I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Budget Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 5 November 2014

9.30 am

Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Budget Committee









Mayor Len Brown, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Penny Webster



Cr Anae Arthur Anae

Cr Calum Penrose


Cr Cameron Brewer

Cr Dick Quax


Cr Dr Cathy Casey

Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Cr Bill Cashmore

Member David Taipari


Cr Ross Clow

Member John Tamihere


Cr Linda Cooper, JP

Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE


Cr Chris Darby

Cr Wayne Walker


Cr Alf Filipaina

Cr John Watson


Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO

Cr George Wood, CNZM


Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse



Cr Denise Krum



Cr Mike Lee



(Quorum 11 members)




Mike Giddey

Democracy Advisor


3 November 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7565

Email: mike.giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Budget Committee

05 November 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


12        Long Term Plan 2015-2025 – Estimated cost of co-governance entities                5   



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Long Term Plan 2015-2025 – Estimated cost of co-governance entities


File No.: CP2014/24837





1.       This report provides an update on meeting the projected cost of co-governance entities (which the council is party to) and considers what that means for draft Long Term Plan budgets.

Executive summary

2.       The Mayor’s LTP proposal identified a commitment to provide a reasonable level of funding / support to reflect the projected cost of co-governance entities.

3.       Council is currently involved in 5 co-governance entities.  These are:-

a)      Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board (Whenua Rangatira and Pourewa Creek Reserve)

b)           Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority).

c)           Parakai Recreation Reserves Board

d)           Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust

e)           Mutukaroa Trust Board (Hamlins Hill)

4.       An assessment has been undertaken of the 10 year funding requirements for each of the co-governance entities, to identify a reasonable level of funding required to deliver on the commitment identified in the Mayor’s LTP proposal.

5.       Council departments have reviewed their existing budgets and have identified additional funding requirements.  Where possible co-governance entities have been given the opportunity to participate in this process in order to better reflect their priorities.  Co-governance entities may also make further representations through the LTP process to achieve greater aspirations than the proposed level of funding will provide.

6.       The additional funding requirement has been subject to review by the Manager – Regional and Specialist Parks and where possible further reprioritisation has been undertaken to avoid any impact on rates. 

7.       The additional funding requirement for the Maunga Authority also takes into account the transfer of the routine management of Maungauika / North Head to Auckland Council from the Department of Conservation in accordance with the Parks, Sports and Recreation Committee Resolution PAR/2014/48.

8.       Attachment A summarises the estimated funding requirement over the 10 year LTP period for the co-governance entities.

9.       A summary of the existing budget, total estimated funding requirement and additional funding requirements for each of the five co-governance entities is provided in Table 1 below:-


10.     A total funding requirement of $32.1 million (Net Operational funding) and $47.5 million (capital projects) reflects the projected cost of the co-governance entities over the next ten years before adjusting for inflation.  We propose to provide for this through:

·        Existing budgets of $24.5 million (Net Operational funding) and $9.4 million (capital projects) for the five co-governance entities.

·        Recommending that the Maunga Authority consider applying $2.5 million from the open space and volcanic cones targeted rate reserve to help fund its activities.

Additional funding of $5.1 million (Net Operational funding) and $38.1 million (capital projects).


That for the purpose of developing draft budgets for LTP consultation, the Budget Committee:

a)      note that the total projected cost of the co-governance entities (which the council is party to) for the next ten years is $32.1 million (Net Operational funding) and $47.5 million (capital projects) before adjusting for inflation.

b)      note that $24.5 million (Net Operational funding) and $9.4 million (capital projects)  is already identified in existing budgets

c)      note that additional funding of $5.1 million (Net Operational funding) and $38.1 million (capital projects) is required to meet the estimated cost of co-governance entities over the next ten years, plus adjustments for inflation. 

d)      seek agreement from the Maunga Authority to apply $2.5 million from the open space and volcanic cones targeted rate reserve to help fund activities over the first five years of the LTP

e)      note that the additional funding requirement projected for the Maunga Authority also takes into account the transfer of routine management of Maungauika / North Head to Auckland Council from the Department of Conservation in accordance with the Parks, Sports and Recreation Committee Resolution PAR/2014/48.




Council’s funding requirements in relation to co-governance entities

11.     The Mayor’s LTP proposal identified a commitment to provide a reasonable level of funding to support co-governance entities.

12.     As a result of negotiated outcomes arising from Treaty settlement legislation, Environment Court mediation and historic Crown negotiations, the council has a range of responsibilities in relation to co-governance arrangements with mana whenua. 

13.     This includes appointing members to; supporting; administering; and funding existing and newly established co-governance entities.

Process to estimate funding requirements

14.     An assessment has been undertaken of the 10 year funding requirements for each of the current co-governance entities that Council is involved in, to identify a reasonable level of funding required to deliver on the commitment identified in the Mayor’s LTP proposal. 

15.     Table 2 below provides an overview of the funding request process that was followed for each of the five co-governance entities:-



16.     Separate workshops were held with Council Officers and the Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board and the Parakai Recreation Reserves Board to complete Phase 3.

17.     The Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority) will complete Phase 3 at its meeting on 3 November 2014.

18.     The Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Trust are yet to hold their first meeting and Mutukaroa Trust Board were unavailable to meet to complete Phase 3 of the funding request process.

19.     As part of Phase 4, the funding requests were reviewed by the Manager of Regional and Specialist Parks who has further rationalised funding, to minimise any impact on rates. 

Estimated funding of co-governance entities

20.     Attachment A summarises the allocation of the indicative 10 year funding requirements for the co-governance entities taking into account existing budgets.

21.     A summary of the existing budget, total estimated funding requirement and additional funding requirements for each of the five co-governance entities is summarised in Table 1 (paragraph 5).

22.     More detail on the five co-governance arrangements that Council is currently involved with and their indicative funding requirements is provided later in this report and in Attachments B-F.  The five arrangements are:-

i)        Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board (Attachment B)

ii)       Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority) (Attachment C)

iii)      Parakai Recreation Reserves Board (Attachment D)

iv)      Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust (Attachment E)

v)      Mutukaroa Trust Board (Attachment F)

23.     A total funding envelope of $32,096,765 (Net Operational funding) and $47,469,676 (capital projects) reflects the projected cost of co-governance entities over the next ten years.

24.     The Financial Plan, Policy and Budgeting team have confirmed the existing of $24,513,900 (Net Operational funding) and $9,357,093 (capital projects) for the five co-governance entities.

25.     An additional funding requirement of $5,082,865 (Net Operational funding) and $38,112,583 (capital projects) has been confirmed.

26.     Co-governance entities may also make further representations through the LTP process to achieve greater aspirations than the proposed level of funding will provide.

Recommended application of targeted rate reserve

27.     It is recommended that the Maunga Authority consider applying $2,500,000 of the open space and volcanic cones targeted rate reserve (from the former Auckland City Council) to help fund operational activities over a 5 year period from FY 2015/2016. 

28.     There would be no general rate impact and the open space and volcanic cones targeted rate reserve would be fully utilised in providing this funding and would be removed from the reserve accounts.  Staff will progress discussions with the Maunga Authority to seek agreement to the proposed transfer.

Transfer of the routine management of Maungauika / North Head from the Department of Conservation to the Auckland Council

29.     On Tuesday, 5 August 2014, the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee resolved (Resolution number PAR/2014/48) to support the transfer of routine management of Maungauika/North Head from the Department of Conservation to the Auckland Council after 1 July 2015 subject to certain matters being met through agreement with the Crown.d

30.     A copy of the full resolution is included in Attachment G

31.     The increase in funding identified for the routine management of Maungauika / North Head has been included in the funding request for the Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga 26.  Authority) in Attachment C.


Existing Budgets

32.     The identified existing budgets represent the baseline funding required for the on-going routine management of reserves. 

33.     New funding requirements for co-governance entities cover a range of matters include appointing members to; supporting; administering; and funding existing and newly established co-governance entities.  

New funding estimates for co-governance entities

34.     In the early establishment phase, often as a result of legislation or environment court decisions, an increase in operational funding is required to support the preparation of strategic planning documents, such as Reserve Management Plans, Operational Plans and Vision documents.  This helps the co-governance entities to set their strategic direction and start planning for the future management of the reserves.

35.     The Maunga Authority, Parakai Recreation Reserve Board and Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust are all in the early establishment phase having been established over the last 2 years.  The Maunga Authority funding requirement also takes into account the transfer of routine management of Maungauika / North Head to Auckland Council from the Department of Conservation from 1 July 2015.  In addition to this the Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board recently increased the area in which they manage to include the Pourewa Creek Reserve as a result of a 2012 Treaty settlement.  The Reserve Management and Development Plan is currently being reviewed within existing resources and reported to the Mutukaroa Trust Board in December 2014.

36.     Once the co-governance entities have undertaken their strategic planning and have developed a vision for their land, the next phase is to start planning for capital development.  This often helps to bring in new revenue streams or enhance existing revenue streams to support the ongoing use and enjoyment of the reserves for mana whenua and the public.

37.     The capital projects requirements are more focused on the outer years, although Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board and the Maunga Authority have both identified some funding requirements in the short term (next 3 years). 

Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserve Board

Net Operational funding

38.     The co-governance responsibilities of the Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserve Board has been extended through recent Treaty Settlement legislation which resulted in an increase in funding request to include the Pourewa Recreation Reserve.  This additional funding has only been reflected in the Annual Plan for FY 2014/2015.  Additional operational funding is requested to support this and is reflected in the Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserve Board draft Financial Plan.

Capital projects

39.     The Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board have reviewed their draft Financial Plan and reprioritised a number of projects.  The draft Financial Plan was first adopted by the Board in 2013.  In light of the current funding constraints the plan has been rigorously reworked to ensure all projects have strong strategic alignment with the Whenua Rangatira Management Plan and are able to be delivered in the timeframe noted. 

40.     As a result of this process several projects have been pushed into outer years while the Whare Waka (waka facility), Pou (posts) and Whare Taonga (museum) have all been retained or moved forward given the readiness of the reserves board to deliver these signature projects and the alignment with Auckland Council’s event milestones. 


41.     In addition to the reprioritisation exercise undertaken by the Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board further rationalisation has been undertaken resulting in the Pourewa Education Centre is now unfunded.  Also, any increase in the levels of service associated with the Pourewa Creek Reserve are unfunded and will need to be subject to a business case.

42.     As a result of this further reprioritisation there should be no impact on rates as a result of the additional funding request for Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board.

Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority)

Net Operational funding

43.     For the Maunga Authority a significant investment is required over the first three years to develop an Integrated Management Plan for the Maunga.  During the period of Treaty Settlement negotiations a lot of future planning and investment has been put on hold.  The Maunga Authority have identified the need for additional Operational funding to bring service levels up to a higher standard to respond to this period of underinvestment and low levels of satisfaction for the care and maintenance of the maunga, mana whenua and the community.

Capital projects

44.     The Maunga Authority has identified areas where they would like to focus their investment in the short, medium and long term.  As a short term measure it is recommended that the Maunga Authority consider applying the $2.5M targeted rate reserve to offset some of the operational funding costs in the first five years.

45.     Key areas of investment focus on improvements to visitor experience, conservation and heritage and community engagement and education programmes.

46.     The additional funding (OPEX and capital projects) associated with the transfer of the routine management of Maungauika / North Head from Department of Conservation to Auckland Council has been taken into account in the additional funding requested.


47.     The Maunga Authority has a significant Operational funding requirement in the first five years of establishment. This is related to the additional staff resources to support the Maunga Authority and development of an Integrated Management Plan.


Parakai Recreation Reserves Board

Net Operational funding

48.     Parakai Recreation Reserves Board also must prepare a Reserve Management Plan and have a number of legacy issues relating to the lease arrangements that need to be considered and resolved before more detailed planning can be undertaken.  The future costs of resolving the legacy issues is not able to be confirmed until such time the issues with the lease arrangements have been resolved.  At this stage the funding requirement requested reflects the on-going costs of maintaining the reserve with minor improvements to the Campground to improve revenue streams over time with the aim of becoming more self-sustaining.

Capital projects

49.     Parakai Recreation Reserve Board is seeking minor funding to improve the campground which should have flow on effects to improving revenue streams for the Reserve over time.

Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust

Net Operational funding

50.     Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust is yet to hold their first meeting and are still in the process of developing their Vision Document and Management Plan that will help to set the strategic direction for the Island and funding requirements for the development of the Park.

51.     There are a number of existing revenue streams associated with Te Motu a Hiaroa which will fund the majority of the strategic planning.  The funding that has been identified is associated with the development of a Regional Park on the island associated with Operational costs and routine management.

Capital projects

52.     Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust are not proposing to open the first stage of the Park until FY 2018/2019 therefore capital funding is not proposed to begin until 2017/2018.

Mutukaroa Trust Board (Hamlins Hill)

Net Operational funding

53.     No operational funding is required, this will be captured through existing Parks and Planning budgets and work programmes.

Capital projects

54.     Mutukaroa Trust Board are proposing some investment to support the implementation of their Reserve Management Plan.

Local board views and implications

55.     A number of Local Boards are involved in co-governance arrangements as Reserve Board Members.  The Ngāti Whatua o Orakei Reserves Board includes three members of the Orakei Local Board.  The Parakai Recreation Reserve Board includes three members of the Rodney Local Board and the Maunga Authority includes members from Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board, Orakei Local Board and Albert-Eden Local Board.  The final LTP will be adopted by 1 July 2015 and agreed actions will apply across the council group including local boards.

Maori impact statement

56.     It is important that Co-governance entities have the opportunity to be a part of the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 process.  This involvement should be as early as possible to ensure a meaningful outcome is achieved.

57.     The co-governance entities have all been informed of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 process. 

58.     The Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Reserves Board, Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority) and Parakai Recreation Reserves Board have all taken the opportunity to participate through a workshop session.  The Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust have not yet commenced and are likely to have their first meeting early in 2015.  The Mutukaroa Trust Board were not able to meet in the timeframes available.

59.     The Co-governance entities will be kept informed of the Long Term Plan process as it develops.  As the detail of the Consultation process is confirmed, Council officers will work with the co-governance entities to identify opportunities for involvement up to June.


60.     A separate report on this agenda recommends that the committee agrees draft budget envelopes to support consultation on the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 which reflect the projected costs of co-governance entities. 

61.     Subject to agreement by the Maunga Authority, the targeted rate reserve fund of $2.5m will be used to offset operational costs in the first five years of the LTP.

62.     Council staff will continue to work with Co-governance entities through-out the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 process.







Overview of Indicative Funding Requirements for Co-governance Entities



Indicative Funding Requirements - Ngati Whatua o Orakei Reserves Board



Indicative Funding Requirements – Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (Maunga Authority)



Indicative Funding Requirements – Parakai Recreation Reserves Board



Indicative Funding Requirements – Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Governance Trust



Indicative Funding Requirements – Mutukaroa Trust Board (Hamlins Hill)



Resolution to transfer routine management of Maungauika / North Head to Auckland Council





Jacky  Bartley - Principal Planner


Matthew Walker - Manager Financial Plan Policy and Budgeting

Grant Taylor - Governance Director

Kevin Ramsay - Chief Financial Officer


Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



Budget Committee

05 November 2014



ATTACHMENT G - Resolution to transfer routine management of Maungauika / North Head to Auckland Council


Transfer of Routine Management of Maungauika/North Head to Auckland Council

Resolution number PAR/2014/48

MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr RI Clow:  

That the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee:

a)      support the transfer of routine management of Maungauika/North Head from the Department of Conservation to the Auckland Council after 1 July 2015 on the condition that:

i)     the Crown either remedies the deferred maintenance and other asset improvements identified by the Auckland Council to Auckland Council’s Volcanic Cones Manager’s satisfaction prior to the transfer or meets the cost of $1,1000,000 of the Auckland Council undertaking this work after the transfer, and

ii)    the Volcanic Cones General Operational budget be increased by $320,000 per annum (with annual increases to account for inflation) to meet the projected annual operational costs and that the Volcanic Cones Renewals – Capex budget be increased by $120,000 over three years to enable signage and track upgrades.

b)         request that resolution a)ii) be referred to the Budget Committee for inclusion into the Long Term Plan 2015 – 2025.

c)      confirm that the resolutions only be restated in the open minutes of the meeting

d)      confirm that there be no restatement of the confidential report and attachments.