I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Orākei Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 25 September 2014


St Chads Church and Community Centre
38 St Johns Road


Orākei Local Board









Desley Simpson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Mark Thomas



Ken Baguley



Troy Churton



Kate Cooke



Colin Davis, JP



Kit Parkinson



(Quorum 4 members)




Georgina  Morgan

Democracy Advisor


22 September 2014


Contact Telephone: 021 302 163

Email: georgina.morgan@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

11.1   Notice of Motion - Hearings Panel Recommendations on
Review of Local Dog Access Rules                                                                  

12        Submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan                                                 9  

13        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes





5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations.  Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Board.  This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda.  Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests to speak had been received.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


11.1     Notice of Motion - Hearings Panel Recommendations on
Review of Local Dog Access Rules

We, the undersigned members of the Orakei Local Board, hereby give notice of our support for the following Notice of Motion, to be considered at the meeting of the Orakei Local Board, to be held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre Auckland on Thursday, 25 September 2014.


That in terms of Standing Order 3.10.14, the following resolution (Item 13, resolution a) -  resolution number OR/2014/33) of the Orakei Local Board, adopted at its ordinary Local Board meeting held on Thursday, 4 September 2014 be revoked:


i)          does not receive the report from the hearing panel and that the Orakei Local Board as a whole deliberate on submissions and other relevant information on the Dog Access Rules in the Orakei Local Board area 2014.

ii)         That the Orakei Local Board resolves to substitute resolution i) above with the following recommendations:



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receive and adopts the decision report, titled “Hearing Panel Report on Dog Access Rules in the Orakei Local Board Area 2014” (Attachment A).

b)      adopt the amendments to the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 as contained in the hearing panel’s decision report in (a) pursuant to section 10 of the Dog Control Act 1996 with a commencement date of 25 October 2014 (the Saturday of Labour weekend).

c)      request the governing body to give effect to the amendments in (b) by making the necessary amendments to the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 pursuant to section 10 of the Dog Control Act 1996 and Auckland Council Dog Management Bylaw 2012 in accordance with section 10(6) of the Dog Control Act 1996.

d)      authorise the Manager Policies and Bylaws in consultation with the chair of the Orakei Local Board to make any minor edits or amendments to (b) and (c) to correct any identified errors or typographical edits



Following further discussions regarding the Hearings panel recommendations on the review of local dog access rules, resolution a) in item 13 passed by the Orakei Local Board on 4 September 2014 will need to be rescinded and it is recommended that the Board endorse the recommendations of the hearings panel. The Panel conducted the hearings and process robustly and lawfully. It applied the criteria of s10 Dog Control Act and considered other relevant criteria under the Local Government Act and Policy on Dogs. The process and findings of the Panel have been affirmed to have been carried out properly by advisors who also attended the hearing. Submitters in person were given full time to submit and all were asked questions that were designed to assist the panel reach an informed and objective decision when applying the criteria.



a          Hearing Panel Report on Dog Access Rules in the Orakei Local Board Area 2014............................................................................................... 61



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan


File No.: CP2014/22047




1.       This report summarises the written and verbal submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan 2014 and recommends changes to the Plan based on the community’s feedback.

Executive summary

2.       Consultation on the Orakei Draft Local Board Plan closed on 6 August 2014 and the Board heard verbal submissions on 27 August 2014. We received 3943 written submissions from individuals or groups and of these, over 50 made verbal submissions at the hearing.

3.       This report summarises the community’s feedback from three perspectives:

·        the number of submissions supporting or opposing Plan initiatives and other projects

·        arguments for or against plan initiatives and other projects

·        the main concerns of groups in the area.

4.       Of the 1238 submitters that evaluated the Plan, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that it is on the right track and clear majorities supported all but one of the individual initiatives included the Plan. However, large numbers of submitters also advocated for initiatives that were not included in the Draft Plan.

5.       In response to the support for initiatives not in the Draft Plan, we recommend the Orakei Local Board adds four projects to the Plan before formally adopting it. We also recommend the Chair’s message be updated to note that the Orakei community has expressed support for the Board’s proposed initiatives in parks and reserves, community facilities, Tamaki Drive and the Pourewa train station, and that this is where the board will focus its energy over the next three years.



That the Orākei Local Board:

a)      receives this report and the written and verbal submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan.

b)      thanks the submitters on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan for their submissions.

c)      notes that 3943 (48 per cent) of all local board plan submitters referred to the Orakei Draft Plan, the highest number of all local boards

d)      notes that of the submitters that rated the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that it is on the right track

e)      notes that a majority of submitters supported each of the individual initiatives in the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan, except for completion of stream works at Madills Farm, which was opposed by a majority of submitters.

f)       agrees to the following additions to the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan in response to strong community support:

i.        Add a statement to the Plan noting that the Orakei Local Board will support a contribution to improvements to the Auckland Netball Centre at St John’s through one of the following avenues:

·    application to the Facilities Partnership Grant

·    inclusion in the Long Term Plan

·    inclusion in the Community Facility Network Plan

ii.       Add a statement noting that there was strong community support for some of the projects in the Crossfield Reserve, Madills Farm and Glover Park Masterplan and that the Orakei Local Board will work with relevant community groups to progress this work

iii.      Add the project to install floodlights at Orakei Domain to the Local Board Plan.

g)      agrees that the Chair’s message should be updated to reflect the community priorities evident from the consultation.




6.       We received written submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan between 7 June 2014 and 6 August 2014 and the Orakei Local Board heard verbal submissions on 27 August 2014 (see Appendix B). The Board is due to meet on 25 September 2014 to agree on its response to this consultation on the Draft Local Board Plan and is due to formally adopt the plan on 16 October 2014.

7.       As Local Board Plans are due to be finalised before Council’s Long Term Plan, the budget available to Local Boards to deliver their Plan priorities is not yet known. The finalised Local Board Plan will instead be used to guide the Board’s decision-making around advocacy and annual budget setting through the annual Local Board Agreement process.

8.       Of the 8150 submissions on the 21 local board plans, 3943 or 48 per cent referred to the Orakei Plan. The graph below shows the top ten boards in terms of submissions received. Of the Orakei submitters, over 50 made verbal submissions to the Board.

The figure in the graph is different because it only includes submissions that referred exclusively to one board. The 3943 figure includes submissions that referred to Orakei and one or more other boards.

9.       Under sections 14(1) (b) and (c) of the Local Government Act 2002, local authorities should make themselves aware of, and have regard to, the views of all of their communities. In making decisions, local authorities should take account of the interests of diverse communities within their area, the interests of future as well as current communities and the impact of any decision on these communities. The principles of consultation set out in section 82 add that the views presented to the local authority should be received with an open mind and should be given due consideration in decision-making (s82(1)(e)).

10.     Beyond this, the Act does not mandate any particular interpretation of the results of community consultations, such as requiring local authorities to address majority views in decision-making. This report therefore provides three perspectives on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan feedback:

·    the number of submitters in favour or opposed to Plan initiatives and other measures

·    qualitative arguments made for or against plan initiatives and other measures

·    the views of groups within the Orakei Local Board area.

11.     The analysis below has not been structured according to the questions on the Draft Plan because many submissions do not refer to the questions.

Submissions Analysis

Count of Submissions

12.     The majority of submissions focus on the parks and reserves outcome area, as shown in the graph below. As some submitters commented on more than one outcome, the numbers in the graph do not add up to the total number of Orakei submitters. Of the parks and reserves submissions, around 3000 were pro forma.

13.     The number of submissions supporting or opposing each of the initiatives in the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan are tabled in Appendix A.

14.     The only initiative that had more opponents than supporters was the completion of stream works at Madills Farm: it was opposed by 12 submitters and supported by one. The Plan initiatives that were supported by more than 40 submitters are tabled below; the remaining issues were each supported by majorities of fewer than 30 submitters.


Key initiatives



Upgrade or develop new multi-use clubrooms at Madills Farm and Michaels Avenue Reserve



Improve changing room facilities at Crossfield Reserve



Develop a comprehensive Orākei Local Board-led masterplan for Colin Maiden Park



Bring forward funding to upgrade the Meadowbank Community Centre



Construct the Tāmaki Harbour Edge Connector initiative (THE-C) which is a separated two-way cycleway and seaward boardwalk along Tāmaki Drive



Continue the upgrade of sportsfields at Michaels Avenue



Develop new water access points along Tāmaki Drive



Construct the ‘Orākei Spine’ walkway/cycleway (from Point Resolution to Glen Innes)



Develop a detailed concept plan for the Pourewa (Selwyn) train station



15.     Most of the submitters supporting development of a Colin Maiden Park masterplan also advocated for the park’s use by a particular code, such as rugby or hockey. For example, 93 submitters supported the proposed masterplan and asked that the Board consult closely with Auckland University Rugby Club on its development.

16.     Initiatives that large numbers of submitters identified as missing from the plan are tabled below. Apart from the Okahu Bay Orakei Skate Group, sports appear to have mobilised the submitters supporting these initiatives.


Summary of submission


Auckland Netball

Asks that the local board put funds aside in the Local Board Plan and Long Term Plan for the following improvements at the Auckland Netball Centre in St John’s:

·      covered outdoor courts

·      extension to the existing building for more indoor space to enable greater community and additional sporting group use

·      additional car parking

·      additional outdoor courts.


Eastern Suburbs Football Club

Asks the board to prioritise the projects below, which are not referred to directly in the Draft Plan but are included in the Eastern Parks masterplan:

·      two fully floodlit soccer fields at Madills Farm

·      renewing sandcarpeting to fields 2 and 5 at Madills Farm

·      new floodlights for two fields at Crossfield Reserve

·      new sandcarpeting to fields 1 and 2 at Crossfield Reserve.

In addition to the upgrades to changing facilities at Crossfields Reserve included in the Draft Plan, the submission also asks for upgrades to changing facilities at Glover Park.


Grammar TEC Rugby Club

Asks the board to prioritise installing floodlights at Orakei Domain.


Auckland Basketball Services Ltd

Support development of a community basketball and indoor sports facility at Colin Maiden Park or Waikaraka Park.


Auckland University Rugby Football Club

Commend the Orakei Local Board on its vision to "develop a board-led masterplan for Colin Maiden Park" and ask that the Orakei Local Board consult closely with the Auckland University Rugby Football Club during the development of this plan.


Request that the Orakei Local Board consult with the Auckland University Rugby Club over plans for Liston Park and in particular the use of Liston Park for rugby activities when Colin Maiden Park is not available due to summer sporting code use and ground maintenance being carried out.


Okahu Bay Orakei Skate Group

Support for a public skate park at Okahu Bay


None of the submitters named the Eastern Suburbs Football Club as the coordinator of these submissions; officers learned of this anecdotally.


17.     This section sets out arguments made for and against Draft Plan initiatives and other projects. While the section above focused on the total number of submitters supporting or opposing Plan initiatives, the tables below summarise reasons one or a small number of submitters give for supporting or opposing the initiatives. The number of submitters that made each argument is noted in brackets. Every attempt was made to identify the main arguments, but some may have been missed due to the large number of submissions.

18.     The arguments below are grouped by the seven outcomes and the summaries note where they refer to a particular initiative. The focus is on arguments for or against initiatives already in the Draft Plan, rather than on additional projects recommended by submitters.

Tamaki Drive



·      Support THE-C as it separates vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians and cycle lanes which will improve safety and traffic flow (37)

·      Tamaki Drive needs to accommodate recreational users as well as commuters (1)

·      Parking and traffic should diverted away from the coast, e.g. at Mission Bay (1)

·      Support MBAP as Mission Bay looks tired and run down (1)

·      Support Selwyn Reserve playground as long as locals are consulted and their need for public space is taken into account (9)

·      Tamaki Drive is already a great precinct, there is no need to spend any more money on it (1)

·      A boardwalk would detract from the landscape (1)

·      Other issues should be higher priority than THE-C: traffic management (1), water quality (1), the foundations of Tamaki Drive (1)



Traffic and public transport



·      There is proven demand for cycleway options such as the Orakei Basin walk/cycleway (1)

·      Pourewa station would create easier access to rail for residents of Meadowbank, Kohimarama, St Heliers and Glendowie; it will provide more reliable public transport options (12)

·      Integrated transport such as feeder buses supports social and economic well-being (8)

·      Hobson Bay Walkway will have social benefits in terms of more interaction between residents, as well as recreational benefits (1)

·      The objective should be broadened to ‘ease of movement’ rather than ‘free flowing roads’ (1)

·      Pourewa station would be expensive and would slow down train times (4)

·      School traffic is a major problem and will not be addressed by feeder buses (1)


Community centres and libraries



·      Residents associations give communities a stronger voice in local issues and help local boards respond to their communities (2)

·      Local events promote well-being and a sense of belonging in an area (1)

·      The condition of Meadowbank community centre is affecting the services offered there (8)

·      Victoria Ave CAB should be upgraded so that CAB and Plunket can both remain in Remuera (2)

·      Upgrade community facilities  because demand exceeds supply (4)

·      Support a new Ellerslie library because smaller suburbs than Ellerslie have more modern libraries (1)

·      Meadowbank upgrade is unnecessary because St Chad’s is directly opposite (1)

·      Expenditure on transport should be prioritised over community facilities (1)






·      Focus on core services in order to reduce rates (6)

·      Support increasing UAGC – rates increases are a burden for for asset-rich, cash-poor residents and increasing UAGC better aligns rates with services received (5)

·      More responsibility should be delegated to competent local boards such as Orakei because they have shown they can deliver (1)

·      Support City Rail Link as it will benefit Orakei residents (1)

·      Oppose increasing UAGC – redistribution between wealthier and poorer parts of Auckland improves the city as a whole (1)

·      Fix big issues such as pollution and transport before focusing on anything else (1)


Parks and reserves



·      In general, support investment in parks and reserves as we need quality places to be active (5)

·      Improvements to sports fields such as lighting and artificial turf enable increased use (3)

·      Support sports field upgrades as the Orakei community is active and participates heavily in sport and recreation (1)

·      Oppose sports field upgrades as opportunities for passive recreation are becoming more important due to growing elderly population (2)



Environment and heritage



·      Support ecological restoration at Kepa Bush given Pourewa station development (3)

·      Getting rid of noxious weeds on the Tamaki Drive Coast would be cheaper and improve amenity more than a boardwalk (1)

·      Reserves and green spaces need to be protected against development (1)

·      Managing tidal flow into Hobson Bay will result in build-up of sediment (1)

·      Protection of heritage buildings should be balanced against the increased costs of maintaining these buildings, including the opportunity cost of more intensive development (1)



Town centres and economy



·      Town centres should be people-centred rather than vehicle-centred; improving public transport access to town centres will reduce demand for parking (1)

·      REVUp will bring more visitors to the town centre and encourage property owners to upgrade (1)

·      Focus on higher priority projects and core services (1)












19.     The full list of groups that made submissions on the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan is included in Appendix D. The main concerns of the residents and business associations are tabled below. 



Remuera Residents Association

Tamaki Drive

·      General support, but peripheral to the suburb’s interest


·      Support plan proposals including Tiana walkway, trialling smart signalling and installing secure cycle storage facilities at train stations

·      Missing from the plan – create purpose-built interchanges at traffic nodes, investigate feasibility of diverting or reducing traffic through Remuera town centre

Community centres and libraries

·      Support renovation of the Victoria Ave CAB building, developing an online community resources and the Board working with police and neighbourhood groups to improve safety

·      Favour continued support for residents’ associations and funding for local community groups and events through local board contestable funds

·      Missing from the plan – create a central community hall in Remuera town centre; shift CAB to the library and Plunket to another location with parking


·      Support increased UAGC, greater local control over budgets and an annual review of major regional projects

·      Missing from the plan – advocate to reduce overall council expenditure to minimise rates increases; research gap between the current UAGC and the average of the pre-amalgamation UAGCs. Promote a plan to close this gap

Parks and reserves

·      Support progressing Shore Road Reserve car park, lighting, informal recreation for Shore Road Reserve/Thomas Bloodworth Park and developing better signage for walkways

·      Missing from the plan – more green space and sports fields for Remuera, amend dog control bylaws to protect health and reduce damage to pitches

Environment and heritage

·      Support developing an online interpretive tool to showcase Orakei’s built and natural heritage, manage tidal flow in Hobson Bay, develop water access points for Kelvin Reserve and complete Orakei Basin foreshore upgrades

Town centres and economy

·      Support REVUp, local economic development projects, developing visitor trails and researching home-based businesses







Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association


·      Support an increase in the frequency of feeder buses and can play its part to promote the services

·      Support for an additional train station between Meadowbank and Glen Innes

·      Would like to see a walkway connecting Gowing Drive with the Meadowbank train station via Pourewa Cemetery

Community centres and libraries

·      Support bringing forward funding for Meadowbank Community Centre

·      Continue board funding for residents associations and other community groups


·      Support an increased in UAGC and local boards having greater control of service budgets

Environment and heritage

·      Would like to see investment in the ecological restoration of Waiatarua Reserve, New Zealand’s largest urban wetland

Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association

Tamaki Drive

·      Support the implementation of the Tamaki Masterplan, especially the Tamaki Harbour Edge Connector initiative, the Mission Bay Action Plan and the upgrade of the steps to Bastion Point

·      Support Selwyn Reserve development if it balances open space needs of residents


·      Support the construction of the Orakei Spine and Tinana walkway and cycleway


·      Support achieving fair rates and focusing on core council services

·      Support the local board having more autonomy and greater control of service budgets

Parks and reserves

·      Encourage the board to include the public in any development of Madills Farm and of a coastal-themed destination playground at Selwyn Reserve as an loss of public space would be very contentious

Environment and heritage

·      Plan should include more detail on work to improve water quality at beaches









St Heliers - Glendowie Residents Association Incorporated

Tamaki Drive

·      Support THE-C however does not support the promotion of large events in the area as this would further impact of traffic flows


·      Support the outcome of free flowing roads and frequent and easy to use public transport but favour an increased in frequency of bus services as well as promotion of park and ride services over the construction of a new railway station

·      Oppose road closures for events on Tamaki Drive

·      Support the construction of a new walkway cycleway from Pt Resolution to Glen Innes

Community centres and libraries

·      Support the expansion of St Heliers library provided heritage features are retained

·      Support continued funding for residents associations

·      Support continued funding for local community groups and events provided they are acting in the greater public interest

·      Support funding events to commemorate WW1


·      Support an increase in the UAGC of at least $1,000

Parks and reserves

·      Support the improvements for Glover Park and the walkway to Gentlemen’s Bay

·      Support the development of a plan for Taylors Hill Reserve

Heritage and environment

·      Support the ecological restoration at Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve, Kepa Bush, Dingle Dell Reserve and Churchill Park

Town centres and economy

·      Would like to see the development of St Heliers local centre plan













Remuera Business Association


·      Support feeder buses and want Remuera town centre to retain a village feel, without increased traffic. Investigate feasibility of diverting or reducing volume traffic flows through Remuera town centre and of creating purpose-built interchanges at transport nodes

·      Support smart signalling at pedestrian crossings to shorten the time it takes to cross outside of rush hour. The RBA would also like to see more ideas from Auckland Transport to make pedestrian crossings over Remuera Road safer and faster

·      Also support improved parking including Clonbern Rd car park, walking and cycling paths

Community centres and libraries

·      Support the investigating options for the CAB building – suggest the CAB could be relocated to the library and Plunket moved to another building with parking

·      RBA is grateful for the Board’s funding for local events, and would like this funding to continue

·      Support expansion of the library in a way that maintains its heritage character


·      Support the local board having more autonomy and greater control of service budgets

·      Support an annual review of all major regional projects

·      Advocate for a reduction in council expenditure without impacting on levels of services

Parks and reserves

·      Support the construction of the Tinana walkway from Wilsons Beach to Shore Road

·      Support the investigation of tidal flow management tools for Hobson Bay and development of water access points at Kelvin Reserve

·      Support construction of phase 2 of the Shore Road Reserve car park, improved lighting and delivery of informal recreational activities at Shore Road Reserve, and development of better signage for walkways

·      Advocate for more green space and more sports fields in Remuera – for example 4 Victoria Ave and adjacent land could be made into a park

Town centres and economy

·      Support REVUp to encourage people to spend more time in the town centre

·      Support the Orakei Visitor Strategy, including visitor trails in Remuera








Ellerslie Business Association


·      Support reducing congestion and increasing public transport so that Ellerslie is a town that people want to visit, work and live. Also support initiatives to increase road and pedestrian safety

Community centres and libraries

·      A library is needed in Ellerslie because the population is growing rapidly

·      Support Board funding of residents’ associations and other groups, as well as funding for local events and initiatives


·      Support increasing the UAGC and increasing boards having greater control of service budgets, as lack of cleaning in part of the town centre is a big problem

Parks and reserves

·      Support the continual upgrade of Michaels Ave fields

Town centres and economy

·      Support initiatives to assist town centres to remain distinctive, fund economic development projects, develop visitors trails and research on home based businesses

Glen Innes Business Association

Town centres and economy

·      The LBP should include a reference to the work to expand the Tamaki BID, which would incorporate part of the industrial and commercial land in the Orakei local board area

Mission Bay Business Association

Tamaki Drive

·      Support THE-C but do not want to lose the parking eastbound on Tamaki Drive as per page 29 of the Masterplan; MBBA want to be consulted on this

·      Mission Bay Action Plan

Need more information on the proposal for a town square before they can comment

Support improvements in footpaths and creation of additional outdoor dining space

Support partnership between local board and Ngati Whatua Orakei to improve the steps to Bastion Point

Support in principle the Ngati Whatua Orakei Reserve Board’s vision for a cultural centre but need more detail to be able to comment

Support plans for Selwyn Reserve and want complete upgrade of beach furniture, bins and refurbishment of the changing rooms

Community centres and libraries

·      Support stronger, safer, more connected communities and board funding of local events

Environment and heritage

Support investigation into restoration and replacement of search light emplacements on Tamaki Drive

St Heliers Village Association Incorporated

Tamaki Drive

·      Support separation of cyclists, vehicles and pedestrians along Tamaki Drive

·      Support improvements to Tamaki Drive


·      Support adding a new train station at Selwyn and more feeder buses

Community centres and libraries

·      Support expansion of St Heliers library in keeping with its heritage status

·      Would like the garden and bay tree outside St Heliers library upgraded


·      Support an increase in the UAGC

Heritage and environment

·      Support continued advocacy for investment in wastewater infrastructure

Town centres and economy

·      Support the development and implementation of a local centre plan for St Heliers and is prepared to work alongside the local board

·      Support more rates being spent locally and wish to see an improvement in service levels in the town centre

Appreciate funding allocated to the town centre and support local economic development initiatives

Tamaki Drive Protection Society Incorporated

Tamaki Drive

·      Support THE-C

·      Advocate that the vision in Tamaki Drive Masterplan be better reflected in the Plan

·      Support the development and implementation of the Mission Bay Action Plan, with the first priority being to improve footpaths and create more outdoor dining space

·      Would like to receive more detailed information on proposals (town square, coastal-themed destination playground)

Heritage and environment

·      Would like to resources committed to the protection of local environment and heritage

Would like to have every pohutukawa included in the schedule of protected trees

Save Our Saint Heliers

·      Top five initiatives:

pollution free waterways and leafy suburbs, protected buildings and acknowledged history

a world-class Tamaki Drive precinct

distinctive people-centred town centres

quality parks and reserves

well-built and improved community centres

Missing from the plan: SOS would like to see more resources directed to the protection of heritage

Recommended Changes to the Draft Plan

20.     This section discusses recommended changes to the Draft Orakei Local Board Plan in response to community feedback. We propose three additions to the Plan and a change in emphasis on the initiatives already included in the Plan. Few changes are recommended because over 90% of submitters who rated the Draft Plan agreed it is on the right track.




Recommended Change


Submission mobilised by Netball Auckland asks that the local board put funds aside in the Local Board Plan and Long Term Plan for the following improvements at the Auckland Netball Centre in St John’s:

·      covered outdoor courts

·      extension to the existing building for more indoor space

·      additional car parking

·      additional outdoor courts.


NB two submitters withdrew their submission in favour of these projects.

Add a statement to the Quality Parks and Reserves section of the Plan noting that the Orakei Local Board will support a contribution to improvements to the Auckland Netball Centre at St John’s through one of the following avenues:

·      application to the Facilities Partnership Grant

·      inclusion in the Community Facility Network Plan

·      inclusion in the Long Term Plan


·      Consultation showed strong community support for Council to contribute to these projects: over 1500 submitters were in favour.

·      The scope of the proposed work is significant and Orakei Local Board alone is unlikely to be able to make a substantial contribution from its discretionary budgets; funding must therefore be sought through one of the proposed options. Netball Auckland are currently developing cost estimates for the proposals included in the submission.

·      The Facilities Partnership Grant is determined annually and the Auckland Netball Centre previously received funding in 2011. Alternatively, the Board could advocate for funding to be included in the Community Facility Network Plan, which would mean funding for the improvements at the Centre would be prioritised in relation to work at other recreational and community facilities in the region.

·      Council owns the land the Centre is on and leases it to Netball Auckland, which owns and manages the Centre.

Submission mobilised by Eastern Suburbs Football Club asks the board to prioritise the projects below, which are not referred to directly in the Draft Plan but are included in the Crossfield Reserve, Madills Farm and Glover Park Masterplan:

·      Two fully floodlit soccer fields at Madills Farm

·      Renewing sandcarpeting to fields 2 and 5 at Madills Farm

·      New floodlights for two fields at Crossfield Reserve

·      New sandcarpeting to fields 1 and 2 at Crossfield Reserve

In addition to the upgrades to changing facilities at Crossfields Reserve already included in the Draft Plan, the submission also asks for upgrades to changing facilities at Glover Park.

NB 13 submitters withdrew their submission supporting these projects.

Add a statement to the Quality Parks and Reserves section of the Plan to the effect that there has been strong community interest in some of the upgrades to sports facilities set out in the Crossfield Reserve, Madills Farm and Glover Park Masterplan and that the Board will work with relevant community groups to progress these. 

·      Over 840 submitters support these upgrades of the eastern parks.

·      Around 13 submitters, including Friends of Madills Farm, oppose further sports field development at Madills Farm.

·      Lighting and sandcarpeting at Crossfields Reserve is funded and is due to progress in 2014/15. Renewal of sancarpeting of fields 5 and 2 at Madills Farm is funded and due to be completed in 2015/16 and 2016/17 respectively. These projects are already included in the Crossfield Reserve, Madills Farm and Glover Park Masterplan.

·      There is limited lighting on one side of fields 2 and 5 at Madills Farm, but there is currently no budget to install more or better lights on the fields. We have engaged a consultant to assess the noise impact of installing lights against the noise limits set out in the District Plan and this report should be available next month. Any works would need to be funded by the Local Board through the LTP.

·      The Board may wish to facilitate discussions between Eastern Suburbs Football Club and Friends of Madills Farm about installing lights.

·      The upgrade of changing rooms at Glover Park is included in the Crossfield Reserve, Madills Farm and Glover Park Masterplan but is not funded. We therefore recommend noting that the board will aim to progress this work in response to community demand.

Submission mobilised by Grammar TEC Rugby Club asks the board to prioritise installing floodlights at Orakei Domain.

NB one submitter withdrew their submission in favour of this project.

Add the installation of floodlights on field 3 at Orakei Domain as a project in the Quality Parks and Reserves table.


·      Over 650 submitters supported this initiative.

·      The Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee agreed to bring forward funding to install floodlights on field 3 at Orakei Domain in 2014/15. The work requires resource consent and timeframes are tight. Sandcarpeting of this field and field 2 is due to be completed in in 2017/18.

·      Field 1 at Orakei Domain already has lighting

Submission mobilised by Okahu Bay Orakei Skate Group asks the board to prioritise a skate park at Okahu Bay.

Add the proposed skate park as a project in the Quality Parks and Reserves table.

·      Over 80 submitters supported this initiative.

·      Officers have discussed the proposed park with the Ngati Whatua Reserves Board, who raised some issues with the Okahu Bay site. Officers will work with the board on options for progressing the development. 

·      The Okahu Bay Orakei Skate Group submitted that the park would be a place for the community to gather in addition to providing space for young people to engage in activity that keeps them active and builds self-esteem.




21.     19 Over 150 submitters supported the development of a community basketball and indoor sports facility at Colin Maiden Park. Rather than amending the Draft Local Board Plan to reflect this, we recommend ensuring that the group that mobilised submitters, Auckland Basketball Services Ltd, are engaged in the development of the Colin Maiden Park Masterplan. Likewise, over 90 submitters supported Auckland University Rugby Club being engaged in the Colin Maiden Park Masterplan and the Orakei Local Board work with the club to make Liston Park available when Colin Maiden Park cannot be used. These submissions can also be addressed through the Colin Maiden Park Masterplan process.

22.     Four other pro forma submissions were supported by between 50 and 80 submitters (see Appendix E). Rather than including these projects in the Local Board Plan, we recommend that the Board continues to work with the relevant groups to promote these projects through other avenues. The Plan would be harder to deliver as more projects are included, especially as there is uncertainty about Long Tern Plan budgets. Officers recommend limiting the number of projects so that the Plan is deliverable.

23.     Four other pro forma submissions were supported by between 50 and 80 submitters (see Appendix E). Rather than including these projects in the Local Board Plan, we recommend that the Board continues to work with the relevant groups to promote these projects through other avenues. The Plan would be harder to deliver as more projects are included, especially as there is uncertainty about Long Tern Plan budgets. Officers recommend limiting the number of projects so that the Plan is deliverable.

Change in emphasis

24.     We recommend updating the Chair’s message to note the recommended additions and to reflect the community’s prioritisation of projects already included in the Draft Plan. Large numbers of submitters supported the following key initiatives in the Draft Plan:

·    upgrade or develop new multi-use clubrooms at Madills Farm and Michaels Avenue Reserve

·    improve changing room facilities at Crossfield Reserve

·    develop a comprehensive Orākei Local Board-led masterplan for Colin Maiden Park

·    bring forward funding to upgrade the Meadowbank Community Centre

·    construct the Tāmaki Harbour Edge Connector initiative (THE-C) which is a separated two-way cycleway and seaward boardwalk along Tāmaki Drive

·    continue the upgrade of sportsfields at Michaels Avenue

·    develop new water access points along Tāmaki Drive

·    construct the ‘Orākei Spine’ walkway/cycleway (from Point Resolution to Glen Innes)

·    develop a detailed concept plan for the Pourewa (Selwyn) train station.

25.     We therefore recommend the Chair’s message be updated to note that the Orakei community has expressed strong support for the Board’s proposed initiatives in the following areas and that this is where the board will focus its efforts over the next three years:

·    parks and reserves

·    community facilities

·    Tamaki Drive

·    the Pourewa train station.






Count of submissions for and against plan initiatives



Summary of verbal submissions



Response to information requests



List of groups that submitted



List of pro forma submissions




Kris Munday – Senior Local Board Advisor


Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards


Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014



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25 September 2014





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25 September 2014











Item 11.1    Attachment a    Hearing Panel Report on Dog Access Rules in the Orakei Local Board Area 2014                                    Page 61

Orākei Local Board

25 September 2014