Disability Strategic Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel held in the Council Chambers, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 16 June 2014 at 11.00am.





Dr Huhana Hickey




Deputy Chairperson

Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP





Sandra Budd





David Hughes





Clive Lansink





Dr Terry O'Neill





Ezekiel Robson





Susan Sherrard




Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM

Until 2.00pm, Item 13







Tania Kingi




Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE







Len Brown

Until 11.28am, Item 6




Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

16 June 2014



1          Apologies


Resolution number DIS/2014/38

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apologies from Tania Kingi and Don McKenzie for absence.



2          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number DIS/2014/39

MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 19 May 2014 as a true and correct record subject to the following amendment to recommendation 6 c):

6 c)        request the Urban Design Panel to incorporate into its personnel at                  least two persons with professional design experience and with                        knowledge of cross disability access issues and the world-wide trends                involving inclusive design. 



4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Mayoral address


Mayor Len Brown thanked the Panel for their outstanding work especially in relation to the Unitary Plan and Earthquake-prone buildings. He said that the Panel held the confidence of the sector and he hoped that there would be continuity of membership in future after the selection process. He acknowledged that the Panel had taught council a lot coming off a low base and he felt that the space the Panel needed to be strongest in was transport and accessibility. He also commended the Attitude Awards night as excellent and inspiring.


Comments from members in response to the Mayor’s address included the following:

  • Huhana Hickey thanked the Mayor for his address and support and said the Panel will keep pushing for the betterment of persons with disabilities in Auckland.
  • Clive Lansink acknowledged the work being done by Auckland Council for the disability sector and said he hoped the review of council-controlled organisations would enhance the way that especially Auckland Transport listened to the needs of the sector. The Mayor responded by saying that it was early days for Auckland Transport and he encouraged their attendance at the Panel’s meetings.
  • Colleen Brown referred to a previous decision of council to seek sponsors for persons with disabilities and their carers to attend swimming pools for free in the region. The Mayor responded by saying that it was a decision of the governing body to allow free entry to swimming pools for persons with disabilities and their carers and possibly also senior citizens. He stated that council was seeking sponsorship to cover operational costs of swimming pools and this needs to be incorporated into the LTP programme.



Resolution number DIS/2014/40

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member D Hughes:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the information provided by Mayor Len Brown.





Local Board Services


Karen Titulaer, Senior Policy Advisor, Policy and Planning, Local Board Services attended and provided a presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Comments from members in response to the presentation included the following:

  • Colleen Brown referred to the need for strategic thinking in respect of housing for persons with disabilities. She also recommended audits of all parks in local board areas to ensure holistically that they are accessible to persons with disabilities.
  • Cr Sharon Stewart suggested the Panel could benefit from a site visit to Stonefields to see what living is going to be like for persons with disabilities and for seniors under the Unitary Plan rules.
  • Sandra Budd asked whether local boards had received feedback from sight impaired communities with respect to consultation and encouraged approaches to Be.Accessible and the Blind Foundation.
  • Ezekiel Robson requested systemic improvements to consultation and referred to submissions for the Local Boards Funding Policy and the need to recognise that everything local boards do impacts on persons with disabilities.



Resolution number DIS/2014/41

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member T O'Neill:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the presentation from Karen Titulaer regarding Local Board Services.




a     Local Boards




Building (Earthquake-Prone Buildings) Amendment Bill 2013


Patrick Cummuskey, Special Projects Policy Advisor attended and responded to questions raised at the May meeting.



Resolution number DIS/2014/42

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Budd:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the response to a submission point in the Auckland Council’s submission on the Building (Earthquake-Prone Buildings) Amendment Bill 2013.

b)      restate the Panel’s position that it is unconscionable to support 21st century legislation such that the outcome unnecessarily frees up, even more, compliance provisions, and in effect discriminates against 17% of the rate paying population.





Council-Controlled Organisations Review


Martine Abel attended and agreed to make some amendments to the proposed input document arising from comments made by members.



Resolution number DIS/2014/43

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      approve the proposed input to the Council’s review of council-controlled organisations as amended at the meeting.




The meeting adjourned at 12.30pm and reconvened at 1.00pm.




Future Streets Project


Jamie Hosking and Karen Witten attended and provided a presentation on a project called ‘Te Ara Mua – Future Streets’. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Comments from members in response to the presentation included the following:

  • Huhana Hickey queried the use of speed bumps and also referred to safety issues with regard to liquor stores. She also suggested consultation with the Blind Foundation on matters like tactile pads and pedestrian crossing lights with noise activation.
  • Clive Lansink acknowledged this project as a great initiative and suggested consultation with the Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand – Auckland branch. He also referred to safety on the streets being compromised by fast traffic.
  • David Hughes stated that some persons with disabilities need to use buses rather than walk and he questioned whether buses would be able to negotiate the narrow streets.
  • Terry O’Neill referred to driver behaviour towards walkers and he asked if bad behaviour was reported to the Police.
  • Don McKenzie was absent from the meeting but provided interim notes on the project which will be forwarded to the project team.



Resolution number DIS/2014/44

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member T O'Neill:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the presentation on Te Ara Mua - Future Streets.




a     Te Ara Mua - Future Streets



Transport Update


Martine Abel updated members on an upcoming meeting of the Transport Accessibility Advisory Group (TAAG) to be held on 25 June 2014. Kevin Wright reported that he had spoken to a staff member at Auckland Transport who confirmed that the Panel could have a member on the TAAG with Auckland Transport paying a meeting fee. It was agreed that Ezekiel Robson should be that member.





Resolution number DIS/2014/45

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Transport Update report acknowledging that a decision on splitting the Transport Accessibility Advisory Group is still to be finalised at a meeting on 25 June 2014.





Auckland Transport's Draft Parking Discussion Document


Kevin Wright introduced this item and comments from members in response included the following:

·         Clive Lansink - taxi pick up and drop off need to be referenced i.e. one minute stops at for example Quay Street and Ferry Building

·         Ezekiel Robson - taxis form a significant component of the transport choice for disabled people - need to be moved higher up the priority rankings.

·         Colleen Brown - mobility parking especially in intensive housing areas - need to make a submission more fully.



Resolution number DIS/2014/46

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown, seconded by Member D Hughes:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      provide feedback on Auckland Transport’s Draft Parking Discussion Document.

b)      set up a working party of members to formulate additional feedback to be provided to Council.





Fees Framework and Expenses Policy for Appointed Members


Bruce Thomas, Principal Advisor Panels, Democracy Services attended and presented the new policy to the Panel.



Resolution number DIS/2014/47

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Budd:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Fees Framework and Expenses Policy for Appointed Members and Code of Conduct for Members Appointed to Advisory Panels.





DSAP Work Programme - Progress Update


Kevin Wright provided a verbal update on progress on the Panel’s work programme. It was suggested that the Housing Project Office be asked to attend a future meeting to provide the Panel with an opportunity to have a bigger say on housing. The chairperson also recommended that the Auckland Domestic Violence and Disability group be invited to attend when the Panel provides input to the Family and Sexual Violence Strategic Action Plan.



Resolution number DIS/2014/48

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      note progress made in carrying out its work programme.





Chairperson's report


Resolution number DIS/2014/49

MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Member S Budd:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s report.





General Business


Members raised the following items of general business:

  • Ezekiel Robson – requested confirmation of agenda items prior to commencement of meetings. Questioned whether guidelines on presentations and written material were provided to presenters so that professional standards could be maintained and also asked for earlier distribution of agendas and supporting documents ahead of meetings. Staff undertook to enforce these guidelines with presenters and report writers.
  • Clive Lansink – need to clarify the needs of the Panel with presenters and if necessary suggest they report without a PowerPoint presentation.



Resolution number DIS/2014/50

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal discussion on issues and events occurring since the last meeting of the Panel.




16        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





2.27 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.










