I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Local Board Office
7-13 Pilkington Road


Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board









Simon Randall


Deputy Chairperson

Chris Makoare



Josephine Bartley



Brett Clark



Bridget Graham, QSM



Obed Unasa



Alan Verrall



(Quorum 4 members)




Philippa Hillman

Democracy Advisor, Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board


14 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 570 3848

Email: philippa.hillman@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

19 August 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


35        Central Joint Funding Committee                                                                               5   



Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

19 August 2014



Central Joint Funding Committee


File No.: CP2014/18259





1.       To seek the local board’s agreement:

·        to re-instate the Central Joint Funding Committee to oversee the relevant legacy community funding schemes

·        on the Terms of Reference for the Central Joint Funding Committee

·        to nominate a member and an alternate on the Central Joint Funding Committee.

Executive summary

2.       The Central Joint Funding Committee was a joint committee established by the seven central local boards with decision-making responsibility for the allocation of grants through the legacy community funding schemes.

3.       The Central Joint Funding Committee needs to be operational for the 2014/2015 financial year to administer legacy community funding budgets. This report seeks the board’s approval to re-instate the Central Joint Funding Committee for the 2014/2015 financial year, approval of the Terms of Reference and appointment of a member and an alternate to the Committee.

4.       The establishment of the committee is an interim approach until a region-wide community grants policy is finalised. Formal consultation with local boards on the draft policy is taking place at the current time. 


That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      agrees to re-instate the Central Joint Funding Committee for 2014/2015 to administer the legacy funds as per the Terms of Reference.

b)      endorses the draft Terms of Reference for the Central Joint Funding Committee

c)      appoints xxx, and xxx as alternate, to the Central Joint Funding Committee for 2014/2015 with appropriate delegated authority to bind the board on decisions relating to the legacy community funding schemes made by the Committee

d)      notes that a region-wide community grants policy is being developed and will in time replace the current interim funding arrangements.



5.       The Central Joint Funding Committee was a joint committee established by the seven central local boards - Albert-Eden, Great Barrier, Maungakiekie-Tamaki, Orakei, Puketapapa, Waiheke and Waitemata Local Boards. It had decision-making responsibility to allocate grants from the legacy community funding schemes.

6.       Local boards continue to have full decision-making authority over their individual Local Boards Discretionary Grants schemes. These schemes were established as part of the interim funding programme, using budgets inherited from legacy community board funding schemes.

7.       Existing funding arrangements and grants schemes were rolled over for the 2014/2015 financial year. This means that, as per previous years, legacy community funding budgets are allocated to sub-regional joint funding committees of local boards, and that the Central Joint Funding Committee needs to be operational for the 2014/2015 financial year.

8.       Officers recommend that the board re-instates the Central Joint Funding Committee for the 2014/2015 financial year, approves the Terms of Reference presented in Attachment A and appoints a member and an alternate to the Committee.

9.       The 2014/2015 legacy community funding schemes are detailed below. For the purposes of administering the funding, it is recommended that the legacy schemes be allocated in the same way than in previous years, as follows:



Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund $50,000

$40,000 for Great Barrier Island Local Board

$10,000 for Waiheke Island Local Board

For Hauraki Gulf Island projects only and noting that the funding split is based on historical allocation

Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund $50,000

Five isthmus local boards to administer jointly


Community Group Accommodation Support Fund $700,000

$5,000 to Great Barrier Island Local Board

$20,000 to Waiheke Island Local Board

Remainder ($675,000) administered jointly by the five isthmus local boards

Community Group Assistance Fund $435,000

$15,000 to Waiheke Island Local Board

Remainder ($420,000) administered jointly by the five isthmus local boards

10.     Auckland Council has drafted a new community grants policy aimed at making the granting process fairer and simpler for those applying for community grants. Proposals include:

·        New local grants programmes, including grants to groups covering more than one local board area

·        Six regional grant programmes.

11.     Public consultation opened on 14 July and closed on 11 August 2014. Following cluster workshops held earlier this year, local boards have been invited to provide their views on the draft policy during workshops held in July and August 2014.  It is anticipated that the policy will be presented to the governing body for final adoption in October 2014.

12.     Once adopted, one option is that as part of the interim implementation arrangements, the Central Joint Funding Committee remains operational for the year 2015/2016 to administer joint / multi-boards funding. A report will be brought to each local board in due time for decision.


Local board views

13.     The legacy funding schemes are a key way for local boards to support their communities.

Maori impact statement

14.     The legacy community funding schemes are of general interest to communities and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Māori. No particular implications for the Māori community or Māori stakeholders have been identified as arising from this report.


15.     The recommendations contained in this report fall within the local board’s delegated authority.


16.     Funding applications will be called during two rounds only for the legacy community funding schemes, as follows:

a)      Community Group Assistance Fund, Community Group Accommodation Support:

i)       Round one opened in June 2014 and closed on 7 July 2014 with decisions in August 2014

ii)       Round two will open on 1 February 2015 and close on 15 March 2015 2013 (CGAF only) for decisions in April 2014.

b)      Auckland City Cultural Heritage, and Auckland City Natural Heritage:

i)       Round one opened on 17 July and will close on 22 August 2014 with decisions in October-November 2014.

ii)       Round two will close on 13 March 2015 with decisions in May-June 2015.

17.     The Central Joint Funding Committee will hold a workshop and a meeting to consider procedural matters including but not limited to:

a)      electing a Chair and Deputy Chair

b)      adopting the Terms of Reference (Attachment A)

c)      considering the applications received.








Draft Terms of Reference





Carole Canler - Advisor, Local Board Services


Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager

Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services


Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

19 August 2014



Terms of Reference

Central Joint Funding Committee



The Central Joint Funding Committee has a member from each of the following Local Boards:

·        Albert-Eden

·        Great Barrier

·        Maungakiekie-Tamaki

·        Orakei

·        Puketapapa

·        Waiheke

·        Waitemata.


Decision Making

The Central Joint Funding Committee has the authority to make funding decisions in the 2014/15 financial year in relation to the following funds:

·        Community Group Assistance Fund

·        Community Group Accommodation Support

·        Auckland City Cultural Heritage

·        Auckland City Natural Heritage.



The Central Joint Funding Committee will appoint and remove its own chairperson or deputy chairperson.



The Central Joint Funding Committee will meet as required. It is envisaged there will be no fewer than two funding decision meetings in the 2014/15 financial year (“the meetings”) in August 2014 and April 2015.



Each of the funding decision meetings will be preceded by a workshop a minimum of three weeks in advance of the decision-making meeting. The purpose of the workshops is to discuss and seek additional information on the applications.


Standing Orders of Local Boards

The Standing Orders of Local Boards as set by the Auckland Transition Agency on 27 October 2010 will apply to this Joint Committee.