I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 24 September 2014 2:00pm Council
Chamber |
Finance and Performance Committee
Chairperson |
Cr Penny Webster |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Ross Clow |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Cr Dick Quax |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Member David Taipari |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Member John Tamihere |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Penny Hulse |
Cr Denise Krum |
Cr Mike Lee |
(Quorum 11 members)
Crispian Franklin Democracy Advisor
23 September 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6205 Email: crispian.franklin@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Finance and Performance Committee 24 September 2014 |
15 Monthly Budget Update 5
Finance and Performance Committee 24 September 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/19873
1. This report is provided on a monthly basis as required. It collates decisions required of the Finance and Performance Committee on changes to the budgets, and provides a financial context within which the decisions can be made.
Executive summary
2014/2015 capex deferrals
2. On 21 August, this committee agreed to capex deferrals from 2014/2015 for the Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), but resolved to further engage with local boards before agreeing to any deferrals for Auckland Council.
3. Council staff have reviewed the list of regional deferrals to ensure that this list reflects the most accurate and up-to-date information available, and factor in any other relevant considerations such as the application of CBD targeted rate funding. As a result, the list of regional deferrals has been revised down from $80 million to $74 million. A revised list of regional deferrals is included as Attachment A.
4. All 21 Local Boards have now considered the list of proposed deferrals at their business meetings and passed formal resolutions in relation to this list. The local board resolutions are included as Attachment B. If the committee were to agree to all of these resolutions, the list of local capex project deferral would be revised down from $35 million to $21 million overall, with some boards having very few or no deferrals.
5. To ensure an consistent approach across all boards, staff have reviewed the local board resolutions and provided a set of recommendations based on the objective criteria that has been used throughout this process. If the committee were to agree to these staff recommendations, the list of local capex project deferral would be revised down from $35 million to $30 million overall, with all boards having some material level of deferrals.
That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to the list of regional deferrals set out in Attachment A b) note the local board resolutions included as Attachment B c) agree to the staff list of local deferrals set out in Attachment C which reflects the application of standard criteria across all local boards d) note that 17 local boards resolved that the capital deferrals be given priority in 2015/2016 e) agree that the council’s budgets be updated to reflect the financial implications of the above decisions.
6. The Finance and Performance Committee has delegated authority to approve changes to budgets during a financial year. Rates for 2014/2015 have been set with no provision made for accommodating new or additional expenditure items. Any new 2014/2015 expenditure committed to will either require reprioritisation of existing budgets or increased borrowing.
2014/2015 capex deferrals
7. On 21 August, this committee agreed to capex deferrals from 2014/2015 for the Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), but resolved to further engage with local boards before agreeing to any deferrals for Auckland Council.
8. Council staff have reviewed the list of regional deferrals to ensure that this list reflects the most accurate and up-to-date information available, and factor in any other relevant considerations such as the application of CBD targeted rate funding. As a result, the list of regional deferrals has been revised down from $80 million to $74 million. A revised list of regional deferrals is included as Attachment A.
9. All 21 Local Boards have now considered the list of proposed deferrals at their business meetings and passed formal resolutions in relation to this list. The local board resolutions are included as Attachment B. If the committee were to agree to all of these resolutions, the list of local capex project deferral would be revised down from $35 million to $21 million overall, with some boards having very few or no deferrals.
10. To ensure an consistent approach across all boards, staff have reviewed the local board resolutions and provided an alternative set of recommendations based on the objective criteria that has been used throughout this process. If the committee were to agree to these staff recommendations, the list of local capex project deferral would be revised down from $35 million to $30 million overall, with all boards having some material level of deferrals.
11. The specific categories used to assess the 2014/2015 council parent capex programme were:
a) Legally committed – Legislative or contractual commitment for delivery in 2014/2015
b) Growth related – Development contribution funded capex but not committed
c) Urgent health and safety renewal – A significant health and safety risk that must be addressed in 2014/2015
d) In tender process – Signed procurement plan, currently under tender or about to go to tender
e) Cost savings – Capital works that support cost savings
f) Revenue generating – The investment will be offset by associated revenue
g) Renewals – To maintain existing levels of service
h) Discretionary – Projects have flexibility to be deferred and reconsidered through the LTP process
All expenditure in categories a-g is recommended to be retained, while all expenditure in the last category is recommended for deferral. For some projects the total cost may have been allocated across more than one category. For example, phase 1 may be committed, but phase 2 remains discretionary.
Local board views and implications
12. All 21 Local Boards have now considered the list of proposed deferrals at their business meetings and passed formal resolutions in relation to this list. These board resolutions are included as Attachment B.
13. Some of these resolutions state that particular projects are a high priority for the board and should not be deferred, even though the objective criteria for retention are not met. In most cases, these arguments relate to community expectations and/or previous planning and engagement work. However, there are two specific local projects where the board has identified potential efficiency benefits from aligning project timing with other related capital works:
· Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall – Waitamata Local Board resolved that this project should proceed this year to coincide with the upgrade of the adjoining Freyberg Square. While they have resolved not to accept the proposed $1.9 million deferral, they have acknowledged that only about $400,000 would be likely to be completed in 2014/2015.
· Mt Roskill Village Centre Upgrade – Puketepapa Local Board resolved that this $527,000 project should proceed this year to align this with Auckland Transport’s work on Dominion Road which is due to commence in October.
Staff acknowledge the potential benefits of proceeding with these two projects in 2014/2015. However, at this stage they remain on our list of recommended deferrals as they do not meet our objective criteria for removal from the list.
14. 17 local boards resolved that deferred projects be given priority in 2015/2016.
15. The LTP process will provide the opportunity to discuss with the community the relative importance of projects and programmes, based on the priorities identified in the Local Board Plans.
16. Through September and October Local Boards, the Governing Body, CCOs and council staff will all contribute to the development of draft LTP 2015-2025 budgets in response to the Mayoral Proposal. Decisions on discretionary local budgets will be made by Local Boards in October and decisions on regional activities and local asset based services will be made by the Budget Committee on 5-7 November.
17. Final decisions on which projects are included in the LTP 2015-2025 will be made by 30 June 2015, following full public consultation.
Maori impact statement
18. From discussion with Te Waka Angamua early in the process, no individual project proposed for deferral has been noted as significant for delivering the intended Maori outcomes.
19. Budgets will be amended in core financial systems and used for internal management reporting, regular reporting to councillors and financial control for the 2014/2015 financial year.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
List of Regional Deferrals |
9 |
bView |
Local Board Resolutions |
11 |
cView |
List of Local Deferrals |
53 |
Authors |
Taryn Crewe - Financial Planning Manager - Council Parent Ross Tucker - Team Leader Capital Planning |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker - Manager Financial Plan Policy and Budgeting Andrew McKenzie - Chief Finance Officer |