Devonport-Takapuna Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held in the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Chamber, Takapuna Service Centre, Level 3, 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 at 6.00pm.





Mike Cohen, QSM, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Joseph Bergin



Dr Grant Gillon



Dianne Hale, QSO, JP



Jan O'Connor






Allison Roe, MBE







Chris Darby



George Wood

[from 7.10pm, item 9.3;util 10.40, item 31]





Devonport-Takapuna Local Board

19 August 2014




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed the board members and the members of the public.


2          Apologies


Resolution number DT/2014/200

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Allison Roe for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number DT/2014/201

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 15 July 2014 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 13 August 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Darcy O'Brien


Councillor Darby acknowledged the passing of Darcy O’Brien, aged 96, former Commissioner of Crown Land.


Resolution number DT/2014/202

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         acknowledge the passing of Darcy O’Brien.






John O'Sullivan


Member O’Connor acknowledged the passing of John O’Sullivan former headmaster of Forrest Hill primary school.


Resolution number DT/2014/203

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         acknowledge the passing of John O’Sullivan.



7          Petitions



Napier Avenue - Bryan Dustin


Bryan Dustin presented a petition supporting the proposed trial by Auckland Transport on Napier Avenue. The petition and additional information were tabled at the meeting.

A copy of the petition and the additional information have been placed on file copy and are available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/204

MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            receive the information and the petition from Bryan Dustin in support of the proposed trial by Auckland Transport regarding Napier Avenue and that the petition be forwarded to Auckland Transport with a request that they consider the petition and provide options for solutions to resolve the issue of Napier and Eldon Street seeking solutions as soon as possible.




a     Petition and additional information - Napier Avenue - Bryan Dustin




Belmont Shops car parking - Alan Pollock


Alan Pollock was in attendance to present a petition regarding Belmont shops car parking. The petition was tabled at the meeting.

A copy of the petition has been placed on file copy and is available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/205

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the petition from Alan Pollock regarding the Belmont Shops car parking and that the petition be forwarded to Auckland Transport for their information.




a     Petition - Belmont Shops car parking - Alan Pollock



Upper Shoal Bay Link - Steven Salt and residents from Byron Avenue and Takapuna


Secretarial Note:         Item 7.3 was taken after item 9.1.


Steven Salt and residents from Byron Avenue and Takapuna were in attendance to present their petition against the Upper Shoal Bay Link. The petition and additional information were tabled at the meeting.

A copy of the petition and the additional information have been placed on file copy and are available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/206

MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            receive the petition and the information from Steven Salt and Byron Avenue and Takapuna Residents against the Upper Shoal Bay Link and that the petition be forwarded to Auckland Transport for their information.  

b)            accept the petition as Area Plan feedback to inform the decision making.




a     Petition and additional information - Upper Shoal Bay Link - Steven Salt and residents from Byron Avenue and Takapuna  



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Gay Richards, Bayswater Community Committee Inc.


Gay Richards, Bayswater Community Committee Inc. was in attendance to address the board regarding Items 22 - Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in July 2014 for the Devonport Takapuna Local Board and 23 - Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards on the agenda, and requested that the board advocate for the proposed new ferry terminal at Bayswater as soon as possible.


Resolution number DT/2014/207

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation from the Bayswater Community Committee Inc. and thank Gay Richards for her attendance.





Youth Board Representatives - Jenny Li and Kelsey Schutte


Jenny Li and Kelsey Schutte, Devonport-Takapuna Youth Representatives were in attendance regarding item 14 - Potential youth needs and opportunities in the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki and Upper Harbour local board areas on the agenda.


Resolution number DT/2014/208

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation from the Devonport-Takapuna Youth Representatives and thank Jenny Li and Kelsey Schutte for their attendance.





George Gair and Warwick Gair


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.3 was taken concurrently with item 13.


George Gair and Warwick Gair were in attendance to speak regarding item 13 - Wairau Creek - Response to Resolution number DT/2014/46.


Resolution number DT/2014/209

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation from George Gair and Warwick Gair and thank them for their attendance.





Takapuna Community Coordinator


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.4 was taken concurrently with item 14.


Takapuna Community Coordinator, Rachel Bro was in attendance to speak regarding item 14 - Potential youth needs and opportunities in the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki and Upper Harbour local board areas.


Resolution number DT/2014/210

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation from the Takapuna Community Coordinator and thank Rachel Bro for her attendance.





Peter White - Takapuna Beach Business Association


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.5 was taken concurrently with item 19.


Peter White - Takapuna Beach Business Association was in attendance to speak regarding item 19 - Takapuna Urbanesia Festival Village Hub.


Resolution number DT/2014/211

MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum presentation from the Takapuna Business Association and thank Peter White for his attendance.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Approval of Takapuna Beach Reserve Concept Plan


Nicki Malone, Principal Policy Analyst and Kim Brown, Principal Policy Analyst Community Policy and Planning were in attendance in support of this item. An updated page 30 of the Takapuna Beach Reserve Concept Plan was tabled at the meeting.

A copy of the document has been placed on file copy and is available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/212

MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      approves the concept plan for Takapuna Beach Reserve South.

b)      notes that funding will need to be allocated for the implementation of projects identified in the concept plan.

c)      allocates $30,000 discretionary operational expenditure for the play space at Gould Reserve, to fund the project management, including but not limited to, project brief development, consultation, consenting and detailed design development, in conjunction and subject to approval by the playground working party.

d)      requests officers to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Takapuna Beach Playground Trust and Devonport-Takapuna Local Board to construct a playground at Gould Reserve.

e)      requests that the final design of the playground be confirmed with relevant parties including Mr. Roger Hall so that ‘The End of the Golden Weather’ and other similar performances can continue to be performed. The board also notes that necessary infrastructure may need to be provided by the board.

f)       thanks Nicki Malone, Principal Policy Analyst and the team for their work on this project.




a     Updated page 30 of the Takapuna Beach Reserve Concept Plan




Wairau Creek - Response to Resolution number DT/2014/46


Phil Jaggard, Stormwater Strategy and Resilience Manager was in attendance in support of this item.


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.3 was taken at this time.


Resolution number DT/2014/213

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receives the report.

b)        requests that officers work with the Parks Portfolio holders to explore initial remediation opportunities particularly as the Milford Centre Plan will anticipate some form of water’s edge development.





Potential youth needs and opportunities in the Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki and Upper Harbour local board areas


Bonnie-May  Shantz, Principal Policy Analyst was in attendance in support of this item.


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.4 was taken at this time.


Resolution number DT/2014/214

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receives this report and the high-level youth needs research for Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipatiki and Upper Harbour local boards (Attachment A).

b)        delegate to a working party consisting of the Community Development Portfolio holder Allison Roe, the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, relevant officers, youth board representatives and representatives of youth organisations and community organisations to explore opportunities and potential facilities that are already available that could be adapted as youth facilities and report back to the board.





Annual Report 2013/14


Pramod Nair, Lead Financial Advisor was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/215

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      notes the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14

b)      approves:

i.    the message from the Chairperson, which provides the local boards comments on local board matters in the 2014 Annual Report.

ii.   the list of achievements and the list of capital projects that form part of the local board information for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14.

c)         gives authority to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to make typographical and editorial changes before submitting for final publication.

d)        requests that the proposed final Annual Report 2013/14 document be circulated to board members for comment before being finalised.





Quarterly Performance Report for the period ending 30 June 2014


Pramod Nair, Lead Financial Advisor was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/216

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board for the period ended June 2014.





Applications for Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Discretionary Capex and Opex - Round One 2014-15


Matt Woodside, Parks Advisor and Paul Duffy, Parks Advisor, Devonport and Takapuna were in attendance in support of this item.


MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Chairperson MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      approve the expenditure of $97,000 of the board’s discretionary capital expenditure to fund improvements to the skate park at Forrest Hill.

b)      approve the expenditure of $27,500 of the board’s discretionary capital expenditure to fund an improved car park outside the Takapuna Bridge Club in Killarney Park.

c)      approve provision of $20,000 of the board’s discretionary capital expenditure and $5,000 of the board’s discretionary operating expenditure, to be spent following approval by the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Parks Portfolio Holder, on small unbudgeted repairs or renewals identified by the Parks Advisor.

d)      thank Matt Woodside, Parks Advisor for Devonport-Takapuna Local Board for his work in the board area and welcomes Paul Duffy, Parks Advisor.





Distribution of Community Art Programmes Budget: Devonport-Takapuna


Trish Kirkland-Smith, Manager Business Strategy and Relationships, Arts and Culture was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/217

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Chairperson MA Cohen:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      approve the distribution of the Community Art Programmes budget of $10,969 to the following organisations: North Shore Brass, The Depot Artspace, The Rose Centre, North Shore Theatre and Arts Trust, Michael King Writers’ Centre, and the Lake House Arts Centre.

b)      approve the pro-rata allocation of the Community Art Programmes budget of $10,969 according to base funding received and agree that this budget be allocated on a pro-rata basis in future years.






Takapuna Urbanesia Festival Village Hub


Trish Kirkland-Smith, Manager Business Strategy and Relationships, Arts and Culture and Olivia Taouma, Arts and Culture Programme Leader(Pacific) were in attendance in support of this item.


Secretarial Note:         Item 9.5 was taken at this time.


Resolution number DT/2014/218

MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      endorse the location of an Urbanesia festival village hub in Takapuna from 27-29 November 2014 during the Southside Arts Festival.

b)      provide $5,000 towards the Urbanesia Takapuna village hub at Hurstmere Green to assist with set up and management of an outdoor stage, procurement of performers, and a temporary green room.

c)      notes that this programme will serve a sub-regional population and that in future full budgetary information must be provided for similar reports including the impact on local board discretionary funds.






Movies in Parks 2014/2015


Chade Julie, Senior Event Facilitator – West was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/219

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      approves hosting of two Movies in Parks events.

b)      contributes of $6,250 for the first event to be held at Sunnynook Park on Friday,
20 February 2015.

c)      contributes of $8,500 for the second event to be held at Fort Takapuna on Saturday, 7 March 2015.

d)      delegates of the Chairperson, event portfolio holder or other local board member(s) to work with council staff to tailor the Movies in the Parks scheduled events for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board community.





Local Event Support Fund - Round 1 2014/2015


Chade Julie, Senior Event Facilitator – West was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/220

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         agree to transfer $35,530 from the contestable local events support fund to the discretionary local events fund to deliver the agreed local board delivered events programme for 2014/2015, which form part of the Community Development Arts & Culture work programme plan for 2014/2015.

b)         agree to fund, or not fund, the round one 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund applications as follows:







Lazy Dude Media


Devonport Classic




Timing costs

OnBoard Skate Inc

Skate for Change

16/11/14 –




Roger Hall

The End of the Golden Weather




Takapuna Boating Club

2015 NZ Laser National Championships

10/1/15 –




Security & water safety costs

Devonport Peninsula Trust






2014 Criterium National Championships




Traffic mngt, timing, security & volunteer costs

Devonport Heritage Inc.

Always my Sister




Takapuna Community Facilities Trust

Auckland Heritage Festival




Devonport Peninsula Trust

Bayswater Halloween Ride & Walk





Quantum Events Limited

Beach Series 2014/15

28/10/14 –




Water safety costs

Devonport Business Association

Devonport Arts Festival




Devonport Community House

Devonport Children’s Art Festival

8/11/14 –




Devonport Peninsula Trust

Devonport Community Treasure Hunt




Lions Club of Devonport Inc.

Devonport Santa Parade & Festival




NZ Women Ltd


Elvis in the Gardens




Devonport Folk Music Club Inc.

Folk in the Park




Quantum Events Limited

Harbour Crossing 2014




Health & safety costs

Getin2Life Youth Development Trust

In2it Summer Series

1/10/14 –




Auckland Justice of the Peace Assn

Justice of the Peace Conference 2015

26/2/15 –




Quantum Events Limited

King of the Bays 2015




Health & safety costs

Takapuna Community Facilities Trust

Lakehouse Arts Christmas Shopping Night




Milford Village Business Assn

Milford Christmas in the Park




Lake House Arts Centre

North Shore Arts Trail 2014




Badminton North Harbour

NZ U17 National Badminton Champs

1/10/14 –




Murrays Bay Sailing Club

OKI 24 Hour Race




Milford Village Business Assn

Pirates Market Day




NZ Filipino Santo Nino Devotees Trust

Sinulog NZ Annual Festival

9/1/15 –




Auckland Regional Facilities

School Holiday Programme

6/10/14 –




Devonport Peninsula Trust

Scotty Brewer Skate Day




Takapuna Beach Business Assn

Takapuna Beach Christmas Carnival




Spy Events

Takapuna Beach Summer Days

31/1/15 –




Takapuna Beach Business Assn

Takapuna French Market




Tim Bray Productions

The Little Yellow Digger

1/19/14 –




Tim Bray Productions

The Santa Claus Show

8/12/14 –




Auckland Bowls Inc.

Trusts NZ Open

13/11/14 –




Thundercat Racing Assn New Zealand

Thundercat Racing




Devonport Community Gardens

Toadstool Magic Mountain

8/11/14 –




Castor Bay Residents & Ratepayers Assn

Bring Us Memories




Milford Residents Association Inc.

Images & Songs Remembering Milford’s History
















Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in July 2014 for the Devonport Takapuna Local Board


Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland  Transport was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/221

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport July 2014 Issues Update to the Devonport Takapuna Local Board.





Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards


Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland  Transport was in attendance in support of this item.


Resolution number DT/2014/222

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report.





Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy


A map of the ‘Proposed Draft Locally Approved Product Policy restrictions for Devonport-Takapuna’ was tabled at the meeting.

A copy of the document has been placed on file copy and is available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/223

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      delegates to a working party consisting of the Regulatory Portfolio holders Hale and Gillon and Member Roe to provide feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy option set out in Attachment A of the report entitled “Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy”.




a     Map of the ‘Proposed Draft Locally Approved Product Policy restrictions for Devonport-Takapuna’




TRAFINZ Conference


Resolution number DT/2014/224

MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the report.





Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987


Resolution number DT/2014/225

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)            agree to note the confidential status of attachments a, B, and C to Item 26.

b)            receive the applications by:

i)     Michael Trevor Jones – 15B Sanders Avenue, Takapuna

ii)    Mark Munns – 16 Sanders Avenue, Takapuna

iii)   Janice and David McGregor – 1/67 Beresford Street, Bayswater

c)            grant the application for special exemption from Michael Trevor Jones – 15B Sanders Avenue, Takapuna, subject to ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times and under the condition that all windows be fitted with restrictors.

d)            grant the application for special exemption from Mark Munns – 16 Sanders Avenue, Takapuna, subject to ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times.

e)            grant the application for special exemption from Janice and David McGregor – 1/67 Beresford Street, Bayswater, under the condition that the wooden railing fence next to the spa pool be covered with shade cloth to prevent a climbing point to the spa pool and that ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 is maintained at all times.





Granted Resource Consent Applications by Local Board Area


Resolution number DT/2014/226

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         receive the Granted Resource Consent Applications by Local Board Area report.





Record of Briefing/Community Forum - 22 July 2014 


Resolution number DT/2014/227

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Records of the Briefing and Community Forum held on 24 June and 1 July 2014.




Extension of Meeting Time

Resolution number DT/2014/228

MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member JRK O'Connor:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)         agree pursuant to standing order 3.3.7, that an extension of time until 11.00pm be granted.





Ward Councillors Update


Resolution number DT/2014/229

MOVED by Chairperson MA Cohen, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      thank Cr Chris Darby for his update to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board on the activities of the Governing Body.

b)      thank Cr George Wood for his update to the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board on the activities of the Governing Body.





Chairperson's reports


Resolution number DT/2014/230

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson JM Bergin, seconded by Member DP Hale:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)   receive the verbal Chairperson’s report.





Board Members' reports


Member Jan O’Connor, Transport Portfolio holder, tabled the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board feedback on the Auckland Transport New Bus Shelter Designs.

A copy of the document has been placed on file copy and is available for public viewing on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number DT/2014/231

MOVED by Member JRK O'Connor, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)    receive Member Gillon’s, Member O’Connor’s and Deputy Chairperson’s verbal reports.

b)    endorse the tabled Devonport-Takapuna Local Board feedback on the Auckland Transport New Bus Shelter Designs.




a     Devonport-Takapuna Local Board feedback on the Auckland Transport New Bus Shelter Designs




Summary of Actions and Reports Requested/Pending - July 2014


Resolution number DT/2014/232

MOVED by Member DP Hale, seconded by Member G Gillon:  

That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board:

a)      receive the Summary of Actions and Reports Requested/Pending – July 2014 report.




33        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





10.42 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









