I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 3 June 2014 9.30am Reception
Lounge, Level 2 |
Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee
Chairperson |
Penny Hulse |
Deputy Chairperson |
Calum Penrose |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Member Precious Clark |
Cr Ross Clow |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Dick Quax |
Cr Penny Webster |
Member Glenn Wilcox |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Ex-officio |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
(Quorum 7 members)
Rita Bento-Allpress Democracy Advisor
28 May 2014 Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7541 Email: rita.bento-allpress@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee 03 June 2014 |
Procedural motion to exclude the public 5
C2 Council Controlled Organisations - Board Appointment (Extension of term) 5
Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
That the Council Controlled Organisations Governance and Monitoring Committee:
a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.
This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C2 Council Controlled Organisations - Board Appointment (Extension of term)
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable) |
Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution |
The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |
s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. In particular, the report contains information and recommendations regarding the extension of reappointment of directors that needs to be withheld to protect the privacy of these individuals.. |
s48(1)(a) The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |