I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 18 August 2014


Council Chambers, Ground Floor
Auckland Town Hall

301-305 Queen Street



Disability Strategic Advisory Panel









Dr Huhana Hickey


Deputy Chairperson

Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP



Sandra Budd



David Hughes



Tania Kingi



Clive Lansink



Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE



Dr Terry O'Neill



Ezekiel Robson



Susan Sherrard


Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM



(Quorum 5 members)




Mike Giddey

Democracy Advisor


13 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7565

Email: mike.giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz








The Disability Strategic Advisory Panel (DSAP) was established by the Mayor in June 2011.


Its purpose is to provide strategic advice on pan-disability issues to the Mayor, governing body, local boards, Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) and Council on:


·         the interests and preferences of persons with disabilities in Auckland in relation to regional strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws of the Council;

·         any other matters that the Panel considers to be of particular interest or concern to persons with disabilities in Auckland; and

·         processes and mechanisms for engaging with persons with disabilities in Auckland.


The DSAP has up to 11 members who are appointed on the basis of their individual expertise and experience in strategic thinking, governance and communication skills, knowledge of disability and accessibility issues and connections with disability organisations and networks across Auckland.



Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          Arts Access Aotearoa                                                                                                   7

6          Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum                                                      9

7          Access for persons with disabilities to and within buildings                                11

8          Draft Community Facilities Network Plan                                                                13

9          Transport Update                                                                                                        19

10        Access to MRI clinic in south Auckland                                                                   21

11        Review of Membership                                                                                               23

12        Chairperson's report                                                                                                   25

13        General Business                                                                                                        27 

14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 21 July 2014 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”




Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 5 - Arts Access Aotearoa


File No.: CP2014/18073






1.       To receive an update on progress that Arts Access Aotearoa has made in Auckland over the last year to support greater accessibility and inclusion of disabled people and the arts.

Executive summary

2.       Richard Benge, Executive Director, will provide an update at the meeting on the progress that Arts Access Aotearoa has made in Auckland over the past year to support greater accessibility and inclusion of disabled people and the arts.  Mayor Len Brown attended an Arts Access Aotearoa event in 2012, which was the last time Arts Access Aotearoa had engaged with Auckland Council.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update from Richard Benge on progress that Arts Access Aotearoa has made in Auckland over the last year.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 6 - Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum


File No.: CP2014/17933






1.       To consider the Panel’s involvement in the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.

Executive summary

2.       The date for a disability related employment forum has been set for Thursday, 27 November 2014. The plan is to focus mainly on what council can do to improve EEO (Equal Employment Opportunities) and other inclusive employment practices for disabled job seekers.

3.       There will also be a focus on who council should be liaising with in order to reach the target audience.

4.       Contact has so far been made with the Mayor’s office about opening the forum, and with Human Resources and other employment related staff in order to have short presentations/ information sharing sessions on current council initiatives such as:

·        Youth Connections,

·        Youth Cadet Scheme,

·        Work experience opportunities,

·        Student scholarships and placements.

5.       At present other agencies and departments that showed an interest in some form of involvement on the day are the Be. Institute in relation to its Be. Employed programme, Ministry of Social Development, the Human Rights Commission (as they recently did work in the area of disabled youth and employment) and the Disability Employment Forum (a grouping of employment related organisations) and Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs).

6.       The target audience is intended to be DPO’s, disability and employment related service providers and disabled job seekers in general. The intention is for council staff, working in above mentioned areas, to link and liaise with the disability sector and community on the day.

7.       DSAP is asked whether it wants this event to be one of its community forums. If this is to be the case, the staff and units who are supporting DSAP would become actively involved in organising this event and it will influence promotion or marketing information for on the day as well.

8.       DSAP members may also wish to influence the scoping of this forum.

9.       If DSAP prefers that this event is not one of its community forums, then DSAP members would still be involved if they wish to be present on the day.  DSAP had identified in its work programme that it would plan one or two community forums in 2014/15.  It would select from:

·        Universal Access Design Community Summit               [ September 2014]

·        Input to Accessible Employment Forum as required      [ November 2014]

·        Community Summit on a specific topic                          [ May 2015].



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      consider its involvement in the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 7 - Access for persons with disabilities to and within buildings


File No.: CP2014/18040






1.       To consider questions put to council staff regarding how section 118 of the Building Act 2004 is being put to effect and to consider a strategic response from the Panel relating to access for persons with disabilities to and within buildings.

Executive summary

2.       The context for this report is section 118 of the Building Act 2004 which states:

118 Access and facilities for persons with disabilities to and within buildings

(1) If provision is being made for the construction or alteration of any building to which members of the public are to be admitted, whether for free or on payment of a charge, reasonable and adequate provision by way of access, parking provisions, and sanitary facilities must be made for persons with disabilities who may be expected to--
(a) visit or work in that building; and
(b) carry out normal activities and processes in that building.

(2) This section applies, but is not limited, to buildings that are intended to be used for, or associated with, 1 or more of the purposes specified in Schedule 2.

3.       Legal decisions and determinations have tended to read down this section so that developers can essentially just rely on the provisions of the Building Code to cater for people with disabilities.

4.       Recently a consent was granted for a new ANZ bank branch in downtown Auckland which people with wheelchairs cannot access, except for a full-service personal banker's desk at the base of the stairs, as reported in the NZ Herald on 29 July 2014: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11300497&ref=NZH_FBpage

5.       Panel members identified the following questions to be put to the Manager Building Consents Processing: 

Given that s 118 of the Building Act 2004 requires that "reasonable and adequate provision by way of access, parking provisions, and sanitary facilities must be made for persons with disabilities", can Council explain how providing a full service desk at the base of the stairs meets the requirements of this section?

In particular, can Council please explain how the requirement for reasonable and adequate sanitary provisions has been met?

We note that the access provisions in this section of the Act apply to people with disabilities who can be expected to carry out normal activities and processes in the building. In approving this design, can Council please explain how they assessed the meaning of the words "normal activities and processes" in order to conclude that a full service desk at the base of the stairs would be an appropriate solution?

We also note that the access provisions in this section apply to people with disabilities who may be expected to work in the building. In approving this design, can Council please confirm that the design as approved caters for disabled employees?

6.       This is an opportunity for the Panel to consider providing a strategic response to the Council, which may cover providing guidance to the consenting process, seeking a legislative change, or taking an alternative course of action.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      request a response to the access questions raised in relation to the specific building consent.

b)      consider options for providing a strategic response to the Council to ensure appropriate access is provided to people with disabilities to and within buildings.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 8 - Draft Community Facilities Network Plan


File No.: CP2014/17777






1.       To seek the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel feedback on the draft Community Facilities Network Plan.

Executive summary

2.       The purpose of the Community Facilities Network Plan is to guide council’s provision of community facilities for the next 10 years and beyond.  The key drivers are to:

·    Optimise the use and efficiency of existing facilities

·    Address gaps and needs for community facilities now and into the future

·    Meet current and future demand arising from population growth and changing user expectations.

3.       In March 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved the development and scope of the network plan (REG/2014/37) to address future provision of community centres, venues for hire, arts and cultural facilities, aquatic and leisure facilities.

4.       A draft Community Facilities Network Plan (network plan) has been developed (Attachment A).  There are three key components of the draft network plan:

·    Strategic framework – specifies the outcomes council is seeking from its investment in community facilities aligned with the Auckland Plan, Local Board Plans and other strategic priorities; and articulates the council’s key objectives for future provision.

·    Provision framework – guides council’s approach for the provision of community facilities in the future.

·    Action Plan – over 50 recommended actions to investigate areas where potential gaps in provision have been identified and to investigate existing facilities where issues affecting their performance have been identified.

5.       Most of the recommendations in the network plan will require detailed community or sector based investigation to determine the appropriate response.  It is proposed that any future investment in community facilities will be determined following detailed investigation which provides clear evidence of need, options analysis and a robust business case.

6.       The draft network plan is an aspirational plan with actions for implementation over the next 10 to 20 years. The ability and timeframe to implement these actions is dependent on the decisions made by council through the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP) on the budget available for investment in community facilities.

7.       Engagement with local boards, advisory panels and key external stakeholder groups on the draft network plan is being undertaken in August and September.  Feedback will be incorporated into the final plan which is scheduled to be reported to the governing body by December 2014.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      provide feedback on the draft Community Facilities Network Plan which will guide council’s provision of community facilities.



8.       Community facilities contribute to building strong, healthy and vibrant communities by providing space for people to connect with each other, socialise, learn skills and participate in a range of social, cultural, art and recreational activities.  Community facilities contribute to improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging, identity and pride among residents. 

9.       To realise Auckland’s vision to be world’s most liveable city, the network of community facilities will need to improve, evolve and increase to keep pace with Auckland’s growth and diverse population.  The network plan has been developed to guide council’s provision and investment of community facilities to meet community needs, both now and into the future.

10.     The draft network plan aligns with strategic directions and transformational shifts outlined in the Auckland Plan, and has been informed by local board plans and relevant strategic action plans, including the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan, Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan, Thriving Communities Strategy and Children and Young People’s Strategic Action Plan.

11.     The scope of the network plan includes community centres, venues for hire (community or rural halls), arts and culture facilities, aquatic and leisure facilities.  The network includes facilities owned by council and facilities owned by third-parties which are supported by council and are available for community use.

12.     There is a wider picture of community facility provision which also contribute to meeting community needs.  Delivering a successful network of community facilities will involve identifying opportunities to work across all providers, looking for partnership opportunities and solutions to best meet community needs.  While facilities like libraries, sport clubs, community leases, schools, churches and marae are not included in the recommendations of the network plan, these facilities will be considered fully in the localised and detailed assessments undertaken in the implementation of the network plan.

13.     The first stage in developing the network plan was a review of the current state to identify what facilities we have, who uses them, how they are used, how they are operated and key issues associated with this provision.  The key findings from the current state review are included in the draft network plan and have informed the proposed provision frameworks and actions. The full current state report is a companion document to the network plan and available on request.

14.     Key challenges that the network plan seeks to address are:

·        There are gaps and duplication in provision across the region which will require decisions on where new facilities should be developed and potentially where underperforming facilities which are no longer meeting community need could be divested or repurposed.

·        Some facilities are not fit for purpose due to the quality, design or layout.

·        There are a number of aging facilities that will require investment to remain operational or divested if they are no longer suitable to meet community needs.

·        Across the board there is a need to improve the financial sustainability of community facilities to reduce the overall cost of provision.

·        There are a variety of other providers of community facilities across Auckland which needs to be considered as part of future provision.

·        There is a need for thorough and consistent planning to properly understand community needs and determine the most appropriate response to these needs.  In some cases a facility response may be not the best solution and other options such as partnerships, programming or marketing may achieve the desired outcomes.

·        Auckland is growing and becoming more diverse and the network of community facilities will need to be flexible enough to respond to changing community needs.

Draft Community Facilities Network Plan

15.     The draft network plan sets out a strategic framework for community facilities to articulate why council invests in the provision of community facilities, the desired outcomes from this investment and the key objectives for future provision.  The strategic framework is aligned with the Auckland Plan, local board plans and relevant strategic action plans.

16.     Proposed common purpose for community facilities: Vibrant and welcoming places at the heart of where and how communities connect and participate.

17.     The draft network plan sets out four proposed key objectives to guide and underpin the future provision of community facilities:

·    Undertake robust and consistent planning to ensure future decisions on the provision of community facilities are based on clear evidence of needs and assessment of all options.

·    Maintain, improve and make the best use out of existing community facilities where they continue to meet community needs and investigate the future of facilities that no longer meet community needs.

·    Provide flexible and multi-purpose facilities that are co-located and/or integrated with other community infrastructure.

·    Look for opportunities to leverage and support partnerships.

Future Provision Framework

18.     The draft network plan proposes provision frameworks for each type of community facility to guide council’s approach to the provision of new facilities in the future.

Community Centres

19.     The proposed provision approach for community centres is to continue to maintain and deliver community centres at the local level across the region, recognising the important role they play in meeting local community need for spaces to deliver a wide range of community, recreation, learning, events, and arts and culture activities.

20.     It is proposed community centres will serve local catchments of up to 5 km (approximately 15 minutes travel time) with a minimum population size of 20,000 residents. This reflects the current levels of provision and is in keeping with international benchmarks.  New community centres should be sized between 600-800 metre2 to ensure they have the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of activities and need. In rural areas, where there is lower population size, existing halls could be activated with programming.

21.     Based on this proposed provision framework, the following potential areas of need for new community centres have been identified for further investigation:

·        Ormiston (Flatbush)

·        North-West corridor (Westgate, Massey North, Hobsonville Point)

·        North Pukekohe

·        Manurewa (quality and level of existing provision is low)

·        Papakura (Takanini, Hingaia)

Venues for hire

22.     There are a wide range of providers of venues for hire and many existing venues have low utilisation and/or issues impacting on their performance.  In order to optimise the overall community facility network, it is proposed the council does not invest in any more stand-alone venues for hire.  Instead, it is proposed that bookable space is included in flexible multi-purpose community centres (new or existing/redeveloped), guided by community needs assessments. Other options should be explored including partnerships or encouraging other organisations (such as schools, sports clubs and churches) to make bookable spaces available for community use.

23.     Venues for hire is an area of the community facility network where there is potential for divestment or repurposing for other activities.  Repurposing could include introducing programming to create a community centre, arts and culture facility or youth facility, converting to a community lease, or transferring the asset to a community organisation.

Aquatic and Leisure Facilities

24.     The proposed provision framework for aquatic and leisure facilities is through a hierarchy of local, destination and regional facilities to support participation in a range of sport and recreation activities from casual play through to competitive sport.  The provision framework is supported by actual catchment analysis of council’s aquatic and leisure facilities.

25.     At the local level, it is proposed facilities should serve catchments up to 5km in distance.  Potential gaps for investigation are identified in areas outside the catchments of existing facilities, where overall participation is less than the Auckland average and where population density meets target thresholds as outlined in the plan. It is proposed to develop an affordable design model to reduce the design and build costs without compromising the quality or viability of new facilities.

26.     Destination and regional facilities will serve larger catchments 10km plus and only a limited number of facilities are required to serve the region.  These facilities should be assessed on a case by case basis where there is clear evidence of demand.

27.     Based on the proposed provision framework the following potential areas of need for new aquatic and leisure facilities have been identified for further investigation:

·        Western corridor from Mt Albert to Glen Eden – aquatic and leisure facility

·        Ormiston (Flatbush) – aquatic and leisure facility

·        North-west corridor (Westgate, Massey North, Hobsonville Point, Kumeu) - aquatic

·        Central city area – investigate partnership opportunities for leisure facility

·        Warkworth and surrounding area – aquatic and leisure facility (noting the small population size may impact on demand and type of facility required)

·        Waiheke Island - aquatic facility (noting the small population size may impact on the demand and type of facility required)

·        Indoor court facilities across the region to provide for indoor sports

·        Regional aquatic and indoor sport facility.

Arts and Culture Facilities

28.     It is proposed the future provision of arts and culture activity at the local level will focus on enabling local expression through programming rather than building dedicated arts facilities.  Future provision will be included as part of flexible multi-purpose community centres (new or existing/redeveloped) guided by community needs assessment.  Focus will be placed on integrating appropriate space and programming within the existing network, or partnering with others to provide suitable space.

29.     For destination and regional facilities, it proposed that council supports a network of facilities to meet sector and audience demand. The future provision of both destination and regional facilities should be determined by robust investigation on a case-by-case basis. In particular, council should only intervene when the private sector does not and opportunities for partnerships with sector, private and government should be explored.

Action Plan and Implementation

30.     The draft network plan includes over 50 recommended actions to undertake investigations for the future provision of community facilities. This includes actions related to existing facilities as well as potential new facilities.

31.     All recommended actions will require detailed community or sector based investigation to determine the appropriate response. It is intended that any future investment in community facilities will be determined following detailed investigation which provides clear evidence of need, options analysis and development of a robust business case. Detailed process guidelines to ensure a consistent approach to these investigations have been developed (Appendix 2 of draft network plan: Community Facilities Development Guidelines).

32.     For some existing facilities, investigation is required to understand in more detail how the facility is operating and meeting community needs and to determine the appropriate response. There are a variety of responses the investigation could identify:

·        Changing the way the facility is managed or operated such as new programming, marketing or new management model.

·        Identifying the facility is no longer required for the original activity and could be re-purposed for a new activity or function.

·        Identifying the facility is no longer required and could be divested.

·        Identifying the facility needs to be redeveloped or improved and should be considered for investment.

33.     For potential areas for new facilities, a similar investigation process is required to understand needs, test the feasibility of different options and assess the business case for a facility.  The outcome of this investigation may identify a non-asset solution is required such as a partnership or supporting a non-council facility.

34.     The actions in the draft network plan have been ranked according to the urgency of completing the investigation, which is based on consideration of the following factors:

·        Urgency to address condition issues with existing facilities.

·        Need to respond to major catalysts impacting on existing facilities.

·        Opportunities for rationalisation or partnerships.

·        Identified as an existing gap in the network.

·        Timing and scale of projected growth.

·        Located in a spatial priority area.

35.     Feedback from the governing body, local boards and stakeholders may change the ranking of actions in the final plan.  The ability and timeframe to implement the actions is dependent on the level of budget available through the council’s LTP. 

36.     As council will not have the capacity to invest in all community facility projects, the draft network plan also provides prioritisation criteria to assist the governing body prioritise investment into community facilities once the investigation process has identified the appropriate response.  The criteria will be used to assess the strategic benefits of the project, the importance of investing in a specific area and the project outcomes.


Local board views and implications

37.     Cluster workshops with local boards were undertaken in March and April to provide an overview of the network plan, present information on the current state and to seek feedback on key components of the network plan.

38.     Workshops on the draft network plan will be undertaken with local boards and key stakeholders in August and September.

Maori impact statement

39.     The provision of community facilities contributes to improving wellbeing among Maori communities by providing spaces to connect, socialise, learn skills and participate. 

40.     Community facility user surveys and catchment studies has collected a range of information from all types of users including Maori users, which has informed the network plan and proposed actions.  The network plan has also been informed by submissions and feedback received on the strategic action plans for community development, arts and culture and sport and recreation.  The consultation process for these strategic action plans included a number of hui with iwi, which has provided input on the provision of community facilities.


41.     The draft network plan is an aspirational plan for the next 10 to 20 years which outlines what needs to be investigated and undertaken to deliver a network of community facilities to meet community needs.  The ability and timeframe to implement the actions is dependent on the level of budget available through the council’s LTP 2015-2025.

42.     Through the LTP process, the governing body will consider the amount of funding available for investment in community facilities. To deliver the network plan this will need to include both operational funding to undertake the required investigation (needs assessment, feasibility and business case) and depending on the outcome of each investigation, capital funding or operational funding to implement the recommended response.

43.     It is proposed that any capital funding for major upgrades or building new community facilities should be held in a regional investment fund and allocated to specific projects once a business case is approved.

44.     The next steps for the network plan are engaging with local boards, advisory panels and key stakeholder groups (such as regional sport organisations) who have an interest in council’s community facilities.  Given the context of the network plan and the information and feedback already received through the user surveys and strategic action plans, it is not proposed to undertake any specific engagement with facility users or the general public.

45.     The engagement process will be completed by October.  Depending on the level of feedback to be incorporated, the final plan will be reported to the council’s governing body in December 2014.



A copy of the draft Community Facilities Network Plan will be provided to members under separate cover. It can also be found on the Auckland Council website as an Open Attachment to the agenda of the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee for its meeting on 7 August 2014.



Anita Coy-Macken - Principal Policy Analyst – Central

David Shamy - Policy Analyst


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 9 - Transport Update


File No.: CP2014/17930






1.       To update the Panel on transport matters in the last month.

Executive summary

2.       Martine Abel will give a verbal update at the meeting on any developments regarding transport matters and the proposed establishment of the Capital Projects Accessibility Group and Public Transport Accessibility Group.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal transport update.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 10 - Access to MRI clinic in south Auckland


File No.: CP2014/17932






1.       To update the Panel on an issue previously raised about limited access to the MRI clinic in south Auckland.

Executive summary

2.       As recorded by the Panel previously, the Counties Manukau District Health Board has been in the process of finalising costs related to a proposal to install a footpath on the hospital side of the road down to MRI Limited. This has required an assessment and plan development by a Roading Engineer.

3.       The DHB notes that there is currently a footpath with unimpeded access to the MRI facility already available on the western side of the road and that people would need to cross the road to the MRI Facility. The challenge with putting a footpath on the eastern side is that a person would have to cross multiple roads to get to the MRI facility even with a footpath on that eastern side.

4.       The DHB has now been provided with these plans and cost estimates which are approximately $100,000. This project is being put forward as part of the overall organisational capital requirements plan for the 2014/15 financial year for consideration against the other projects the DHB has identified. This process is currently in progress and the DHB expects to have an outcome notified in the next couple of months. Martine Abel considers that it is unlikely that this project will be completed in the next 12 months given the number of other projects currently under consideration. 

5.       Paul Hewitt is continuing to work with his team to ensure that any patients required to attend an appointment at MRI Limited are able to appropriately access these services at this venue or ensure they come to the main hospital for their appointment.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update about limited access to the MRI facility in south Auckland.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 11 - Review of Membership


File No.: CP2014/17931






1.       To provide the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel with an update on the review of membership and the upcoming selection process.

Executive summary

2.       At its July 2014 meeting, the Panel received an update about the upcoming selection process for the appointment of members of the Panel:

•     An open call for applications

•     A panel of about six, made up of community nominees, the liaison Councillor and appropriate external agencies

•     Assessment on a defined set of competencies

•     Recommendation to the Mayor

•     Appointment by the Mayor with endorsement by the Governing Body.


3.       A verbal update will be provided at the August meeting.




That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)   receive the verbal update of the proposed selection process for appointment of members of the Panel.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Bruce Thomas – Principal Advisor Panels


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 12 - Chairperson's report


File No.: CP2014/17992






1.       Providing the Chairperson with an opportunity to report on events since the last meeting of the Panel.

Executive summary

2.       Dr Huhana Hickey will advise the Panel of events attended during the past month by way of a report to be provided prior to the meeting.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s report.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Mike Giddey - Democracy Advisor


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP


Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

18 August 2014



Item 13 - General Business


File No.: CP2014/17993






1.       To update the Panel on issues and events that have occurred since the last meeting.

Executive summary

2.       This standard agenda item provides each member of the Panel an opportunity to update the members on issues and events that have occurred since the last meeting of the Panel.



That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal discussion on issues and events occurring since the last meeting of the Panel.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Mike Giddey - Democracy Advisor


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support DSAP