I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Hearings Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Committee Meeting Room
Civic 15
1 Greys Avenue


Hearings Committee









Cr Linda Cooper, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Penny Webster



Cr Anae Arthur Anae



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Calum Penrose



Member David Taipari



Cr Wayne Walker



Member Glenn Wilcox



Mayor Len Brown, JP



Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse



(Quorum 3 members)




Mary Binney

Democracy Advisor


5 June 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6211

Email: mary.binney@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Hearings Committee

11 June 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


13        Application for Resource Consent: Proposed removal of a building that is subject to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Pre-1944 Demolition Control, 92 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier                                                                                                               5   


Procedural motion to exclude the public                                                                              33

C1       Resource Consents Appeals: Status Report 11 June 2014                                    33  


Hearings Committee

11 June 2014



Application for Resource Consent: Proposed removal of a building that is subject to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Pre-1944 Demolition Control, 92 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier


File No.: CP2014/11650




1.       This report invites the Hearings Committee to determine the notification decision for an application for resource consent to remove “The Old Homestead” building at 92 Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier.

Executive summary

2.       Following the notification of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (“the PAUP”) the building at 92 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier (“the site”), known as “The Old Homestead”, was afforded protection from demolition and/or removal from site as part of the pre-1944 demolition control overlay.  A temporary consent was granted to allow the building to be stored off site.

3.       An application for resource consent (R/LUC/2013/4689) has now been lodged seeking the permanent removal of the building from the site and its replacement with a replica.

4.       The subject site is zoned Residential 6a under the Operative Auckland Council District Plan (Auckland City Isthmus Section 1999) and Residential Mixed Housing Urban under the PAUP. 

5.       The application has been submitted following the temporary removal in late 2013.  This was reported in the NZ Herald and generated much interest from local residents.  Differing opinions have been expressed on the removal of “The Old Homestead” by elected representatives.  As such the application is deemed ‘contentious’ as defined by Hearings Committee ‘Hearing Policy’.

6.       The Hearings Committee is responsible for either making determinations on this contentious application directly, or deciding who is the most appropriate delegated decision maker.

7.       The Council’s reporting planner recommends that the application be processed on a non-notified basis (refer to report provided in Attachment A), and that a decision on whether to grant or refuse resource consent be made by independent commissioners.



That the Hearings Committee:

a)      determine that the application to remove a pre-1944 building (“The Old Homestead”) and construct a replacement building at 92 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier, proceed on a non-notified basis pursuant to sections 95A and 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991, for the reasons that:

i.        The proposal will have no more than minor adverse effects on the wider environment and any adverse effects on persons on adjacent sites will be less than minor;

ii.       The building is of an ordinary design / construction and the previous removal of original chimneys and roof has compromised the heritage quality of the building; and

iii.      The replacement building will externally be a replica of the building that is to be removed, but with an improved internal layout that better provides for the established church activity.

b)      appoint the rostered independent duty commissioner, and either John Hill or Richard Knott as heritage commissioner to sit with the duty commissioner, to make a decision on the application for resource consent pursuant to section 104 of the Resource Management Act 1991.



Site history

8.       Prior to notification of the PAUP the subject building was not protected and its removal could have occurred as of right without the need for resource consent.  The applicant was aware of their right to remove the building and entered into extensive public consultation with local residents, local groups and the Albert/Eden Local Board to determine the local support for their proposed redevelopment plans.  Following notification of the PAUP the building was removed from site and resulted in enforcement action taken by the Council.  A temporary consent was granted in November 2013 to formalise the off-site storage of the building in a secure yard.  This was approved under the Committee’s emergency provisions by Councillors Cooper and Anae on the basis that the building would be returned to the site should the application for the building’s permanent removal be unsuccessful.  A copy of the resource consent for this temporary removal is provided in Attachment H and further site resource consenting history is provided in Attachment I.

The proposal

9.       Resource consent for a restricted discretionary activity is sought for the permanent removal of a pre-1944 building that is subject to the pre-1944 demolition controls of the PAUP.  The building is not scheduled and is not listed by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.

10.     A copy of the application material and proposal drawings is provided in Attachment B, further information is provided in Attachment C and heritage assessments from the applicant and the Council are provided in Attachment D and Attachment E.

Staff view on notification

11.     The planning assessment has involved a thorough analysis of numerous expert reports, site meetings with the applicant, informal public consultation in the form of petitions of support and Albert/Eden Local Board support for the proposal.  Whilst the council heritage assessment concludes that the building warrants Category B scheduling under the Historic Heritage provisions of the PAUP, the building is not scheduled under the PAUP provisions.  It is recommended that the adverse effects associated with the proposal are minor and that the application should proceed on a non-notified basis. 

12.     This is primarily due to the ordinary design and construction of the building, the removal of original chimneys and roof which has compromised the heritage quality of the building.  Additionally, the applicant proposes a building that will externally be a replica of the building that is to be removed, but with an improved internal layout that better provides for the established church activity.



13.     The Hearings Committee has adopted a hearings policy, which at section 4.2, refers to Allocation of decision making responsibility between elected members, independent commissioners and staff". This includes procedural decisions such as whether or not to notify, in addition to substantive decision-making. Section 4.2.2 of the hearings policy states that in deciding who is the most appropriate decision maker, the Hearings Committee will take into account recommendations from staff, the significance of a particular matter and whether it is contentious.

14.     The application falls into the definition of contentious due to differing perspectives between elected officials and the building’s previous media coverage.  Therefore, the Hearings Committee in accordance with its policy, should either determine notification of this application or delegate authority to an independent commissioner (or commissioners) to the decision maker for this application.

Local board views and implications

15.     The Albert / Eden Local Board Planning Chairperson on behalf of the Local Board have provided written support of the proposal (refer letter provided in Attachment F).

Public consultation

16.     No formal publication consultation under the Resource Management Act 1991 has occurred and the applicant has not formally sought the written approval of any potentially affected parties.  This is due to the applicant’s opinion that there are no adversely affected parties and this is supported by the officers’ notification recommendation that this application does not require the service of notice on any persons.


17.     Notwithstanding the above, the applicant has undertaken extensive informal public consultation on their plans for the site and provided evidence of this in their application.  The application is supported by a petition signed by persons from the local Point Chevalier area as well as letters of support from local groups and residents including properties within the immediate environment of the subject site (refer correspondence provided in Attachment G).  A copy of the consultation evidence and a map identifying properties providing support of the proposal is included in the notification recommendation.

Maori impact statement

18.     There is no record of the site having particular significance to iwi nor has any matter of interest been raised in the application’s assessment of environmental effects or supporting documentation.  An archeological survey submitted with the application has not raised any relevant issues or found any significant archeological items within the site.


19.     There are no financial or legal implications beyond those normally associated with the determination of an application or the appointment of hearing commissioners.  In this case, staff are of the opinion that the costs of any commissioner involvement in the decision making should be met by the Council and not passed onto the applicant.







Council staff notification recommendation report



Application material (Under Separate Cover)



Application further information (s92 RMA) (Under Separate Cover)



Application heritage assessment (Under Separate Cover)



Council staff heritage assessment (Under Separate Cover)



Letter from Albert / Eden Local Board



Letters of support from local community (Under Separate Cover)



Temporary removal resource consent



Background approvals (Under Separate Cover)





Peter Kensington - Principal Planner, Hearings and Resolutions

Robert Andrews - Resolutions Team Manager


Heather Harris - Manager Resource Consents

Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager


Hearings Committee

11 June 2014



Hearings Committee

11 June 2014



Hearings Committee

11 June 2014




Hearings Committee

11 June 2014



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Hearings Committee:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Resource Consents Appeals: Status Report 11 June 2014

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains information that could compromise the council in undertaking without prejudice negotiations of appeals that are before the Environment Court.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.