I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waiheke Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 12 June 2014 4.15pm Waiheke Local
Board Office |
Waiheke Local Board
Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shirin Brown |
Members |
Becs Ballard |
John Meeuwsen |
Beatle Treadwell |
(Quorum 3 members)
Carmen Fernandes Democracy Advisor
6 June 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6210 Email: Carmen.Fernandes@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
9.1 Hillary Lapsley - Waiheke Book Festival 6
9.2 Dawn Jeffrey - Good Life - Eco Festival Waiheke event funding application 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Local Events Fund, 2014/2015 Contestable Funding Criteria and 2013/2014 Discretionary Events Fund 7
13 Waiheke Local Board Community Funding: Round Four 2013-2014 19
14 Waiheke Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014 23
15 Ostend Domain - sandcarpeting and lighting of rugby league field 37
16 Ecological restoration budget approval 45
17 Approval of the draft local board plan 2014 49
18 Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 111
19 Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearing dates 131
20 Non complying industrial activity at Putiki Road 133
21 Inward Correspondence 179
22 Waiheke Local Board workshop record of proceedings 183
23 Reports requested/pending 189
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
Kua uru mai a hau kaha, a hau maia, a hau ora, a hau nui,
Ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho
Rire, rire hau…pai marire
Translation (non-literal) - Rama Ormsby
Let the winds bring us inspiration from beyond,
Invigorate us with determination and courage to achieve our aspirations for abundance and sustainability
Bring the calm, bring all things good, bring peace….good peace
2 Apologies
An apology from Member JP Meeuwsen has been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 22 May 2014, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
That an apology from Member JP Meeuwsen for leave of absence, be received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
Executive summary Hillary Lapsley of the Waiheke Book Festival Charitable Trust will be in attendance to address the Board regarding the Waiheke Book Festival funding application. |
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Local Events Fund, 2014/2015 Contestable Funding Criteria and 2013/2014 Discretionary Events Fund
File No.: CP2014/11307
1. To seek approval on the criteria for the Local Events Support Fund 2014/2015.
2. To request that the board make a decision on the allocation of the remaining discretionary events fund for the 2013/2014 financial year.
Executive summary
3. Following the 2014/2015 annual plan decision to implement a contestable funding process for the 2014/2015 financial year, the local board event portfolio holders have worked with council’s event facilitation team to develop criteria to support fund allocation.
4. The Waiheke Local Board has allocated $44,757.00 funding from the 2013/2014 Local Event Fund to 13 events. The balance remaining for allocation from the Local Event Fund is $4,695.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the event funding criteria for the Local Event Support Fund 2014/2015. b) Approves/part-fund/decline the event funding proposal from Dawn Jeffery for The Good Life – Eco Festival Waiheke from the remaining events discretionary funding 2013/2014 budget of $4,695. |
5. The 2014/2015 Waiheke local event support fund has an allocated budgeted of $47,757 and will be run as a contestable fund in one round. The round will open on 1 September 2014 and close on 31 October 2014. Applications will be presented with recommendations against the proposed criteria (see Attachment A) to the board at the December 2014 workshop, with a formal decision in January 2015.
6. Events taking place in the first and second quarter of the 2014/2015 financial year, which do not meet the contestable funding timings, are able to apply for funding. The Event unit will collate all applications for this period and hold for presentation and decision making at the September 2014 meeting.
7. An event proposal has been received requesting $5000 funding for the Good Life – Eco Festival from the 2013/2014 local event fund (see Attachment B). There is $4,695 remaining in this fund for the 2013/2014 financial year.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Local Event Support Fund 2014/15 - Waiheke Local Board Criteria Guide |
9 |
bView |
Waiheke Local Board Event Proposal |
11 |
Authors |
Carrie Doust - Senior Events Facilitator |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
Waiheke Local Board Community Funding: Round Four 2013-2014
File No.: CP2014/07780
1. This report presents applications received under round four of the Waiheke Local Board 2013/2014 Community Funding programme. The Waiheke Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.
Executive summary
2. The Waiheke Local Board has a total Community Funding Programme budget for 2013/2014 of $46,377. This is being distributed to community groups in four funding rounds.
3. Under rounds one, two and three the board committed a total of $25,993.46 from its Community Funding Programme budget, which leaves a balance of $20,383.54 remaining for round four.
4. The remainder of the local board’s Community Group Assistance budget, totalling $8,793, is also available to fund applications in this round – bringing the total available to $29,176.54.
5. Sixteen applications have been received for round four, requesting a total of $56,284.79.
That the Waiheke Local Board : a) considers the applications listed in Table 1 and agrees to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round Table One: Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Applications
6. In March 2013, the Regional Development and Operations Committee agreed to the continuation of the interim community funding approach for the 2013/2014 financial year:
“That the Regional Development and Operations Committee endorse the continuation of the interim community funding programme for the 2013/2014 financial year, in accordance with current budgets and decisions-making delegations, due to the complexity of the range of funding models currently operating across the region, with the expectation that a new funding policy be in place for the 2014.2015 financial year, or before” (RDO /2013/32).
Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Programme Budget
7. Sixteen applications have been received in this round, requesting a total of $56,284.79.
8. The following table (Table 2) summarises the budget applicable to the Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Programme. The table identifies the grant levels approved to date and the balance remaining for 2013/2014.
Table Two: Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Programme Budget
Type of Fund |
2013/14 Annual Budget |
Grants allocated |
Balance |
Local Board Discretionary Community Fund |
$46,377.00 |
$25,993 |
$20,384 |
Community Group Assistance Fund |
$15,000 |
$6,207 |
$8,793 |
Total |
$29,177 |
9. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan.
10. The decisions sought by this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.
Local board views and implications
11. Board members received a summary of each application, together with copies of the current legacy community funding scheme’s policy and the local board discretionary community funding guidelines that apply, in preparation for considering the round four applications.
Maori impact statement
12. Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community. The provision of community funding to support community development initiatives provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes and activities that benefit Maori.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Sarah Zimmerman - Community Funding Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - Manager Community Development, Arts and Culture |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Waiheke Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014
File No.: CP2014/10371
1. This report provides an overview of the Waiheke Local Board 2013/2014 Small Local Improvement Project (SLIP) programme and recommends projects for approval and commencement.
Executive Summary
Operational Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Allocation Including Recommendations (%) |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Opex 2013/2014 |
$310,029 |
$288,301 |
93% |
$310,029 |
10% |
$0 |
Capital Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Allocation Including Recommendations (%) |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Capex 2013/2014 |
$441,236 |
$415,865.85 |
94% |
$421,365.85 |
95% |
$19,897.15 |
2. The Waiheke Local Board had $449,000 SLIPs capital expenditure and $349,000 SLIPs operational expenditure to allocate in the 2012/2013 financial year. Both of these budgets have been 100% allocated. The Waiheke Island Local Board has projects carried forward from the 2012/2013 financial year. Information regarding these projects is shown in the Waiheke SLIPs programme attachment.
3. To date the Waiheke Local Board has allocated $28,301 or 93% of their operational expenditure budget and $415,865.85 or 94% of their capital expenditure budget.
4. Approval of the recommendations in this report will allocate 100% of the available operational expenditure and 94% of the available SLIPs capital expenditure leaving $0 operational expenditure and $25,397.15 capital expenditure for scoping prioritisation at a workshop with the Local Board.
5. Further SLIPs funding reports will be put to the board for project approval and implementation.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the Waiheke SLIPs 2013/2014 programme schedule. b) Approves the following SLIPs projects for 2013/ 2014 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson/s:
The detail regarding the above projects is attached to this report as the Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”. c) Approves the following SLIPs projects for 2014/ 2015 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson/s:
The detail regarding the above projects is attached to this report as the Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”. |
6. Decisions from the board are being sought for the following:
7. Approval is sought to fund the Opex Wash up project. This project is described in Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”.
8. Approval is sought to fund the Pie Melon Corner bus shelter project.. This project is described in Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”.
Local Board Views
9. This report canvasses the views of the Waiheke Local Board.
10. The recommendations contained within this report fall within the Local Boards delegated authority.
Maori Impact Statement
11. Parks and open spaces contribute significantly to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua, appropriate consultation will follow.
12. Communities are impacted by SLIPs projects. They provide an opportunity for staff and elected representatives to engage with the communities on their specific needs. SLIPs staff will liaise directly with all residents and stakeholders impacted by any SLIPs or Discretionary funded projects to be delivered.
Funding for the proposed projects within this report would be obtained from the Waiheke Local Board’s Small Local Improvement Project budget allocation. After allocating budget to all the projects listed in this report and elsewhere, the Waiheke Local Board will still have SLIPs capital and operational funding remaining unallocated. Further reporting as part of the monthly work programme reporting will be used to determine what other projects the board may wish to fund.
SLIPs need to comply with all relevant legislation, including the Resource Management Act 1991, the Local Government Act and all Auckland Council policies.
Implementation Issues
13. All 2013/2014 projects should have budget allocated to them within the first quarter of the 2013/2014 financial year; to enable commencement and completion between prior to 30th June 2014.
14. Most projects will need eight months or more to be successfully delivered within the 2013/2014 financial year. Projects that have budget allocated to them with less then six months remaining within the current financial year, will be at risk of not being completed by 2013/2014 financial year end. As a result the project completion, as per the agreed delivery programme, may be deferred across into the following 2014/2015 financial year for completion.
15. Longer term projects will result in SLIPs capital funding being carried forward to the 2014/2015 financial year and these projects not being delivered within the 2013/2014 financial year.
16. Budgets from 2013/2014 SLIPs operational expenditure must be fully allocated to projects and expended within the 2013/2014 financial year.
17. The ability to spend/deliver outcomes is dependent on the availability of experienced staff or consultant project management resource.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014 |
27 |
bView |
SLIPs Project Schedule for June 2014 |
31 |
Authors |
Janine Field - SLIPS Project Portfolio Leader |
Authorisers |
Julie Pickering - Manager Asset Development & Business Support Central Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Ostend Domain - sandcarpeting and lighting of rugby league field
File No.: CP2014/10797
1. This report is to update the Waiheke Local Board on the Sports Field Capacity Development project planned for Ostend Domain, and seek confirmation of their approval to deliver physical works during 2015/16.
Executive summary
2. There is a shortage of sports field capacity on Waiheke Island, as identified in the August 2011 report to Council “Quantifying the Supply and Demand for Sports Fields in the Auckland Region” written by Longdill and Associates.
3. The Sports Field Capacity Development programme includes a project to install a sand carpet and lights on Ostend Domain to address this shortage. To ensure equity, access to the proposed training lights would be available to all three winter sports codes, Soccer, Rugby Union and Rugby League. This will be managed through council’s sports field booking system.
4. On Wednesday 19 February 2014, council officers met with the admin committee of the Ostend Sports Club to discuss options for the proposed sand carpeting and lighting of the field.
5. On 21 March 2014 the Waiheke Sports Club confirmed in writing their support for Option 1, (see attached plan). They also confirmed their agreement for access to the new sandcarpet field with lights to be shared with Soccer and Rugby Union.
6. The existing lights on the netball courts at Ostend Domain are due for renewal, and significant cost savings will accrue if the two projects are delivered under one contract, i.e. lighting of both the sports field and netball courts.
7. The preferred solution is to renew the netball lights and install a new sand carpet and lights on the sports field at Ostend Domain in 2015/2016.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Confirms its approval for the sand carpeting and installation of training lights on the Rugby League field at Ostend Domain, more or less as shown in Option 1, with Stage I (design and consents) to be delivered during 2014/2015. b) Recognises the significant savings obtainable if the renewal of lights on the netball courts is combined with the Sports Field Capacity Development project to light the adjacent sports field, and confirms that the renewal funding for the netball lights be deferred from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016. |
8. Auckland Council completed a supply and demand study of sports field capacity in the region in 2011 and identified a major shortfall, especially in the central sector. As a result, the Council approved a budget of $85M to be spent over 10 years to increase sports field capacity across the region.
9. The supply and demand study identified a current shortage in capacity for training on Waiheke Island of 8 hours per week, split between Football (5hrs), Rugby Union (1 hr) and Rugby League (2 hrs). The shortage can be met by sand carpeting and lighting one sports field, which would need to be shared among the codes. A budget of $450,000 from the Sports Field Capacity Development budget has been approved to deliver this for Waiheke Island.
Options for Ostend Domain
10. Waiheke Sports Club has a lease over footprint of the clubrooms and netball courts at Ostend Domain, and organises Rugby League and Netball on the park. The club has confirmed in writing that if this project proceeds, it will:
· book all its use of the Ostend Domain field via Lorence Pritchard, Parks Booking Co-ordinator, DDI (09) 365 3109; and
· allow other sporting codes such as football (soccer) and rugby to share the new lights.
11. Plans showing four options for Ostend Domain, were produced and presented to the Ostend Sports Club at a meeting on 19/2/14. All options are limited by the fact that Ostend Domain is a very small park. Most options showed how a larger-sized league field could be achieved by removing/relocating the netball courts and/or the clubrooms, and/or reclaiming an area of mangroves.
12. Key information to assist in assessing these options was provided as follows:
a) All options show fields smaller than the optimum for League. The optimum size is 68m wide, by 120m long, with 100m between goal posts and 10m of “in-goal” area at each end. It is not possible to achieve this on Ostend Domain in its current form.
b) All options therefore allow for only 6m of “in-goal” area.
c) The standard safety zone around League fields is 5m. There should be no hard surfaces within this zone. This is shown as a dotted line around the field on the attached plan. Council intends to extend the sand carpeting out over the full extent of the safety zone.
d) Option 1 is the most easily achieved, and works within the confines of existing facilities on the park, although it intrudes slightly onto what is legally road at the east end.
e) Options 2 and 4 demonstrate what is possible if netball courts are partially removed. Option 4 requires a small area of the mangroves to be reclaimed.
f) Option 3 demonstrates what is possible if the clubroom is removed, as well as the netball courts. No reclamation is necessary.
Renewal of Lights on Adjacent Netball Courts
13. There is a $90k renewals budget in 2014/15 for the renewal of the lights on the netball courts at Ostend Domain. Significant savings will accrue if the netball lighting and the sports field lighting are run as a single contract. The renewals budget will need to be deferred to 2015/16 in order to do this.
Local board views and implications
14. The 18 October 2012 meeting of the Waiheke Local Board considered the Sports Field Capacity Development Programme and passed the following resolution WHK/2012/79:
“That the Waiheke Local Board
a) Receives the report.
b) Endorses the ‘Draft Sports Field Capacity Development Programme’.
c) Note the positive benefit to sporting activities on Waiheke with the proposed upgrades in the Waiheke Local Board area i.e. Drainage improvements on the third field at Onetangi Sports Park 2012/2013 and sand-carpet of field and lights at Ostend Domain 2014/2015.”
15. The delivery of physical works has been deferred until 2015/2016 due to the time required for consultation.
Maori impact statement
16. All parks have significance to iwi, and appropriate iw consultation will take place. The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan does not identify the site of the proposed works as having specific significance to Mana Whenua.
17. Like most sports field development projects, this will require a myriad of consents, including contamination testing under the National Environmental Standards. In addition to the normal consenting issues, there is some evidence that this site may have archaeological significance, so an Archaeologist’s report will be commissioned. By making an early start on the consenting process in 2014/15, it should be possible to deliver physical works in summer 2015/16.
18. If the Board confirms their support for this project, the Board will be up-dated quarterly as the project progresses.
19. The budget for the Sports Field Capacity Development programme is subject to a review as part of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 process. Delivery of the sand carpet and lighting (physical works) at Ostend Domain will depend on the outcome of this process.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Plans showing all 4 Options |
41 |
Authors |
David Barker - Team Leader Parks Specialists and Programmes |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Ecological restoration budget approval
File No.: CP2014/11355
1. To seek approval for allocation of the remaining $18,000 of the Waiheke parks ecological restoration budget for 2013/2014.
Executive summary
2. At their September 2013 meeting the Waiheke Local Board resolved as under:
Resolution number WHK/2013/303
“That the Waiheke Local Board:
a) Receives this report.
b) Notes the June 2013 resolution (WHK/2013/178) of the Board of the allocation of the Ecological Restoration Budget, that, ‘… in future, the proposed projects are submitted to the Board, in report form, for approval, prior to expenditure and that projects are consistent with the intent of the budget, being ecological restoration.’
c) Approves the allocation of $18,000 of the Waiheke Local Board Ecological Restoration budget to fund smaller ecological restoration projects in parks where volunteer groups operate, noting that, prior to committing to any expenditure, officers will review those projects proposed by the volunteers; prioritise sites based on ecological importance and value and report back to the Board.
d) Approves the allocation of $18,793 to purchase and professionally install, record and monitor 700 of the newer, safer more effective bait stations to extend and improve pest control on public land on Waiheke Island with any money remaining from this allocation to be spent on recruiting and training volunteers to maintain station on Council managed land.”
3. Staff have reviewed projects proposed by volunteer groups working on public land. Attachment A summarises projects proposed by volunteer groups and orders them by priority based on ecological importance.
4. The cost of ecological restoration projects proposed in parks totals $16,824. In addition, a project was proposed for the School wetland restoration area. This is not a park, but it is a ecological restoration project in a public place – it is owned by the Ministry of Education and has significant public access. It is recommended that this project is also funded, which brings the total cost of projects to $17,824.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the allocation of $17,824 of the Parks Ecological Restoration budget for 2013/2014 to fund the smaller ecological restoration projects in parks and public places as listed in Attachment A.
5. This funding is provided for ecological restoration works across bush and natural areas consisting of plant and animal pest management. Emphasis is on areas of ecological importance and value.
6. The Waiheke Local Board is supporting three major ecological restoration projects through its Small Local Improvements Projects (SLIPs) programme: the Rangihoua Wetland restoration, the Te Matuku Wetland restoration and the Church Bay esplanade revegetation at Matiatia. These are major projects with a combined budget of over $100,000. They include weed control, planting and pest control.
7. Alongside these major projects, smaller ecological restoration projects can make a difference on a local scale, especially when they are delivered in partnership with parks volunteer groups. These projects empower the community and represent good value. Projects at Newton Reserve, McKenzie Reserve, Orapiu, Palm Beach, Onetangi Beach and Te Toki Reserve have a proven track record. Funding of site preparation and/or plants can enable these groups to restore bush and natural areas effectively at low cost.
Local board views and implications
8. The Waiheke Local Board has prioritised ecological restoration and supports both major and local volunteer projects.
Maori impact statement
9. The contribution of parks outcomes is of significant importance to tangata whenua, their well being, values, culture and traditions. Sites of significance to tangata whenua are an important part of their heritage, established through whakapapa.
10. Tangata Whenua will be consulted where appropriate on each of the projects listed above.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Ecological restoration budget details |
47 |
Authors |
Gary Wilton - Parks Adviser Hauraki Gulf Islands Lynda Lucas - Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
Approval of the Draft Local Board Plan 2014
File No.: CP2014/10402
1. To approve the draft Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014, and the summary document, for public consultation.
Executive summary
2. Each local board is required to complete a local board plan for adoption by 31 October 2014.
3. The draft plan is attached to this agenda, along with the summary document, for the local board to approve for community consultation.
4. Consultation using the special consultative procedure is taking place 7 July to 6 August 2014.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) approves the draft Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014 for public consultation using the special consultative procedure b) approves the draft Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014 summary document c) delegates to the Chair to make any minor wording changes that may be necessary for the draft local board plan or summary document.
5. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires each local board to develop a local board plan every three years. The first local board plan was adopted in 2011. This second local board plan must be adopted by 31 October 2014.
6. Local board plans are strategic plans for the following three years and beyond. The plans reflect the priorities and preferences of the community. They guide how the local board:
· makes decisions on local activities and projects
· provides input into regional strategies and policies
· works with other agencies that play a key role in the area, including central government agencies and council-controlled organisations.
7. The plans inform the development of council’s 10-year Long-term Plan. The plans also form the basis for development of the annual local board agreement for the following three financial years.
8. The local board is required to use the special consultative procedure to consult on the draft local board plan. The period for the special consultative procedure is 7 July to 6 August 2014.
9. The special consultative procedure requirements include providing a summary of the information in the draft local board plan.
10. The draft plan has been developed by considering a range of strategic issues, as well as the Auckland Plan and other regional strategies and policies. Community views and advice from subject matters experts has also been important in developing the draft plan.
11. The draft plan and the summary document are attached.
Summary of community views and strategic issues
12. A series of public engagement forums were held in March 2014 for all Waiheke Local Board area residents. The forums focused on six areas: community, Matiatia, events, parks, transport, and places and people. A youth forum was also held.
13. Feedback received though these forums included priorities such as developing the local economy and the importance of the clean, green, tranquil environment of Waiheke for residents and visitors.
14. There was also strong support for good active transport options, including more walking routes, cycleways and bridle paths to make it easy to reach attractive village centres.
15. These priorities have helped identify the key strategic issues that have influenced the development of this draft plan.
Local board views and implications
16. The local board’s views have driven the development of the draft plan attached to this report.
Māori impact statement
17. The local board plan contributes to improving wellbeing in Māori communities, as well as the community in general.
18. This local board plan describes some of the ways the board would like to work in partnership with mana whenua, including kaitiakitanga and the guardianship of our environment and special places.
19. The next steps in the local board plan process are shown below.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Draft Waiheke Local Board Plan |
51 |
bView |
Design of the front end of the draft Plan |
91 |
cView |
Summary document |
101 |
Authors |
Janine Geddes - Local Board Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
Adoption of Local Board Agreement 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/11067
1. This report seeks formal adoption of the Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 to form part of the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
Executive summary
2. For each financial year, the Auckland Council must have a local board agreement (as agreed between the Governing Body and the Local Board) for each local board area.
3. The local board agreement is largely based on year three of the Long-term Plan 2012-2022[1] (LTP) and reflects the priorities in the local board plan, shows intended provision of local activities, and the capital and operating expenditure required to fund these activities.
4. A draft local board agreement was agreed in December 2013 as part of the draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 and consulted on between late January to late February. The Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 has since been updated to reflect:
a) budget prioritisation decisions made during the local board meeting in April;
b) the impact, if any, of final decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May;
c) budget adjustments, if any, arising from new information;
d) the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs).
5. The governing body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Annual Plan 2014/2015, including 21 local board agreements, on 26 June 2014.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Adopts its local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 which includes a: i) Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and ii) message from the Chairperson. b) Notes that: i) Local budgets have been updated to reflect local board prioritisation decisions, impacts (if any) of final budget decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May, budget adjustments (if any) arising from new information and the allocation of central costs; ii) If there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement;
iii) That the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it adopts the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2012; iv) The local board agreement could be subject to minor changes following this meeting. c) Delegates the authority to the Chair to make any final minor changes to the local board content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 before publication. |
6. For each financial year, the Auckland Council must have a local board agreement (as agreed between the governing body and the Local Board) for each local board area.
7. The local board agreement is largely based on year three of the Long-term Plan 2012-2022 (LTP) and reflects the priorities in the local board plan, shows intended provision of local activities, and the capital and operating expenditure required to fund these activities.
8. The governing body will meet to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2014, which must include the local board agreement for each local board.
9. The draft local board agreement was consulted on between late January and late February 2014. In finalising their local board agreement, local boards:
a) took into account the submissions received and hearings held as part of the special consultative procedure and any other new information now available;
b) held a prioritisation workshop to re-evaluate their 2014/2015 budgets;
c) made final budget prioritisation decisions at their meeting in April.
10. On 29 and 30 April, local boards met with the Budget Committee to discuss local priorities and key issues (if any), after which the Budget Committee formally met on 8 May to make final decisions on the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
11. Local board agreements and financial statements were then further updated to reflect any impacts of Budget Committee decisions, budget adjustments arising from new information and the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs).
12. This report seeks formal adoption of local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 (Attachment One), which includes a:
a) Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and
b) message from the chair
13. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 26 June 2014, when it meets to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
Local board views and implications
14. This report seeks adoption from the Local Board on its content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015. Engagement with the community, including consultation, and a number of workshops and meetings have been held by the local board to finalise their local board agreement and introduction to the agreement.
Maori impact statement
15. Many local board decisions are of importance to Maori and there is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and relevant Iwi. The local board agreement is based on the local board plan and the LTP which have both been developed through engagement with the community, including Maori.
16. The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the governing body on 26 June 2014, when it meets to adopt the Annual Plan 2014/2015.
17. The timeline to develop and produce the Annual Plan 2014/2015 document is tight. It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the annual plan is adopted, such as:
a) correction of any errors identified;
b) minor wording changes.
18. Officers therefore recommend that the local board delegates authority to the Local Board Chair to make final changes if necessary.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Waiheke Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 |
115 |
Authors |
Kate Marsh - Financial Planning Manager - Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker, Manager Financial Planning, Policy and Budgeting Karen Lyons, Manager Local Board Services Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearing dates
File No.: CP2014/09522
1. This report seeks approval for the Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014-2017 hearings, workshop and formal adoption dates.
Executive summary
2. Legislation requires a special consultation process for the 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan. Local board Plans must be adopted by 31 October 2014.
3. The proposed key dates are as follows:
i) Hearings: Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 10am to 6pm with a reserve day of Thursday, 4 September 2014, 2pm to 5pm;
ii) Deliberations: Thursday, 11 September 2014 Waiheke Local Board business meeting; and
iii) Formal adoption of the local board plan: Thursday, 9 October 2014 Waiheke Local Board business meeting.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan hearings dates as follows: i) Hearing: Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 10am to 6pm ii) Reserve day: Thursday, 4 September 2014, 2pm to 5pm and iii) Deliberations: Thursday, 11 September 2014 Waiheke Local Board business meeting. b) Adopts the 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan at the ordinary Waiheke Local Board business meeting scheduled for Thursday, 9 October 2014. |
4. Local boards are required to adopt a local board plan no later than 31 October in the year immediately following the triennial general election. The special consultative procedure must be used. [Section 20(1)(a) and (b) of the Local Governing (Auckland Council) Act 2009].
5. A local board plan is for a three year period.
6. The purpose of the local board plan is to:
i) reflect the priorities and preferences of the local board’s communities;
ii) identify and describe the interests and preferences of the people within the local board area;
iii) provide a basis for developing the local board agreement;
iv) inform the development of the next Long-term Plan; and
v) provide a basis for accountability of the local board to the community in its area.
7. The public will have an opportunity to provide submissions on the local board plans during 7 July to 6 August 2014.
8. The local board hearings will be conducted between 26 August and 9 September 2014.
9. Local boards will formally adopt their local board plans at their October 2014 meetings.
Local board views and implications
10. The Waiheke Local Board has undertaken public consultation and wide engagement to inform the draft 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan. Local Board Services staff will discuss the hearings options with the board once the volume of submissions is known.
Maori impact statement
11. The Waiheke Local Board recognises the significance of Maori and is working to strengthen relationships. The Board has listened to mana whenua and their priorities during the development of the local board plan.
12. There are no implementation issues.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Non complying industrial activity at Putiki Road
File No.: CP2014/11438
1. To present to the Board a memo from David Oakhill, Resource Consents Team Manager in response to the Board’s request for a report with regards to non-complying industrial activity on Putiki Road.
Executive summary
2. At its meeting held on Thursday, 27 March 2014, the Waiheke Local Board considered an email from Linda Burroughs regarding the concerns of the residents of Putiki Road of non-complying industrial activity on Putiki Road.
3. The Board resolved as under:
“Seeks a report from Auckland Council planning with respect to non-complying industrial activity and from Auckland Transport as to what their plans are to address the growth in commercial usage of the Putiki Road area and the effects on residents.”
4. A memo from
David Oakhill, Resource Consent Team Manager giving a summary
of progress to date including the resource consent application lodged by the
landowner of
6 and 8a Putiki and 58-60 Wharf Road, Waiheke is appended to this report.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Memo regarding non-complying industrial activity |
135 |
bView |
Resource Consent application |
137 |
cView |
Putiki Wharf Earthworks Plan |
173 |
dView |
Putiki Wharf Container Plan |
175 |
eView |
Terra Forma Landscape Plan |
177 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11149
Executive Summary
1. Attaching correspondence received for the Board’s information.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the inward correspondence of the Waiheke Local Board.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Letter from Palm Beach Progressive Association |
181 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
Waiheke Local Board workshop record of proceedings
File No.: CP2014/11150
Executive Summary
1. Attached are copies of the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 16 May and 23 May 2014.
That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 16 May and 23 May 2014. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Proceedings of the workshop held on 16 May |
185 |
bView |
Proceedings of the workshop held on 23 May |
187 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
12 June 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/11412
Executive Summary
1. Providing a list of reports requested and pending for the Waiheke Local Board for business meetings.
a) That the Waiheke Local Board receives the report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
List of reports requested/pending. |
191 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
Item 9.2 Attachment a Eco Festival Waiheke Island 26 Sep to 12 Oct 2014 Project Plan Page 197
[1] Financial statements are based on the Long-term Plan 2012-2022, reflecting reprioritisations made during the annual planning process for 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 and revised budgets endorsed by the Budget Committee on 8 May 2014 to achieve a 2.5% rates increase for 2014/2015. Budgets have also been updated to reflect the allocation of central costs (including depreciation, interest, corporate overheads and staff costs)