I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 24 November 2014


Board Room
Ground Floor Town Hall


Disability Advisory Panel








Interim Chairperson

Dr Huhana Hickey



Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP



Dan Buckingham



Jade Farrar



John Herring



David Hughes



Nicola Keyworth



Clive Lansink



Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE



Susan Sherrard


Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM



(Quorum 5 members)




Mike Giddey

Democracy Advisor


19 November 2014


Contact Telephone: (09) 307 7565

Email: mike.giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          Purpose of Disability Advisory Panel                                                                         7

6          Work Programme - Review and Update                                                                      9

7          Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum                                                    21

8          Auckland Transport’s Accessibility Groups                                                            23

9          Schedule of Meetings 2015                                                                                         29 

10        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


In accordance with Standing Order 3.19.2 the minutes of the final meeting of the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel held on 15 September 2014 will be confirmed as a true and correct record by the Chairperson and the Lead Officer Support.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”




Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Purpose of Disability Advisory Panel


File No.: CP2014/27089






1.       To give members of the Disability Advisory Panel the opportunity to discuss how members can best contribute to the Panel’s purpose.

Executive Summary

2.       Members of the Disability Advisory Panel have been provided with information about the purpose of the Disability Advisory Panel, as set out in the Terms of Reference of the Council’s advisory panels. 

3.       The purpose of the Disability Advisory Panel is to provide strategic advice to the Council on issues of significance to disable communities and to advise on effective engagement by Council with those communities.

4.       “Council” comprises both the Governing Body and Local Boards.  The Governing Body has responsibilities for regional and regulatory matters and Local Boards for local matters.

5.       At this first meeting of the new Panel, members are encouraged to share their aspirations about how they can best contribute to the purpose of the Panel and what they wish the Panel to achieve.  This will help inform the development of the Panel’s work programme.

6.       The work programme will provide the content of most of future agenda items at Panel meetings and will need to be agreed with the Council. So members’ aspirations should focus on what areas they wish to advise Council in terms of policy development and service delivery to make the biggest difference to the disability community.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      acknowledge the aspirations of the members in relation to how members can best contribute to the Panel’s purpose and what advice the Panel wishes to provide to the council to make the biggest difference to the disability community.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Work Programme - Review and Update


File No.: CP2014/27075






1.   To review and update the Disability Advisory Panel’s work programme.

Executive summary


2.   The advisory panels’ Terms of Reference require annual work programmes to be developed and agreed with the Council: 

“The Panel will provide advice through an agreed annual work programme, integrated wherever possible, with other panels and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.

An annual work programme will be agreed between the Panel and Council and integrated, wherever possible, with other panels and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.

The Council will advise the Panel of the areas of strategy, policy and plan development that are likely to require comment or advice from the Panel during the course of the year. The work programme should also provide scope for the Panel to respond to issues and concerns arising from its communities and to develop its own priorities.

As resources allow, budget is available for the Panel to support activities that clearly contribute to the agreed work programme but the Panel may not access external resources for activities or events, except with the agreement of Council.”

3.   Work programmes for 2014/2015 have been approved in relation the Seniors Advisory Panel, the Ethnic Peoples Panel, the Pacific Peoples Panel and the Youth Advisory Panel (Attachment A). 

4.   The Disability Advisory Panel is required to consider the other panels’ programmes and discuss opportunities for integration, alignment and collaboration.  There may be the opportunity for a combined summit if there are common elements, such as inclusiveness, that the panels consider would be appropriate.

5.   The Disability Strategic Advisory Panel agreed its work programme for the period to March 2015 (Attachment B) at its meeting in April 2014.  This work programme was not put forward for ratification by the Regional Strategy & Policy Committee because of the impending reappointment of the Panel. This work programme considered the Council’s forward programme of strategies, policies and plans (Attachment C).

6.   Good progress has been made in relation to many items in the work programme, including:

·    Input to the Council’s Community Facilities Network Plan

·    Feedback on Auckland Transport’s draft Code of Practice

·    Input to the Council’s submission on the Building Code Disability Access Review

·    Input to the Council’s Inclusive Engagement Guidelines

·    Generic letter to all Local Boards setting out priorities for addressing accessibility issues and encouraging Local Boards to seek advice on disability/access matters from suitable agencies and groups in the community

·    Responses to important issues raised by its communities.

7.   This is an opportunity to review and update the work programme to incorporate the Panel’s direction for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.  This would include work carried out by the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel since 1 July 2014 and the work proposed to be carried out by the Disability Advisory Panel.

8.   It is intended that members will suggest ideas for the work programme and discuss them at the meeting.  If appropriate a subgroup could be formed to write these up and ensure that the actions are resourced and timing of work is appropriate.  Once formally approved by the Panel, the 2014/2015 work programme could be provided to the Regional Strategy & Policy Committee for its approval in February 2015.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive suggestions from its members regarding the review and update of the Panel’s work programme

b)      approve a subgroup to develop the Panel’s 2014/2015 work programme and bring it back to the Panel prior to submitting to the Regional Strategy & Policy Committee.








Other panels' work programmes 2014-15



DSAP Work Programme



Council's strategy & policy programme





Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Proposed Work Programme DSAP March 2014 to March 2015

The following proposed work programme is focused on planning for an accessible and inclusive Auckland.  The work programme utilises the Panel’s expertise, available resources and links with the wider community. 


Indicative time frames are provided when work by DSAP would be required.


Community Facilities


Input to the Council’s Community Facilities Network Plan to ensure universal access in design of community facilities and connections thereto.                  [April to July 2014]                                         

Input to the Council’s Public Open Space Policy and Programme and Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan to ensure universal access in programme.        [March to April 2014]



Urban Design Panel


Dialogue with the Urban Design Panel to ensure expertise and culture of universal access in the Urban Design Panel’s work.                                                  [Ongoing]





Influencing the culture of Auckland Transport to support universal access in its designs.



Dialogue with the Transport Accessibility Advisory Group.               [Ongoing]


Feedback on Auckland Transport Code of Practice.                         [March 2014 and/or ongoing]





Input to the Council’s submission on the Building Code Disability Access Review.

                                                                                                            [March to April 2014]


Community Summits


Universal Access Design Community Summit and input to draft Long Term Plan.

                                                                                                            [@ September 2014]


Community Summit on a specific topic.                                            [@ May 2015]


Input to Accessible Employment Forum as required.                        [August/September 2014]



Accessible Information and Communications


Input to Inclusive Engagement Guide.                                               [March to April 2014]


Input to Accessible Event Guidelines .                                               [? 2014]



Local Boards


Letter to Local Boards setting out priorities for addressing accessibility issues for persons with disabilities.                                                                                    [April 2014]

Encouraging Local Boards to seek advice on disability/access matters from suitable agencies and groups in the community.                                         [June 2014]



Other Council Strategies and Plans


Input to position paper on current activity, opportunities and priorities for the Council in relation to access, inclusion and design and input to draft Long Term Plan.

                                                                                                            [April to June 2014]


Input to a proposed Council Disability Policy.                                    [Ongoing]


Input to Family and Sexual Violence Strategic Action Plan.              [May to June 2014]





DSAP may be involved in other activities as it determines in response to important issues raised by its communities or by Auckland Council.                                 [Ongoing]




Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum


File No.: CP2014/27072






1.       To update the Panel regarding the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.

Executive Summary

2.       The Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum will be held on 27 November 2014.  This is being organised by council’s Populations Team, part of the Strategic Community Initiatives team in Community Development, Arts and Culture. 

3.       Martine Abel, Support Liaison to DAP, Strategic Advisor Disability has informed the Disability Strategic Advisory Panel on two previous occasions about the upcoming Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.  The Forum has a focus on what council can do to improve Equal Employment Opportunities and other inclusive employment practices for disabled job seekers. The target audience is intended to be DPO’s, disability and employment related service providers and disabled job seekers in general. The intention is for council staff, working in above mentioned areas, to link and liaise with the disability sector and the community on the day.

4.       The initial hope was expressed that this forum could be one of the Panel’s community summits.  This ended up not being practical, due to the Panel recruitment dates being similar to those around finalising the forum details.

5.       The Disability Strategic Advisory Panel considered whether or not to be formally involved in this forum which has a focus on disabled access to employment in Auckland.  At its last meeting the Panel indicated its intention was that the new Panel would speak at the forum but that was dependent on the new members’ experience.

6.       All Panel members have been invited to attend the Forum.  Councillor Sharon Stewart, Liaison Councillor to the Disability Advisory Panel, will welcome forum attendees on the day and intends to affirm employment being a priority work area, identified by the Panel in the past.

7.       A report can be provided to the Panel after this forum to keep the Panel informed and involved in future recommendations, emerging trends, etc.




That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive this update on the Auckland Council Inclusive Employment Forum.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Auckland Transport’s Accessibility Groups


File No.: CP2014/27071






1.       To update the Disability Advisory Panel on its representation on Auckland Transport’s accessibility groups.

Executive summary

2.       Martine Abel, Support Liaison to DAP – Strategic Advisor Disability provides this update in relation to Auckland Transport’s accessibility groups.

3.       In 2008/ 2009 the Auckland Regional Council established the Transport Disability Advisory Group, which changed into the Transport Accessibility Advisory Group (TAAG) upon the merging of the legacy councils.

4.       TAAG continued until June 2014 when Auckland Transport decided to split it into 2 groups: Public Transport Accessibility Group and Capital Projects Accessibility Group.

5.       The Disability Strategic Advisory Panel approved one of its members, Ezekiel Robson, to be its representative on the Capital Projects Accessibility Group and the Public Transport Accessibility Group.  The intention was to establish a direct link between the Panel and the Groups and ensure that the accessible journey is incorporated into all of Auckland Transport’s planning, designs and retrofit of the transport system.

6.       A request was made to Auckland Transport that the Panel’s representative would be paid for attendance at the Group meetings.  Auckland Transport has agreed to the Panel’s representative being on these Groups but stipulated that no meeting attendance fee would be paid should the Panel send someone along to attend the meetings.

7.       Now that Ezekiel Robson is no longer a Panel member, the Panel may wish to decide how to progress this matter.  It may wish to nominate a replacement or rely on attendance by others such as Martine Abel and Paul Brown from the council.

8.       Both CCS Disability Action and Blind Citizens NZ have representatives who are attending these meetings, but those are not Susan Sherrard or Clive Lansink, although these two Panel members are closely affiliated with those organisations.

9.       Martine Abel provides the attached notes of the first meeting of the Public Transport Accessibility Group (Attachment A) which she attended.




That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      consider whether the Panel still wishes to appoint one of its members to be a member of Auckland Transport’s Capital Projects Accessibility Group and the Public Transport Accessibility Group, and if so, how to progress that request.








Notes of first meeting of PTAG





Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Report on Auckland Transport’s disability advisory groups meetings to DAP – Martine Abel, Support Liaison to DAP – Strategic Advisor Disability:


1. That DAP decides whether they’d still wish to appoint one of its members to attend the 2 Auckland Transport accessibility groups, and if so, how to progress that request;

2. That DAP writes to Auckland Transport, requesting that a full scale meeting of the Capital Projects Accessibility Group (CPAG) takes place in order to progress an array of issues, factors and already registered initiatives;





In 2008 or 2009 the then transport related legacy council, ARC (Auckland Regional Council) established the TDAG (Transport Disability Advisory Group), which changed into the TAAG (Transport Accessibility Advisory group) upon the merging of the legacy councils.


TAAG existed until June this year when Auckland Transport decided to split it into 2 entities, namely, PTAG and CPAG (Public Transport Accessibility Group and Capital Projects Accessibility Group).


DSAP then expressed the wish to appoint one of their members to attend these 2 groups, and Ezekiel Robson, a past DSAP member, was put forward/nominated to Auckland Transport.

The latter agreed but stipulated that no meeting attendance fee would be made available should DSAP send someone along to attend the meetings.


Now that Ezekiel is no longer a Panel member, DAP may wish to decide how to progress this matter.


Note that both CCS Disability Action and Blind Citizens NZ have representatives who’re attending these meetings, but those are not Susan Sherrard and Clive Lansink, although these 2 panel members are closely affiliated with those 2 organisations.


Report on first meeting of Public Transport Accessibility Group (PTAG)


Note that Paul Brown, Strategic Disability Advisor, at Auckland Council, attends the PTAG meetings while I’m meant to do the same for the Capital Projects Accessibility Group (CPAG). I used to report to DSAG and DSAP on the TAAG meetings, but DSAP felt at the time that it would be beneficial for them to appoint one of its own to those panels.


The final meeting of the Transport Accessibility Advisory Group was held on 25 June 2014. The Minutes came out in record time on 22 August. On 11 September we were told the date for the first meeting of PTAG (24 October) with a call for Agenda items to be provided by 13 October.


David Tribe was to chair the meeting. However he was an apology and Bronwyn Coster took the chair. David Tribe sent one of his team, Anthony Blom, who was attending his first meeting with us. Another first timer was Mary Zefirelli from TransDev, the company that runs the Auckland commuter train service.


The meeting began with the review of action items from the 25 June Minutes. Items that related to capital projects were not reported on. CPAG has met twice to discuss the east-west connection. I was unable to attend either meeting. I am of the opinion, and so is Blind citizens NZ, that general meetings of CPAG should take place in order for the list of already registered issues to be discussed and resolved, and not as is happening at present, (thus that CPAG’s only meeting sporadically when some Auckland Transport staff raise a particular issue or project of the day).

The east-west connection and the revision of routes across Auckland are a joint project between the New Zealand Transport Agency and Auckland Transport. It includes getting traffic to Auckland Airport. Pedestrian difficulties around Onehunga have been raised, at least during the first meeting.


The first action item from the June Minutes for the attention of PTAG was about audible announcements on railway platforms, in particular, Newmarket. Mary, the TransDev representative explained that she was new to this role and was still coming up to speed with the problem. Mary asked us to provide specifics – which stations are causing problems and where on the stations are the announcements unclear. We were again reminded about the need to log complaints with Auckland Transport. Each complaint gets a job number and has to be followed up. The inaccessibility of the complaints form was raised. Clearly news of this had reached Bronwyn Coster, but not Anthony Blom. Note that this issue of audio announcements had been on the TAAG agenda for many meetings. The group had been promised we would receive a written update on action items prior to the meeting. That had not happened.


The availability of mobility car parks on Queens Wharf came up in the action list. Vivian Naylor from CCS Disability Action pointed out that this has been an issue since the two all-day mobility car parks were removed at the time of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Anthony Blom undertook to follow this up.


The renewal process for the total mobility cards in 2015 was discussed. There are 12,000 TM cards currently on issue.


The driver training DVD is being worked on by Chris Orr from the Blind Foundation and Vivian Naylor. The delay has been caused by staff changes. The goal is to make the DVD suitable for all modes of public transport – bus, train and ferry. Tenders to make the DVD will be called for before the end of this year. Vivian commented that she is having difficulty expanding the DVD to include trains and ferries. TransDev and Fullers provide accessibility training to their staff. It's the bus drivers who are most in need of awareness raising, she said.


Auckland Transport is introducing the new Public Transport Operating Model with its new contracts. Requirements for Urban Buses set by NZTA are the basis for bus vehicles. We were told that Auckland Transport is adding additional standards to be met by bus providers. While there will be a grace period for existing providers who win the new contracts, all providers will have to modernise their fleets. In reply to a comment about Birkenhead having the worst bus fleet in Auckland, Auckland Transport said that already the Birkenhead bus company has embarked on a programme to replace their old standard largely inaccessible buses. Anthony Blom encouraged us to provide feedback about deficiencies in the Requirements for Urban Buses standard. He undertook that deficiencies we raise will be considered for inclusion in Auckland Transport's enhanced standards.


Bronwyn said Auckland Transport is preparing promotional material about accessibility of the network. She promised to email it to us, but this has not happened as yet.


We then reached general business when we were invited to raise additional issues.


Chris Orr had asked to raise the safety factors around the on demand opening and closing of doors on electric trains. Mary Schnackenberg from Blind citizens NZ pointed out that the Blind Foundation orientation and mobility instructors were concerned about safety of the blind passengers who they are training to use the new electric trains. Auckland Transport is responsible for the decision about the doors which TransDev implements. Mary from TransDev said she had not seen anything in writing about the problems with on demand opening of doors. Auckland Transport undertook to revisit the issue.


Chris also asked if Auckland Transport has made a decision about the stopping point of the accessible carriage at each station. He particularly wanted to know how this stopping point was to be marked with which type of tactiles. We were told that the stopping point is marked visually on each platform. No one knew the answer to the tactiles query. It was agreed that if a blind passenger could locate the door to the accessible carriage, problems around finding the door opening button might be lessened.


Chris asked when Auckland Transport will put the tactile strip on the ticketing machines. Mary from blind citizens NZ told them about the meeting held on 29 August 2013 when this was discussed and the commitments Auckland Transport had given then. However the strips are still not in place. Anthony Blom undertook to follow this up.


There was a constructive discussion about the current crop of staff on trains. TransDev is recruiting a group of young people who are enthusiastic about giving good quality service, despite the rudeness from some passengers and the incidents of violence. TransDev is developing the cards with brief reminder messages to help staff deal with passengers. Mary from TransDev asked for some suggestions from the disability sector.


The next PTAG meeting was supposed to be scheduled within another month’s time, but this hasn’t occurred as yet as of 17 November.


Disability Advisory Panel

24 November 2014



Schedule of Meetings 2015


File No.: CP2014/27111






1.       To determine a schedule of meetings of the Disability Advisory Panel for 2015.

Executive Summary

2.       A schedule of six-weekly meetings needs to be set in 2015. The Panel can provide useful guidance about dates and timing to fit with the Panel’s work programme and availability.  The Lead Officer Support can finalise the schedule of meetings.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      authorise the Lead Officer Support to finalise a schedule of meetings of the Panel for 2015 based on discussions at this meeting.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Mike Giddey - Democracy Advisor


Kevin Wright - Manager: Transport Strategy – Lead Officer Support