I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 24 September 2014 3.00pm Committee
Room |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
Chairperson |
Dr Lucy Baragwanath |
University of Auckland |
Deputy Chairperson |
Earl Gray |
Partner, Simpson Grierson, Committee for Auckland |
Members |
Dick Ayres |
Member, CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Auckland Council |
Shale Chambers |
Chair Waitemata Local Board |
Tim Coffey |
Member, CBD Residents Advisory Group |
John Coop |
Warren and Mahoney, NZ Institute of Architects |
Jillian de Beer |
de Beer Marketing & Communications |
Kate Healy |
Ngati Whatua o Orakei Corporate Limited |
Barbara Holloway |
Karangahape Road Business Association |
Mike Lee |
Councillor, Auckland Council |
Nigel Murphy |
University of Technology |
Alex Swney |
Heart of the City |
Connal Townsend, JP |
Property Council of NZ |
(Quorum 7 members)
Tam White Democracy Advisor
19 September 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7253 Email: tam.white@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 September 2014 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Auckland City Centre Advisory Board Members update
Providing board members with the opportunity to update the board on projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
6 CCI Progress Update for Auckland City Centre Advisory
- for period 1 August to 31 August 2014 7
7 Update on improving the City Centre care and maintenance process 17
8 Downtown Framework presentation
The Programme Director, City Centre Integration will provide an update on the Downtown framework.
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
10 Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public 25
C1 Update on the LTP and City Centre Targeted Rate
The report was not available when the agenda went to print and will be tabled at the meeting.
1 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 27 August 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 September 2014 |
CCI Progress Update for Auckland City Centre Advisory
- for period 1 August to 31 August 2014
File No.: CP2014/21552
1. To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board on City Centre Integration progress between 1 August 2014 to 31 August 2014
Executive summary
2. LTP Budget Review
· All projects and initiatives in the City Centre are subject to review and amendment through the current LTP Budget review. This may affect the scope and timing of projects outlined below.
· The proposed renewal and application of the Targeted Rate will be discussed with Councillors at a city centre budget workshop on 22nd September. The investment benefit to date of the TR will be emphasised.
For further discussion (Confidential)
3. Precinct Frameworks
· Framework documents will be compiled for five key city centre precincts, to collate planning and project information and inform decisions on projects and initiatives from Council and CCO’s for:
o Wynyard Quarter - complete
o Downtown – endorsed by the Auckland Development Committee on 11th September. Copies of the Framework have been made available electronically to Board members. For further discussion
o Aotea – Officers will draft the scope, issues and deliverables in September to enable early engagement with both ACCAB and the Waitemata Local Board. Update and action plan to be discussed at October meeting.
o Learning Quarter – to commence late 2014 / early 2015
o Victoria Quarter – to commence 2015
4. Queen Elizabeth Square
· A recommendation to dispose of (sell or lease) QE Square was endorsed by the ADC on 11th September. A copy of the Resolutions are attached, which include:
o The proceeds from disposal shall be reinvested in at least 2 new public open spaces of a high urban design quality
o Public open space improvements to Lower Queen St pedestrianised area
o Creation of through-site links
o Best practice environmental design
For further discussion as part of Downtown Framework
5. Lorne Street Shared Space Upgrade
· Reo Seat to be installed adjacent to café in the Library by September 2014.
· Staff also scoping potential for more oversize pots to be put into Lorne Street and other opportunities for activation initiatives.
6. O’Connell Street Shared Space
· The installation of the proposed art work (O for O’Connell) is due end of 2014.
Celebration opening event scheduled for Friday 19th September. Focus of the event is to enable local businesses to invite their customers to experience the new street.
7. Federal Street Shared Space Upgrade
· Physical works complete.
· Discussions regarding outdoor dining coverage and licensing / consents are proceeding with SkyCity and should be resolved shortly.
· Joint opening event with Auckland Council and SkyCity pencilled in for 7th November 2014, to be attended by the Mayor and SkyCity CEO.
8. Upper Khartoum Place Upgrade
· Project completed 5th September 2014, celebration opening event held on 10th September.
Feedback has been very positive, particularly in relation to opening up the views to the Art Gallery and protecting the mural.
9. Myers Park Development
· Stage One Construction Activities:
o Scheduled for completion prior to the Parks’ centenary in early 2015.
o Construction of the playground is going well with playground foundations and the retaining walls underway.
o New light pole locations are marked out and drilling of ducting scheduled to start mid-September.
o Planting and mulching is starting in September.
o Queen Street entrance, Poynton Terrace entrance and parks seating and signage - submitted for Resource Consent in late August, and discussions are beginning with the existing contractor Fulton Hogan to add some of this work to the existing contract.
· Stage 2 works including the northern and southern entrances are being reviewed and a report to the board will be prepared for the October ACCAB meeting, including governance, design and cost estimates.
o Target delivery June 2016.
o Parks, Sports & Recreation (PSR) are developing a concept design for the above elements.
o The Board supported in principle (July 2014 meeting) the allocation of $3.3m of targeted rate to the next stages of Myers Park development plan.
10. Bledisloe House Customer Services Centre and Bledisloe Lane Upgrade
· Completion due November 2014.
· Demolition work to the lane areas has been completed.
· Pocket Park, canopy and paving preparation are underway
11. Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Hall
· The Board supported in principle (June 2014 meeting) the allocation of an additional $2.7m, for a total targeted rate contribution of $4.7m for Freyberg Square
· Separate funding of $3m has been submitted for Ellen Melville Hall by Council’s Community Arts & Culture (CDAC) over 2014/15-15/16 – this needs to be confirmed through the current LTP budget review
· Developed design for both Hall and Square initially targeted for February 2015.
o A concept design for the Square was prepared by Isthmus and has been approved by both ACCAB and Waitemata Local Board.
o Procurement documentation has been prepared on the basis of a single design contract. Awaiting confirmation of CDAC funding to proceed.
o Noted that transport modelling for Freyberg Square is to be reported back to the Board in October
12. Vessel Berthage /Central Wharves Strategies
· Functional requirements, growth projections and initial options will be drafted through September 2014 for assessment. An update will be provided to the Board in October.
· The strategy will inform an options study for redevelopment of the Central Wharves, including Queens Wharf, as well as the ferry / cruise / charter basins.
13. Ferry Basin Redevelopment
· No further progress. Will be informed by the Vessel Berthage Strategy.
14. Quay St Seawall
· Maintenance repairs to prevent further deterioration of the seawall adjacent to Princes Wharf are on target to complete by end of Sept 2014.
· The seismic upgrade procurement & delivery strategy is being developed, for a planned start of physical works 2015/16 (subject to confirmation of funding).
15. Quay Street Streetscape Upgrade
· Expressions of Interest for design services have been evaluated and tenderers short-listed, prior to a Request for Proposals (RFP).
· The design brief has been peer reviewed by Waterfront Auckland’s Technical Advisory Group.
· Further procurement of design services is On Hold pending confirmation / clarification of the project scope and budget through the LTP Budget review. Submitters have been notified.
16. Wynyard Quarter Integrated Roading
· Design is progressing for the southern sector – first stage will align with completion of the Fonterra HQ development on Fanshawe / Halsey St by end 2015.
17. City Centre PT Infrastructure
· A strategic case for the proposed programme of city centre bus infrastructure will be completed in September 2014 with an update to the Board in October. The strategic case will inform engagement with stakeholders on options for project scope and functional requirements.
· Noted that the Board has expressed significant reservations about the effects of a central bus corridor on Wellesley St. Issues will be developed following development of the strategic case.
· Operational planning for the bus network during the CRL Enabling works period will be completed late 2014.
· Concept options are underway for Downtown Interchange (with CRL).
18. Wynyard Quarter – Te Wero Bridge
· No further progress. Will be informed by the LTP Budget review.
19. Westhaven Cycle/Pathway/Promenade
· Work is progressing well and will be completed in stages through 2014/15, and Stage 2 in 2015/16 subject to funding.
20. City Centre Cycle Network
· The Grafton Gully / Beach Rd / Upper Queen St Bridge route is completed and was officially opened on the 6th September. The project is collaboration between NZTA, Council and Auckland Transport.
· Stage 2 of Beach Road improvements is at concept design stage. The delivery is partly funded by $1.5m of City Centre targeted rate. The public will be informed of the design as part of the opening of Grafton Gully/Beach Road/Upper Queen St Bridge route on 6 September 2014, with a hui scheduled for later in September. Project is on programme to be completed by May 2015.
· Accelerated implementation of the city centre cycle network is being investigated with short / medium term cycle routes to link the existing cycle routes leading into the city. Priority routes include:
o Beaumont St
§ To be complete by Dec 2014 (west side of Beaumont)
o Nelson St (incl the Nelson St Off ramp)
§ NZTA targeting completion of Off-ramp and connectors by Jan 2015
For further discussion & update
o Quay St – under review
o Victoria St – under review
o Karangahape Road – under review
21. Hobson and Nelson Street upgrade
· Project objectives are currently being scoped in an initial concept report. Further input will be sought from the Board in October 2014.
· Funding and timing likely to be staged – Stage 1 is required to support the opening of the NZICC in late 2017.
22. Victoria Street Linear Park
· It has been recommended that the earliest project start date be deferred to 2019/20 to align with CRL construction. Subject to LTP Budget review.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the City Centre Integration progress update for the period of 1 August 2014 to 30 August 2014.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Downtown Public Speace Options Evaluation Resolutions Auckland Development Committee September 2014 |
15 |
Authorisers |
Andrew Guthrie – Programme Director – City Centre Integration Rick Walden – General Manager – City Centre Integration
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 September 2014 |
12 |
Downtown Public Space Options Evaluation |
Resolution number AUC/2014/111 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Mayor LCM Brown: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) note the findings of the Downtown Public Space Options Evaluation (Reset Urban Design), Queen Elizabeth Square Evaluation (Gehl Architects) and Te Aranga Maori Design Evaluation (Rau Hoskins). b) confirm approval to sell or lease land on which part of Queen Elizabeth Square stands to Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited (PPNZL) subject to successful commercial negotiations, the outcome of associated statutory public processes (road stopping and rezoning of the land) and the inclusion of design quality requirements for the Downtown Shopping Centre (DSC) block in the terms of sale. c) agree that the proceeds from the sale or lease part of Queen Elizabeth Square be reinvested in the delivery of at least two of three identified potential alternative public spaces along the downtown waterfront i.e.: i) new/improved space west of Queens Wharf on the water’s edge at the foot of Lower Albert Street ii) improved space around the historic ferry building and at the base of Queens Wharf iii) new/improved space east of Queens Wharf in the Admiralty Steps area. d) note the initial draft design requirements for the Downtown Shopping Centre block that will form part of the terms of sale, summarised as follows: i) support the vision for the area as expressed in the draft Downtown Framework and the general design principles of the Downtown Shopping Centre Block Design and Development Brief (October 2013). ii) creation of an at-grade, publicly accessible (24hrs/7days), open with weather protection, east-west pedestrian laneway connection between Lower Queen Street and Lower Albert Street through the block iii) creation of a north-south pedestrian link through the block referencing the old Little Queen Street. iv) creation of an active built edge to Lower Albert Street, Lower Queen Street, Quay Street and Custom Street that is human in scale and reinforces and enhances the positive street qualities of the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, rhythm, articulation and transparency of facade v) best practice environmental design including a minimum New Zealand Green Building Council rating of 5 Stars or better or a recognised equivalent standard and achieve ‘highest world class design outcomes vi) application of Te Aranga Maori Design principles (as included in the Auckland Design Manual) in the design process and final design. vii) support of the Auckland Urban Design Panel to the final design.
e) note that, additional to the waterfront public spaces identified in point c), a new civic pedestrianised space is to be delivered on Lower Queen Street in front of the Chief Post Office (Britomart Transport Centre) as part of the City Rail Link ‘early works' package. The proposed civic space will be delivered to a standard that is ‘coherent with the wider area and/or recent public realm upgrades in the area’ as per the City Rail Link Notice of Requirement conditions f) note that the design of alternative public spaces identified in resolution d) will form part of Quay Street upgrade project design package scheduled to commence November 2014 g) agree that staff report back to the Auckland Development Committee with an update on the alternative public spaces design development as part of the Quay Street upgrade project, sale and lease options and public evaluation options h) subject to b) above, staff to consider the easterly extent of land to be sold based on a future building line to Lower Queen Street that optimises the design performance of the proposed pedestrianised civic space and has due regard for the District Plan amenity yard provisions in front of 1 Queen Street. CARRIED |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 September 2014 |
Update on improving the City Centre care and maintenance process
File No.: CP2014/17761
1. The purpose of this report is to provide the City Centre Advisory Board with an update on Auckland Council and Auckland Transport initiatives to address ongoing issues with maintenance of city centre targeted rate funded projects.
Executive summary
2. In June 2014 council staff provided the City Centre Advisory Board with an update on the development of an implementation plan for a new integrated cleaning and maintenance delivery model in the city centre.
3. Part of this implementation plan was to investigate the issues in relation to the quality and costs associated with maintenance of City Centre Targeted Rate funded projects and identify potential solutions for future consideration by the City Centre Advisory Board.
4. The City Centre Targeted Rate generates approximately $20 million a year to fund the implementation of capex and opex projects in the Auckland City Centre. Of this revenue, the current policy allocates 2.5% to consequential opex. This is to enable capex projects to be maintained at a higher standard.
5. It is currently expected that Targeted Rate funded projects should be maintained to an A+ standard. This is the highest standard of maintenance and cleaning provided by Auckland Transport.
6. The Auckland City Centre Advisory Board have previously raised the issue that spaces in the City Centre, which are funded by the City Centre Targeted Rate are not being cleaned and maintained to this higher standard.
Work underway
7. Since June 2014, senior management staff from both Auckland Council and Auckland Transport have been working together to complete the following tasks:
a) establish the existing standards of maintenance across the city centre (Attachment A)
b) identify the areas to which they apply, in the context of the targeted rate area and town centre cleaning boundary (Attachment B)
c) understand the cost of delivering these standards of maintenance over the project life
d) agree a higher maintenance standard for targeted rate funded projects and the % of targeted rate required to maintain to this standard
e) establish whether the 2.5% of targeted rate allocated to consequential opex is required to achieve the higher standard for targeted rate projects
f) understand the impact of this standard on general rate and Long Term Plan if there is not enough budget available within the revenue generated by targeted rate to maintain these spaces to a standard acceptable by the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
g) The priority task over the next month is for Auckland Council and Auckland Transport staff to continue to complete the work required to establish the costs associated with maintaining to the current service levels and the additional costs required to lift the overall standards, if considered appropriate.
8. Further information about the work done to date and planned is in the City Centre Maintenance: Targeted Rate Funded Spaces - Actions Points and Progress Tracking Table (Attachment C).
9. It should be noted that, outside of the above process, Auckland Transport have been maintaining O’Connell Street to an A+ standard from 2 September 2014.
Next steps
10. It is envisaged that the above tasks will be completed by December 2014 to align with the 2015-2025 LTP process.
11. Staff will seek endorsement from Auckland City Centre Advisory Board in November 2014 of the required/acceptable maintenance standards for targeted rate funded projects and % of targeted rate required to maintain to this standard.
12. Following Auckland City Council Advisory Board endorsement, staff will seek endorsement from Governing Body through the LTP process to ensure adequate budget provision in the 2015-2025 LTP process and that Auckland Transport receives the necessary funds as part of their business planning process by 30 June 2015.
13. Staff will continue to update the Auckland Council Advisory Board on a monthly basis.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the update report on improving the City Centre care and maintenance process. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
City Centre Maintenance Service |
19 |
bView |
City Centre Map |
21 |
cView |
CCTR Maintenance Action points and progress tracking table |
23 |
Authors |
Rachael Eaton – Team Leader City Transformation (Central and Islands) |
Authorisers |
John Dunshea – Manager, City Transformation Andrew Guthrie – Programme Director – City Centre Integration |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 September 2014 |
Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:
a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.
This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Update on the LTP and City Centre Targeted Rate
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable) |
Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution |
The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |
s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). In particular, the report contains information which is commercially sensitive and could affect negotiations between the City Centre Advisory Board and the Mayor of Auckland Council if the information is made publicly available. |
s48(1)(a) The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. |