I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 11 September 2014


Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee









Sharon Stewart, QSM


Deputy Chairperson

Bill Cashmore



Cr Alf Filipaina



Cr Denise Krum



Cr Calum Penrose



Member David Taipari



Member Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE



Member Karen Wilson



Cr George Wood, CNZM





Ex officio

Mayor Len Brown, JP



Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse



(Quorum 3 members)




Cecily Dower

Democracy Advisor


11 September 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6200

Email: cecily.dower@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz







The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee will be responsible for:


·         Being Auckland’s strategic forum for civil defence and emergency management planning and policy;

·         Establishing an emergency management structure for the Auckland region;

·         Develop, approve, implement and monitor the Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan;

·         Performing the statutory functions of a civil defence emergency management group;

·         Representing Auckland in the development of national emergency management policy;

·         Developing policy for, and monitoring, the Auckland Council’s civil defence, emergency management and natural hazards functions; and

·         Engaging with Local Boards on civil defence and emergency management issues.


The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee will exercise the statutory powers outlined in the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and the Auckland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan.


The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee is authorised to approve use of the established emergency funding facility provided for emergency management.


Relevant legislation includes but is not limited to:


Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002; and
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996.





Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

11 September 2014


ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Petitions                                                                                                                          5  

4          Public Input                                                                                                                    5

5          Local Board Input                                                                                                          5

6          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

7          Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

8          Auckland CDEM Alternate Controller                                                                         7  

9          Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


3          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


4          Public Input


Standing Order 3.21 provides for Public Input.  Applications to speak must be made to the Committee Secretary, in writing, no later than two (2) working days prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.


5          Local Board Input


Standing Order 3.22 provides for Local Board Input.  The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time.  The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give two (2) days notice of their wish to speak.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.


This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 3.9.14 to speak to matters on the agenda.


At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.


6          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local  authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


7          Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee

11 September 2014


Auckland CDEM Alternate Controller


File No.: CP2014/21105






1.       To appoint Angus McKay as CDEM Alternate Group Controller

Executive summary

2.       The Auckland CDEM Group is required under section 26 of the CDEM Act to have a person appointed as the Group Controller and to have persons appointed as alternate Group Controllers to act in the event the Group Controller is unable to perform their duties or is away.  This report proposes an additional Alternate Group Controller.




That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Committee:

a) confirm Angus McKay as an Alternate Group Controller.






3.       On 2nd March 2011 the original Group Controller and alternates were confirmed. This was revised on the 7th March 2014, when the Auckland CDEM Committee group confirmed Clive Manley as the Group Controller and three alternate controllers (Harry O’Rouke, Ian Maxwell, John Duthie)

4.       We would now like to add one additional Alternate Group Controller to provide greater continuity for the Auckland CDEM arrangements.

5.       We would like to propose to the committee that Angus McKay is appointed as an Alternate Group Controller.

6.       Angus McKay is currently the acting Manager Readiness and Resilience for CDEM, reporting to the CDEM Director.  Angus has a degree in engineering and initially worked for Rolls Royce and then served with the Police in UK and New Zealand. He has been with Auckland CDEM for the last two years and has supported and deputised for the Group Controller on recent storm events.

7.       One of the recommendations from the learnings from the Christchurch earthquake was for the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management to provide more extensive training for Controllers and an 18 month course has now been developed.

8.       The urgency of this report is as a result the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management requiring nominations from existing Controllers to be submitted by Tuesday 16th September 2014.  We wish to send Angus McKay on this course but the ministry has stated on 11 September 2014 they will only consider him if he is an existing controller.



Local board views and implications

9.       Local Board views have not been sought

Māori impact statement

10.     The positions adopted in this report does not give rise to any issues for Maori


11.     There are no implementation issues.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Hantie van der Stoep - PA to Clive Manley Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director


Clive Manley - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Director