Henderson-Massey Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Henderson Civic Centre, 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson on Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 6.30pm.
Chairperson |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shane Henderson |
Members |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Peter Chan, JP |
Will Flavell |
Tracy Kirkley |
Luke Wilson |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
For absence |
Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse |
Councillor Linda Cooper |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 05 June 2014 |
1 Welcome
Member Tracy Kirkley led the meeting in prayer and the Chair welcomed those present.
2 Apologies
Resolution number HM/2014/70 MOVED by Member WI Flavell, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Accepts the apology from Warren Flaunty for absence. |
3 Declaration of Interest
The following are the declarations of interests as at 5 June 2014.
Vanessa Neeson, JP (Chairman) |
Ranui Sector Trial |
Chair |
Shane Henderson (Deputy Chairman) |
Waitakere Community Law Service |
Employee |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Keep Waitakere Beautiful |
Trustee |
Peter Chan, JP |
Cantonese Opera Society of NZ |
Member |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Westgate Pharmacy |
Contractor |
Will Flavell |
Rutherford College |
Employee |
Tracy Kirkley |
District Licensing Committee Heart of Te Atatu South |
Member Member |
Luke Wilson |
NZ Police - Massey Community Constable |
Employee |
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HM/2014/71 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Member MFP Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Confirms the minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 15 May 2014, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number HM/2014/72 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member BA Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Thanks and acknowledges the following Henderson-Massey awards recipients for their outstanding efforts and contributions to the community: i. Lynn Vai ii. Mr Nga Tekoronga iii. Hayley Smith iv. Robyn Lesatele v. Danielle Lesatele vi. Mackenzie Blucher vii. Nain Alfante viii. Jesse Pearson ix. Samantha Leach x. Elijah Ropati xi. Brooke Telford xii. Liam Palmer xiii. Lindsey Sun xiv. Elyssa Taulapiu xv. Helen Dart xvi. Leofuataiina (Leo) Sului xvii. Rochelle Carnow CARRIED |
Resolution number HM/2014/73 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member BA Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Agrees to adjourn the meeting until 7.20 pm, on 5 June 2014 in the Council Chamber 6 Henderson Valley Road Henderson. The meeting adjourned at 7.00 pm and reconvened at 7.25 pm.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
Secretarial note: The board received an update from Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and Councillor Cooper on cemetery consultations, life jackets on boats, parking strategy consultation, synthetic highs and other matters being addressed by the Governing Body.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Resolution number HM/2014/74 MOVED by Member LW Wilson, seconded by Member BA Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the presentation from Russell Clark from the Heart of Te Atatu South group. b) Supports in principle, the plans of the Heart of Te Atatu South for community based facilities in Te Atatu South and requests staff work with the Heart of Te Atatu South to investigate options. |
Secretarial note: A copy of the tabled presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. Member Tracy Kirkley declared an interest in this item and did not take part in the discussion nor vote on this item. |
a Presentation from Heart of Te Atatu South Community |
8.2 |
Corban Estate Arts Centre/Waitakere Arts & Cultural Development Trust - Deputation |
Resolution number HM/2014/75 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the presentation from Martin Sutcliffe on the activities of Corban Estate Arts Centre/Waitakere Arts & Cultural Development Trust. b) Appreciates and thanks the Waitakere Arts & Cultural Development Trust for their extensive connections with the community. c) Supports in principle the Waitakere Arts and Cultural Development Trusts’ plans to create a main access way to Corban Estate from Henderson Valley Road. |
Secretarial note: A copy of the tabled presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
a Presentation from Corban Estate Arts Centre/Waitakere Arts & Cultural Development Trust |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Mr. Bridgens spoke to the board on his concerns regarding privacy issues and buying concession cards at West Wave Aquatic and Recreation Centre. |
Resolution number HM/2014/76 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson: That the Henderson-Massey local board: a) Receives public forum submission from Russell Bridgens.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Auckland Transport Update Report - Henderson-Massey local board |
Resolution number HM/2014/77 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Member TJ Kirkley: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport Report. b) Approves $28,000 be allocated from the Henderson-Massey Local Board Transport Capital Fund for: i) the construction of two ground sockets for new Electronic Speed Advisory Signs in each of Glen Road, Waitemata Drive, Summerland Drive, and Bruce McLaren Road ii) and purchase two Electronic Speed Advisory Signs that can be rotated around these sites on a regular basis.
13 |
Resolution number HM/2014/78 MOVED by Member WI Flavell, seconded by Member MFP Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report. |
14 |
Resolution number HM/2014/79 MOVED by Member BA Brady, seconded by Chairperson VS Neeson: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Confirms its preference to continue with the construction of both the Glendene and West Harbour Community Hubs at a total anticipated cost of $1,374,782. b) Seeks the urgent approval from the governing body to bring forward the West Harbour Community House budget funding and that it approve the following reallocations to FY14/15: i) $563,211 to fund the budget shortfall for the Glendene and West Harbour Community Hubs. ii) $100,000 to fund the budget shortfall for the fit out and streetscaping of Ranui Library. iii) $200,000 to fund the redevelopment of the Ranui Community House iv) $186,389 to fund the budget shortfall for the fit out of the Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre. c) Notes the expiration date of the tenders for the Glendene and West Harbour Community Hubs is 21 June 2014 and that new tenders are likely to increase in value d) Requests the Libraries and Community Development and Safety Departments be directed to fund the four years of OPEX impacts associated with bringing the CAPEX funding forward. |
Secretarial note: A copy of the tabled report has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
a Glendene and West Harbour Hub project funding proposal: Reallocation of West Harbour Community House budget report |
15 |
Resolution number HM/2014/80 MOVED by Member WI Flavell, seconded by Member MFP Chan: a) Receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Henderson Massey Local Board for the period ended March 2014. |
Secretarial note: A copy of the tabled presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
a Quarterly Performance Report-March 2014 |
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9.10 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.