I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Local Board Plan Hearings - Waitakere Ranges Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Waitākere Ranges Local Board Office
39 Glenmall Place
Glen Eden


Local Board Plan Hearings - Waitākere Ranges Local Board









Sandra Coney, QSO


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Yates, JP



Neil Henderson



Greg Presland



Steve Tollestrup



Saffron Toms









(Quorum 3 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Tua Viliamu

Democracy Advisor

20 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 813 9478

Email: Tua.Villamu@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Local Board Plan Hearings - Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 August 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Summary of submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 6  



Local Board Plan Hearings - Waitākere Ranges Local Board

26 August 2014




1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



Summary of submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014


File No.: CP2014/18621





1.       This report provides high-level analysis of key themes contained in submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.

Executive summary

2.       The Local Government Act 2002 and Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 require Council to use the special consultative procedure in adopting the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. This includes ensuring any person submitting on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.

3.       170 submissions were received to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. Of these, 31 were proforma submissions relating to Smokefree issues, 23 submissions were received to all draft local board plans.

4.       27 submitters from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area submitted on other boards, and 12 submitters from outside the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area submitted on the draft plan.

5.       49 submitters requested the opportunity to speak in support of their submission at a public hearing.

6.       The Waitākere Ranges Local Board asked submitters for feedback on four questions.

7.       Question one asked whether submitters agreed that enhanced environmental protection should be an area of focus and to identify any particular geographic areas of concern. Of the 60 submitters that responded to this question, 55 agreed with the area of focus, three disagreed and two partially agreed. Particular areas of concern were identified by eight submitters.

8.       Question two asked whether submitters agreed with the priorities for capital funding projects over the next three years. The board identified their priorities as revitalizing and improving Glen Eden, and starting work on the implementation of the Oratia Village Masterplan.

9.       Of the 91 submitters responding regarding the priority of revitalizing and improving Glen Eden, 75 submitters agreed this should be a priority.

10.     Of the 77 submitters responding regarding the priority of starting work on the implementation of the Oratia Village Masterplan, 54 submitters agreed this should be a priority and 23 submitters disagreed.

11.     Question three asked whether submitters had any other comments regarding the outcomes, objectives and initiatives contained in the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.

12.     Question four asked submitters whether they believed there was anything missing from the plan. 70 comments were made relating to the board’s outcomes, and 87 comments were made relating to issues unrelated to these outcomes. Of these 28 comments were related to Smokefree initiatives.



That the Local Board Plan Hearings - Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives submissions on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.

b)      Hears the relevant submissions on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.

c)      Thanks submitters for their verbal presentations on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.

d)      Considers any potential amendments to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014.






13.     The Local Government Act 2002 and Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 require Council to use the special consultative procedure in adopting the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. This includes ensuring any person submitting on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.

14.     This report provides statistics on submissions received to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 and a brief high-level analysis of key themes and topics.

15.     More detailed analysis of submissions will be provided to the local board workshop on 2 September 2014.

16.     The consultation period for the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 was held from 7 July 2014 to 4pm 6 August 2014.


17.     Council received and processed 144 submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 with 40 submitters requesting to be heard.

18.     19 pro forma submissions were received to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. These all advocated for a SmokeFree policy in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area.

19.     Copies of submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 are provided in attachment A of this report.

Overview of feedback from submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014

20.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board asked submitters for feedback on four questions.

21.     Question one asked submitters whether they agreed with enhanced environmental protection, including weed and pest control, as a key focus for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board.

22.     Of the 60 submitters that responded to this question, 55 agreed with the area of focus, three disagreed and two partially agreed. These responses are illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Waitākere Ranges enhanced environmental protection is a key focus







Partially agree






Note – “Percentage” refers to percentage of submitters that responded to the question, not overall percentage and is rounded to the nearest 0.5 percent.


23.     The results in the table above indicate that the majority of submitters answering this question agreed with the key focus on enhanced environmental protection.

24.     Eight submitters identified particular geographic areas for enhanced environmental protection. There were no common areas identified.

25.     Question two asked submitters whether they agreed with the board’s capital funding priorities of (a) revitalizing and improving Glen Eden and (b) starting work on the implementation of the Oratia Village Masterplan.

26.     Of the 85 submitters responding regarding the priority of revitalizing and improving Glen Eden, 71 submitters agreed this should be a priority and 14 disagreed.

27.     Of the 73 submitters responding regarding the priority of starting work on the implementation of the Oratia Village Masterplan, 52 submitters agreed this should be a priority and 21 disagreed.

28.     These responses are illustrated in Figure 2 below.

29.     Figure 2 – Priority projects for capital funding

Revitalising and improving Glen Eden









Note – “Percentage” refers to percentage of submitters that responded to the question, not overall percentage and is rounded to the nearest 0.5 percent.

Starting work on the implementation of the Oratia Village Masterplan









Note – “Percentage” refers to percentage of submitters that responded to the question, not overall percentage and is rounded to the nearest 0.5 percent.


30.     Question three asked submitters if they had any comments on the outcomes, objectives and initiatives detailed in the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. Owing to the large number of outcomes, objectives and initiatives, the data is widely spread, with small numbers responding to individual items.

31.     Outcome -The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is protected received 9 responses in support. A further 19 responses were received in support of various objectives and initiatives within the outcome.

32.     Outcome - Our unique natural environments are healthy and restored received 7 responses in support. The initiative We take an integrated approach to the control of weeds and pests received 12 responses in support, while the initiative Improving water quality in the west coast lagoons, by working with local communities received 8 responses in support.

33.     Outcome - Arts and culture thrive, with Titirangi as the vibrant arts hub for the West received four responses in support.

34.     Outcome – Sustainable local economic activity is supported received nine responses in support.

35.     Outcome - Revitalised town centres and villages that support thriving communities received five responses in support and the initiative Revitalising Glen Eden – place making and neighbourhood development received eight responses in support.

36.     Outcome  - Public transport, cycling and walking are easy, safe and connected received 10 responses in support. Within this outcome the objective Reduced reliance on the motor vehicle as the primary means of transportation, improved public transport systems received six responses in support and the initiative Increasing walkway and cycleway connections received six responses in support.

37.     Question four asked submitters whether they believed there were any items missing from the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014. Table 1 indicates the number of missing items for each outcome.

Table 1 – Numbers of missing items by outcome



The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is protected


Our unique natural environments are healthy and restored


Arts and culture thrive, with Titirangi as the vibrant arts hub for the West


Sustainable local economic activity is supported


Revitalised town centres and villages that support thriving communities


Public transport, cycling and walking are easy, safe and connected



38.     There were no common themes identified within comments to these outcome areas

39.     Other items identified as missing from the plan that did not fit within the outcomes, objectives and initiatives, included seven related to community Services, nine related to arts, culture and events services and seven related to recreation services.

40.     Submitters also made comments unrelated to the board’s outcomes, objectives and initiatives.  The most notable topic areas are listed below:

·   23 submitters made general comments about the plan, although no common themes emerged

·   four submitters generally agreed with the plan and six submitters generally disagreed with the plan

·   eight submitters made requests for funding. These included two requests related to the funding for implementation of Smokefree initiatives.

Next steps

41.     Decisions on the final Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 will be made at the decision-making meeting on 9 October .


Local Board Views

42.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board will consider all submissions to the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 at the Local Board Plan 2014 hearing meeting on Tuesday 26th August at the local board office in Glen Eden.

Māori impact statement

43.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has given consideration to Māori outcomes throughout the development of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014; consequently the implementation of the Plan has the potential for positive outcomes for Māori.

44.     Along with western and central local boards, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board met with mana whenua authorities to review its draft Local Board Plan 2014. Views expressed by mana whenua authorities during this hui have been considered in the development of the final Plan.

45.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has also engaged with mataawaka through activities that were accessible to the general public, as well as holding an engagement event during Waitangi Day celebrations at Hoani Waititi marae in the early stages of the Plan’s development and has met with mataawaka during the consultation period.

46.     The draft Local Board Plan 2014 describes some of the ways the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will work together with mana whenua and mataawaka.  This includes working with iwi to ensure the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is protected, including areas of historic significance, encouraging Maori Arts networks and supporting Hoani Waititi marae.

Implementation Issues

47.     Implementation issues on the various matters raised in submissions will be considered when making decisions at decision-making meetings on the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 on 9 October 2014.






Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 Submissions - Volume 1 (Under Separate Cover)



Draft Waitakere Ranges Local Board Plan 2014 submissions - Volume 2 (Under Separate Cover)





Paula  Gallimore - Governance Analyst


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau