Local Board Plan Hearings - Orakei Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Local Board Plan Hearings - Orakei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 9.30am.





Desley Simpson, JP




Deputy Chairperson

Mark Thomas





Ken Baguley





Troy Churton

arrived at 2.01pm




Kate Cooke





Colin Davis, JP

arrived at 3.27pm




Kit Parkinson


































Local Board Plan Hearings - Orakei Local Board

27 August 2014




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number PHOR/2014/1

MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Thomas:  

That the Orakei Local Board:

a)         accepts the apologies for lateness from Member Davis and Member Churton.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Not applicable.


5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Summary of submissions to the Draft Orākei Local Board Plan 2014


Resolution number PHOR/2014/2

MOVED by Member DEC Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Thomas:  

That the Orakei Local Board:

a)   receive submissions on the Draft Orākei Local Board Plan 2014.

b)   hear the relevant submissions on the Draft Orākei Local Board Plan 2014.

c)   thanks the following  submitters for their verbal presentations on the Draft Orākei Local Board Plan 2014:

i)                Susan Brown

ii)               Alan Minson

iii)              Sharon Walshe representing Eastern Gymnastics Club

iv)              Alex Dempsey and Margaret King representing Save our St. Heliers

v)               Raewyn Bennet representing Friends of Madills Farm

vi)              Anne-Marie Coury representing Grey Power Auckland

vii)            Anne-Marie Coury

viii)           Richard Lawty (for Christopher Segar) representing East Arts Council

ix)              Dr Thomas H Marshall representing Cancer Society

x)               Kevin McCready

xi)              Francis Lai representing Jahbez Family Trust

xii)            Bryan Johnson representing Ellerslie Business Association

xiii)           Coralie Van Camp representing Remuera Residents Association

xiv)           Brandon Jackson representing Grammer Tec Rugby Club

xv)            Murdoch Dryden representing Auckland Rowing Assoc

xvi)           Grant Dickson

xvii)          Nigel Brown

xviii)        Tricia Cheel

xix)           Pat Cook

xx)            Mike Elliott and Laura Baxter representing Sport Auckland

xxi)           Andrea Penman and Jane Bollard representing Royal NZ Plunket

xxii)          Avi Singh and Celia Cavanagh-Briggs representing and Ellerslie Cricket Club

xxiii)        Mark Robson and Richard Walker representing Auckland University Cricket Club

xxiv)        Daniel Farrow representing Auckland Cricket Association

xxv)          Brian Parr

xxvi)        Kenneth Norton

xxvii)       Tracey Shaw

xxviii)      Peter McEniery

xxix)        Jason Morgan and Peter Norton representing Kohimarama Yacht Club

xxx)          Alister White

xxxi)        Juliet Yates and Ross Dudder

xxxii)       Chris Ruffell representing Eastern Suburbs Association

xxxiii)      David Parker representing Auckland Football Association

xxxiv)      Rob McCarthy (on behalf of Mark Weipers) representing and Ellerslie Football Association

xxxv)       John Duthie (on behalf of Debra Lawson) representing Tamaki Redevelopment Company

xxxvi)      Pat Northey

xxxvii)    Nick Frater representing St. James Anglican church

xxxviii)   Colin Percy

xxxix)      Phil Vyver and Michael Feek representing Auckland Bowls

xl)              Dion Gosling (on behalf of Jeremy Chen) and Dave Wigmore representing Auckland University Hockey

xli)            Janell Dymus and Nita Pupata-Riki representing Te Ngira Problem Gambling

xlii)           Keith Savory, Robert Johnson and Bill Carlin representing St. Heliers – Glendowie Residents Association

xliii)          Zoe Martin-Hawke, Red Henare and Hector Kaiwai representing Te Ara Ha Ora

xliv)          Gary Holmes and Chris Sutton representing Glen Innes Business Association

xlv)           Anurag Gupta

d)   considers any potential amendments to the Draft Orākei Local Board Plan 2014.





13        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  



3.35pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









