I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Kaipātiki Local Board Office
90 Bentley Avenue


Kaipātiki Local Board









Kay McIntyre, QSM


Deputy Chairperson

Ann Hartley, JP



Dr Grant Gillon



John Gillon



Danielle Grant



Richard Hills



Lorene Pigg



Lindsay Waugh



(Quorum 4 members)




Bianca Wildish

Democracy Advisor


1 October 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 484 8856

Email: Bianca.Wildish@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Kaipātiki Local Board area




Kaipātiki Local Board Members



Kay McIntyre QSM


Ph 09 484 8383

DDI 09 484 8987

Mobile 021 287 8844




·      Finance – lead

·      Planning, policy and governance – lead

·     Built environment, streetscapes and urban design – alternate


Ann Hartley JP

Deputy Chairperson

Mob 027 490 6909

Office 09 484 8383

Home 09 483 7572




·      Community Development and Facilities – lead

·      Sport, recreation services and parks (active) – lead

·      Parks, reserves and playgrounds (passive) – alternate

·      Planning, policy and governance – alternate

·     Regulatory, bylaws and compliance – alternate



Danielle Grant

Local Board Member

Mob 021 835 724

Office 09 484 8383

Home 09 442 1271




·       Arts, culture and events services – lead

·       Economic development – lead

·       Natural environment – alternate



Grant Gillon MPP, PhD

Local Board Member

Mob 027 476 4679

Office 09 484 8383




·      Natural environment – lead

·      Regulatory, bylaws and compliance – lead

·     Libraries – alternate


John Gillon

Local Board Member

Mob 021 286 2288

Office 09 484 8383

Home 09 443 1683




·       Libraries – lead

·       Parks, reserves and playgrounds (passive) – lead

·       Civil defence and emergency management – alternate


Lindsay Waugh

Local Board Member

Mob 021 287 1155

Office 09 484 8383

Home 09 418 1620




·      Built environment, streetscapes and urban design – lead

·      Arts, culture and events services – alternate

·      Transport and infrastructure – alternate



Lorene Pigg

Local Board Member

Mob 021 839 375

Office 09 484 8383




·       Civil defence and emergency management – lead

·       Finance – alternate

·       Sport, recreation services and parks (active) – alternate



Richard Hills

Local Board Member

Mob 021 286 4411

Office 09 484 8383




·       Transport and infrastructure – lead

·       Community Development and Facilities – alternate

·       Economic development – alternate



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         7

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        7

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   7

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               7

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          7

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       7

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          7

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    7

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  7

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          8

12        Open Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes Kaipatiki Local Board, Wednesday 10 September 2014                                                                                                                                 9

13        Adoption of the Kaipatiki Local Board Plan 2014                                                    25

14        Local Board Services Quarterly Report - Kaipatiki Local Board                           75

15        Financial Policies Issues for Long-term Plan 2015-2025                                        99

16        LTP 2015-2025 Feedback on mayoral proposal                                                     117

17        Hinemoa Reserve Rockfall Barrier                                                                          119

18        Resurfacing of artificial playing surfaces at Beach Haven Sports Centre         129

19        Kaipatiki Local Board Discretionary Community Funding - Round One, 2014/2015   137

20        Draft Community Grants Policy                                                                               187

21        Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in September 2014 for the Kaipatiki Local Board                                                                                                                           261

22        Local board feedback on the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) 275

23        Children's Panel - quarterly report                                                                          289

24        Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust Quarterly Report                                       303

25        Integrated bylaws review and implementation programme (IBRI) update – September 2014                                                                                                                             315

26        Generic Reports received for information - September 2014                              325

27        Members' Reports                                                                                                     327

28        Governing Body Members' Update                                                                         333

29        Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops, Wednesday, 17 September 2014 and Wednesday, 24 September 2014                                                                       335

30        Record of Kaipatiki Local Board Portfolio Briefings held in September 2014   341

31        Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987                                                                                        351  

32        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


33        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                               355

31        Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987

a.      47A Tui Glen Road, Birkenhead                                                                     355  


1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 10 September 2014, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Open Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes Kaipatiki Local Board, Wednesday 10 September 2014


File No.: CP2014/21734





The open unconfirmed minutes of the Kaipatiki Local Board meeting held on Wednesday, 10 September 2014, are attached at item 12 of the Agenda for the information of the Board only.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      note that the open unconfirmed minutes of the Kaipātiki Local Board meeting held on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 are attached at Item 12 of the agenda for the information of the board only, and will be confirmed under item 4 of the agenda.






Kaipatiki Local Board 10 September 2014 Minutes





Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Adoption of the Kaipatiki Local Board Plan 2014


File No.: CP2014/22040





1.       To adopt the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan 2014.

Executive summary

2.       Each local board is required to adopt a local board plan by 31 October 2014.

3.       The Kaipātiki draft Local Board Plan was developed following informal community engagement. This was followed by formal consultation using the special consultative procedure (SCP) from 7 July to 6 August 2014.  The Kaipātiki Local Board considered the submissions from the SCP at its deliberations meeting in September.

4.       The Kaipātiki Local Board Plan is attached to this agenda.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      adopt the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan.

b)      delegate to the Chairperson to approve any minor wording changes that may be necessary following adoption.




5.       The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires each local board to develop a local board plan every three years. The first local board plan was adopted in 2011. This second local board plan must be adopted by 31 October 2014.

6.       Local board plans are strategic plans for the following three years and beyond. The plans reflect the priorities and preferences of the community. They guide how the local board:

·        makes decisions on local activities and projects;

·        provides input into regional strategies and policies;

·        works with other agencies that play a key role in the area, including central government agencies and council-controlled organisations (CCOs).

7.       The plans inform the development of the council’s 10-year Long-term Plan (LTP). The plans also form the basis for development of the annual local board agreement for each of the following three financial years.

8.       The local board is required to use the SCP to consult on the draft local board plan. The SCP was held from 7 July to 6 August 2014. There were 238 submissions on the draft local board plan.


9.       The local board plan has been developed by considering a range of strategic issues, as well as the Auckland Plan and other regional strategies and policies.  Advice received from subject matter experts, community views and public submissions has also been important in developing the plan.

10.     The local board deliberated on the SCP at its meeting in September 2014.

11.     The plan is attached to this agenda.

Local board views and implications

12.     The local board’s views have driven the development of the plan attached to this report.

Māori impact statement

13.     The Kaipātiki Local Board has given consideration to Māori outcomes throughout the development of the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan; consequently the implementation of the plan has the potential to contribute to positive outcomes for Māori.

14.     The Kaipātiki Local Board invited mana whenua and mataawaka to meet with them during the early stages of the development of the local board plan.  Views expressed by mana whenua and mataawaka during these hui have been considered and helped inform the development of the plan.

15.     The outcomes, objectives and initiatives included in the plan will support the delivery of the Auckland Plan.  The entirety of the plan will benefit Māori as part of the board’s community.  As part of the draft plan the board intends to work closely with mana whenua on a number of initiatives, such as those focusing directly on issues of importance to Māori such as improving and maintaining the natural environment e.g. improving stream water quality or town centre projects.  The board also intends to improve the ability of mataawaka to input into board decision making through the creation of a local Māori network.  Other areas of the draft plan, such as its initiatives focusing on youth (employment, cultural and recreational) or public transport initiatives, will particularly benefit Māori due to the Māori community’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics.


16.     The Long-term Plan and the annual plans draw the local board plans together and prioritise the council projects into what is affordable and will best meet the strategic direction and needs of Auckland’s communities. The projects and initiatives contained in each local board plan need to be included in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 and annual plans if they are to be implemented. This requires discussion and agreement with the governing body though the local board agreement process.







Kaipatiki Local Board Plan





Sarah Broad - Senior Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Local Board Services Quarterly Report - Kaipatiki Local Board


File No.: CP2014/22635





1.       The purpose of this report is to update the board on various council and Council-controlled organisation activities impacting Kaipātiki.

Executive summary

2.       This is the quarterly report for the third quarter of the financial year 2013/2014.

3.       This report provides an update on various council and council-controlled organisation activities impacting Kaipātiki.

4.       The strategic updates in this report are:

·    Town Centre transformation projects

·    Community development and facilities

·    Kaipātiki connections and parks and sportsfield upgrades

·    Economic development

·    Strategic planning and finance.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      delegate approval of the Birkenhead Town Centre programme, including decisions on both the mainstreet and viewing platform projects, to a working party of Member Kay McIntyre, Member Grant Gillon and Member Lindsay Waugh.

b)      delegate approval of the consultation plan for Birkenhead Town Centre to Member Kay McIntyre, Member Grant Gillon and Member Lindsay Waugh.



5.       The board workshop on 17 September dealt with the following issues:

a)    Local Board Plan

b)    Heritage Incentives Policy

c)    Road Naming

d)    Site proposed for divestment in the Kaipātiki Local Board area

e)    Community Discretionary Funding Round.

6.       The board workshop on 24 September dealt with the following issues:

a)    Local Board Plan

b)    Mayoral Proposal and Financial Policies

c)    Review of member information pack on the LTP

d)    Local driven initiatives budget

e)    Advocacy action plan.

7.       The following cluster/regional workshops took place in September:

a)    LTP – Parks, Community and Lifestyle response to the Mayoral Proposal – 8 September

b)    Budget Committee workshop – LTP – 18 September (Chairs only)

c)    Budget Committee workshop – LTP – 22 September (Chairs only).

Strategic Updates

██ Town Centre transformation projects


8.       Design work on the Birkenhead projects (mainstreet and viewing platform) has continued, but neither project has yet progressed to public consultation due to uncertainty surrounding future years’ budget for these projects arising from the mayoral proposal on the council’s long-term plan for 2015-2025.

9.       In this context, City Transformation is working through developing a proposed programme for this financial year and going forward for the board’s consideration. This programme is not yet ready for review and decision by the board, but will be prior to the board’s next business meeting.

10.     It is recommended that, in order to expedite this process to ensure that the programme can progress in this financial year, the board delegates decision making on the programme for delivery, prior to going out to key stakeholder and public consultation. This delegation is proposed to be to the existing Birkenhead Town Centre working group of Members Kay McIntyre, Grant Gillon and Lindsay Waugh. The board may also consider including the Birkenhead Town Centre Association liaison Member Danielle Grant, given the importance of these projects to the Birkenhead Town Centre Association. This group would also approve the consultation plan (an outline of which was provided to the board’s 10 September meeting). A workshop session with the whole board is also scheduled for 15 October to provide an opportunity for the whole board to review the proposals.


██  Community Development and Facilities

Mayoral proposal

11.     The mayoral proposal for the council’s long-term plan 2015-2025 referred to a change to the delivery model for community development ‘to a much more empowered community approach’ with a ‘move away from direct delivery’. The detail of how this proposal would be implemented is currently being worked through with no information yet forthcoming on what the impact might be on Kaipātiki.

Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust

12.     Development of a Memorandum of Understanding or ‘Partnering Agreement’ with the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will commence in October, following the Community Co-ordinator refresh.

██ Kaipātiki connections and parks and sportsfields upgrades

13.     The work programme for 2014/2015 is now being worked on, following approval at the board’s meeting on 9 July.

14.     A separate report on this agenda deals with the Hinemoa Rock Fall Barrier project. Other projects requiring approval from the board were presented at the board’s business meeting on 10 September. At future meetings of the board, other projects requiring approval will be presented.

15.     A full update on progress of the board’s work programme will be circulated to members once prepared. This update requires reconciliation with the recent capex deferrals decisions made by the Finance and Performance Committee which was not available at time of writing.


██ Economic development

16.     A number of proposed projects for 2014/2015 were discussed at a workshop of the board on 27 August. Approval of the programme following further scoping of these projects will take place at the board’s November business meeting.

██ Strategic Planning and Finance

Capex deferrals

17.     The board resolved on their feedback on the proposed capex deferrals for the 2014/15 financial year at the 9 September business meeting.

18.     This feedback (and that provided by the other 20 local boards) was presented to the Finance and Performance Committee on 24 September. The Committee adopted the officer recommendations, which included a number of deferrals of capital projects from the Kaipātiki Local Board budget. Officers are working through the implications of these deferrals at the time of writing.

Local board plan

19.     The final local board plan is attached to another report on this agenda. The plan was updated following the special consultative procedure (SCP), and following adoption will be put together as a designed document for publication and distribution.

Long-term plan 2015-2025

20.     Work on the council’s Long-term Plan 2015-2025 continues. At the board’s workshop on 24 September the board discussed issues surrounding the council’s financial policies, which are being reviewed as part of the development of the Long-term Plan. A separate report on this agenda provides the board with the opportunity to provide formal feedback on these issues.

21.     At the 24 September workshop the board also discussed the officer responses to the mayoral proposal, which was released on 28 August. The mayoral proposal indicates budget envelopes for various activity ‘themes’, and since 28 August officers have worked on a set of proposals for activity within these budget envelopes. The board discussed these proposals with a number of advocacy issues/feedback points being identified as part of this discussion. The prioritisation of these advocacy points and feedback items were being worked on at the time of writing. These advocacy items (and advocacy areas identified in the local board plan) will be discussed with the governing body later in October.

22.     The board also had an initial discussion on the application of the new Local Boards Funding Policy at the local level, including the locally driven initiatives budget and how this might be allocated. Further work was underway at the time of the writing on this budget.

General updates

Draft Local Approved Product Policy feedback

23.     At the board’s meeting on 10 September, the board delegated providing feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy to Member Grant Gillon and Member Danielle Grant. The submitted feedback is attached at Attachment A.

Kaipātiki Local Board branded flags for events

24.     At the September Events portfolio meeting, members requested officers seek a quote for additional Kaipātiki Local Board branded flags for use at events. The board has previously utilised available events funding to purchase flags.

25.     The quote received indicates that the cost of purchasing 10 additional flags (in green) is $1,435. Fixed costs for this quote total $85 and each individual flag costs $135. The board could consider funding purchase of additional flags utilising its civic events budget.


Pools and leisure – Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre renewal

26.     At the board’s meeting on 10 September the renewals requirements at Glenfield Leisure Centre were discussed, and it was determined that a small working party of Member Kay McIntyre, Member Ann Hartley and Member Lorene Pigg would work with officers to identify the funding required to ensure that the new HVAC system can be installed this year, as well as the other renewals works identified for this financial year.

27.     The following projects are now able to proceed, following identification of additional regional leisure intervention funding to meet the shortfall previously identified:

·     Birkenhead Pool and Leisure Centre - Replace Retaining Wall & drainage - $50,000;

·     Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre - Steam room boiler replacement - $30,000;

·     Rec Equipment Renewal project 1 - $204,297;

·     Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre - new flooring for fitness centre - $90,000;

·     Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre - HVAC/Pool water heating - $803,706;

·     Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre - Spa pool renewal - $312,000 (funded through leisure intervention fund);

·     Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre - Change rooms - $371,838 (funded through leisure intervention fund).

28.     The budget for the HVAC is not as significant as the potential cost identified ($995,000). It is intended that through the tender process for the above projects savings may be identified elsewhere if required (through the spa pool and change rooms projects in particular).

29.     The intention is that the spa, change rooms and HVAC projects will all proceed at the same time during the 6 week shutdown in April/May 2015.


Action item reports

30.  Attached to this report (at Attachments B, C, D and E) are action items from previous meetings of the local board, reported on in the following categories:

·   Pending (yet to be completed)

·   Completed (actions completed)

·   Watching brief (actions requiring oversight but not yet due for completion)

·   Future (actions not yet requiring oversight/action).

31.  Any actions marked as completed will be moved from the current schedule on receipt of this report by the board.


Local board views and implications

32.     Local board views are sought via this report.

Māori impact statement

33.     There are no specific impacts on Māori arising from this report.


There are no implementation issues identified in this report.







Feedback on draft Local Approved Products Policy



Action Item Report - Completed



Action Item Report - Pending



Action Item Report - Watching Brief



Action Item Report - Future





Sarah Broad - Senior Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Financial Policies Issues for Long-term Plan 2015-2025


File No.: CP2014/21713





1.       This report advises local boards on financial policy issues that may be considered in the development of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025. It aims to support discussion of these issues at local board workshops in September 2014.

Executive summary

2.       Development of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP) is the council’s opportunity to consider if it wishes to consult on making changes to its financial policies.  A briefing setting out some of the matters that may be considered in the long-term plan process was provided to a workshop of the governing body on 5 August and to a local boards’ workshop on 18 August.

3.       The workshop identified a range of financial policy issues as possible matters for consideration in developing the draft long-term plan. These included the:

·        rating policy

·        standardisation of the remaining legacy fees and charges

·        development contributions.

4.       The key issues identified in regard to the rating policy were:

·        options for level of UAGC

·        proportion of rates paid by businesses including options for the long term differential strategy

·        proportion of rates paid by rural sector including options for farms and rural townships

·        affordability including consideration of additional support for superannuitants

·        options for further transition

·        standardising legacy rates remission and postponement policies (community, sporting and heritage remission and postponement policies).

5.       The remaining legacy fees and charges that have yet to be standardised are:

·        social housing rentals

·        street trading license fees and rentals

·        163 environmental health and licensing fees

·        some cemetery fees.

6.       The Long-term Plan 2015-2025 presents the council with an opportunity to consider if it wishes to amend its development contributions policy to reflect the changes made to development contributions in the Local Government (Amendment Act) Act 2014 alongside the changes the legislation requires.  Issues the council may wish to consider include refining its

·        funding areas

·        assessment of residential demand.

7.       The timetable for the development of financial policies for the draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025 is:

·        Budget Committee workshop (including modelling of options) – 20 October (morning)

·        local boards workshop – 20 October (afternoon)

·        combined Budget Committee and local boards workshop - 24 October

·        Mayor’s rating policy proposal 30 October

·        Budget Committee workshop on financial policies – 31 October

·        Budget Committee final decisions for draft Long-term plan (including financial policies) – 5 November

·        Budget Committee workshop and meeting on rates transition – 17 November.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      determine if it wishes to make any recommendations for change to existing financial policies as part of development of the draft Long-term Plan 2015-2025.




8.       The decisions sought in this report are not significant.


Local board views and implications

9.       The purpose of this report is to facilitate the development and communication of local board views on the matters considered herein.

Māori impact statement

10.     The recommendations in this report have no impact on Maori.


11.     There are no implementation issues associated with the recommendations included in this report.







Presentation to local boards on 18 August 2014 entitled "Financial Policies, Long-term Plan 2015-2025."





Andrew Duncan, Manager Financial Policy


Matthew Walker, Manager Financial Planning Policy and Budgeting


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



LTP 2015-2025 Feedback on mayoral proposal


File No.: CP2014/22932





1.       To seek feedback from local boards on the mayoral proposal for the LTP 2015-2025, as announced on 28 August 2014.

Executive summary

2.       On 28 August 2014, the Mayor announced a proposal for the LTP 2015-2025, outlining high level funding envelopes and key priorities. 

3.       Feedback is sought from local boards on the mayoral proposal, including departmental responses, to help inform draft budget and consultation decisions being made by the Budget Committee on 5 and 6 November 2014.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      consider the mayoral proposal and whether to provide feedback on the implications of the proposal.





4.       In March 2014, the Mayor provided direction setting for the LTP 2015-2025.

5.       Between March and August, Auckland Council conducted a thorough assessment of its full work programme, prior to the Mayor announcing a proposal for the LTP 2015-2025 on 28 August 2014.  The mayoral proposal outlined high level funding envelopes and key priorities. 

6.       In response, the organisation considered the mayoral proposal at a more detailed project and local level, identifying what could be achieved within funding envelopes and options or trade-offs that may need to be considered.

7.       Local boards have been engaged throughout the LTP 2015-2025 process, including detailed briefings from departments between 23 September and 5 October to discuss responses to the mayoral proposal.

8.       Feedback is sought from local boards on the mayoral proposal, including departmental responses, to help inform draft budget and consultation decisions being made by the Budget Committee on 5 and 6 November 2014

9.       Local boards also have the opportunity to discuss feedback with the Governing Body on 17, 22 and 24 October 2014.

10.     Following Budget Committee decisions in early November, local boards will hold workshops to develop local consultation material and supporting information, for agreement in business meetings between 1 and 10 December 2014.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Kate Marsh - Financial Planning Manager - Local Boards


Matthew Walker - Manager Financial Plan Policy and Budgeting

Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Hinemoa Reserve Rockfall Barrier


File No.: CP2014/21417





1.       To gain Kaipatiki Local Board approval for the final design and implementation of the Hinemoa Reserve Rock Fall Barrier.


Executive summary

2.       The cliff area above the carpark and Birkenhead Yacht Club in Hinemoa Reserve has had a number of slips, with the latest having occurred in 2013.

3.       A barrier has been designed to contain rock falls along the entire cliff and to fit in with the existing wooden barrier as well as the look and feel of the reserve (Attachment A).

4.       Technical reports recommended the minimum scope detailed in Option One (Attachment B), but after a request from the yacht club to store rigged boats behind the club, an increased scope has also been investigated and detailed in Option Two (Attachment C). 

5.       Option Two is recommended as it provides a better option for safety and access for the public and ongoing maintenance, as well as providing better access for the yacht club to the back of their building.

6.       The estimated budget required for Option One is estimated to be $158,000 and Option Two is estimated to be $187,000, which is a difference of $29,000.  This will be finalised once the procurement process in complete.     

7.       There is currently funding of $125,000 allocated to the Hinemoa Reserve Slip from the Foundation Infrastructure budget in the approved 2014/2015 work programme.  There was previously  $127,300 unallocated in the Foundation Infrastructure budget, but it is understood that this budget has now been deferred as part of the recent region-wide capex deferrals process.  The board could therefore consider funding the shortfall through its unallocated SLIPs budget (total of $283,924 available).



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      approve the design and implementation of the Hinemoa Reserve Rock Fall Barrier outlined in Option Two (Attachment C).

b)      consider funding an additional $62,000 required to undertake Option Two from the board’s unallocated SLIPs budget.




8.       For both options, the design from the existing barrier on Hinemoa Street to the corner behind the yacht club involves an extension of the existing 1.2m barrier with a similar wooden pile design.

9.       Option One has a 1.4m barrier replacing the wall behind the boat club.  The pile depth is 4.1m and the spacing between the piles is 1.5m.

10.     Option Two increases the barrier behind the yacht club to a height of 1.6m high, with a pile depth of 5.9m and the spacing between the piles would be reduced to 1.2m, thus requiring an extra 12 piles.  The space between the yacht club building and the barrier wall will increase from approximately 1.5m to 2.3m moving the barrier closer to the cliff and necessitating a higher barrier.

11.     The works methodology is similar for both options and involves the removal of the debris from behind the wall, the removal of the existing timber retaining wall and the construction of a new wall and the sealing of the footpath area.

12.     As the new wall will be constructed closer to the cliff, the increased height is needed to achieve a satisfactory level of protection from falling rocks and debris from the cliff. 

13.     It will also provide more useable and safe access to the storage area at the rear of the yacht club. More convenient and ease of access of machinery will be enabled to undertake the occasional clearance of debris from behind the wall to maintain the necessary clear height of the barrier on the cliff side. 


Local board views and implications

14.     To be considered as part of this report.

Māori impact statement

15.     The council contacted relevant iwi as part of the resource consent.  None of the iwi contacted expressed an interest in this project.


16.     The physical works for both would take about six weeks to complete and would require some minor pruning of the vegetation and some carparks to be closed during this time.








Background Information and Barrier Design



Option One Layout



Option Two Layout





Adi James - Parks Advisor


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Resurfacing of artificial playing surfaces at Beach Haven Sports Centre


File No.: CP2014/21608





1.       This report seeks Kaipātiki Local Board approval to assign $200,000 for the resurfacing of artificial playing surfaces for multi-sport activity at the Beach Haven Sports Centre

Executive summary

2.       The eight tennis courts at the Beach Haven Sports Centre are in need of replacement as they approach the end of their life expectancy.

3.       Poor playing surfaces can have a negative impact on centre membership, and therefore the financial sustainability of the centre, as well as reducing community participation in sport and recreation activities.

4.       It is recommended that the existing tennis-only marked courts are replaced with a multi-sport design that will increase the use of existing infrastructure, through use by multiple sports codes and community groups.

5.       Existing clubs and future user groups of the Beach Haven courts have collaborated on a new design that will provide an effective solution for all parties.

6.       Financial contributions will also be made by clubs to complete this project.

7.       This partnership approach is aligned with initiative 8.1 within the Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      approve the allocation of $200,000 to the resurfacing of the Beach Haven Sports Centre.



8.       On 1st October 2014 the management contract at the sports centre comes to an end. The Leisure team will appoint an internal centre manager, likely on a 20-hour/week contract. This will ensure that income generated by can be invested back into centre operations, whilst also providing opportunity for a renewed focus on community programmes and events.

9.       The sports centre building has had little/no maintenance over a prolonged period and now suffers from leaks, rot and mould in multiple areas. In order to encourage facility use, an industrial clean is required along with an internal facility repaint, patching of floorboards, leak repairs and unblocking of drainage around the courts. The property team are currently investigating budget options to progress these works.

10.     A portion of the sports centre (including the tennis clubrooms and four of eight tennis courts) fall under a community lease to Beach Haven Tennis Club. This lease runs for nine more years. The tennis club is responsible for maintenance and replacement under the terms of their lease.

11.     All eight tennis courts were laid 12 years ago. The life expectancy of artificial tennis courts is 12-15 years, depending on use and maintenance.

12.     The tennis club have saved approximately $25,000 towards court replacement. They do not use their leased courts to capacity, particularly during winter and their committee is open to other groups utilising the space when not required.

13.     Birkenhead Football Club require additional training facilities due to increasing membership and to reduce wear and tear on grass surfaces. They are working with the Northern Football Federation to be the first club in New Zealand to integrate Futsal (small sided game with a smaller, weighted ball to improve foot skills) that can be played across two tennis courts.

14.     Harbour Hockey would like to start a satellite schools programme at the Beach Haven Sports Centre, as would Harbour Volleyball given the large Pacific Island community who play the sport socially.

15.     The tennis club would like use of more than four courts at peak times. The contra for which would be reduced/no access at other times for other sports to use or programmes to be run.

16.     It is suggested that all eight tennis courts are replaced by a multi-sport design to accommodate multiple users. A provisional design has been approved by all clubs, as well as regional bodies where the multi-sport lines could have impact on competition eligibility.

17.     The cost of the project, including subsurface and playing surface labour, purchase of portable nets/goals, fence and drainage improvements, is approximately $250,000. Project costs can be reduced by selecting a cheaper turf, but the danger in doing so is that a surface does not meet the requirements of the varied users. For example, hockey requires a multi-directional pile and tennis requires a sand base and an ITF rating. Further testing to select the most appropriate surface is required.

18.     The football and tennis clubs have offered volunteer resources to remove the existing artificial turf, saving an estimated $8,000 in labour costs.

19.     To make up the anticipated shortfall in project budget, it is suggested that the tennis club contributes $25,000 and applies for external funding to complete the final stage of the project. A similar collaborative funding model was used for the installation of floodlights on Shepherds Park, and the tennis club is confident that funds can be raised for this project quickly based on discussions with external funders, thus mitigating risk from a council perspective.

20.     In terms of timeline, the project would likely be completed in two stages, with resurfacing of the Sports Centre courts possible upon manufacture of the turf. Tennis resurfacing could take place shortly after, before the end of the financial year.

21.     This partnership approach is aligned with initiative 8.1 within the Auckland Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan and should result in better use of existing infrastructure, improve club communication and produce better community outcomes.

22.     The new sports centre manager will be responsible for managing club relationships and the timetable of activities.

23.     The football, tennis, squash and bowls clubs are mid-way through the development of strategic plans (facilitated by Harbour Sport), and have a much improved level of communication and alignment.


Local board views and implications

24.     The Kaipātiki Local Board has the delegated authority to grant funding to the Beach Haven Sports Centre for court resurfacing.  The opinions of the Parks, Sport and Recreation Portfolio holders have been sought prior to this report. This report seeks approval from the Kaipātiki Local Board to award funding for this project, endorsed by both the Leisure and Sport and Recreation Partnerships teams. As the funding is provided for in the Kaipātiki Local Board Agreement, no other Local Boards have been consulted.

Māori impact statement

25.     The Maori Plan outlines a key direction to ‘improve quality of life’ with a focus on health and wellness. The new Sports Centre Manger will consider how they can assist with meeting the directions and indicators in the Maori Plan and target programmes for Maori communities.


26.     Court use will be managed through the resurfacing period, with tennis activities shifted across to the Sports Centre courts as required during the tennis season. Matches can also be relocated to alternative venues with buy-in from the regional body (Tennis Northern) to facilitate.







Beach Haven Leisure Centre Layout



Shepherds Park court resurfacing





Jane  Franich - Contract Relationship Advisor


Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipatiki Local Board Discretionary Community Funding - Round One, 2014/2015


File No.: CP2014/17885





1.       To present applications received for round one of the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Funding Programme 2014-15.  The Kaipātiki Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive summary

2.       For the 2014-15 financial year, the Kaipātiki Local Board set a total community funding budget of $55,256.  This is the first round for the financial year.  If the budget is split across the two rounds for the year, the budget for this round is $27,628.

3.       Fifteen applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $64,548.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      considers the applications listed in Table 1 and agrees to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

 Table 1: Kaipātiki Local Board Community Funding Applications


Funding for

Amount requested

Literacy North Shore Incorporated

Towards the costs of tutors/contractors wages for two pre-employment literacy groups/programmes run between February 2015 and August 2015

 $      4,200.00

North Harbour Hockey Association

Towards the competition hireage, competition co-ordinator and in-school coaching costs for the Small Sticks programme to be run in Kauri Park School, Verran Road Primary and Birkdale North School between November 2014 and May 2015

 $      1,710.00

Hansol Charitable Trust

Towards staff salaries for a Korean library service between November 2014 and November 2015

 $   15,600.00

The Scout Association of NZ - Mayfield Scout Group

Towards the purchase of materials for pest eradication and weed bags for weed and pest control at the Scout Den in Kaipātiki between November 2014 to December 2014

 $         500.00

Chinese New Settlers Services Trust

Towards the purchase of two laptops, two data projectors and screens, visual and book resources and venue hire  for the Connecting Kids, Connecting Families programme between December 2014 to June 2015

 $      5,172.00

De Paul House

Towards the Outreach Service costs for De Paul House in November 2014

 $      5,000.00

North Shore Events Centre Trust

Towards the purchase and installation of a community noticeboard and whiteboard for the North Shore Events Centre between November 2014 to December 2015

 $      1,000.00

Le Roys Bush and Little Shoal Bay Reserves Charitable Trust

Towards equipment to go in the community resource kit: art supplies, pop up signage and event costs for the Beyond the Fence project between November 2014 to October 2015

 $      3,485.00

HandsUp Homework Station Beach Haven

Towards the venue hire, purchase of books and resources, administration costs and koha for volunteers for the HandsUp Homework Station between November 2014 and May 2015

 $      4,000.00

Babylon Community Trust

Towards transportation, volunteer re-imbursement, venue hire of the Bayview Community Centre, photocopying, costs for special events and miscellaneous costs for the Elderly People Programme between November 2014 to October 2015

 $      8,000.00

WaterSafe Auckland Incorporated

Towards venue hire of the North Shore Leisure Centre and Birkenhead Pool, costs associated with advertising, certificates for participants and a take home bag for the Whanau Nui Programme between December 2014 to February 2015

 $      3,983.00

Migrant Actions Trust

Towards the facilitators fee and venue hire for the Start Right in NZ Seminar run by the Migrant Action Trust in Glenfield in November 2014

 $      3,078.00

Auckland Kids Achievement Trust - FYD Auckland

Towards the costs of Adventureworks to run the Project K Wilderness Adventure and Community Challenge for Glenfield College between April 2015 to December 2015

 $      5,000.00

Yes Disability Resource Centre

Towards the venue hire for the Carabiner Mentoring programme run by YES Disability Resource Centre between November 2014 and May 2015

 $      1,320.00

North Shore Pasefika Forum

Towards the purchase of a computer, printer, Microsoft package and replacement ink for the printer for the North Shore Pasefika Forum

 $      2,500.00



 $    64,548.00





1.       In March 2013, the Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) resolved to continue the interim community funding approach for the 2013/2014 financial year (RDO/2013/32).

2.       Two community funding rounds are scheduled for this financial year. This first round closed on 15 July 2014.

3.       Through community grants, the local board recognises the vital role that community groups and organisations play in developing strong, sustainable communities. The Kaipātiki Local Board Community Discretionary Fund aims to assist groups to provide activities, projects, programmes, initiatives and events that make a positive contribution within the local board area.

4.       When reviewing applications, the local board should be guided by the following aim of the fund (these are not eligibility criteria; rather they are guidelines to help the local board when considering the merits of each proposal):

·       support vibrant local communities;

·       ensure a wide range of community activities, projects, programmes, initiatives are supported at a local level;

·            provide seed funding to make things happen in community development; and

·       support proposals that align with the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan priorities and the needs identified across the Kaipātiki Local Board area.

5.       This fund is allocated at the local board’s discretion. In accordance with its fiduciary duties, the local board is to act honestly, avoid conflicts of interest and act in what the local board believes to be the best interests of the community.

6.       Round one of the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Funding closed on 15 July 2014. The fund was advertised through local community networks and on the Auckland Council website.  

7.       For the 2014-15 financial year, the Kaipātiki Local Board set a total community funding budget of $55,256. None of this budget has been allocated to date. If the budget is split across the two rounds for the year, the budget for this round is $27,628.

8.       Fifteen applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $64,548.


Local board views and implications

9.       Feedback on the community funding applications was sought at a workshop with the Kaipātiki Local Board on 17 September.

Maori impact statement

10.     Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community.


11.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Annual Plan.

12.     Following the Kaipātiki Local Board allocating funding for round one, Community Development Arts and Culture will notify the applicants of the local board decision.







Kaipatiki Local Board Discretionary Community Funding - Round One 2014/15 Application Summaries





Kim Hammond - Community Grants and Support Officer West


Kevin Marriott - Acting Manager Community Development Arts and Culture

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager

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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Draft Community Grants Policy


File No.: CP2014/21720





1.       To seek local board feedback on the draft Community Grants Policy (Attachment A), and provide an overview of public feedback on the policy for members’ consideration. The report briefly outlines the key components of the draft policy, proposes a transitional approach to establishing a multi-board grants programme, and discusses the budgetary implications of the policy.

Executive summary

2.       On 3 July 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee (the Committee) endorsed a new draft Community Grants Policy (CGP) for local board engagement and public consultation.

3.       The draft CGP has been developed to guide the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders. It covers grants for community development, arts and culture, events, sport and recreation, environment and heritage.

4.       The draft CGP proposes a new community grants programme aligned to Auckland Council’s governance structure, with:

a)      a local component (21 local grants programmes and a ‘multi-board’ grants programme, governed by local boards and aligned with local board plans), and

b)      a regional component (six regional grants programmes aligned to strategic directions in the Auckland Plan, with governing body decision-making).

5.       Community grants are a critical tool to implement Auckland’s vision as set out in the Auckland Plan, local board plans and the council’s core regional strategies, policies and plans. The draft CGP provides a regional framework for grant-making by Auckland Council, while ensuring flexibility for local boards to shape their own grants programme to respond to the specific needs and priorities of their communities. To reflect this, and give effect to local boards’ decision-making role in relation to local grants, staff propose that each local board be supported to develop an individual schedule to the CGP that sets out the specific outcomes, priorities and structure of their local grants programme.

6.       The draft CGP proposes that local boards be supported to form a range of new, outcome-driven multi-board clusters. However to achieve a smooth transition from the interim funding arrangements to the new grants programme, staff propose that the existing joint funding committees and subcommittees form the basis of four multi-board clusters for the 2015-2016 financial year. Although this would mean that the current ‘membership’ of these clusters would continue for the first year, this is the only aspect that would remain the same.

7.       Once adopted, the CGP will replace an interim community funding programme that has operated since amalgamation, consisting of more than 50 local and legacy ‘city-wide’ grants schemes and a small number of regional grants schemes. The community grants budgets inherited from the legacy councils are currently over-subscribed, especially at the regional level. To fully implement the CGP and deliver on the transformational shifts outlined in the Auckland Plan, staff propose additional investment of $2 million per annum be considered through the Long-term Plan (LTP) process 2015-2025. This will increase the amount of funding for regional grants to a more viable level, without reducing the existing funding envelope for local and multi-board grants.

8.       Staff attended local board workshops to discuss the draft policy during July and August 2014, to support the provision of formal local board feedback on the CGP during September and October. Public feedback on the CGP was invited between 14 July and 11 August, and a summary of this input is provided as Attachments B and C.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      endorse the Community Grants Policy as a regional framework for the Auckland Council community grants programme, noting that the local board will be supported to develop an individual schedule to the policy that sets out the specific outcomes, priorities and structure of their local grants programme.

b)      provide feedback on any policy provisions of specific interest or concern to the local board, for consideration during the review and finalisation of the Community Grants Policy.

c)      indicate whether they support the proposal to participate in an interim ‘multi-board cluster’ with Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Upper Harbour Local Board and the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board (covering the East Coast Bays subdivision) to consider jointly supporting projects and activities of mutual benefit, noting that if this is agreed:

i)        staff will work with participating local boards to agree funding priorities and terms of reference for the cluster;

ii)       participating local boards will continue to hold their funds separately within the cluster, and can choose whether or not to allocate funds towards individual grant applications on a case-by-case basis;

iii)      additional multi-board clusters can still be explored, and will be supported wherever feasible;

iv)      the cluster is a transitional arrangement and would exist for the duration of the 2015-2016 financial year only, unless otherwise agreed by the participating local boards.




9.       A discussion paper outlining the key elements, issues and options for a new Community Grants Policy (CGP) was work-shopped with local boards during March and April 2014. Workshops were also held to test draft approaches with the governing body and key stakeholders in May. A summary of the feedback received is provided as Attachment D.

10.     Feedback on the discussion paper informed the preparation of a draft CGP, which was reported to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee (the Committee) on 3 July 2014. The Committee endorsed the draft CGP for local board engagement and public consultation.

11.     Staff attended local board workshops to discuss the draft policy during July and August 2014, to support the provision of formal local board feedback on the CGP during September and October.

Summary of draft Community Grants Policy approach

12.     The draft Community Grants Policy proposes a framework for a new Auckland Council community grants programme with two main components: a local grants programme (incorporating multi-board grants) and a regional grants programme.


Local grants programme

13.     Local grants are a key tool local boards can use to implement the vision set out in their local board plans, and provide a direct, tangible way of supporting local community aspirations and responding to local needs and opportunities.

14.     At the local level the CGP is not intended to be prescriptive, but rather to provide a framework and guidelines that will assist local boards to deliver best practice in grant-making. This approach responds directly to feedback received from local boards during consultation on the draft Community Funding Policy in May 2012.

15.     The draft CGP proposes that each local board is supported to operate their own local grants programme under the broader umbrella of the CGP, and can award grants to groups and organisations, projects, services, events and activities that benefit residents in their local board area. Boards will be supported to develop specific funding priorities for their grants programme, drawing on the priorities set out in their local board plans.

16.     Two grant schemes are proposed to operate through the local grants programme:

a)      Fast Response Local Grants (up to $1,000)

Applicants for Fast Response Local Grants will complete simplified application and accountability processes. Funding rounds are proposed to be held more regularly, and timeframes for decision-making and payment will be kept as short as possible to ensure responsiveness to the community.

b)      Local Grants (over $1,000)

Local Grants are for larger amounts and are proposed to be distributed only once or twice per year, to enable the local board to consider how best to allocate their limited grants budget to deliver the local outcomes they are seeking. Applicants for Local Grants will complete application and accountability processes proportionate to the size of the grant they are seeking. Grants can be ‘one-off’ awards, or a commitment to fund over multiple years (up to a full political term).

Local board grants programme schedule

17.     A regional briefing for local board chairs and portfolio holders was held on 30 June 2014 to provide an overview of the proposed policy and discuss next steps ahead of reporting to the Committee.

18.     At the briefing, questions were raised about the policy’s recognition of local boards’ decision-making allocation in this area. Although the policy does provide sufficient flexibility for local boards to exercise this decision-making, it was felt this authority needed to be made more explicit. Following further discussion, it was agreed that this could be achieved by working with local boards to shape the structure and intent of their individual local grants programmes. Once each local board has agreed and adopted their programme, this can become a schedule to the policy. This approach was endorsed by local board chairs at the Chairs Forum on 28 July.

19.     Each individual local board grants programme schedule could include:

a)      Outcomes sought through the local grants programme (driven by local board plans);

b)      Any specific local funding priorities;

c)      The types of funding opportunities available through the local grants programme;

d)      Any specific eligibility criteria or exclusions that are additional to the baseline provisions of the CGP;and

e)      Any other factors the local board considers to be significant to their decision-making.

20.     Staff will work with local boards between February and April 2015 to develop and adopt their local grants programme schedules, and an implementation plan will be prepared for each local board to sit alongside the schedule (outlining key operational aspects, such as the number and timing of funding rounds).

21.     Local boards will be able to review and update their schedules over time as strategic priorities and budgets change.

Proposed multi-board grants programme

22.     The draft CGP proposes that local boards be supported to form a range of new, outcome-driven multi-board clusters. These clusters will invite applications from, and award grants to organisations, services, projects, events and activities that benefit residents across their combined areas. Local boards could participate in more than one cluster.

23.     Multi-board clusters may be:

a)      Groups of local boards with contiguous boundaries, for example southern local boards wanting to support events in the Southern Initiative area;

b)      Local boards that share a common characteristic or interest, for example high populations of older people, or bordering the Hauraki Gulf; and

c)      Local boards that want to address a common issue, for example by supporting employment programmes targeting marginalised young people.

24.     Staff will engage with local boards to scope and establish appropriate clusters, which may be in response to a need or opportunity identified by their communities, or to deliver strategic outcomes they have mutually identified in their local board plans. Once local boards have instigated (or agreed to participate in) a multi-board cluster, council staff will work with the participating boards to understand the outcomes sought, and design a grants programme to deliver these.

25.     Applicants seeking support from a multi-board cluster will make one combined application to all participating local boards in the cluster, will receive a single decision notification and grant award, and will submit one accountability report when their funded activities have been completed.

Implementation of the multi-board grants programme

26.     To achieve a smooth transition from the interim funding arrangements to the new grants programme, staff propose that the existing joint funding committees and subcommittees form the basis of four multi-board clusters for the 2015-2016 financial year.

27.     Although this would mean that the current ‘membership’ of these clusters would continue for the first year, this is the only aspect that would remain the same. Participating local boards would agree new funding priorities and terms of reference with the other local boards in that cluster, have discretion over the amount of their local funding to set aside for considering multi-board applications, and support applications on a case-by-case basis.

28.     This phased approach would enable a multi-board grants programme to launch in 2015 alongside the new local grants programmes with minimum additional preparation, given that the joint funding committees and subcommittees have some existing structure in place that could be used as a guide (e.g. delegated local board representatives, approximate schedule of funding rounds, and an existing pool of applicants). Staff could work with these existing multi-board clusters to develop appropriate funding priorities for the transitional year. This approach would be a good test for the model and enable refinements to the process to be agreed with local boards, while minimising any initial impact on community organisations.

29.     The current geographical clusters of local boards (i.e. the joint funding committees aligned to the former city and district council areas in the Auckland region) are:

a)      Northern cluster: Devonport-Takapuna, Kaipātiki, Upper Harbour (Northern Metro Subcommittee); Hibiscus and Bays, Rodney (Former RDC Subcommittee)

b)      Southern cluster: Franklin, Howick, Mangere-Otahuhu, Manurewa, Otara-Papatoetoe, Papakura (note that suitable arrangements would need to be developed with the southern local boards, as they have not been operating as a cluster)

c)      Western cluster: Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau

d)      Central cluster: Albert-Eden, Great Barrier (optional), Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Orakei, Puketapapa, Waiheke, Waitemata

30.     In addition, if boards wish to establish and resource other clusters, this could also be supported where feasible.

31.     If this approach is agreed, the transitional arrangements would be reviewed prior to the financial year commencing 1 July 2016. At this time, the clusters could either continue, or additional and/or alternative clusters could be established.

Regional grants programme

32.     It is proposed that the governing body of Auckland Council, through its various committees, will award grants to regionally significant organisations, services, events and activities that benefit residents across Auckland. At the regional level the CGP proposes six activity-focused grants programmes aligned to strategic directions outlined in the Auckland Plan.

33.     The proposed regional grants programmes are:

a)      Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme

b)      Regional Community Development Grants Programme

c)      Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grants Programme

d)      Regional Events Grants Programme

e)      Regional Historic Heritage Grants Programme

f)       Regional Sport and Recreation Grants Programme.

34.     Each of the proposed regional grants programmes is conceived and will be promoted as a key mechanism to implement the relevant regional strategy, policy or plan (e.g. the Regional Arts and Culture grants programme will support the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan). These regional strategies enable – or will enable – the council to determine where it will target its resources in the medium to long term.

35.     The draft CGP proposes that most of the regional grants programmes provide for two distinct grant types: single-year project grants, for standalone initiatives, and multi-year strategic relationship grants. Project grants of varying size will be awarded through a contestable process at least once per year, while the strategic relationship grants will enable the council to enter multi-year funding relationships with a small number of organisations operating at the regional level. The majority of organisations receiving strategic relationship grants will have an existing relationship with Auckland Council and be able to demonstrate a clear track record of achievement at this level.

36.     To be considered eligible for regional grants, applicants must be able to show that their service, project or activity:

a)      Primarily addresses regionally determined priorities, and it would therefore be unreasonable to expect local boards to meet the cost, and is:

b)      Regional in terms of scale and/or significance, and/or is

c)      Regional in terms of impact and/or reach.

37.     The regional grants programmes are described in schedules to the draft Community Grants Policy, as it is anticipated these schedules may be reviewed and updated over time as strategic priorities change.


Feedback from public consultation

38.     Public consultation on the CGP was undertaken from 14 July – 17 August 2014 and included:

a)      provision of accessible and easy-read versions of the policy summary document

b)      distribution of information packs and fliers at all Auckland Council service centres, community centres, local board offices and libraries

c)      provision of information via ‘Shape Auckland’ and a dedicated webpage on the Auckland Council website

d)      advertisement in ‘Our Auckland’

e)      advertisement through community and ethnic newspapers

f)       promotion via Council’s social media channels (e.g. Facebook)

g)      provision of a dedicated community assistance email account to allow people to make enquiries and submit feedback

h)      distribution of online survey to the following audiences:

·        those who provided feedback during previous consultations

·        all community grant applicants since amalgamation

·        community networks via Council’s advisory teams (CDAC, PSR, IE)

·        other stakeholder networks as appropriate

i)        provision of hard copy consultation material and submission forms by request

j)        five public workshops (Rodney, north, central, west and south)

k)      local board public workshops as requested (Orakei and Maungakiekie-Tamaki)

l)        two Mataawaka hui (west and south)

m)     presentations at southern and northern mana whenua hui and a regional environmental sector hui.

39.     At the regional local board briefing on 30 June, some members expressed interest in seeing feedback from their communities prior to providing their own feedback on the policy. To enable this staff agreed to extend formal reporting to local boards so that a summary of public input could be provided.  This is now attached for the local board’s consideration (Attachments B and C).

Financial implications of the CGP

40.     The CGP will be a critical tool to implement Auckland’s vision as set out in the Auckland Plan, local board plans and core regional strategies, policies and plans. It is important that there is sufficient funding to effectively resource the new programme for this purpose.

41.     The legacy grants budgets inherited at amalgamation (or created subsequently) total c. $8.3 million p.a., or around $6 per head of population, with the majority supporting groups and activities that are either local or multi-board (via the legacy ‘city-wide’ funds). These funds are already oversubscribed – on average the value of requests is three times the available budget, and in some cases considerably more.

42.     Of the total community grants budget, c. $2.4 million is currently targeting regional groups and activities. Current baseline funding for each of the regional grants programmes is as follows:

a)      Regional Arts and Culture grants programme (c. $650,000)

b)      Regional Community Development grants programme (No regional budget: all current grant schemes for this activity are administered by local boards, with some regional groups receiving interim allocations via the Annual Plan)

c)      Regional Environment and Natural Heritage grants programme (up to $545,000)

d)      Regional Events grants programme ($400,000)

e)      Regional Historic Heritage grants programme (up to $345,000)

f)       Regional Sport and Recreation grants programme (c. $500,000).

43.     The existing grants programmes at this level are not able to meet current demand, and in some cases include funding tagged to specific recipients, or funding for regional outcomes that is being provided through local grants schemes. While contestability will be introduced for all funding schemes, there is little ‘headroom’ to support new applicants or address emerging priorities. For example, there is an expectation that a number of major events dropped from ATEED’s portfolio will now need to be funded through the Regional Events Fund from 2015/16, at an additional cost of $170,000 against the existing budget of $400,000.

44.     Many regional organisations have been waiting for implementation of the new CGP to access regional funding, and in some cases their need has become so urgent that the governing body has allocated emergency funding through the Annual Plan as an interim measure.

45.     Additional investment in the regional grants programme of $2 million p.a. is proposed as an option for governing body consideration through the LTP process 2015-2025. Staff consider a minimum of between $600,000 and $800,000 is required for each regional grants programme if the CGP is to support meaningful progress against the council’s stated priorities in these activity areas and deliver on the transformational shifts as outlined in the Auckland Plan. The level of investment requested will support an average fund size of $750,000 (the exact distribution of budget between the six programmes would be proposed alongside the final policy).


Local board views and implications

46.     The design of the new grants programme proposed in the CGP has been strongly influenced by local board feedback received during consultation on the first draft Community Funding Policy in May 2012, and during more recent engagement.

47.     A discussion paper on the new CGP was prepared in February 2014 and discussed in specially convened local board cluster workshops in March 2014, which were attended by representatives of all local boards. The paper outlined the basic elements of the proposed grants programme and sought feedback on specific policy issues. A summary of the feedback received during the cluster workshops and how this has been reflected in the draft CGP is provided as Attachment D.

48.     A regional briefing for local board chairs and portfolio holders was held on 30 June to provide a further overview of the proposed policy and to discuss next steps.  At the briefing, questions were raised about the policy’s recognition of local boards’ decision-making allocation in this area. Staff met with local board chairs on 28 July and agreed a process to address this concern (see ‘Local board grants programme schedule’ paras 16-20).

49.     Staff attended workshops with local boards during July and August 2014 to discuss the draft policy and support the provision of formal local board feedback requested via this report.

Māori impact statement

50.     Community grants have the potential to make a significant impact on Māori through supporting the outcomes in the Māori Plan. Under the proposed principles for the CGP, all grants programmes should respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing, as outlined in the Auckland Plan, local board plans and regional strategies, policies and plans, by providing grants to organisations delivering Māori outcomes locally and regionally.

51.     There is already some dedicated funding for Māori outcomes at the regional level, currently focused on papakainga and marae development across Auckland. Te Waka Angamua will be working with mana whenua and mataawaka to explore how best to target this and/or other funding allocated for Māori outcomes in future, e.g. determining eligibility criteria and the most appropriate forums for priority-setting and decision-making.

52.     During workshops in March/April 2014, staff discussed options with local boards for creating dedicated Māori funding schemes at the local level, or embedding Māori outcomes as a ‘standing priority’ across all proposed grants programmes at the local and regional level. Local boards expressed interest in dedicated Māori funding schemes at the local level if regional funding was made available to them for this purpose, but otherwise felt it was more appropriate for any targeted spending to be at each local board’s discretion, driven by local board plan priorities. The CGP’s intent to align grant-making to strategic priorities should ensure funding is allocated to groups and projects delivering Māori outcomes.

53.     The current interim funding programme includes one grants scheme dedicated to Māori outcomes (the Marae Development Fund in the former Manukau City area), and this particular scheme, along with all others operating through the interim programme, will cease to operate once a new CGP is adopted. Regional marae development funding may provide some capacity to meet this need going forward, and Te Waka Angamua will release details of the application and decision-making process for that funding for the next financial year.

54.     However local boards also have full discretion to provide grants for any purpose that benefits their local communities, and this is likely to include supporting marae especially where grants have been provided for this purpose in the past. The draft CGP provides flexibility for decision-makers to award grants to community groups that are not formally constituted charitable organisations, where appropriate, and staff understand this should increase access to funding for some Māori organisations, such as marae, who may not previously have been eligible.


Budget alignment

55.     Existing funding arrangements and grants schemes were rolled over for the 2014/2015 financial year. If adopted, implementation of the CGP will begin from 1 July 2015 to align with the new LTP 2015-2025 and implementation of the Local Board Funding Policy (LBFP). This will enable the finalised budget structures to be implemented alongside the policy.

56.     Existing grants budgets categorised as ‘local’ will form part of the overall locally driven initiatives (LDI) budget allocated to local boards through the LBFP formula. Local boards will then set aside a budget to support their local grants programme from their LDI funding envelope through the Local Board Agreement process.

57.     Staff will propose an overall budget structure for the new grants programme when the final policy is tabled with the committee in November 2014, outlining the treatment of any inherited (and new) community grants budgets and funding arrangements that will support the CGP going forward. This should enable staff to take into account the outcome of LTP deliberations in the second half of 2014 and present budget structure options accordingly.

Operationalisation of the CGP

58.     The draft CGP has been developed with substantial input from the relevant operational departments to ensure that it is able to be delivered.

59.     The proposed implementation timeframe should provide operational teams with adequate time to design supporting systems and business processes, and to produce public-facing collateral that outlines the structure and requirements of the new grants programmes in detail. This will include:

a)      Working with all decision-makers to schedule an annual calendar of funding rounds for each level of the programme

b)      Working with local boards to assist them in developing their local board grants programme schedules

c)      Producing new promotional materials for the council website, marketing and promotion through media channels and to support public information sessions

d)      Designing new online application forms and guidelines for prospective applicants

e)      Ensuring support will be available for prospective applicants requiring assistance or capacity building to access the grants programmes, working with specialist colleagues where appropriate

f)       Developing business processes and templates to enable consistent assessment and reporting to elected members, and to support their decision-making

g)      Updating funding agreements, accountability forms and other legal documentation to ensure they are fit-for-purpose, and developing processes to deal with any grant recipients in breach of their agreements

h)      Ensuring payments processes and associated financial controls are robust, efficient and fit-for-purpose.

60.     If the CGP is adopted on schedule towards the end of 2014, grant applicants / recipients will also have more than six months to prepare for the changeover to the new policy and manage any implications. Staff will work with previously funded organisations to support them to access the new grants programmes during subsequent years, and provide advice to elected members if there is a need to consider transitional arrangements in individual cases.







Draft Community Grants Policy



Summary of feedback from public consultation



Summary of public feedback from the Kaipatiki Local Board area



Key feedback provided during political engagement





Rebekah Lauren - Principal Policy Analyst


Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in September 2014 for the Kaipatiki Local Board


File No.: CP2014/22076





1.       This report provides an update on transport related issues raised by local board members during September 2014. It also includes general information about matters of interest to the local board, which are outlined in Attachment A entitled “Schedule of Issues Raised in September 2014”.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in September 2014 for the Kaipātiki Local Board report.




Local Board Auckland Transport Capital Fund Projects

2.       The Auckland Council Infrastructure Committee has agreed to changes proposed by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport relating to the eligibility of projects funded under the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF). Until now, the eligibility of projects has been guided by a March 2013 decision of the former Strategy and Finance Committee that specifically precluded Auckland Transport from using the LBTCF to undertake works outside the road corridor. A number of local boards felt that this rule created unnecessary rigidity in the use of the fund, and earlier this year the Budget Committee re-examined the issue and referred it to the Infrastructure Committee for decision. On 3 September, the Infrastructure Committee resolved to allow appropriate works funded by the LBTCF to be undertaken on council or CCO-controlled land outside the road corridor, providing the body controlling the land was also in agreement with the proposal.

3.       This is expected to have greatest application on land controlled by Auckland Coucil’s parks department, where in particular walking and cycling infrastructure that connects with the Auckland cycle network or local board plans will be able to be funded. For every project that is undertaken outside the road corridor, a specific agreement with the agency controlling the land will be required, covering the ownership of the asset (this will usually be transferred to the agency controlling the land by AT) and the budget from which ongoing maintenance costs will be sourced (usually this will be covered within the budget of the agency controlling the land).

4.       The changes are effective immediately. Some local board projects have been advanced in anticipation of the changes being made, and these should be able to move forward quickly now that the decision has been formalised.

Board Resolutions – Issues Raised

5.       Recently the Kaipātiki Local Board resolved a number of issues in regards to public transport:

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Update on Issues Raised in June 2014 for the Kaipātiki Local Board.

b)      register its disappointment that the ferry fares to Birkenhead and Northcote Point will increase and Beach Haven will remain the same so these commuters will receive no benefit from Auckland Transport’s public transport fare decrease for AT HOP card users.

c)      request that Auckland Transport decrease their AT HOP ferry fare prices to align with all other public transport modes to encourage greater public transport patronage and provide fairness for all commuters regardless of the mode that serves their public transport needs.

d)      request Auckland Transport provide additional AT HOP card outlets in Kaipātiki and a promotional programme to advertise these sites is undertaken to increase uptake of HOP card usage.

e)      support the AT drive to increase patronage on public transport, but express concern that Auckland Transport public transport cash and AT HOP card fares are increasing overall, and request that fares remain as they currently are or decrease going forward.

Resolution KT/2014/135

6.       Ferry Fares - Auckland Transport is working to more closely align ferry fares across different ferry services with similar lengths in the preparation for a move to an integrated fares system, so that peo.ple travelling similar distances will pay similar fares.  The discount of at least 20% off the price of an adult cash ferry fare has been applied to Birkenhead, Northcote and Beach Haven ferry service fares.  The adult cash fare for the ferry service from Birkenhead or Northcote is $6.00, discounted to $4.60 with the use of an AT HOP card.   The adult cash fare for the ferry service from Beach Haven is $8.00, discounted to $6.40 with the use of an AT HOP card.  

7.       Auckland Transport accepts that cash and AT HOP ferry fares are generally higher than bus and rail fares.  The cost of providing ferry services is greater than providing bus/rail services, and for this reason the introduction of integrated fares is unlikely to see a common fare across ferry and bus/rail.   In order to apply further AT HOP discounts to ferry services or, for example, to include ferry services within a zone fare system would require significant price increases to be applied across rail and bus services.   Ferry services provide approximately 7% of total public transport patronage, and Auckland Transport does not consider that it would be equitable to penalise the 93% of public transport users in order to benefit the minority.   Ferry services in Auckland and elsewhere in the world are seen as a ‘premium’ mode of transport and hence are priced accordingly.   Further, the New Zealand Transport Agency who are a co-funder of public transport also have a policy of 50% fare box recovery (user pays), and hence a balance has to be sought between funding and pricing.

8.       AT HOP card outlets in Kaipātiki – Auckland Transport has recently completed a review of our AT HOP Card retail network.  As a result, we will be setting up several additional retailers across Auckland in the next few months.   As these come on board they will be added to our retailer map here:  https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/at-hop-card/at-hop-retailers/.   Auckland Transport will be engaging in conversations with retailers in the Glenfield shopping area in the next month to look for a suitable location for an additional retail outlet.   AT will also be engaging in conversations with retailers in Northcote Point.   Auckland Transport considers that the current coverage for Birkenhead and Beach Haven is sufficient.  However, we will also continue to review where our retailers are located and how customers are being serviced.

9.       AT HOP Card promotion - Auckland Transport provides options for customers to be able to purchase AT HOP Cards.  Customers are able to purchase their AT HOP Card online via our website at  https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/at-hop-card/,and information is also provided on the same website regarding retail outlets for those customers who do not wish to purchase their AT HOP Card online.  Our advertising brochure titled “Your Guide to AT HOP” also provides information as to where customers can purchase their AT HOP Card at train station ticket offices, Fullers ticket offices, Auckland Transport Customer Service Centres and at selected retailers as per the website link provided on the brochure.

10.     In addition, the recent advertising for AT HOP “Swap to HOP” listed the location of AT HOP retailers.  Unfortunately it is not always feasible to include more details, such as opening times, in press advertising as this can take up a lot of room and adds to the expense.  However, in the AT HOP “Swap to HOP” brochure information was included on a text response for customers.  If customers text the number of the nearest bus stop (four digits) or the name of the nearest railway station or ferry terminal to “2628”, AT will text back details on your nearest HOP retailer. 

11.     The 6 July 2014 public transport fare increases - Auckland Transport reviews fares annually, taking into account operating cost increases (e.g. fuel and labour), cost of living and wider initiatives (such as integrated ticketing and fares).   This year, one of the key objectives of the fare review was to increase the uptake of HOP cards by increasing the discount between cash and HOP fares.  More people using HOP cards will improve the public transport system overall by speeding up boarding times and increasing reliability.  Achieving this for bus and rail has required a mix of both increasing cash fares and holding or decreasing HOP fares, to increase the discount for adult fares from 10% to at least 20%.  This is consistent with other jurisdictions that have invested in smartcard/integrated ticketing technology.  Under the current funding framework, public transport fares need to keep pace with increasing operating costs and national fare box recovery targets, hence decreasing HOP fares and not changing cash fares is not possible.

12.     There are national requirements around maintaining farebox recovery levels, i.e. how much revenue comes from fares compared to public subsidies.  The New Zealand Transport Agency, a co-funder of public transport in Auckland, have a policy of achieving a 50% user pays amount for the total cost of public transport provision.  This can obviously be achieved in a number of ways, whether through fare levels, growing use without associated increase in costs and cost reductions.  Auckland Transport is actively seeking to achieve this through the following:

·     increasing ridership using existing resource levels;

·     restructuring the public transport network to eliminate duplication of services and maximise passenger carrying capacity;

·     seeking to procure public transport services via new contracting arrangements (the ublic Transport Operating Model - PTOM), which should lead to a long term reduction in the cost of providing public transport; and

·     procuring rolling stock for rail which is more cost effective to operate.

13.     These collective initiatives will lead to a long term reduction in costs in real terms to the public transport user, while hopefully increasing usage.  Auckland Transport is aware of the need to reduce the cost of public transport in real terms over the next few years, and may be able to do so if cost reductions with passenger increase can be achieved through the above and other initiatives.

14.     A further question was raised by the local board transport portfolio lead interested in the relative cost differential of catching the bus or ferry from Beach Haven to the city. It was suggested that it was already significant, and that the reduction in AT HOP bus fares and the retention of the ferry ticket price must have increased the gap and would therefore be a further disincentive for ferry patronage uptake.

15.     Cost Differential Ferries and Buses - Bus fares do vary depending on the bus route taken.  A three stage adult bus cash fare from Beach Haven to Downtown on the 973 bus service is $5.00, which is discounted to $4.00 with use of an AT HOP Card.  The adult cash fare on the 4 stage 972 bus route is $6.00, discounted to $4.80 with use of an AT HOP Card.  The adult cash fare for the ferry service from Beach Haven is $8.00, discounted to $6.40 with the use of an AT HOP card.

16.     Auckland Transport accepts that ferry fares are generally higher than bus fares.  Inclusion of ferry services within a zonal fare system, for example, would require significant price increases to be applied across rail and bus services.  Ferry services provide approximately 7% of total public transport patronage, and Auckland Transport does not consider that it would be equitable to penalise the 93% of public transport users in order to benefit the minority.  The introduction of integrated fares is unlikely to see a common fare across ferry and bus/rail as the cost of providing ferry services is greater than providing bus/rail services.   Ferry services in Auckland and elsewhere in the world are seen as a ‘premium’ mode of transport and hence are priced accordingly.   Further, the New Zealand Transport Agency, who are a co-funder of public transport, also have a policy of 50% fare box recovery (user pays) and hence a balance has to be sought between funding and pricing.

17.     Resolution number KT/2014/164 - That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the report from Member Richard Hills.

b)      request AT to commission additional HOP card outlets in the Kaipātiki area to enable Kaipātiki residents to access the cards and associated discounts. Glenfield should be of urgent priority, and we believe that somewhere in the main street, where buses arrive, would be more appropriate than within the mall.

c)      request a review of ferry fares and a long term sustainable plan for an increase in ferry use and a drop in the cost of ferry fares to make sure that the cost to our residents matches that of bus and train commuters, taking into consideration the cost of maintaining roads and rail which is not a factor when it comes to ferry transport.

d)      request Auckland Transport to come back to the board with a plan to include Beach Haven Ferry in the day pass system.

e)      request Auckland Transport to report back on how or when there will be Family Passes available for bus and ferry fares and where they can or will be sold to the Kaipātiki community.

f)       note that no student concession outlets exist in Kaipātiki for AT HOP which disadvantages our students and therefore request that AT work to ensure all AT HOP outlets can load student concessions.

18.     AT HOP card outlets in Kaipātiki – Auckland Transport has recently completed a review of our AT HOP Card retail network. As a result, we will be setting up some additional retailers across Auckland in the next few months. As these come on board they will be added to our retailer map here: https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/at-hop-card/at-hop-retailers/. We can confirm we will be engaging in conversations with retailers in the Glenfield shopping area in the next month to look for a suitable location for an additional retail outlet. We will also be engaging in conversations with retailers in Northcote Point. Auckland Transport considers that currently the coverage for Birkenhead and Beach Haven is sufficient. However, we will also continue to review where our retailers are located, and how customers are being serviced.

19.     Ferry Fares - Auckland Transport is working on marketing campaigns as well as service improvements aimed at significantly increasing ferry patronage across the whole ferry network.

20.     Under the Auckland Integrated Fare Scheme (AIFS) programme Auckland Transport is developing a Fares Policy to allow a true integrated fares structure to be implemented. We are currently working towards uniformity of fares across the region aimed at resulting in equitable fare products and prices for everybody in Auckland. In order to achieve this we are reviewing fare structures, investigating different fare products and passes, pricing levels, and also technology capabilities. Auckland Transport is working to more closely align ferry fares across different ferry services with similar lengths in the preparation for a move to the integrated fares system, so that people travelling similar distances will pay similar fares. The discount of at least 20% off the price of an adult cash ferry fare has been applied to ferry service fares with the use of an AT HOP card.

21.     Auckland Transport accepts that cash and AT HOP ferry fares are generally higher than bus and rail fares. The cost of providing ferry services is greater than providing bus/rail services and for this reason the introduction of integrated fares is unlikely to see a common fare across ferry and bus/ rail. In order to apply further AT HOP discounts to ferry services or, for example, to include ferry services within a zonal fare system would require significant price increases to be applied across rail and bus services. Ferry services provide approximately 7% of total public transport patronage and Auckland Transport does not consider that it would be equitable to penalise the 93% majority of public transport users in order to benefit the minority. Ferry services in Auckland and elsewhere in the world are seen as a ‘premium’ mode of transport and hence are priced accordingly. While ferries do not have roads or tracks needing maintenance they do use expensive wharf structures which need to be maintained and renewed. The cost of the vessel is a significantly higher capital cost to an operator than, for example, a bus, as are the running costs.

22.     Further, the New Zealand Transport Agency who are a co-funder of public transport also have a policy of 50% fare box recovery (user pays) and hence a balance has to be sought between funding and pricing. The Beach Haven ferry service fares have already been reduced and maintained since its introduction and the current fare box recovery for this service is low. Auckland Transport recognizes that the Beach Haven ferry service is a relatively new service and the fact that the current fare box recovery is well under the 50% fare box recovery target is as is expected for a start-up service.

23.     AT HOP Day Pass - The AT HOP Day Pass can be used only on the following public transport services:

·        All Auckland trains.

·        Bus services operated by Birkenhead Transport, GO WEST, Howick & Eastern Buses, LINK, Metrolink, North Star, Ritchies Transport, Urban Express, Waiheke Bus Company, Waka Pacific and 380 Airporter / Tranzit.

·        Ferry services operated by Fullers: Bayswater, Birkenhead, Devonport, Northcote Point and Stanley Bay.

24.     The AT HOP Daily Pass only includes inner harbour services. Although Birkenhead is included in this pass, the distance which the Birkenhead service covers is only 4.2kms. The Beach Haven service covers a significantly greater distance of 12kms, is not considered inner harbour and is considered to more closely align to the Hobsonville and West Harbour services.

25.     If Auckland Transport was to include the Beach Haven ferry in the AT HOP Day Pass, it would need to significantly increase the price of the day pass. Such an increase in the price of the AT HOP Day Pass would diminish the value of the pass to those customers it is designed to target. The AT HOP Day Pass is designed to offer value to people making several relatively short and therefore cheaper trips on a single day. It is not intended to make longer and more expensive trips cheaper for commuters. Auckland Transport considers that the current Beach Haven fares are correctly priced, especially with the discount of at least 20% off the price of an adult cash ferry fare if using an AT HOP card.

26.     Family Pass - The Family Day Pass is a Transdev fare product which provides unlimited train travel after 9.00am on weekdays and anytime on the weekends and public holidays. A Family Pass covers 1 adult and up to 5 children or 2 adults and up to 4 children travelling together. Family passes are only available from ticket offices at Britomart, New Lynn, Newmarket and Papakura train stations and can be purchased in advance.
Although the current Family Day Pass is a legacy operator owned product, Auckland Transport is considering the possibility of an AT HOP Family Pass product for travel at weekends as part of the integrated fares solution which is currently targeted for delivery in the last quarter of 2015. Decisions regarding any potential ferry inclusions in such a product have not yet been made.

27.     Student Concession Outlets - Eligible tertiary students receive at least a 35% discount from adult cash fares when travelling on an AT HOP Card. This is a significantly greater discount than the 20% from adult cash fares which other AT HOP Card users receive. The cost of this discount is funded by taxpayers and ratepayers and as such Auckland Transport needs to ensure that the tertiary concession is loaded only onto the AT HOP cards of tertiary students entitled to this concession.

28.     At this stage tertiary students are required to visit an Auckland Transport customer service centre in order to get a tertiary concession loaded onto their AT HOP card. The closest customer service centre for Kaipātiki residents is adjacent to the Kaipātiki Local Board area at Smales Farm at 150 Shakespeare Road, Takapuna. Details of all our customer service centres are available on our website at: https://at.govt.nz/about-us/contact-us/#pt. Nevertheless, Auckland Transport is considering ways in which the registering of student concessions can be simplified and made more convenient for our eligible customers.

Auckland Transport News

Beach Road Cycleway Complete

29.     The first stage of the Beach Road cycleway is complete. A key component of the Auckland Cycle Network, involving 1.5km of new paths, Beach Road cycleway route is the first dedicated two-way ‘separated’ cycleway to be built in Auckland.

30.     The completed cycleway funs along Beach Road from Churchill Street and connects with existing cycle routes on Tamaki Drive and Quay Street, along with the new Grafton gully cycleway and the Upper Queen Street cycleway. Together they form a continuous, safe and convenient route for cyclists to access the city centre.

31.     The Beach Road cycleway is also part of the Harbour Edge initiative, which seeks to better connect Aucklanders with the sea and deliver on the Mayors objective of making Auckland the world’s most liveable city.



Albany Highway North upgrade to start in October

32.     Auckland Transport has announced an expected October start date for its long-awaited upgrade of Albany Highway North.

33.     Auckland Transport’s biggest roading project on the North Shore since the Northern Busway, the $38 million upgrade will see the highway more than double in capacity, with a new transit lane in each direction; on and off-road cycle routes and wider footpaths, a new bridge over the Oteha Stream and replacement of three major roundabouts with signalised intersections.

34.     The 3.8km stretch of highway to be upgraded extends from the Schnapper Rock Road/Bush Road intersection in the south to the Albany Expressway in the north.

35.     The project is expected to take two and a half years to complete and will be delivered by contractor Fulton Hogan.

36.     Albany Highway is a regional arterial road serving the North Harbour industrial estate, five schools, Massey University and a cluster of residential estates. The highway also provides an important connection to other areas of Auckland and is a vital transit road for commuters and industry.

37.     Together with the NZ Transport Agency’s current upgrade of State Highway 1 between Upper Harbour Highway and Greville Road, the Albany Highway North upgrade is part of a wider strategy to improve transport links on the North Shore.

38.     Auckland Transport predicts the upgrade will provide many benefits for the Albany community and others who use the busy arterial route, particularly during peak travel times.

39.     With traffic volumes on the highway predicted to rise from 15,000 to 20,000 vehicles a day by 2021, this upgrade is essential for reducing congestion, improving safety for all road users (including the area’s 5,000 students) and encouraging the use of a range of transport modes.

40.     The upgrade will also help to cater for projected growth in the Albany area and assist the general flow of traffic. Importantly, the introduction of T3 transit lanes during peak travel times will improve journey times for those using public transport or ride-sharing.

41.     Local residents will also benefit from new walking and cycling facilities, including new off-road cycle paths that will provide safer journeys to and from school for young riders.

42.     Auckland Transport will be holding public information days prior to construction to give people the opportunity to meet the project team, view plans and ask questions. Details will be advertised in the near future.

43.     For more information and updates on the Albany Highway North Upgrade, visit www.AT.govt.nz/albanyhighway

 albany highway impression

Albany Highway Impression


Local board views and implications

1.       This report is for the local board’s information.

Māori impact statement

2.       No specific issues with regard to the Maori impact statement are triggered by this report.


3.       The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the significance policy, all programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the Council’s Annual Plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.


4.       There are no implementation issues.








Kaipatiki Issues Raised by Local Board Members During September 2014





Marilyn Nicholls, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Local board feedback on the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP)


File No.: CP2014/22682





1.       To endorse the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan’s proposed goals and action areas.

Executive summary

2.       The Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) is a core strategy to deliver on the Auckland Plan vision to be the world’s most liveable city.  It sets out a strategic direction for the next 10 years that will guide the planning and delivery of arts and culture activities in Auckland, in order to “integrate arts and culture in our everyday lives”.

3.       Public consultation on the draft ACSAP was held 23 June to 24 July 2014.

4.       A total of 440 submissions were received from key (external) stakeholders and the general public – 50 from arts and culture organisations, 109 from children and young people and the remainder from the general public.

5.       Feedback from local boards was generally positive. The draft ACSAP aligned well with the arts and culture aspirations in many of the local board plans.

6.       There was strong endorsement from key stakeholders and the general public of the draft ACSAP’s goals and action areas.

7.       However, feedback from local boards and key stakeholders indicated that considerable further work is required on the implementation section of the plan. 

8.       As a result of this feedback, the ACSAP has been split into two parts:

·       The ‘strategic section’ of the plan, which outlines the goals and action areas; and

·       An ‘implementation section’, which will provide detail on the specific actions to be delivered and by whom, timeframes and measures.

9.       The strategic section (goals and action areas) will be reported to the Arts, Culture and Events Committee for adoption in October 2014.

10.     The implementation section requires further work and engagement with local boards and key stakeholders. This will be reported to the Arts, Culture and Events Committee for adoption in March 2015.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      endorse the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan’s proposed goals and actions and recommend that the Arts, Culture and Events Committee adopt them.

b)      note that further work on the implementation section will be undertaken with local boards from November 2014 to February 2015.




Local board feedback

11.     To date, engagement with local boards has included portfolio holder briefings, workshops and meetings with local board members. Written and verbal feedback has been received (refer Attachment A).

12.     Local boards are generally positive about the draft ACSAP, its alignment with draft local board plans and its ability to support local board’s diverse arts and culture aspirations.

13.     Key themes emerged from local board feedback:

·       Community feedback on the draft plan needs to be reflected in the final ACSAP

·       Greater recognition of the importance of arts and culture in placemaking and urban design

·       Greater clarity on the council’s role and what the council will specifically deliver and support

·       Improve the affordability of hiring creative spaces

·       Improve Aucklanders’ access to and participation in arts and culture

·       More public art outside the city centre

·       Regional institutions to deliver arts and culture in rural areas

·       Greater use of digital tools, such as an arts and culture calendar, on-line tools to connect artists with funders, on-line access to and apps about the history of significant sites etc.

·       Recognise the importance of ‘local’ i.e. arts and culture by local communities, for local communities, in local communities.

14.     The areas of strong alignment between local board, key stakeholder and general public feedback include: the importance of arts and culture in placemaking; celebrating multiculturalism; and addressing affordability and accessibility issues for audiences and participants.

Public feedback

15.     Public consultation on the draft ACSAP took place from 23 June to 24 July. It was publicised through various channels. Local boards also promoted the consultation to their communities.

16.     A total of 440 submissions were received. Of these 50 were from arts and culture organisations, 109 were received from children and young people and the remainder were from the general public (refer Attachment B for the feedback summary and submission numbers by local board area).

17.     Specific consultation with children and young people was undertaken during the school holidays, thus accounting for the high number of responses from these groups. Staff worked with Uxbridge Creative Centre, The Auckland Performing Arts Centre, Auckland Central Library, Auckland Art Gallery and schools to run visioning and imagining exercises and collect feedback via a specifically designed worksheet.

18.     Key themes from the public consultation were:

·       The importance of public art and arts and culture in placemaking

·       Sustainable funding of arts and culture

·       Affordability and accessibility to arts and culture for audiences and participants 

·       Honouring Māori culture and recognising the contribution of multiculturalism to Auckland’s identity

·       A strong desire from many individuals and organisations to partner with the council to implement the ACSAP.

19.     Submitters strongly endorsed the six goals and 16 action areas in the draft ACSAP.



Adopting the ACSAP through a two-stage process

20.     Whilst there was general support for the goals and action areas, there was also strong feedback on how the detailed actions of the ACSAP will be implemented. Additionally, external stakeholders expressed a desire to be involved in delivery.

21.     The mayor’s proposal for the Long-term Plan 2015-25 requires refinement to the detailed actions and a close look at implementation.

22.     As a result of these issues, the ACSAP has been split into two parts:

·       The ‘strategic’ part of the plan, outlining the goals and actions areas. Staff seek local board endorsement of the proposed goals and action areas (below), and local board recommendation that the Arts, Culture and Events Committee adopt the goals and action areas at its October committee meeting. Prior to further consultation on implementation, it is important that the ACSAP goals and action areas are adopted to guide this discussion.

·       The ‘implementation’ part of the plan, with details on specific actions, lead organisations, timeframes and measures. This requires further work and engagement and will be reported to the Arts, Culture and Events Committee in March 2015. Feedback from the consultation will be used to refine and inform this work.

ACSAP strategic section: proposed goals and action areas

23.     Early information and feedback from local boards and key stakeholders was used to develop the goals and action areas in the draft ACSAP. They have been confirmed through the consultation process, which also identified priority goals and action areas (see bold points in the table below).

24.     The proposed final ACSAP goals and action areas are:


Action areas

All Aucklanders can access and participate in arts and culture

Place Aucklanders at the centre of arts and culture planning and delivery

Better communicate what’s on offer

Remove barriers to access and participants

Auckland values and invests in arts and culture

Grow and deliver strategic investment in arts and culture

Evaluate and promote the economic, social, cultural and environmental value of investment in Auckland’s art and culture

A network of vibrant arts and culture organisations and facilities meets Auckland’s diverse needs

Foster arts and culture organisations and facilities that build and promote Auckland’s unique identity

Support arts and culture organisations and facilities to engage with Auckland’s diverse population in innovative and inclusive ways

Arts and culture organisations work together as a complementary regional system

Provide a regional spread of vibrant diverse and affordable creative spaces

Arts and culture are intrinsic to Auckland’s place making

Tell our stories by encouraging unique and distinctive public art that reflects and responds to our place

Make it easier to plan, create and deliver innovative art and design in public places

Engage more artists and Aucklanders in art in public places

Auckland celebrates a unique cultural identity

Celebrate Māori and their culture as a point of difference

Champion Auckland’s unique arts and culture

Auckland has a robust and flourishing creative economy

Foster a robust network of creative industries

Champion innovation to attract talent



Next steps

25.     Further engagement with local boards, key stakeholders, mana whenua and mataawaka on implementation will take place between October 2014 and February 2015. The implementation section will be reported to the Arts, Culture and Events Committee in March 2015 for adoption, and the ACSAP in its entirety will be finalised.


Māori impact statement

26.     The Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) is represented on the ACSAP steering group to provide guidance on content and process. The IMSB’s Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau was a guiding document underpinning the development of the draft ACSAP.

27.     Māori aspirations and outcomes were clearly identified and addressed in the draft ACSAP with Māori actions woven through all the action areas; this will not change. The ACSAP acknowledges and celebrates Māori culture as Auckland’s point of difference, and mana whenua as Treaty partners in a multicultural Auckland.

28.     One of the key arts and culture actions in the Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau was that council support a signature Māori event – this is included in the ACSAP. The mayor’s proposal on the LTP 2015-25 states his expectation that Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED) will deliver a significant Māori event, and that ATEED may need to refocus its current resources to achieve this aim.

29.     Further engagement with mana whenua and mataawaka is planned as part of developing the implementation section of the ACSAP.






Draft Arts and Culture Action Plan (Under Separate Cover)



Local Board Feedback Summary



Consultation Summary





Rebecca Kruse - Strategy Analyst

Maree Mills - Principal Strategy Analyst


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager

Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Children's Panel - quarterly report


File No.: CP2014/22541





1.      This report briefs the Kaipātiki Local Board on the feedback received from the Children’s Panel over the last quarter.

Executive summary

2.       This report updates the board on the latest activity on the Children’s Panel, which is now delivered by the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust in partnership with Local Board Services.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      note the content of the report and the feedback received from the Children’s Panel during term three.








Children's Panel quarterly report



Children's Panel - term three brochure



Children's Panel - term three summary of feedback



Student Panel - term three summary of feedback



Children's Panel - action monitoring





Hannah Bailey - Local Board Engagement Advisor

Sonia Nerheny - Projects Coordinator, KCFT


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust Quarterly Report


File No.: CP2014/22043





1.       This report briefs the Kaipātiki Local Board on the activities and achievements of the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust during the last quarter.

Executive Summary

2.       The attached report provides members with an oversight of Kaipātiki Local Board and Auckland Council’s shared community development partnership with the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust for the last quarter. The Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust leads and supports collaborative responses to improve community wellbeing in the Kaipātiki Local Board area.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust Quarterly Report.







Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust Quarterly Report





Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Integrated bylaws review and implementation programme (IBRI) update – September 2014


File No.: CP2014/22844





1.       This report provides an update on the Integrated Bylaw Review and Implementation programme, noting its progress towards delivering a set of bylaws by October 2015.

Executive Summary

2.       The Integrated Bylaw Review and Implementation (IBRI) programme is reviewing the set of legacy bylaws, in addition to supporting the adoption and implementation of new bylaws that are appropriate for Auckland, by October 2015.

3.       An investment proposal for funding for the 2014/2015 year was endorsed by the Budget Committee in May 2014. This ensures that the programme has adequate funding for its activities this year, including the delivery of several bylaws that are planned to come into force alongside the July 2015 start of the next long-term plan period.

4.       Progress has been made on the review and implementation stages for several topics. The final Navigation Safety Bylaw and Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw have now been adopted by the governing body and will come into force in the next few months. The Auckland Transport Board has also adopted changes to their Election Signs Bylaw that are now in force.

5.       Seven bylaw proposals were (or are) open for formal public consultation from August to October. These are the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw, the Alcohol Control Bylaw, the Animal Management Bylaw (covering animals other than dogs), an amendment to the Health and Hygiene Bylaw, the Signage Bylaw, the Stormwater Bylaw and the Outdoor Fire Safety Bylaw. Consultation around these topics will ensure that a coherent view is presented to the public across these topics and in the context of other work.

6.       The Alcohol Control Bylaw proposal includes recommended delegations to local boards to allow a timely review of the current alcohol bans in each local board area.

7.       The 2014 programme for review of local dog access rules is well underway with the local boards that are proposing changes this year. Reports on the submissions have been prepared to support final decisions by summer.

8.       The new Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaws and the Health and Hygiene Bylaw have now come into force, and the changes that allow the council to operate these new bylaws have been successfully delivered. Media coverage for these has generally been positive. In particular the prohibition on use of sunbeds by those under 18 years old has received positive coverage.

9.       Detailed planning to support the implementation of the Navigation Safety Bylaw and the Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw, and other upcoming bylaws, is underway.

10.     No formal requests for local board bylaws have been received over the period covered by this report.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      note the progress of the Integrated Bylaw Review and Implementation programme towards its completion of the delivery of new bylaws by October 2015.



Background to the Integrated bylaw review and implementation programme

11.     Auckland Council inherited a set of legacy bylaws from the former councils, covering approximately 30 topics. These bylaws will expire at the end of October 2015.

12.     The Integrated Bylaw Review and Implementation programme has been established to review these bylaws and prepare a new bylaw for each topic where appropriate, and to make and communicate the necessary changes so that the council can operate the new bylaws and achieve the outcomes sought from each. The programme will also work with affected parties where a legacy bylaw is not replaced by a new bylaw.

13.     Both local boards and the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee receive regular updates on the programme. The previous update was provided to local boards in April 2014. This report provides an update on the various topics included in the programme, and Attachment A provides an overview of the timeline through to October 2015.

Funding for bylaw review and implementation

14.     A funding proposal for the IBRI programme was approved by the Budget Committee at its meeting of 8 May 2014 (refer resolution BUD/2014/24). This means that the programme will have sufficient resources to deliver its objectives over the 2014/2015 year. The majority of the bylaw topics included within the programme will be completed by the end of this financial year, with several bylaws expected to come into force alongside the start of the new financial year on 1 July 2015. It is expected that there will also be some programme activities through the first part of the 2015/2016 year.

Update on review stage for bylaw topics

15.     Table one and table two below show the current status of the review topics and provide further comments for particular topics.

16.     This includes bylaws that may be folded into or managed under other topics (Arkles Bay set netting, Orakei Basin), the ongoing local boards’ review of dog access rules, regional film fees, and the review that must take place within five years of any bylaw’s adoption.

17.     Local boards have recently provided input to the bylaw reviews for construction and transport for Auckland Council land (such as parks). Further engagement is underway or being planned for the next topics in the review, including alcohol controls review, environmental protection and regional film fees.


Table 1: Summary of status and next steps for review of bylaw topics



Status and Progress – 7 stages







4-Write Bylaw

5-Adopt draft

6-Spec Cons Proc

7-Adopt final


Reviews completed










Dog management










Election Signs










Food safety










General administration










Hazardous substances










Health and hygiene










Offensive trades










Public safety and nuisance










Solid waste (Waste m/ment)










Trade waste










Transport (Auckland Transport)










Navigation safety (including lifejackets)









See below

Cemeteries and crematoria









See below

Election signs (amendment)









See below





















Work programme










Outdoor / rural fire safety










Trading and events in public places









See below

Stormwater management



















See below

Alcohol licensing fees










Alcohol control









See below

Animal management









See below

Health and hygiene amendment









See below

Air quality










Boarding houses and hostels










Commercial sex industry









Issues covered in unitary plan and other bylaws

Construction and development










Onsite wastewater










Orakei Basin










Recreational and cultural facilities










Transport (Parks / AC controlled land)










Water supply and wastewater (reticulation)










Wharves and marinas










Environmental protection




















Other work










Review - local dog access rules









See below

Freedom camping










Arkles Bay set netting










Regional film fees









See below

Five year reviews











Status summary codes


Green - Work is progressing as planned; due date will be met or any revised date will not have wider impacts


Amber – Original due date at risk of being missed and this may have wider impacts; or an issue has arisen.


Red - Due date has or will be missed and this will have wider impacts; or an issue has arisen that will have wider or significant impacts.


Blue - Not yet scheduled. However, background work is underway.


Table 2: Additional comments for particular topics in the bylaw review programme


Navigation safety (including lifejackets)

On track


Public submissions closed on 17 March and public hearings and deliberations were completed. The Hearings Panel report on the final form of the bylaw was considered and adopted by the governing body at its meeting on 31 July 2014.


The panel requested that a campaign be developed to communicate the changes introduced in the new bylaw and to support the bylaw’s objectives around safety on the water, particularly in relation to smaller boats and the wearing of lifejackets. Planning for this campaign is now underway to support the commencement of the new bylaw.


Cemeteries and crematoria

On track


Public submissions closed in June and the public hearings and deliberations were completed. The Hearings Panel report on the final form of the bylaw was considered and adopted by the governing body at its meeting on 31 July 2014. The final bylaw and code of practice included a number of changes arising from public consultation, including clarifying procedures around burial and plots and for scattering of ashes.


Election signs (amendment)

On track


The Auckland Transport Board proposed a series of amendments to the Election Signs Bylaw to reflect issues that arose in the 2013 local body elections. These changes included limits on the times when signs can be displayed on private sites, allowing candidates to appear on both individual and team signs on a single site, and requiring contact information on signs to be readable. Submissions closed on 3 June.


Final changes were adopted by the AT Board at its meeting of 24 June, and came into force on 18 July (just before the two month period that runs up to the general election on 20 September).


Trading and events in public place

On track


Both Auckland Council and Auckland Transport have endorsed their proposed Trading and Events in Public Places bylaws. These apply to streets and footpaths and other public places. Public submissions were open from 4 August to 4 September, with hearings and deliberations to follow. It is expected any new bylaws could come into force for July 2015. This would allow any fee changes to also be put in place with the new long-term plan that will start then.


The bylaws cover a range of issues including street performances, mobile shops, outdoor dining and displays, markets and stalls and charity collections.



On track


A proposed Signage Bylaw was reported to the August meetings of the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee, the governing body and the Auckland Transport Board. Public consultation is open from 3 September to 3 October 2014.


The bylaw covers a range of types of signs including portable, free standing, wall-mounted, veranda and window signage. It also addresses requirements for posters and for certain types of signs including signs in public open spaces, signage advertising commercial sexual services, real estate signage and event signage.


Any new bylaw could be in place for July 2015 and will work alongside Unitary Plan requirements that apply to specific types of signs.


Alcohol control

On track


The Alcohol Control Bylaw will allow the council to put alcohol bans (previously called liquor bans) in place. These bans prohibit the consumption or possession of alcohol in specified public places at particular times. Alcohol bans can work alongside other regulatory and non-regulatory tools to help minimise the harm that can be associated with alcohol.


A proposed bylaw was adopted by the governing body on 31 July and was open for public consultation from 15 August to 15 September. The proposal includes delegations allowing local boards to review, make, amend and revoke alcohol bans for local public places. The governing body would make these decisions for public places that are of regional significance.


The bylaw includes criteria to help evaluate any request for an alcohol ban, based on the requirements of the enabling legislation. It has also been designed to support a range of approaches to help communities manage problems associated with alcohol use.


The current proposal does not include a review of the existing alcohol bans or the making of new alcohol bans. Decisions on the existing alcohol bans will need to be made by local boards and the governing body after the new bylaw is adopted and before October 2015. Local boards are now receiving further information on how they can carry out their role for this review.


Animal management

On track


A proposed Animal Management Bylaw was adopted by the governing body on 31 July and was open for public consultation from 15 August to 15 September. The bylaw provides Aucklanders with the opportunity to own different types of animals for companionship, while minimising possible impact on their neighbours. Under the proposed bylaw, people that keep animals need to ensure the animals do not cause a nuisance, risks to public health and safety, or damage council land.


Specific provisions are included for urban properties relating to the keeping of bees and chickens or other stock (such as a rooster, goat, pig or sheep). There are also specific provisions related to horse riding in public places.


Issues relating to animal welfare, wildlife predation and dog management are addressed through national legislation and do not form part of this proposal.


Health and hygiene amendment

On track


The Health and Hygiene Bylaw 2013 was adopted by the council in 2013 and came into force on 1 July 2014. The bylaw and code, as adopted, requires pharmacists to obtain a licence under the bylaw if they offer commercial ear-piercing services.


The council has now received further information from industry representatives that shows public health is adequately protected through existing central government regulation and industry-based standards. Accordingly, the council is proposing an amendment to the bylaw that will exempt pharmacists from the requirement to obtain this licence under the bylaw when they provide commercial ear-piercing services. Public consultation was open from 15 August to 15 September.


Local dog access review

On track


The 2014 local board dog access review includes several areas within the following local boards: Kaipatiki, Orakei, Maungakiekie-Tamaki, Puketapapa, and Hibiscus and Bays.


This is the first year of the new approach to reviewing dog access rules, which means the council can consider requests for changes to dog access rules on an annual basis. This approach is more responsive to residents and the environment, and enables robust consideration of specific public places to provide for public safety and comfort, the needs of dogs and their owners, and to ensure the practicality of dog access rules.


The council is required to advise registered dog owners about these proposed changes, which has been achieved by including relevant material within the annual dog registration package. This is the first year that this approach has been possible, and it has reduced costs and ensured that dog owners receive a single combined communication from the council. This targeted advice has been supported by other communication including public notices, local newspaper advertising and initiatives planned by those local boards listed above.


Submissions on the proposed changes closed on 23 July 2014. Panels established by the relevant local boards considered the submissions, held hearings and reported to their respective local boards who have adopted the recommendations and finalised the review process.


Further dog access review changes are planned for the next two years. Work is now underway for local boards that are involved in the 2015 review programme. The local boards that received a report in September to confirm commencement of the review and define its scope are Rodney, Upper Harbour, Devonport-Takapuna, Waitakere Ranges, Waiheke Island, Albert-Eden, Puketapapa, and Waitemata.


Regional film fees

On track


There are around 500 permit applications for filming activity each year, including many on local parks. The Auckland Film Protocol expresses the council’s intention to welcome filming, support this activity and maximise the financial and other benefits it brings to Auckland. The protocol also includes measures to ensure filming’s impacts on communities are well managed.


When the Film Protocol was adopted in 2013, several local boards asked that further work be carried out to understand how local communities can get more benefit from filming. The regional film fees project responds to part of that request. It will review how fees for filming can be set and managed, and how council’s direct revenue associated with filming permits can be used to meet the costs of facilitating filming and to improve the public spaces (including parks and streetscapes) that are used by film-makers.


Further information is being provided to local boards through September and October.


Update on implementation stage for new bylaws

18.     Table three and table four below show the current status of implementation projects and further comments for particular implementation projects.





Table 3: Summary of status and next steps for implementation projects


Implementation project name

Status and Progress

Link to bylaw topics / Other comments















Alcohol licensing readiness







Alcohol licensing fees






See below

Animals (Stage 1)







Dog access review 2014







Electoral Signs 2013







Electoral Signs 2014





















Food safety







Health protection






Health and hygiene bylaw and code of practice; See below







Navigation safety – see below

Public safety and nuisance







Revoked and lapsing bylaws






General admin; Offensive trades; Others















Street trading







Waste management






Solid waste bylaw

Animals (stage 2)







Alcohol controls







Air quality














Proposed future














Transport (AC land)








Table 4: Additional comments for particular implementation projects


Alcohol licensing fees

On hold


As part of reforming laws relating to the sale and supply of alcohol, central government updated licensing fees and also allowed each territorial authority to set its own fees for the licensing services it must provide. Auckland Council considered a report on the costs involved in August 2013, and endorsed adopting a bylaw to set its own alcohol licensing fee amounts, to take affect from 1 July 2014 (refer Governing Body meeting of 22 August 2013, item 13, GB/2013/83).


A further report has now been considered by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee (7 August, item 11). The report provided an update on this matter, noting that revenue collected to date effectively covers relevant operating costs. The committee endorsed the council continuing to use the default licensing fees set by central government and that a further update should be provided early in 2015 (refer REG/2014/101).


Health protection

On track


The new Health and Hygiene Bylaw and code of practice are in force from 1 July 2014, and this project has now completed its closure phase after managing commencement successfully. The council’s leadership on prohibiting the use of sun-beds for people under 18 years of age was highlighted positively in the media.


Marine (including Navigation safety)

On Track


The new Navigation Safety Bylaw will come into force for the 2014/2015 summer. The bylaw includes key changes around the wearing of lifejackets on vessels under six metres in length. An education and information campaign is currently being prepared to support this and other changes that the bylaw introduces. This will include updating signs at key boat ramps across Auckland and working with other water safety organisations to deliver these safety messages to the community.



Local Board views and implications

19.     Local boards are involved in the review of each bylaw topic (consistent with the review’s principles). This report provides an update on the programme, but does not raise any issues specific to local boards apart from those already noted above.

20.     No proposals for local bylaws have been received through the above period.

Maori impact statement

21.     This report does not raise any specific issues relating to Māori. The review of each topic includes considering whether that topic includes any elements of special interest to Māori, and if so the appropriate way to seek a greater level of engagement. Where appropriate, consultation with Māori (on a particular topic) may be linked to consultation on other related topics through the Unitary Plan or other initiatives.


22.     The recommendations in this report do not trigger the council’s policy on significance.


23.     The programme includes implementation and delivery for each bylaw, as noted above. This includes working with internal and external stakeholders as relevant to each topic.







Bylaw Programme Timeline





Helgard Wagener - Team leader, Policies and Bylaws


Warren Maclennan - Manager North West Planning

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



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Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Generic Reports received for information - September 2014


File No.: CP2014/21793




Executive Summary

The following generic items have been received for the Board’s information:

Report Title

Referred by


Date of Meeting

Date Received

2013/2014 Safeswim Summary Report

Environment, Climate Change and Natural Heritage Committee


27 August 2014

17 September 2014


Housing Strategic Action Plan - Stage 1 - Update and Next Stage


Auckland Development Committee


11 September 2014

25 September 2014


A copy of the report is available on the Auckland Council website.


A copy of the report has been circulated to Kaipātiki Local Board Members, which can also be accessed on the M Drive as follows: M:\Meetings\Kaipatiki\Reports\Circulated Reports




That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Generic Reports received for information – September 2014 report. The report references:

·        2013/2014 Safeswim Summary Report from the Environment, Climate Change and Natural Heritage Committee.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Members' Reports


File No.: CP2014/21727




Executive summary

An opportunity is provided for members to update the Kaipātiki Local Board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the report from Member John Gillon.

b)      receive any verbal reports of members.







Member John Gillon's Report Resolutions



Member John Gillon's Report (Under Separate Cover)





Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Governing Body Members' Update


File No.: CP2014/21728




Executive summary

An opportunity is provided for Governing Body Members to update the board on Governing Body issues relating to the Kaipātiki Local Board.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Governing Body Members’ verbal updates.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops, Wednesday, 17 September 2014 and Wednesday, 24 September 2014


File No.: CP2014/21729





1.       The purpose of this report is to record the Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops held on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 and Wednesday, 24 September 2014.

Executive Summary

2.       At the workshop held on Wednesday, 17 September 2014, the Kaipātiki Local Board had a briefing on the following:

·        Kaipātiki Local Board Plan

·        Heritage Incentives Policy Engagement

·        Road Naming

·        Site proposed for divestment in the Kaipatiki Local Board area

·        Discretionary Community Funding - Round One, 2014/2015

3.       At the workshop held on Wednesday, 24 September 2014, the Kaipātiki Local Board had a briefing on:

·        Kaipātiki Local Board Plan

·        Long Term Plan



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the records for the Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops held on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 and Wednesday, 24 September 2014.







Kaipatiki Local Board September 2014 Workshop Records





Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Record of Kaipatiki Local Board Portfolio Briefings held in September 2014


File No.: CP2014/21733





1.       The purpose of this report is to record the Kaipātiki Local Board Portfolio Briefings held in September 2014.

Executive summary

2.       In September 2014, the Kaipātiki Local Board held the following Portfolio Briefings:

·        Built Environment – Wednesday, 3 September 2014

·        Transport – Wednesday, 3 September 2014

·        Finance – Tuesday, 9 September 2014

·        Parks (passive) – Tuesday, 12 August 2014

·        Community Development and Facilities – Wednesday, 10 September 2014

·        Events – Thursday, 18 September 2014

·        Arts – Thursday 18 September, 2014

·        Parks  – Tuesday, 23 September 2014



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the record of Kaipatiki Local Board Portfolio Briefings held in September 2014.







Kaipatiki Local Board September 2014 Portfolio Briefing Records





Bianca Wildish - Democracy Advisor


Eric Perry - Relationship Manager


Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987


File No.: CP2014/22286





1.       The purpose of this report is to present to the Kaipatiki Local Board one application for special exemptions from some of the requirements of the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 (The Act).

Executive summary

2.       The local board must conduct a hearing and consider each of the applications for special exemption.  The board must resolve to decline, grant or grant subject to conditions, the exemptions sought.



That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      receive the Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption report.

b)      receive the application from:

i)        47A Tui Glen Road, Birkenhead

c)      grant the 47A Tui Glen Road, Birkenhead application for special exemption to the current owner, subject to ongoing compliance with NZS8500-2006 Section 3.10 clause (a-k) at all times and subject to the spa pool remaining in the same location as the day of inspection.



3.       Each property, which is the subject of an application before the local board, has been inspected by Auckland Council pool inspectors.  In each case, the swimming/spa pool fencing does not comply with the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 (the Act).  The details of non-compliance in each case vary and are specified in the attachments to this report. Each applicant has chosen to seek a special exemption from the requirements of the Act.

4.       The purpose of the Act is stated to be “to promote the safety of young children by requiring the fencing of … swimming pools”.

5.       The Act requires pool owners to fence their pool with a fence.  Specific detail on the means of achieving compliance with the Act is contained in the schedule to the Act.  If a pool is not fenced with a complying fence it is an offence under the Act, unless exempt.

6.       An exemption can only be granted by the local board after consideration of the particular characteristics of the property and the pool, other relevant circumstances and taking into account any conditions it may impose.  Then, only if satisfied that an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children, can an exemption be granted.

7.       Defining the immediate pool area will be relevant to considerations concerning the property and the pool. The immediate pool area means the land in or on which the pool is situated, and as much of the surrounding area that is used for activities or purposes related to the use of the pool.  The Act provides that the fence should be situated to prevent children moving directly to the pool from the house, other buildings, garden paths and other areas of the property that would normally be available to young children.

8.       Another common consideration for local boards in exemption applications will be instances where a building forms part of the pool fence.  Where doors from a building open into the pool area, the territorial authority may grant an exemption from compliance with clauses 8 to 10 of the schedule to the Act.  It may exempt if it is satisfied that compliance with the Act is impossible, unreasonable or in breach of any other Act, regulation or bylaw, and the door is fitted with a locking device that when properly operated prevents the door from being readily opened by children under the age of 6 years. If the local board is satisfied that a door within a wall in a building meets that test, the board must also be satisfied that an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children.

9.       When granting a special exemption, the board may impose such other conditions relating to the property or the pool as are reasonable in the circumstances (section 6(2) of the Act).  Issues to be considered include:

a)      Will the exemption be personal to the applicant so that on a sale of the property a new owner will need to apply for a new exemption?  This might be appropriate where the personal circumstances of the applicant have been considered as a relevant circumstance and had a bearing on the exercise of the discretion.

b)      Will the exemption be granted for a fixed term and irrespective of changes of ownership so that the exemption runs with the property?

c)      Are there any other conditions which should be imposed, repairs to existing fencing, or a requirement for more frequent inspection of the pool (currently pools are inspected every three years)?

10.     Any exemption granted or condition imposed may be amended or revoked by the local board by resolution.  The rules of natural justice would however dictate that this action should not be taken without prior notice to the pool owner and allowing the pool owner an opportunity to be heard.


11.     The recommendations contained within this report fall within the local board’s delegated authority.

12.     The Act enables an exemption to be granted from clauses 8 to 10 of the Act (doors in walls of buildings) if the board is satisfied that compliance with the Act is impossible, unreasonable or in breach of any other Act, regulation or bylaw and the door is fitted with a locking device that when properly operated prevents the door from being readily opened by children under the age of 6 years.

13.     The overarching consideration in terms of the Act is that a resolution to grant an exemption may only be made after having regard to the particular characteristics of the property and the pool, any other relevant circumstances and any conditions it may impose, and only if it is satisfied that such an exemption would not significantly increase the danger to young children.

14.     The local board may resolve to grant, grant subject to conditions, or decline an application for special exemption.

15.     If an application is declined the applicant will be required to fence their pool in accordance with the Act.

16.     The exemption hearing process under the Act does not trigger the significance policy, but it is an important statutory function.

17.     Council is committed to ensuring that Auckland is a safe place for children to live and play in.  Pool fencing issues have a strong relationship with the council’s strategic priorities for community safety.

Local board views and implications

18.     The local board is the decision maker in relation to exemption applications under the Act.

Maori impact statement

19.     This report does not raise issues of particular significance for Maori.


20.     Compliance with the Act is a mandatory requirement for all pool owners unless exempt.

21.     Council’s pools inspectors have consulted with the applicants in each case.  Applicants have been made aware of the council’s requirements to ensure fencing is compliant with the Act.  The applicants have elected to seek a special exemption for individual reasons.


22.     The decision must be made by resolution and contain conditions (if any).







47A Tui Glen Road, Birkenhead - Confidential





Phillip Curtis - Senior Swimming Pool Specialist


Barry Smedts - Manager Compliance

Eric Perry - Relationship Manager



Kaipātiki Local Board

08 October 2014



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.


31        Swimming Pool Fencing Exemption – Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 - Attachment a - 47A Tui Glen Road, Birkenhead

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.

In particular, the report contains the applicants details..


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.