I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 18 June 2014 6:00pm Reception
Lounge |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel
Interim Chairperson |
Feroz Ali |
Members |
Carlos Abdelrahman |
Asoka Basnayake |
Naoe Hashimoto |
Anita Keestra |
Yee Yang 'Square' Lee |
Angela Lim |
Kafeba Mundele |
Dave Tomu |
Wong Liu Shueng |
Christian Dee Yao |
Liaison Councillor |
Cr Denise Krum |
(Quorum 6 members)
Rita Bento-Allpress Democracy Advisor
11 June 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7541 Email: rita.bento-allpress@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
The Terms of Reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel.
Panel members will also be expected to abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory panels.
The purpose of the panels is to provide strategic advice to the Council on issues of significance to their communities and to advise on effective engagement by Council with those communities.
The Panel will provide advice through an agreed annual work programme, integrated wherever possible, with other panels and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.
Annual work programme
The Council will advise the Panel of the areas of strategy, policy and plan development that are likely to require comment or advice from the Panel during the course of the year. The work programme should also provide scope for the Panel to respond to issues and concerns arising from its communities and to develop its own priorities.
As resources allow, budget is available for the Panel to support activities that clearly contribute to the agreed work programme but the Panel may not access external resources for activities or events, except with the agreement of Council.
Panel advice will contribute to Council decision-making, but panels will not make formal submissions on Council strategies, polices and plans, for example, the Long Term Plan.
In their advisory role to the Council, Panels may have input to submissions made by the Council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as agreed with Council.
This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as Panel members.
* The above information is a summary of the 2014 Terms of Reference document and is based on the Governing Body decisions of 19 December 2013.
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 18 June 2014 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Strategy and Policy Forward Programme: An overview 7
6 Update on the development of local board plans 13
7 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
At the close of the agenda an apology had been received from member Kafeba Mundele.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
There are no minutes to confirm.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 18 June 2014 |
Strategy and Policy Forward Programme: An overview
File No.: CP2014/12574
1. To provide an overview of the Auckland Council Strategy and Policy Forward Programme. It is expected that the information in this report will provide the strategic context for the Advisory Panel to discuss its own potential work programme and areas of focus.
Executive summary
2. The 2014-2016 Strategy and Policy Forward Programme was adopted by council in March 2014. The programme contains a mix of statutory and non-statutory priority documents. The three year time horizon helps to provide certainty on the priority documents required to implement the Auckland Plan and the programme is also used for wider planning purposes. The programme is expected to remain relatively fixed but has been designed to respond to emerging issues. Recommendations to add new policies/strategies to the programme are made to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee following an assessment of four criteria: strategic need, legislative requirement, interdependencies and alternatives.
That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) note and discuss the contents of this report and any potential next steps in relation to their own work programme. |
3. The Regional Strategy and Policy Committee adopted the 2014-2016 Strategy and Policy Forward Programme in March 2014. A copy of this programme is attached at Attachment A. The programme contains a mix of statutory and non-statutory documents and was designed to ensure that council focuses on those areas of greatest strategic priority. Details on each of the items in the forward programme can be found on the Plans and Strategies page of the intranet or on the Plans, Strategies and Projects page of council’s website.
4. The programme is presented within the context of a number of other related council documents including the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, Long Term Plan, Local Board Plans and Area Plans.
5. The three year time horizon of the programme helps to provide certainty on the priority documents required to implement the Auckland Plan and is helping to inform the development of the 2015-2025 Long Term Plan. In addition, the programme is being used to drive and guide the work of the council’s reporting committees and is used for wider planning purposes including coordinating consultation, engagement and governance activities across related projects.
6. While the forward programme remains relatively fixed it has been designed to respond to emerging strategic and policy issues. Officers report progress on the development and implementation of items in the forward programme to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee on a quarterly basis and use these meetings to recommend any changes required to the programme. Recommendations to add new policies/strategies on to the forward programme are made after an assessment of the following criteria:
Strategic need
Is there a clear strategic requirement for adding the item to the forward programme? How does the policy/strategy relate to the strategic direction set in the Auckland Plan? Is it a regional strategy issue or local board priority? Will it contribute to assisting council to meet its commitments to Maori?
Legislative requirement
Is the development of the new strategy/policy required by law or to help council fulfill its statutory obligations?
Are there any interdependencies with, or linkages to, existing items in the forward programme? Are there any co-ordination, sequencing or resourcing issues to be considered? At what point will the new policy or strategy be handed over for implementation?
Have alternatives been considered? Is a new policy or strategy required in order to initiate or implement action? Is the proposed new document able to be implemented effectively? Could the issue be resolved through, for example, a committee resolution, changes in operational practices or the implementation of existing policies or strategies?
Next steps
7. The overview diagram at Attachment A shows that the majority of items in the programme have either been completed and are being implemented, or are on-track for adoption. The Advisory Panel may wish to consider:
· Inputting into the development of the in-progress documents in the forward programme
· Opportunities for providing advice on the consultation approach for these items
· Seeking more information on particular items of interest
· Discussing potential areas of focus for Panel members and deciding on the overall work programme for the Advisory Panel.
Local board views and implications
8. Local boards receive copies of the quarterly update reports on the forward programme on an ongoing basis. Strategy leads are expected to engage with local boards as early as possible to ensure there is adequate time for boards to provide input and feedback.
Maori impact statement
9. Officers are expected to integrate the goals of the Māori Responsiveness Framework and to consider the Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau as part of policy development.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
2014-2016 Strategy and Policy Forward Programme Booklet |
11 |
Authors |
Craig Glover - Principal Strategy Analyst |
Authorisers |
Denise O’Shaughnessy - Manager Strategic Advice Anaru Vercoe - Manager, Community Policy & Planning |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 18 June 2014 |
Update on the development of local board plans
File No.: CP2014/11802
1. To provide an overview of the role of local boards and local board plans, including how local board plans fit into Auckland Council’s planning framework. The purpose is to enable the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel to provide feedback on both local board plans and local boards engagement with ethnic people.
Executive summary
2. The role of local boards in Auckland Council’s governance and planning framework is set out in a presentation to the panel. Included in the presentation is the process and timeframes for developing local board plans, including how local boards have targeted ethnic people during the informal engagement period and engagement plans for the formal consultation.
3. Local boards are viewing engagement on local board plans as an opportunity to establish long term relationships with all areas of their communities, to ensure that they understand their priorities and preferences. Local Board Services would value feedback from the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel on the current engagement approaches and any suggestions for development of future engagement.
4. The formal consultation period on the 21 draft local board plans will run from 7 July 2014 to 6 August 2014. Local boards would value feedback on the draft plans. A process to do this will be put forward for discussion which acknowledges the regional focus of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel and limited capacity to provide feedback on 21 draft plans.
That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: b) provide feedback on the current engagement approaches and any suggestions for development of future engagement. c) provide feedback on the proposed feedback approach for the draft local board plans.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Karen Titulaer – Senior Policy Advisor, Local Board Services |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services Anaru Vercoe - Manager, Community Policy & Planning |