I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 11 September 2014


Manurewa Local Board Office
7 Hill Road


Manurewa Local Board









Angela Dalton


Deputy Chairperson

Simeon Brown



Michael Bailey



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Hon. George Hawkins, QSO



Danella McCormick



Ken Penney



Daryl Wrightson



(Quorum 4 members)




Lee Manaia

Local Board Democracy Advisor


10 September 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421

Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Manurewa Local Board

11 September 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


30        Manurewa Local Board budget allocation                                                                  5   



Manurewa Local Board

11 September 2014



Manurewa Local Board budget allocation


File No.: CP2014/20905





1.       This report seeks the Manurewa Local Board’s agreement to allocate funding for a performing arts needs and options analysis in Manurewa and additional funding for the 2014 Santa Parade.

Executive summary

Performance Arts Centre

2.       The Manurewa Local Board Plan 2011 identified the establishment of a music and arts centre to nurture young and budding artists as an aspiration for the local community. No funding was allocated in Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2012-2022.

3.       Consultation on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 has again identified a community performance arts venue as a priority and the local board would like to see this included as part of the Manurewa Town Centre redevelopment project.

4.       Capital funding in excess of $1 million is a decision for the governing body of Auckland Council and the costs of building a performing arts venue would likely exceed that figure. The need for a new performance arts facility in Manurewa has not been identified in the draft Community Facilities Network Plan and the local board must advocate to the governing body if funding is to be allocated to this project in the new Long-term Plan 2015-2025.

5.       To support its advocacy, the local board has decided to allocate $40,000 from its discretionary fund for a needs and options analysis to be undertaken. The local board needs to urgently agree this funding so that the information can inform both its and the governing body’s decision-making for the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.

6.       Full details of the scope and timeframes of the needs and options analysis will be agreed at a workshop with the local board.

Additional funding for the 2014 Manurewa Santa Parade

7.       At its business meeting on 12 June 2014, the Manurewa Local Board allocated $15,000 from its 2014/2015 Events Discretionary Fund for the 2014 Santa Parade. The funding was to be given to the Manurewa Business Association to organise and run the event.

8.       Since June, the local board has agreed with the Manurewa Business Association to employ the services of an event organiser. To cover the increased cost of running the event , the board is proposing to allocate a further $5,000 from its 2014/2015 Events Discretionary Fund.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)                  request that a needs and options analysis is undertaken to consider performing arts needs in Manurewa.

b)                  acknowledge that the scope and timeframes of the needs and options analysis will be agreed at a workshop with relevant staff.

c)                  allocate $40,000 from the Manurewa Local Board's discretionary fund to cover the cost of needs and options analysis planning.

d)                  note that the need for a new performing arts facility in Manurewa is not identified in the draft Community Facilities Network Plan.

e)         note that capital funding (over $1million) towards the development of community facilities is a governing body decision.

f)          allocates an additional $5,000 from the local board’s 2014/2015 Events Discretionary Fund for the running of the 2014 Santa Parade.




There are no attachments for this report.     



John Adams - Senior Local Board Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager