Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 4.30pm.





Bill McEntee




Deputy Chairperson

Michael Turner





Stuart Britnell





Brent Catchpole

(from 4.40 pm)




Graham Purdy













Katrina Winn




Brent Catchpole

 Lateness due to local board business





Calum Penrose















Heather Harrison

Public Forum








Papakura Local Board

18 June 2014




1          Prayer


            Member Purdy led the meeting in prayer.


2      Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2014/104

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board accept the apology from Member Winn for absence and Member Catchpole for lateness due to Local Board business.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2014/105

MOVED by Member SR Britnell, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 21 May 2014, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Heather Harrison - Time Limit on Disabled Parking in Railway Street West




Resolution number PPK/2014/106

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board thank Mrs Heather Harrison for her presentation to the Board concerning the time limit on disabled parking in Railway Street West.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Councillors' Update


Councillors’ Calum Penrose and Sir John Walker outlined the following to the Board:

  1. Auckland Transport Parking Strategy – consultation phase underway
  2. Bylaws update:

-       Compulsory wearing of life jackets

-       Cemeteries and Crematoria

-       Air Quality

-       Animal management

-       Stormwater


Resolution number PPK/2014/107

MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Councillors’ update be received.




Papakura Local Board Community Development, Arts and Culture Work Programme 2014 - 2015


Resolution number PPK/2014/108

MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)   Approves in principle  the Community Development, Arts and Culture work programme 2014 – 2015 (Attachment A – Agenda report) the details to be confirmed through the portfolio meetings and the Chair.


b)   Approves the following community arts organisation funding agreements (subject to the funding agreement being approved by the local board chair if required):

i.         Papakura Brass, $10,250.00 (Uninflated Opex Budget)

ii.        Papakura Museum, $107,625.00 (Uninflated Opex Budget)


c)   Approves the community lease work plan for 2014 - 2015 (Attachment B – Agenda report) with the removal of the Safer Papakura Trust and further consideration on Counties Softball Association and Runciman Tennis Club Incorporated.


d)   Approves the recommended community and art facilities capital and renewals work programme 2014 - 2015 as listed in Attachment C and D (Agenda report) subject to further consideration on the item of the Smiths Avenue Clubrooms:


  (i)    delegates responsibility to the Chair to approve any moderate changes to the budget, in the event that there is a variation to identified costs for this capital and renewals work programme

  (ii)   asks that council staff report on any reduction in project costs to enable a review of budget options


e)         Approves that a short term funding agreement be entered into with a local organisation to ensure continuity of the safety services that the local board funded through the Safer Papakura Trust.




Papakura Local Board 2014/2015 Proposed Local Library Renewals


Resolution number PPK/2014/109

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approves the property renewals programme 2014/2015 for Libraries as listed in Attachment A to the Agenda report.

b)      Delegates responsibility to the Manager Assets, Planning and Business - Libraries, to approve any moderate changes to the budget, in the event that there is a variation to identified costs for its property renewals programme

c)      Allows for any project surplus to be held as contingency for other renewals projects included within this report for this board. 




Grant to Papakura Maori Enterprise Association


Resolution number PPK/2014/110

MOVED by Member SR Britnell, seconded by Member BS Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approve a grant of $13,000 to the Māori Enterprise Association to deliver:

i)       a Māori business expo and awards event ($10,000)

ii)      a Māori business breakfast ($3,000).




Auckland Transport Update - May 2014


Resolution number PPK/2014/111

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receives the report entitled “Auckland Transport Update – May 2014”.

b)      gives approval (under the Local Board Capital Fund) for no more than $10,000 (inc.GST) to create a draft design for a covered “all weather” bridge, ramps and staircase that connects east and west across the Papakura Railway Station.



Resolution number PPK/2014/112

MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

c)      That the Papakura Local Board requests that a copy of a summary document of the Auckland Transport Parking Strategy be held at railway and bus stations for public access.






Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund 2013/2014 - Funding Round 2


Resolution number PPK/2014/113

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Receive the report entitled  “Manukau Heritage Item Assistance Fund 2013/2014 – Funding Round 2”.

b)      Approve the following grant allocations:

i)       Allocation of $3,220 to application MHIA1314014 from the Walker Family Trust as a contribution towards the cost of removing the old roof covering, and fitting a new roof covering.




Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report


Resolution number PPK/2014/114

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board notes the information in the Infrastructure and Environmental Services update report.




Progressing the Resource Recovery Network in the South


Resolution number PPK/2014/115

MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Receive the Progressing the Resource Recovery Network in the south report.

b)      Allocate a budget of $10,000 as the Papakura Local Board’s contribution towards progressing the implementation of a combined scoping study with other southern local boards, for the establishment of community recycling centres in the south subject to:

i)       an equal amount being matched by the Manurewa, Mangere-Otahuhu, Otara-Papatoetoe and Howick Local Boards to ensure the total cost of $50,000 for the scoping study is met.




Urgent Decision : Papakura Local Board-Discretionary Budgets 2013/2014


Resolution number PPK/2014/116

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member BS Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Allocates $15,000 from its discretionary 2013/2014 operational budget to the establishment of the Inaugural Papakura Sports Awards

b)      Makes provision for a budget of $13,000 per annum to fund the Papakura Sports Awards in 2014/2015 and in subsequent years

c)      Gives early consideration to potential projects that could be delivered through the discretionary capital budget.




Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2014 / 2015


Resolution number PPK/2014/117

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Adopts its local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 which includes a:

i)       Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and

ii)      message from the chair.

b)      That the Papakura Local Board notes that:

i)       Local budgets have been updated to reflect local board prioritisation decisions, impacts (if any) of final budget decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May, budget adjustments (if any) arising from new information and the allocation of central costs;

ii)      If there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement;

iii)     That the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it adopts the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2012;

iv)     The local board agreement could be subject to minor changes following this meeting.

c)      That the Papakura Local Board Chair be delegated the authority to make any final minor changes to the local board content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 before publication.




Approval of the Draft Local Board Plan 2014


Resolution number PPK/2014/118

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approves the draft Papakura Local Board Plan 2014 for public consultation using the special consultative procedure

b)      Approves the draft Papakura Local Board Plan 2014 summary document

c)      Delegates to the Chair to make any minor wording changes that may be necessary for the draft local board plan or summary document.




Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


Resolution number PPK/2014/119

MOVED by Member SR Britnell, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the report entitled “reports requested – pending-issues” by the Democracy Advisor be received.



Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term


Resolution number PPK/2014/120

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board approve the following additions to the Papakura Local Board Achievements Register:

i.             Blessing of the information plinths at the Takaanini Reserve

ii.            Advocacy from the Board on the Takanini Interchange and motorway upgrade

iii.           Advocacy from the Board  on Psychoactive substances leading to the temporary withdrawal from the market.   



Resolution number PPK/2014/121

MOVED by Member BS Catchpole, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received.




Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number PPK/2014/122

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member SR Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board workshop notes for the meeting held 7 May and 11 June 2014 be received.




26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  






5.27 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









