I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 11 August 2014


Muriwai Surf Club
100 Jack Butt Lane
Muriwai Regional Park


Rodney Local Board









Brenda Steele


Deputy Chairperson

Steven Garner



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Thomas Grace



Beth Houlbrooke



John McLean



Phelan Pirrie



Greg Sayers



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


5 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz







Portfolio Holders






Local planning, policy and governance (includes relationship with Kawau Island representatives)

Relationship with governing body, Chairs meeting, protocols, code of conduct, local area plans, structure plans, Unitary Plan, RUB, plan changes, relationship with Kawau Island representatives. 

Chairperson Brenda Steele


Deputy Chairperson Steven Garner



Relationship with iwi, recreation reserve boards

Brenda Steele


Phelan Pirrie

Arts and culture

Arts centres, art programmes

Greg Sayers

Phelan Pirrie


General oversight of events programme

music in parks, movies in parks

Beth Houlbrooke


Warren Flaunty

Community services and facilities

Community development and safety, grants and funding, community facilities, community houses, community leases, Youth Connections and support the Rodney Youth Advisory Panel 

Steven Garner



James Colville

Brenda Steele



Warren Flaunty

Steven Garner

Recreation services (pools multisport facilities)

Pools, multi-sport facilities

Greg Sayers


Beth Houlbrooke


Reserve management plans, park usage, leasing on parks, cemeteries and liaison with parks staff on land owner approvals.

Brenda Steele


James Colville

Phelan Pirrie

Steven Garner

John McLean

Built and natural environment

Heritage, infrastructure (including stormwater, wastewater, water), environmental programmes, conservation and biodiversity, biosecurity, waste minimisation

Thomas Grace

Phelan Pirrie

Economic Development

BIDs, economic development plans, developing ATEED relationship, broadband

Beth Houlbrooke


Steven Garner

Brenda Steele

Street environment and town centres

Gateways and mainstreet upgrades, Urban design champion

Phelan Pirrie

John McLean



Steven Garner

Thomas Grace

Phelan Pirrie

John McLean

James Colville

Regulatory – resource consents

Resource consents comments

Warren Flaunty (West/ Dairy Flat), 

Steven Garner (Warkworth/ Wellsford)


Regulatory - Bylaws

Bylaw policy feedback

Steven Garner

All Members

Communications and engagement

Review media releases and articles.  Stakeholder and community engagement .

Phelan Pirrie (South)

Beth Houlbrooke (North)



Budget overview, financial prudence and reporting, local board funding policy

Steven Garner

Phelan Pirrie

Civil defence/ emergency management


Phelan Pirrie

Warren Flaunty

Special Housing Areas

Feedback on SHA’s in Rodney.

Phelan Pirrie (Southern area), 

Steven Garner (Northern area)


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Update from Project Manager of North West District Business Improvement District                                                                                                                                5

8.2     Warkworth Museum, Parry Kauri Park                                                              6

8.3     Muriwai Environmental Action Group                                                               6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Establishing a Business Improvement District (BID) Partnership Programme in the Warkworth Area                                                                                                             9

13        Gateways Rodney - construction of gateway features                                           51

14        Quarterly Performance Report for the period ending 30th June 2014                  55

15        Summary of Delivery of Environmental Budgets for the 2013/2014 Financial Year     115

16        Auckland Transport Update to Rodney Local Board, August 2014                    177

17        New Road Name – Kohia Way and Pohue Avenue                                                189

18        New Road Name – Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road              195

19        New Road Name - Memorial Lane                                                                           201

20        Movies in Parks 2014/2015                                                                                        207

21        Member's attendance at Making Good Decisions Course                                   211

22        Feedback on Allocation of Decision Making Review                                            213

23        Technical Publications from the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU)                                                                                                                                     221

24        Deputation/Public Forum Update                                                                            231

25        Rodney Local Board Workshop Records                                                               235  

26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


27        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                               241

C1       Acquisition of land for reserve purposes, Waimauku                                           241  


1          Welcome



2          Apologies


An apology from Member WW Flaunty has been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 14 July 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations.  Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Board.  This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda.  Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Update from Project Manager of North West District Business Improvement District


1.       Gary Holmes, Project Manager for the North West District Business Improvement District will be in attendance to give an update on the Business Improvement District (BID) project.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Gary Holmes, Project Manager for the North West District Business Improvement District for his update on the project.



8.2       Warkworth Museum, Parry Kauri Park


1.       Representatives from the Warkworth Museum, which is located in Parry Kauri Park will be in attendance to address the Rodney Local Board on their proposal to allow self- contained overnight campervan parking at the park.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank the representatives from the Warkworth Museum on their proposal to allow self-contained overnight parking for campervans at Parry Kauri Park, Warkworth.




8.3       Muriwai Environmental Action Group


1.       Representatives from Muriwai Environmental Action Group will be in attendance to address the Rodney Local Board on the work the group has undertaken in the Muriwai Village Green to date and to explain their future plans for the area.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank the representatives from the Muriwai Environmental Action Group for their presentation on the work they have undertaken at Muriwai Village Green to date and for their outline of future plans for the area.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Establishing a Business Improvement District (BID) Partnership Programme in the Warkworth Area


File No.: CP2014/16162




1.       This report provides an update for the Rodney Local Board on the Warkworth Area Business Association (WABA) pre-establishment of a Business Improvement District (BID) partnership programme, presents the results of two fact-finding surveys (Warkworth businesses and Warkworth town centre shoppers), and requests funds for the next steps of the BID establishment process.  

Executive summary

2.       The WABA has undertaken the pre-establishment process of forming a Business Improvement District Partnership Programme for the Warkworth area and are seeking further support to fund the formal establishment phase of a Warkworth Area BID.

3.       An amount of $53,500 is requested to cover costs associated with the BID establishment process as required under the Auckland Region BID Policy (2011).



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve funds of $53,500 towards the establishment of a Warkworth Area Business Improvement District from the budget line item “Business Improvement Strategies for Key Towns” for the year 2014/2015. 

b)      request that the Local Economic Development unit of Council’s Economic Development department distribute the approved fund to Warkworth Area Business Association in a staged approach to cover costs through the establishment process in the 2014/2015 financial year.





4.       The Warkworth Area Business Association (WABA) began working with the Auckland Council BID team in 2011 to determine if the BID partnership programme is appropriate for the Warkworth area, in accordance with the Auckland Region BID Policy (2011).  There had been an attempt to form a BID several years ago but it was unsuccessful.

5.       The potential WABA area is made up of Warkworth town centre and the industrial estate served by Hudson Road, Woodcocks Road, and SH 1.  This is a significant concentration of local businesses in the local board area which represents many potential economic development opportunities.  A map of the proposed BID area is Attachment A of this report, though this will be discussed and revised as needed during the initial establishment process. 

6.       As the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan is projecting growth of 20,000 additional residents in the Warkworth area, these business centres offer opportunities for new retail, service, manufacturing, and distribution activities, as well as business support services and visitor attraction. 

7.       In 2011 the WABA approached Auckland Council Economic Development BID team about investigating a possible BID partnership programme for Warkworth.

8.       Council officers approached the local board to advise of Warkworth’s intent (10 June 2013) and to seek funding (9 September 2013) for pre-BID phases.  $30,480 was allocated.  (Resolution RD/2013/250). These funds supported the development, administration, and analysis of the business survey and its results, as well as costs related to public communication. 

9.       A business survey was distributed to 290 businesses in the Warkworth area during March and April 2014, resulting in 211 responses - a very high response rate of 73%. 

10.     The survey found that, of the businesses that responded, 52% agreed that further consideration be given to a collaborative approach to promoting local economic development for the Warkworth area, which contributed to WABA’s decision to move to the BID establishment phase.  A summary of the survey is attached as Attachment B of this report.

11.     The findings of the business survey were presented at a public forum hosted by WABA on 11 June 2014, which identified the main opportunities for a BID were:

a.   Marketing and promotion

b.   Improvements to parking

c.   Advocacy for better transport planning and improvements

d.   Area beautification

e.   Advocacy for local issues


12.     A shoppers’ survey was conducted independently by the Warkworth Area Business Association and presented to the public on 11 June 2014.  The views of 134 shoppers were collected. 

13.     The findings of the survey showed that 60% of respondents felt that customer service in Warkworth was very good to excellent; more than 80% of those surveyed made half or more of all purchases in Warkworth, but that 80% also shop in Albany as an alternative.

14.     The main issues identified by shoppers were:

a.       Parking – supply and need for longer time limits

b.       Congestion, especially the Hill Street intersection

c.       Need for a tidy-up of the town centre

d.       Longer shop hours

e.       More exposure to the river


15.     The results of both surveys show that businesses and shoppers hold much the same views of the area.  The full shoppers’ survey report is Attachment C of this report.   


The initial stages of exploring whether a BID approach is suitable for the area have been completed by all parties.  In addition to the above, this pre-establishment phase, funded by Rodney Local Board, has included:


·        Regular engagement with Auckland Council through the pre-establishment phase.

·        Soliciting views of individual business and property owners for their views on a collaborative business effort by WABA.

·        Creation of a potential BID map encompassing the Warkworth Town Centre and the Hudson Road/Woodcocks Road industrial areas.

·        Conducting the two surveys described above.

·        Following the survey and feedback from business members, WABA affirmed their interest in further exploring establishment of a BID at their meeting of 17 June 2014. 



Steps to be taken over the 2014/2015 year towards establishing a BID include:


16.     Development and agreement of a Strategic Plan outlining WABA’s goals. This plan may include:

a.       Purpose and intended outcomes of the BID

b.       Issues for advocacy

c.       Marketing strategy – print, digital, other

d.       Financial management goals


17.     An Action Plan for the establishment process will be completed, including:

a.       Communication with businesses throughout the area

b.       Production of marketing materials

c.       Voter engagement strategy

d.       Database refinement preparatory to balloting in March/April 2015


18.     Preparation of the ballot papers and authorisation by pertinent bodies.  Note: business tenants and property owners must both be informed and included in the ballot. 


19.     In order to progress the work programme, a project leader is required to oversee development of the strategic plan, operational requirements, and communications during the establishment phase.  Attachment D of this report is an activity plan outlining future steps to be taken and the estimated budget for each.


20.     The work plan indicates that funding of $53,500 will be required in the 2014/2015 financial year.  WABA will not be able to establish a BID without financial assistance from the Rodney Local Board.  If successful, WABA would commence as a BID from 1 July 2015.


21.     With this report, we are asking that $53,500 be approved for tasks to be undertaken toward BID establishment in the year 2014/2015. 


Local board views and implications

22.     The Rodney Local Board indicated their support for the development of the proposed BID at their meeting of 10 June 2013, and approved initial funding at their meeting of 9 September 2013.  

23.     Council officers will provide updates to the local board economic development portfolio holders on a regular basis. 


Maori impact statement

24.     Rodney has a similar proportion of residents of Maori ethnicity, 10% (2013 Census), as the Auckland region.  Maori will be impacted as business and property owners, employees, and customers of the Warkworth area. 


25.     The implementation of the BID establishment process will be achieved by collaboration between Auckland Council, Rodney Local Board, the BID partnership programme team, and the Warkworth Area Business Association. 








Proposed WABA BID Map July 2014



Executive summary of the WABA survey



WABA Shoppers Survey June 2014



Draft Warkworth Area BID Establishment Budget and Timeline July 2014





Gillian Plume - Team Leader - BID Partnership Programme


Harvey Brookes - Manager Economic Development

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Gateways Rodney - construction of gateway features


File No.: CP2014/16694




1.       To update the Rodney Local Board about comments received from local communities and business groups regarding gateway features, and to seek endorsement of a final township gateway schedule and budget.

Executive summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board is looking to create gateway features at the entrances to the local board’s towns and villages. Funding has been set aside over the next few years to achieve this. A draft prioritised schedule of township gateways was presented to the local board at its 9 September 2013 meeting where it was decided to seek comments from the district’s various local communities. A number of community and business groups have indicated their interest in pursuing the local board’s initiative. These requests have been considered and a final prioritised schedule has been prepared.

3.       At this stage it is recommended that gateway features not be pursued for Te Hana.

4.       The key changes from the May 2014 schedule are that Helensville, Parakai, Kumeu Huapai and Riverhead are identified as locations with immediate need for a gateway feature; Kaukapakapa has been removed since it received funding in 2013/2014 year, and Waimauku received funding in 2012/2013 year.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      confirm the prioritised schedule for gateway features.

b)      follow the prioritised schedule when progressing gateway features.

c)      request council staff provide the local board with quarterly updates on gateway features.






5.       Funding for gateway features has been allocated through the council’s current adopted Long-term Plan (LTP) to gateway projects with $104,858.00 in 2013/2014, $21,496.00 in 2014/2015 and $88,219.00 in 2015/2016 although this latter amount will need to be confirmed or otherwise through the LTP process. With this funding it is envisaged that entrance ways for main towns would be funded to the value of $30,000.00 per town and those for towns and villages between $5,000.00 and $15,000.00.

6.       A report was presented to the Rodney Local Board at its 12 May 2014 meeting, outlining the Revised priority schedule as:





Revised prioritised schedule

Immediate need

·       Kaukapakapa

Council Officers to report back to the Local Board

·       Wellsford

·       Warkworth

·       Puhoi

·       Kawau Island

·       Omaha Beach

·       Whangateau

·       Te Hana

To be progressed after 1 July 2014

·       Helensville

·       Kumeu Huapai

·       Parakai

·       Waimauku

·       Riverhead

To not be progressed at this stage

·       Matakana

·       Kaipara Flats

7.       A decision was also made at the local board’s 12 May meeting to remove Waimauku from the list since a gateway feature is currently being pursued for this settlement.

8.       In relation to this revised prioritised schedule the Board resolved (RD/2014/97,RD/2014/98) to:

b)      progress gateway features for Helensville, Kumeu, Huapai, Parakai and Riverhead alongside the North West District Business Improvement Association once that is established.

c)      request council staff to contact and/or meet with the Te Hana, Warkworth, Wellsford, Puhoi, Kawau Island, Omaha Beach and Whangateau resident and business groups to discuss gateway features and that staff report back to the local board with a recommended course of action by 31 August 2014.

9.       As of 1 July 2014 the North-West District Business Association is operating a Business Improvement District Partnership programme (BID) and now joins 46 existing BID programmes operating throughout the region.

10.     Mr. Gary Holmes has been temporarily appointed as the BID manager. He was contacted on 19 June and confirmed that the new Executive Committee of the Association was keen to progress the gateway initiative. Meetings are presently being held with business members of each of the six communities and at this stage the feedback has been positive. Note also that the South Kaipara Resident and Ratepayers are keen on supporting Helensville and Parakai with their gateway features.

11.     Contact has been made with Warkworth, Wellsford, Puhoi, Kawau Island, Omaha Beach and Whangateau resident and business groups. It has not been possible to progress gateway features for Te Hana since it has no operational community or business association.


12.     The Warkworth Area Business Association is interested in pursuing gateway features; however note that the Warkworth Area Liaison Group does not support this initiative.


13.     The Wellsford Promotions and Wellsford Citizens and Ratepayers Association are keen to pursue gateways features.


14.     The Puhoi Community Forum Inc. would like to pursue gateway features.

Kawau Island

15.     Kawau Island Residents and Ratepayers Association would like to pursue gateway features.

Omaha Beach

16.     The Omaha Beach Community is interested in pursuing gateway features.


17.     The Whangateau Resident and Ratepayers (Inc.) indicated they already have a gateway structure in place, it is requested that they be kept informed of any further actions.

Additional townships

18.     Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association are also interested in pursuing gateway features.

Final Revised Schedule

19.     Based on an assessment of need, and the local board’s earlier conversations it is recommended that the Prioritised schedule (along with their respective funding category and subject to any future LTP provision post 2014/2015) for township gateways should be revised as follows:

Immediate need

·    Helensville (main town)

·    Parakai (towns and villages)

·    Kumeu Huapai (main town)

·    Riverhead (towns and villages)


Medium term need

·    Wellsford (main town)

·    Warkworth (main town)

·    Puhoi (towns and villages)

·    Kawau Island (islands)

·    Omaha Beach (towns and villages)

·    Shelly Beach (towns and villages)


To not be progressed at this stage

·    Te Hana


Local board views and implications

Local board views and implications

20.     Gateway features have been previously discussed with the Rodney Local Board and funding over the next few years has been set aside in the current LTP to achieve this initiative. A Prioritised schedule has been prepared to help the Local Board decide which towns and villages should receive funding. It is important to note however that while the revised schedule may identify a particular town/village for a gateway, funding is subject to a specific proposal and a comprehensive evaluation of any proposal.

21.     It is also recognised that gateway features will be initiated by community groups who will in turn request funding assistance from the local board. A series of assessment criteria have been prepared to help the local board decide on whether or not it should provide funding assistance. Funding beyond 2014/2015 will be subject to the new LTP from July 2015 onwards.

22.     In addition discussions regarding gateway features have been held with the Lead Portfolio Holder for the Street and Environment and Town Centres Portfolio.

Maori impact statement

23.     It is proposed that engagement be undertaken with local Iwi as part of the consultative process of establishing gateway features for each town/village on the schedule.


24.     As noted earlier, identification in the schedule does not constitute specific granting of funding to a particular proposal. Each gateway project will need to be proposed, and evaluated against criteria, and will need to be subject to a separate report to the Board. The funding will enable community groups to undertake relevant design process, to seek appropriate resource and building consents and to enable physical construction of the gateway. This may involve gaining approvals from relevant agencies such as Auckland Transport (AT) and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).



There are no attachments for this report.    



Andrew Trevelyan - Principal Planner


Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Quarterly Performance Report for the period ending 30th June 2014


File No.: CP2014/10370




1.       To update the Rodney Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 as set out in the Local Board Agreement.

Executive summary

2.       This report contains the following Rodney local board reports:

- Highlights and achievements for the June 2014 quarter

- Watching brief and recommendation

- Progress updates on key initiatives and projects for the June 2014 quarter

- Activity overview for CDAC for the June 2014 quarter

- Activity overview for Libraries for the June 2014 quarter

- Activity overview for Sports, Parks and Recreation for the June 2014 quarter

- Activity overview Economic Development- 6 months to June 2014

- Activity Auckland Tourism events and Economic Development:- 6 months to June 2014

- Financial report to June 2014

- Parks capital projects summary to June 2014 (Appendix A)

- CDAC work plan to June 2014 (Appendix B)



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the Quarterly Performance Report for the Rodney Local Board for the period ended June 2014.



Local board views and implications

3.       This report informs the Rodney Local Board of the quarterly performance to date for the period ending June 2014.

Maori impact statement

4.       Maori as stakeholders of the council, are affected and have an interest in any report on financial results. However this report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori.


5.       This is a quarterly report  the next report will be presented to the board in November 2014.








Quarterly Performance Report Quarter 4, June 2014





Jane Koch - Business Performance Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager

Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Summary of Delivery of Environmental Budgets for the 2013/2014 Financial Year


File No.: CP2014/15601




1.       To provide Rodney Local Board with a summary of the delivery of the community led environmental projects budget ($58,000 ) and the ecological survey of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems budget ($24,533), assigned to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Department (I and ES) for delivery in the 2013/2014 financial year.

Executive summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board allocated budget in the 2013/2014 financial year to deliver on its local board aspirations for protecting and enhancing their natural environment.

3.       Two budgets were allocated to the I and ES department for delivery:

·     Community led environmental projects - a total of $58,000 allocated in the 2013/2014 financial year for community led environmental programmes. Of this budget $10,000 was allocated by the local board to a proposed housing project with Ngati Whatua o Kaipara. The remaining $48,000 was allocated to the I and ES Department for the delivery of various projects as outlined in this report.

·     Ecological survey terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems – a total of $24,533 allocated in the 2013/2014 financial year to undertake a complete ecological survey of 162 local parks in the Rodney Local Board.  The survey data will provide important base information for prioritisation of local park biodiversity management and for community groups working in the local area. 



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the Summary of Delivery of Environment Budgets for the 2013/2014 Financial Year report.



Community led environmental projects summary

4.       At its business meeting on 9 September 2013 the Rodney Local Board resolved to allocate the community led environmental projects budget to a total of eight projects by community groups in the local board area. 

5.       Subsequently officers determined that one of the projects was unable to be delivered within the $18,000 budget allocated to it. At its meeting 10 March 2014 and through a delegation to the environment portfolio holders for the local board this budget was reallocated to a further seven local projects.

6.       Officers from I and ES will be attending a workshop on 19 August with the Rodney Local Board members to discuss budget allocation in the 2014/2015 financial year.

7.       Below is a summary of the projects and financial information as delivered in the 2013/2014 financial year.



Project and Summary



Takatu Landcare – to adequately control climbing asparagus with supportive work being carried out by a pest plant control contractor. A weed control contractor was engaged for climbing asparagus control work on properties with the worst infestations. This work was completed in May. Spot control of other weed species was carried out concurrently as allowed for within the contract specifications.



North West Wildlink bird survey –a qualified ecologist conducted bird counts at Muriwai, Riverhead and Pine Valley. The results have been collated and will be used as baseline information to allow comparisons of key indicator species and any increases of these over the future years of the project. The report produced is appended to this item as Attachment A.



Leigh Harbour Valley SocietyContractors and volunteers worked together to complete a control programme on key weed species. This has proven to be extremely effective with only a small amount of regrowth of these species appearing within the controlled areas. Since then the jasmine has had consecutive follow up control by the volunteer group.



Sandspit Strategic PlanThe Sandspit Residents and Ratepayers Association (SRRA) are initiating a community-led strategic plan for the Sandspit catchment. The Sandspit Strategic Plan will provide an integrated framework for the management of the Sandspit area. Andrew Stewart Limited were engaged to work alongside the community group.  Information has been collated from relevant agencies providing environmental, social, economic and cultural information for the catchment.  Initial engagement with the Sandspit community has been undertaken to introduce the SRRA proposal, agree appropriate governance and decision making processes and hear the range of issues and values associated to the catchment.  A programme of work to progress the management plan has also been drafted.



Tapora Land and Coast CareCollation of bird survey data has been completed. Landcare group members have worked alongside council staff to create a booklet about the unique biodiversity of Tapora as a reference book for Tapora locals.  The Landcare group will be sending Rodney Local Board members a copy of this booklet.
Residual funds of $500 were spent by the group on re-setting rat and stoat traps



Mahurangi Farm Forest trailMahurangi Action Incorporated has a vision to establish a walkway system in the Mahurangi area. Part of that proposed network is the 1.5km long Farm Forestry Trail along Duck Creek. Rodney Local Board funding was used to hire a digger to assist with track construction and metal was purchased for use on the track.



Kaipara Flats rail corridorA continuation of the Kaipara Flats School project supported in the last financial year by the Rodney Local Board. In this financial year a weed management and planting work plan has been developed with all parties.  Extensive weed control was undertaken to prepare the site for planting.  Plants were purchased and planted at a working bee involving the entire school, community members and Treescape staff.



Traps and Bait stations for Rodney community groups - Bait and traps were provided to Rodney landowners and community groups undertaking pest control.  Biosecurity were able to add value to this project by contributing further funds to the budget.



Hoteo North Historic School Society - This group manage the Hoteo North recreation reserve on behalf of the Auckland Council and the Department of Conservation. They have fenced two significant stands of Totara in the reserve with help from the Environmental Initiatives Fund.  The society purchased 500 plants along with materials needed to prepare the site for planting.



Kaukapakapa Area Resident and Ratepayer Association boardwalk The Kaukapakapa Area Resident and Ratepayer Association (KARRA) have created design and development guidelines for Kaukapakapa and identified potential enhancement projects they wish to advance. One of the projects identified by KARRA is enhancement of an area of bush on land owned by Auckland Council and Ministry of Education.  Work to remove difficult weeds was supported by the Local Board in 2012/13.  KARRA is now wishing to create a nature trail in this area.  Initial conversations with Local Parks highlighted the need to protect the unique root system of Kahikatea in the area of bush.  The Rodney Local Board budget in 2013/14 enabled the group to engage a contractor to design a boardwalk for the nature trail that will ensure the protection of the trees.  This includes drawings, calculations, technical specifications and cost estimates which will enable the group to move on to the next phase of their project.



Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association - Contractors were engaged to control pampas located on and below the cliff at Shelly Beach Reserve.  Pampas is a pest plant with seed that is easily spread by wind. 



Leigh Harbour Valley Society – The local board allocated this group $3k in September 2013, which has been used to engage a contractor to lead a weed control program. Further funding enabled the group to continue working with the contractor to target key weed species.  Contractors and volunteers worked together to complete a control programme and this has proven to be extremely effective with only a small amount of regrowth of these species appearing within the controlled areas. Since then the jasmine has had consecutive follow up control by the volunteer group.



Helensville Creek Lane Walkway Project – This project, led by the Helensville Lions, involves extending the Helensville creek lane walkway.  Rodney Local Board funding was used to purchase plants from local nurseries.  These plants will be planted on the walkway by the Helensville Lions.



Muriwai Environmental Action Group – Village Green redevelopment Contractors were engaged to fell a stand of pine trees and clear a large bank of weed species.  Since then the group has begun re-planting the bank with eco-sourced native plants.






Ecological survey of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

8.      At its meeting 9 September 2013 Rodney Local Board allocated $24,533 to identify priority areas for biodiversity management on local parks and opportunities for community restoration programmes to include threatened species protection and management where appropriate.  

9.       The Rodney Local Board budget for this project was supplemented by an I and ES Department biodiversity commitment of $75,400.  This funding covered project management, data analyst support and the ecological surveys of targeted local parks.

10.     The resulting ‘Ecological Survey and Prioritisation of Biodiversity Management on Local Parks within Rodney Local Board Area’ report is appended under separate cover to this agenda item. The total allocated budget for the 2013/2014 financial year has been expended.

11.     Officers from the biodiversity unit within I and ES will be attending a workshop on 18 August with the Rodney Local Board members to discuss the findings of the report and next steps for the budget allocation in the 2014/2015 financial year.


Local board views and implications

12.     This is a report prepared specifically to inform the local board about the delivery of budgets for the 2013/2014 financial year as allocated to the I and ES Department.

Maori impact statement

13.     While this report is for information only and does not require any decision making, it is recognised that environmental management, water quality and land management has integral links with the mauri of the environments and concepts of kaitiakitanga.


14.     The activities detailed in this report have been delivered within budget. Any decisions arising from discussions and planned changes to work programmes for the new financial year will have financial and resourcing implications which will need to be managed.







North-West Wildlink Project



Ecological Survey and Prioritisation Report





Theresa Pearce - Relationship Advisor


John Dragicevich - Manager Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Auckland Transport Update to Rodney Local Board, August 2014


File No.: CP2014/16693




1.       The purpose of this report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities.

Executive summary

2.       The report provides an update on transport matters for the information of the Rodney Local Board and a register of transport issues in the Board’s area, as collated by Auckland Transport’s (AT’s) Elected Member Relationship Manager North



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receives the Auckland Transport Update to the Rodney Local Board for August 2014.

b)      urgently consider the identification of new project proposals for its Local Board Transport Capital Fund programme so that subsequent initial assessment, detailed design, consultation, statutory approvals and construction can be completed by 30 June 2016.



Consultation on the future of public transport for Warkworth


3.       Auckland Transport is asking people in Warkworth for their input on the future of public transport for the area. An engagement survey which will help design and guide future public transport options opened on Monday, 21 July and will close on 18 August.


4.       The Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) allows for the introduction of a bus service between Warkworth and Silverdale which would run 7 days a week.  The RPTP suggests a two hour frequency during the day and hourly at peak times.  Buses would terminate at the new Hibiscus Coast Busway Station in Silverdale, where passengers could connect to services to Auckland city (via the Northern Express), or local services to other areas of the Hibiscus Coast. 


5.       The survey is the first step in engaging with the community and while feedback is being requested on the proposed Silverdale link, it is also an opportunity for people to indicate what other local and long distance services they would support. Any new services would be trialed for at least a year. 


6.       Based on the outcome of the survey, proposed routes and timetables will be developed and further discussion will then take place with the community. This two-step engagement will take some time and a balance between community desire and financial and practical constraints will have to be made; however, AT is confident that with the community’s input, a proposal can be developed to take forward.


7.       In addition feedback on the current Kowhai Connection is also being sought. 


8.       Any new services are likely to become operational in 2016, subject to the outcome of public consultation and tender process.  Changes to the Kowhai Connection as a result of this engagement could be made earlier.   

Update on Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF)


9.       In a report to all local boards in April, AT’s LBTCF projects’ manager, Phil Donnelly, requested the urgent identification of new project proposals for the LBTCF programme so that subsequent initial assessment, detailed design, consultation and statutory approvals (where required), and construction can be completed by 30 June 2016.


10.     The Rodney Local Board is therefore urged to consider the allocation of its remaining funds, currently totaling approximately $700,000 for this triennium, without delay to avoid the possibility of the fund being underspent at the end of its term in office.


11.     Construction of the following LBTCF projects identified by the Rodney Local Board has been completed:


·    Mountable kerb outside 336 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach (Project 118);

·    Footpath extension on Fordyce Road, Parakai (Project 174);

·    Extending the loose metal bridle trail on the northern side of Coatesville-Riverhead Highway from east of Glenmore Road to 264 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway (Project 179).

·    New footpath on Mahoenui Valley Road opposite the school to its intersection with Coatesville-Riverhead Highway (Project 180);

·    New footpath on Rodney Street, Wellsford (Project 190).


12.     The construction of Project 177, a new footpath on the eastern side of Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Elliot Street to the bridge, is almost complete. AT’s Road Corridor Maintenance Team recently constructed a small section of retaining wall very close to the bridge abutment and contractors will return to the site shortly to carry out the final stage of the work.


13.     The local board has confirmed construction of the following projects based on the allocation of funds shown:


·    Project 116, Puhoi Pedestrian Bridge - $170,000. The design for the bridge and the contract schedule are now being finalised and it is expected the project will be tendered in September.

·    Project 163, a 1.8m wide footpath on the western side of Oaia Road from Waitea Road to the distance that $95,000 will allow (estimated at 225m). The extent and design of this new path will be investigated in July/August and the physical works will then be tendered.

·    Construction of a footpath on the eastern side of Puhoi Road from Puhoi Library to Krippner Road Bridge (Project 162) will be carried out in conjunction with construction of the Puhoi Pedestrian Bridge (Project 116), commencing at the beginning of the 2014/2015 summer construction period.


14.     Residents affected by Project 205, construction of a 1.8m wide footpath on Point Wells Road, from Waimanu Place to approximately No. 30/32 Point Wells Road, recently provided feedback to the local board on the project, indicating their general approval. Detailed design and a contract schedule can now be completed and the physical works tendered.


15.     Construction of local access road improvements, 338 – 382 Main Road, Huapai (Project 175) has been completed, with chip sealing of the surface delayed by wet weather until 17 July.


16.     AT staff are scheduled to meet with the local board’s Transport Portfolio Leads (TPLs) on 28 July to further discuss Project 116, construction of a footpath on Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach, from Arabella Lane to the existing footpath. The outcome of these discussions will be advised at the meeting.


17.     The local board requested a detailed design and a firm cost estimate for a new 200m long footpath on Waitoki Road, Waitoki, from the corner of Kahikatea Flat Road (Project 161). The design work for this has been postponed pending release of decisions as to which footpaths will be funded through AT’s Community Transport New Footpaths’ budget 2014/2015, expected by the end of July/early August.


18.     Following a request from Member Garner, a seat has been made available from surplus stock for installation on Alexander Road, Algies Bay (Project 294), with the local board providing the installation cost of $2,000 from its LBTCF. This funding was approved at the local board’s meeting on 14 July and installation will proceed on receipt of advice from Member Garner as to where the seat should be located.


Issues Update


19.     The following Issues Update comprises issues raised by Elected Members and Local Board Services staff to 23 July 2014:






Riverhead Road, Kumeu

Request for speed calming on Riverhead Road, Kumeu.

Cr Webster's PA forwarded a request from the resident of 42 Riverhead Road, Kumeu, for traffic calming in the 50km/h area of Riverhead Road where traffic and vehicle speeds had increased with the recent intensified development. With Road Corridor Operations for detailed investigation.


Riverhead General

Requests from the Riverhead Residents' and Ratepayers' Association.

Member Garner forwarded a letter from the Riverhead Residents' and Ratepayers' Association on 8 April 2014 which asked that investigation be carried out into the provision of footpaths along Great North Road, Kaipara Portage Road and within the township generally, and a cycle path or shared pedestrian crossing on Coatesville Riverhead Highway from SH16 to the village and beyond; improved safety for drivers and pedestrians along Coatesville Riverhead Highway, particularly through the township; the provision of public transport; improved maintenance of all roads with an assessment of the quality and a timeframe for repairs; and addressing parking at War Memorial Reserve. Responses forwarded to the local board’s TPLs and noted in previous monthly reports have related to public transport, safety on Coatesville-Riverhead highway, a crossing point for students in the vicinity of Riverhead School, and the SH16/Coatesville-Riverhead Highway and Dairy Flat Highway/Coatesville-Riverhead Highway intersections. Further responses to queries regarding footpaths and cycling facilities was forwarded to the local boards TPLs on 8 July, indicating that footpath schemes on Great North Road, Kaipara Portage Road, Coatesville-Riverhead Highway and Maude Street are currently under investigation as part of the 2014-15 new footpath programme. Based on the results of the investigation process a decision will be taken on the schemes that will be progressed to construction based on cost, constructability and consenting. If the footpaths cannot be constructed as part of the 2014-15 programme, Auckland Transport will consider the schemes as part of the 2015-16 programme. As the Association notes, the Riverhead area is very popular for recreational and sports cycling, especially during the weekends. Auckland Transport has a programme to improve cycle safety in both rural and urban areas in Auckland and, in addition, when a road is resealed and upgraded, opportunities are investigated for providing or improving cycle facilities within the available budgets, work that usually involves widening the road shoulder to accommodate cyclists. Because there so many different routes cyclists take, it is not possible to provide dedicated cycle lanes on all roads. Where the Coatesville-Riverhead Highway passes through the town between the Riverhead Road roundabout and Arthur Street, there is adequate width for motorists to pass on-road cyclists safely. Beyond Arthur Street the road narrows due to the flush median which accommodates right turning bays. On this section of the highway speeds are generally lower and considered safe for experienced recreational cyclists. The road then widens again as it leaves the village. On 24 July the local board’s TPLs were advised that Kaipara Portage Road is currently on the draft forward works programme for rehabilitation in the 2014/15 financial year, subject to funding being available. Flushing issues recently identified at various sites have been water blasted, including Coatesville Riverhead Highway and Old North Road.  These sites will continue to be monitored. Further responses expected from Road Corridor Operations staff in August.


Kahikatea Flat Road, Waitoki

Request for statistics in relation to speed limit changes, and road noise concerns on Kahikatea Flat Road, Waitoki.

Board staff forwarded a request for statistics about a recent speed limit change from the owner of the property at 1187 Kahikatea Flat Road, Waitoki, and concerns relating to increased road noise in April 2014. On 22 July the local board's TPLs were advised of the response to the customer, which included a summary of findings from a comparison of speed data statistics taken before and after the speed limit change. It was noted that the reduction in speed ranged between 19 to 32% at the two locations and that this section of Kahikatea Flat Road had been targeted because of concerns that vehicles were not decelerating quickly enough and travelling at high speeds past Waitoki Primary School. The results collected in June suggested that there are significant reductions in speed which creates a safer environment for the school community and road users in the area. Furthermore, the reduction in operating speed along this section of Kahikatea Flat creates a safer environment for residents entering/exiting their driveways and at the intersections. This will in turn make is safer for all road users using this section of road. The surface of the road in relation to the noise issues was also investigated and AT’s maintenance staff advise that the surface in this area is to the standard for rural roads in Rodney and is currently within specifications. As such, no changes will be made to the road surface in the near future, nor are there further plans to mitigate the noise disturbance experienced.


Falls Road, Warkworth

Request for signage and maintenance repairs on Falls Road, Warkworth.

Cr Webster requested on 9 May 2014 that recent damage from heavy vehicles in the vicinity of Falls Road bridge, Warkworth, be investigated and addressed. Cr Webster also asked that signage indicating that the road/bridge is not suitable for trucks and/or trailers be installed to prevent the risk of further damage and accidents. On 6 June Cr Webster was advised that an investigation into remedial options for maintaining the section of Falls Road between Woodcocks Road and the ford will be carried out, the options to include both retaining the existing slope or relocating the road away from the drop into the river. These investigations should be completed by the end of July, with physical works dependent on the outcome of what’s decided. Signage request referred to Road Corridor Operations with a response expected mid-August.


Kauri Crescent, Riverhead

Request for more appropriate signage for Kauri Crescent, Riverhead.

Board staff requested information on the maintenance of unformed legal roads, the seal extension guidelines and priority list, and requested more appropriate signage be installed on Kauri Crescent, Riverhead, on 16 May 2014. On 19 May they were provided with links to relevant information on Auckland Transport's website relating to paper roads and seal extension work, and advised that the request for larger signage for both Kauri Crescent East and West, to better inform drivers that there is no through road link from one to the other, will be progressed. Referred to Road Corridor Operations.


Valley Road, Kaukapakapa

Request for enhancement of barrier preventing vehicles access to the paper road portion of Valley Road, Kaukapakapa.

Member McLean asked on 6 June 2014 for the implementation of additional measures, such as heavy duty lockable gates, concrete barriers and/or signage, to prevent vehicle access to the paper road portion of Valley Road, Kaukapakapa.  On 1 July the local board's TPLs were advised that an initial review and site visit has been undertaken, but that further detailed investigation was needed to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the suggestions made. This investigation has been prioritised and programmed, with an expected completion date of early October 2014. The local board will then be advised of the outcome and any recommendations resulting from the assessment. Under consideration by Road Corridor Maintenance.


Kauri Crescent, Waimauku

Creation/upgrade of a walkway over the paper road section of Kauri Crescent, Waimauku.

Following a presentation to the Rodney Local Board at its meeting on 9 June 2014 from residents of Kauri Crescent, Waimauku, the local board requested the creation/upgrade of a walkway over the paper road section extending for 200m between the properties at 161 and 145 Kauri Crescent to facilitate access to a 15ha Kauri forest known as Huapai Reserve. Specific requests included improvements to the track surface and accessibility; provision of dual pedestrian and horse paths; weed clearing and removal of wasp nests; and ‘Reserve’ signs at each end of the track. Referred to Road Corridor Operations.


Kauri Crescent, Waimauku

Maintenance on Kauri Crescent, Waimauku.

At the Rodney Local Board meeting on 9 June residents of Kauri Crescent, Waimauku, made a presentation during which they requested an improved standard of maintenance on Kauri Crescent East and West. They requested specifically that consideration be given to improving turning at both ends of Kauri Crescent and, until the roads can be sealed, and that both ends of Kauri Crescent and the drains are maintained regularly. On 11 July 2014 the local board's TPLs were advised that, while both Kauri Crescent East and West are regularly maintained and inspected, potholes are unfortunately a re-occurring maintenance issue associated with unsealed pavements and are actioned in accordance with contractual requirements. The road was inspected as a result of this request and while the general observation was that the roads are in a good condition and fall within specification, there are some areas of potholes that will be attended to. There are no clearly defined water tables on either road so they will both be included in the forward works drainage programme for the 2014/15 financial year for further investigation and action. Options for a turning circle have been investigated, but due to the limited extent of the road corridor boundary and the location of the property entrances, there is no scope to install a turning circle at either end of Kauri Crescent.


Kaspar Street, Warkworth

Safety concerns outside Warkworth Primary School, Kaspar Street, Warkworth.

Member Houlbrooke raised concerns relating to safety for children and congestion at Warkworth Primary School on 23 June 2014. On 22 July Member Houlbrooke and the local board's TPLs were advised that Kaspar Street is relatively narrow but parking is allowed on one side only, leaving sufficient room to access the turning head. The other side of the road carries a Clearway parking restriction at school times. The issues of parking on both sides at school times can therefore be addressed by enhanced enforcement of the Clearway restriction by AT’s Parking Enforcement staff, who have been alerted to the residents’ concerns. AT's Community Transport team has been asked to investigate the request for a footpath and also provide an update on the School Travel Plan for the school which will be forwarded to local board members when they come to hand. Referred Community Transport for further comment.


Oraha Road, Huapai - Damage to Vehicle

Request for installation of NSAAT restrictions and cautionary signage on the corner of Oraha and Main Road, Huapai.

On 25 June 2014 Member Pirrie requested investigation into the installation of NSAAT restrictions and cautionary signage on the corner of Oraha and Main Roads, Huapai, where narrow roads, parked cars, overgrown vegetation and sun strike compromise the safety of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. On 4 July Member Pirrie was advised that his request had been forwarded to NZTA as the controlling authority for the intersection.


Old North Road, Kumeu

Request for confirmation about reinstatement work carried out on Old North Road, Kumeu, in 2013.

On 25 June 2014 Member Pirrie asked for confirmation that Old North Road will/has been inspected and that, where contractors have not completed work or have done so to a poor standard, it will be reinstated to an acceptable standard; what the time frame for reinstatement or repair work will be; that ratepayers will not have to pay twice for the work to be done to an acceptable standard; and that Old North Road will be reinstated to an acceptable standard overall, given the amount of traffic that now uses it as a bypass road. Referred to Road Corridor Operations for investigation.


Motutara /Muriwai/Oaia Road intersection, Muriwai

Request that speed signage at the intersection of Motutara/Muriwai/

Oaia Roads, Muriwai, be relocated.

On 26 June 2014 Member Pirrie requested that the current location of speed signage in the vicinity of the intersection of Motutara/Muriwai/Oaia Roads be relocated to reduce vehicle speeds on entry to the intersection and on Oaia Road. Referred to Road Corridor Operations.


Waitea Road, Muriwai

Request for safety improvements on Waitea Road, Muriwai.

On 26 June 2014 Member Pirrie requested an investigation into the installation of NSAAT restrictions and cautionary signage on Waitea Road, Muriwai. On 11 July the local board's TPLs were advised that Road Corridor Operations staff acknowledge that Waitea Road is narrow in places where use of parking restrictions may be of benefit for vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist access. The suggestions made will be considered during further investigations into all possible options and potential consultation with residents. An update will be provided before the end of October 2014. Under investigation by Road Corridor Operations staff.



Huapai general

Queries raised at a community meeting on 24 June about the Kumeu/Huapai area.

Following a community meeting in Kumeu on 24 June 2014, local board staff asked whether, in relation to requests for footpaths on Oraha and Koraha Roads, AT is working on the old MUL or the new RUB; about the sub-regional strategy under development but NZTA/AT and whether the local board and the community could be involved with these plans, what they scope would be and how these plans would fit in with or form a part of the structure plan for the area; and for confirmation of the loss of all-day parking and whether the local board can have discussions around this before any changes are put in place. On 22 July local board staff were advised that, when prioritising footpath requests, AT’s Walking and Cycling staff refer to the draft Unitary Plan maps and documents for town centres and future growth areas. Information on SHAs is obtained from Auckland Council’s website. Areas signalled for future growth and development are given an additional scoring, but consideration is also given to existing pedestrian traffic volumes before a decision is made whether to consider the location for prioritisation in the next financial year or deferred to later years. With regard to future planning for the area, both the NZTA and AT are aware of the significant growth that is both occurring and being planned for the Kumeu/Huapai area.  To ensure that a holistic and comprehensive assessment of all issues is undertaken both agencies are proposing to work together on a sub-regional strategy for the wider area.  The study will look at the growth and type of land uses being proposed by the council, likely land release times and consider (at a minimum) existing problems and possible solutions; long term impact on SH16 and the arterial roading network at Kumeu/Huapai; potential public transport service requirements in the area; and long term cycling network for the new growth areas. It will be essential to have the council involved in this process to provide the growth and land use context for this study, and to ensure that a co-ordinated land use and transport outcome is achieved. It is proposed to conclude the study by mid to late 2015. With regard to parking, AT is reviewing parking management of the Kumeu Village parking area in response to concerns raised by local businesses about all day parkers monopolising parking and preventing shoppers from parking in the area. The area under review stretches from outside 50 to 84 and includes the 5 spaces opposite the car park of 86 to 90; turnover of parking spaces is needed most in the area from 74 to 82 Main Road. The investigation includes parking surveys of the area and consultation with affected local businesses to determine the appropriate parking management. At this stage it is not possible to comment on any specific measures that may be implemented or a time frame; however, formal consultation on any proposal will be undertaken with affected parties prior to the installation of any restrictions, including the Rodney Local Board.


Rodney General

Request for breakdown of road seal extension costs.

On 30 June Member Sayers requested generalised figures and an approximation of the cost breakdown to seal any road, to support a request to the governing body for an increase in the funding provided for road seal extension work in the Rodney Local Board area. While definitive advice could not be provided due to the diversity in nature of the roads listed on AT's seal extension priority list, as much information as possible, including a copy of the Institute of Professional Engineer's Fees Guidelines and information provided by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council, was provided on 4 July. 


Taupaki School

Safety concerns at Taupaki School

Member Pirrie forwarded a request from Taupaki residents for improved safety for parents and children in the area of Taupaki School, specifically around the 70km/h speed outside the school, lack of safe parking bays and footpaths, on 7 July 2014, asking that these be prioritised for delivery in the 2014/2015 financial year. On 18 July the local boards TPLs were advised that a 40km/h variable school speed zone is the preferred method of speed calming treatment when other measures are impractical, for instance on a busy main arterial road and where school-related activity on the road is high, where walking and cycling are the preferred modes of travel and there are high through traffic volumes and speeds. Electronic signs are located at either side of Taupaki School and were installed in accordance with NZTA guidelines Traffic note 56, which considers the warrant assessment for a 40km/h speed zone and takes into account traffic speed, pedestrian counts and pedestrian related crashes. As an additional speed calming measure, threshold type treatments (gated signs with kerb build-outs) have also been installed and are proving effective in reducing speeds and raising awareness of school related activity. Approximately $4.2M was spent on new footpaths in 2012/13 to 2013/14, with the construction of about 12km of footpaths. Requests for new footpaths are prioritised annually according to several criteria, including safety, proximity to schools, community facilities, public transport and employment. If selected, the proposed footpaths are investigated for construction. As the 2014/2015 programme is fully committed the request for footpaths on Waitakere and Cottle Roads will be included for consideration in the 2015/2016 programme. If the requests can’t be included in the 2015/2016 programme, they will be retained for reassessment and included in subsequent programmes. Taupaki School entered into a school travel plan programme with Rodney District Council in 2010. An update on progress made to date has been requested from AT’s Community Transport staff and will be provided when it comes to hand. Further response expected from Community Transport staff.


Hauraki Road, Leigh

Maintenance required on retaining wall on Hauraki Road, Leigh.

Member Houlbrooke advised on 10 July 2014 that the retaining wall on the road frontage from the Leigh Fire Station (28 Seatoun Road) to the entrance to Leigh School (26 Seatoun Road) is rotting away and allowing the bank to fall onto the footpath. Trees are also hanging over the footpath and blocking the school entrance, minimising driver visibility of both school entrance and pupils waiting to cross the road. It is also a shabby look to the entrance of Leigh Village. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance.


Seatoun /Hauraki Road intersection, Leigh

Request for improved safety at Seatoun/Hauraki Road intersection, Leigh.

Member Houlbrooke advised on 10 July 2014 that the corner of Seatoun Road and Hauraki Road opposite the Leigh Fire Station (28 Hauraki Road, Leigh) is dangerous, with vehicles sweeping into Seatoun Road towards Pakiri at speed passing the pre-school and school entrance where the school bus turns. Vehicles exiting Seatoun Road towards Matakana have very poor visibility to the left and over the short distance to the corner in Hauraki Road. Referred to Road Corridor Operations.


Pakiri Road, Leigh

Safety improvements for pedestrian access to the Sawmill from Leigh Village.

On 10 July 2014 Member Houlbrooke forwarded the concerns of people who walk to the Sawmill on Pakiri Road, Leigh, that the paved surface is falling off both sides of the road, that there is no way of avoiding traffic because of this, and that additional street lighting is also urgently needed. Referred to Community Transport, Road Corridor Maintenance and Street Lighting staff.


Growth Models

Request for confirmation that the growth models being used by Auckland Transport staff are relevant.

Member Garner, referring to the growth model being used by AT, noted on 10 July 2014 that he'd been given the following advice when trying to establish the origin of the model and rationale behind using it. It apparently suggests a decline in population for areas such as Warkworth which is at odds with the Auckland Plan and Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - “The decision was made to use the ART model to ensure that the organisation (Auckland Council) and stakeholders are planning for a future that is consistent with the Auckland Plan and is aligned with key transport projects that will shape Auckland’s current and future urban form. It is now recommended that the ART Model (output: Scenario I, Version 8b, attached) is to be used and distributed as the key non-financial forecasting information for the 2015 – 2025 LTP and Infrastructure Strategy". He asked that AT confirm whether this is the case and whether the modelling being used by AT to prioritise its capital works programme is up to date and relevant. The local boards TPL's were advised at their meeting on 28 July that AT’s Manager Strategic Transport Integration notes that the growth projections being used by AT in its strategy and planning work were provided by Auckland Council. It was suggested therefore that the local board refer its query to Auckland Council’s Team Leader Transport Modelling, Transport Strategy for further clarification if required.


Leigh and Ashton Roads, Whangateau

Complaints about road surface (Leigh Road) and recent repair work (Ashton Road) Whangateau.

Rodney Local Board Member Steven Garner forwarded complaints from a Whangateau resident on 11 July 2014 about the seal on Leigh Road and recent repair work on Ashton Road, Whangateau. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance for comment.


Matakana and Leigh Roads, Sandspit and Mahurangi East Roads, and Rodney roads in general

Request for information on upgrades programmed for Matakana and Leigh Roads, Sandspit and Mahurangi East Roads, and Rodney roads in general.

Having considered information on programmed rehabilitations/upgrades for the Leigh road (i.e. Matakana and Leigh Roads) and the Warkworth – Snells Beach road (Sandspit and Mahurangi East Roads), at their meeting on 9 July 2014, the Rodney Local Board’s TPLs asked when these roads and other roads throughout the Rodney Local Board area are programmed for major upgrades (i.e. installation of footpaths, kerb and channel, shape correction etc.) to bring them up to the standard now required because of the increased volumes of traffic being experienced. Referred to Capital Development.


Station Road, Huapai and Waitoki Road, Wainui

Request for footpaths and safe crossing points for schools on Station Road, Huapai and Waitoki Road, Wainui.

To meet the demands of growing school populations for Huapai Primary School (40 Station Road, Huapai) and Wainui Primary School (492 Waitoki Road, Silverdale), on 18 July Member McLean requested a pedestrian safe children’s road crossing at Trigg Road and footpaths on Station Road, Huapai and a 450m footpath connecting the school to a local park, located 450m away on the concern of Waitoki/Wainui Roads (Kings Park). Referred to Community Transport for consideration.


Footpath programme

Request for information on the criteria, scoring system and weighting used for footpath prioritisation.

Member Garner requested information about the criteria, scoring system and weighting for footpath prioritisation so that he could better understand this on 22 July 2014. Referred to Community Transport.


Local board views and implications

20.     This report is for the Local Board’s information.

21.     The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy, all programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the Council’s Annual Plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.

Maori impact statement

22.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


23.     There are no implementation issues.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Ellen Barrett - Elected Member Realtionship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



New Road Name – Kohia Way and Pohue Avenue


File No.: CP2014/14957




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for two new road names in the BA Developments Limited subdivision at 116 and 118 Tapu Road, Huapai.

Executive summary

2.       A condition of the subdivision consent required the applicant to suggest to council names for the new roads within the subdivision, which will vest in council.

3.       The applicant wishes to name the two roads within the 51 lot subdivision Kohia Way and Pohue Avenue.




That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the new road names under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Kohia Way and Pohue Avenue for the BA Developments Limited subdivision at 116 and 118 Tapu Road, Huapai, Council reference SLC-60586.




4.       The applicant is BA Developments Limited, the site address is 116 and 118 Tapu Road, Huapai and the Council Reference is SLC – 60586.

5.       This 51 residential lot development was approved in 2013. As required by the resource consent, and following consultation with Glenn Wilcox of Ngati Whatua o Kaipara, the applicant company has suggested that the new road be named Kohia Way and Pohue Avenue. Both of these words, when translated from Te Reo Maori, mean ‘New Zealand passionfruit’. The New Zealand passionfruit is a native vine, with fruit smaller than a garden passionfruit, and is orange in colour, pear shaped and was eaten by Maori in the area. These names were recommended on the basis that they reflect the fertility of the land and the original orchard areas in Huapai, which, in turn, means ‘Good Fruit’.


Local board views and implications

6.       A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road names under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.


Maori impact statement

7.       The applicant has corresponded with Glenn Wilcox of Ngati Whatua o Kaipara. This Hapu has a vested interest in this area and it was required that they be consulted throughout the subdivision process.

8.       Originally, the applicant provided Ngati Whatua o Kaipara with two English names for the roads, however, following consultation, the names Kohia and Pohue were agreed upon to reflect the original fruit growing in Huapai and the land’s fertility.


9.       The Land Information database confirms that there are no similar road names in the area.

10.     If and when the name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Kohia Way and Pohue Ave Scheme Plan



Kohia Way and Pohue Ave Locality Map





Frank Lovering - Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees - Resource Consents Team Manager North


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



New Road Name – Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road


File No.: CP2014/14958




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for three new road names in the Matua Vista Limited Subdivision off Matua Road, Huapai.

Executive summary

2.       A condition of the subdivision consent required the applicant to suggest to council names for the new roads within the subdivision, which will vest in council.

3.       The applicant wishes to name three roads, one short and two to be extended in the future, to access the 37 lot residential subdivision off Matua Road, Huapai.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the new road names under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road for the Matua Vista Limited subdivision off Matua Road, Huapai, council reference SLC-60369.





4.       The applicant is Matua Vista Limited, the site address is186 & 218 Matua Road and the  Council Reference is SLC-60369.

5.       This 37 residential lot development was approved in 2013. As required by the resource consent the applicant company has suggested that the new roads be named Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road.

6.       Coote Way – This road is 60 metres in length and is wholly within the subdivision. Michael Coote and his wife Lynda Coote currently own the land. They bought 20ha in Huapai in the 1980s and are the developers of the land. They still remain living at the southern end of the development and will continue to do so.

7.       Bellamont Street – This road is wholly within the subdivision and is approximately 500m in length. The Coote family, with associations to the area, originally comes from Ireland where they lived on Coote Hill in Bellamont Estate. The trading trust in charge of the development work for this subdivision is called Bellamont Trust.

8.       Fruitlands Road – This road will traverse the Matua Vista Subdivision and when completed will extend from Tapu Road to Matua Road for 1.2km. This road name is proposed to remember ‘Northern Fruitlands Limited’ that operated in the area for approximately 50 years, until 1947, when the 12ha of land was bequeathed to Auckland University to preserve Kauri trees and for research purposes.


Local board views and implications

9.       A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.

Maori impact statement

10.     The applicant has corresponded with Glenn Wilcox of Ngati Whatua o Kaipara, who replied saying “We make no comment regarding them, as is our tikanga, we wish you all the best with the project”.


11.     Land Information New Zealand confirms that these names are appropriate and there are no similar names in the area.

12.     If and when the name is approved the developer will be advised and they are responsible for erecting the new road name signs.







Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road Scheme Plan



Coote Way, Bellamont Street and Fruitlands Road Locality Map





Frank Lovering - Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees - Resource Consents Team Manager North


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



New Road Name - Memorial Lane


File No.: CP2014/14959




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for a new road name between Worker Road and Port Albert Road (State Highway 16), Wellsford.

Executive summary

2.       Resource consent L56708 was granted in 2010 subject to conditions relating to its construction. This work was completed some time ago and now this road that provides access between Worker Road and Port Albert Road (State Highway 16), Wellsford is required to be named.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 of Memorial Lane linking Worker Road and Port Albert Road, Wellsford, Council reference L56708.





3.       The applicant is Auckland Transport, the site address is 6 Port Albert Road and 19 Worker Road, Wellsford and the Council reference is L56708.

4.       In August 2010 the former Rodney District Council negotiated with a land owner to construct a short link road between Worker Road and Port Albert Road (State Highway16) in Wellsford. Consent was granted in late 2010. This work was completed some time ago and Auckland Transport now wishes to name this road. A name was put forward to the local board in 2012, however this name was not supported and the local board encouraged the applicant to undertake greater consultation. The engineers who were previously handling this matter are no longer associated with it.

5.       Following consultation and agreement with the local community, local board member James Colville put forward the name Memorial Lane. This name reflects the wish of the community to commemorate the returned service men and women. There is a strong presence of the RSA in Wellsford and this name further entrenches this commitment of remembrance.


Local board views and implications

6.       A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name under section 319(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.

Maori impact statement

7.       Consultation was undertaken as part of the community consultation. There was no objection.


8.       The Land Information New Zealand database confirms that Memorial Lane is unique to the area.

9.       If and when the name is approved Auckland Transport will be advised that they are responsible for erecting the new road name sign.







Scheme Plan



Memorial Lane Locality Map





Frank Lovering - Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor


Bonnie Lees - Resource Consents Team Manager North


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Movies in Parks 2014/2015


File No.: CP2014/16052




1.       The purpose of this report is to advise the Rodney Local Board of the Movies in Parks programme planned for the 2014-2015 year and seek approval from the local board to part fund a movie in their area.

Executive summary

2.       Movies in Parks are a series of free open air film screenings. The events have been popular, well attended and generate very high satisfaction rates amongst attendees.

3.       The Event Delivery team is planning the 2014-2015 programme, and seeks approval from the Rodney Local Board to host an event in their area.

4.       Funding for the Movies in Parks programme is from three sources: the governing body, the local board, and commercial sponsors/partners. The first event is offered at a subsidised rate and each additional event will be offered at full operational cost.   The marketing costs will be covered by the governing body.

5.       The local board’s financial contribution to the Movies in Parks programme is $6,250 for one event and $8,500 for each additional event.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      agrees to host one Movies in Parks event in the Rodney Local Board area.

b)      allocates $6,250 for one ‘Movies in Parks’ event to be held at Lucy Moore Memorial Park, Warkworth on Saturday, 12 January 2015.

c)      delegate the chairperson and event portfolio holder or other local board member to work with council staff to tailor the Movies in Parks scheduled event for the Rodney Local Board community.




6.       The outcome of the Annual Plan 2012-2013 reprioritisation process resulted in a $152,000 reduction in the regional events budget and the Movies in Parks programme being removed.

7.       The Culture, Arts and Events (CAE) Forum requested that staff report in detail on the 2012-2013 Movies in the Parks programme and identify possible options and alternatives for delivery for a 2013-2014 Movies in Park programme. 

8.       After consulting with local boards, the wider Auckland community and other interested parties, staff confirmed there was a strong desire to bring back an enhanced Movies in Parks programme for the 2013-2014 season.

9.       Events staff then worked with 16 local boards to deliver a successful Movies in Parks programme of 19 events across Auckland.     

10.     Movies in Parks are popular events, and are well supported by our communities. Key facts and figures for 2013/2014 programme are:

·    19 local events took place.

·    overall attendance was 30,600, with an average attendance of 1,610 per event.

·    overall satisfaction with Movies in Parks was high, with 93 percent stating that they were satisfied with the event overall. This score is above the target for events of 85 percent (Colmar Brunton survey 2013-2014 Movies in Parks).

11.     Funding for the programme will come from three sources: the governing body, the local boards, and commercial sponsors/partners.

12.     A total of $50,000 has been allocated from the regional events budget and discussions are currently being held with a commercial sponsor/partner.

13.     Local boards are now being asked to consider and approve their involvement in the 2014-2015 programme. The total cost to the Rodney Local Board to host a movie is $6,250.

14.     Council staff will work with the chair, delegated local board members and events portfolio holders to tailor the event to increase community engagement.

15.     A successful marketing campaign was delivered in 2013-14 resulting in a 50 percent increase in website visits and a 67 percent increase in attendance figures.  Local boards were attributed on all local marketing including suburban press ads, billboards, local posters and onsite at events.

16.     A programme has been drafted for the 2014-2015 Movies in Parks series, taking into consideration

·    availability, location, accessibility, current infrastructure, vehicles access, parking and access to public transport at each venue

·    feedback from previous movie events successfully held in your community with the view to increase attendance on already established events.

·    feedback received from the local board via either the event delivery or event facilitation team.


17.     The following event for the Rodney Local Board has been scheduled into the draft programme.





Movies in Parks


12 January 2015

Lucy Moore Memorial Park, Warkworth


18.     In August 2013 the Rodney Local Board resolved (resolution number RD/2013/230) the following with regard to Movies in Parks:

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      supports the concept of movies in parks and considers that there should be

regional funding for this events programme.

b)      requests that opportunities to partner with community groups to deliver the

movies in parks events programme should be explored.



Local board views and implications

19.     The Rodney Local Board has shown minimal interest in supporting the event.  This report is written to provide the Rodney Local Board with results on last year and information regarding costs.

Maori impact statement

20.     The 2014-2015 Movies in Parks programme is designed to benefit the local community as a whole, including Maori.


21.     Following agreement from the local board to host a movie, discussions around tailoring the event, need be finalised by 30 August 2014 to enable marketing deadlines to be met and ensure a successful campaign is delivered.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Eleanor Cooley - Event Organiser


Kevin Marriott - Acting Manager Community Development Arts and Culture

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Member's attendance at Making Good Decisions Course


File No.: CP2014/16288




1.       Member Flaunty has requested that the local board approve his recertification for the Making Good Decisions course so that he can continue to sit on resource consent hearings if necessary.

Executive summary

2.       The aim of the making Good Decisions Panel Recertification course is to:

·         Share knowledge and experiences gained since attendance at the first course.

·         Ensure that knowledge is up to date with legislative changes and case law decisions

·        Cement learning outcomes from the first course and help to further develop the range of complex skills.

3.       Recertification is required in order to be able to sit as a panel member on a resource consent hearing.

4.       The Making Good Decisions Panel Recertification course is run on one day and requires the completion of a post workshop written assessment. The cost of attendance is $1,113.91 excluding GST. The course will be held in Auckland on 20 August 2014.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve Member Flaunty’s attendance at the Making Good Decisions Panel Recertification course is to be held in Auckland on 20 August 2014 at a cost of $1,113.91 excluding GST so that he can continue to sit on resource consent hearings if necessary.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Feedback on Allocation of Decision Making Review


File No.: CP2014/16401




1.       Attached for the local board’s information is the Rodney Local Board’s feedback on the Allocation of Decision Making Review.

Executive summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board at its business meeting on Monday, 14 July 2014 considered a report on the Allocation of Decision Making Review. The local board resolved (RD/2014/154) to:

a)   delegate the feedback on the allocation of decision making review issues paper to the Chairperson, Member Steele, and Members Pirrie and Houlbrooke and identify any additional issues relevant to the scope of the review.

3.       The members met to work on the feedback which is attached for information.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      formally approve their feedback on the allocation of decision making review issues paper.








Rodney Local Board feedback on the Allocation of Decision Making Review





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Technical Publications from the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU)


File No.: CP2014/16956




1.       To provide the Rodney Local Board with information on technical publications produced by the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU).

Executive summary

2.       The Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved at its meeting on 3 July 2014 to forward the report to all local boards for their information. Below is the resolution.

3.       Resolution number REG/2014/90

MOVED by Chairperson GS Wood, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Anae:  

That the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee:

a)           note the list of Auckland Council technical publications 1 January to 30 June 2014

b)           agree that the report be forwarded to all local boards for their information.


4.       Attached as Attachment A is the report to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee’s meeting on 3 July 2014.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the information referred by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee on Technical Publications from the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit (RIMU).








Report to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee on Technical Publications from the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Deputation/Public Forum Update


File No.: CP2014/17113




1.       As part of its business meetings Rodney Local Board has a period of time set aside for Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum during which time members of the public can address the Local Board on matters within its delegated authority.

Executive Summary

2.       Under Standing Orders there is provision for Deputations/Presentations to the Local Board. Applications for Deputations/Presentations must be in writing setting forth the subject and be received by the Relationship Manager at least seven working days before the meeting concerned, and subsequently have been approved by the Chairperson. Unless the meeting determines otherwise in any particular case, a limit of ten minutes is placed on the speaker making the presentation.

3.       Standing Orders allows three minutes for speakers in Public Forum.

4.       Requests, matters arising and actions from the Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum are recorded and updated accordingly. The Rodney Local Board Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum Update is attached as Attachment A.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      receive the Deputation/Public Forum Update.








Deputation/Public Forum Update





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board Workshop Records


File No.: CP2014/17112




1.       Attached are the Rodney Local Board workshop records of 8 and 21 July 2014.

Executive Summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board holds regular workshops. Attached for information are the records of the most recent workshop meetings.



That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      Workshop records for 8 and 21 July 2014 be accepted.








Workshop Record 8 July 2014



Workshop Record 21 July 2014





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014





Rodney Local Board

11 August 2014



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Acquisition of land for reserve purposes, Waimauku

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains information that needs to be withheld subject to negotiations.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.