Disability Strategic Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel held in the Council Chambers, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 11.00am.





Dr Huhana Hickey




Deputy Chairperson

Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP





Sandra Budd





David Hughes





Tania Kingi





Clive Lansink





Ezekiel Robson





Susan Sherrard




Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM








Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE




Disability Strategic Advisory Panel

15 September 2014



1          Apologies


Resolution number DIS/2014/69

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member D Hughes:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apology from Member D McKenzie for absence.




2          Declaration of Interest



There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number DIS/2014/70

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 18 August 2014 as a true and correct record.




4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) update


Rebecca Kruse, Strategy Analyst attended and provided a presentation. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Comments from members in response to the presentation included the following:

  • David Hughes – asked if there would be an easy to read version of the plan.
  • Clive Lansink – discussed accountabilities for event organisers – Rebecca confirmed that this would be covered in the Events policy.
  • Martine Abel – recommended that Rebecca develop a relationship with Arts Access Aotearoa who presented to the Panel in August.
  • Tania Kingi – when discussing the Community Grants Policy the Panel suggested they should explain how an event would benefit disabled persons. ACSAP should also look at this and follow the lead from other departments.
  • Ezekiel Robson – referred to the International Guild of Disabled Artists and Performers and said he had a contact there. Also said that there needs to be dynamic work to develop audio inscription with respect to better communicating what’s on offer.
  • Colleen Brown – questioned the connection between CCOs and this plan and how people across the region will access this policy. Referred to Nathan Homestead i.e. no pedestrian crossing thus access dangerous and no lifts in the building. Rebecca confirmed that she was talking to Auckland Transport generally around the plan.



Resolution number DIS/2014/71

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member S Sherrard:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the report.

b)      affirm the verbal feedback that the Panel members provided at the meeting on the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan.

c)      authorise Ezekiel Robson to provide written feedback, including the verbal feedback provided by Panel members at the meeting, on the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan.




a     Presentation





Access for persons with disabilities to and within buildings


Kevin Wright spoke to this report in the absence of Peter King, Senior Technical Specialist Policy, Building Control.


Comments from members in response to the presentation included the following:

  • Colleen Brown – felt that the Panel should comment on the need for a checklist. Did not like the comment that there was an “attitude” by some who say that “we will not employ people with a disability”. Questioned in whose eyes decisions would be seen as “reasonable and practicable”.
  • Ezekiel Robson – wanted the recommendations from the meeting on 18 August 2014 to go to the Governing Body i.e. to be put in front of the decision makers.
  • Clive Lansink – said that the Panel should thank Peter King for his response and reiterate the Panel’s view of the intent of Section 118 of the Building Act 2004. Felt that the Panel should wait for the outcome of the review of the Building Code being undertaken by MBIE and the Office of Disability Issues.



Resolution number DIS/2014/72

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member C Lansink:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the response from Building Control to DSAP’s requested actions.






Correspondence from Minister for Disability Issues


Members discussed the letter from the Minister for Disability Issues and agreed to provide information to the Mayor’s office to enable a response to be provided, including the fact that they would welcome a visit from Megan McCoy, Director, Office for Disability Issues at one of the Panel meetings.







Resolution number DIS/2014/73

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member T Kingi:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      provide information to the Mayor’s office to enable a response to be made to the letter from the Minister for Disability Issues.






Transport Update


Martine Abel provided a verbal update on the status of the Public Transport Accessibility Group (PTAG) and the Capital Projects Accessibility Group (CPAG). There was still some uncertainty on who was on the PTAG whose first meeting was to be on 24 October 2014.



Resolution number DIS/2014/74

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Member C Lansink:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal transport update.

b)      request clarification of payment of attendance fees to the Panel representative.






Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum


Martine Abel provided a verbal update on the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum to be held on 27 November 2014 including the format for the forum which would be opened by Cr Stewart. The Chairperson said that the intention was that the new Panel would speak at the forum but that was dependent on the new members’ experience.



Resolution number DIS/2014/75

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal update on the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.






Chairperson's report


A copy of the Chairperson’s report, which was tabled at the meeting, has been placed on the official copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number DIS/2014/76

MOVED by Member D Hughes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s report and agree that she be thanked for her role in           this first term.


b)      acknowledge the contribution from members Sandra Budd and Tania Kingi who           were not seeking reselection on the new Panel in the second term.




a     Chairperson's report




General Business


Members raised the following items of general business:

  • David Hughes – referred to a telephone call he had received from the employment consultancy firm dealing with the reselection process. David was concerned as he was not aware of the purpose of the call and did not have a support person present during the conversation. There was a lot of discussion by members on the reselection process in general and it was felt that there should have been better communication on the process in advance.
  • Clive Lansink – asked for an update on the Panel’s recommendations from the May 2014 meeting regarding council developing a comprehensive disability strategy for Auckland. Kevin Wright reported that he had presented this information to the Senior Management Team who indicated a reluctance to develop the strategy and that he’s working through this response with one of the Managers.
  • Tania Kingi – hoped that there would be Maori representation on the new Panel and recommended that if there was not then the Panel may need to form partnerships for representation.
  • Huhana Hickey – hoped that the next Panel would be representative and inclusive reflecting the diversity of the community so that the voices of those communities can be heard.



Resolution number DIS/2014/77

MOVED by Chairperson H Hickey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson CB Brown:  

That the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal discussion on issues and events occurring since the last meeting of the Panel.




12        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  



1.15 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.






