I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Great Barrier Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10.00am Claris
Conference Centre |
Great Barrier Local Board
Chairperson |
Izzy Fordham |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Daly |
Members |
Jeff Cleave |
Judy Gilbert |
Christina Spence |
(Quorum 3 members)
Guia Nonoy Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor
3 June 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6218 Email: Guia.Nonoy@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
10 Extraordinary Business 5
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Great Barrier Island Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014 7
13 Great Barrier Local and Sports Parks annual work programme 2014-2015 19
14 Great Barrier Local Board Community Development, Arts and Culture Work Programme 2014 - 2015 23
15 Auckland Transport Report – 11 June 2014 – Great Barrier Island 31
16 Approval of the draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014 35
17 Adoption of Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 107
18 Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearing dates 127
19 Chairperson's report 129
20 Board Members' Reports 229
21 Reports Requested/Pending 251
22 Correspondence 255
23 Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings 259
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
Chairperson IM Fordham will welcome everyone in attendance. Member JC Cleave will lead a karakia.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 15 May 2014, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Island Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014
File No.: CP2014/10378
1. This report provides an overview of the Great Barrier Local Board 2013/2014 Small Local Improvement Project (SLIP) programme and recommends additional projects for approval and commencement.
Executive Summary
Operational Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Allocation Including Recommendations (%) |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Opex 2013/2014 |
$197,000 |
$162,802.25 |
82% |
$162,802.25 |
82% |
$34,197.75 |
Capital Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Allocation Including Recommendations (%) |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Capex 2013/2014 |
$437,000 |
$465,667.40 |
106.5% |
$465,667.4 |
106.5% |
-$28,667.40 |
Deferrals |
$311,000 |
$150,201.86 |
48% |
$150,201.86 |
48% |
$160,798.14 |
Total Capex |
$748,000 |
$615,869.26 |
82% |
$615,869.26 |
82% |
$132,130.74 |
The Great Barrier Island Local Board has $197,000 SLIPs operational funding and $437,000 SLIPs capital expenditure available to allocate in the 2013/2014 financial year. A further $311,000 capital expenditure has been carried forward from previous years. This brings the available capital expenditure to a total of $748,000.
2. To date the Great Barrier Local Board has allocated $162,802.25 or 82% of their operational expenditure budget and $465,667.40 or 106.5% of their capital expenditure budget.
3. This report seeks approval for $5461.50 in additional costs for the Okiwi boardwalk project, $10,000 for a new project to obtain resource consent for island stream mouth clearance and an $10,000 for additional rabbit control work.
4. Approval of the recommendations in this report will allocate 92% of the available operational expenditure and 108% (excluding deferrals) of the available SLIPs capital expenditure leaving $14,197.75 operational expenditure and $126,669.24 capital expenditure for scoping prioritisation at a workshop with the Local Board.
5. Further SLIPs funding reports will be put to the board for project approval and implementation.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Receives the Great Barrier Island SLIPs 2013/2014 programme schedule. b) Approves the following SLIPs projects for implementation in the 2013/2014 financial year
6. The projects for which approval to proceed in the current (2013/2014) financial year is sought are outlined here.
7. The final invoiced costs for the Okiwi boardwalk have increased by $5461.50 more than the board has previously approved and the board is therefore requested to agree to increase project costs by this amount.
8. Some of the island’s streams block regularly or seasonally resulting in flooding or damage to pasture or infrastructure. Historically landowners or Council have undertaken stream clearance works using emergency provisions which require retrospective consent and unexpected costs. The board considers that a better way forward is for a resource consent to be obtained for stream mouth clearance at agreed locations and for clearance to be undertaken in a coordinated and contracted manner. The board therefore intends to fund obtaining the resource consent and given the coastal protection provisions contained in the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. A cost estimate of $10,000 has been obtained from a planning consultant for this work.
9. The board is funding a rabbit control programme in the north and considers that for this to be effective it needs to be more comprehensive than at present. Additional areas for rabbit control have been identified and agreed with landowners in Kawa, Motairehe and Karaka Bay and the cost of this additional work has been estimated at $10,000.
Local Board Views
10. This report canvasses the views of the Great Barrier Local Board.
11. The recommendations contained within this report fall within the Local Boards delegated authority.
Maori Impact Statement
12. Parks and open spaces contribute significantly to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua, appropriate consultation will follow.
13. Communities are impacted by SLIPs projects. They provide an opportunity for staff and elected representatives to engage with the communities on their specific needs. SLIPs staff will liaise directly with all residents and stakeholders impacted by any SLIPs or Discretionary funded projects to be delivered.
14. Funding for the proposed projects within this report would be obtained from the Great Barrier Local Board’s Small Local Improvement Project budget allocation. After allocating budget to all the projects listed in this report and elsewhere, the Great Barrier Local Board will still have SLIPs capital and operational funding remaining unallocated. Further reporting as part of the monthly work programme reporting will be used to determine what other projects the board may wish to fund.
15. SLIPs need to comply with all relevant legislation, including the Resource Management Act 1991, the Local Government Act and all Auckland Council policies.
Implementation Issues
16. All 2013/2014 projects should have budget allocated to them within the first quarter of the 2013/2014 financial year; to enable commencement and completion between prior to 30th June 2014.
17. Most projects will need eight months or more to be successfully delivered within the 2013/2014 financial year. Projects that have budget allocated to them with less then six months remaining within the current financial year, will be at risk of not being completed by 2013/2014 financial year end. As a result the project completion, as per the agreed delivery programme, may be deferred across into the following 2014/2015 financial year for completion.
18. Longer term projects will result in SLIPs capital funding being carried forward to the 2014/2015 financial year and these projects not being delivered within the 2013/2014 financial year.
19. Budgets from 2013/2014 SLIPs operational expenditure must be fully allocated to projects and expended within the 2013/2014 financial year.
20. The ability to spend/deliver outcomes is dependent on the availability of experienced staff or consultant project management resource.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
SLIPs Project Schedule for June 2014 |
11 |
Authors |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local and Sports Parks annual work programme 2014-2015
File No.: CP2014/10822
1. The purpose of this report is to present the final 2014-2015 Local and Sports Parks operations, capital works and renewals programme for the Great Barrier Local Board’s approval.
Executive summary
2. This report presents Local and Sports Parks annual work programme for the 2014-2015 financial year. It includes park asset renewals, capital works and the parks maintenance programmes.
3. The work programme does not generally include the SLIPs programme of works or any works associated unfunded works with external agency projects.
4. Should unforeseen works arise or work priorities change from those attached and approved, the parks advisor will discuss this with the local board park portfolio holders.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Approves the Local and Sports Parks annual work programme for 2014-2015 as detailed in Attachment A to this report; b) Delegates the approval for any changes to the renewal work programme to the parks advisor, Local and Sports Parks Central, subject to the consultation of parks portfolio holders of the Great Barrier Local Board. |
5. This report presents Local and Sports Parks proposed work programme for the 2014-2015 financial year, but reflects the three year view of outlying years. It includes park asset renewals, capital works and the parks maintenance programmes. It also includes deferred projects from 2013-2014. It is not a budget report and as such budget figures are indicative only. In particular, renewals budgets do not usually match the value of works proposed. Works will be delivered within the total renewal budget bottom line. However, for consistency, budget lines that the local board will see throughout the year are shown.
6. Officers attended a workshop with the Great Barrier Local Board on 7 May 2014, at which the Local and Sports Parks annual work programme 2014-2015 including renewals, was received. Following a further meeting with the Local Board Chair on 22 May the programme was updated and endorsed. This annual work programme is reflected in Attachment A.
7. The Local and Sports Parks annual work programme 2014-2015 has a strategic focus, in so far as many projects will be delivered over a couple of financial years. Some flexibility is needed in delivery of parks works to adapt to changing environments including external factors beyond council control such as (weather, vandalism, theft etc.) as well issues that may arise during detailed planning, community engagement, consenting. Any of these factors may affect project delivery outcomes singly or in combination.
8. In particular staff may need to adjust asset renewal priorities as unforeseen renewals arise during the year or complexities in delivering planned renewals arise. Given the scale of the work programme, the limited amount of time to get the work done and the dynamic nature of the parks asset base it is recommended that delegation for changes to the parks renewal work programme be given to the park advisor (particularly urgent or unforeseen works) subject to consultation with the parks portfolio holders of the Great Barrier Local Board.
9. Although the SLIPs programme is alluded to in the attached programme it is not part of this work programme. Similarly, projects in parks resulting from external agency projects are not included. These will be reported separately to the local board.
Local board views and implications
10. The Great Barrier Local Board has provided feedback on the proposed Local and Sports Parks work programme 2014-2015 at a workshop on 7 May 2014 and at a subsequent meeting with the Local Board Chair on 22 May. Feedback from these sessions has been taken into account in the proposed work programme.
11. Projects may be included without a specific budget – this is for two reasons: cost estimates are dependent on the final versions of development plans, which haven’t yet been completed; or the local board hasn’t yet made a formal resolution to continue with the project.
Maori impact statement
12. Parks and open spaces contribute significantly to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua, appropriate consultation will follow.
No. |
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aView |
Great Barrier local board annual work programme (This attachment was not available at the time of printing of this agenda and will be tabled at the meeting) |
21 |
Authors |
Lynda Lucas - Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development Gary Wilton - Parks Adviser Hauraki Gulf Islands |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Placeholder for Attachment 1
. Great Barrier Local and Sports Parks annual work programme 2014-2015.DOC
Great Barrier local board annual work programme
(This attachment was not available at the time of printing of this agenda and will be tabled at the meeting)
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Community Development, Arts and Culture Work Programme 2014 - 2015
File No.: CP2014/11086
1. The purpose of this report is to present the Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) 2014/2015 Great Barrier Local Board work programme for approval.
Executive summary
2. This report provides information to support local boards to make decisions required to approve the CDAC 2014/2015 work programme.
3. The draft CDAC work programmes aim to provide a defined work programme of the 2014/2015 financial year. They cover the following areas:
· community development and safety;
· arts and culture;
· events; and
· community facilities.
4. The CDAC work programme for the Great Barrier Local Board has been aligned to the following 2011 – 2013 Great Barrier Local Board Plan priorities:
· building economic prosperity and our population;
· caring for each other; and
· providing quality local parks and facilities.
5. Local Boards are now being requested to approve the CDAC work programme 2014/2015.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Approves the Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme 2014/2015 (Attachment A).
b) Approves the community lease work plan for 2014/2015 (Attachment B).
c) Approves funding of $10,000 for the Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village.
6. This is the second year of development for the CDAC work programme for local boards. The work programmes for 2014 – 2015 have been developed using a co-ordinated departmental approach. Each CDAC unit has aligned their projects and initiatives to the Auckland Plan directives, the local board plan 2011 – 2013 and the local board draft annual plan priorities.
7. The CDAC work programmes align to the following 2011 – 2013 Local Board Plan priorities:
· building economic prosperity and our population
· caring for each other
· provide quality local parks and facilities
CDAC recognises that new local board plan outcomes and the Long Term Plan 2015 – 2025 are currently being developed and these outcomes and priorities will be incorporated into the 2015/2016 CDAC work programmes.
8. The CDAC work programme 2014/2015 for the Great Barrier Local Board includes the following areas of activity:
· Community Development and Safety: These projects and programmes aim to deliver a range of social outcomes including youth development, community funding and community economic development
· Arts and Culture: This includes the delivery of community art programmes
· Events: This will deliver a range of community events including: ANZAC day, community volunteer awards, Christmas events, local event fund, local civic functions and a signature event
· Community Facilities: This includes the provision of community leases
See Attachment A: CDAC - work programme FY15 - Great Barrier
Attachment B: Great Barrier LB CF Community Lease work plan 2014/2015
9. The work programmes include scoped initiatives, the allocation of budgets and established timelines. Workshops have been conducted with local boards and CDAC staff on 7 May, to ensure alignment with the local board priorities and they meet the needs of the local community.
10. Local Boards are requested to approve the CDAC work programme for 2014/2015. CDAC staff will continue to work with relevant portfolio holders and the local board to ensure the delivery of these projects and their evaluation. Portfolio holders and the local board will also be consulted on the prioritisation of the community facilities renewal projects and community leases.
Local board views and implications
11. The
draft 2014/2015 work programme was considered by the local board at a workshop
7 May 2014. The views expressed by local board members are reflected in
Attachment A.
Maori impact statement
12. Improving Maori outcomes is a priority for the region. One of the Auckland Plan targets is to increase targeted support to Maori community development projects. The CDAC work programme deliverables aim to improve well-being among Maori living in the local board area. The focus of this CDAC work programme is to support Maori targeted initiatives.
13. CDAC staff will continue to meet with portfolio holders to provide updates on the work programme and ensure it is progressed in a timely way. The CDAC work programme will be implemented within the annual plan 2014/2015 budget.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment A Community Development Arts and Culture - 2014/2015 Work Programme |
27 |
bView |
Attachment B Great Barrier Island Local Board Community Facilities Community Lease Workplan 2014/2015 |
29 |
Authors |
Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Island Local Board Community Facilities Community Lease Workplan 2014 / 2015
Group |
Location |
Building Ownership Ground or Building Lease |
Lease Expiry Date |
Renewal? If so, details |
Rent Amount
Notes |
Category One: New leases, renewals and projects that are currently underway and will be reported to Board in due course |
Great Barrier Island Community Health Trust
80 Hector Sanderson Rd, Great Barrier Island
$500 |
Renewal application received from group 3,14. Report to Local Board pending
Category Two: Leases and renewals that have expired, together with other projects, that will be the next focus area for action |
Great Barrier Island Golf Club Inc.
Whangaparapara Road Great Barrier Island
The renewal of lease was requested from the club in June 2013. The club has a new committee. Council staff have met with the club secretary who is collating the information. Some further detail is required before reporting to the Local Board.
Category Three: Leases and renewals that are due to expire, together with other projects, that will be the final focus area for action |
Category Four: Lease matters requiring additional work due to complex factors |
11 June 2014 |
Auckland Transport Report – 11 June 2014 – Great Barrier Island
File No.: CP2014/11912
1. The purpose of this report is to respond to local board requests on transport–related matters and to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities in the local board area.
Executive summary
2. This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Great Barrier Island Local Board and it’s community, matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector, and relevant Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the board and community.
3. In particular, this report provides and update on;
· Local Board Transport Capital Fund
· Public Transport Funding
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) receives the Auckland Transport Report – June 2014 to the Great Barrier Island Local Board. |
Local Board Transport Capital Fund
4. At the Local Board meeting on the 12 March 2014 the Board were provided with a list of potential Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects.
5. The below table outlines an up-date as to decisions by the Board and to the progress of the projects.
Table 1: Great Barrier Local Board project update for Board approval:
Resolution # GBI/2013/234 (2013)
Resolution # GBI/2014/20 (April 2014)
ID# |
Project Description |
Progress/Current Status |
221 |
Mulberry Grove School Footpath Shoal Bay Rd · ROC estimated Option A at $83,000 · ROC estimated Option B at $64,000 |
There are two options as there is a boundary issue along the school frontage. · Option “A” is to build a path that would encroach onto the school property, requiring easement from Ministry of Ed · Option “B” is a new footpath within the road reserve of which would require widening on the north side
Board has requested this project is put on hold due to School project. However project Engineer to discuss with AT safety team re the possibility of speed calming device’s either side of the school and to obtain costing for such.
220 |
Aotea Play Centre Carpark Kaitoke Lane · ROC estimated at $8,700 |
Metal existing grass area
Board approved construction of this project 12 March 2014
211 |
Hector Sanderson Road Broken the 1.7km into sections, “A” to “K” · “A” ROC estimated at $24,000 · “B” ROC estimated at $6,000 · “C” ROC estimated at $41,000 · “D” ROC estimated at $63,000 · “E” ROC estimated at $4,700 · “F” ROC estimated at $36,000 · “G”ROC estimated at $3,500 · “H”ROC estimated at $58,000 · “I” ROC estimated at $13,000 · “J” ROC estimated at $59,000 · “K”ROC estimated at $53,000 Total ROC for project estimated at $361,200 |
1.7km stretch of Footpaths The ROC does not include; · Resource, tree and building consent costs · Cost fluctuations · Land Purchase/lease agreements
Board approved in principle, working with SLIP’s and frame Group on design.
Resolution GBI/2014/63 (15 May 2014) “The design element of the project will be led by the Local Parks and SLIP’s project team”
222 |
Fitzroy Wharf parking · ROC – Unable to determine at present
Auckland Transport is still looking at options, every option investigated to date suggests huge costs for the benefit of a few cars.
This is still a work in progress
Board working with principle Engineer Reg Cuthers. |
Kaiaraara Bay Road Footpath Resolution GBI/2014/63 (d)(15 May 2014) Project submitted to AT for consideration |
Auckland Transport looking in to feasibility of this project |
Note: ROC = rough order of costs; FEC = firm estimate of cost)
Public Transport Funding
Resolution # GBI/2014/62 (15 May 2014)
6. At the Local Board meeting on the 15 May 2014, the Board made a resolution in that, “it request that Auckland Transport consider airline and ferry services to Great Barrier being made part of the wider Public Transport system which is considered to be included in the public transport operating model (PTOM), with these services being included in subsidies similar to those afforded to passengers on the isthmus, to address the prohibitive costs of travel for island residents”.
7. This request is with The Public Transport Team to investigate fully and to report back once a decision has been made.
Devonport Wharf going under cover
8. Auckland Transport wants Aucklander’s to have their say on proposed improvements to the passenger facilities at Devonport Wharf.
9. The improvements include a new canopy on the western side of the wharf building, removal of the existing run-down canopy and the extension of the roof at the front of the wharf building, a new bus shelter and the redirection of the existing internal pedestrian pathway.
10. Auckland Transport’s Group Manager, Public Transport, Mark Lambert describes the wharf as a key transport and community hub through which residents, visitors and tourists enter the seaside village.
11. “Passenger comfort and convenience is a major focus of the proposals, providing better weather protection while also preserving views of the harbour and city. It is important that the wharf’s transport facilities are suitable for ferry and bus passengers as well as creating an attractive gateway to Devonport.
12. Mr Lambert says ‘the project complements but is separate from the upgrades to Marine square and the Devonport Wharf which once completed will provide better connections between the main street, the waterfront and the wharf”.
13. Project ambassadors will be handing out information, answering questions and providing feedback forms throughout the consultation which runs through to Friday 6 June. People can attend a drop in session at the Devonport Wharf on Wednesday 28 May between 3pm and 7.30pm.
14. More information and online feedback form is available at www.AT.govt.nz/devonportwharf
Local board views and implications
15. The board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.
Maori impact statement
16. No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.
17. The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy. All programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the Council’s Annual Plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.
18. All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Ivan Trethowen, Elected Member Relationship Manager |
Authorisers |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Approval of the draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014
File No.: CP2014/11220
1. To approve the draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014, and the summary document, for public consultation.
Executive summary
2. Each local board is required to complete a local board plan for adoption by 31 October 2014.
3. The draft plan is attached to this agenda, along with the summary document, for the local board to approve for community consultation.
4. Consultation
using the special consultative procedure (SCP) is taking place 7 July to
6 August 2014.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) approves the draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014 for public consultation using the special consultative procedure b) approves the draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014 summary document c) delegates to the Chair to make any minor wording changes that may be necessary for the draft local board plan or summary document.
5. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires each local board to develop a local board plan every three years. The first local board plan was adopted in 2011. This second local board plan must be adopted by 31 October 2014.
6. Local board plans are strategic plans for the following three years and beyond. The plans reflect the priorities and preferences of the community. They guide how the local board:
· makes decisions on local activities and projects
· provides input into regional strategies and policies
· works with other agencies that play a key role in the area, including central government agencies and council-controlled organisations.
7. The plans inform the development of council’s 10-year Long-term Plan. The plans also form the basis for development of the annual local board agreement for the following three financial years.
8. The local board is required to use the SCP to consult on the draft local board plan. The period for the SCP is 7 July to 6 August 2014.
9. The SCP requirements include providing a summary of the information in the draft local board plan.
10. The draft plan has been developed by considering a range of strategic issues, as well as the Auckland Plan and other regional strategies and policies. Community views and advice from subject matters experts has also been important in developing the draft plan.
11. The draft plan, designed front end and summary document are attached.
Summary of community views and strategic issues
12. The local board talked to the community during February and March 2014 and heard many ideas and issues, some new but most what had previously been aired. People want the island’s unsealed, dangerous and poorly maintained roads to be fixed, they would like some form of public transport and lower freight costs and airfares. More broadband coverage was also raised but not if it meant towers everywhere. The board also heard concerns about the age of the island’s community facilities and how hard it is for a small community to look after them.
13. At the same time the board heard how much people love the Barrier way of life, how privileged they feel to live there, and how much they value the way people look out for each other and the island’s strong community spirit.
14. The key strategic issues identified by the board are addressing community concerns about the high costs of living, the lack of jobs and the challenges faced by living on the island. Improving the island’s natural environment which is recognised as the island’s real treasure and the main reason people live there and why visitors come, has also been identified.
Local board views and implications
15. The local board’s views have driven the development of the draft plan attached to this report.
Māori impact statement
16. The draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan includes the Great Barrier Local Board’s intention to develop a relationship agreement with the Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea Trust Board which will describe how both parties we will work together to improve the lives of all those on Aotea Great Barrier.
17. The plan also includes initiatives under each of its community, environment and infrastructure outcomes where the board considers it and Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea need to work together to advance the plan’s objectives
18. The next steps in the local board plan process are shown below.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan summary and submission form |
39 |
bView |
Draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan |
49 |
cView |
Draft Aotea Great Barrier Local Board Plan designed front end |
97 |
Authors |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons, Manager Local Board Services |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Adoption of Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/11172
1. This report seeks formal adoption of the Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 to form part of the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
Executive Summary
2. For each financial year, the Auckland Council must have a local board agreement (as agreed between the Governing Body and the Great Barrier Local Board) for each local board area.
3. The local board agreement is largely based on year three of the Long-term Plan 2012-2022[1] (LTP) and reflects the priorities in the local board plan, shows intended provision of local activities, and the capital and operating expenditure required to fund these activities.
4. A draft Great Barrier Local Board Agreement was agreed in December 2013 as part of the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 and consulted on between late January to late February. The Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 has since been updated to reflect:
a) budget prioritisation decisions made during the local board meeting in April;
b) the impact, if any, of final decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May;
c) budget adjustments, if any, arising from new information;
d) the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs);
e) an additional advocacy area relating to the board’s support for Auckland Council part funding for purchase of Glenfern Sanctuary.
5. The governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Annual Plan 2014/2015, including 21 local board agreements, on 26 June 2014.
Recommendation/s a) That the Great Barrier Local Board adopts its local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 which includes: i) Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and ii) message from the chair.
b) That the Great Barrier Local Board notes that: i) Local budgets have been updated to reflect local board prioritisation decisions, impacts (if any) of final budget decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May, budget adjustments (if any) arising from new information and the allocation of central costs; ii) The following matter has come to light since this agreement was developed and has been included as an advocacy item in this agreement due to its importance for the board and the Great Barrier Island community:
“The internationally renowned Glenfern Sanctuary has recently been placed on the market and various parties are seeking funding for public purchase of the sanctuary to ensure its environmental enhancement work can continue. The Board supports this approach and has agreed in principle to allocate $200,000 of its budget to purchase, subject to Auckland Council and others making up the difference (around $3m total price) and to consultation with its community on this contribution”
iii) If there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; iv) That the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it adopts the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2012; v) The local board agreement could be subject to minor changes following this meeting. c) That the Great Barrier Local Board Chairperson be delegated the authority to make any final minor changes to the local board content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 before publication.
6. For each financial year, the Auckland Council must have a local board agreement (as agreed between the governing body and the Great Barrier Local Board) for each local board area.
7. The local board agreement is largely based on year three of the Long-term Plan 2012-2022 (LTP) and reflects the priorities in the local board plan, shows intended provision of local activities, and the capital and operating expenditure required to fund these activities.
8. The governing body will meet to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2014, which must include the local board agreement for each local board.
9. The draft Great Barrier Local Board Agreement was consulted on between late January and late February 2014. In finalising their local board agreement, local boards:
a) took into account the submissions received and hearings held as part of the special consultative procedure and any other new information now available;
b) held a prioritisation workshop to re-evaluate their 2014/2015 budgets;
c) made final budget prioritisation decisions at their meeting in April.
10. In early April 2014 the Great Barrier Local Board became aware that Glenfern Sanctuary, an important wildlife sanctuary on the island which had been the recipient of significant public funding over the years for ecological enhancement work, had been placed on the open market and that a purchase offer from an overseas interest was being considered. The board was very concerned about this development and passed the following resolutions under extraordinary business at its 9 April business meeting:
That the Great Barrier Local Board:
a) requests that Auckland Council urgently consider the purchase of Glenfern Sanctuary as a future Auckland Council regional park noting that the owners have a private offer to purchase on the table and need to make a decision within the next month.
b) agrees that the board and Auckland Council must take a leadership role in securing the public ownership of Glenfern Sanctuary if the important ecological restoration work that has occurred over many years and the many hundreds of thousands of dollars of public funds already invested in restoration work at the sanctuary are not compromised.
c) agrees in principle to allocate up to $200,000 to the purchase of Glenfern Sanctuary subject to Auckland Council agreeing to pursue purchase in discussion with other partners and subject to the board consulting with its community on the proposed funding in an appropriate manner.
d) notes that Chairperson IM Fordham will request speaking rights at the next meeting of the appropriate committee to speak to this matter.
11. This matter was not included in the draft Great Barrier Local Board Agreement which was consulted on in January/February 2014 as the board was not aware of these events at that time. With the adoption of the above resolutions it is now appropriate that this matter be included as an advocacy item in the Great Barrier Local Board Agreement. The following wording is therefore added to the end of the advocacy table at Attachment One to this report.
“The internationally renowned Glenfern Sanctuary has recently been placed on the market and various parties are seeking funding for public purchase of the sanctuary to ensure its environmental enhancement work can continue. The Board supports this approach and has agreed in principle to allocate $200,000 of its budget to purchase, subject to Auckland Council and others making up the difference (around $3m total price) and to consultation with its community on this contribution”.
12. On 29 and 30 April, local boards met with the Budget Committee to discuss local priorities and key issues (if any), after which the Budget Committee formally met on 8 May to make final decisions on the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
13. Local board agreements and financial statements were then further updated to reflect any impacts of Budget Committee decisions, budget adjustments arising from new information and the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs).
14. This report seeks formal adoption of local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 (Attachment One), which includes a:
a) Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and
b) message from the chair
15. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 26 June 2014, when it meets to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
Local Boards
16. This report seeks adoption from the Great Barrier Local Board on its content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015. Engagement with the community, including consultation, and a number of workshops and meetings have been held by the local board to finalise their local board agreement and introduction to the agreement.
Maori Impact Statement
17. Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant Iwi. The local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the LTP which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.
18. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 26 June 2014, when it meets to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
19. The timeline to develop and produce the Annual Plan 2014/2015 document is tight. It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the annual plan is adopted, such as:
a) correction of any errors identified;
b) minor wording changes.
Officers therefore recommend that the Great Barrier Local Board delegates authority to the Great Barrier Local Board Chair to make final changes if necessary.
No. |
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aView |
Great Barrier Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 |
113 |
Authors |
Kate Marsh, Financial Planning Manager – Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker, Manager Financial Planning, Policy and Budgeting Karen Lyons, Manager Local Board Services John Nash, Senior Local Board Advisor |
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearing dates
File No.: CP2014/11204
1. This report seeks approval for the Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearings, workshop and formal adoption dates.
Executive summary
2. Legislation requires a special consultation process for the 2014-2017 Great Barrier Local Board Plan. Local board plans must be adopted by 31 October 2014.
3. The proposed key dates are as follows:
i) Hearings: Thursday, 28 August 2014, 9am to 4pm.
ii) Workshop: Wednesday, 10 September 2014, 1pm – 4pm
iii) Formal adoption of the local board plan: Wednesday, 8 October 2014 business meeting.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Approves the 2014-2017 Great Barrier Local Board Plan hearings date as follows: Hearings: Thursday, 28 August 2014, 9am to 4pm. b) Approves the 2014-2017 Great Barrier Local Board Plan workshop date as follows: Wednesday, 10 September 2014, 1pm – 4pm c) Approves the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island as the venue for the hearings and workshop. d) Adopts the 2014-2017 Great Barrier Local Board Plan at the ordinary Great Barrier Local Board business meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 10am in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island.
4. Local boards are required to adopt a local board plan no later than 31 October in the year immediately following the triennial general election. The special consultative procedure must be used. [Section 20(1)(a) and (b) of the Local Governing (Auckland Council) Act 2009].
5. A local board plan is for a three year period.
6. The purpose of the local board plan is to:
i) reflect the priorities and preferences of the local board’s communities
ii) identify and describe the interests and preferences of the people within the local board area
iii) provide a basis for developing the local board agreement
iv) inform the development of the next Long-term Plan
v) provide a basis for accountability of the local board to the community in its area.
7. The public will have an opportunity to provide submissions on the local board plans during 7 July to 6 August 2014.
8. The local board hearings will be conducted between 26 August and 9 September 2014.
9. Workshops will be held in early and mid September.
10. Local boards will formally adopt their local board plans at their October 2014 meetings.
Local board views and implications
11. The Great Barrier Local Board has undertaken public consultation and wide engagement to inform the draft 2014-2017 Great Barrier Local Board Plan. Local Board Services staff will discuss the hearings options with the board once the volume of submissions is known.
Maori impact statement
12. The Great Barrier Local Board recognises the significance of Maori and is working to strengthen relationships. The board has listened to mana whenua and their priorities during the development of the local board plan.
13. There are no implementation issues.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Guia Nonoy - Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11142
Executive Summary
An opportunity is provided for the chairperson to update the Board on the projects and issues she has been involved with since the last meeting.
That the Chairperson’s report be received. |
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Chairperson's report |
131 |
Authors |
Guia Nonoy - Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
11 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11137
Executive Summary
An opportunity is provided for members to update the Board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
a) That the report of Board Member Susan Daly be received. b) That the report of Board Member Jeff Cleave be received. c) That the report of Board Member Judy Gilbert be received. d) That the report of Board Member Christina Spence be received. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Board Member Jeff Cleave's report |
231 |
bView |
Board Member Christina Spence's report |
235 |
cView |
Board Member Susan Daly's report |
239 |
dView |
Board Member Judy Gilbert's report |
247 |
Authors |
Guia Nonoy - Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
11 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11136
Executive Summary
Attached is a list of reports requested/pending as at May 2014 for the Great Barrier Local Board’s information.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Receive the list of reports requested/pending as at May 2014. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Reports/requested pending - May 2014 |
253 |
Authors |
Guia Nonoy - Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Date of resolution |
Issue |
Resolution |
Target Date/ Comment |
10 April 2013 |
Super Gold Card assistance for Great Barrier Island |
c) Seeks clarification of Minister Goodhew’s statement that Great Barrier Island needs to be included in the Regional Public Transport Plan for Great Barrier to be included in the SuperGold Card assistance plan. |
Currently no funding available to progress this. |
8 May 2013 |
Okiwi Community Building Condition |
b) That Council Property and Community lease officers investigate the building ownership and lease options in liaison with the Ministry of Education and Okiwi School for report back to the Board’s June 2013 meeting with recommendations and realistic project costs. |
Agreement to occupy received. Upgrade cost awaited. |
12 June 2013 |
Council signage on Great Barrier Island |
a) iv) the issue of outdated Council signage on Great Barrier Island; |
Suggest this be progressed as a SLIPs coordinated project |
14 August 2013 |
Roles and responsibilities between Auckland Transport and Auckland Council regarding viewshafts |
c) seeks clarification of the roles and responsibilities between Auckland Transport and Auckland Council regarding viewshafts management and confirmation of the agreed viewshaft development programme and the site list, for written report back as to how this will be undertaken from Auckland Transport to the September 2013 business meeting; |
Auckland Transport and Parks Management continue to discuss a solution agreeable to all parties. |
9 April 2014 |
Auckland Transport Report - April 2014 - Great Barrier Island |
b) Requests that Auckland Transport investigate whether the Sealink ferry service can be considered part of the Auckland public transport network and therefore eligible for a subsidy. |
9 April 2014 |
Reports Requested/Pending |
b) Requests that officers advise on the status of its March 2013 resolution requesting that a bylaw on the lighting of fires and fireworks in the open on Great Barrier Island be pursued |
A draft outdoors/rural fire bylaw is being developed for consultation in July 2014. |
15 May 2014 |
Correspondence |
b) Requests that Auckland Council and Auckland Transport officers be asked to consider the request from North Barrier Rentals for a location to operate from on public land within the Port Fitzroy and Okiwi areas, for report back to a future board meeting. |
11 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11135
Executive Summary
Correspondence sent and received for the Great Barrier Local Board’s information.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Receive the correspondence for the month of May 2014. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Email from Jan and Peter Hay - damage and danger caused by wandering stock |
257 |
Authors |
Guia Nonoy, Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Nash, Senior Local Board Advisor |
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings
File No.: CP2014/11134
Executive Summary
Attached are the Great Barrier Local Board workshop proceedings taken at the workshops held on 7, 12, and 15 May 2014.
That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) Receive the workshop proceedings for the workshops held on the 7th, 12th and 15th of May 2014. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Workshop proceedings - 7th May 2014 |
261 |
bView |
Workshop proceedings - 12th May 2014 |
263 |
cView |
Workshop proceedings - 15th May 2014 |
265 |
Authors |
Guia Nonoy - Local Board Democracy/Engagement Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Great Barrier Local Board 11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Workshop
Record of the Great Barrier Local Board workshop held at the Great Barrier Local Board office on 7 May 2014 at 9am.
BOARD MEMBERS Jeff Cleave, Sue Daly, Izzy Fordham, Judy Gilbert, Christina Spence
OFFICERS John Nash, Relationship Manager, Great Barrier Local Board
1 Finance update
Jane Koch, Lead Financial Advisor Local Boards, Auckland Council was in attendance to discuss the quarterly financial report with the board.
2 Department of Conservation
Rebecca Gibson, Partnerships Ranger for DOC, along with Jo Ritchie and Cara Fraider were in attendance to speak to the board about the Rakitu pest eradication project and Next Foundation funding opportunities.
3 Auckland Transport programme
Ivan Trethowen and Jodee McKay from Auckland Transport were in attendance to discuss AT’s proposed transport programme with the board.
4 Community Development, Arts & Culture 2014/2015 work programme
Renee Tanner, Arts and Culture Advisor and Greg Whaiapu, Community Development Programme Manager, from Auckland Council’s Community Development Arts and Culture department were in attendance to speak to the board about the department’s 2014/2015 work programme.
5. Small Local Improvements Projects (SLIPs) work programme
Janine Field, SLIPs project portfolio leader, Auckland Council was in attendance to speak to the board about the SLIPs work programme.
6. Great Barrier draft Local Board Plan
John Nash, the board’s Relationship Manager discussed draft local board plan content with the board.
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Workshop
Record of the Great Barrier Local Board workshop held at Auckland Council on 12 May 2014 at 1.30pm.
BOARD MEMBERS Jeff Cleave, Sue Daly, Izzy Fordham, Judy Gilbert, Christina Spence
OFFICERS John Nash, Relationship Manager, Great Barrier Local Board
1 Parks work programme
Gary Wilton, Parks Advisor Hauraki Gulf Islands was in attendance to discuss the parks 10 year plan and 2014/2015 work programme with the board.
11 June 2014 |
Great Barrier Local Board Workshop
Record of the Great Barrier Local Board workshop held at Tryphena Hall on 15 May 2014 at 1pm.
BOARD MEMBERS Jeff Cleave, Sue Daly, Izzy Fordham, Judy Gilbert, Christina Spence
OFFICERS John Nash, Relationship Manager, Great Barrier Local Board
1 Aotea Family Support Group (AFSG)
Rendt Gorter and Maud McLean from AFSG were in attendance to discuss the group’s activities and plans with the board.
2 Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED)
Chris Lock, ATEED’s Business Development Central Manager was in attendance to discuss economic development and tourism opportunities in relation to the local board plan, with the board.
[1] Financial statements are based on the Long-term Plan 2012-2022, reflecting reprioritisations made during the annual planning process for 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 and revised budgets endorsed by the Budget Committee on 8 May 2014 to achieve a 2.5% rates increase for 2014/2015. Budgets have also been updated to reflect the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs)