I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 10 July 2014 6.30pm Manurewa
Local Board Office |
Manurewa Local Board
Chairperson |
Angela Dalton |
Deputy Chairperson |
Simeon Brown |
Members |
Michael Bailey |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Hon George Hawkins, QSO |
Danella McCormick |
Ken Penney |
Daryl Wrightson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Lee Manaia Local Board Democracy Advisor
7 July 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421 Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manurewa Local Board 10 July 2014 |
19 Consideration of Submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan 5
27 Local board role in alcohol licence applications 23
Manurewa Local Board 10 July 2014 |
Consideration of Submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan
File No.: CP2014/14830
1. The purpose of this report is twofold, firstly for the Manurewa Local Board to receive a ‘Report on Submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan’ prepared by Auton & Associates. The second is to seek a delegation to the Chair to provide further feedback through workshops and meetings established by Auckland Council to further inform the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
Executive summary
2. Manurewa Local Board has provided significant input based on community views and knolwedge at each stage in the development of the Auckland Unitary Plan.
3. In June 2014 all submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan were made public.
4. The board engaged Auton and Associates to identify key points of relevance to Manurewa Local Board in the many submissions made by individuals and organisations. A copy of this report is attached.
5. Written further submissions are due with Auckland Council by 22nd July 2014.
6. The Manurewa Local Board will be involved in future discussions on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan through processes established by the Auckland Council Unitary Plan.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the ‘Report on Submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan’ prepared by Auton and Associates Ltd dated June 2014. b) delegate authority to the Manurewa Local Board chairperson to provide further feedback in the development of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
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Report on Submissions to The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan prepared by Leigh Auton June 2014 |
7 |
Authors |
David Hopkins - Local Board Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
10 July 2014 |
Local board role in alcohol licence applications
File No.: CP2014/15175
1. The purpose of this report is to seek local board feedback on the role local boards could play in alcohol licence applications, a process that was established by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Executive summary
2. The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Alcohol Act) establishes processes for alcohol licence applications. Some local boards wish to have input into the application process, due to concerns about alcohol-related harm within some Auckland communities.
3. To inform the discussion about the role of local boards in alcohol licence applications, Local Board Services has drafted an issues paper for consideration by local boards. Local boards’ formal feedback is being sought on this issue. This formal feedback will inform a report to the governing body on this issue. The report will seek the governing body’s decision on the preferred option for local boards to provide input into alcohol licence applications.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) provide feedback on the preferred option for local boards to provide input into alcohol licence applications.
4. The Alcohol Act establishes processes for alcohol licence applications.
5. The governing body has a number of roles under the Alcohol Act.
· It sets a local alcohol policy for the region, with input from local boards. This establishes the overall policy framework, covering matters such as location of licenced premises and maximum trading hours. The governing body has developed a draft local alcohol policy for public consultation.
· It establishes District Licensing Committees (DLCs), which have responsibility for all uncontested and contested licensing applications.
· It has the statutory power to object to licence applications (although it is unlikely that the governing body would exercise this power).
6. Local boards provide input into the development by the governing body of the local alcohol policy. Local board members can also be appointed to sit on DLCs. Under current Auckland Council policy, they cannot hear applications relating to their local board area. Local boards do not currently have the power to object to licence applications
7. Local boards have standing under the Alcohol Act to object to licence applications, as a local board can be expected to have a greater interest in the issue than the public generally. However, in order to exercise this, the governing body must first allocate or delegate the power to object to local boards.
8. Given the role of local boards as advocates for their communities and the strategic importance placed on managing alcohol related harm by a number of them, it is reasonable to expect that at least some local boards will wish to express a view on alcohol licence applications.
9. To inform the discussion about the role of local boards in alcohol licence applications, Local Board Services has drafted an issues paper which is attached at Attachment A. The issues paper sets out the role the governing body and local boards currently have under the Alcohol Act, the process for licence applications under the Alcohol Act and options for local board involvement in these.
10. Feedback from local boards is being sought on the preferred option for local boards to provide input into alcohol licence applications. This formal feedback will inform a report to the governing body on this issue. The report will seek the governing body’s decision on the preferred option for local boards to provide input into alcohol licence applications. All formal local board feedback will be compiled into a report and included as an appendix to the governing body report.
Local board views and implications
11. Local board views are being sought via this report. An outcome of this process could see local boards playing a different role in alcohol licence applications to what they presently do.
Maori impact statement
12. Māori are likely to be interested in and impacted by DLC decisions on alcohol licence applications. This is an issue for the DLCs when considering alcohol licence applications.
13. Local board feedback will be analysed and will inform a report to the governing body. This report will seek a decision from the governing body on their preferred role of local boards in alcohol licence applications.
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Local board role in alcohol licence applications – issues and options |
25 |
Authors |
Chris Gulik – Policy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons – Manager Local Board Services Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 10 July 2014 |
Local Board Role in Alcohol Licence Applications – Issues and Options
The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Alcohol Act) establishes processes for alcohol licence applications. Some local boards wish to have input into the application process, due to concerns about alcohol-related harm within some Auckland communities. This issues paper considers the options available for local board input for discussion.
Roles of the governing body and local boards
The governing body has a number of roles under the Alcohol Act.
· It sets a local alcohol policy for the region, with input from local boards. This establishes the overall policy framework, covering matters such as location of licenced premises and maximum trading hours. The governing body has developed a draft local alcohol policy for public consultation.
· It establishes District Licensing Committees, which have responsibility for all uncontested and contested licensing applications.
· It has the statutory power to object to licence applications (although it is unlikely that the governing body would exercise this power).
Local boards provide input into the development by the governing body of the local alcohol policy. Local board members can also be appointed to sit on District Licensing Committees. Under current Auckland Council policy, they cannot hear applications relating to their local board area.
Local boards do not currently have the power to object to licence applications. Local boards receive their powers from the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act in three different ways:
· Statutory powers – these include providing input into governing body strategies and policies (such as the local alcohol policy), developing local board plans, and agreeing local board agreements with the governing body. The Auckland Council Act does not provide local boards with the statutory power to make objections on licence applications.
· Allocated powers – local boards are allocated non-regulatory decision-making powers for a wide range of local activities. This allocation is set out in the Long-term Plan. It does not include the power to make objections on licence applications.
· Delegated powers – the governing body can delegate powers to local boards. While it has done this for certain matters (such as swimming pool fencing), it has not delegated power to make objections on alcohol licence applications.
Local boards have standing under the Alcohol Act to object to licence applications, as a local board can be expected to have a greater interest in the issue than the public generally. However, in order to exercise this, the governing body must first allocate or delegate the power to object to local boards.
Local boards are in many ways the face of local government in their communities. They play an important role in understanding, representing and advocating for community priorities and preferences. This includes providing the “community voice” on social issues. While local boards cannot speak for all members of their communities, they have gained, through consultation on their local board plans, local board agreements, and other engagement activities, a good understanding of the significant community issues.
Concern about alcohol related harm is one such issue which has been raised in a number of local board areas, with harm minimisation a consistent strategic priority in a number of local board plans. This is in many ways consistent with the alcohol reforms, as reflected in the Alcohol Act. These reforms aim to improve New Zealand's drinking culture and reduce the harm caused by excessive drinking. In doing so, the Alcohol Act also seeks to increase the ability of communities to have a say on local alcohol licensing matters, as well as providing for local-level decision-making for licence applications, through District Licensing Committees.
Given the role of local boards as advocates for their communities and the strategic importance placed on managing alcohol related harm by a number of them, it is reasonable to expect that at least some local boards will wish to express a view on alcohol licence applications.
Licence application process
The applicant for a licence is required to attach notice of the application to a conspicuous place on or adjacent to the site to which the application relates and give public notice of the application. A person may object to the grant of a licence only if he or she has a greater interest in the application for it than the public generally. An objection must be in writing and filed with the licensing committee within 15 working days after the first publication of the public notice of the making of the application.
Once an application is made, an inspector makes inquiries and files a report with the District Licensing Committee. The police and medical officer of health for the area also file a report if either has any opposition to the application. Local board members receive a weekly list of applications for their local area, which is downloaded by democracy advisors from the Auckland Council intranet.
The District Licensing Committee determines whether a hearing will be convened. If there are any objections to the application, a public hearing is required unless the objection is considered vexatious or outside the scope of the Alcohol Act, the objector does not require a public hearing, or the application is withdrawn. If no objection is received, then the District Licensing Committee can consider the application based on the papers, without requiring a public meeting.
The Alcohol Act sets out the criteria to be considered by the District Licensing Committee when considering a licence application. Any objection to an application must also relate to these criteria, otherwise it will be outside the scope of the Alcohol Act. A copy of the relevant section is attached. As well as considering objections, a District Licensing Committee can seek views from other parties on a licence application (including local boards), if it is of the opinion that the information may assist it to deal with the application. The Alcohol Act also provides for an appeal process to the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority.
Options for local board involvement
1. Local board input into the development of the local alcohol policy
Local boards have had significant early engagement on the draft local alcohol policy and will now be providing formal feedback to the governing body. Policy development is a key governance role and sets the framework for subsequent operational decision-making. The local alcohol policy is the appropriate place to address the broader concerns about alcohol-related harm and put in place measures to manage the impact on specific communities, through for example, more stringent controls for specific areas. A well developed policy arguably avoids the need for political involvement in specific licence applications.
2. Local board views are provided to the District Licensing Committee
District Licensing Committees have broad powers to seek information on licence applications. A committee can receive a local board’s views on a licence application if it is of the opinion that the information may assist it to deal with the application. There is no statutory obligation on a District Licensing Committee to seek out or to receive and take into account local board views. However, there has been an openness on the part of District Licensing Committees to obtain local board views.
One way to achieve this is to attach local board views on particular licence applications to the inspector’s report to the District Licensing Committee. This is similar to the resource consent application process, where any local board views are appended to the officer’s report. It is then up to the District Licensing Committee to determine whether it takes into account the local board views and the weight given to it. This approach can lead to a situation where an inspector’s report attaches a contrary local board view, but it does provide an avenue for local boards to express a view on particular licence applications without the requirement for a specific allocated or delegated power from the governing body.
3. Local board are either allocated or delegated the power to object
The governing body could either allocate or delegate to local boards the power to object to licence applications. While an express power contained in the allocation provides clarity and certainty to local boards and their communities, it is time consuming and requires the use of the special consultative procedure. The allocation is reviewed as part of the long-term plan, meaning that local boards would not receive this power until 1 July 2015. Alternatively, the governing body could delegate the power to object to licence applications to local boards. A delegation can be put in place at any time by governing body resolution, but it can also be revoked at any time.
The resourcing implications for the Auckland Council organisation is an important consideration when weighing up the pros and cons of providing local boards with the power to object to licence applications. From 18 December 2013, there have been over 3,800 licence applications across the Auckland region and 26 hearings. Of these licence applications, 119 were for off-licences, 387 for on-licences, and 1158 for special licences (with most of the remainder relating to managers certificates). During this period only three local boards have sought to object to licence applications under the Alcohol Act (representing five objections in total). While this small number of objections is unlikely to pose any significant resourcing issues for the organisation, this would change if there was a major increase in local board objections. Local boards will need to be resourced to prepare objections with appropriate supporting evidence. Local board members will also need to prepare for and attend hearings. Depending on the number of local board objections, this could require considerable officer and local board member time.
Another issue is the reputational implication for council if a local board inappropriately objects to licence applications. This is likely to be an issue if a local board decides, as a matter of principle, to object to all licence applications, without appropriate evidence to demonstrate that the objection falls within the scope of matters that can be raised under the Alcohol Act. Reputational issues also arise if local boards seek to appeal a decision by the District Licensing Committee, as effectively one arm of Auckland Council (the local board) is objecting to decisions made by another arm of Auckland Council (the District Licensing Committee).
The Alcohol Act establishes a new regime, which is in its early stages of development in Auckland. The local alcohol policy is not yet in place and the District Licensing Committee structure will be reviewed after its first year of operation. If local boards were to be given the power to object to licensing applications, a delegation may be the better short-term option as it enables the implications to be tested alongside the monitoring and review of the District Licensing Committee structure. A longer term approach can then be considered within the broader context of the alcohol management regime. Issues associated with appeal rights could also be considered at that time.
4. Local boards supporting community involvement in licensing process
The Alcohol Act seeks to bring communities closer to decision-making around alcohol licensing. The licensing processes need to be accessible to communities. Currently there is little support available to empower communities to take an interest or participate in the process. Further work is needed to make it easier for the community to access information and receive advice and support on alcohol licence applications. Local boards could focus on supporting and building the capability of community groups to object to licence applications, where appropriate, and to present to District Licensing Committees at hearings. This can be done alongside any of the options raised above for local board involvement in the licensing process.
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Section 105 - Criteria for issue of licences
(1) In deciding whether to issue a licence, the licensing authority or the licensing committee concerned must have regard to the following matters:
(a) the object of this Act:
(b) the suitability of the applicant:
(c) any relevant local alcohol policy:
(d) the days on which and the hours during which the applicant proposes to sell alcohol:
(e) the design and layout of any proposed premises:
(f) whether the applicant is engaged in, or proposes on the premises to engage in, the sale of goods other than alcohol, low-alcohol refreshments, non-alcoholic refreshments, and food, and if so, which goods:
(g) whether the applicant is engaged in, or proposes on the premises to engage in, the provision of services other than those directly related to the sale of alcohol, low-alcohol refreshments, non-alcoholic refreshments, and food, and if so, which services:
(h) whether (in its opinion) the amenity and good order of the locality would be likely to be reduced, to more than a minor extent, by the effects of the issue of the licence:
(i) whether (in its opinion) the amenity and good order of the locality are already so badly affected by the effects of the issue of existing licences that—
(i) they would be unlikely to be reduced further (or would be likely to be reduced further to only a minor extent) by the effects of the issue of the licence; but
(ii) it is nevertheless desirable not to issue any further licences:
(j) whether the applicant has appropriate systems, staff, and training to comply with the law:
(k) any matters dealt with in any report from the Police, an inspector, or a Medical Officer of Health made under section 103.
(2) The authority or committee must not take into account any prejudicial effect that the issue of the licence may have on the business conducted pursuant to any other licence.