Waitākere Ranges Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board held in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Office, 39 Glenmall Place, Glen Eden on Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 6.30pm.





Sandra Coney, QSO




Deputy Chairperson

Denise Yates, JP





Neil Henderson





Greg Presland





Steve Tollestrup





Saffron Toms
















Waitākere Ranges Local Board

11 September 2014



1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

At its meeting on 28 November 2013, the Waitakere Ranges Local Board resolved (resolution number WTK/2010/5) to record any possible conflicts of interest in a register. 


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Waitemata District Health Board – Elected Member

·       Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

Neil Henderson

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

·       Weedfree Trust – Employee

Greg Presland

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       Lopdell House Development Trust – Trustee

·       Titirangi Residents & Ratepayers Group – Committee Member 

Steve Tollestrup

·       Waitakere Licensing Trust – Elected Member

·       Community Waitakere – Trustee

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

Saffron Toms


Denise Yates

·       Ecomatters Environment Trust – Deputy Chair

·       Keep Waitakere Beautiful Trust – Board Member

·       Huia-Cornwallis Ratepayers & Residents Association – Co-chairperson

·       Charlotte Museum Trust – Trustee                                 


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

Neil Henderson

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

·       Living Cell Technologies Animal Ethics Committee – Member

Saffron Toms

·       Ark in the Park – Governance Group Member


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTK/2014/133

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 28 August 2014, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Update from Ward Councillors


Apologies from Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and Councillor Linda Cooper were noted.


8          Deputations


There were no requests for deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no requests to speak under the public forum item.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy


Resolution number WTK/2014/134

MOVED by Member SR Tollestrup, seconded by Member S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)     Provides the following feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy option as set out in attachment A of the report entitled “Psychoactive substances – draft Local Approved Product Policy”.

               i.        Deprivation index score of 7 to be the lower limit.

              ii.        Buffer of 500m for all sites identified with a distance limit.

            iii.        Early childhood centres be added to list of sites.

            iv.        Strongly supports a total ban on psychoactive substances and encourages continued dialogue with central government.

b)    Notes that there is a strong level of community support for the position of a total ban.

c)    Notes the significant mental and other health related problems that are caused by the use of psychoactive substances, and the serious social impact this has on parts of the Waitakere Ranges community.





Manukau Harbour Stormwater Network Discharge Consent – Stormwater Priorities Consultation


Resolution number WTK/2014/135

MOVED by Member NR Henderson, seconded by Member S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)    Delegates formulation of feedback to the Chair Sandra Coney, Deputy Chair Denise Yates,  Environment Portfolio Holder Saffron Toms and Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Portfolio Holder Neil Henderson by 30 September 2014

b)    The board notes they would like to receive feedback on the outcomes of the Manukau Harbour Stormwater consultation process.





New community lease to Piha Community Centre Society Incorporated and approval for the Society to enter into a sublease with Piha Community Preschool Trust, 2A North Piha Road, Piha


Resolution number WTK/2014/136

MOVED by Member GB Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)    Approves granting a new community lease to Piha Community Centre Society Incorporated for part of Les Waygood Park, 2A North Piha Road, Piha, being part of Lot 2 on Deposited Plan 173989 (Attachment A) subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)     Term – 10 years commencing 1 September 2014 with one 10-year right of renewal;

ii)    Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)   Auckland Council has adopted a Smoke-Free Policy to apply on Council land, which Policy Piha Community Centre Society Incorporated is obliged to abide by during the Term.  Piha Community Centre Society Incorporated will use its best endeavours to ensure its members, employees, invitees, contractors and agents abide by the Policy;

b)    All other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.

c)    Grants approval to Piha Community Centre Society Incorporated to enter into a sublease with Piha Community Preschool Trust for the lease area referred to in a) above on the following terms and conditions:

i)     Term – not exceeding 10 years commencing 1 September 2014 with an option to renew for a further term of 10-years less one day;

ii)    Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)   Auckland Council has adopted a Smoke-Free Policy to apply on Council land, which Policy Piha Community Preschool Trust is obliged to abide by during the Term.  Piha Community Preschool Trust will use its best endeavours to ensure its members, employees, invitees, contractors and agents abide by the Policy.






Review of Alcohol Control - Proposed bylaw for local board feedback


Resolution number WTK/2014/137

MOVED by Member S Toms, seconded by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)    Supports the draft Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014.

b)    Supports the proposed delegation to local boards to make decisions on permanent and temporary alcohol bans in public places.

c)    Supports the proposed criteria in clause 7(2) of the proposed bylaw, including the discretion to use a different type of alcohol ban to those provided in clause 7(2)(f) of the proposed bylaw.

d)    Appoints Chair Sandra Coney, Deputy Chair Denise Yates and Member Saffron Toms, to the local alcohol ban review panel to make recommendations on the review of the alcohol bans in the local board area, with Member Yates as the review panel chairperson.

e)    That the board does not wish to be heard at the hearing.



Secretarial note:  Members Steve Tollestrup, Neil Henderson and Greg Presland declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.



Infrastructure and Environmental Services 2014/15 Proposed Work Programme for Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Resolution number WTK/2014/138

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Member S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)    Agrees to allocate budget for the Infrastructure and Environmental Services local board work programme 2014/2015 as follows:

i)     Weed and pest management - $80,800 – including funding of the Waitakere Ranges weed management plan and implementation projects.

ii)    Kauri dieback co-ordinator - $45,450 – 4 years contract to work with local communities, visitors and schools to raise awareness to prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease

iii)   Maui’s dolphins - $10,100 – Awareness campaign on the plight of the Maui’s and Hector dolphins.

iv)   Septic tank pumpout programme - $612,564 (targeted rate)

v)    EcoMatters             

·          Ecofestmonth-long festival in March-April - $9,000

·          Sustainable Living Centre - $28,000

vi)   Keep Waitakere Beautiful, Community Projects and organisational support -        $51,000

·           Little Sprouts – not-for-profit early-childhood education centres        community        projects

·           Sweet Streets and Sweet Sports – A community street-pride campaign

·           Operation Spring Clean annual event to increase awareness and take        action to clean up our streets, parks, beaches and reserves

·           War on Weeds – Every March, in partnership with WeedFree Trust, jumbo        bins and provided at sites for disposal of weeds

·           Ecowise Awards annual recognition of voluntary work in the environment

·           Waitakere Festival; social media and environmental education

·           Provision of a new weed bin in Titirangi

b)     Notes that the following projects in Attachment A have been reported and approved at previous meetings as indicated:

i)     Project Twin Streams Capex expenditure of $466,367 (Waitakere Ranges Local Board business meeting held on 26 June 2014)

ii)    Sustainable Neighbourhoods project ($90,000) (Waitakere Ranges Local Board business meeting held on 28 August 2014)

c)     Notes that the Visitor Management Plan is not part the Infrastructure and Environmental Services.

Notes that any significant changes identified during programme delivery will be brought to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board for approval.



Secretarial note:  Deputy Chair Denise Yates and Member Neil Henderson declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.




Deferral of 2014/2015 Capital Projects


Resolution number WTK/2014/139

MOVED by Member NR Henderson, seconded by Member SR Tollestrup:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board requests that the following comments be provided directly to the Finance and Performance Committee when it considers the deferral of 2014/15 capital projects

a)    The Waitakere Ranges Local Board would once again like to express its frustration that cuts are being expected in adopted budgets because there is a desire from the Mayor’s Office to adopt a lower target for rates than that adopted in the Long Term Plan.

b)    The Local Board feels that there is a high degree of acceptance politically and within the community of the level of rates and planned expenditure in the current Long Term Plan, which strikes a good balance between managing impacts on ratepayers while enabling council to deliver key new infrastructure along with core services that our communities expect.

c)    The board feels that a 2.5% rates target would have a significant impact on council’s ability to deliver on its “most liveable city” vision and core components of the Auckland Plan.

d)    Is concerned that this review of its capital work programme for the current financial year undermines the democratic process by which we adopt annual budgets. To arrive at our Local Board Agreement 2014/15, we completed a statutory process including consulting with our community.  The Local Board Agreement is a public document, which the community would expect to rely on, but now some of the projects may not go ahead. This potentially undermines public confidence in the process and in the Local Board.

e)    Notes that our area has been unreasonably hard hit by the proposed deferrals when compared to other areas. Nearly 50 per cent of the local board’s capital programme is being proposed for deferral. A fair and equitable approach is needed.

f)     Notes that new information has been presented to the local board since this report was published. Part of the proposed response to the Mayor’s proposed Long Term Plan is that any projects deferred through this review will be deferred for 5 -10 years. We therefore request that a commitment be given that any deferred projects will be retained for consideration through the Long Term Plan process.

g)    The deferral criteria go far beyond delaying projects that are not ready, and impede the strategic vision of Council. The criteria mean that projects that have been the subject of lengthy community consultation, and are ready to go, will be delayed unless some contractual arrangement has been reached. The adopted approach is not a strategic, planned approach, but a technical approach, meaning that some projects that have transformational potential, but do not meet the criteria, will be delayed. There is real fear from this board that deferral will entail a loss of priority and momentum, and that some of these projects will not proceed..

h)    Requests that the deferral criteria take into account:

i.     Community expectations/support and level of consultation. With our walkway projects for example, council staff have worked to overcome the early concerns of adjoining landowners and engaged with the wider community so while contracts may not have been signed, there is a level of commitment and momentum that is likely to be lost should the project be deferred. Glen Eden Town Centre improvements are another such case where deferral of what are modest projects presents a reputational risk to Council as it will be seen as not delivering on its promises, and not doing what it says it will do. For example, the Mayor recently held a public meeting at Glen Eden to help us generate support for the revitalisation of Glen Eden, so renegging on promises will only confirm for some that the Council does not put its “money where its mouth is”.

ii.    Time limited opportunities. The Oratia land acquisition budget needs to be available to make a strategic land purchase when the opportunity to purchase arises. This strategic acquisition is a central part of the Oratia Masterplan and Waitakere Ranges Foothills walkway project. When this land comes back on the market we need to be able to act.

iii.   Making good decisions. We have concern about deferring funding in areas where we may not have received all the information, for example community facilities renewals.  There is a pattern of finding out about opportunities that have been missed after the fact. The local board would like to note its disappointment that it is too often asked to make decisions on budgets and work programmes without receiving all the relevant information and options. The Local Board was unable to find the funds in the 2014/15 budget for a kitchen renewal in the Laingholm Hall as we believed our budget was completely allocated. Now we are losing some of that budget because it seems the budget was not completely allocated to specific projects.

i)     Notwithstanding its position in a) above, the local board recommends that the following projects / programmes should be retained for the reasons given:

i.     Community facilities renewals Retain $184,375 for delivery for repairs to:

•      Waitakere Domain Hall $103,125 (bathroom refit, flooring replacement and interior painting) to bring the facility back into use

•      Tititrangi War Memorial Hall kitchen $56,250

•      Laingholm Village Hall, kitchen, $25,000 to be carried out in tandem with fire damage repair. The local board previously asked that this happen though was told that funding was not available, however, it now appears we were misinformed.

ii.    The parks improvement general budget Retain $670,386. The parks improvement budget includes a large amount of renewal items. Budget needs to be retained to ensure works can be done to protect public safety and council /community assets:

•      Renewals budget of existing parks assets: Retain $330,000.

•      Piha Stream: Retain $350,000 stream erosion involving a threat to the West Coast Gallery, volunteer fire station, old school house and nearby road. Works are required this summer before next seasons wet weather.  

•      The board also note that the Huia seawall is requiring serious remediation: coastal erosion from recent high tide and weather events has caused significant damage to parks such as Huia Domain and transport assets, and hazard management work is urgently required to remediate.  Costings are yet to be received.

iii.   Walkways (Tangiwai/Little Muddy Creek): Retain $45,000 to progress through resource consent process.

iv.   Walkways (Waitakere Ranges foothills): Retain $75,000 for getting through the resource consent process. The local board notes that community expectations have been raised about this project through engagement and consultation.

v.    Land purchase (Oratia Domain): Retain $341,060 – recommend the fund remains available to respond to the opportunity for a strategic purchase as it arises. This budget is to deliver on a key component of the Oratia Masterplan and Waitakere Ranges Foothills Walkway plan. Alternatively, a fast-track process should be put in place to respond to such an opportunity. The local board is concerned about the potential reputational risk with Oratia residents should this budget be deferred or put into the regional acquisition pot.

vi.   Glen Eden Town Centre revitialisation projects: Retain $204,600 – strategic investment. Retain full amount of $204,600 for detailed design of project delivery, including implementing CPTED (community safety) report recommendations for town centre safety. The board pulled together this funding when making its decisions on the Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 to respond to the community view that council needs to start delivering on this project after three decades of planning and consulting about improvements.

j)     Notes that any projects where timing has been deferred, but project planning is underway, should be given high priority in the 2015/2016 capital programme.






Chairperson’s Report


Resolution number WTK/2014/140

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the Chairperson’s report.






Portfolio update: Member Sandra Coney


Resolution number WTK/2014/141

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Member GB Presland:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the portfolio update from Member Sandra Coney.






Portfolio update: Member Neil Henderson


Resolution number WTK/2014/142

MOVED by Member NR Henderson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)     Receives the portfolio update from Member Neil Henderson.





21        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





7.36 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









