

Meeting Room:



Wednesday 23 July 2014


Auckland Town Hall
Ground Floor
301-305 Queen Street


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel






ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


Tabled document: Member Wong Liu Shueng comments                                                         3


7          Draft Auckland Council Local Alcohol Policy

A.      PowerPoint presentation: Draft Auckland Council Local Alcohol Policy               5

9          Significance and Engagement Policy

A.      PowerPoint presentation: Significance and Engagement Policy                         21

10        Panels Engagement with Auckland Council

A.      PowerPoint presentation: Engaging with Auckland Council                                31

Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

23 July 2014


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel meeting 23 July 2014

Notes from Member Wong Liu Shueng (apologies for absence)


Page 9. This is a comprehensive range of Objectives.  Some points:

a)         Built culture is important, but I would like to see the use of the word ‘further expanded to include – history of the peoples, places of significance.’

b)         Local events need also to include things to see when it is not the Chinese NY nor Diwali.  There needs to be ‘historical trails for people to wander through, where the information is available on cell phones and gives a deeper background of this city and its past.

c)         Facilities, needs the re-consideration of different sports… table tennis? Nights of friendly mah jong? With 24% Asian (mainly Chinese & Indian) the promotion of ‘Asian centred’ recreation needs to be included.

d)         There are other things, but the discussion can wait until another time….


Page 13 – Arts & Culture Strategic Plan – nice one.

a)         Especially like the advance of cheaper tickets for ‘on the night’ to encourage and promote those who might never come to such events, a taste.  Would not like to see ‘this being a ‘student price’ but encompass many other people in the city.

b)         Bi-ligual theatre is an excellent idea.  For this to be facilitated, though, facility for the digital translator to work (the one that moves over the stage – went to an opera once in Aotea Centre and it works really well.  Don’t assume that listening to different languages can put people off.


Page 17 Local Alcohol Policy  

This looks like there has been so much work already done on this committee, so in some ways there seems little to add.  I like the idea of not expanding outlets, and I like the idea that in any one area the present number of outlets remain the same.  What I see is that the drinking culture in Auckland is a social issue, and the outlets add to fostering the culture – drinks are expensive in bars, buying at a supermarket is cheap, why not pre-load.  It is a pity that this policy does not address the  issues of sales of alcohol in supermarkets, as it needs addressing, and beyond the scope of this panel. If there is anything that makes sense is to support what the Police have to say.  After all they have to deal with the out-of-control behaviour.  



Community Grants Policy – There seems nothing to comment about regarding the policy.  However regarding the organisation of the policy to ethnic communities, I would like to see a transparent way of –

a) writing of funding applications;

b) understanding about what they write re their own organisation,

c) their intention of use of funding,

d) the reporting and countability for the funding (which has always been an issue between community groups.  Also the AC Community Development Department, and staff and how they will work with communities to inform them about the grants, and how the local boards will work with the communities, and between themselves regarding multi-board applications.  Need more detail. Happy to wait.

Easy read version – I think the graphics need changing.

Language Translations – I rang OEA, because I used to work there….. And asked them the languages they have the highest demands of use….  Here are the top 10, in order of demand

1.         Mandarin

2          Samoan

3.         Korean

4.         Cantonese

5.         Tongan

6.         Spanish

7.         Hindi

8.         Arabic

9.         Japanese

10.       Punjabi

Remember, these are people asking government agencies to use a translation service.  I was surprised at the order though…..  




Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

23 July 2014


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

23 July 2014


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

23 July 2014