Waiheke Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke
Local Board held in the Waiheke Local Board Office,
10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke Island on Thursday, 12 June 2014 at 4.15pm.
Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shirin Brown |
Members |
Becs Ballard |
Beatle Treadwell |
From 4:53pm; Item 9.5 |
Member |
John Meeuwsen |
For leave of absence |
Councillor |
Mike Lee |
Waiheke Local Board 12 June 2014 |
1 Welcome
Member Shirin Brown led the meeting in prayer.
2 Apologies
Resolution number WHK/2014/137 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a)
Accepts apologies from Member BM Treadwell
for lateness and from Member |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number WHK/2014/138 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 22 May 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
Resolution number WHK/2014/139 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Grants Leave of Absence for Member JP Meeuwsen (1 June 2014 to 30 June 2014 inclusive). |
6 Acknowledgements
Resolution number WHK/2014/140 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Notes the significant damage on Great Barrier Island caused by the recent storm and on behalf of the people of Waiheke Island wishes the Board and the local community well with all the remediation work and clean up.
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Hillary Lapsley and Maureen Trebilcock were in attendance and presented to the Board regarding the funding application for the Waiheke Book Festival. |
Resolution number WHK/2014/141 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SD Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Hillary Lapsley and Maureen Trebilcock of the Waiheke Book Festival Charitable Trust for their attendance and presentation.
9.2 |
Dawn Jeffrey was in attendance and presented to the Board regarding the event funding application for the Good Life - Eco Festival Waiheke. |
Resolution number WHK/2014/142 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Dawn Jeffrey of Waiheke Resources Trust for her attendance and presentation.
9.3 |
Jenny Holmes of the Waiheke Winegrowers Association was in attendance and presented to the Board regarding the funding application for the Waiheke Wine Festival. |
Resolution number WHK/2014/143 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SD Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Jenny Holmes of the Waiheke Winegrowers Association for her attendance and presentation.
9.4 |
Dr Robyn Manuel of Waiheketua Softball was in attendance and presented to the Board regarding the funding application for Waiheketua Softball 2014. |
Resolution number WHK/2014/144 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SD Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Dr Robyn Manuel for her attendance and presentation. |
9.5 |
Karyn Johnston and Jen Livingstone were in attendance and presented to the Board regarding street sealing at Marine View Road.
Member BM Treadwell joined the meeting at 4.53pm. |
Resolution number WHK/2014/145 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Thanks Karyn Johnston and Jen Livingstone for their attendance and presentation. b) Requests Auckland Transport report back on the status and priority for all sealing projects identified for Waiheke. |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Local Events Fund, 2014/2015 Contestable Funding Criteria and 2013/2014 Discretionary Events Fund |
Resolution number WHK/2014/146 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Delegates final amendments and sign-off of the events funding criteria for the Local Events Support Fund to the Events portfolio holders Members Brown and Treadwell and the Chair. b) Approves the event funding proposal from Dawn Jeffery for The Good Life – Eco Festival Waiheke from the remaining events discretionary funding 2013/2014 budget of $4,695. c) Requests that the Events team develop and report back to the Board a process, including timeframes, for events applications and approvals for the 2014/2015 contestable events budget including the September round. |
13 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/147 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SD Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board : a) Considers the applications listed in Table 1 and agrees to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round Table One: Waiheke Local Board Community Funding Applications
14 |
Waiheke Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/148 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the Waiheke SLIPs 2013/2014 programme schedule. b) Approves the following SLIPs projects for 2013/2014 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson:
The detail regarding the above projects is attached to this report as the Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”. c) Approves the following SLIPs projects for 2014/ 2015 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson:
The detail regarding the above projects is attached to this report as the Attachment A- “SLIPS Project Summary for June 2014”. d) Approves $1,552.50 from the 2013/2014 opex funding to the Omiha Welfare and Recreation Society for the supply and installation of a road sign at Rocky Bay.
15 |
Ostend Domain - sandcarpeting and lighting of rugby league field |
Resolution number WHK/2014/149 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Confirms
its approval for the sand carpeting and installation of training lights on
the Rugby League field at Ostend Domain, more or less as shown in b) Recognises the significant savings obtainable if the renewal of lights on the netball courts is combined with the Sports Field Capacity Development project to light the adjacent sports field, and confirms that the renewal funding for the netball lights be deferred from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016. |
16 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/150 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the allocation of $17,824 of the Parks Ecological Restoration budget for 2013/2014 to fund the smaller ecological restoration projects in parks and public places as listed below:
Secretarial Note: Councillor Mike Lee gave a brief Councillor’s update to the Board.
17 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/151 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the draft Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014 for public consultation using the special consultative procedure. b) Approves the draft Waiheke Local Board Plan 2014 summary document. c) Delegates to the Chair and Deputy Chair to make any minor wording changes that may be necessary for the draft local board plan or summary document.
18 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/152 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Adopts its local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 which includes a: i) Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 with advocacy; and ii) message from the chair.
b) Notes that: i) Local budgets have been updated to reflect local board prioritisation decisions, impacts (if any) of final budget decisions made by the Budget Committee on 8 May, budget adjustments (if any) arising from new information and the allocation of central costs; ii) If there are outstanding (not yet agreed) matters in the local board agreement, the local board should include an explanation of these matters in the Chair’s message at the front of the local board agreement; iii) That the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the governing body when it adopts the Annual Plan 2014/2015 on 26 June 2012; iv) The local board agreement could be subject to minor changes following this meeting. c) Delegates the authority to the Chair to make any final minor changes to the local board content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 before publication.
19 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/153 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan hearings dates as follows: i) Hearing: Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 10am to 6pm ii) Reserve day: Thursday, 4 September 2014, 2pm to 5pm and iii) Deliberations: Thursday, 11 September 2014 Waiheke Local Board business meeting. b) Adopts the 2014-2017 Waiheke Local Board Plan at the ordinary Waiheke Local Board business meeting scheduled for Thursday, 9 October 2014.
20 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/154 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the report. b) Provides the following comments on the consent application at 6 & 8A Putiki Road and 58 & 60 Wharf Road: i) Concerns regarding noise and hours. The application refers to reasonable and daylight hours for access. This must be tighter considering the intended use being storage for a transport company presumably with heavy trucks etc. There is a risk that trucks will be working on site pre and post first and last ferries to load and unload. ii) Objectives. Concerns that the activity proposed will not have similar affects to what is envisaged by the plan by the commercial zoning. The activity is industrial and must be considered as such. iii) Cumulative effects. Whilst the effects of the activity have been argued to be similar to what one may expect from an activity anticipated by the objectives and policies of the plan it is likely that when facing any subsequent application for a development on the road frontage portions of the sites the activity of container storage would likely be considered as secondary. Would expect any consideration to consider the potential cumulative effects of any subsequent and potentially permitted activity such as a child care centre or retail outlet. iv) Consideration of how the sites may look and function if developed as envisaged by the district plan on top of what is proposed the application the cumulative effects will be substantial and should be considered now in some fashion. v) Public notification. Suggest that the effects of the application are minor or more than minor because the proposed activity is not what is envisaged by the plan and further that when considering other activities that would be provided for as permitted by the plan the cumulative effects would be substantial. Consideration should be given at least to limited notification to the adjacent neighbours. |
21 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/155 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member RE Ballard: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the inward correspondence of the Waiheke Local Board. b) Notes that the Board has written to the Waiheke Riding Club and will be seeking advice from the equestrian community and Parks team on how best to manage this issue. |
22 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/156 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Member BM Treadwell: That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 16 May and 23 May 2014. |
23 |
Resolution number WHK/2014/157 MOVED by Chairperson PA Walden, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SD Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board a) Receives the report. |
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.55 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.