I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 9 June 2014


Council Chamber
Orewa Service Centre
50 Centreway Road


Rodney Local Board









Brenda Steele


Deputy Chairperson

Steven Garner



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Thomas Grace



Beth Houlbrooke



John McLean



Phelan Pirrie



Greg Sayers



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


5 June 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Rodney Local Board

09 June 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


21        Allocation of Funding for Rodney Facilities and Initiatives                                     5   



Rodney Local Board

09 June 2014



Allocation of Funding for Rodney Facilities and Initiatives


File No.: CP2014/12099






1.       This report seeks approval from the Rodney Local Board to allocate the remaining operational funds from the Rodney Local Board priorities and projects in the 2013/2014 financial year.

Executive summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board has identified the following remaining unspent funds which can be allocated to projects or initiatives by the Rodney Local Board:

‘Local Community Facilities Initiatives’ ($66,000)

‘Relationships with community/iwi/government groups’ ($4,700)

‘Local Board Discretionary Initiatives’ ($29,869).

3.       This report provides the opportunity for the Rodney Local Board to consider whether to allocate the remaining funds to community projects that require additional operational support funding this financial year or leave unspent as savings towards the council’s overall year end surplus.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      allocate a total of $100,569 from the ‘local Community Facility Initiatives’  ($66,000), ‘Local Board Relationships with Community/Iwi/Governing groups’ ($4,700) and ‘Local Board Discretionary Initiatives’ ($29,869) budgets for the 2013/2014 financial year:

i)        $1,700 towards the completion of the painting required for the Kumeu Arts centre following the recent renovation.

ii)       A grant of $25,000 to the Rodney Rams Rugby League Club for costs associated with the urgent re-establishment of a club base including the replacement of club uniforms and other sporting equipment.

iii)      $3,500 each to the privately run halls in the Rodney Local Board area network of community facilities namely the Glorit Memorial Hall, Matakana Hall, Tomarata Public Hall, Riverhead Citizens Hall, Hoteo North Hall, Mahurangi West Hall, Dairy Flat Hall, Waitoki Public Hall, Taupaki Hall, Kumeu Community Centre and Puhoi Community Hall.

iv)      $25,000 for town centre toilet upgrades in Kumeu ($4,000), Wellsford ($6,000) and Warkworth ($15,000).




4.       The Rodney Local Board has unspent operational funds in the 2012/2013 financial year, including Local Community Facility Initiatives ($66,000), Local Board Relationships with Community/Iwi/Government groups ($4,700) and ‘Local Board Discretionary Initiatives’ ($29,869), which can be allocated to projects or initiatives by the local board.  These budget lines were created during the 2012-2022 Long-term Plan and were new local board priorities to support the initiatives in the 2011 Rodney Local Board Plan.

5.       The ‘Local Community Facilities Initiatives’ budget includes the provision of community halls, centres and houses that meet the recreational and social needs of the community. A significant portion of this budget ($70,000) was allocated by the Rodney Local Board to complete reports on signage, heating, ventilation, interior and exterior lighting (RD/2013/272).  The local board also resolved to allocate $30,000 for specialised technical work as part of the north Rodney swimming pool feasibility study (RD/2013/334).  Officers working on the swimming pool study have advised that “This funding will not be spent in this financial year to undertake part of the feasibility study. The main reasons being that the governing body will not be undertaking any feasibility studies for new community facilities until the ‘Community Facilities Network Plan’ has been completed and a priority list for facilities been established. The network plan is not due to be completed until Oct/Nov 2014 and this will inform what funds should be identified for the next LTP for community facilities.” Therefore the $30,000 can be reallocated along with the remaining balance of $36,000 in this budget line. 

6.       There are a number of community facilities in need of assistance in Rodney.  The local board may wish to allocate funds to the following:

·    $1,700 towards the completion of the painting following the recent renovation of the Kumeu Arts Centre.  This additional funding can be included in the current contract and the Project Manager has been advised to instruct the contractor and that funding is being considered at this meeting.

·    $25,000 grant to the Rodney Rams Rugby League Club for costs associated with the urgent re-establishment of a club base including the replacement of club uniforms and other sporting equipment when the clubrooms on the Whangateau Reserve were recently destroyed by fire. 

·    $39,300 could be used to grant funds to privately run halls in Rodney which form part of the network of facilities in the Rodney local board area, such as Glorit Memorial Hall, Matakana Hall, Tomarata Public Hall, Riverhead Citizens Hall, Hoteo North Hall, Mahurangi West Hall, Dairy Flat Hall, Waitoki Public Hall, Taupaki Hall, Kumeu Community Centre and Puhoi Community Hall. If $3,500 is allocated to each hall this would leave a balance of $800. This funding in the past has been used to meet insurance and equipment costs.


7.       The ‘Local Board Relationships with Community/Iwi/Government groups’ budget assists with building relationships and ongoing communication with Rodney stakeholders such as community groups, iwi and youth.  If the local board approves the recommended $16,800 for the social media pilot that is being recommended in a separate report to the June 2014 business meeting, then the remaining funds for allocation in this budget line are $4,700. The Rodney Local Board may wish to utilise these funds to further contribute to the grants to private halls.

8.       The ‘Local Board Discretionary Initiatives’ budget was put in place by the Rodney Local Board to assist with the delivery of projects and initiatives in the 2011 Rodney Local Board Plan.  The local board resolved to spend $10,000 to assist with the progression of the Ngati Whatua Housing Initiative (RD/2013/289) and $20,000 to the Mahurangi River Restoration Trust towards investigating related to dredging (RD/2014/93).  The remaining balance of funds in the budget is $29,869. The local board may choose to allocate the remaining funds to undertaking additional maintenance work in three town centre toilets in Rodney.  Council’s property department have advised that Kumeu ($4,000), Wellsford ($6,000) toilets require interior and exterior repainting and that Warkworth toilets require an interior upgrade and repaint ($15,000).  It is understood that these upgrades could be undertaken this financial year.

9.       The local board may determine that the remaining budgets should not be allocated and should contribute to savings for the Auckland Council overall 2013/2014 year end surplus.


Local board views and implications

10.     The budgets stated relate to Rodney Local Board priorities and this report seeks a decision from the local board regarding the allocation of these funds.

Maori impact statement

11.     The allocation of funding is for the proposed projects and grants may benefit Maori. It is not considered that specific consultation with iwi is necessary or required.


12.     The identified budgets are operational budgets for the 2013/2014 financial year and as such must be allocated and spent by 30 June 2014.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Kathryn Martin – Senior Local Board Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager