group’s emergency status will be automatically flagged on the MCDEM website and the public directed to your website for detailed information about the emergency. 

The target date for MCDEM’s new website to be live is 1 July 2014.

Contact: Vince Cholewa (04) 817 8560 vince.cholewa@dpmc.govt.nz


13.       Public Alerting

We are working with MBIE on the development of an emergency services public alerting and 111 calling App. In addition we will also commence a business case on cell broadcasting in the new financial year following a successful budget bid for funds to do this work.  

Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz


14.       CDEM Resilience Fund

Applications for the 2014/15 CDEM Resilience Fund have been reviewed and allocated.  $1.4M was requested of the $889k available.  The priorities established by the CEG Chair’s Forum were taken into consideration during assessment of applications along with factors such as national applicability, work based on the results of the monitoring and evaluation programme and whether the project could be considered core business.

Applications for the 2015/16 CDEM Resilience Fund will close at the end of July in an effort to align the CDEM Resilience Fund with local government budget preparations.

Contact: Shane Bayley (04) 495 6819 shane.bayley@dpmc.govt.nz



I have been very pleased with the manner in which the transfer of MCDEM to DPMC has taken place. Despite the upheaval involved, progress on our work programme and our readiness to activate the NCMC have been maintained.  I attribute this to the efforts of those in MCDEM involved in planning the move and their ability to resolve the myriad of issues and irritations that arose. Downstream we will be working with the other elements of DPMC to share approaches to managing national security risks and enhancing resilience with a view to greater harmonisation of crisis management procedures.

It is also pleasing to see the team attain milestones with the draft of the National CDEM Plan and the publication of the new version of CIMS.  Both projects indicate evolutionary improvements to the way in which we conduct civil defence emergency management.


Yours sincerely


John Hamilton



Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


New Zealand Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT)


File No.: CP2014/12074





1.       The independent review of the response to the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake recommended that a  “cadre  of  highly  trained  emergency  managers  from  organisations  across  the  country  be established  to  lead  and  control  emergency  responses.” 

2.       The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has requested our views on whether we support this approach, and would also be prepared to make staff available to form such an “Emergency Management Assistance Team” (EMAT) before it recommends this approach to the ODESC (Readiness and Response Board).

Executive summary

3.       The concept is for the establishment of a suitably qualified New Zealand Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT) for the purpose of rapid, short duration deployment to assist or augment senior operational capacity in complex or large scale emergency response situations.  The focus is on specific, specialist response management functions at a manager level.  The intent is to support responses at both central and local government levels. 

4.       It draws on a similar initiative developed by Emergency Management Australia (EMA) following the Queensland floods of 2011.

5.       If council supports this approach it would make staff available to be trained and then deployed as required (up to two weeks), with the first 72 hours at council’s expense and then with the remaining costs at the requesting authority’s expense.

6.       Council has a long history of supporting other councils in New Zealand, most notable during the Christchurch Earthquakes, and supporting this initiative would formalise this practice.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      support the formation of an “Emergency Management Assistance Team” (EMAT) and for Auckland Council to be part of this initiative.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

17 June 2014


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Update on Work Programme


File No.: CP2014/12080





1.       To update the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee on the group’s work programme.



That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a)      receive the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee update on work programme report.





Welfare and Recovery:


2.       Welfare centre / Marae partnership project

Initial draft agreement sitting with Awataha and Manurewa Marae for their input and feedback.


3.       Auckland Welfare Coordination Group (AWCG)

AWCG meeting held on 15 May 2014.

Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Foundation welfare training will be available to agency teams who are deployed to Civil Defence Centres (CDCs) from June 2014.  Training will include:

·      Overview of CDEM

·      Considerations for activation and deployment

·      Introduction to Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS)

·      The welfare environment

·      Tabletop exercise.


The Operational Standards Guidelines for CDCs have been sent to AWCG agencies for review and feedback.  They will remain in draft format until after the Welfare exercise in October 2014. 


4.       Build welfare response capability and capacity

·     Welfare exercise set for 17/18 October 2014.  This will include AWCG agencies, Auckland Council Emergency Support Staff (ACEs) and community volunteers.  Principal focus – Operational Standards Guidelines for CDCs

·     Leadership training for key CDC staff will take place on 12/13 September with Australian Red Cross trainer assisting in delivery

·     Draft template with North Shore Ahlul Bayt (Muslim) community waiting feedback from its Committee

·     Group Welfare manager spoke at the EARTH WIND AND FIRE, Australian & NZ Disaster & Emergency Management Conference in May 2014.


5.       Build Recovery capability and capacity

·     Built Environment Task Group has considered and agreed to terms of reference – meeting held in April covering Auckland’s hazards and impacts

·     Economic Environment Task Group has new Chair (Kim Campbell, EMA) and met in May to consider their draft terms of reference (ToR)

·     Social Environment Taskgroup - Chair is considering draft ToR and is currently working on make-up of taskgroup

·     Lifelines Taskgroup – discussions held with Chair of Auckland Lifelines Group (ALG) and Lifeline Utilities Coordinator (LUC) regarding the relevance of separate lifelines taskgroup – agreed the LUC will provide support and intelligence to taskgroups and act as liaison in recovery (with the recovery planning team) to ensure comprehensive and consistent information

·     Draft recovery strategy and recovery office structure will be presented individually to members of the Auckland Council executive leadership team.


Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC)


6.       Apply Learning From Emergencies and Exercises: Review, Analyse and Apply Learning From Incident De-briefs and Exercise

·     Debriefs held re weather events Cyclone Lusi and Tamaki Drive flooding and attended Fire Service debrief re Acid spill

·     Duty Officer attending Emergency Management Information Systems (EMIS) super user course in Wellington

·     Testing of alerting platforms at Daylight Savings

·     Replacement Senior Training and Development Advisor started 3 June 2014.


7.       Public Education: Strengthen Public Education Programme

·     Twenty targeted presentations made during February – May to an audience of 726

·     YTD - 81 targeted presentations made to an audience of 6942

·     Open Days/Public Events (8)

·     A paper on a new Public Education message for Auckland completed and delivered at US conference

·     Work on new printed (and eventually web based) material giving positive messaging commenced

·     Planning for a storage and distribution centre with Property implemented.



8.       Respond and Recover From Crisis and Emergencies and Support CDEM NZ Sector as Required

·     ECC activated twice for storm events in March and April and once for a Hydrochloric Acid spill. The events running smoothly in the Pitt St alternate ECC

·     ECC staff attended meetings with the fire service communications staff and with Vector to continue our good working relationships with them.


9.       Enlarged ECCs: Review Best Practice, Investigate available facilities, develop processes to set up enlarged ECCs for CDEM and Council Governance for when Civic Complex is unavailable

·     Pitt St was used as the main ECC whilst the refurbishment was on.  The team has now moved back into the Bledisloe ECC and is now fully operational

·     The lease expires on the Pitt Street building at the end of the year, hence the ECC focus will recommence on establishing the alternate/enlarged ECC at Manukau as planned previously.


10.     Support Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) and CDEM Committees

·     The wider team are providing ongoing support to CDEM and CEG Committees, including the production of this paper.



11.     Volunteers

·     Successful volunteer recognition day held at Auckland Zoo on 6 April

·     Training for 17 new community volunteers.


12.     Key Emergency Suppliers

·     Working with suppliers regarding stocking of sandbags and creation of draft policy and media statements for deployment of sandbags

·     Reconfirming accommodation availability in wider Auckland area. 


13.     Public Alerting

·     Tsunado, an electronic household alarm and warning messenger for use in emergencies is currently being looked at by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM) as a potential national tool

·     Business and technical due diligence for the proposed national roll out of the Alerting platform and native app for android and windows is underway.  This work is funded by MCDEM Resilience Fund and not Council.


14.     Civil Defence Radio Network

·     All radio repeaters currently operational

·     In the last Month, agreements for VHF frequency sharing have been made with Waikato and Bay of Plenty Emergency Management Groups to enable the districts to communicate without having to wait to reprogram the radios.


15.     Key Emergency Suppliers

·     Review and development of process maps and templates on how to access and deploy key resources during an incident

·     Review and development of an updated resource/supplier contact list which includes re-categorisation of suppliers and services consistent with the EMIS Resource Classification Guide

·     Long term potential for GIS mapping capability

·     Commenced a review of the ECC Logistics functional workshop.


Business Continuity Management


16.     Reduce the effects of disruptive events to Council operations through disciplined crisis and business continuity management

·     Each department has a business continuity plan (BCP) to mitigate any interruption to business as usual and services to our customers. The BCPs are update quarterly to cater for changes in personnel and structure. These will be updated again as at the end of June 2014

·     BCPs are being extended to cover specific Council occupied buildings in order to minimise disruption to business as usual. Council buildings house a number of departments and any interruption would seriously affect services.


17.     Manage the Crisis Management and Business Continuity Processes by having an up to date policy

·     Auckland Council has a Business Continuity Policy that will be updated and signed off by the Chief Executive every July

·     The Policy will be circulated to senior managers in Council and included in all departmental BCPs

·     The Policy and process will be reviewed going into the new financial year to ensure compliance to best practice (ISO 22301).


18.     Manage the Crisis Management and Business Continuity Processes by support for departments with training and exercise

·     Business Continuity Coordinators appointed to each department update the BCPs in terms of departmental structure and contact telephone numbers. The reports are held both centrally and by each department

·     Training by means of desk top exercises and de-briefs are held to fold in lessons learnt

·     A Council BCP exercise is held annually to test departmental awareness and preparedness to a disruptive event

·     Desk top training exercises to be conducted with Auckland Waterfront in early June following the events during Cyclones Luci and Ita.


19.     Business Resilience

·     Greater emphasis is being placed on networking with business associations with respect to increasing awareness of business resilience in an emergency

·     CDEM had a stand at the Greater East Tamaki Business Association Expo held on 16 May promoting business resilience

·     Emphasis will be placed on contacting larger business associations to promote business resilience in the small business sector.



20.     Community Response Planning

·     Forty-nine Community Response Plans in place spanning 526,550 people, representing 35% of Auckland’s population

·     A refined planning strategy has seven new plans under development covering 463,700 people (30.7% of Auckland’s population)

·     Four plans are currently under review

·     All Community Response Groups engaged either directly or through stakeholder updates during Cyclones LUSI and ITA.


21.     Stakeholder Engagement.  All Key Stakeholder Forum/relationships met February - April

·     Emergency Management Committees (5)

·     Hazardous Substance Technical Liaison Committee (HSTLC) (1)

·     Local Board Liaison (9)

·     Community Response Teams (9)

·     Ground Safety Committee (Auckland International Airport Ltd)

·     Northland CDEM Group – 3 staff attended Northland CDEM Forum

·     Met with 21 local Board CDEM portfolio holders

·     Neighbourhood Support (1)

·     Resident and ratepayers (3)

·     Stakeholder meetings held to communicate revises Tsunami modelling and project work for communicating with communities.


22.     Training and Development


·     CIMS 4 March -16 attendees

·     CIMS 4 May – 16 attendees

·     Next CIMS 4 programmed for 6/7 August

·     Community Wellbeing to Community Response Groups (CRGs) (2)

·     Radio Training to CRGs (6)

·     Community Response Plan/Group activation exercise planned for August.


23.     Operational Response


·     25 March response deployment to Waterview Chemical spill incident

·     During Cyclone Lusi,  zone staff deployed to liaise with local emergency services and Community Response Groups

·     Weather event 17 April – zone staff deployed to liaise with emergency services and coastal Community Response Groups.




·     No significant marine oil spills to report since the last meeting

·     Iwi liaison in regard to how marine oil spills are responded to has commenced and will be progressed further in the coming months

·     Oil spill first response equipment trailer has been purchased for Great Barrier Island. Trailer is being fitted out and will be delivered to Island next time the Harbourmasters barge goes over. Local responders will be trained in the use of the equipment once in place

·     On-going dialogue with Maritime New Zealand in regards to the review of the National Marine Oil Spill Response Strategy

·     A new bunker barge “Marstel’ has entered service on behalf of BP. She is operated by Stolthaven in competition to the ‘Awanuia’ who supplies fuel on behalf of Z.  Harbourmasters Office has worked closely with all parties involved to develop safe operating plans for this venture. Harbourmaster staff attended first bunkering operation to oversee the proceedings and to ensure that we were satisfied with their procedures

·     As an indication on the quantities of fuel being transferred around the Auckland region below is a table of bunkering information for the past seven months (October 2013 – April 2014)

·     This information relates only to mobile bunkering transfers (from a tank truck or bunker barge) and does not include any pipeline transfers or transfers across refuelling jetties at marinas.


Bunkering Summary







Totals per Month


















































Totals by Type








All amounts are quoted in litres

HFO = Heavy Fuel Oil

IFO = Intermediate Fuel Oil

AGO/MGO = Diesel

Other = Lub oil


Rural Fire


·     Achieved Satisfactory result in National Rural Fire Authority Performance Management Evaluation

·     Hosted three day national workshop for the three National Incident Management Teams

·     Presented to Canadian, Alaskan and American Fire Managers study tour on the impacts of rural fire in the urban/rural interface areas of Auckland

·     Assisted the National Rural Fire Authority in a Pilot Study based on the national fire risk management strategy

·     Continued to develop the Outdoor Fire Bylaw to compliment Councils statutory requirements

·     Completed the recruitment of the Business Improvement Risk Analyst within the Rural fire team

·     Completed the Integrated Training Management database compilation and launched system to Volunteer Rural Fire Forces.

·                 Delivered 13 Rural fire unit standard courses to Volunteer Rural Fire Forces totalling 135 participants.



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Jeremy Holman - Manager Readiness & Resilience


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director