Seniors Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Seniors Advisory Panel held in the Waitemata Room, Level 3, Auckland Central Library, Auckland on Monday, 4 August 2014 at 10.03am.
Interim Chairperson |
Margaret Devlin |
Interim Deputy Chairperson |
Russell Rigby |
Members |
Dr Judy Blakey |
Janet Clews, CNZM,QSO, JP |
Roger Fowler |
Joan Lardner-Rivlin, QSM |
From 10:05am Item 1 |
Sonny Niha |
Until 11:58am Item 10 |
Liaison Councillor |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Member |
Richard Northey |
Seniors Advisory Panel 04 August 2014 |
Resolution number SEN/2014/9 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member R Rigby: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) accept the apology from Member RJ Northey for absence. |
Member Joan Lardner-Rivlin arrived at 10:05am |
2 Declaration of Interest
Member Janet Clews recorded a conflict of interest for Item 7. in relation to the Local Alcohol Policy.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number SEN/2014/10 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member J Clews: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday 24 June 2014, as a true and correct record, subject to a minor change at Item 7 ‘Auckland Council strategies, policies and services for older people’ item b) change the word ‘create’ to ‘prepare’ b) request staff prepare a draft programme of work that includes understanding and providing strategic advice … |
4 Extraordinary Business
4.1 |
Presentation on financial policies in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 |
The reason this item was not included on the agenda was that the information could not wait until the next panel meeting on 22 September 2014 as that would be too late in the engagement process for issues to be raised. |
Resolution number SEN/2014/11 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member J Blakey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) accept the Extraordinary Item to be considered as Item 10.1 on this agenda. |
5 |
Staff gave a powerpoint presentation.
A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number SEN/2014/12 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member R Rigby: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the information b) agree that the Lead Officer Support be authorised to provide feedback on behalf of the panel on the draft principles and approach to policy development, and how the council could further enable and encourage older people to engage with Auckland Council. |
a Presentation on Significance & Engagement Policy |
6 |
Resolution number SEN/2014/13 MOVED by Member J Clews, seconded by Member S Niha: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) note the common themes arising from the draft local board plans b) recommend that local boards give early and ongoing consideration to include older people in all consultation and planning and seek advice from the panel and key stakeholders locally as required c) encourage local boards to become familiar with the work programme of this panel and look for areas of common interest to progress d) encourage local boards to consider appointing a portfolio holder to champion older people’s interest in their area e) send a copy of its work programme to local boards for their information. |
7 |
Staff gave a powerpoint presentation.
A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number SEN/2014/14 MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member S Niha: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) provide the following feedback on the draft Auckland Council Local Alcohol Policy i) support developing and implementing a Local Alcohol Policy for Auckland Council ii) support having Broad Area A for the later hours but believe the main business areas of Newmarket and Parnell be added to the CBD, Newton and Ponsonby Road iii) support priority areas in Broad Area B but believe Sandringham and Wesley should be added iv) given the numerous references to environmental and cumulative impact assessments (ECIA’s) in the implementation of the Local Alcohol Policy, council give careful consideration to the processes that invite salient stakeholders (including younger people) to provide feedback into relevant measures that will reliably gauge and reflect the cumulative environmental impact of alcohol consumption over specified periods of time v) support a simplified approval process for access to alcohol for places of a residential nature such as retirement villages/rest homes. |
a Presentation on the Draft Local Alcohol Policy b Tabled draft submission |
Member Janet Clews neither spoke nor voted on this item. |
8 |
The Principal Advisor Panels gave a powerpoint presentation.
A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number SEN/2014/15 MOVED by Member J Clews, seconded by Member J Lardner-Rivlin: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the presentation regarding panels’ engagement with Auckland Council. |
a Presentation on engaging with council |
9 |
Resolution number SEN/2014/16 MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member J Lardner-Rivlin: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) confirm its draft work programme for recommendation to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee b) endorse that an additional sub-programme be encouraging council pilot projects that increase inter-generational communication and skills sharing c) agree that the Lead Officer Support be authorised to make any minor edits or amendments to the draft work programme to reflect decisions made by the Panel during the discussion. |
10 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
10.1 |
Presentation on financial policies in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 |
Staff gave a powerpoint presentation.
A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Member Sonny Niha left the meeting at 11:58 am. |
Resolution number SEN/2014/17 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member J Lardner-Rivlin: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive and note the content of the information b) provide further feedback on engagement with older people over the rating policy and social housing rentals c) endorse that a working party consisting of Margaret Devlin, Janet Clews and Russell Rigby discuss the rating policy and social housing rentals. |
a Presentation on financial policies in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 |
12.40 pm The Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.