I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 28 August 2014 6.30pm Waitakere
Ranges Local Board Office |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Chairperson |
Sandra Coney, QSO |
Deputy Chairperson |
Denise Yates, JP |
Members |
Neil Henderson |
Greg Presland |
Steve Tollestrup |
Saffron Toms |
(Quorum 3 members)
Glenn Boyd (Relationship Manager) Local Board Services (West)
Tua Viliamu Democracy Advisor
25 August 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 813 9478 Email: Tua.Villamu@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 6
5 Leave of Absence 6
6 Acknowledgements 6
7 Update from Ward Councillors 6
8 Deputations 6
8.1 Parrs Park Aquatics 6
9 Public Forum 7
10 Extraordinary Business 7
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Auckland Transport Update Report - Waitakere Ranges Local Board 9
13 Auckland Transport Update Quarterly Report to Waitakere Ranges Local Board 33
14 Local Event Support Fund - Round 1 2014/2015 65
15 Lopdell Apex Landscape Treatment 73
16 Consultation Findings for the Piha Dog Bylaw Signage Proposal and Approval for a Revised Work Programme 81
17 Annual Report 2013/14 101
18 Quarterly Performance Report for period ended June 2014 107
19 Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme Allocation For The 2014/2015 Financial Year 187
20 Septic Tank Pumpout Programme Update
This report will be tabled at the meeting.
21 For Information: Reports referred to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board 197
22 Confirmation of workshop records - June/July 2014 223
23 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
At its meeting on 28 November 2013, the Waitakere Ranges Local Board resolved (resolution number WTK/2010/5) to record any possible conflicts of interest in a register.
Board Member |
Organisation / Position |
Sandra Coney |
· Waitemata District Health Board – Elected Member · Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron |
Neil Henderson |
· Portage Trust – Elected Member · West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director · Weedfree Trust – Employee |
Greg Presland |
· Portage Trust – Elected Member · Lopdell House Development Trust – Trustee · Titirangi Residents & Ratepayers Group – Committee Member |
Steve Tollestrup |
· Waitakere Licensing Trust – Elected Member · Community Waitakere – Trustee · West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director |
Saffron Toms |
Denise Yates |
· Ecomatters Environment Trust – Deputy Chair · Keep Waitakere Beautiful Trust – Board Member · Huia-Cornwallis Ratepayers & Residents Association – Co-chairperson · Charlotte Museum Trust – Trustee |
Member appointments
Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.
Board Member |
Organisation / Position |
Sandra Coney |
· Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee |
Neil Henderson |
· Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee · Living Cell Technologies Animal Ethics Committee – Member |
Saffron Toms |
· Ark in the Park – Governance Group Member |
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 14 August 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Update from Ward Councillors
An opportunity is provided for the Waitakere Ward Councillors to update the board on regional issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
Purpose The Auckland West Aquatic Sports Trust has asked for the opportunity to present a proposal to the local board to purchase and expand the Waterhole Swimming Centre on Parrs Park, Glen Eden. The current facility is situated on the council reserve, Parrs Park. Waterhole Swimming Centre Ltd own the facility and have a lease with council for land use. A submission from the Auckland West Aquatic Sports Trust is attached.
Recommendation That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receives the deputation from Auckland West Aquatic Sports Trust and thank them for the presentation (attachment A)
Attachments a Submission from the Auckland West Aquatic Sports Trust - Parrs Park Aquatics.................................................................................................... 3 |
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
Auckland Transport Update Report - Waitakere Ranges Local Board
File No.: CP2014/16300
Executive summary
1. The purpose of the report is to respond to Local Board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport’s activities in the Board area.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport updated report |
Monthly Overview and Implementation Issues Update
2. Auckland Transport has completed its Annual Fare Review which saw ticket prices on buses, trains and ferries change from 6 July. From that date adults who use the AT HOP card for their travel will receive a 20% discount off the single trip adult cash fare (excluding NiteRider, Airbus Express and Waiheke ferry services). Child and tertiary AT HOP users will also continue to receive discounts on most services, when compared to the equivalent cash fares. In contrast most cash fares for bus and train and some cash fares for ferry will increase (some AT HOP fares for ferries will also increase).
3. The annual review takes into account operator cost increases (e.g. fuel and wages), revenue and patronage movements. Auckland Transport is also undertaking a strategic review of all public transport costs and pricing and this is due to be completed towards the end of the year.
4. Auckland Transport believes that Public transport must be seen as a viable alternative to the car if Auckland is to even begin to resolve its transport problems and by making travel even more attractive on the AT HOP card it is hoped that more people will switch to public transport.
5. In addition to an increased discount on AT HOP Auckland Transport has removed the 25 cent top-up fee and reduced the minimum top-up amount on the card from $10 to $5. The card itself will also remain at $5 until at least 31 January 2015.
6. From 6 July when the new fares were implemented, cash fares are now in 50 cent multiples as this reduces cash handling on buses in particular. (The exception to this is the City LINK child cash fare which will remain at 30 cents). Auckland Transport is hoping to move to implementing an exact fare/no change given policy in the future and will investigate the potential of removing cash fares altogether, as has recently been introduced in Sydney.
7. Auckland will be the recipient of six of the twelve new digital Fixed Speed Cameras released by the New Zealand police to help reduce speed-related crash risk across the country.
8. This is a significant national and regional milestone for road safety as a whole, and attached is the NZ Police media release for your info, as you may get public enquiries in response to this.
Key points include:
· 12 new digital Fixed Speed Cameras announced, six of which are in Auckland: two replacing old sites and four new sites (locations in media release attached)
· New robust digital and wireless Fixed Speed Camera technology
· Proven to reduce speed and crash-risk at high-risk locations
· Located at high-risk crash sites, & based on robust site assessment
· Site selection included input from Police, NZTA, Auckland Transport, Councils, AA
· Part of national Safe Journeys Action Plan to create Safe Speeds
· 76% of New Zealanders support speed enforcement to help reduce fatalities on the roads
· Speeding tickets do not generate revenue for Police
· Another 44 digital speed cameras to be rolled out nationally in the next 18 months
· Progress also underway on three Red Light Cameras based on a similar methodology and technology
9. The New Zealand Police will be installing and replacing six Fixed Digital Speed Cameras at the following high-risk speed-related crash locations:
10. Replacement of Existing Wet-film Fixed Speed Camera with New Digital Fixed Speed Camera:
· 620 Great South Road, Otahuhu: Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board
· 3236 Great North Road, Fruitvale: Whau Local Board
11. Installation of New Digital Speed Cameras:
· 57 Mill Road, Totara Park: Manurewa-Papakura Local Board
· 79 Murphys Road, Totara Park: Howick Local Board
· 174 Candia Road, Waitakere: Waitakere Ranges Local Board
· 3 Tamaki Drive, Orakei: Orakei Local Board
12. Auckland Transport is currently working on an Urban Motorcycle Demonstration project on Great North Road/Parrs Cross Road and West Coast Road/Swanson Road.
13. Motorcycle riding requires a higher level of both vehicle control and cognitive skills than car driving. The potential outcomes of any crash, whether caused by the rider, other road users, the road environment or the vehicle itself, are severe. The risk of a motorcyclist being killed or seriously injured in a crash is about 18 times higher than for a car driver.
14. As part of the investigation Auckland Transport are looking at the options of the removal of clearways and parking to be able to achieve a more consistent road layout throughout the routes.
15. As part of the investigation AT are also looking at some intersection improvements, signage improvements, pedestrian improvements, potential operational capacity improvements. This is all in early stages and AT will be presenting this project to the Local Board for feedback
16. Young Aucklanders are getting the Travelwise message with more than 200,000 students now taking part in the programme.
17. The success of the programme was celebrated on 26 June at an awards ceremony at Eden Park where schools were presented with certificates by Auckland Mayor Len Brown.
18. Since last year’s awards, 75 new schools have joined Travelwise bringing the total number of participating schools in Auckland to 400, which is a 23% increase since last year.
19. Schools north of the bridge came out on top with 31 gold awards. Schools in the South collected 11 gold awards, while Central/West schools took home five golds. A total of 241 awards were presented on the night, including 13 special awards.
20. Over all of Auckland, 70% of school aged students attend a Travelwise school. Broken down by sub-region, 83% of North schools, 78% of Central/West schools and 58% of South schools are Travelwise schools.
21. Auckland Transport has begun a two-year-long process of seeking operators interested in tendering for Auckland’s rail, bus and ferry services, when current contracts expire.
22. Auckland Transport is conducting soundings across all three Public Transport modes at one time, even though their respective agreements expire at different times. It’s doing this because it is much more efficient to hold one event, rather than three, and it enables operators to consider tendering for more than one of the services. It also ensures that Auckland Transport’s processes are going forward together and potentially adding value to each other.
23. Re-tendering out contracts to a competitive market will ensure Auckland ratepayers receive the best value for money for public transport services.
24. This process is part of a wider Auckland Transport objective to enhance public transport operations in Auckland, as proposed in the Auckland’s Regional Public Transport Plan.
25. It is being planned to ensure that the transition between old and new agreements is seamless and the successful tenderers are able to start operations without affecting either customers or the service.
26. Parliament's Transport and Industrial Relations Committee has reported back on the Land Transport Amendment Bill and recommended that it be passed with amendments proposed by the Committee. If passed into law as recommended, the changes will come into force on 1 December 2014.
27. The Land Transport Amendment Bill proposes a number of amendments to the Land Transport Act 1998, to address the problem of alcohol-impaired driving.
28. The bill seeks to:
· lower the adult legal alcohol limits from 80 to 50 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood, and from 400 to 250 micrograms per litre of breath;
· create an infringement regime for adult drivers who return an evidential breath test result in the range of 251 to 400 mcg per litre, with proposed penalties of an infringement fee of $200 and 50 demerit points (There would be no right to request a blood test in these circumstances.)
· set a higher infringement fee of $500 plus 50 demerit points, plus the costs of the blood test, for adult drivers who fail or refuse to undergo the breath test, and whose blood test results are in the infringement range (51 to 80 mg per 100 ml), and
· address a loophole in the Act regarding drivers who cannot give blood samples for medical or physical reasons, by allowing prosecution of a driver for refusing to permit a blood specimen to be taken on a subsequent occasion, if a required blood specimen again cannot be taken for physical or medical reasons.
29. Auckland Transport has received a request from a resident at Bethells requesting the installation of broken yellow lines for people parking and walking to Lake Wainamu.
30. Auckland Transport is investigating this request from a resident in Bethells.
31. The Glen Eden Business Association, through the Local Board public forum, requested that Auckland Transport investigate the safety concerns at the corner of Captain Scott Road and West Coast Road.
32. Auckland Transport is currently investigating the safety concerns at this intersection and will report back their findings at the end of August.
33. Auckland Transport has received a public request for “slow down" strips, similar to those formerly in place at the junction of Piha Road & Scenic Drive, to be installed on Seaview Road. The requester believes it is very dangerous crossing Sea View Road, at the point where one footpath ends and the other footpath begins on the other side of the road.
34. Preventing drivers from leaving the road is about awareness or risk. Keeping in mind the Piha community’s preference to limit road side signs Auckland Transport hope to achieve such awareness with the installation of the requested ‘SLOW’ road makings. These markings will be installed on each approach to the bend before the end of October 2014. Once the road markings have been in place for a while AT will review the impact they have had. If the impact is deemed unsatisfactory AT will at that point need to consider road side signs such as advance curve warning and speed signs to prepare drivers for the approaching bend.
35. From the photo sent to AT, there were concerns with the location where the children are waiting for the bus. Auckland Transport will contact the school and the bus operators to ensure that pick-up and drop-off activities are being carried out in a safe manner.
36. Looking at the suggestion of audio tactile markers, AT have had to remove these in the past from residential areas because of the sound pollution they cause when vehicles drive over them. Additionally, these tactile markers do not provide significant benefits unless there is enough shoulder width for a recovery area. For these reasons, AT cannot consider installing audio tactile markers.
37. Another suggestion was to install contrasting colours on the road surface. The most common coloured surfacing you may have seen is greyish and this is high friction surfacing. Because this surfacing is so expensive, both for the installation and maintenance, AT must install it sparingly. For this specific bend, the surfacing doesn’t meet the requirements and therefore it has not been approved.
38. The Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association request Auckland Transport to investigate installing warning signs on the new pedestrian crossing in Titirangi Village.
39. The missing Pedestrian crossing signs have been installed.
40. Auckland Transport has received a request from the residents of Albionvale Road to investigate a number of concerns. These concerns mainly relate to pedestrian safety and vehicle access.
41. Auckland Transport has carried out an assessment of Albionvale Road to evaluate the feasibility of installing speed calming measures in this location. The speed data AT has collected shows that most (85th percentile) people are travelling at or below the 50km/h posted speed limit. The crash record for Albionvale Road for the past 5 years revealed that overall there have been a very low number of crashes on Albionvale Road.
42. When prioritised against other locations awaiting similar treatment, Albionvale Road was rated a low-medium priority, meaning that Albionvale Road will continue to operate as it is now and it is less likely to receive a funding allowance to carry out speed calming treatment in the near future.
43. While AT will not be installing speed humps/tables on this street at this stage, AT are investigating options to improve visibility at the intersection of Albionvale Road and West Coast Road which is restricted by the power pole. AT are considering short-term solutions while relocation of the power pole awaits further prioritisation. This potentially involves pushing the Albionvale Road limit line out with other road marking changes so that the power pole is not directly in the sight line and the visibility of the traffic from the east is improved.
44. Auckland Transport has received a request for dedicated parking for Early Childhood Centre employees at their premises on the Cnr Clayburn Road and Glenview Road.
45. Auckland Transport has investigated the request for dedicated parking on Clayburn Road, Glen Eden, for teachers at the early childhood centre. The road reserve is a public asset where parking is provided on a first come first served basis and it is not possible for Auckland Transport (AT) to reserve sections for the use of private individuals or businesses. Unrestricted parking is available on the surrounding residential streets however AT does recognise that demand for parking in this area is high. Current discussions regarding the design for the new park and ride at Glen Eden will hopefully alleviate some of this pressure.
46. AT is of the opinion that “drop off pick up” restrictions are not a particularly effective measure and consider that as there is already an existing “drop off pick up” parking restriction on Glen View Road that an additional restriction is not justifiable. AT has found that “drop off pick up” restrictions only serve to attract parents to take their vehicle as close to the school as possible and as AT can never meet the demand this leads to frustration. Instead AT prefers parents to park a short distance from the school and walk to pick their children up.
47. Auckland Transport is consulting on the proposed bus stop relocation from outside No. 32 Captain Scott Road to outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road and bus stop improvements at No. 41 Captain Scott Road. Auckland Transport is seeking feedback from directly affected property owners and occupiers on the proposal, including the Local Board.
48. The attached plan illustrates the proposed bus stop at No. 28 Captain Scott Road and the proposed upgrade of the bus stop outside No. 41 Captain Scott Road.
What are the proposed changes?
No. 28 Captain Scott Road
49. Auckland Transport is proposing to relocate the existing bus stop outside property No. 32 Captain Scott Road to outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road by installing bus stop road markings to indicate the location of the bus stop, new no stopping yellow lines at the front and back of the bus stop, and installing a new bus stop.
No. 41 Captain Scott Road
50. Auckland Transport is proposing to upgrade the existing bus stop outside No. 41 Captain Scott Road by installing bus stop road markings to indicate the location of the bus stop, new no stopping at all times yellow lines at the front and back of the bus stop, and installing a bus stop sign at the back of the bus stop.
Why is Auckland Trnasport relocating the bus stop from outside No. 32 Captain Scott Road to outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road?
51. As part of the Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan, Auckland Transport is actively making improvements to public transport facilities and street furnishings to improve the quality of the existing bus stop infrastructure.
52. Currently, there is no concrete hardstand area at the bus stop outside No. 32 Captain Scott Road and the berm is steep in this location. Passengers are forced to step on to the grass berm to access the bus, the berm can be uneven and slippery creating the potential for injury to boarding and exiting passengers. Outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road is a more suitable location for a bus stop because the berm is flatter. A passenger hardstand area at this location with a sealed smooth surface will provide a stable platform for passengers boarding and exiting the bus and this is particularly important for the accessibility of wheelchair users, parents with prams and the elderly. It also defines the waiting and circulating space around the bus stop area.
Why is Auckland Transport upgrading the bus stop outside No. 41 Captain Scott Road?
53. Currently, the bus stop is not defined by road markings. This can cause confusion as to the exact location of the bus stop and can lead to unauthorised vehicles parking in the bus stop. Buses may be unable to pull into and out of the bus stop and will be forced to stop partially or fully in the traffic lane.
What other issues have Auckland Transport considered when selecting these locations?
Loss of parking outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road
54. Auckland Transport acknowledges that this proposal will result in a loss of four on-street parking spaces. However, the addition of the broken yellow lines either side of the bus stop are necessary to ensure that the bus can safely enter and exit the bus stop. Often buses are unable to pull into the kerb properly when vehicles are parked too closely to the bus stop. This also creates an unsafe environment for bus passengers boarding and exiting the bus.
55. As the Road Controlling Authority, Auckland Transport controls the road reserve which is the entire corridor between property boundaries (e.g. footpaths, berms, and road). When determining how to utilise this space, Auckland Transport gives priority to safety, pedestrian facilities, bus stops, bus lanes, loading zones, traffic flow and cycle lanes over other uses. On-street parking is only permitted when there is not an activity of greater priority that requires use of the space. As such the improvements to the bus stop take priority over the use of this space for parking.
56. Further to this, there is widespread on-street parking available in the surrounding area, which can be utilised by vehicles affected by the parking removal.
Visibility from driveways near 28 Captain Scott Road
57. Currently on-street parking limits the visibility from the driveways either side of the proposed bus stop outside No. 28 Captain Scott Road. Replacing the on-street parking with a bus stop should improve visibility from these driveways because generally buses will only occupy the bus stop for about 10 to 20 seconds at a time.
Loss of parking outside No. 41 Captain Scott Road
58. Auckland Transport acknowledges that this proposal will result in a loss of one on-street parking space. However, the addition of the broken yellow lines either side of the bus stop are necessary to ensure that the bus can safely enter and exit the bus stop. Often buses are unable to pull into the kerb properly when vehicles are parked too closely to the bus stop. This also creates an unsafe environment for bus passengers boarding and exiting the bus.
Visibility from driveway 39/37 Captain Scott Road
59. Currently on-street parking limits the visibility from this driveway looking south. Replacing the on-street parking with bus stop road markings and no stopping yellow lines road markings should improve visibility from this driveway, because, generally buses will only occupy the bus stop for about 10 to 20 seconds at a time.
When will the proposed changes be implemented?
60. These changes are planned to be implemented in late 2014
61. Auckland Transport is consulting on the proposed relocation of the bus stop from outside 116 Atkinson Road to outside 112 Atkinson Road. Feedback is being obtained directly affected property owners and occupiers on the proposal.
What are the proposed changes?
62. Auckland Transport is proposing to relocate the bus stop from outside 116 Atkinson Road further north to outside 112 Atkinson Road. It is also proposed to install a bus shelter and concrete hardstand at the new location. The relocated bus stop will include a bus stop sign, road markings to indicate the location of the bus stop. The no stopping yellow lines south of the bus stop will be extended by 3m.
Why is Auckland Transport relocating the bus stop?
63. Auckland Transport has recently completed consultation on changes to the Green Bay and Titirangi bus routes.
64. As a result of this consultation buses will no longer run down Kaurilands Road. Instead, the 163 bus service is being renumbered as 153 and will follow Glendale Road into Glen Eden instead of Kaurilands Road. There are also bus services that will run down the full length of Atkinson Road that connect Titirangi, Glen Eden and New Lynn. It was therefore desirable to bring the stop outside 116 Atkinson Road as close to the intersection with Kaurilands Road as possible to provide for this catchment. Potential locations for the bus stop close to Kaurilands Road are limited given the shops, the proximity of Kaurilands School and the zebra crossing. Due to these factors the most suitable location is outside 112 Atkinson Road.
What other issues have Auckland Transport considered when selecting this location?
65. The position of the proposed shelter has been carefully determined to ensure that visibility for drivers’ entering and exiting the driveway is not obscured.
When will the proposed changes be implemented?
66. These changes are planned to be implemented in mid-late 2014. . Feeback from the Local Board is welcomed.
67. The Henderson Valley Residents &Ratepayers Association has requested Auckland Transport to look at installing Cat Eyes to minimise people missing the curve and veering into the opposite lane on Henderson Valley Road near Carey Park.
68. Auckland Transport is investigating this request.
69. A request has been made through to Auckland Transport to investigate safety issues at the designated crossing for the Walking School Bus (WSB) children at Township Road, Waitakere.
70. Auckland Transport are currently investigating crossing facility options on Township Road and will be undertaking pedestrian and traffic counts to evaluate the most appropriate solution. AT will also undertake surveys. The existing pram crossings on Township Road will be reviewed as part of this investigation. The Local Board can expect to receive an update by mid –September.
Subject Name |
Description |
Date Requested |
Request Due Date |
Swanson Park And Ride |
Auckland Transport will not be commencing construction until August/September 2014, subject to weather permitting. The completion date for the car park is the end of 2014, with the main station enhancements to be completed in the 1st quarter of 2015. |
Subject Name |
Decision Description |
Date Requested |
Completion date |
Replacement Of Bus Stop Shelter In Huia Rd, Huia Village |
The Bus Stop Shelter has been reinstated. |
May 2014 |
June 2014 |
Request For The Poster Bollard Directly Outside The Local Board Office, Glen Mall, To Be Removed. |
Auckland Transport can advise that the contract is up for renewal, however Phantom have a right to renew the contract so it cannot terminate without cause. The final expiry is July 2024. If there are any concerns regarding this Poster Bollard Auckland Transport is happy to discuss with the Glen Eden Business Association. AT is also working closely with Auckland Council with the plans the Local Board have on the Town Centre priority for re-development. |
May 2014 |
June 2014 |
Poles With Pictures On Atkinson Road |
Auckland Transport recommend that the Local Board, local schools and the Titirangi Business Association, meet to discuss the future of these pictures and poles and any further suggestions around replacing them. |
May 2014 |
June 2014 |
Proposed Safety Improvement At The Intersection Of Woodglen Road And Glengarry Road. |
Auckland Transport is proposing some roading improvements for this location as shown on the attached drawing. The improvements include: Installing a traffic island with a refuge area for pedestrians on Woodglen Road and building out the kerb on the western corner of Woodglen Road at the intersection. Installation of pram crossings to align with the refuge crossing. Upgrading street lighting at the intersection. Installation of No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) parking restrictions adjacent to the intersection. Relocation of the bus stop on Glengarry Road opposite Woodglen Road and road marking two bus stops on Glengarry Road. |
April 2014 |
May 2014 |
Landing Road Footpath Request |
Auckland Transport is unable to include the request within the next years programme; it will be retained for re-assessment and inclusion in subsequent programmes. |
March 2014 |
May 2014 |
Glenview Road, Glen Eden Car Advertising |
Auckland Transport has on a regular basis been monitoring this road and has issued tickets to vehicles. It has been noticed that there are less cars parking for long periods of time since enforcement occurred. |
April 2014 |
May 2014 |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Static Camera Expansion Programme |
3 |
Authors |
Owena Schuster, Elected Member Relationship Manager (West), Auckland Transport |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
28 August 2014 |
Auckland Transport Update Quarterly Report to Waitakere Ranges Local Board
File No.: CP2014/16556
1. The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport in the three months April – June 2014, and the planned activities anticipated to be undertaken in the three months July – September 2014.
2. Attachments include:
· Auckland Transport activities, broken down by Local Board (attachment A)
· Travelwise Schools activities broken down by Local Board (attachment B)
· Decisions of the Traffic Control Committee, by Board (attachment C)
· Report against local board advocacy issues (attachment D)
· Report on the status of the Board’s projects under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (attachment E)
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report.
Significant activities during the period under review
Key Agency Initiatives
SMART (South Western Multimodal Airport Rapid Transit) Project
3. Investigation into protecting a rail (rapid transit) corridor from Onehunga to the Auckland airport then connecting back to the main trunk line at Puhinui forming a rail loop.
As part of planning for the future public transport network, Auckland Transport has been talking to Auckland Airport about making provision for a potential rapid transit corridor in their master plan. Rail has been identified as the best long term public transport option for improving transport in Auckland’s airport and south western area. Auckland Airport has allowed for a rail corridor and station at the terminal as part of their latest master plan. There are no confirmed alignments for rapid transit links outside the airport property yet and further work is required to confirm this and the timing of any construction. The project is currently in the development phase and public consultation will be carried out when more certainty on feasible alignments and station locations are reached.
East West Link
4. The primary objective of the project is to provide an improved freight connection between SH20/Onehunga and the Southdown (MetroPort) and adjoining SH1 inland port. It is expected that there will be growth of freight transport via this corridor. Safety, amenity, and service upgrades will also be considered. At the moment, we are looking to see what can be provided within the current road reserve but some land purchase may be required.
5. The project team has started the process for procurement of professional services contract for the production of the Detailed Business Case in FY 2014/15, subject to approval of funding. The contract will be lead by the Transport Agency, as principal. Indicatively, the construction is scheduled to start by 2016/2017 with forecast completion by 2019/2020.
PT Development
City Rail Link
6. The CRL is a 3.5km double track underground electrified rail line running under Auckland City centre from Britomart Station to the Western Line near the existing Mt Eden Station. Britomart would become a through station and provide for 3 intermediate stations in the Aotea, Karangahape Road and Newton areas. Following AT confirmation of the designated route recommended by the Independent Planning Commission, appeals were received from 6 parties and the Project Team are currently working with those appellants to work through matters raised.
Distributed Stabling – Detailed Design
7. The project entails the development of outstabling facilities which support rail services throughout the region. These facilities are located in the South, CBD and West and comprise facilities for overnight stabling of trains and staff facilities. Installation of Trandev staff facilities at Strand will be completed over the next 4 months.
Electrification Safety Works
8. This project will identify and address safety risks arising from the introduction of overhead electrified traction infrastructure to the Auckland rail network. Scope of work includes: Implementation of recommendations from a series of risk reviews into public trespass/climbability risk at stations Investigation into possible platform-train interface and trip hazard issues between new EMUs and existing platforms. Fencing additions completed. Anti-climb roller barriers to be installed by end of July.
Newmarket Crossing
9. Upgrade Level Crossing in Newmarket that constrains train movements into/out of, Newmarket Station and inhibits planned increases in timetable frequencies. The preferred option has now been selected as the Cowie Street Linkway to Laxon Terrace. Community group meetings commenced late February 2014 with the next meeting scheduled for early August 2014. Design tender awarded and concept design underway.
Upgrade Downtown Ferry Terminals
10. Waiting area on pier 2 is now complete and handed over.
Design completed for the new Pier 4 Pontoon. Scoping and initiation works under development in coordination with the Harbour Edge Programme.
PT Operations
11. Highlights for the quarter (April-June 2014)
· Total patronage achieved a record 72.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014 with a +5.6% growth.
· Rail patronage achieved a record 11.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014 with a +13.9% growth.
· The Northern Express rapid transit Northern Busway bus service achieved a record 2.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014 with a +6.5% growth.
· Other bus services achieved a record 53.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014 with a +4.2%.
· Ferry services for the year to end June 2014 carried 5.1 million annual passenger trips with an annual growth of +3.1%.
· An Auckland milestone was achieved on Monday 28th April at 05:46 from Onehunga with the first new electric train (EMU) operating a revenue service between Onehunga and Britomart.
· Green Bay / Titirangi New Bus Network Review and public consultation completed, for new service implementation in August.
· Wi-Fi on the PT network is now available at rail and busway stations and some ferry wharves.
· AT HOP integrated ticketing rollout completed across all bus, rail and ferry services.
· 50 AT HOP retailers are available across Auckland with 10 Customer Service Centres.
· The AT HOP Day Pass was implemented on 1st July 2014 and offers travel for $16 across two zones A and B or $22 across three zones A, B and C across rail, bus and inner harbour ferries. The pass can be loaded on to an AT HOP card at AT Customer Service Centres, AT HOP ticket machines, ticket offices and AT HOP retailers. The paper-based Discovery Day Pass is to be withdrawn at the end July.
12. Future outlook
1. The business case for integrated fares under a 5 concentric ring zonal model, including product and pricing scenarios is progressing through to final recommendation.
2. The bus Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) new draft contract has been finalised and will be distributed to incumbent bus operators for feedback in July. The Bus PTOM Procurement strategy has been completed and NZTA approval will be sought in August. Target is for tender of the new South Auckland bus network in September with a target go-live for services in Q3 2015.
3. Work continues on developing the new PT journey planner. This will deliver a step-change in the customer experience through improved functionality, putting more power in the hands of the customer.
4. Revenue service progressive launch of new electric trains on to the Eastern Line in August.
5. Planning for the delivery of the trial to equip Transdev Ticket Inspectors with personal CCTV cameras and the ability to issue Trespass Notices to those repeatedly travelling without a valid ticket.
13. Key Deliverables
Focus continues on the eight key strategic priorities on the rolling three-year business growth plan for Auckland public transport of:
1. Integrated ticketing and fares.
2. Procurement and regulatory reform (PTOM – Public Transport Operating Model).
3. Rail electrification.
4. Ferry improvements.
5. New connected Network.
6. On-time performance.
7. First and Final Leg.
8. Customer experience.
Road Design and Development
14. Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Scheme Cycle Way
Provision of an off road Cycle highway from Glen Innes Rail Station to Tamaki Drive
This project is being delivered jointly with NZTA. Route options have been selected and the process of refining these (considering constructability issues) is underway.
15. Tamaki Drive Corridor upgrade
This a project will consider Tamaki Drive from Quay Street through to St Helliers. We will be looking at present and future land uses and how they impact on the function of the road, future traffic growth (improving traffic flows) and the provision of improved Public Transport. Initial assessment of Ngapipi Bridge and benchmarking of modal use is underway.
16. Quay Street - Seawall Seismic Upgrade
This project deals with the proposed upgrade to Quay Street that would give effect to the aspirations of the City Centre Master Plan for the severance between sea and city to be minimised and to provide priority to pedestrians and cyclists over other travel modes. Further objectives are to improve the interface between the public transport facilities that are concentrated in the Lower Queen Street area. The project also deals with associated enabling works that include the seismic upgrade of the Quay Street seawall.
Two primary solution methodologies have been
identified and reviewed.
Procurement strategy being prepared; this will assess Early Contractor
Involvement and Design & Construct with a recommendation for a preferred
option for AT Board approval.
17. Waterview Cycle Way connection
The Waterview Walking and Cycling project is required as a condition of the decision of the Waterview Connection SH20-16 Motorway Board of Inquiry decision to mitigate adverse social effects resulting from the loss of open space and reserves. The condition requires the provision of the shared path between and including the proposed Alford Street Bridge and the proposed Soljak Place Bridge a length of approximately 3.4km. The new facility will provide a missing link in the existing Auckland Regional Cycle Network. Auckland Transport is required to prepare a design sufficient to submit as part of Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent documentation, and obtain the necessary land owner and statutory approvals for the shared path. The land purchase process will be managed by Auckland Transport. Preferred route option has been identified, although some negotiations are still underway with some landowners. Public consultation is planned for 23 and 24 July.
Community Transport
18. School Transport Programme and Road Safety Education
· The number of schools signed onto the Travelwise Programme has now reached 401.
· The Mayoral Travelwise celebration and the Walking School Bus Megastar event were undertaken in June to congratulate the schools and volunteers for their hard work and results achieved.
· Key activities that were undertaken with the schools included, Road safety week activities, Safety at the school gate parking enforcement, Speed enforcement campaigns undertaken with the NZ Police, Cycle training, Scooter training, School leadership programme for intermediate and high school students and school curriculum transport related activities targeted at road safety and school travel options.
· Walking School Buses now number 387 in the region with a continued programme of recruitment and recognition for the volunteers who accompany the buses.
· Demand for cycle training is still strong from schools and greater partnerships with the NZ Police, Sports Trusts and Bike NZ have been developed to deliver cycle training and cycle safety.
· The following regional road safety education campaigns are being delivered over the for the coming six months:
1. Local speed campaign – focused at all road users
2. Sober Driver campaign – focused at Sports Clubs and bars
3. Cycle safety- winter campaign focused on be bright be seen
4. Back to school speed campaign - focused on targeting drivers speed around schools
19. Travel Planning and Cycle and Walking
· Commute travel planning packages and personal journey plans being delivered across the region targeting business, communities, business associations and tertiary institutions.
· The development of the Auckland Cycle network continues with priority being placed on working with the NZTA on Grafton Gully and Waterview, working with Local Board Greenway proposals, Beach Road, Great South Road, Puhinui Road and the New Zealand Cycle Trail network expansion programme of the Airport to City route.
Road Corridor Access
20. Corridor Access Request Applications
There were 1,207 CAR applications approved in June with 82% processed within 5 working days and 94% processed within 15 working days of lodgement.
In the last 3 months to the end of June 2014 there have been 3,801 CAR applications approved to carry out work on the road network.
21 Ultra-Fast Broadband Rollout
The Year 3 (2013/14) build has now been completed and the cabinets passed to Crown Fibre Holdings. There is still some outstanding reinstatement work associated with the Year 3 build which will be completed over the next few months.
The Year 4 (2014/15) build has commenced with CAR applications approved for 64 of the Year 4 cabinet areas with 28 of these already under construction.
The Year 4 build comprises 451 cabinet areas of which at least 25% will have some overhead deployment utilising existing power poles.
22. Watercare Hunua 4 Bulk Watermain
Watercare currently have three crews working at Tidal Road, Pah Road and Mountain Road in Mangere Bridge. A fourth crew will be commencing work shortly in Victoria Street in Onehunga between Neilson Street and Church Street.
The work on Tidal Road will be finishing shortly and will then progress into Massey Road where it will proceed westwards until it reaches George Bolt Memorial Drive. The work on Massey Road will require road closures and will be restricted to mid-block with full reinstatement required before they move to the next block. There has been extensive consultation with PT, the Heavy Haulage Association and other key stakeholders to lessen the impact of these closures.
23. Overweight Permits
There were 179 overweight permit applications approved in June 2014. Of these 179 permit applications, 168 (94%) were processed within the target timeframes. The target timeframes for processing overweight permit applications are 3 days for single trip, multi travel and continuous renewal permits, and 5 working days for continuous and area permits.
In the last 3 months to the end of June there has been 532 overweight permit applications approved for travel on the AT road network.
Road Corridor Maintenance
24. North
· The remaining pavement renewal projects on Okura River Road and Ngarahana Road have been completed.
· The seal extension project on Matakana Valley Road has been completed.
· The remediation work on the Victoria Road Retaining Wall is now complete.
· Bridge renewal work has been completed on Hiki Culvert, Remiger Bridge, Rangitopuni Bridge and Rosemount Bridge.
· The three new road maintenance contracts for the northern area commenced on 1 July 2014. The respective contractors are Downer New Zealand (Rural North), Fulton Hogan Limited (Urban East) and Transfield Services Limited (Urban West).
25. Central
· The clean-up work on Great Barrier Island following the storm on 10 June 2014 is continuing and will continue through the winter months as further loose material is washed down onto roads. At this stage it is estimated that the total cost of the remedial work will be in excess of $6 million.
· The pavement renewal projects on Carlton Gore Road, Aranui Road and Elstree Avenue were completed in June.
· There was 35.7 km of AC resurfacing and 33.3 km of chipsealing completed this year.
26. West
· There has been 15.1 km of AC resurfacing and 38.6 km of chipsealing completed this year. Projects were added to the programme in the last quarter.
· There has been 6.0 km of pavement renewals completed with projects completed on Great North Road, Portage Road, Margan Avenue, Kinross Street, Birdwood Road, Henderson Valley Road, Nikau Street, View Road, Kervil Avenue, Rimu Street (2), West Coast Road and at the Great North Road/Titirangi Road intersection.
· Retaining walls have been constructed at a number of sites including Titirangi Road, Titirangi Beach Road (3), Candia Road, Laingholm Drive, Crows Road, Sunnyvale Road, South Titirangi Road and Bethells Road.
· Physical work has commenced on the major slip repair at 597 South Titirangi Road. It is expected that work will be finished by early September.
· There has been 17.6 km of footpaths either resurfaced or replaced this financial year.
27. South
· The remaining pavement renewal project on Waiuku Road has been completed.
· The investigation and design for the pavement renewal projects in the 2014/15 programme are underway so as to enable an early start to construction in the upcoming summer months.
· There has been 24.7 km of AC resurfacing and 170.1 km of chipsealing completed this year. The AC resurfacing programme was increased in length from 21.5 km to 24.7 km in the last quarter.
· There was 36.8 km of footpaths either resurfaced or replaced this year.
· There has been 17.7 km of pavement renewals completed this year with projects completed on Te Irirangi Drive (2 sections), Great South Road (5 sections), Ti Rakau Drive (2 sections), Prince Regent Drive, Cook Street (Howick), Princes Street (Otahuhu), Massey Road, Carruth Rd (Papatoetoe), Great South Road (4 sections), Mahia Road, Roscommon Road, Hill Road, Sheehan Avenue, Hunua Road (2 sections), Whitford-Maraetai Road, Takinini-Clevedon Road, Ponga Road, Ararimu Road, Pukeoware Road, Costello Road, Edinburgh Street/Massey Avenue roundabout (Pukekohe), King Street/West Street roundabout (Pukekohe), East Street (Pukekohe), Queen Street (Pukekohe), Sommerville Road, Rogers Road, Ostrich Farm Road, Stan Wright Road and Waiuku Road.
28. Streetlights
· New street lights are being installed in conjunction with the undergrounding of overhead power lines at the Mt Smart Road/Mays Road intersection and on Bassett Road in Remuera.
· There has been 4,237 luminaires and 696 street light poles replaced this year
Road Corridor Operations
29. Route Optimisation: Investigation and analysis.
The planned route optimisation for 2013/14 has been completed including the Central City routes.
Changes to the operation of the Traffic Signals have been made to improve performance on the following routes:
Quay St |
Lower Hobson St |
Solent St |
Customs St |
Lower Hobson St |
The Strand |
The Strand |
Quay St |
Alten Rd |
Wellesley St |
Hobson |
Grafton Rd |
Albert St |
Quay St |
Wellesley |
Queen St |
Quay St |
Newton Rd |
Wellington/Union |
Karangahape Rd |
Franklin Rd |
Mayoral Dr/Cook St |
Wellesley St W |
Wellseley St E |
Nelson St |
SH1 |
Fanshawe St |
Hobson St |
Quay St |
SH1 |
Karangahape Rd |
Ponsonby Rd |
Grafton Rd |
Symonds St |
Mt Eden |
Customs |
Grafton Road |
Khyber Pass |
Symonds St |
Victoria St |
Hobson St |
Stanley St |
Fanshawe St |
Hobson St |
Beaumont St |
Higbrook Dr |
SH1 |
Te Irirangi Dr |
Jervois Rd |
Wharf St |
Beaumont St |
Ponsonby Rd |
Khyber Pass |
College Hill Rd |
Rosebank Rd |
Great North Rd |
Patiki Rd |
Neilson St |
SH20 |
Church St |
The effect of these changes is being monitored and there has already been positive feedback. Reports are being completed to summarise the work, analysis and results.
Physical Works Programme (other routes across the region:
- 24 projects are at the scheme design stage
- 4 projects are at the detailed design stage
- 8 construction projects are in progress.
30. Network Safety & Operations Improvement Programme
Safety Around Schools Programme (part of the region wide School Travel Planning process)
The 2013/14 Safety engineering programme of $8,482,695 delivered 86 projects across 25 schools including:
15 projects completed in the Central area
50 projects completed in the South area
5 projects completed in the North area
16 projects completed in the West area
2014/15 Safety engineering programme developed for 20 schools.
Minor Safety Improvements Programme
98% of 2013/14 Minor Safety Improvements Programme has been completed with 2% still in construction or procurement.
Regional Safety Programme
75% of 2013/14 Regional Safety Programme is completed with 25% of projects still in construction for completion in 2014/15
31. Urban Kiwi RAP and Red Light Camera Programmes
Urban Risk Mapping:
Urban KiwiRAP star-rating contract awarded in late June. Contractor is anticipating start up in August pending work visa approval. A procurement plan is being prepared to engage a Project Manager.
Red Light Cameras
Roll out of five additional Auckland RLC sites planned. Site selection review by key stakeholders taking place in July with procurement processes underway for installation of sites using existing technology. No further sites considered until finalisation of new technology by NZ Police later this year.
Parking and Enforcement
32. Fanshawe Street Bus Lane
Enforcement implemented the enforcement
for the new bus lane on Fanshawe Street.
The warnings period was extended to four weeks due to the high volumes of
traffic. A weeks stand-down followed before live enforcement commenced. To date
we are experiencing very good compliance with 130 infringements being issued
since live launch on 04th June. This represents an average of just 14 per
enforcement day across all enforcement zones on Fanshawe Street.
Compare this to Onewa Rd that has been live for several years and we average 20
per day across that sector.
33. Kingsland Paid Parking Zone
Consultation was carried out in December 2013 on changes to the parking in the Kingsland town centre. The purpose of changes was to improve the parking availability and give customers flexibility on length of stay. Currently there are mostly 60 minute time restrictions in Kingsland and parking is near capacity during the middle of the day, evenings and weekends. The project proposes using pay and display parking with no time limits, a 10 minute grace period and demand responsive pricing. Prices will be set to achieve a target occupancy range of 70-90% at peak times. There was over 50% support for the proposal and the Kingsland Business Association supports. The parking changes will go live on the 14th July and there will be advisory signs in Kingsland for two weeks prior.
34. Newmarket Paid Parking Zone
Consultation was carried out in December 2013 on changes to the parking in the Newmarket. The purpose of changes was to improve the parking availability and give customers flexibility on length of stay. Currently there are a wide range of parking restrictions in Newmarket which create confusion for customers. Parking is near capacity on certain streets which creates increased levels of congestion as cars circle to find parking. The project proposes using pay and display parking with no time limits, a 10 minute grace period and demand responsive pricing. Prices will be set to achieve a target occupancy range of 70-90% at peak times. Most streets in Newmarket already have pay and display however some streets will be converted from time restrictions to pay and display. There was over 50% support for the proposal and the Newmarket Business Association supports. The parking changes will go live in early August.
34. Auckland Parking Discussion Document
The parking discussion document was released in May 2014. The document provides commentary on key parking challenges and invites the public to send feedback and ideas on how we manage parking into the future. We’ve made suggestions on how AT might approach various parking challenges and asked the public what they think on themes such as removal of parking on arterial roads, management of parking within the city centre and other town centres, and extension of park and rides. The document has attracted a lot of media attention and there has been over 350 submissions so far. Consultation runs until 31st July 2014.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Schedule of activities undertaken for the fourth quarter (2013/14) ending 30 June 2014 and forward works programme for the first quarter (2014/15) ending 30 September 2014 |
3 |
bView |
Travelwise Schools activities broken down by Local Board |
3 |
cView |
Traffic Control Committee Decisions |
3 |
dView |
Local Board Advocacy Report |
3 |
eView |
Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report |
3 |
Authors |
Various Auckland Transport authors |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
28 August 2014 |
Local Event Support Fund - Round 1 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/14609
1. To present a summary of applications received in round one of the local event support fund for 2014/2015 for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is requested to either fund, partially fund or decline the applications.
Executive summary
2. A contestable local events support fund of $120,000 is available to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board for distribution over two funding rounds in the 2014/2015 financial year.
3. In the 2013/2014 financial year, the local board members identified 2 events to support through the discretionary local event fund via three-year funding agreements, commencing in 2013/14, and concluding in 2015/2016.
4. In the Community Development Arts & Culture work programme plan for 2014/2015 local board members identified 5 events they wish delivered by the regional events delivery team and funded through the discretionary local event fund.
5. To fund the 7 events identified above, an amount of $75,000 will need to be transferred from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund to their 2014/2015 discretionary local event fund.
6. Adopting the transfer of funds, as outlined above, would result in a balance of $45,000 in the 2014/2015 contestable local event fund.
7. A workshop was held with the Waitākere Ranges Local Board on 17 July 2014 to consider twenty applications totalling $137,956 received for round 1.
8. The local board has asked for the opportunity to review the criteria for future funding rounds. The current criteria are not specific to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board area, and are general in nature. A revised draft of the funding criteria is attached (Attachment A) for the board’s consideration.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Agree to transfer $75,000 from the 2014/2015 contestable local events support fund to the 2014/2015 discretionary local events fund for :
(i) Two events with multi-year funding agreements (ii) Five local board delivered events which form part of the Community Development Arts & Culture work programme plan for 2014/2015 b) Agree to fund, partially fund or decline, the round one 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund applications as follows:
c) Approves the draft Waitakere Ranges Local Board Event Funding Criteria 2014/2015 in Attachment A for future funding rounds, subject to any amendments agreed at the meeting.
9. A contestable local events support fund of $120,000 is available to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board for distribution over two funding rounds in the 2014/2015 financial year.
10. In the 2013/2014 financial year, the local board members identified two events to support through the discretionary local event fund via three-year funding agreements, commencing in 2013/14, and concluding in 2015/21016. These were:
· Titirangi Festival of Music $25,000 per year for three years
· Glen Eden Christmas Parade $5,000 per year for three years
11. As part of the 2014/2015 annual work programme plan, the local board members identified 5 events they wish to be delivered by the regional events delivery team and funded through the 2014/2015 discretionary local event fund. These are:
· Volunteer Appreciation Event $5,000
· Disco for Youth with Disabilities $5,000
· Glen Eden Christmas
Carnival -
(Replacement event to be scoped) $10,000
· Kauri Carnival $18,750
· Movies in Parks $6,250
12. To fund the seven events identified above, an amount of $75,000 will need to be transferred from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board 2014/2015 contestable local event support fund of $120,000 to the 2014/2015 discretionary local event fund. Adopting this transfer of funds would result in a remaining balance of $45,000 in the 2014/2015 contestable local event fund.
13. The local events support fund provides the opportunity for Waitākere Ranges Local Board to work in partnership with local event organisers to develop an events programme that reflects the aspirations of the community and supports the local board plan.
14. The local events support fund has two funding rounds, which close at specified times during the 2014/2015 financial year, as follows:
Round |
Applications Close |
Assessment |
Decision Making |
1 |
31 May 2014 |
June 2014 |
July/August 2014 |
2 |
31 October 2014 |
November 2014 |
December 2014/February 2015 |
15. Round 1 of the local event support fund received twenty applications totalling $137,956. These applications were considered at a workshop held by the local board on 17 July 2014.
16. Adopting the transfer of funds, as outlined above, would result in a balance of $45,000 in the 2014/2015 contestable local event fund.
17. Local event support funding criteria guidelines for 2014/2015 have been established to assist applicants in understanding the focus of this fund and to guide decision-making. The applications have been assessed in accordance with the local event support fund guidelines.
18. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has the opportunity to refer applications to a more appropriate fund or to allocate funding from within its local event funds.
19. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board event funding including the local event support fund. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has identified key priorities for the local area within its local board plan, some of which could be achieved through events.
20. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board members want their area to be a great place to live, work and visit. To achieve this they will support the arts, events and cultural activities that are unique to their area, including opportunities around the new Lopdell Precinct and Te Uru, and by rejuvenating Glen Eden through providing public spaces where people can meet, have a coffee and take part in events.
Local board views and implications
21. A local board workshop was held on 17 July 2014 to consider the applications to the local event support fund round one. This report reflects the views of local board members expressed at the workshop.
22. The decisions sought within this report fall within the local board delegations.
23. The decisions sought do not invoke the Auckland Council Significance Policy.
Maori impact statement
24. This fund does not specifically target Maori groups. However Maori communities are likely to benefit from the events supported by the local board, alongside other groups in the community.
25. Once the Waitākere Ranges Local Board has resolved the funding applications, staff will contact all applicants to notify them of the outcome, and commence contracting and payment.
No. |
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aView |
draft Waitakere Ranges Local Board Event Funding Criteria 2014/2015 |
3 |
Authors |
Barbara Cade - Team Leader Events North/West |
Authorisers |
Kevin Marriott - Manager Community Facilities Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
Criteria Guide
The Waitakere Ranges Local Board recognises the importance of events in fostering strong, vibrant communities, developing local skills and providing economic opportunities. The board wants to provide and support local arts, culture and events experiences that connect people with each other, celebrate the unique identity of the area and are environmentally responsible. Ideally our events should be designed for locals to enjoy but welcoming to visitors. To this end, Waitakere Ranges Local Board has created a contestable Local Event Support Fund 2014/2015 (running for the financial year July 2014 to June 2015).
Applicants should read this criteria guide in conjunction with the “Local Event Support Fund Guide for Applicants 2014/15” which is available on the website
Please make any enquiries to the Event Funding Team on 09 301 0101. They will be able advise on the funds you can apply to and whether you will need any other approvals, eg events in a public place, such as a park, beach or road.
Fund Objectives
Waitakere Ranges Local Board is keen to support its strategic goals through its contestable Local Event Support Fund and has developed some specific objectives to guide applicants.
With this fund, Waitakere Ranges Local Board aims to:
• develop and support events that celebrate our distinctive local communities and places
• promote environmental responsibility through events which aim for zero waste (reduce, reuse, recycle), and sustainable travel.
• develop and encourage community participation
• partner with established and emerging community-led events to support their development to their full potential and self-sufficiency. We will look to support events that can provide matched funding or demonstrate the equivalent through the contribution of volunteer time, sponsorship or resources such as materials and equipment.
• enable events to be professionally run while remaining community-focused
• support events to become financially independent and to become a regular and celebrated part of the event calendar for Waitakere Ranges Local Board area
• support proposals that align with the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Plan priorities
• achieve equitable distribution of funds across the board area as a whole and support our diverse communities
• align with Maori outcomes and aspirations.
• champion smoke-free events, particularly those targeting children, young people and their families
• ensure that local events cater for our young people, providing a range of free and safe opportunities for them to attend and participate
• support events which both engage the community and welcome visitors.
• involve and support the local economy and build community
Fund eligibility and criteria
Waitakere Ranges Local Board has the following specific criteria for their Local Event Support Fund 2014/15:
• preference will be given to event applications from community groups and not for profit organisations based in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board area.
• the subject of the application should be an event not an individual, team, private function or award ceremony
• no retrospective funding
• events must be locally specific or include a place(s) in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board area as one of the key locations
• events must be environmentally responsible and aim for zero waste, particularly in sensitive locations in the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area
• should celebrate our distinctive local communities and places
• events must be smoke-free
• aim for local procurement wherever possible
• events should aim to be free and non-ticketed. However ticketing is acknowledged to be a valuable revenue stream when building capability and moving toward financial sustainability. If an event is ticketed provision should be made to encourage local participation
• events that are returning for funding need to demonstrate how they are becoming financially independent of local board funding by partnering with sponsors and other organisations
Application deadlines and decision making schedule
Round 1 — Now closed. Opened 4 August 2014 and closed on 22 August 2014. Applications will be considered in September for events taking place prior to 1 March 2015
Round 2 — Opens 1 September and closes on 31 October 2014. Applications will be considered in December and January for events that take place 1 March 2015 onwards.
Obligations if you receive funding
In order to ensure that the funding contribution from Waitakere Ranges Local Board achieves positive results recipients will be obligated to:
• enter into a contractual relationship with Auckland Council to record the partnership funding
• acknowledge Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s support of your event. This may include the use of the board logo in promotional materials or the prominent displaying of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board banners at the event
• an invitation to the event should be extended to the members of the board
• report back to the board on the event including evidence that the funding was used for the agreed purpose and that any stated outcomes have been achieved
Applicants should read this criteria guide in conjunction with the Local Event Support Fund Guide for Applicants 2014/15 which is on the website. Please make any enquiries to the Event Funding Team on 09 301 0101.
28 August 2014 |
Lopdell Apex Landscape Treatment
File No.: CP2014/16085
1. To seek the Waitakere Ranges Local Board approval on the design proposal for the Lopdell apex landscape and digital signage treatment.
Executive summary
2. A design proposal has been developed for the treatment of the landscape at the apex of the Lopdell Precinct site, on the corner of Titirangi and South Titirangi Roads. The treatment includes the re-siting of the statue of Henry Atkinson, the installation of a double-sided digital plinth, and the creation of new steps and seating options (Attachment A refers).
3. The proposed design will highlight the destination of Lopdell Precinct, create safer public access to the site, make use of native plantings increase community space and promote the arts offerings of the precinct.
4. The 2014/2015 Art Facilities Renewals Budget contains $42,404 to install destination signage for the Lopdell Precinct. The Arts Facility Renewals Budget contributes to the total cost of the site treatment and signage estimated to be $90,000 with the remainder of the project funded from the overall Lopdell Precinct development budget.
5. The landscape project will be staged with the installation of the digital plinth being the highest priority. As the plinth pays a key role in the ‘place making’ of the site, the plinth is planned to be installed for the opening of the new gallery in November, 2014.
6. The plinth will enable tenants to advertise events, exhibitions, shows and precinct activities via two 70 inch display screens.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Approves the design proposal for the Lopdell landscape and digital signage treatment. |
Landscape Design
7. The overall design of the landscape includes a double-sided digital plinth, moving the Henry Atkinson statue and installing benches and stairs for community use (Attachment A refers).
8. The installation of a double-sided digital plinth announces arrival at the precinct and will play a key role in the ‘place making’ presence of the site. The plinth is proposed to be constructed on the roadside corner of the site. Waitakere Ranges Local Board and Lopdell Trust will be acknowledged through brand attribution on the plinth as partners in the Lopdell Precinct.
9. The landscape treatment will also address what is currently an untidy and unsafe approach to the site, with steep steps rising from South Titirangi Road. The proposal provides a total solution for the corner site to accentuate the building and construct a safer, visually appealing approach from South Titirangi Road. This is done through installing benches, stairs and side gardens of native plants.
10. The natural tendency for public on the site at present is to congregate at the statue of Henry Atkinson. The design proposes moving the statue to a corner site in front of the existing poplar tree and installing benches for community use.
11. The 2014/2015 Art Facilities Renewals Budget contains $42,404 to install destination signage for the Lopdell Precinct. The total cost of the site treatment and signage is estimated to be approximately $90,000 and will be funded from the Lopdell Precinct development budget.
12. The total landscape project will be staged with the installation of the digital plinth being the highest priority. As the plinth pays a key role in the ‘place making’ of the site, the plinth is planned to be installed for the opening of the new gallery in November, 2014.
Local board views and implications
13. The Lopdell Precinct landscape treatment aligns to Waitakere Ranges local board’s aspirations because it highlights the destination of Lopdell Precinct, makes use of native plantings, creates safer public access to the site, and increases community space in Titirangi.
Maori impact statement
14. Lopdell Precinct will provide opportunities for all Aucklanders to engage with arts and culture including Maori communities and their stories
15. When consensus on the design proposal for the landscape treatment has been gained, the project will continue in accordance with the project plan and council policies and procedures.
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Attachment A Lopdell Landscape Proposal |
3 |
Authors |
Rebecca Kunin - Arts and Culture Advisor North West |
Authorisers |
Kevin Marriott - Manager Community Development Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
Consultation Findings for the Piha Dog Bylaw Signage Proposal and Approval for a Revised Work Programme
File No.: CP2014/14139
1. To report findings of consultation undertaken on the proposal to upgrade dog bylaw signage at the Piha beach reserves and to seek approval for a revised work programme.
Executive summary
2. Consultation was undertaken on a proposal to upgrade the dog bylaw signage at Piha from 20 December 2013 to 7 February 2014 with known stakeholders and local residents.
3. Consultation findings showed support for the number and position of signs proposed in car parks however concerns were raised about the number and position of signs proposed on the beach.
4. Signage proposed for the beach area will be minimised and where practical, end posts of walkways will be used to accommodate signage. If a walkway post is not available for this purpose it is proposed to install a rough saw, square wooden post to accommodate the signage.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Notes the consultation findings for the Piha Dog Bylaw Signage Proposal. b) Approves the revised work programme to upgrade dog bylaw signage at Piha.
Consultation Findings
5. It was requested by the Waitakere Ranges Local Board that a proposal for the upgrade of the Piha dog bylaw signage be consulted upon with the local residents and known stakeholders.
6. The Piha dog bylaw is complex and an upgrade of signage is required to better inform park users of the current bylaw requirements and to clearly show areas of Piha beach reserves where dogs are prohibited, and areas which are on and off leash.
7. It is proposed to upgrade signage in reserve car parks which shows dog access areas (shown in Attachment A), and to utilise existing walkway posts where ever possible to indicate the corresponding colour coded dog access areas (shown in Attachment F). Council staff will investigate to requirement to provide information about potential the fine which applies when council bylaws are broken.
Consultation was carried out between 20 December 2013 and 7 February 2014. 22 responses were received. The summary was as follows:
Question asked: |
Yes |
No |
Q1 - Do you support the number of signs proposed to be installed in the car parks? |
13 |
1 |
Q2 - Do you support the position of signs proposed to be installed in the car parks? |
13 |
2 |
Q3 - Do you support the number of indicator posts proposed to be installed on the beach? |
8 |
6 |
Q4 - Do you support the position of the signs proposed on the beach? |
8 |
6 |
Proposed Signage Upgrade
8. Considering feedback through the consultation process it is proposed to upgrade the Piha dog bylaw signage as follows:
A) Retain the number and position of signs to be installed in the car parks of the reserves. These signs show an overall map of dog access areas at Piha (example shown in Attachment A);
B) Reduce the number of indicators proposed to be mounted on the walkway posts. If a post is not currently in a suitable position it is proposed to install a new rough sawn square wooden post. These indicators are colour coded markers designed to demarcate dog access areas (example shown as Attachment F); and
C) Investigate the possible addition of infringement information such as the level of a fine, onto the dog access area signage.
9. Attachments B, C and D provide maps showing the proposed position of map signage and indicators mounted on walkway posts. No indicator posts are proposed to be placed in the vicinity of Lion Rock. Attachment E provides a photo montage of sites proposed for dog access areas maps.
10. Council staff will monitor the impact of the upgraded signage and request that Council’s animal control unit assist with public education on site.
Local board views and implications
11. Consultation findings have been discussed with the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Parks Portfolio holder and she is supportive of reducing the number of indicators on walkway posts.
Maori impact statement
12. Local iwi were consulted on the proposed plan and no feedback was received regarding the proposal.
13. It is requested that new signage is installed prior to Labour Day weekend in late October. Signage design relies on resource provided by the Integrated Communications team within Council.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Dog access areas map |
3 |
bView |
Piha dog bylaw signage map - Mid Beach |
3 |
cView |
Piha dog bylaw signage map - North Piha |
3 |
dView |
Piha dog bylaw signage - Piha Beach |
3 |
eView |
Photo montage |
3 |
fView |
Beach post signs |
3 |
Authors |
Helen Biffin - Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
28 August 2014 |
Photo Montage |
Sign Position |
Piha Beach |
Map Ref: 1A South end of Piha Beach at Waitakere Regional Park boundary. New post required at base of dune at southern end of Piha Beach to demarcate NO DOG area. |
Map Ref: 1B Southern end of Piha Beach requires a new post and map sign. |
Map Ref: 1C Marine Parade South carpark1.
Map sign shall be mounted on the existing post. |
Map Ref: 1D Marine Parade South carpark2, opposite Piha Surf Club. The sign shall be mounted on the bin. |
Dog bylaw
signage |
Map Ref: 1E Exiting the sand ladder walkway from Piha Domain to Piha Beach. A dog bylaw map sign is to be positioned on the existing power pole. |
Little Lion Rock |
Map Ref: 2A Existing post at the walkway entrance to Little Lion Rock requires a map sign. |
Mid Beach Walkway – adjacent to changing room/toilet facility |
Map Ref: 3A Mount dog bylaw map signage onto existing pole. |
Les Waygood Park walkway |
Map Ref: 4A Mount dog bylaw map signage onto existing pole.
North Piha Beach |
Map Ref: 5A Mount dog bylaw map signage onto existing pole.
28 August 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/16386
1. This report compares the actual activities and actual performance with the intended activities and the intended level of service as set out in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Agreement for 2013/14. The information is prepared as part of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s accountability to the community for the decisions made throughout the year.
Executive summary
2. The Local Board is required to monitor and report on the implementation of the Local Board Agreement for 2013/14. The requirements for monitoring and reporting are set out in the Local government (Auckland Council) Act 2009. These requirements include providing comment on actual local activities against the intended level of service and for these comments to be included in the Auckland Council Annual Report.
3. The attached report is proposed for approval from the Waitakere Ranges Local Board.
4. The Auckland Council Annual Report will be audited and then reported to the Governing Body for adoption on 25 September 2014.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Notes the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14 b) Approves: i. The message from the Chairperson, which provides the Local Boards comments on local board matters in the 2014 annual report ii. The list of achievements and the list of capital projects that form part of the local board information for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14 c) Gives authority to the Chair and Deputy to make typographical changes before submitting for final publication
5. The Local Board is required to monitor and report on the implementation of its local board agreement for 2013/14. The requirements for monitoring and reporting are set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, as follows:
Section 23 Monitoring and reporting
(1) Each local Board must monitor the implementation of the local board agreement for its local board area.
(2) Each annual report of the Auckland Council must include, in rep[sect of local activities for each local board area, an audited statement that –
i) Compares the level of service achieved in relation to the activities with the performance target or targets for the activities (as stated in the local board agreement for that year); and
ii) Specifies whether any intended changes to the level of service have been achieved; and
iii) Gives reasons for any significant variation between the level of service achieved and the intended level of service.
6. Each local board must comment on the matters included in the annual report under s subsection (2) in respect of its local board area and the Council must include those comments in the annual report.
7. This report focusses on the formal reporting referred to in Section 23 above. Attachment A provides the draft local board information for inclusion into the Annual Report 2013/14. The draft report contains the following sections:
· message from the Chair
· key achievements
· financial results
· performance measures.
8. Local board comments on local board matters in the annual report will be included in the annual report as part of the message from the Chair.
9. The next steps for the Annual Report are:
· Audit during August 2014
· Report to the Finance and Performance Committee in September
· Report to the Governing Body for adoption on 18th September
· Full New Zealand Stock Exchange disclosure on 26th September
· Publication on 24 October
· Copies of the annual Report will be provided to the local board office.
Local board views and implications
10. Local Board comments of local board matters are included in the annual report as part of the message from the Chair.
Maori impact statement
11. The annual report provides information on how the Auckland Council has progressed its agreed priorities in the annual plan over a 12 month period. This includes engagement with Maori, as well as projects that benefit various population groups, including Maoris.
No. |
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aView |
The 2014 Annual Report wil lbe circulated under separate cover |
3 |
Authors |
Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards |
Authorisers |
Kevin Ramsay - Manager Finance, Auckland CFO Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
Placeholder for Attachment 1
17. Annual Report 2013/14.DOC
The 2014 Annual Report wil lbe circulated under separate cover
28 August 2014 |
Quarterly Performance Report for period ended June
File No.: CP2014/16555
1. To update the Waitakere Ranges Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014, as set out in their Local Board Agreement
Executive summary
2. The attached performance report consolidation contains the following this quarter
· Local board financial performance report
· Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview
· Local Libraries overview
· Local Sports, Parks and Recreation (LSPR) overview
· Economic Development overview
· Work programmes for CDAC and LSPR
· Treasury report –Quarter to June 2014
· ATEED report for the six months ended June 2014
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Waitakere Ranges Local Board for the period ended June 2014 |
3. In consultation with local boards this report has been created to give the elected members a comprehensive and common overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s. Future reports are expected to include additional departmental and CCO reports as these are developed for inclusion and discussion
Maori impact statement
4. Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials. However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori
No. |
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aView |
Waitakere Ranges Local Board Quarterly Performance - June 2014 |
3 |
Authors |
David Rose - Lead Financial Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards |
28 August 2014 |
Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme Allocation For The 2014/2015 Financial Year
File No.: CP2014/15884
1. To allocate funding from the Local Board’s Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme budget for the 2014/2015 financial year to specific projects and initiatives within the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area.
Executive summary
2. The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme assists the implementation of the objectives of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (‘the Act’) alongside other relevant Council and community activities and programmes. A total of $225,173 is available for allocation in the 2014/15 financial year. This report recommends the allocation of funding across the following projects that contribute to implementing the Act:
· Preparation of the Bethells Local Area Plan under the Act
· Implementation of approved Local Area Plans
· Addressing issues and recommendations arising from the 2013 Monitoring Report
· Continuation of the Sustainable Neighbourhoods Programme.
3. This report recommends the allocation of $186,673 funding across eleven projects that contribute to implementing the Act, with a decision on allocating the balance of $38,500 on the remaining candidate project to be made before the end of November 2014.
4. The projects are identified in the main body of the report, and are described in more detail in Attachment A. Attachment A describes each project or initiative, its current status (new or continuing) and timeframes, key implementation partners (Council and Council Controlled Organisations), alignment with the Act and emerging Local Board Plan 2014-17 and recommended budget allocation.
5. The projects and initiatives were discussed by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board at its workshops on 5 June and 24 July 2014.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Allocates the 2014/15 financial year Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act Programme budget as follows: i) Local Area Plan for Bethells Beach / Te Henga and the Waitākere Valley - $20,173 ii) Web site development - $2,000 iii) ‘Living in the Bush’ - information and advice - $15,000 iv) Annual Local Board/community forum on WRHA Act implementation (across all topics/objectives) - $5,000 v) Heritage Area Conservation Network forum – $4,000 vi) Sustainable Neighbourhoods Programme – $90,000 vii) Strategic Weed Projects – $25,000 viii) Long Tailed Bat research/protection/recovery - $5,000 ix) Heritage Site Mapping – Phase 1 - $12,500 x) Local business stocktake – $5,000 xi) Small business facilitation - $3,000 b) Support in principle the funding of the following project but defer a decision on allocation until further information is provided on this project: i) Heritage Site Mapping –Stage 1 field work – up to $38,500 c) Agree that a decision on the project under (b) will need to be made before the end of November 2014 d) Note a mid year review of all projects will be provided if required to the Local Board at its February 2015 meeting.
6. The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme encompasses all Council and CCO activities which help to achieve the objectives of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (‘the Act’). This includes activities which are part of wider regionally funded programmes, and specific activities identified for Local Board funding (including strategic weed management and kauri die back initiatives, and a Visitor Management Plan). A total of $225,173 is available for allocation in the 2014/15 financial year. This budget is separate from regional budgets (which also assist in implementing the objectives of the Act) or other Local Board funding for activities that lie outside the scope of the Act.
7. In previous years the Local Board has given priority to projects and actions identified in approved Local Area Plans (LAPs). LAPs set out how the Act is to be applied locally. Candidate projects have been selected on the basis of their alignment with the following:
· The purpose and objectives of the Act itself, including the recommendations of the first five year monitoring report (approved in 2013) , which assessed progress towards achieving the Act’s objectives
· The emerging priorities in the Draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan
· The objectives and actions identified in the four approved Local Area Plans prepared under the Act to date.
8. A table of approximately 70 potential projects has been prepared and was circulated to the Local Board prior to the workshop held on 24 July 2014. Following that workshop, a ‘shortlist’ of projects for funding in 2014/15 has been identified and prioritised (refer to Attachment A, Table 1). This is based on a combination of the projects’ strategic and operational importance (as identified in the Monitoring Report and Draft Local Board Plan) and the likelihood of successful implementation of the project in the current financial year. The projects have been categorized according to recommended funding priority. The latter are broadly consistent with those used in monitoring and reporting on Act and its implementation.
9. Some of the shortlisted projects can proceed immediately, whilst others require further scoping or resolution of issues before their likelihood of proceeding this financial year can be determined. It is therefore recommended that funding approval is given to a proportion of the projects, whilst others are supported in principle but with final prioritization and a decision on funding allocation deferred until further information is available (by the end of November 2014).
10. Based on consideration of the above, projects falling into the first category (recommended for immediate funding) are as follows.
Planning, communications and awareness-raising
· Local Area Plan for Bethells Beach/Te Henga and the Waitākere Valley - continued preparation - $20,173
· Web site development - Re-establishment of web site/web pages for the WRHA (design and/or maintenance work) - $2,000
· ‘Living in the Bush’ Review and re-introduction of advisory information brochures and web-based material for landowners and occupiers on ecosystem/weed management, building design, and sustainable environmental practices - $15,000
· Annual Local Board/community forum to discuss progress in implementing the WRHA Act (across all topics/objectives) - $5,000
· Heritage Area Conservation Network forum – support for event to promote information sharing, best practice and improved networking between landowners, community groups and Council units involved in ecosystem restoration and management - $4,000
Ecosystem management
· Sustainable Neighbourhoods Programme – continued support (pending review) - $90,000
· Strategic Weed Projects – establish two new sites in approved LAP areas or other identified priority areas and follow-up work at previously established sites -$25,000
· Long Tailed Bat - research/protection/recovery - $5,000
Built/Cultural Heritage
· Heritage Site Mapping – completion of Phase 1 (desk top assessment and planning) - $12,500
Community economic and social wellbeing
· Local business stock take – completion and reporting - $5,000
· Small business facilitation mentoring/workshops - $3,000. This would occur in conjunction with Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED)
11. This leaves $38,500 to be allocated to following recommended project.
· Heritage Site Mapping –Stage 1 field work. Dependent on Phase 1 Report recommendations – $38,500
12. Weed management work (over and above the $80,000 separately budgeted by the Local Board). This is dependent on the priorities identified in the Weed Management Plan for the WRHA which is proposed for preparation early in the 2014/15 financial year. Decisions on this remaining allocation will need to be made before November 2014 if the project is to be completed this financial year.
13. The remaining candidate projects listed in Attachment A would only be considered for funding this financial year if any of the above projects are delayed or do not require all of the funding allocated to them. Progress will be reviewed and reported if required at the end of February 2015.
Local board views and implications
14. All of the projects identified either complete or build upon existing projects funded by the Local Board in the 2012/2013 and 2013/14 financial years, or relate to recommendations from the Five Year Monitoring Report or Local Area Plans, which have been approved by the Local Board. All of the projects are closely aligned to the emerging priorities in the Draft Local Board Plan 2014-17 and will help to implement it. The key objectives, projects, and indicative funding allocation were considered by Local Board members at workshops on 5 June and 24 July 2013, and the recommendations have been updated in the light of feedback from those workshops.
Maori impact statement
15. Mana whenua (Te Kawerau a Maki and Ngati Whatua) have not been specifically consulted on this report but one of the key objectives identified within it relates to the development of mechanisms for greater engagement with mana whenua to better meet the requirements of the Act. Consultation with mana whenua and their involvement in the preparation of the Bethels/Te Henga Local Area Plan is already underway. The further work on the Heritage Sites Survey will also require consultation with mana whenua, with a view to promoting their role as kaitiaki of pre-European settlement sites.
16. Individual projects have been discussed with the lead implementation partners within Auckland Council and have their support. The project list as a whole has also been considered and is generally supported by Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Programme Co-ordination Group. Implementation of projects within the suggested timeframes is dependent on staff availability and expertise. Where there is a high risk that appropriate staff time/expertise will not be available, outside contractors will be utilised, and allowance has been made for this in the allocation of funds to each project.
No. |
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aView |
Summary Of Projects And Recommended Allocation |
3 |
Authors |
Eryn Shields - Team Leader Area Planning & Policy West |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
28 August 2014 |
For Information: Reports referred to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board
File No.: CP2014/18828
Providing an opportunity for the Board to receive reports that have been referred from Governing Body Committee meetings or forums for the information of the Local Board.
The following report was referred for information from the Governing Body committee meetings or forums:
No. |
Report Title |
Item no. |
Meeting Date |
Governing Body Committee or Forum |
1. |
Kauri Dieback Management Strategy – report and resolution from the Environment, Climate Change and Natural Heritage Committee |
12 |
07 August 2014 |
Regional Strategy and Policy Committee |
That the Waitakere Ranges Local Board note the following reports referred for information from the Governing Body committee meetings or forums:
No. |
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aView |
Kauri Dieback Management Strategy report to Regional Strategy and Policy Committee |
3 |
Authors |
Tua Viliamu – Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
28 August 2014 |
Confirmation of workshop records - June/July 2014
File No.: CP2014/19037
1. This report presents records of workshops held by the Waitakere Ranges Local Board on:
o 24 June 2014
o 3 July 2014
o 10 July 2014
o 17 July 2014
The workshop records for 24 June, 3 July, 10 July, and 17 July will be tabled at the meeting.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Confirms that the attached records of the workshops held 24 June, 3, 10 and 17 July 2014 are a true and correct record. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Brett Lane - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 August 2014 |
Item 8.1 Attachment a Submission from the Auckland West Aquatic Sports Trust - Parrs Park Aquatics Page 3