I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Howick Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 8 September 2014


Howick Local Board Meeting Room
Pakuranga Library Complex
7 Aylesbury Street


Howick Local Board









David Collings


Deputy Chairperson

Adele White



Garry Boles



Katrina Bungard



Jim Donald



Lucy Schwaner



John Spiller



Steve Udy



Bob Wichman



(Quorum 5 members)




Lynda Pearson

Local Board Democracy Advisor


29 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 572 0151

Email: lynda.pearson@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Notice of Motion - Fees and Charges                                                                          7

13        Chair's Report                                                                                                              13

14        Councillor's Update                                                                                                     15

15        Quarterly Perfomance Report for the Howick Local Board for the period ended 30 June 2014                                                                                                                               17

16        Deferral of 2014/2015 capital projects                                                                       93

17        Annual Report 2013/14                                                                                              101

18        Auckland Transport Update – September 2014                                                     107

19        Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards
For the quarter - 1 April to 30 June 2014                                                               

20        Review of Alcohol Control Bylaws - Proposed bylaw for local board feedback 177

21        ACPL sites proposed for divestment                                                                      211

22        Auckland Council Property Limited Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 January to 30 June 2014                                                                                                                             221

23        Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy                     239

24        Reports Requested and Issues Raised 2013 -2016                                                271

25        Workshop Notes                                                                                                        275  

26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Howick Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 11 August 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations.  Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Board.  This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda.  Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


11.1     A Notice of Motion has been received from Member Lucy Schwaner and will be considered at Item 12.


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Notice of Motion - Fees and Charges


File No.: CP2014/19738







In accordance with Standing Order 3.11.1, the following Notice of Motion has been received from Member Lucy Schwaner for inclusion on the agenda for the Howick Local Board meeting being held on Monday, 8 September 2014:





That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Considers the attached Notice of Motion on Fees and Charges by Member Lucy Schwaner.








Notice of Motion Fees and Charges





Lynda Pearson - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Chair's Report


File No.: CP2014/19310





1.       To provide an opportunity for the Chair to update the meeting on projects and issues which the Board has been involved with since the last meeting.

Executive Summary

2.       An opportunity for the Chair to verbally update the meeting on projects, issues, events, and progress the board has made since the last meeting.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the Chair’s verbal report.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Lynda Pearson - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Councillor's Update


File No.: CP2014/19311





1.       An opportunity for the Ward Councillors to update the Board on regional matters of interest.

Executive Summary

2.       A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Ward Councillors to update the Board on regional matters.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the verbal report.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Lynda Pearson - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Quarterly Perfomance Report for the Howick Local Board for the period ended 30 June 2014


File No.: CP2014/16953





1.       To update the Howick Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 as set out in the Local Board agreement.

Executive summary

2.       A financial performance report is presented to the local boards for the accounting quarters ending September, December, March and June

3.       Auckland Council departments and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) also present regular performance reports to the local boards

4.       To improve overall performance reporting the Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards team produces a combined quarterly financial report, department report and CCO report

5.       The attached omnibus consolidation contains the following reports this quarter

• Local board financial performance report

• Local Community Development, Arts and Culture (CDAC) activity overview

• Local Libraries overview

• Local Sports, Parks and Recreation (LSPR) overview

· Local Economic Development

· Treasury Report

• Work programmes for CDAC and LSPR

· ATEED for 6 months ending 30 June

6.       Further departments and CCOs will be included in future reports to the local board.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Howick Local Board for the period ended June 2014




7.       In consultation with local boards this omnibus report provides the elected members with a comprehensive and common overview of local activities from council departments and CCO’s.

8.       Future reports are expected to include additional departmental and CCO reports as these are developed for inclusion and discussion. Some of these will be six monthly reports depending on their traditional reporting cycles.

9.       Local Economic Department has included a quarterly report for the first time.  This is expected to be a standard report every quarter.



Local board views and implications

10.     The report is presented to the Howick Local Board members at a workshop prior to the ordinary meeting.

Maori impact statement

11.     Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials.  However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori







Howick Local Board Quarterly Performance Report





Faithe Smith - Lead Financial Advisor


Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards

Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Deferral of 2014/2015 capital projects


File No.: CP2014/19695






1.       To seek agreement from the Howick Local Board to the list of capital projects outlined in Attachment A that are proposed for deferral from 2014/2015, prior to consideration by the Finance and Performance Committee on 18 September 2014.

Executive summary

2.       Prior to decisions being made by the Finance and Performance Committee regarding a 2014/2015 capex deferral programme, engagement was held with all local boards.

3.       Between 12 and 19 August 2014, staff attended 21 local board workshops to outline the capex deferral process and obtain feedback on proposed deferrals affecting each local board area.

4.       On 21 August 2014, the Finance and Performance Committee resolved that decisions on the deferral of local board capital projects from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016 be deferred until local boards have formally considered and responded to each project in full (FIN/2014/47).

5.       The list of capex projects proposed for deferral is outlined in Attachment A. 




That the Howick Local Board:

a)      formally considers and agrees the deferral of capex projects outlined in Attachment A to 2015/2016.

b)      notes that any projects where timing has been deferred, but project planning is underway, should be given high priority in the 2015/2016 capital programme.






1.       As foreshadowed in the 2014/2015 Annual Plan and LTP workshops, operating budgets for 2015/2016 (the first year of the LTP 2015-2025) would need to be reduced by about $90 million to achieve a 2.5 per cent average rates increase.

2.       It is not possible to reduce the average rates increase for 2015/2016 down to 2.5 per cent solely by reducing or deferring capex in that particular year. The lagged impact of changes in the capital programme on operating budgets means that reducing or deferring capex in 2014/2015 will have a greater impact on rates for 2015/2016.

3.       Since amalgamation the quantum of planned projects each year has exceeded the council parent’s capacity to deliver. While delivery capacity is now increasing, a significant bow wave has built up. This historical underspend is acknowledged in the Annual Plan and factored into council’s rates and debt projections by way of a $207 million assumed underspend. However, the individual projects that will not be delivered are not explicitly identified in the Annual Plan as they had not yet been identified.

4.       Council staff have reviewed 2014/2015 capex budgets to identify work that must be completed this year as a matter of practical necessity, or where not doing the project in this timeframe would negatively impact existing service levels, external revenue or the realisation of efficiency savings.

5.       The specific categories used to develop the list of deferred projects and process undertaken is explained further in Attachment B which was circulated to Local Boards prior to the proposed capex projects for deferral being discussed at a recent workshop.

6.       In order to develop a realistic capex programme for 2014/2015 and contain pressure on rates in 2015/2016, staff recommend that the capex projects included in Attachment A for the council parent be explicitly deferred from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016, and be included as part of the LTP prioritisation process.

7.       Between 12 and 19 August, staff attended workshops for all 21 local boards to obtain feedback on the proposed capital deferral schedules for 2014/2015. This engagement provided opportunity for local boards to ask questions, reinforce the reason for deferring capital funds and provide feedback on the status of projects in alignment to criteria used to assess proposed deferrals.

8.       Of the total proposed projects for deferral tabled at the Finance and Performance Committee on 21 August 2014, regional projects amounted to $80 million, local projects amounted to $35 million and CCO’s collectively deferred $109m.

9.       Staff reduced the total of local projects for deferral by approximately $7 million due to responding to the information provided through the recent workshops held with local boards. These reductions were due to corrections in applying the criteria used for identifying potential deferrals. Attachment A takes into account these reductions.

10.     Local boards also identified projects that are discretionary and could be deferred, but which are very important to their local community. Rather than making decisions about removing any high-priority discretionary projects from the deferral list, staff included these comments in the schedule provided to the Finance and Performance Committee.

11.     The decisions being made are budget adjustments that represent timing changes only. Any decisions to drop or reprioritise projects should be made as part of the LTP process.

12.     Through September and October Local Boards, the Governing Body, CCOs and council staff will all contribute to the development of draft LTP 2015-2025 budgets in response to the Mayoral Proposal. Decisions on discretionary local budgets will be made by Local Boards in October and decisions on regional activities and local asset based services will be made by the Budget Committee on 5-7 November.

13.     Local Board Plans, along with the Auckland Plan and the agreed spatial priorities will help inform this prioritisation. Final decisions on which projects are included in the LTP 2015-2025 will be made by 30 June 2015, following full public consultation.






List of projects proposed for deferral until 2015/2016 including Local Board feedback



Local Board Memo distributed prior to the workshops on 7th Augsut 2014





Taryn Crewe – Financial Planning Manager Council Parent


Matthew Walker - Manager Financial Plan Policy and Budgeting

Karen Lyons – Manager Local Board Services


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Annual Report 2013/14


File No.: CP2014/16390






1.       This report compares the actual activities and actual performance with the intended activities and the intended level of service as set out in the Howick Local Board Agreement for 2013/14.  The information is prepared as part of the Howick Local Board’s accountability to the community for the decisions made throughout the year.

Executive summary

2.       The Local Board is required to monitor and report on the implementation of the Local Board Agreement for 2013/14.  The requirements for monitoring and reporting are set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009.  These requirements include providing comment on actual local activities against the intended level of service and for these  comments to be included in the Auckland Council Annual Report.

3.       The attached report is proposed for approval from the Howick Local Board.

4.       The Auckland Council Annual Report will be audited and then reported to the Governing Body for adoption on 25 September 2014.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Notes the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14

b)      Approves:

I.        The message from the Chairperson, which provides the Local Board’s comments on local board matters in the 2014 annual report

II.       The list of achievements and the list of capital projects that form part of the local board information for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2013/14

c)         Gives authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to make typographical changes before submitting for final publication




5.       The Local Board is required to monitor and report on the implementation of its local board agreement for 2013/14. The requirements for monitoring and reporting are set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, as follows:


Section 23 Monitoring and reporting

(1)  Each Local Board must monitor the implementation of the local board agreement for its local board area.

(2)  Each annual report of the Auckland Council must include, in respect of local activities for each local board area, an audited statement that –

i)  Compares the level of service achieved in relation to the activities with the performance target or targets for the activities (as stated in the local board agreement for that year); and

ii) Specifies whether any intended changes to the level of service have been achieved; and

iii)      Gives reasons for any significant variation between the level of service achieved and the intended level of service.

6.       Each local board must comment on the matters included in the annual report under subsection (2) in respect of its local board area and the Council must include those comments in the annual report.


7.       This report focusses on the formal reporting referred to in Section 23 above.  Attachment A provides the draft local board information for inclusion into the Annual Report 2013/14.  The draft report contains the following sections:

·    message from the Chair

·    key achievements

·    financial results

·    performance measures.


8.       Local board comments on local board matters in the annual report will be included in the annual report as part of the message from the Chair.


9.       The next steps for the Annual Report are:

·    Audit during August 2014

·    Report to the Finance and Performance Committee in September

·    Report to the Governing Body for adoption on 18th September

·    Full New Zealand Stock Exchange disclosure on 26th September

·    Publication on 24th October

·    Copies of the annual Report will be provided to the local board office.



Local board views and implications

10.     Local Board comments of local board matters are included in the annual report as part of the message from the Chair.

Maori impact statement

11.     The annual report provides information on how the Auckland Council has progressed its agreed priorities in the annual plan over a 12 month period.  This includes engagement with Maori, as well as projects that benefit various population groups, including Maori.












The 2014 Annual Report will be circulated under seperate cover





Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards


Kevin Ramsay - Manager Finance, Auckland CFO

Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014







Placeholder for Attachment 1




17. Annual Report 2013/14.DOC




The 2014 Annual Report will be circulated under seperate cover


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Auckland Transport Update – September 2014


File No.: CP2014/19534






1.       Providing an update on transport matters for the information of the Howick Local Board and a register of transport issues in the Howick Local Board area, as collated by Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager (South).

Executive summary

2.       This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Howick Local Board and its community; matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector; and Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the Board and community.

3.       In particular, this report provides updates on:

·    the Howick Local Board’s transport capital fund (both current and new projects)

·    Chapel Road/Town Centre Drive intersection improvements update

·    Watercare update on Pakuranga Wastewater Main Project.




That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the report entitled ‘Auckland Transport Update – September 2014’ and the attached issues register from Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager (South).





Howick Items


A1. Local board transport capital fund (LBTCF)

·    The Howick Local Board’s funding allocation under the LBTCF is $871,903 per financial year.  Following Auckland Council approval last year to roll-over the 2012/13 LBTCF budget into the subsequent electoral term and then the recent elections, the Board is able to access funding across five financial years.

·    The Board’s active projects are included in Table 1 below (NB: ROC = rough order of costs; FEC = firm estimate of cost):

Table 1:


Project Description

Progress/Current Status


Improvements at Half Moon Bay (HMB) Marina

·      $27,000 allocated from 2011/12 Discretionary budget in Aug-13

·      $100,000 allocated from LBTCF in Sep-13

·      $24,520 incurred to date in detailed design phase as at 28-Jul-14

·      FEC estimate of $229,470 (construction only)

·      Firm estimates ($229,470) and detailed designs were reported to the Board’s transport portfolio meeting on 6-May-14.

·      The Board’s transport portfolio holders met with BBYC representatives on 20-May-14 and 24-Jun-14 to discuss BBYC input into the design proposal.

·      AT met with a BBYC representative on 1-Jul-14 and 6-Aug-14 to discuss its suggestions.

·      AT developed an amended concept plan and a meeting is scheduled for 29-Aug-14 to consider that plan prior to detailed design and costings being finalised.


Pedestrian Safety Improvements to the Meadowlands/Whitford/Millhouse intersection

·      FEC estimate of $460,000

·      Final cost of $514,643

·      All construction completed in Jul-14.

·      The final project cost is $514,643.  As previously reported, this increase over the original budget as approved was largely due to Vector costs for streetlight electrical connections.



Crooks Road streetscape improvements

·      FEC estimate of $95,000

·      On 9-Sep-13, the Board approved a streetscape-only project for construction at $129,000.

·      Revised cost estimates were in the order of $95,000.

·      Construction is in progress.


Burswood Business Area enhancements

·      FEC estimate of $196,000 for LBTCF funding

·      FEC revised to $240,000

·      On 9-Sep-13, the Board resolved that engagement with affected parties and representative groups be undertaken on the project.

·      Detailed designs and planting plans have been prepared for consultation, which is proposed to be undertaken in Sep-14.

·    A revised FEC for LBTCF funding is $240,000.


Highland Park bus shelter installation

·      FEC estimate for duplicate shelter $22,000

·      On 9-Sep-13, the Board approved a duplicate shelter for construction based on a ROC of $15,000.  A FEC of $22,000 has since been provided.

·      Further discussions are being held with Adshel over the possibility of a second Adshel shelter being erected next to or near the current shelter.


Pigeon Mountain Road metering signals and bus lane

·      ROC estimated at $165,000

·      On 10-Feb-14, the Board approved the project to proceed to detailed design and costing stage based on the ROC of $165,000.

·      Feasible options were reported to the Board’s Transport and Planning portfolio team on 19-Aug-14.

·      AT’s initial findings show that the best option would be the installation of traffic signal metering with two lanes for vehicles departing the marina, implemented in the evening peak with kerbside parking being made clearway during the same period.  This option does not include a separate bus lane but would require some kerb widening that would increase the ROC.  Some NSAATs would also be required on the western side of Pigeon Mountain Road.

·      The Portfolio leaders indicated their general support for the findings and requested AT to provide detailed plans and firm estimates for the October Board meeting.


Little Bucklands Beach walkway – both north and south of Grainger Point

·      ROC estimated at $300,000 (for approx 150m in both directions)

·      This project would comprise a piled cantilever walkway structure over the seawall with rock rip rap underneath, which will require specific design, consultation and consents.

·      A possible footpath at Grainger Point along the road (estimated at $9,000 for 50m) will be considered at a later date, if needed.

·      On 14-Jul-14, the Board approved this project to progress to detailed design and costing stage.


Ormiston Road loose metal footpath

·      ROC estimated at $50,000

·      Proposal is for a 1m loose metal footpath on the south side of Ormiston Road from the Ormiston town centre site to Ormiston College.

·      On 14-Jul-14, the Board approved this project to progress directly to construction stage.

·      Construction is expected to commence in mid to late September.


East Tamaki streetlighting upgrade

·      ROC estimated at $58,000

·      Proposal covers Kerwyn Ave, Andromeda Crescent, Lorien Place and Arwen Place.

·      On 14-Jul-14, the Board approved this project to progress directly to construction stage.

·      Construction is expected to commence in late 2014.


Paparoa Road/Four Trees intersection improvements

·      ROC estimated at $70,000

·      Proposal is for pedestrian facilities including footpath and pram crossings.

·      On 14-Jul-14, the Board approved this project to progress to detailed design and costing stage.


Chapel Road pedestrian signals

·      ROC estimated at $200,000

·      Proposal is for a signalised pedestrian crossing at the pedestrian refuge north of Baverstock Road.

·      On 14-Jul-14, the Board approved this project to progress to detailed design and costing stage.


Point View Drive footpath

·      ROC estimated at $136,500

·      Proposal is for new footpath on western side of Point View Drive between Caldwells Road and #130 Point View Drive.

·      The ROC of $136,500 is for approx. 570m2 of footpath and two small retaining walls but does not include any kerb and channel, stormwater or service relocation work.  High capacity electrics were recently undergrounded so there may be restrictions in place.

·      The ROC will be discussed at the Transport portfolio meeting on 2-Sep prior to further decisions being sought from the Board.


Howick Tetratrap installation

·      ROCs vary depending on roads or catchments selected from suggestions provided

·      Total ROC for all 22 suggestions provided is $1,296,000

·      Proposal was for potential installation of Tetratrap stormwater quality devices in road catchpits, particularly covering the Highbrook industrial area east of Harris Road.

·      AT notes that the effectiveness of tetratraps has yet to be assessed.  There is also a higher ongoing maintenance cost with tetratraps.

·      The new Highbrook catchment currently discharges to stormwater treatment ponds so this is considered a low priority.  AT suggests that the Board may wish to target specific areas where benefits would be certain.  Those areas are:

1.   high-use roads that are not on an improvement programme (12)

2.   roads in industrial areas (5)

3.   selected beach areas (5).

·      Various sites suggested and ROCs will be discussed at the Transport portfolio meeting on 2-Sep prior to further decisions being sought from the Board.


Bus shelter lighting improvements

·      ROC estimated at $671,200

·      Proposal is for lighting improvements as necessary at all bus shelters throughout the Howick ward.

·      The ROC of $671,200 assumes that:

1.    AT will do a lux review of all sites

2.    50% of sites will be treated

3.    50% of treatments will be a new light and pole

4.    50% of treatments will upgrade the existing light unit

5.    A site specific lighting design would be done for each site

6.    That no Adshel sites will be treated.

·      The ROC will be discussed at the Transport portfolio meeting on 2-Sep prior to further decisions being sought from the Board.


Half Moon Bay secure bike parking facility

·      ROC estimated at $100,800

·      The ROC of $100,800 is for a secure unit similar to those at Papakura and Papatoetoe train stations.  Price inclusive of an additional CCTV camera and a secure canopy for 20 cycles plus 4 standalone Sheffield racks for an interim solution.

·      A unit similar to the facility at Birkenhead ferry terminal would come at a similar cost.

·      The ROC does not include project management costs, consents or design costs.

·      There is no location large enough at the HMB ferry terminal building.  The most likely location is in the park and ride carpark but this would result in the loss of approximately 4 carparks.

·      The ROC will be discussed at the Transport portfolio meeting on 2-Sep prior to further decisions being sought from the Board.


·    The Howick Local Board’s transport capital fund to date is summarised below:

Howick Local Board transport capital fund summary:

Total funding available (across 5 FYs)


Completed projects reporting actual costs (3x driver feedback signs; Ti Rakau Road & Cockle Bay School bus shelters; Pedestrian improvements at Meadowlands/Whitford/ Millhouse)


Estimates for projects given construction approval (Crooks Road streetscape improvements; Highland Park duplicate bus shelter; Ormiston Road loose metal footpath; East Tamaki streetlighting upgrade)


Projects with committed funding awaiting detailed estimates (Half Moon Bay walkway/ pedestrian improvements)


Rough estimates on projects at detailed design and costing stage (Burswood Business Area enhancements, Pigeon Mountain Road metering signals; Paparoa Road/Four Trees intersection improvements; Chapel Road pedestrian signals)


Funding still available to allocate




A2. Chapel Road/Town Centre Drive intersection improvements update

·    The project update for the week ending 24 August was:

·    the concrete footpath was partly poured on Chapel Road

·    the road crossing for new traffic signal ducts was completed across Town Centre Drive

·    new kerb and channel now replaces the previous slip lane from Chapel Road into Town centre Drive.


·    Expected works for the week beginning 25 August are:

·    pouring the rest of the footpath on Chapel Road

·    installing new traffic signal poles on the corner of Chapel Road and Town Centre Drive

·    starting construction on new pram crossings on the school pedestrian islands

·    placing base metal in the new widened section of Chapel Road.


·    Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed in early October.


A3. Panmure Wastewater Main Project update (as provided by Watercare)

·    Included at Attachment A is Watercare’s August monthly update on the Panmure wastewater main project.  This was distributed to the entire pipeline route to inform the local community of the works still to be completed.

·    Included at Attachment B is a further August project update which specifically relates to works in Millen Avenue as distributed to residents.  The works at the intersection will now be in place until October 2014, and further works are also underway on Millen Avenue next to the pump station.

·    Watercare held an open day on the evening of 19 August to give local residents on Millen Avenue the opportunity to speak to the project team about any concerns over works being undertaken outside the Millen Avenue Pump Station.  The invitation was also extended to parents of Riverina School.  One local resident attended to ask questions about the works, and on the whole he felt very informed by the various communications he had received on the project.

·    Coming up in the next month, there will be a section of work undertaken in the entrance to the slip lane underneath the Panmure Bridge when traveling west-bound.  During this time the entrance will be closed for three weeks, though the east-bound entrance will remain open.


A4. Consultation documents on proposed improvements

·    Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the Howick Local Board for its feedback.  As the Board’s transport portfolio holders provide feedback on the Board’s behalf, the material below is included for general information purposes only.

·    Proposed refuge islands, bus stop relocations and ‘No Stopping At All Times’ parking restrictions (NSAATs), Botany Road, Botany – Auckland Transport received a request from the Royalle Mews Retirement Village to investigate the safety of pedestrian crossing Botany Road north of its intersection with Mirrabooka Avenue.  As a result of the investigation, Auckland Transport is proposing to install pedestrian refuge islands outside no. 111 Botany Road, which will also require the two existing bus stops to be relocated somewhat.  The refuge islands are designed to provide a safe crossing facility for pedestrians, reduce the crossing distance and provide pedestrian connectivity to the bus stops.  It is also necessary to provide additional NSAATs on Botany Road to ensure that parked vehicles will not obstruct pedestrian sightlines when using the refuge islands.  The two existing bus stops and the existing single bus shelter will be relocated to new positions nearby, while a new bus shelter will be provided for the other bus stop, as shown on the plan at Attachment C.

·    Proposed intersection improvements, Nicholas Road/Whitford Road intersection, Howick – Auckland Transport has investigated possible improvements at this intersection as there are high numbers of turning movements and a crash pattern involving right turning vehicles out of Nicholas Road.  The assessment considered alternative solutions including a roundabout.  However, a roundabout is not feasible to construct within the existing road corridor and would not operate well given the significant difference in traffic flows on the approaches.  Construction of a suitable roundabout could also not be achieved without land purchase and significant works.  As a result, Auckland Transport is proposing to install a right turn bay and flush median on Whitford Road to assist with turning manoeuvres as well as narrowing the through lanes.  In order to allow for the right turn bay and improved sight distances, NSAATs are required on both roads near the intersection, as shown on the plan at Attachment D.

·    Proposed pedestrian safety improvements on The Boulevard, SunnyhillsAuckland Transport received requests from local residents to provide pedestrian facilities on The Boulevard, particularly between Sunnyhill Crescent and Blue Gum Rise.  An investigation has identified that the installation of a pedestrian cut through on a central grassed median on The Boulevard between Sunnyhill Crescent and Blue Gum Rise would provide adequate crossing facilities and thereby improve safety for pedestrians, as shown on the plan at Attachment E.

·    Proposed intersection improvements, Pigeon Mountain Road / Prince Regent Drive / Sunderlands Road, Half Moon Bay Auckland Transport received concerns from local residents regarding heavy vehicles driving up over the kerbs and traffic islands at the intersection of Pigeon Mountain Road, Prince Regent Drive and Sunderlands Road.  Concerns were also received regarding long queues on Sunderlands Road and Prince Regent Drive, particularly during the evening peak, when ferries from downtown arrive at the marina.  An investigation also found that the intersection has a lack of pedestrian facilities despite there being a moderate amount of pedestrian activity due to nearby schools and the marina.  Auckland Transport is therefore proposing to improve safety for pedestrians and improve the overall capacity of this intersection by implementing improvements as shown on the plan at Attachment F.  In summary, the changes are:

·    Installation of three new pedestrian refuge islands on the east, west and south approaches to the intersection, to assist pedestrians crossing the roads

·    Realigning the kerbs on the northwest, northeast and southwest corners of the intersection to provide adequate tracking for tour coach buses

·    Remarking the western and eastern approaches to the intersection with two lanes each

·    Installation of NSAATs to provide sufficient inter-visibility between motorists and pedestrians using the pedestrian refuge islands and to facilitate vehicle movements at the intersection.


·    Proposed road widening, Ormiston Road, Flat Bush – Traffic movements along Ormiston Road are leading to congestion and delays at both the Te Irirangi Drive and Chapel Road intersections.  The current and planned development of the new town centre to the east will only exacerbate the traffic issues, leading to an exponential growth in delay times along Ormiston Road.  Therefore a proposed upgrade scheme is to widen the northern side of Ormiston Road between Te Irirangi Drive and Chapel Road on the east-west axis.  Features of the upgrade scheme will include:

·    Two through lanes in both direction on Ormiston Road

·    New left turn slip lane at the Ormiston Road/Chapel Road intersection

·    Bus stops on both side of Ormiston Road (one existing, one new)

·    Cycle lanes and cycle advance stop boxes on Ormiston Road, and

·    New footpath on the northern side of the widened Ormiston Road.


·    The proposed upgrade will improve traffic movement at both intersections, through capacity along Ormiston Road and further improve the efficiency of east-west movements between Chapel Road, Ormiston Road, Te Irirangi Road and East Tamaki Road.  The proposal has been previously discussed with the Howick Local Board, and the consultation plan is now shown at Attachment H.


General Information Items


B1. Local Board Engagement Plan

·    Auckland Transport has finalised the main elements of the Local Board Engagement Plan 2014, which documents how it will engage with each local board.  The standard approach will apply unless specific requests for changes have been made.

·    The Engagement Plan has been distributed to Howick Local Board members under separate memo cover.


B2. Blood alcohol limit lowered

·    The Land Transport Amendment Bill that sought to lower the adults legal alcohol driving limit from 400 micrograms (mcg) of alcohol per litre of breath to 250 mcg, and from 80 milligrams (mg) of alcohol per 100 millilitres (ml) of blood to 50 mg passed its Third Reading in Parliament on 30 July and received Royal Assent on 7 August, becoming the Land Transport Amendment Act (No 2) 2014.

·    The Amendment Act also creates an infringement offence for adult drivers whose evidential breath test result is 25-400 mcg per litre, the penalties for which are an infringement fee of $200 and 50 demerit points with no right to request a blood test and sets a higher infringement fee of $500 plus 50 demerit points, plus the costs of the blood test, for adult drivers who fail or refuse to undergo the breath test, and whose blood test results are 51 to 80 mg per 100 ml of blood.

·    The changes will come into effect on 1 December 2014.


B3. Review of train security

·    A rigorous assessment of train security has resulted in an action plan to enhance safety across the suburban rail network.

·    The action plan, developed by Auckland Transport, focuses on enhancing platform security and dealing with issues such as anti-social and disorderly behaviour observed on station platforms before patrons board trains.

·    CCTV is already installed at every train station and 13 key train stations across the network now have guards on platforms.

·    A Combined Safer Network Group, formed in May, brings together Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, New Zealand Police and rail operator Transdev, who will progress the action plan.

·    Auckland Transport will implement a number of additional initiatives over coming months.  In the short-term, platform guards will be given specialised training on how to manage security issues.

·    CCTV coverage on platforms and trains will be increased where needed.  An additional five cameras have already been purchased for the platform security network.

·    Since the introduction of guards on platforms in May, there has already been a decline in security issues on both trains and platforms.

Media Releases


C1. Panmure station attracting new passengers

·    The new Panmure railway station has seen a 57% increase in passenger numbers since it opened in January and a 73% increase compared with July last year.

·    Panmure is now ranked the 10th busiest railway station in Auckland, up from 18th in 2013.  On average, some 1116 passengers use the Panmure station every week day whereas in 2003 it was used by less than 100 a day.

·    A recent survey also shows that more than 99% of users of the station rated it excellent or outstanding.

·    The $17.5m interchange allows easy and direct transfers between rail and bus, benefiting those living and working in the area as well as those travelling through Panmure as part of their daily commute.  Transfers now account for approximately 8% of all public transport boardings.

·    The interchange is part of the Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI), where future stages will see the creation of busway lanes along Lagoon Drive and Pakuranga Road to a new bus station at the Pakuranga town centre.



C2. City Rail Link (CRL) design change

·    A significant design change to the CRL will save over $150 million, improve the reliability and journey time of train services, minimise construction disruption in Symonds Street and reduce property purchase requirements.

·    Auckland Transport has decided to redevelop the existing Mt Eden Station and connect it to the CRL rather than build a new underground station at Newton.

·    Since the City Rail Link’s concept design was developed two years ago, there has been concerted effort to optimise the design and drive value for money.  The change that has resulted from this focus will reduce cost by removing the very deep Newton station, which will also reduce construction disruption in upper Symonds Street by 12 to 18 months.

·    The improved design will connect passengers at Mt Eden Station to the CRL, which previously bypassed them, and improve operation reliability through the provision of a grade separated east-west junction so train lines won’t need to cross over each other.

·    The changes also will result in an improved customer experience with the CRL platform at Mt Eden now to be built in a trench open to the sky similar to the New Lynn station, rather than deep underground as was the case for the proposed Newton station location.  This open air location and the separated train junction will also lower operating costs.

·    In addition, fewer surface properties will be required.  Owners affected by the new design have been contacted directly by Auckland Transport about the change.

·    As well as these significant community, cost and service benefits, the development potential associated with Mt Eden Station will not be limited by volcanic cone view shafts and heritage buildings which constrained the Newton location.  Changes in the rail track alignment will also reduce vibration and noise effects on surrounding properties and improve travel times.

·    Information on the design changes and upcoming milestones for the CRL were explained to the community at open days held in the project area in late August and early September.


C3. New connections in Otahuhu

·    A new bus-train interchange sited at the existing Otahuhu Train Station is on track to begin construction later this year with completion targeted for the middle of next year.  The new interchange is expected to transform the way people travel in South Auckland and will be a critical hub in the delivery of a new integrated public transport network in the south.

·    Passenger comfort, safety, ease of accessibility and convenience were areas considered during the final design.  Key features include continuous cover along bus and rail platforms, an elevated and enclosed concourse connecting the existing rail platform with new bus platforms, multiple pedestrian access options, escalators, lifts and stairs, WiFi, CCTV, kiss-and-ride drop off area and bicycle parking/storage.  The facility will be built to accessible standards, including provision of limited parking for disabled users.

·    New on-street bus stop facilities will be built on Avenue Road replacing the existing Otahuhu bus station.  New, modern bus shelters will also be constructed on Mason Avenue to serve the new Otahuhu Recreation Precinct with regular and frequent bus services connecting the interchange with the new town centre bus stops.

·    The detailed design for the Otahuhu interchange can be viewed at:



C4. Second rail line going electric

·    The roll-out of electric trains in Auckland has stepped up with the introduction of the new trains on the Manukau Line.

·    Initially electric trains will run on some off-peak services, they will be introduced to all services over the next month.

·    The new electric trains have been very popular since their introduction on the Onehunga Line in April but with any transition there may be “teething problems.”

·    To ensure customers who use the trains to Manukau are getting a reliable service, Auckland Transport will be gradually increasing the number of electric trains over the next month.

·    Meanwhile, testing continues across the rail network following an intermittent power fault which saw some Onehunga services affected.  There are no safety issues associated with the fault.


C5. Design funding for new busway

·    Auckland Transport and the NZTA jointly announced on 18 August that funding has been approved to further develop plans for the South Eastern Busway from Panmure Station to Pakuranga.

·    The NZTA has approved design funding of $20.9m, with it subsidising $11m, for the Panmure to Pakuranga section of the AMETI project.  It will be the next stage after the current work in Panmure, which comprised the new Panmure Station and a new link road between Mt Wellington Highway and Morrin Road.

·    The Panmure to Pakuranga projects are the next stage of the $1.3 billion AMETI programme.  The long term project features a busway from Panmure to Pakuranga and Botany, roading upgrades at bottlenecks in Panmure and Pakuranga, and new cycling and walking infrastructure.

·    The Panmure to Pakuranga projects include:

·    replacing Panmure roundabout with an intersection with traffic lights and more direct pedestrian crossings

·    Panmure to Pakuranga busway on lanes separate to traffic congestion

·    Panmure to Pakuranga shared cycle/foot path separate to traffic

·    direct connection from Pakuranga Rd to Pakuranga Highway via Reeves Rd

·    Pakuranga bus station

·    second Panmure Bridge for busway and shared path.


·    Auckland Transport will continue to consult with residents, businesses and the community in the project area prior to applying for a land designation in the second quarter of 2015.  This will be followed by a publicly notified hearing.

·    Auckland Transport aims to begin construction in 2017, subject to approval of construction funding and consents.

Issues Register

·    The regular monthly issues register is Attachment H to this report.


Local Board Views

·    The Howick Local Board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.

Implementation Issues

·    All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.







Panmure Wastewater Main Project Update - August 2014



Panmure Wastewater Main Project Update - Millen Avenue - August 2014



Plan of proposed refuge islands, bus stop relocations and 'No Stopping At All times' parking restrictions, Botany Road, Botany



Plan of proposed intersection improvements, Nicholas Road/Whitford Road intersection, Howick



Plan of proposed pedestrian safety improvements on The Boulevard, Sunnyhills



Plan of proposed intersection improvements Pigeon Mountain Road/Prince Regent Drive/Sunderlands Road, Half Moon Bay



Plan of proposed road widening Ormiston Road, Flat Bush



Issues Register - September 2014





Jenni Wild – Elected Member Relationship Manager (South); Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager; Auckland Transport



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards
For the quarter - 1 April to 30 June 2014


File No.: CP2014/19523






1.       The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport in the three months April – June 2014 and the planned activities anticipated to be undertaken in the three months July – September 2014.

Executive summary

2.       Attachments include:

·    A – Auckland Transport activities

·    A1 – Travelwise Schools activities

·    B – Decisions of the Traffic Control Committee

·    C – Report against local board advocacy issues

·    D – Report on the status of the local board’s projects under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).




That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Report


Significant activities during the period under review

Key Agency Initiatives

SMART (South Western Multimodal Airport Rapid Transit) Project

1.   Investigation into protecting a rail (rapid transit) corridor from Onehunga to the Auckland airport then connecting back to the main trunk line at Puhinui forming a rail loop.

2.   As part of planning for the future public transport network, Auckland Transport has been in discussion with Auckland Airport about making provision for a potential rapid transit corridor in its master plan. Rail has been identified as the best long term public transport option for improving transport in Auckland’s airport and south western area. Auckland Airport has allowed for a rail corridor and station at the terminal as part of its latest master plan. There are no confirmed alignments for rapid transit links outside the airport property yet and further work is required to confirm this and the timing of any construction. The project is currently in the development phase and public consultation will be carried out when there is more certainty on feasible alignments and station locations.


East West Link

3.   The primary objective of the project is to provide an improved freight connection between SH20/Onehunga and the Southdown (MetroPort) and adjoining SH1 inland port. It is expected that there will be growth of freight transport via this corridor. Safety, amenity and service upgrades will also be considered. At the moment, At is investigating what can be provided within the current road reserve; however, some land purchase may be required.

4.   The project team has started the process for procurement of a professional services contract for the production of the Detailed Business Case in 2014/2015, subject to approval of funding. The contract will be led by the Transport Agency, as principal.  Indicatively, the construction is scheduled to start by 2016/2017 with forecast completion by 2019/2020.



PT Development

City Rail Link

5.   The CRL is a 3.5km double track underground electrified rail line running under Auckland City centre from Britomart Station to the Western Line near the existing Mt Eden Station. Britomart would become a through station and provide for 3 intermediate stations in the Aotea, Karangahape Road and Newton areas. Following AT confirmation of the designated route recommended by the Independent Planning Commission, appeals were received from 6 parties and the Project Team is currently working with those appellants to work through matters raised.


Distributed Stabling – Detailed Design

6.   The project entails the development of out stabling facilities which support rail services throughout the region. These facilities are located in the South, CBD and West and comprise facilities for overnight stabling of trains and staff facilities. Installation of Transdev staff facilities at The Strand will be completed over the next 4 months.


Electrification Safety Works

7.   This project will identify and address safety risks arising from the introduction of overhead electrified traction infrastructure to the Auckland rail network. The scope of work includes implementation of recommendations from a series of risk reviews into public trespass/climbability risk at stations, investigation into possible platform-train interface and trip hazard issues between new EMUs and existing platforms. Fencing additions have been completed.  Anti-climb roller barriers are to be installed by the end of July.


Newmarket Crossing

8.   Upgrade a level crossing in Newmarket that constrains train movements into/out of Newmarket Station and inhibits planned increases in timetable frequencies. The preferred option has now been selected as the Cowie Street Linkway to Laxon Terrace.  Community group meetings commenced late February 2014, with the next meeting scheduled for early August 2014.  The design tender has been awarded and concept design is underway.


Upgrade Downtown Ferry Terminals

9.   The waiting area on pier 2 is now complete and handed over.

10. The design for the new Pier 4 Pontoon has been completed and scoping and initiation works are under development in coordination with the Harbour Edge Programme.



PT Operations

Highlights for the quarter (April-June 2014)

11. Total patronage achieved a record 72.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014, with a +5.6% growth.

12. Rail patronage achieved a record 11.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014, with a +13.9% growth.

13. The Northern Express rapid transit Northern Busway bus service achieved a record 2.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014, with a +6.5% growth.

14. Other bus services achieved a record 53.4 million annual passenger trips to end June 2014, with a +4.2% growth.

15. Ferry services for the year to end June 2014 carried 5.1 million annual passenger trips, with an annual growth of +3.1%.

16. An Auckland milestone was achieved on Monday 28 April at 05:46 from Onehunga with the first new electric train (EMU) operating a revenue service between Onehunga and Britomart.

17. Green Bay / Titirangi New Bus Network Review and public consultation has been completed and the new service will be implemented in August.

18. Wi-Fi on the PT network is now available at rail and busway stations and some ferry wharves.

19. AT HOP integrated ticketing rollout has been completed across all bus, rail and ferry services.

20. 50 AT HOP retailers are available across Auckland, with 10 Customer Service Centres.

21. The AT HOP Day Pass was implemented on 1st July 2014 and offers travel for $16 across two zones, A and B, or $22 across three zones, A, B and C across rail, bus and inner harbour ferries.  The pass can be loaded on to an AT HOP card at AT Customer Service Centres, AT HOP ticket machines, ticket offices and AT HOP retailers.  The paper-based Discovery Day Pass is to be withdrawn at the end July.


Future outlook

22. The business case for integrated fares under a 5 concentric ring zonal model, including product and pricing scenarios, is progressing through to final recommendation.

23. The bus Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) new draft contract has been finalised and will be distributed to incumbent bus operators for feedback in July. The bus PTOM Procurement strategy has been completed and NZTA approval will be sought in August.  The target is to tender the new South Auckland bus network in September, with a target go-live for services in the third quarter of 2015.

24. Work continues on developing the new PT journey planner.  This will deliver a step-change in the customer experience through improved functionality, putting more power in the hands of the customer.     

25. The revenue service progressive launch of new electric trains on to the Eastern Line is anticipated in August.

26. Planning is also underway for the delivery of the trial to equip Transdev Ticket Inspectors with personal CCTV cameras and the ability to issue Trespass Notices to those repeatedly travelling without a valid ticket.


Key Deliverables

27. Focus continues on the eight key strategic priorities on the rolling three-year business growth plan for Auckland public transport of:

·      Integrated ticketing and fares

·      Procurement and regulatory reform (PTOM – Public Transport Operating Model)

·      Rail electrification

·      Ferry improvements

·      New connected Network

·      On-time performance

·      First and Final Leg

·      Customer experience.



Road Design and Development

Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Scheme Cycle Way

28. Provision of an off road cycle highway from Glen Innes Rail Station to Tamaki Drive.

29. This project is being delivered jointly with NZTA. Route options have been selected and the process of refining these (considering constructability issues) is underway.


Tamaki Drive Corridor upgrade

30. This project will consider Tamaki Drive from Quay Street through to St Heliers and will be looking at present and future land uses and how they impact on the function of the road, future traffic growth (improving traffic flows) and the provision of improved public transport. Initial assessment of Ngapipi Bridge and benchmarking of modal use is underway.


Quay Street - Seawall Seismic Upgrade

31. This project deals with the proposed upgrade to Quay Street to give effect to the aspirations of the City Centre Master Plan for the severance between sea and city to be minimised and to provide priority to pedestrians and cyclists over other travel modes. Further objectives are to improve the interface between the public transport facilities that are concentrated in the Lower Queen Street area. The project also deals with associated enabling works that include the seismic upgrade of the Quay Street seawall.

32. Two primary solution methodologies have been identified and reviewed. The procurement strategy is being prepared and this will assess Early Contractor Involvement and Design & Construct with a recommendation for a preferred option for AT Board approval.


Waterview Cycle Way connection

33. The Waterview Walking and Cycling project is required as a condition of the decision of the Waterview Connection SH20-16 Motorway Board of Inquiry decision to mitigate adverse social effects resulting from the loss of open space and reserves. The condition requires the provision of the shared path between and including the proposed Alford Street Bridge and the proposed Soljak Place Bridge, a length of approximately 3.4km. The new facility will provide a missing link in the existing Auckland Regional Cycle Network. AT is required to prepare a design sufficient to submit as part of the Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent documentation and obtain the necessary land owner and statutory approvals for the shared path. The land purchase process will be managed by AT. The preferred route option has been identified, although some negotiations are still underway with some landowners. Public consultation is planned for 23 and 24 July.



Community Transport

School Transport Programme and Road Safety Education

34. The number of schools signed onto the Travelwise Programme has now reached 401.

35. The Mayoral Travelwise celebration and the Walking School Bus Megastar event were undertaken in June to congratulate the schools and volunteers for their hard work and results achieved.

36. Key activities that were undertaken with the schools included Road Safety Week activities, Safety at the School Gate parking enforcement, speed enforcement campaigns undertaken with the NZ Police, cycle training, scooter training, school leadership programme for intermediate and high school students and school curriculum transport related activities targeted at road safety and school travel options.

37. Walking School Buses now number 387 in the region with a continued programme of recruitment and recognition for the volunteers who accompany the buses. 

38. Demand for cycle training is still strong from schools and greater partnerships with the NZ Police, Sports Trusts and Bike NZ have been developed to deliver cycle training and cycle safety. 

39. The following regional road safety education campaigns are being delivered over the coming six months: 

·      Local speed  campaign – focused at all road users

·      Sober Driver campaign – focused at Sports Clubs and bars

·      Cycle safety- winter campaign focused on be bright be seen

·      Back to school speed campaign  - focused on targeting drivers speed around schools


Travel Planning and Cycle and Walking

40. Commute travel planning packages and personal journey plans are being delivered across the region targeting business, communities, business associations and tertiary institutions.

41. The development of the Auckland Cycle network continues with priority being placed on working with the NZTA on Grafton Gully and Waterview, working with Local Board Greenway proposals, Beach Road, Great South Road, Puhinui Road and the New Zealand Cycle Trail network expansion programme of the Airport to City route.



Road Corridor Access

Corridor Access Request Applications

42. 1,207 CAR applications were approved in June, with 82% processed within 5 working days and 94% processed within 15 working days of lodgement.

43. In the last 3 months to the end of June 2014 there have been 3,801 CAR applications approved to carry out work on the road network. 


Ultra-Fast Broadband Rollout

44. The Year 3 (2013/2014) build has now been completed and the cabinets passed to Crown Fibre Holdings.  There is still some outstanding reinstatement work associated with the Year 3 build which will be completed over the next few months.

45. The Year 4 (2014/1205) build has commenced with CAR applications approved for 64 of the Year 4 cabinet areas with 28 of these already under construction.

46. The Year 4 build comprises 451 cabinet areas of which at least 25% will have some overhead deployment utilising existing power poles.


Watercare Hunua 4 Bulk Watermain

47. Watercare currently has three crews working at Tidal Road, Pah Road and Mountain Road in Mangere Bridge.  A fourth crew will be commencing work shortly in Victoria Street in Onehunga between Neilson Street and Church Street.

48. The work on Tidal Road will be finishing shortly and will then progress into Massey Road where it will proceed westwards until it reaches George Bolt Memorial Drive.  The work on Massey Road will require road closures and will be restricted to mid-block with full reinstatement required before a move to the next block.  There has been extensive consultation with PT, the Heavy Haulage Association and other key stakeholders to lessen the impact of these closures.


Overweight Permits

49. 179 overweight permit applications were approved in June 2014.  Of these, 168 (94%) were processed within the target timeframes of 3 days for single trip, multi travel and continuous renewal permits and 5 working days for continuous and area permits. 

50. In the last 3 months to the end of June there have been 532 overweight permit applications approved for travel on the AT road network.



Road Corridor Maintenance


51. The remaining pavement renewal projects on Okura River Road and Ngarahana Road have been completed.

52. The first section of the seal extension project on Matakana Valley Road has been completed.

53. The remediation work on the Victoria Road retaining wall is now complete.

54. Bridge renewal work has been completed on Hiki Culvert, Remiger Bridge, Rangitopuni Bridge and Rosemount Bridge.

55. The three new road maintenance contracts for the northern area commenced on 1 July 2014.  The respective contractors are Downer New Zealand (Rural North), Fulton Hogan Limited (Urban East) and Transfield Services Limited (Urban West).



56. The clean-up work on Great Barrier Island following the storm on 10 June 2014 will continue through the winter months as further loose material is washed down onto roads.  At this stage it is estimated that the total cost of the remedial work will be in excess of $6 million.

57. The pavement renewal projects on Carlton Gore Road, Aranui Road and Elstree Avenue were completed in June.

58. 35.7 km of AC resurfacing and 33.3 km of chipsealing were completed this year.



59. 15.1 km of AC resurfacing and 38.6 km of chipsealing were completed this year.  Projects were added to the programme in the last quarter.

60. 6.0 km of pavement renewals were completed with projects completed on Great North Road, Portage Road, Margan Avenue, Kinross Street, Birdwood Road, Henderson Valley Road, Nikau Street, View Road, Kervil Avenue, Rimu Street (2), West Coast Road and at the Great North Road/Titirangi Road intersection.

61. Retaining walls have been constructed at a number of sites including Titirangi Road, Titirangi Beach Road (3), Candia Road, Laingholm Drive, Crows Road, Sunnyvale Road, South Titirangi Road and Bethells Road.

62. Physical work has commenced on the major slip repair at 597 South Titirangi Road.  It is expected that work will be finished by early September.

63. 17.6 km of footpaths were either resurfaced or replaced this financial year. 



64. The remaining pavement renewal project on Waiuku Road has been completed.

65. The investigation and design for the pavement renewal projects in the 2014/15 programme are underway so as to enable an early start to construction in the upcoming summer months.

66. There has been 24.7 km of AC resurfacing and 170.1 km of chipsealing completed this year.  The AC resurfacing programme was increased in length from 21.5 km to 24.7 km in the last quarter.

67. 36.8 km of footpaths were either resurfaced or replaced this year.

68. 17.7 km of pavement renewals were completed this year with projects completed on Te Irirangi Drive (2 sections), Great South Road (5 sections), Ti Rakau Drive (2 sections), Prince Regent Drive, Cook Street (Howick), Princes Street (Otahuhu), Massey Road,  Carruth Rd (Papatoetoe), Great South Road (4 sections), Mahia Road, Roscommon Road, Hill Road, Sheehan Avenue, Hunua Road (2 sections), Whitford-Maraetai Road, Takinini-Clevedon Road, Ponga Road, Ararimu Road, Pukeoware Road, Costello Road, Edinburgh Street/Massey Avenue roundabout (Pukekohe), King Street/West Street roundabout (Pukekohe), East Street (Pukekohe), Queen Street (Pukekohe), Sommerville Road, Rogers Road, Ostrich Farm Road, Stan Wright Road and Waiuku Road.



69. New street lights are being installed in conjunction with the undergrounding of overhead power lines at the Mt Smart Road/Mays Road intersection and on Bassett Road in Remuera.

70. There has been 4,237 luminaires and 696 street light poles replaced this year



Road Corridor Operations

Route Optimisation: Investigation and analysis

71. The planned route optimisation for 2013/2014 has been completed including the Central City routes.

72. Changes to the operation of the Traffic Signals have been made to improve performance on the following routes:


Quay St

Lower Hobson St

Solent St

Customs St

Lower Hobson St

The Strand

The Strand

Quay St

Alten Rd

Wellesley St


Grafton Rd

Albert St

Quay St


Queen St

Quay St

Newton Rd


Karangahape Rd

Franklin Rd

Mayoral Dr/Cook St

Wellesley St W

Wellseley St E

Nelson St


Fanshawe St

Hobson St

Quay St


Karangahape Rd

Ponsonby Rd

Grafton Rd

Symonds St

Mt Eden


Grafton Road

Khyber Pass

Symonds St

Victoria St

Hobson St

Stanley St

Fanshawe St

Hobson St

Beaumont St

Higbrook Dr


Te Irirangi Dr

Jervois Rd

Wharf St

Beaumont St

Ponsonby Rd

Khyber Pass

College Hill Rd

Rosebank Rd

Great North Rd

Patiki Rd

Neilson St


Church St


73. The effect of these changes is being monitored and there has already been positive feedback. Reports are being completed to summarise the work, analysis and results.

74. Physical Works Programme (other routes across the region:

·      24 projects are at the scheme design stage

·      4 projects are at the detailed design stage

·      8 construction projects are in progress.


Network Safety & Operations Improvement Programme

Safety Around Schools Programme (part of the region wide School Travel Planning process)

75. The 2013/2014 Safety engineering programme of $8,482,695 delivered 86 projects across 25 schools including:


·      15 projects completed in the Central area

·      50 projects completed in the South area

·      5 projects completed in the North area

·      16 projects completed in the West area

·      2014/15 Safety engineering programme developed for 20 schools.


Minor Safety Improvements Programme

76. 98% of the 2013/2014 Minor Safety Improvements Programme has been completed with 2% still in construction or procurement.


Regional Safety Programme

77. 75% of the 2013/2014 Regional Safety Programme is completed with 25% of projects still in construction for completion in 2014/2015


Urban Kiwi RAP and Red Light Camera Programmes

Urban Risk Mapping

78. The Urban KiwiRAP star-rating contract awarded in late June.  The contractor is anticipating start up in August pending work visa approval. A procurement plan is being prepared to engage a Project Manager.


Red Light Cameras

79. Roll out of five additional Auckland RLC sites is planned. Site selection review by key stakeholders is taking place in July with procurement processes underway for installation of sites using existing technology. No further sites are being considered until finalisation of new technology by NZ Police later this year.


Parking and Enforcement

Fanshawe Street Bus Lane

80. Enforcement of the new bus lane on Fanshawe Street was implemented. The warnings period was extended to four weeks due to the high volumes of traffic.  A week’s stand-down followed before live enforcement commenced. To date there has been very good compliance, with 130 infringements being issued since live launch on 4 June. This represents an average of just 14 enforcements per day across all enforcement zones on Fanshawe Street. This can be compared to Onewa Rd which has been live for several years and where there are 20 enforcements per day on average.


Kingsland Paid Parking Zone

81. Consultation was carried out in December 2013 on changes to the parking in the Kingsland town centre. The purpose of the changes was to improve the parking availability and give customers flexibility on their length of stay. Currently there are mostly 60 minute time restrictions in Kingsland and parking is near capacity during the middle of the day, evenings and weekends. The project proposes using pay and display parking with no time limits, a 10 minute grace period and demand responsive pricing. Prices will be set to achieve a target occupancy range of 70-90% at peak times. There was over 50% support for the proposal and the Kingsland Business Association supports the proposal. The parking changes will go live on 14 July and there will be advisory signs in Kingsland for two weeks prior.


Newmarket Paid Parking Zone

82. Consultation was carried out in December 2013 on changes to the parking in the Newmarket. The purpose of the changes was to improve the parking availability and give customers flexibility on their length of stay. Currently there is a wide range of parking restrictions in Newmarket which create confusion for customers. Parking is near capacity on certain streets which creates increased levels of congestion as cars circle to find parking. The project proposes using pay and display parking with no time limits, a 10 minute grace period and demand responsive pricing. Prices will be set to achieve a target occupancy range of 70-90% at peak times. Most streets in Newmarket already have pay and display; however, some streets will be converted from time restrictions to pay and display. There was over 50% support for the proposal and the Newmarket Business Association supports the proposal. The parking changes will go live in early August.


Auckland Parking Discussion Document

83. The parking discussion document was released in May 2014. The document provides commentary on key parking challenges and invites the public to send feedback and ideas on how we manage parking into the future. We’ve made suggestions on how AT might approach various parking challenges and asked the public what they think on themes such as removal of parking on arterial roads, management of parking within the city centre and other town centres, and extension of park and rides. The document has attracted a lot of media attention and over 350 submissions have been received so far. Consultation closes on 31 July 2014.







Schedule of activities undertaken for the fourth quarter (2013/14) ending 30 June 2014 and forward works programme for the first quarter (2014/15) ending 30 September 2014



Travelwise Schools activities broken down by Local Board



Traffic Control Committee Decisions



Local Board Advocacy Report



Local Board Transport Capital Fund





Various Auckland Transport authors


Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Review of Alcohol Control Bylaws - Proposed bylaw for local board feedback


File No.: CP2014/19021





1.       The purpose of the report is to provide local boards with a copy of the proposed Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 and to request formal feedback by resolution.

2.       Local boards are also requested to appoint a review panel to make recommendations to the local board on the review of the local alcohol bans.

Executive summary

3.       On 22 July 2014, the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee recommended to the governing body to adopt the Statement of Proposal for the proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 (Attachment A) for public consultation (resolution number RBC/2014/27). The governing body formally adopted the Statement of Proposal on 31 July 2014 (resolution number GB/2014/70). Following this discussion, the council commenced public consultation (using the special consultative procedure), on 15 August 2014.

4.       In addition to the public consultation process, staff are seeking feedback from local boards on the proposed bylaw. 

5.       The proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 will establish the bylaw structure and delegation that will be used to make, review, amend or revoke alcohol bans. Decisions on existing and new alcohol bans will be made by local boards after a new bylaw is adopted. This ensures decisions meet the proposed new requirements in the bylaw.

6.       Regardless of the final form of the bylaw and delegations, local boards have an important role in the review of alcohol bans and the appointment of an alcohol ban review panel is sought.

7.       Details of the proposed bylaw are outlined in the report.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      provides formal feedback (by passing resolutions) on the proposed Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw to the hearing panel, including whether the local board wish to meet with the hearing panel

b)      appoint a local alcohol ban review panel comprised of up to three local board members to make recommendations on the review of the alcohol bans in the local board area

c)      appoint one member as a chairperson of the local alcohol ban review panel

d)      delegate to the chairperson of the local board the power to make a replacement appointment to the review panel in the event that any member appointed by the local board under resolution (b) is unavailable.





Legislative Framework

8.       The Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010 requires the review of all seven legacy alcohol control bylaws (previously called liquor control bylaws) and associated alcohol bans (previously called liquor bans) by 31 October 2015.

9.       In December 2012, Parliament enacted the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This in turn amended the Local Government Act 2002. The requirements for making or continuing individual alcohol bans has changed significantly with the passing of the Local Government (Alcohol Reform) Amendment Act 2012 (the Act).

10.     The Act introduced a higher threshold to be met for alcohol bans to be made or continued.  The higher threshold requires that the council is satisfied that there is evidence to show a high level of crime or disorder is caused or made worse by the consumption of alcohol in that public place and that the alcohol ban is a reasonable restriction on people’s rights in light of that evidence.

11.     The process for making a bylaw under the Local Government Act 2002 requires that the council determine if a bylaw is the most appropriate response to a problem. A bylaw must also be in the most appropriate form and must be consistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.  All bylaws must meet the legal requirements as set out in the Bylaws Act 1910, including not being unreasonable, providing rules that are proportionate to the issues being addressed and not being beyond the powers of the enabling legislation.

Current Auckland regulation

12.     Currently, there are seven legacy alcohol control bylaws and more than 1,600 individual alcohol ban areas across Auckland.  The legacy bylaws significantly differ in their drafting style and presentation.

13.     In general, all legacy bylaws provide the structure used to make alcohol bans. Some legacy bylaws enable the making of alcohol bans by resolution while others require a change to the bylaw itself. Making alcohol bans by resolution means the level of consultation is determined on a case by case basis and can result in more effective and efficient decisions compared to amending the bylaw.

14.     An assessment of the appropriateness of the legacy bylaws indicate that:

·        A single bylaw is necessary to enable the adoption of alcohol bans that prohibit or regulate or control the consumption or bringing into or possession of alcohol in public places. The New Zealand Police consider that limiting the consumption of alcohol in public places may reduce alcohol related harm.

·        It is appropriate to delegate decisions on alcohol bans in local public places to local boards.

15.     Within an alcohol ban area the possession and consumption of alcohol is prohibited during the time the ban is operational.  Exceptions enable alcohol to be transported in an unopened container to and from licenced and private premises.

16.     Enforcement of the bylaw is the responsibility of the New Zealand Police. The police have powers of search, seizure and arrest, and may issue a $250 infringement notice for breach of an alcohol ban.



Auckland Council’s proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw

The council’s decision to adopt the proposed Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw for public consultation

17.     On 22 July 2014, the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee recommended to the governing body the Statement of Proposal for the proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw.

18.     On 31 July 2014, the governing body adopted the proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw Statement of Proposal (Attachment A), which includes the proposed bylaw for public consultation (resolution number GB/2014/70).

19.     Following the decision, the council commenced the public consultation process (using the special consultative procedure), on 15 August 2014. The key consultation dates are summarised in the table below:


Table 1. Key consultation dates



15 August 2014

Written submission period opens

15 September 2014

Written submission period closes

September/October 2014

Staff will review and analyse all submissions in a report to the hearings panel

Report will include all formal feedback received from local boards

Early/Mid October 2014

Public hearings will be held by hearing panel

This will include an opportunity for local boards to meet with the hearings panel

End October 2014

Hearings panel will report back to governing body (final bylaw adopted)

18 December 2014

Bylaw commences


Summary of proposed alcohol control bylaw content

20.     This section of the report summarises the key proposals contained in the proposed bylaw.

21.     The purpose of the bylaw is to control the consumption or possession of alcohol in public places to reduce alcohol related harm. This aligns to the section 147 (Power to make bylaws for alcohol control purposes) of the Local Government Act 2002.

22.     The bylaw proposes that local boards be delegated decisions on making, reviewing amending or revoking alcohol bans in local areas. This supports previous feedback obtained by local boards requesting this delegation from the governing body.

23.     Alcohol bans of regional significance will remain the responsibility of the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee. This is consistent with the Auckland Council Long Term Plan where issues of a regional significance are the responsibility of a council committee.

24.     It is proposed within the bylaw that prior to making a new alcohol ban, the council be satisfied that the alcohol ban gives effect to the purpose of the bylaw and comply with criteria and decision making requirements Subpart 1 of Part 6 of the Local Governments Act 2002; and section 147B of Local Government Act 2002. This includes that:

·        There is evidence that the area to which the bylaw applies (or will apply by virtue of the resolution) has experienced a high level of crime or disorder that can be shown to have been caused of made worse by alcohol consumption.

·        The alcohol ban is appropriate and proportionate in light of the evidence and can be justified as a reasonable limitation on people’s rights and freedoms.

25.     Four different times are proposed in the bylaw for consideration of new alcohol ban areas:

·        24 hours, 7 days a week (at all times ban)

·        7pm – 7am daily (evening ban)

·        10pm – 7am daylight saving and 7pm – 7am outside daylight saving (night time ban)

·        7pm on the day before to 7am on the day after any weekend, public holiday or Christmas/New Year holiday period (weekend or holiday alcohol ban).

These times are a guide to improve consistency across Auckland. This recognises that in some instances the use of the times specified may be disproportionate to the evidence of the problem and therefore contrary to the statutory requirement that requires alcohol bans to be proportionate in light of the evidence. These times are generally consistent with a number of legacy council bylaws.

26.     Enforcement of alcohol bans is the responsibility of the New Zealand Police. The penalty for breaching an alcohol ban is a $250 infringement under the Local Government (Alcohol Ban Breaches) Regulations 2013.

Review of local alcohol bans

27.     To ensure local board decision making on the existing alcohol bans is consistent with the new bylaw, local boards will be required to review all bans once the bylaw is adopted. It is a statutory requirement these all be reviewed by 31 October 2015 otherwise the bans will lapse.

28.     Staff will support the local board review. The proposed alcohol ban review process is outlined in the table below:

Table 2. Proposed local board review process



September 2014

Local boards establish local alcohol ban review panels to review existing local alcohol bans

End October 2014

Final Alcohol Control Bylaw adopted by governing body

November 2014 – end February 2015

Staff to present information on local alcohol bans to each local alcohol ban review panel and assist the panels in making recommendations on existing local alcohol bans

March 2015

Recommendations of the local alcohol review panels presented to local boards

April/May 2015

Public consultation on alcohol controls (if required by local boards)

June 2015

Alcohol bans adopted by local boards

October 2015

Legacy alcohol bans lapse.


Local board views and implications

29.     The review of the legacy bylaws was discussed with local boards in the context of the significant other changes arising from new alcohol-related legislation.  In relation to alcohol bans, local boards sought clear decision-making criteria, some form of regional consistency in times while providing for local variation where necessary, provision for temporary changes, and local board delegations.

Māori impact statement

30.     Throughout the initial engagement phases of the review project, staff worked with the Community Policy and Planning team, Te Waka Angamua, policy advisors at the Independent Maori Statutory Board (IMSB) and Hapai Te Hauora Tapui to deliver a program for engaging with Māori on alcohol issues.

31.     As part of this, staff ran a workshop with rangatahi (youth), organised a rangatahi engagement session as part of the Atamira event and held a hui with mana whenua and mataa waka to discuss both the Local Alcohol Policy Project and the Alcohol Control Bylaw Project.

32.     There is broad support from the police iwi liaison officers, mana whenua and mataa waka in relation to protecting children and young people from the harms associated with alcohol consumption in public places.


33.     If adopted as proposed local boards will be required to review all current alcohol bans after the bylaw is adopted by 31 October 2015. This ensures that decisions on alcohol bans meet the proposed new requirement in the bylaw and the enabling legislation.

34.     The Policies and Bylaws Unit will assist local boards with this process. Polices and Bylaws staff have been collating evidence from legacy council files, the Police and community safety audits and are working closing with Integrated Bylaw Review Implementation team to ensure practicality and ease in the implementation of the Auckland-wide bylaw. As part of this process, the appointment of local board alcohol ban review panels is sought.







Statement of Proposal - Review of Aclohol Control Bylaws



Proposed Alcohol Control Bylaw





Kylie Hill - Policy Analyst


Helgard Wagener - Team leader, Policies and Bylaws

Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



ACPL sites proposed for divestment


File No.: CP2014/19698






1.       This report seeks the Howick Local Board’s endorsement for Auckland Council Property Limited (ACPL) to recommend for disposal sections 1, 3, 4 and 5, 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush.

Executive summary

2.       The council-owned properties at sections 1, 3, 4 and 5, 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush have been identified as potentially surplus to council requirements through a review process.

3.       The entire site was acquired by Manukau City Council in 2000 for public open space, stormwater management and the ability to sell the residual land for residential development in the future.  Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 are currently vacant and cumulatively comprise 69,604m2.  These sections sit within a Special Housing Area and have Proposed Unitary Plan zonings of mixed housing suburban and terrace housing and apartment buildings.  ACPL’s Development team are working on the proposed development of these sites. 

4.       ACPL commenced the rationalisation process for these sections in April 2014.  Consultation within council and its CCOs, Iwi Authorities and the Howick Local Board has now taken place. 

5.       The Howick Local Board has provided ACPL with informal feedback that it is supportive of the proposed disposal of this site.

6.       A resolution for the disposal of the site is required from the Finance and Performance Committee before the proposed development can be progressed.




That the Howick Local Board:

a)      endorses ACPL’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee to dispose of sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush.





7.       ACPL and ACPD work jointly on comprehensively reviewing the council’s property portfolio.  One of the outcomes of the review process is to identify properties in the council portfolio that are potentially surplus to service requirements and that may be suitable to sell. 

8.       Once a site is identified as potentially surplus, ACPL then engages with council and CCO’s through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, to establish whether the property is needed for a future funded project, or whether it must be retained for a strategic purpose.

9.       Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5, 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush have been identified as potentially surplus to council requirements through the review process.  These sections are part of a larger, council-owned site.  These sections are all vacant, cumulatively comprise 69,604m2 and have a combined desktop valuation of $10,400,000.  The entire site was acquired by Manukau City Council in 2000 for public open space, stormwater management and the ability to sell the residual land for residential development in the future.  The site to the south of Lot 1 (Lot 2) has been identified as a potential school site and as such has not been included in the rationalisation process. 

10.     These sites sit within a Special Housing Area (SHA) with Proposed Unitary Plan zonings of mixed housing suburban and terrace housing and apartment buildings.  ACPL’s Development team have been working on the proposed development of these sites.  Under the Operative District Plan, Lot 1 could accommodate 30 to 40 individual sites.  If Lot 1 was developed under the provisions of the Terraced Housing and Apartment Building zone a higher intensity could be achieved.  Lot 1 has a small overlap into the neighbourhood centre zone.  As much as possible, ACPL will work with the adjacent owner to ensure a pragmatic approach is taken at this zoning interface.  Lot 5 will be the last of the sites available for development due to roading and infrastructure timing. 

11.     The EOI process commenced in April 2014.  No EOIs were received.  The EOI process provided the Maori and Strategy Relations team the opportunity to flag any issue that is of particular relevance to Maori.  The Heritage Unit and the Closed Landfills and Contaminated Land team were also invited through the EOI process to flag any issues.  None of these parties have raised any relevant issues.

12.     Given there were no requests to retain sections 1, 3, 4 and 5, 187 Flat Bush School Road for a service need, they appears to be surplus and as such we recommend that these sections be divested.

13.     Sections 1 and 5 are subject to s40 Public Works Act 1981 offer back requirements if they are not used for housing purposes.  Sections 3 and 4 are exempt from s40 Public Works Act 1981 offer back requirements.


Local board views and implications

14.     ACPL first engaged with the Howick Local Board regarding this site in July 2014. The Howick Local Board verbally acknowledged that it endorsed the proposed disposal and development of this site in principle but wished to pass a formal resolution. 

15.     The Howick Local Board’s resolution will be included in the report to the Finance & Performance Committee in October 2014.

Māori impact statement

16.     Eleven iwi authorities were contacted regarding the potential sale of 187 Flatbush School Road, Flatbush. The following feedback was received.

a)      Ngati Whatua o Orakei

Ngati Whatua o Orakei has no commercial or site specific cultural interest in this property.

b)      Te Kawerau

Te Kawerau has expressed potential commercial interest in any council owned properties that may become available for sale.

c)      Ngai Tai ki Tamaki

Ngai Tai ki Tamaki has expressed the general cultural significance of this site to the iwi; along with potential commercial interest should it become available for sale.

d)      Te Akitai Waiohua

Te Akitai Waiohua has expressed potential commercial interest in any council owned properties that may become available for sale.


e)      Ngati Te Ata Waiohua

Ngati Te Ata Waiohua has expressed potential commercial interest in any council owned property that becomes available for sale. Particularly where there may be opportunities for iwi housing development in their rohe. Their representative has additionally stated that due to the cost of land in Auckland it would be important for council to consider discounted rates for land sales to iwi to enable displaced iwi to live in their rohe.

f)       Ngati Paoa

Ngati Paoa has expressed potential commercial interest in any council owned properties that may become available for sale.

g)      Patukirikiri

Paturkirikiri confirms that other tribes have stronger interests than Patukirikiri in the subject property. They are comfortable with being omitted from feedback on this site in favour of those with stronger interests.


17.     Should a resolution to divest this property be obtained from the Finance and Performance Committee, ACPL will continue to progress the proposed development of these sites.








Images of 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush



Indicative Roads Plan, 187 Flat Bush School Road





Letitia McColl, Senior Engagement Advisor, Portfolio Review, Auckland Council Property Limited


Margrit de Mann, Property Portfolio Manager, Auckland Council Property Limited


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Auckland Council Property Limited Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 January to 30 June 2014


File No.: CP2014/19516






1.       To give the Howick Local Board an overview Auckland Council Property Limited’s (ACPL) activities for the six months 1 January to 30 June 2014.

Executive summary

1.       ACPL’s vision is to be a ‘centre of excellence’ that provides commercial expertise and value for money to the council in managing its property portfolio, acquisition and disposal activities, and the delivery of projects that implement council development initiatives.

2.       This report sets out a summary of ACPL activities for the past six-months that contribute to our seven key outcomes as outlined in our Statement of Intent 2014 to 2017 and noted below. Activity detail is broken down by business unit or work-stream, with a focus on local board specific activities where applicable.

3.       ACPL’s seven key outcomes:

§ Properties managed for the council and Auckland Transport (AT) are maintained to be fit for purpose and achieve optimum net returns.

§ Place-shaping projects involving other sector partners are efficiently planned and managed to help achieve a quality compact Auckland.

§ ACPL contributes exemplar housing developments to increase the supply of housing in Auckland, particularly in the more affordable spectrum of the market, working with partners.

§ Council business interests are managed to protect long term value and achieve budgeted net income. 

§ Property acquisitions are undertaken in a commercially robust manner and in accordance with the council and AT agreed requirements and relevant legislation.

§ Properties are disposed of for the council in a commercially robust manner once declared surplus.

§ The council is provided with a commercial perspective on planning and development initiatives to support effective implementation of those initiatives.

4.       Local board specific supporting detail is included in Attachments A, B, and C.




That the Howick Local Board accepts the Auckland Council Property Limited Local Board six-monthly update 1 January to 30 June 2014.



Workshops and Meetings

5.       A schedule of Howick Local Board workshops and meetings attended by ACPL representatives from January to June 2014 is included as Attachment A. The list includes property specific meetings and workshops relating to general property management and the ongoing portfolio Rationalisation Process.

Property Portfolio Management

6.       ACPL manages all Auckland Council or AT owned non-service properties. These are properties that are not immediately required for service delivery or infrastructure development.

7.       The property portfolio continued to grow during the last six-months and now totals 1185 properties, an increase of 90 since our February 2014 update. The current property portfolio includes industrial sites and buildings, retail tenancies, cafés, restaurants, offices and a substantial portfolio of residential properties.

8.       ACPL’s specialist property knowledge and understanding enables us to optimise revenue streams and identify future opportunities.  ACPL’s return on the property portfolio for the quarter ending 30 June 2014 provides the shareholder a net surplus of $1.9 ahead of budget, with an actual surplus of $25.4m against budget of $23.5m. During the quarter the average monthly collectable arrears rate and vacancies rate were respectively 2.1% and 2.4%. Well under the SOI targets of 5% and 3%.

9.       A Properties Managed schedule is included as Attachment B of this report. The schedule details:

§ Current ACPL managed commercial and residential property within the Howick Local Board

§ Each property’s classification or reason for retention

§ The nature of the property, such as a café within a library, or a residential property with a tenancy in place

§ The budget under which operating expenditure and lease revenue for the property is reported, e.g. regional or local board.

10.     A report indicating portfolio movement in the local board area is attached as Attachment C. The report details all new acquisitions including the reason for acquisition, any transfers and the reason for transfer, and any disposals.

Portfolio Review and Rationalisation


11.     ACPL is required to undertake ongoing rationalisation of the council’s non-service assets. This includes identifying properties from within council’s portfolio that may be suitable for potential sale and development if appropriate. ACPL has a particular focus on achieving housing outcomes. Identifying potential sale properties contributes to Auckland Plan outcomes by providing the council with an efficient use of capital and prioritisation of funds to achieve its activities and projects.


12.     January to June 2014 Targets





Portfolio Review

$12.3m disposal recommendations


These recommendations include $5.6m of sites that are identified for development projects


13.     In setting future disposal targets ACPL is working closely with the council and AT to identify potentially surplus properties.



14.     2014/2015 Targets




Portfolio Review

$30m disposal recommendations

These targets will include disposal recommendations and sales for sites that are identified for place-shaping and housing development projects

Development & Disposals

$30 net sales



15.     Once identified as a potential sale candidate a property is taken through a multi-stage Rationalisation Process. The agreed process includes engagement with; council, CCOs, local board and mana whenua. This is followed by ACPL Board approval, engagement with local ward and the Independent Maori Statutory Board and finally a governing body decision.

Under review

16.     Properties currently under review for future use opportunities via the Rationalisation Process in the Howick area are listed below. The list includes any properties that may have recently been approved for sale or development and sale by the governing body. Further details are included in Attachment B.



16 Fencible Drive, Howick

Not currently associated with a budgeted project. Under review for future uses - potential to explore idea of developing hybrid commercial/community space including residential housing outcomes. Refer paragraph 24 for more detail.

34 Moore Street (aka 35 Fencible Drive), Howick

Title attached to 35 Fencible Drive. Recommended for sale in July 13. Decision to sell deferred pending further work on a business case by Howick local board to retain the site to develop for community use. Represented in April 14. Decision deferred again pending further work by local board.

90 & 90A Smales Road, East Tamaki

Not required by AT for infrastructure purposes. The properties were presented to the Governing Body in April 14 and cleared as surplus to service requirements. ACPL is now preparing them for sale.

29 Tiraumea Drive, Pakuranga

Originally acquired for roading but since cleared by AT as not required for infrastructure purposes. ACPL presented to the Howick Local Board as part of the Rationalisation Process engagement. The local board requested the property be retained for park expansion. The local board’s business case for retention for this purpose was presented to the Portfolio Review Steering Group (PRSG) in early 2014.  The PRSG did not accept the business case and requested that ACPL proceed with the rationalisation of this site.  ACPL to undertake further consultation with the local board regarding this interest at a workshop on 13 November 2014.

187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush

Greenfield site originally acquired by the former Manukau City  2000 for active public open space and Stormwater management, including the ability to sell the residual land for residential development in the future. Most of the site is intended for future park. The Ministry of Education is also looking to compulsorily acquire some of the land for a school. Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 of 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flatbush are currently progressing through the Rationalisation Process with a view to clearing them for sale and development.

1 Ara Tai – Half Moon Bay Marina

Ground lease only. ACPL is progressing through the Rationalisation Process to evaluate future use options. The internal organisation-wide Expression of Interest phase commenced in June 2014. The Howick Local Board’s views are being sought in discussion at a workshop on 13 November 2014.

25W Culver Terrace, Howick

Originally held as an access-way reserve but not functioning in this capacity. Released by ACPD as not required for its original purpose. ACPL progressing through the Rationalisation Process to evaluate future use options and considerations. The internal organisation-wide Expression of Interest phase is targeted to commence in September 2014.


Place Shaping and Housing Initiatives


17.     ACPL is contributing commercial input into around 48 council-driven place-shaping and housing initiatives region wide. Involvement extends from provision of initial feasibility advice through to implementation, with projects ranging in size from $400k to in excess of $100million. ACPL works closely with the local boards on ACPL lead developments to ensure we give effect to the local boards’ place-shaping role.

18.     An increasing focus for ACPL is property optimisation. In this we are keen to work with local boards on development opportunities that facilitate upgrades within the service portfolio. For example a community facility upgrade may be funded by incorporating the facility into a mixed-use development that makes better use of the overall site.

19.     ACPL is also actively contributing to the Housing Action Plan Group, which is a council initiative focusing on non-regulatory efforts to encourage and increase affordable residential development. We have an SOI target to undertake five housing development projects with an affordable housing component over three years which would encompass CHO involvement. We are currently actively working on 13 such projects.

Local Activities

20.     A high level update on place-shaping and housing initiative and proposal activities in the Howick area is outlined in points below.

21.     Ormiston Town Centre: 20 hectare development site subject to a development agreement with the Todd Property Group (TPC). TPG presented a review of the Masterplan to ACPL’s board in July 2014. Planning for Stage One & B residential component is complete. Settlement of Stage One C is scheduled for August 14.

22.     Ormiston 66 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush: This is a 6.5 ha residential site that ACPL has subdivided from Barry Curtis Park. The land is zoned residential. A development plan has been approved by the Board and has been discussed with Auckland Council’s City Transformation Unit. The site has been confirmed by Auckland Council as a Special Housing area.

23.     Ormiston 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush: Greenfield site most of which is intended to be future park; however the Ministry of Education (MoE) is looking to compulsorily acquire some of this land for a school alongside the sports fields. In addition to the MoE site, sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 at 187 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush have been identified for potential residential development. The sites are currently progressing through the Rationalisation Process with a view to clearing them for sale and development.

24.     AMETI: Pakuranga Medical Centre relocation: ACPL is assisting AT and City Transformation in the relocation of the Pakuranga Medical Centre whose existing premises are to be demolished in 18 months to make way for the AMETI transit route along Pakuranga Road.

25.     16 Fencible Drive, Howick: ACPL is evaluating development potential with option for including community facilities as part of a larger development. There is potential for housing outcomes to be achieved.

The Howick Local Board has indicated willingness to work with ACPL on a mixed-use development outcome. The property will be progressed through the Rationalisation Process to evaluate all future use options prior to presenting to the Governing Body for a decision later in 2014.



26.     ACPL continues to support Council and Auckland Transport programmes and projects by negotiating required property acquisitions. All such acquisitions are funded through approved Council or Auckland Transport budgets. We also provide advice to assist with budgets, business cases and strategy to support an acquisition.

27.     By the end of the financial year 2013 to 2014 two hundred and seven property purchases were completed for the council and AT to the value of $132.4m. All of the property acquisitions met independent valuation thresholds agreed with AT, the council and Public Works Act 1981 requirements. 

Council Acquisitions

28.     Over the past six months 14 properties were acquired to meet council open space and storm water requirements and to contribute to City Transformation projects. These included the following acquisitions in or neighbouring the Howick Local Board area.





109 Flatbush School Road, Lot 604 Flatbush

City Transformation

City Transformation


52 Waitangi Road, Onehunga

Community Policy & Planning

Open Space



Auckland Transport Acquisitions

29.     72 properties were also acquired over the past six-months on behalf of AT. The focus was on acquisitions to support major transport projects such as AMETI (30 acquisitions) Dominion Road (7 acquisitions) Te Atatu Road (9 acquisitions) and City Rail Link (16 acquisitions). Full details of relevant AT projects and associated acquisitions will come to the local board directly from AT.

Business Interests

30.      ACPL manages eight business interests region wide on council’s behalf. This comprises two forestry enterprises, two landfills and four quarries.

31.      A report on ACPL managed business interests in the Howick Local Board area is outlined in points below.

Greenmount Landfill, Howick:

§ Envirowaste Services Ltd (ESL) currently occupies and manages the Greenmount Landfill site, at 1 Harris Road, East Tamaki, on a month by month basis, with the previous ground lease expiring in 30 June 2009.

§ The site is on the corner of Harris and Smale Roads in East Tamaki and covers area of approximately 55 hectares (ha), albeit only approximately 40ha is owned by Auckland Council (AC) with the balance being owned by ESL.

§ There is potential to add more fill on the site, past the levels contained within the current resource consent and ESL has applied for resource consent to continue the operation. Future occupancy arrangements are concurrently being negotiated with ESL.


Local Board Views and Implications

32.      This report is for the Howick Local Board’s information.

Maori Impact Statement

33.      The importance of effective communication and engagement with Maori on the subject of land is understood.  ACPL has accordingly developed robust engagement with the 19 listed Tamaki region mana whenua groups for our core business activities. 

34.      Key engagement activities include: identifying cultural significance concerns regarding disposal properties, flagging commercial interests, development partnering discussions and issues relating to property management such as protection of waahi tapu or joint management relating to Treaty Settlements. ACPL also engages with relevant mana whenua in respect of development outcomes for ACPL lead projects where appropriate. ACPL will advise the Howick Local Board as appropriate of any discussions that arise in the local board’s area.

35.      ACPL has additionally undertaken to be part of council’s Maori Responsiveness Plan (MRP) pilot programme. The project’s key output is an operational document outlining ACPL’s contribution to council’s strategic and operational commitments to Maori. The Improvement Planning Phase of this project is nearly complete. We anticipate finalising our MRP in September/October 2014.


36.      There are no implementation issues.






Schedule of meetings and workshops



Properties Managed in the Local Board Area



Property Movement in the Local Board Area





Caitlin Borgfeldt     Local Board Liaison


David Rankin    Chief Executive


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy


File No.: CP2014/19711






1.       The purpose of the report is to seek local board feedback on the proposed option for the draft Local Approved Product Policy (LAPP).

Executive summary

2.       On 6 March 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved a work plan for the development of Auckland Council’s LAPP (REG/2014/34).  The LAPP will set rules regarding where retail outlets of psychoactive substances may operate.  The Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 provides that a policy may regulate the location of retail outlets by reference to broad areas within a district, proximity to other premises selling approved products and/or distance from certain types of premises such as schools, places of worship and other community facilities.

3.       On 3 July the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee considered a report setting out the proposed content for the draft Local Approved Product Policy.  The committee agreed the following recommendations (REG/2014/86).

4.       endorse the proposed draft Local Approved Product Policy that will prevent the sale of approved psychoactive substances in the following areas:

5.       high deprivation areas as defined by the Ministry of Health’s Deprivation Index score of 8, 9 or 10 indicating areas that fall in the bottom 30% of deprivation scores

6.       neighbourhood centers as defined by the unitary plan

7.       within 300m of a high school

8.       within 100m of a primary school

9.       within 300m of the mental health or addiction treatment center

10.     within 500m of an existing psychoactive substance retail licence

11.     forward a copy of this report to local boards to be considered on their agendas

12.     note that once all the local board feedback has been analysed, a final draft Local Approved Product Policy (LAPP) will be presented to the committee on 9 October 2014 to be approved for public notification via the special consultative procedure

13.     note the special consultative procedure will begin in November 2014 with the expected final adoption of the policy in March 2015.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      provides feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy option set out in the attached report (attachment A).






14.     On 6 March 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved a work plan for the development of Auckland Council’s LAPP (REG/2014/34).  On 3 July the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee endorsed a preferred option for the LAPP (REG/2014/86).

15.     The LAPP will set rules regarding where retail outlets of psychoactive substances may operate.  The Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 provides that a policy may regulate the location of retail outlets by reference to broad areas within a district, proximity to other premises selling approved products and/or distance from certain types of premises such as schools, places of worship and other community facilities.

16.     Six options were considered for the LAPP.  Three options were rejected prior to consultation as not being able to achieve the outcomes for a successful LAPP.  The remaining three options were discussed with local boards, external stakeholders and council staff.  After consideration of feedback and relevant research a preferred option was developed.

17.     The preferred option for the LAPP would prevent licences being granted in areas of high deprivation, near high schools and near addiction and mental health treatment centres.  It would also limit how close to an existing shop a new shop could open.  This option would reduce the availability of these substances in areas where their presence is likely to have the greatest potential for harm.  The prevention of harm is achieved while maintaining the intent of the government to allow a regulated sale of these substances.

18.     Further details on the rationale for the preferred option for the LAPP are set out in the report that went to the Regional Policy and Strategy Committee on 3 July (attachment A). Local board feedback on this option is being sought through this report. Local board feedback on this preferred option will inform the final draft of the LAPP which will be reported to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee on 9 October. Local boards will an opportunity to provide feedback on the final draft in November 2014 – February 2015.


Local board views and implications

19.     Local board views on the draft LAPP option are being sought via this report.  Local boards have previously provided feedback on possible options.  Workshops on the proposed options were held with all of the local boards except for Great Barrier, Waiheke and Orakei local boards who declined to be involved in the process.  Of the remaining 18 local boards Whau declined to attend the workshop and did not provide any feedback. 

20.     Of the 17 local boards who took part in the LAPP workshops 13 endorsed the specified place option as their preferred option.  Four boards that for local reasons preferred either the town centre or industrial option as they felt it provided tighter restrictions in their areas.  All of these local boards also provided the specified areas as their second option acknowledging that it was unlikely that all local boards would opt for their preferred option.  The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board declined to provide a preferred option.  All local board feedback was considered in the selection and development of the option presented for feedback in the current report.

Māori impact statement

21.     Māori are over represented amongst the groups of vulnerable people likely to be affected by using approved psychoactive substances.  This over representation has two effects.  Firstly getting the right option for the LAPP to maximize harm reduction will be more effective for Māori.  Secondly, any solutions need to be designed in close collaboration with Māori to ensure they are workable and support wider initiatives aimed at improving Māori outcomes.

22.     A workshop has been undertaken with representatives from Hapai Te Hauora Tapui an agency representing Māori health providers in the Auckland region.  Council staff will be working with the Independent Māori Statutory Board and Hapai Te Hauora Tapui to set up hui for iwi feedback.  Information from the workshop and hui will be central to the development of the LAPP.



Estimated timeframe

1. Local board and stakeholder engagement on draft option

Officers will seek feedback from local boards, internal, external and political stakeholders on the approved draft LAPP option.

July – September 2014

2. Final draft LAPP for special consultative procedure

Officers will then present a final draft policy to RSPC for approval for consultation.

9 October

3. Special consultative procedure

Officers will follow the special consultative procedure set out in section 83 of Local Government Act 2002. This will include public submissions and hearings.

November 2014

4. Local board feedback of final draft

Officers will seek formal feedback from local boards on the final draft policy.

November 2014 – February 2015

4. Adopt final policy

Following the hearings the draft will be finalised and presented to RSPC for adoption.

March 2015

5. Implementation and review

A copy will be sent to Ministry of Health after it has been completed. The LAPP will then be reviewed every five years in accordance with section 69 of the Act. 








Psychoactive Substances Draft Local Approved Products Policy





Mata  Ropeti-Laumalili - Senior Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Reports Requested and Issues Raised 2013 -2016


File No.: CP2014/19312





1.       Providing a list of reports requested and issues pending for the Howick Local Board.

Executive Summary

2.       A list of reports requested and issues pending is updated monthly and presented at the Board meeting to keep members informed of progress on outstanding reports and issues.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the Reports Requested and Issues Raised 2013 – 2016 schedule.








Reports Requested Issues Raised





Lynda Pearson - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Howick Local Board

08 September 2014



Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2014/19313





1.       This report attaches the workshop notes taken for the period stated below.

Executive Summary

2.       Under Standing Order 1.4.2 and 2.15 workshops convened by the Board shall be closed to the public, however, the proceedings of a workshop shall record the names of members attending and a statement summarising the nature of the information received and nature of matters discussed.  No resolutions are passed or decisions reached, but are solely for the provision of information and discussion.  This report attaches the workshop notes for the period stated below.



That the Howick Local Board:

a)      Receives the workshop notes for workshops held on 24th, 31st July, 7th, 14th and 21st August 2014.








Workshop Notes





Lynda Pearson - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Teresa Turner - Relationship Manager


Howick Local Board

08 September 2014