I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Upper Harbour Local Board Office
30 Kell Drive


Upper Harbour Local Board









Brian Neeson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Lisa Whyte



Callum Blair



John McLean



Margaret Miles, JP



Christine Rankin-MacIntyre



(Quorum 3 members)




Lesley Sharp

Local Board Democracy Advisor


2 July 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 414 2684

Email: lesley.sharp@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Portfolio Activity


Board Lead/s and Alternate



·         Board Leadership

·         Board-to-Council Relationships

·         Board-to-Board Relationships

·         Civic Duties

·         Advocacy (local, regional, and central government)

·         Relationships with Maoridom

·         Relationships with government departments and agencies

·         Relationship with Property CCO

·         Relationship with Auckland Waterfront Development

·         Advocacy with Governing Body (Local Board Plan; Local Board Agreements)

·         Unitary Plan

·         Local area plan

Brian Neeson

Lisa Whyte



Regulatory & Bylaws / Civil Defence Emergency Management


·         Resource consents

·         Heritage

·         Liquor

·         Gambling

·         Swimming pools fencing

·         Trees

·         Bylaws

·         Relationships with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

·         Community preparedness, disaster response, relief, and recovery

Callum Blair

John McLean

Christine Rankin-MacIntyre

Margaret Miles (Resource Consents only)


Events / Arts and Culture


·         Community celebration

·         Community identity

·         Neighbourhood gatherings and renewal

·         Event compliance

·         Relationship with ATEED

·         Relationship with Regional Facilities CCOs

·         Tourism

·         Artistic and cultural service levels

·         Promoting all aspects of artistic endeavour

·         Development of public art strategy and policy

Margaret Miles


Community and social well-being / Local Facilities


·         Community development

·         Neighbourhood relationships

·         Funding for neighbourhood projects

·         Community safety (excl. town centres)

·         Graffiti removal

·         Community advocacy

·         Relationships with Youth

·         Leisure centres

·         Community houses

·         Halls

·         Community hubs

·         Arts facilities

·         Community Partnerships

·         Asset Management

Callum Blair
Margaret Miles





Portfolio Activity


Board Lead/s and Alternate



·         Stewardship of libraries

·         Mobile library

Christine Rankin-MacIntyre
Lisa Whyte


Sports parks and recreation (active) / Parks, Reserves and playgrounds (passive)


·         Stewardship of sports parks

·         Stewardship of recreation facilities

·         Relationship with sports clubs

·         Neighbourhood parks and reserves (incl. esplanade reserves and the coastline)

·         Design and maintenance

·         Plantings, playgrounds, bollards, and walkways

·         Skateparks

·         Track Network development

Margaret Miles

Lisa Whyte


Town Centres

·         Town centre renewal

·         Design and maintenance

·         Community safety within town centres

·         Business Improvement Districts liaison

·         Urban design

·         Built Heritage

Margaret Miles
Brian Neeson


Transport / Regional Transport and CBD development


·         Local transport projects and public transport

(incl. roading, footpaths, cycleways)

·         Liaison on regional Transport matters

·         2nd harbour crossing

·         Bridge walk cycleway

·         Inner City Rail Link

·         Waterfront development

·         CBD master plan

John McLean
Margaret Miles


Natural Environment


·         Restoration of wetlands, streams, and waterways

·         Local priorities in relation to regional environmental management

·         Costal management including mangrove encroachment and erosion mitigation

·         Relationships with Watercare

·         Waste minimisation strategy

·         Bio security

John McLean
Callum Blair
Lisa Whyte
(waste minimisation only)


Economic Development / Financial oversight


·         Key relationship with Business Development Manager in Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development team

·         Establish and promote local opportunities for increased tourism and economic development

·         Budgets

·         Project expenditure

·         Monitor GB strategy and Finance

·         Service Levels

·         Local funding policy

Lisa Whyte
Margaret Miles




Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         7

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        7

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   7

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               7

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          7

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       7

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          7

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    7

8.1     Massey University Albany Community Garden                                               8

8.2     The Whenuapai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.                         8

8.3     Greenhithe Community Trust                                                                             8

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  9

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                9

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          9

12        Auckland Transport Report - July 2014 - Upper Harbour                                      11

13        Granted Resource Consent Applications by Local Board Area                            27

14        Generic reports received for information                                                                 33

15        Board Members' Reports                                                                                           35  

16        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


2          Apologies


An apology from Member Margaret Miles for absence has been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 24 June 2014, as a true and correct record.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations.  Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Upper Harbour Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


The following requests have been received to address the meeting:


8.1       Massey University Albany Community Garden


1.       Daniel Burgess, Club President, will be in attendance to address the Upper Harbour Local Board regarding the Massey University Albany Community Garden, and inform of the club’s purpose, goals and plans for the future.

Executive summary

2.       The Massey University Albany Community Garden Club is an active group around the Albany Campus, and was recognised as the overall Club of the Year at the Annual Massey University Clubs, Societies and Sports Awards.

3.       They are very open to people from the wider community becoming involved in the garden, and recently participated in an Open Day of Community Gardens across the North Shore that resulted in people from beyond the campus gates engaging. The group is very keen to explore how they can further connect with the local community.


That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from the Massey University Albany Community Garden Club.

b)      thank Mr Burgess, Club President, for his attendance and presentation.


8.2       Whenuapai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.


Norman Dunckley, Chairman of the Whenuapai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc., will be in attendance to address the Upper Harbour Local Board regarding the Whenuapai area with specific mention to parks and the community.


That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from Norman Dunckley, Chairman of the Whenuapai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.

b)      thank Mr Dunckley for his attendance and presentation.


8.3       Greenhithe Community Trust


Representatives of the Greenhithe Community Trust will be in attendance to address the Upper Harbour Local Board.


That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from the Greenhithe Community Trust.

b)      thank representatives from the Greenhithe Community Trust for their attendance and presentation.



9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Auckland Transport Report - July 2014 - Upper Harbour


File No.: CP2014/13748





1.       The purpose of the report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities in the local board area.

Executive summary

2.       This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Upper Harbour Local Board and its community, matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector, and relevant Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the board and community.

3.       In particular, this report provides an update on:

·        Local Board Capital Transport Fund

·        Speed - Hobson Road, Lucas Heights

·        Local consultations

·        Issues register.



That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Report – July 2014.


Update on Local Board Capital Transport Fund

4.       The board has resolved to contribute a total of $674,132, being it’s full allocation of funding through the Local Board Capital Transport Fund for 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, to the upgrading of Tauhinu Road, Greenhithe.

5.       As reported to the local board in November 2013, there have been a significant number of implementation challenges that have delayed the construction of the project.

6.       During the local board meeting on 11 March 2014, the board resolved to (UH/2014/1435), part b) - “urgently request that the issue relating to stormwater pertaining to Tauhinu Road be escalated to David Warburton, Chief Executive of Auckland Transport”.

7.       On 16 March 2014, the board, via the Chairperson, received a reply by way of a letter from David Warburton (dated 6 March).

8.       Auckland Transport has agreed in principle to start work on this project in the next construction period in spring 2014.

9.       The board has requested an estimate of costs for the final stage of the project from Auckland Transport; this request is with the Infrastructure Development team and will be reported on once received.

Speed Hobson Road, Lucas Heights

10.     In recent months there has been general confusion regarding the speed of Hobson Road.  This has come about after a request from a local resident to have the speed reduced from 80km/h to 50km/h.

11.     Auckland Transport investigated the request and concluded that, the development on this road is sparse and only fits in to the criteria for the existing semi-rural 80km/h speed limit, as per the Land Transport Act and regulations, and is consistent with the wider area of similarly semi-rural 80km/h roads.

12.     The request for the speed change was therefore declined.

13.     Sometime after this decision, several illegal 50km/h signs appeared on the road, in defiance to the decision.

14.     Since the signs were erected, Auckland Transport has received multiple customer requests with differing views as to whether or not the road speed should be 50km/h or 80km/h.

15.     While the 50 km/h signs are in place the speed limit on this road cannot be enforced, this will be rectified by the removal of the illegal signs, which will be replaced with 80 km/h signs, clearing up any confusion around the legal speed limit on this road.

Consultation documents on propose safety improvements

16.     Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the Upper Harbour Local Board for its feedback. As the board’s transport portfolio holders provide feedback on the board’s behalf, the material below is included for general information purposes only.

17.     7 Triton Drive, Rosedale - Proposed No Stopping at All Times (NSAAT) Restriction - in order to improve visibility and safety for drivers exiting from the vehicle entrance, Auckland Transport is proposing to install NSAAT “broken yellow lines” outside 7 Triton Drive, Rosedale as shown on the plan in Attachment A.

18.     Triton Drive and Arrenway Drive intersection, Rosedale - Proposed No Stopping at All Times (NSAAT) Restriction - in order to improve visibility and safety for drivers waiting to exit from Triton Drive onto Arrenway Drive, Auckland Transport is proposing to install NSAAT “broken yellow lines” at the location shown on the plan in Attachment B.

19.     18 Triton Drive, Rosedale- Proposed No Stopping at All Times (NSAAT) Restriction - in order to improve visibility and safety for drivers exiting from the vehicle entrance, Auckland Transport is proposing to install NSAAT “broken yellow lines” outside 18 Triton Drive, Rosedale as shown on the plan in Attachment C.

20.     Schnapper Rock Road, Schnapper Rock- Proposed Clearway 7.30am to 9.00am - Auckland Transport has received complaints from concerned residents, saying the flow of traffic along the intersection of Schnapper Rock Road leading up to the Albany Highway is impeded due to parked vehicles during morning peak hours. It is therefore proposed a clearway is in operation Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.30am to 9.00am, as shown on the plan in Attachment D.

21.     1 Parkhead Place, Rosedale – Proposed No Stopping at All Times (NSAAT) Restriction - in order to alleviate restricted driveway access and to improve accessibility in this area, Auckland Transport is proposing to install NSAAT “broken yellow lines” around the corner of 1 Parkhead Place, and will provide some parking spaces, as shown on the plan in Attachment E.

Portfolio Meeting updates

22.     Nothing to report this month.


Public Transport fare changes from 6 July

23.     Auckland Transport has completed its annual fare review, which sees ticket prices on buses, trains and ferries change from 6 July 2014.

24.     From that date, adults who use the AT HOP card for their travel will receive a 20% discount off the single trip adult cash fare (excluding NiteRider, Airbus Express and Waiheke ferry services).

25.     Child and tertiary AT HOP users will continue to receive discounts on most services, when compared to the equivalent cash fares.

26.     In contrast, most cash fares for bus and train and some cash fares for ferry will increase (some AT HOP fares for ferries will also increase).

27.     The annual review takes into account operator cost increases (e.g. fuel and wages), revenue and patronage movements.

28.     Auckland Transport is also undertaking a strategic review of all public transport costs and pricing, which is due to be completed towards the end of the year.

29.     Auckland Transport believes that public transport must be seen as a viable alternative to the car if Auckland is to begin to resolve its transport problems, and by making travel more attractive on the AT HOP card it is hoped that more people will switch to public transport.

30.     In addition to an increased discount on AT HOP, Auckland Transport will remove the 25 cent top-up fee and reduce the minimum top-up amount on the card from $10 to $5, both from 6 July.

31.     The card itself will also remain at $5 until at least 31 January 2015.

32.     From 6 July when the new fares are implemented, cash fares will be in 50 cent multiples, which will reduce cash handling on buses in particular (with exception of the City LINK child cash fare, which will remain at 30 cents).

33.     Auckland Transport is hoping to move to implementing an exact fare/no change given policy in the future, and will investigate the potential of removing cash fares altogether, as has recently been introduced in Sydney.

Auckland Transport re-tendering public transport contracts

34.     Auckland Transport has begun a two-year-long process of seeking operators interested in tendering for Auckland’s rail, bus and ferry services, when current contracts expire.

35.     Auckland Transport is extending an invitation to interested public transport service providers from around the world to attend a market soundings event to be held in Auckland on 2 July 2014.

36.     Mark Lambert, Group Manager Public Transport, says “it makes good financial sense to take market soundings across all three modes at one time, even though their respective agreements expire at different times”.

37.     “It’s much more efficient to hold one event, rather than three, and it enables operators to consider tendering for more than one of the services.  It also ensures that our processes are going forward together and potentially adding value to each other”, says Mark.

38.     “Re-tendering out contracts to a competitive market ensures Auckland ratepayers are receiving the best value for money for public transport services”.

39.     This process is part of a wider Auckland Transport objective to enhance public transport operations in Auckland, as proposed in the Auckland’s Regional Public Transport Plan. 

40.     It is being planned to ensure that the transition between old and new agreements is seamless and the successful tenders are able to start operations without affecting either customers or the service.

Parking Strategy consultation

41.     Following on from cluster workshops, which were attended by local board members in early-mid May, Auckland Transport has now distributed copies of the Parking Strategy discussion document to elected members, key stakeholder groups and community organisations.

42.     The discussion document is the first to comprehensively review issues associated with parking region-wide. Key elements of the discussion document include an analysis of issues associated with the city centre, the city fringe, metropolitan and town centres’ and residential streets across the region.

43.     There is a clear link to the region’s public transport strategy through consideration of the role of park and rides, and the needs of the forthcoming (bus) Frequent Transport network, and the possibility that the AT HOP card may be able to be used for payment for parking in some situations.

44.     The discussion document was made publicly available on-line on 31 May 2014 for public feedback up to 30 June 2014. Submissions are expected to be considered during July and August followed by a report to the September meeting of the Auckland Transport Board.

Issues Update

45.     The following Issues Update comprises issues raised by elected members and Local Board Services staff to 24 March 2014:




The Avenue/SH17 intersection, Albany

Request for safety assessment of The Avenue/SH17 intersection, Albany

Scoping investigation phase complete.

Feasibility study complete.

Scheme assessment complete.

The detail design is programmed for the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 financial years and will take about 9 months to complete.

The project is not included in the current Long-term Plan (LTP) 2012/2022.

AT is working to see if this project can be brought forward.

As part of the State Highway revocation agreement, NZTA has agreed to fund 50% of the project – this should enable AT to raise the priority of the project.

Totara Road, Whenuapai

Road calming measures

After having received feedback from the community and the local board, Auckland Transport has revisited the project and has sent out a further revised proposal for consultation.

General feedback is in support of the new measures.

This project will start early July 2014.

Hobsonville Road Footpath opposite old petrol station

Reported as dangerous for pedestrians

AT has temporarily fixed the hazards to make these locations safe for pedestrians.

In addition, AT’s Area Engineer will be conducting further investigations of this area.

Clemow’s subdivision

Footpaths damaged by the roots of large trees, which have been temporarily patched, but may pose further issue’s for users if not extensively repaired

Three options have been identified and will be discussed with the local board and wider community to seek their views and agreement on preferred resolve, within the next two months.

Pinehurst School re. Bus stops

School requested the bus stops to be moved across the road

Local consultation was conducted with businesses of which some didn’t agree.

Local board consultation on new proposal within next month.

Lucas Creek Bridge design

Local board has requested an opportunity to see the designs for the proposed strengthening and widening of Lucas Creek Bridge and The Avenue upgrade

Awaiting reply from investigation and design as to what stage they are at and if this is possible.


Local board views and implications

46.     The board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.

Maori impact statement

47.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


48.     The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy. All programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the council’s Annual Plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.


49.     All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.







7 Triton Drive, Rosedale



Triton Drive and Arrenway Drive intersection, Rosedale



18 Triton Drive, Rosedale



Schnapper Rock Road



1 Parkhead Place, Rosedale





Ivan Trethowen  – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager


Jonathan Anyon – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Team Manager

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Granted Resource Consent Applications by Local Board Area


File No.: CP2014/13385



Executive summary

Please find attached Northern Resource Consents granted applications for May 2014.



That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         receive the Granted Resource Consent Applications by Local Board Area report.







Granted Applications by Local Area Report May 2014





Jan Asplet - Unit Administrator


Heather Harris - Manager Resource Consents

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Generic reports received for information


File No.: CP2014/13414



Executive summary

The following generic item has been received for the board’s information:

Report Title

Referred by


Item No.

Date of Meeting

Date received

Funding Assistance Rates

Infrastructure Committee


4 June 2014

17 June 2014


A copy of the report is available on the Auckland Council website at the link below:



A copy of the report has been circulated to board members.  The report can also be accessed on M Drive as follows: M:\Meetings\Upper Harbour\Reports




That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Generic reports received for information report.  The report references the following governing body report:

·        Infrastructure Committee of 4 June 2014 - item 11: Funding Assistance Rates.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Lesley Sharp - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Upper Harbour Local Board

08 July 2014



Board Members' Reports


File No.: CP2014/14066



Executive summary

An opportunity is provided for members to update the Upper Harbour Local Board on projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.

[Note: This is an information item and if the board wishes any action to be taken under this item, a written report must be provided for inclusion on the agenda.]



That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal board members’ reports.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Lesley Sharp - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager