I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Local Board Plan Hearings - Manurewa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 2 September 2014


Manurewa Local Board Office
7 Hill Road


Local Board Plan Hearings - Manurewa Local Board









Angela Dalton


Deputy Chairperson

Simeon Brown



Michael Bailey



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Hon. George Hawkins, QSO



Danella McCormick



Ken Penney



Daryl Wrightson



(Quorum 4 members)




Lee Manaia

Local Board Democracy Advisor


27 August 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421

Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Manurewa Local Board Portfolios

Portfolio Lead

Portfolio Associate

Portfolio Activity and Responsibilities

Angela Dalton


C/- Shop 3-5
7 Hill Road
Auckland 2105
Mob:  021 283 3311

Email:  Angela.Dalton@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz


Simeon Brown

·         Governance portfolio

·          Board leadership

·          Board-to-Council relationships

·          Board-to-Board relationships

·          Local Board Plan

·          Local Board agreements

·          Civic duties

·          Advocacy (local, regional, and central government)

·          Community partnerships

·          Relationships with Maoridom and youth

·          Relationships with government departments and agencies

·          Relationships with Watercare

·          Relationship with Property CCO

·          Relationship with Auckland Waterfront Development

·          Local funding policy Political Working Party

·          Relationship with ATEED

·          Relationship with Regional Facilities CCO’s

·          Relationship COMET

·          Relationship Southern Initiative


·         Regulatory portfolio

·          Resource consents

·          Heritage

·          Gambling

·          Liquor (Simeon Brown as alternate)

·          Urban design

·          Swimming pools

·          Trees

·          By-laws

·          Airport noise

·          Unitary Plan

·          Waste management

Simeon Brown

Deputy Chairperson

C/- Shop 3-5
7 Hill Road
Auckland 2105
Mob:  021 0272 4242


Daryl Wrightson

·         Community and social well-being portfolio

·          Community development (incl. CAYAD, CAB, and Manurewa Senior Citizens)

·          Neighbourhood relationships

·          Funding for neighbourhood projects

·          Community safety (excl. town centres)

·          Graffiti removal

·          Community advocacy

·          Community facilities

·          Youth Council

·          Contact CAB

Michael Bailey

·         Town centres and economic portfolio

·        Town centre renewal (incl. branding)

·        Design and maintenance

·        Town Centre marketing

·        Community safety within town centres

·        Business Improvement Districts (Michael Bailey and Simeon Brown)

·        Local priorities in relation to regional economic development initiatives

Michael Bailey

10 Rimu Road

Manurewa 2102

Mob:  021 287 4422

Email:  Micahel.Bailey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz


Danella McCormick

·         Sports parks and recreation portfolio

·          Stewardship of sports parks

·          Stewardship of recreation facilities

·          Relationship with sports clubs

·          Neighbourhood parks and reserves (incl. esplanade reserves and the coastline)

·          Design and maintenance

·          Plantings, playgrounds, bollards, and walkways

·          Botanic Gardens and Totara Park

·          Skateparks

·         Associate for the following portfolios:

·        Governance

·        transport

George Hawkins

·         Libraries and recreation portfolio

·        Stewardship of Manurewa libraries

·        Mobile library

George Hawkins

·         Transport portfolio

·        Local transport projects (incl. roading, footpaths, cycleways)

Angela Cunningham –Marino

C/- Auckland Council

Private Bag 92300

Auckland 1142

Ph:  266 4729

Mob:  027 504 0884



Daryl Wrightson

·         Arts, Culture and Events portfolio

·          Community celebration

·        Community identity

·        Neighbourhood gatherings and renewal

·        Event compliance

·        Artistic and cultural service levels

·        Promoting artistic endeavour (particularly among Manurewa youth)

·        Regional arts

·        Producing a music and arts centre for Manurewa

Simeon Brown

·         Recreation Services portfolio

·          Contact Manukau Leisure

Danella McCormick

·         Built and Natural Environment portfolio

·        Restoration of wetlands, streams, and waterways

·        Local priorities in relation to regional environmental management

·        Mangroves

·          Manukau Harbour

Danella McCormick

Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road
Manurewa, Auckland 2105
Mob:  021 800 593

Email:  Danella.McCormick@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Angela Cunningham-Marino

·         Civil Defence Emergency Management portfolio

·        Relationships with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

·        Community preparedness, disaster response, relief, and recovery

Other Board Members:

George Hawkins, QSO

30 Lakeside Drive
Papakura, Auckland 2113
Mob:  021 969 4444

Email:  George.Hawkins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Ken Penney

146e Great South Road
Manurewa, Auckland 2012 
Mob:  021 287 2244

Email:  Ken.Penney@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz


Daryl Wrightson

Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road
Manurewa, Auckland 2105
Mob: 021 839 678

Email:  Daryl.Wrightson@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Local Board Plan Hearings - Manurewa Local Board

02 September 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Summary of submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014             7  



1          Welcome


The meeting will begin with a prayer.



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.




Local Board Plan Hearings - Manurewa Local Board

02 September 2014



Summary of submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014


File No.: CP2014/19337





1.       This report provides high-level analysis of key themes contained in submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.

Executive summary

2.       The Local Government Act 2002 and Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 require Council to use the special consultative procedure in adopting the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. This includes ensuring any person submitting on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.

3.       103 submissions were received to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. Of these, 33 were proforma submissions relating to Smokefree issues, one submitter included a proforma submission attached to a non-proforma submission. This has been counted only once. 33 submissions were received to all draft local board plans.

4.       21 submitters requested the opportunity to speak in support of their submission at a public hearing.

5.       The Manurewa Local Board asked submitters for feedback on three questions.

6.       Question one asked submitters to prioritise and rank three initiatives between 1 (most important) and 3 (least important). The initiative that received the most number 1 rankings was “Making improvements to Manurewa town centre”. This also received the highest overall number of responses.

7.       Question two asked whether submitters had any other comments regarding the outcomes, objectives and initiatives contained in the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.

8.       Question three asked submitters whether they believed there was anything missing from the plan. 30 comments were made relating to the board’s outcomes, and 39 comments were made relating to issues unrelated to these outcomes. Of these 13 comments were related to Smokefree initiatives.



That the Local Board Plan Hearings - Manurewa Local Board:

a)         receive submissions on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.

b)         hear the relevant submissions on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.

c)         thank submitters for their verbal presentations on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.

d)         consider any potential amendments to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014.





9.       The Local Government Act 2002 and Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 require Council to use the special consultative procedure in adopting the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. This includes ensuring any person submitting on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 is given reasonable opportunity to be heard.

10.     This report provides statistics on submissions received to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 and a brief high-level analysis of key themes and topics.

11.     More detailed analysis of submissions will be provided to the local board workshop on 2 September 2014.

12.     The consultation period for the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 was held from 7 July 2014 to 5pm 6 August 2014.


13.     Council received and processed 103 submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 with 21 submitters requesting to be heard.

14.     33 pro forma submissions were received to the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. These all advocated for SmokeFree policy.

15.     Copies of submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 are provided in attachment A of this report.

Overview of feedback from submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014

16.     The Manurewa Local Board asked submitters for feedback on three questions.

17.     Question one asked submitters to prioritise and rank three initiatives between 1 (most important) and 3 (least important). A small number of submitters ranked the items between 1 and 4.

18.     Table 1 below shows how submitters ranked each of the projects proposed to them.  Overall ranking was determined by allocating 4 points to first preference, 3 points to second preference, 2 point to third preference and 1 point to fourth giving a weighted total for overall preference.

Table 1 - Manurewa initiatives

Proposed initiative

Most                                Least
preferred                   preferred










Making improvements to Manurewa town centre







Creating a connected network of public transport, paths and cycle ways around Manurewa







New performance arts centre and improvements to facilities








19.     The results in the table above indicate that the overall preference was for the first initiative “Making improvements to Manurewa town centre”.

20.     Question two asked submitters if they had any comments on the outcomes, objectives and initiatives detailed in the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. Owing to the large number of outcomes, objectives and initiatives, the data is widely spread, with small numbers responding to individual items. The number of comments is shown in Table 2 below. The total number of comments includes any comments made in support, not in support and general comments.

21.     Table 2 – Number of comments



Manurewa has an attractive, prosperous town centre


People move easily around Manurewa


Spaces and places that people use and enjoy


All people are valued and encouraged


Our natural heritage and resources are preserved and nurtured for future generations


A healthy local economy



22.     Question three asked submitters whether they believed there were any items missing from the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014. Table 3 indicates the number of missing items for each outcome. There were no common themes.

Table 3 – Numbers of missing items by outcome



Manurewa has an attractive, prosperous town centre


People move easily around Manurewa


Spaces and places that people use and enjoy


All people are valued and encouraged


Our natural heritage and resources are preserved and nurtured for future generations


A healthy local economy



Next steps

23.     Decisions on the final Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 will be made at the decision-making meeting on Thursday 9th October 2014.


Local board views and implications

24.     The Manurewa Local Board will consider all submissions to the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 at the Local Board Plan 2014 hearing meeting on Tuesday 2nd September at 9am in the Manurewa Local Board office meeting room, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa.

Māori impact statement

25.     The Manurewa Local Board has given consideration to M­āori outcomes throughout the development of the Manurewa Local Board Plan; consequently the implementation of the Plan has the potential for positive outcomes for M­āori. 

26.     Local mana whenua were invited to a southern sub-regional Hui on 8 March 2014 where their views were sought on the issues to be addressed in southern local boards’ plans, including Manurewa’s. The processes and protocols for on-going engagement were also discussed and follow up contact made by the local board chairs.

27.     The Manurewa Local Board also engaged with M­āori rate payers and residents through engagement activities that were accessible to the general public as well as targeted stakeholder events and meetings, both in the early stages of the Plan’s development and throughout the consultation period.

28.     The outcomes, objectives and initiatives included in the plan will support the delivery of the Auckland Plan Transformational shift 6 – “significantly lift Maori social and economic wellbeing”.  The draft Manurewa Local Board Plan declares an intention to work with Maori on matters of shared interest. The Plan describes some initiatives of particular relevance to mana whenua and mataawaka, including protection and enhancement of the Manukau Harbour; improvement of water quality in catchment streams; and the identification and protection of wahi tapu and heritage sites in and around Manurewa.


29.     Implementation issues on the various matters raised in submissions will be considered when making decisions at decision-making meetings on the Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 on Thursday 11th September 2014.







Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 submissions vol.1 (Under Separate Cover)



Draft Manurewa Local Board Plan 2014 submissions vol.2 (Pro forma) (Under Separate Cover)





Paula  Gallimore - Governance Analyst


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager