

Meeting Room:



Monday 28 July 2014


Papatoetoe Chambers
31 St George Street


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board




Attachments Under Separate Cover



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


13        Establishment of a hearings panel on the granting of six motorsport leases/licence to occupy at Colin Dale Park

C.      Summary of submissions received                                                                        3

17        Local Alcohol Policy Project - Draft Policy for Local Board Feedback

A.      Draft Local Alcohol Policy 2014: Statement of Proposal                                     13

B.      Regional Strategy and Policy Committee meeting May 2014 - Resolutions on draft Local Alcohol Policy                                                                                                     129

C.      A3 Copies of Tables 7 and 8 from report                                                           131

D.      Key Topics for Feedback from Local Boards                                                    133    

Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014



Basic Initial Analysis of Colin Dale Park Submissions


Council sought submissions in relation to our intent to issue leases and a licence to occupy to the proposed user groups chosen as a result of the expressions of interest process that took place in 2009. 

The close date for accepting submissions was 6 June 2014.

87 submissions were received during the public notification period.  There were no submissions produced or received after the close date.


Geographical Location of Submitters


Within the region approximately;

·    29.4% of submitters reside in South Auckland.

·    20% of submitters reside in North Auckland.

·    4.7% of submitters reside in Central Auckland.

·    4.7% of submitters reside in East Auckland.

·    7.05% of submitters reside in West Auckland.

4.7% of submitters reside outside of the Auckland Region and 1.17% of submitters reside outside of NZ and 25.8% of submitters locations are undisclosed.



Text Box:








Gender and Group Statistics


12.9% of submissions received were made on behalf of groups.

Individual submissions comprised 87.1% of total submissions received.

Of those individual submissions received, 78.9% of submitters were male and 21.05% were female.




All those in favour ……..

91.7% of submitters were supportive of the Motorsport Park Development either by way of expressly supporting a particular user group or by way of supporting the general development. 

44.7% of submitters gave their full support to the issuing of a community lease in favour of Counties Manukau Offroad Racing Club.


3.5% of submitters highlighted a variety of environmental, physical, ecological, commercial and statutory matters that need to be translated into lease terms and/or require further discussion/negotiation.  NB: no submitter from this percentile intends to oppose the development of Motorsport subject to conditions being met.

What did they say?

The 91.7% of submitters in complete support of the Motorsport development have highlighted a number of key themes:



Safety in Participation/Controlled Environment

Having a dedicated Motorsport Park is viewed by submitters as offering a safe and controlled environment to foster interest in Motorsport and to participate.


The location of Colin Dale Park is viewed as the ideal location to have a dedicated Motorsport Park because of its close proximity to the Auckland International Airport and it is away from high density residential areas.

Recreational Opportunities

Submitters viewed the opportunity to have a dedicated motorsport park as contingent upon fostering engagement in the sport and broadening recreational activities within the Auckland Region.

Auckland -  the most liveable city in the world (Vision)

Opportunities for international and national events within the region are presently highly limited but the advent of Motorsport Park would promote Auckland nationally and internationally.

Family fun/Entertainment

The opportunity for community and family entertainment that the Motorsport Park presents is prevalent throughout submissions.


Auckland being home to the Motorsport Park will allow greater access to recreational activities for the residents of the most densely populated city in NZ.




The 3.5% of submitters, who raised matters requiring consideration and also further negotiation to avoid opposition being lodged to the Motorsport development, highlighted the following;



Auckland International Airport Limited

·    Reverse Sensitivity Effects

·    Transport Effects

·    Safety Considerations

·    Consistency with Civil Aviation Act

·    Collaborative approach to development

David Fraser

·    Protection of Tuff Cone by having it incorporated into Puhinui Reserve and fence moved to reflect that incorporation has occurred.

Refining NZ

·    A building line of 4m from the bollards is placed on any lessee entering into a lease of the section bordering the bollards

·    Future park operations and management shall include a responsibility to ensure no parking is allowed on Prices Road 24/7.

·    No parking is allowed to deny access to the area isolated by way of the North end of the Park.

·    The management committee shall have a dedicated towing facility available to remove any vehicles parked within or restricting access to this area.

Southern Gateway Consortium

·    Any lessees should as a minimum be required to contribute to any road upgrading to improve access to Prices Road and other roading improvements in the immediate area such as the possible link to McLaughlins Road (Proposed Plan Change 35).

·    Any lease or licence must include the restrictions imposed by the original Plan Change 19 including;

i)          Hours of operation/flood lights for recreational use (Rule

ii)         Hours of Operation – Motorsport activities (Rule

iii)        Traffic generation motor sports activities (Rule

iv)        Noise – Motorsport Activities (Rule

v)         Noise – Public Address Systems (Rule

vi)        Procedures – Noise (Rule

vii)       Dust (Rule

viii)      Lighting (Rule

ix)        The requirement to comply or follow the District Procedures of Rules 15.10.2 and 15.12.1B (Activity Table) where it applies to Colin Dale Park

x)         Shall include a management plan which incorporates the above requirements

The Consortium as adjacent land owners are an affected party by the proposed new arrangements and they seek to be notified of any events that require a RC in terms of Chapter 15 of Rule 15.1 of the Manukau Section of the Auckland Council’s District Plan

Te Ara Rangatu O Te Iwi O Ngati Te Ata Waiohua Incorporated (Partial Opposition)

·    Ngati Te Ata wish to be a part of the concept design planning for the Motorsport Park as the result of the design component affects them.

·    The original concept design offered a shared car park facility and that shared car park is required to be returned to a shared facility on the current concept plan.



The 4.7% of submitters who oppose the development state;



Te Ara Rangatu O Te Iwi O Ngati Te Ata Waiohua Incorporated

Ngati Te Ata opposes leases being issued to Motocross and to Coggan and Williams without reservation or condition.

Te Aakitai Waiohua Waka Taua Trust

Opposes the leasing of Colin Dale Park to motorsport groups.

·    The Auckland Plan (non-statutory) states that the fundamental tenets including creating a relationship where Maori are fully engaged in decisions concerning matters of significance to them; and forming sustainable partnerships with Maori that have mutually beneficial, Auckland-wide outcomes (Paragraph 272)

·    Puhinui Structure Plan – The development of Colin Dale Park should be integrated with development in the surrounding area to minimise the cumulative adverse effects.  No development of the park should be undertaken until completion of the master planning process for the Puhinui Peninsula

·    Proposed Unitary Plan – Te Aakitai Waiohua is seeking to have cultural landscapes and sites that are identified as part of the Puhinui Structure Plan exercise are incorporated into the Unitary Plan for protection.  Leasing Colin Dale at this stage would pre-empt the outcome of the Puhinui Structure Plan and Unitary Plan processes


·    Council needs to fully engage with Te Aakitai Waiohua as mana whenua of the area and give meaningful attention to the relationship of the hapu with their ancestral lands and the wider cultural landscape.  This is a requirement of the current Auckland Council policy framework; and

·    The possible development of this land or parts of this land for motorsport purposes must be considered comprehensively as part of wider holistic master planning for the area, including preparation of a RMP.

John Cooney

Opposes Current Draft Plan as the siting of the leased areas is a departure from what was agreed at Plan Change hearing and is therefore unlikely to meet the performance criteria of Plan Change 19.


Ngati Tamaoho Trust

Opposition relates to lack of consultation; lack of understanding of cultural values; effects on wildlife/bird roosting colonies; effects of storm water discharge; effects of waste water discharge onsite.



There are 8 submitters wishing to be heard;

·    Ngati Tamaoho Trust

·    Te Ara Rangatu O Te Iwi O Ngati Te Ata Waiohua Incorporated

·    Te Aakitai Waiohua Waka Taua Trust

·    Southern Gateway Consortium

·    Refining NZ

·    Auckland International Airport

·    David Fraser

·    Glenn Archibald


There are a number of submitters who have not disclosed whether they wish to be heard or not and council will need to clarify the position of these submitters.


This is the basic information required to get a steer from this point.  Work will become more refined and detailed but this is a snap shot of how it is looking post public notification process.


Nga Mihi,




Kim Isaac.

Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014



Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board

28 July 2014