Regional Strategy and Policy Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 9.34am.
Chairperson |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Members |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Ross Clow |
From 10:03am item 10 |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Until 12:32pm item C3 |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
From 9:59am item 10 |
Cr Penny Hulse |
From 9:52am item 9 |
Cr Denise Krum |
From 10:40am item 11; Until 12.29pm item C2 |
Cr Mike Lee |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Dick Quax |
Until 11:31am item 12 |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr John Watson |
Until 12:32pm item C3 |
Cr Penny Webster |
Glenn Wilcox |
IMSB Alternate |
Karen Wilson |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Absence |
Kris MacDonald |
Absence |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Absence |
Regional Strategy and Policy Committee 5 June 2014 |
1 Apologies
Resolution number REG/2014/70 MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr WD Walker: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) accept the apologies from Mayor Len Brown for absence on council business, Councillor Sharon Stewart and Member Kris MacDonald for non-attendance, Councillors Christine Fletcher and Denise Krum for lateness, and Councillor Dick Quax for early departure. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number REG/2014/71 MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr D Quax: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday 13 May 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Public Input
There was no public input.
6 Local Board Input
There was no local board input.
7 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
9 |
Low Carbon Auckland: A proposed action plan and governance options |
Staff were in attendance to speak to the item and tabled an extract from the Environment, Climate Change & Natural Heritage Committee meeting resolutions of 28 May 2014. A copy of the extract has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr PA Hulse entered the meeting at 9:52 am. |
Resolution number REG/2014/72 MOVED by Cr WD Walker, seconded by Cr C Darby: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) adopt the Low Carbon Auckland Action Plan (Attachment B of the report) b) endorse the self-organising network (Option 2b) as the ideal end state governance arrangement for effective implementation of the Low Carbon Auckland Action Plan, and the establishment of a cross-sector stewardship group (Option 2a) as a transition step c) delegate authority to the Chief Planning Officer and the committee chair to make any final editorial changes to the Low Carbon Auckland Action Plan. |
Secretarial note: Pursuant to Standing Order 3.15.5 Councillors Dick Quax and Cameron Brewer requested that their dissenting votes against the motion be recorded. |
a Extract from the Environment Climate Change & Natural Heritage Committee |
10 |
Staff were in attendance to speak to the item and gave a powerpoint presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr CE Fletcher entered the meeting at 9:59 am. Cr WD Walker left the meeting at 10:02 am. Cr RI Clow entered the meeting at 10:03 am. Member G Wilcox left the meeting at 10:10 am. IMSB Alternate Karen Wilson left the meeting at 10:10 am. Cr WD Walker returned to the meeting at 10:19 am. |
Resolution number REG/2014/73 MOVED by Cr CM Casey, seconded by Cr PA Hulse: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) agree to support a pilot survey on the quality of policy advice contained in committee reports b) note that a presentation will be made to the monthly meeting of local board chairs seeking feedback on the establishment of such a survey for local boards c) agree to send a copy of this report to all local boards and the Independent Māori Statutory Board for their information. |
a Presentation |
11 |
Strategy and Policy Forward Programme: Quarterly Monitoring Update |
Staff were in attendance to speak to the item and gave a powerpoint presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Member G Wilcox returned to the meeting at 10:21 am. Cr WD Walker left the meeting at 10:29 am. Cr WD Walker returned to the meeting at 10:33 am. IMSB Alternate Karen Wilson returned to the meeting at 10:33 am. Cr PA Hulse left the meeting at 10:34 am Cr C Darby left the meeting at 10:39 am. Cr DA Krum entered the meeting at 10:40 am. Cr PA Hulse returned to the meeting at 10.45 am. |
Resolution number REG/2014/74 MOVED by Cr CE Fletcher, seconded by Cr LA Cooper: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) note the progress on the development and implementation of items in the forward programme at Attachment A of the report b) endorse the proposed approach for making changes to the forward programme c) agree to add the Significance and Engagement Policy to the forward programme. |
a Presentation |
12 |
Staff were in attendance to speak to the item and gave a powerpoint presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr C Darby returned to the meeting at 10:53 am. Cr D Quax retired from the meeting at 11:31 am. Cr CE Fletcher left the meeting at 11:42 am. Cr CE Fletcher returned to the meeting at 11:48 am. |
MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) note that the Commercial Sponsorships Political Working Group recommends that a council group-wide policy would assist staff to enter into sponsorship agreements in a responsive and empowered way b) note that the six Council-controlled Organisations (CCOs) consulted during the development of this policy indicated that they are comfortable with the contents and direction of the draft policy c) agree that the attached draft Auckland Council Sponsorship Policy be adopted. d) agree that a Auckland Council Commercial Partnership Policy be prepared. That this work is supported by the political working group and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee e) agree that, once adopted, the policy will apply to Auckland Council and its CCOs f) agree that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to review and approve the Commercial Sponsorship Operating Guidelines in support of the Policy. |
Cr Casey moved: Cr Walker seconded: by way of amendment to the policy document Section 6 exclusions: Bullet point 2: add “including alcohol and gambling”. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The division was declared lost by 14 votes to 6. |
Cr Casey moved: Cr Walker seconded: by way of amendment to the policy document Section 7: replace bullet point 1 with “The identification and selection of potential sponsors and sponsorship agreements must be consistent with the council’s values, principles and strategic direction, legal mandate, purpose and policies.” A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The division was declared lost by 12 votes to 8. |
Cr Casey moved: Cr Walker seconded: by way of amendment to the policy document Section 7: add to last bullet point: “excluding libraries, community centres, corporate headquarters and service centres”
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The division was declared lost by 12 votes to 8. |
The Chair put the substantive motion: |
Resolution number REG/2014/75 MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) note that the Commercial Sponsorships Political Working Group recommends that a council group-wide policy would assist staff to enter into sponsorship agreements in a responsive and empowered way b) note that the six council-controlled organisations (CCOs) consulted during the development of this policy indicated that they are comfortable with the contents and direction of the draft policy c) agree that the attached draft Auckland Council Sponsorship Policy be adopted d) agree that a Auckland Council Commercial Partnership Policy be prepared. That this work is supported by the political working group and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee e) agree that, once adopted, the policy will apply to Auckland Council and its CCOs f) agree that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to review and approve the Commercial Sponsorship Operating Guidelines in support of the Policy. |
Secretarial note: Pursuant to Standing order 3.15.5 Cr Casey requested that her dissenting vote against the motion be recorded. |
a Presentation |
13 |
Submission to Ministry for Primary Industries on Further Temporary Closure of Umupuia Beach, Manukau, to the Harvest of Cockles |
Resolution number REG/2014/76 MOVED by Member G Wilcox, seconded by Cr C Darby: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) give retrospective approval for the submission to Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to support a further two-year closure on the harvest of cockles at Umupuia Beach b) request that staff report back on how an understanding of the recovery of shellfish abundance across Auckland’s harbours and coastal marine area could be progressed with the Ministry for Primary Industries. |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Resolution number REG/2014/77 MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Stormwater Land Acquisition - Flat Bush School Road
C2 Stormwater Land Acquisition - Ormiston Road, Flat Bush
C3 Stormwater Land Acquisition - Barry Curtis Park Vicinity, Flat Bush
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
12:18 pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
After consideration of the above items it was resolved:
Resolution number REG/2014/78 MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher: That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee: a) reopen the meeting to the public. |
12.34 pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
12:34pm The Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.