Great Barrier Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Great Barrier Local Board held in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island on Wednesday, 13 August 2014 at 10.00am.





Izzy Fordham




Deputy Chairperson

Susan Daly





Jeff Cleave





Judy Gilbert





Christina Spence







































Great Barrier Local Board

13 August 2014




1          Welcome


Member JC Cleave led the meeting in a karakia.


A minute silence was observed to acknowledge the passing of Michael O’Shea.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GBI/2014/71

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)           confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Annual Report 2013/14


Resolution number GBI/2014/72

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Notes the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14.

b)      Approves:

I.     The message from the Chairperson, which provides the Local Boards comments on local board matters in the 2014 annual report.

II.    The list of achievements and the list of capital projects that form part of the local board information for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14.

c)      Gives authority to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to make typographical changes before submitting for final publication.





Quarterly Performance Report for the period ending 30th June 2014


Resolution number GBI/2014/73

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Notes the Quarterly Performance Report for the Great Barrier Local Board for the period ended June 2014.




Auckland Transport Report – 13 August 2014 – Great Barrier Island


Ivan Trethowen, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to this report.


Resolution number GBI/2014/74

MOVED by Member JC Cleave, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)             Receives the Auckland Transport Report – August 2014 to the Great Barrier Local Board.

b)            Requests a response from Auckland Transport on the following matters at the September 2014 business meeting which are not included in the officers report:

                        i.    an update on the speed limits project.

                       ii.    further advice on the use of dust suppressant products, including the basis of statements that the product is cost prohibitive, and noting statements at the 28 July budget committee workshop from Auckland Transport Chief Executive David Warburton that it was investigating this proposal.

                     iii.    an update on the Mulberry Grove traffic calming project.

                     iv.    an update on Okupu wharf re upgrades or replacement with a pontoon.

                       v.    an update on the Port Fitzroy wharf carpark extension proposal.

                     vi.    proposals relating to fish passage provision with culvert repairs and replacement in the north, resulting from the storm.

c)          Requests further discussion at the next workshop with Auckland Transport officers in regards to advancing projects to be wholly or partly funded from the AT capital transport fund to ensure progress is made on these.

d)          Confirms it does not wish to proceed with the footpath in front of Mulberry Grove School at this time.

e)          Confirms it wishes to work with Auckland Transport to advance the Whangaparapara pontoon in a manner which meets the requirements of commercial services, and that it will allocate its existing SLIPS pontoon budget to the project.

f)           Thanks Ivan Trethowen for his attendance and presentation on the Auckland Transport Report – 13 August 2014.




Great Barrier Island Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014


Janine Field, SLIPS Project Portfolio Leader was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to this report.


Resolution number GBI/2014/75

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the Great Barrier Island SLIPs 2013/2014 final programme.

b)      Receives and acknowledges completion of the projects during the 2013/2014 as summarised in the Attachment A- “SLIPS End of Year Project Summary July 2014”. 

c)      Approves funding of $700 plus GST if applicable for the provision of a producer statement to enable a code compliance certificate to be obtained for the wastewater system at the GBI Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust at 80 Hector Sanderson Road from the SLIPs 2014/2015 opex budget.

d)           Approves the following projects for scoping from SLIPs 2014/2015 opex budgets, (noting projects approved for scoping may take 1 to 3 months to scope depending on the complexity of the projects involved):


Project Description


Medlands Playground Reserve Concept Plan


Crossroads/Plantation Reserve Concept Plan


Claris airport terminal artwork

The details regarding the above projects (excluding the artworks project) are attached to this report at Attachments A and B.

e)          Supports the restoration of only the Pah Beach section of the Tryphena stonewalls and the clearance of vegetation and maintenance only of the Mulberry Grove section of the stone wall and requests that officers report back to the September meeting on an approved plan and agreed costings for this work in discussion with the NZ Historic Places Trust.

f)           Thanks Janine Field for her attendance and presentation on the Great Barrier Island Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2013/2014.




Great Barrier Island Mobile Voice and Broadband Project Update


Resolution number GBI/2014/76

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the report.

b)      Notes Vodafone’s intention to continue with the original plan to deliver a cell-site providing mobile voice and data capability to Okiwi.

c)      Notes that Vodafone intend to move into the development phase of the Okiwi site.

d)      Notes that Council officers continue to explore opportunities to improve infrastructure and service availability to the northern communities of Great Barrier Island.

e)          Thanks Anthony Acres for his clear report and work to advance this project.




Chairperson's report


Resolution number GBI/2014/77

MOVED by Member JJ Gilbert, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the Chairperson’s report.




Board Members' Reports


Resolution number GBI/2014/78

MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly:  

a)      That the report of Board Member Susan Daly be received.

b)      That the report of Board Member Jeff Cleave be received.

c)      That the report of Board Member Judy Gilbert be received.

d)      That the report of Board Member Christina Spence be received.




Reports Requested/Pending


Resolution number GBI/2014/79

MOVED by Member CA Spence, seconded by Member JC Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the list of reports requested/pending as at July 2014.






Resolution number GBI/2014/80

MOVED by Member JJ Gilbert, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)               Receives the correspondence for the month of July 2014.

b)               Approves the attendance of the entire board at the Rodent Eradications in New Zealand Symposium to be held on Wednesday 10 September 2014 at The University of Auckland on the basis that the subject is a key project and outcome for the board as outlined in its local board plan and noting that the symposium is free of charge but travel and accommodation costs will be incurred by attendance.

c)               Agrees to change the date of the 10 September business meeting to 11 September due to the clash of dates resulting from attendance at the symposium.




Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Proceedings


Resolution number GBI/2014/81

MOVED by Member JJ Gilbert, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly:  

That the Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      Receives the workshop proceedings for the workshops held on the 2nd and 9th July 2014 and the Great Barrier Environment Committee workshop held on the 23rd of July 2014.



22        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items. 






12.00 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









