I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 20 November 2014 3.30pm Council
Chamber |
Henderson-Massey Local Board
Chairperson |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shane Henderson |
Members |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Peter Chan, JP |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Will Flavell |
Tracy Kirkley |
Luke Wilson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Glenn Boyd (Relationship Manager) Local Board Services (West)
Busola Martins Local Board Democracy Advisor
14 November 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 440 7323 Email: busola.martins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Henderson-Massey Local Board 20 November 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
10 Extraordinary Business 5
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Update on Henderson Lincoln Metro business area development and request for funding 7
13 Local & Sports Parks West 2014/2015 Capex Programme 15
14 Henderson-Massey Local Event Fund Allocation 2014/2015 21
15 Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Community Funding - Round One 2014/2015 25
16 Chairperson's report 97
17 Confirmation of Workshop Records 103
18 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
Vanessa Neeson, JP (Chairman) |
Ranui Sector Trial |
Chair |
Shane Henderson (Deputy Chairman) |
Waitakere Community Law Service |
Employee |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Keep Waitakere Beautiful |
Trustee |
Peter Chan, JP |
Cantonese Opera Society of NZ |
Member |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Westgate Pharmacy |
Contractor |
Will Flavell |
Rutherford College |
Employee |
Tracy Kirkley |
District Licensing Committee Heart of Te Atatu South |
Member Member |
Luke Wilson |
NZ Police - Massey Community Constable |
Employee |
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 6 November 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Henderson-Massey Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from www members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Henderson-Massey Local Board 20 November 2014 |
Update on Henderson Lincoln Metro business area development and request for funding
File No.: CP2014/23774
1. The report updates the Henderson Massey Local Board on the development of a local business group for the Henderson central and Lincoln Road areas. Highlights include the decision to form a business association and the high level of interest shown by the local business community.
The report also requests additional funding of $15,000 to continue the momentum of work to date.
Executive summary
2. The Henderson Massey Local Board (HMLB) provided funding from their 2014/2015 discretionary funds for resources to develop the business community around Henderson central and Lincoln Road areas.
3. Work to date has seen contact made with more than 1000 businesses within the area, the identification of local business leaders and the establishment of the Henderson Lincoln Metro Business Association.
Progress is happening faster than the original project scoping anticipated. This report updates the local board on what can now be achieved up to the end of the initial funding period (December 2014) and requests additional funding to continue development of the business association.
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the report on progress towards the development of a business group in the Henderson Lincoln Metro business area. b) Approves $15,000 additional funding from the 2014/2015 year budget to continue the development of the business association up until May 2015.
4. Council officers have been working on the development of a sustainable business group for the wider Henderson area (including Lincoln Road surrounds) for some time. This is important if Henderson is to achieve its potential as a metropolitan centre as identified in the Auckland Plan.
5. In 2010, a local property owner established the Henderson Central Retailers Business Association (HCRBA). Whilst there has been consistent effort to build member support and development relationships with local property owners, this approach has not made as much progress as desired.
6. In response to a business survey undertaken in 2013, HMLB provided funding from their 2014/2015 discretionary funds for resources to communicate with, and encourage the business community around Henderson central and Lincoln Road areas to work collaboratively. Attachment One, details the original scope of work to be achieved between July and December 2014.
7. This scope of work identified a range of approaches to develop interest from the relevant business communities, the development of a business database, a business communications tool and business events.
8. Since commencement of the programme, the contractor has compiled a database with 426 businesses contact details, met with 150 potential businesses and developed a Business Leaders Committee made up of influential business stakeholders who may encourage other businesses to ‘get involved’. All up, over 1000 businesses have either received emails, flyers or had face to face meetings regarding the development of the business association.
9. As a consequence of the enthusiasm demonstrated by the local business community, the Henderson Lincoln Metro Business Association (HLMBA) was formed in October 2014. This has now formed as an incorporated society under the Societies Act.
10. The development of a business association for the area was not a certainty when the scoping document was developed and it is pleasing that it has a) occurred and b) happened earlier rather than later. Feedback received is that the commercial businesses have been more interested in the development of the business association than retail businesses.
11. Progress to date means the original scope can now achieve more than anticipated. The resources will now be focused on increasing the number of financial members of the fledging business association (currently standing at 21 members, with a membership fee of $200 pa), assisting with the development of a business plan for HLMBA out to June 2015, further utilising social media tools and advocating on two issues identified by the business community as important:
· Understanding if more public transport services can be provided to the Central Park area
· Exploring if CCTV cameras are operating in the area and what they are focused on
12. This initial work had a budget of $25,000 (inclusive of GST) provided by the local board. As at the end of October 2014, there is a balance of $7,921 outstanding which will be used over November and December.
13. Additional funding of $15,000 is sought from the local board to cover the period from January to May 2015. This funding would maintain momentum with the development of HLMBA. Attachment Two identifies what actions could be taken during this period to maintain the momentum to develop a sustainable business association.
14. The additional funding is sought as the ongoing evolution of the fledgling business association is not assured merely by the work undertaken to date. Whilst now established as a legal entity with the Incorporated Societies Office and with 21 paying members to date, it is not yet able to stand alone without financial support. It will continue to need both advice and practical support as it grows to become more representative of the metropolitan business area which it covers.
15. Consequently, the actions to be undertaken between January and May 2015 focus on developing both corporate sponsorship and support plus focus on growing membership numbers.
16. Actions identified in Attachment Two to be undertaken with additional funding include:
· Continuing to speak business to business to attract fee paying members
· Continue to communicate via monthly newsletter with the database
· Continue to support the monthly meetings of the HLMBA
· To develop an annual event calendar for the business community
· Continue to speak to possible corporate sponsors
· Continuing to develop the membership database
· Continuing to maintain social media resources
· Establishment of processes and procedures for the business association
17. Council officers believe that by the end of the May 2015 HLMBA could have enough members to be representative of their business community. Finances should have begun to develop to a stage where they are increasingly financially sustainable as an independent organisation and the Executive Committee have a clear picture of actions they should be involved in.
18. After May 2015, HLMBA will be responsible for maintaining their ongoing development and financial future. It is possible they may develop into a Business Improvement District (BID) over the next 18 months to 2 years.
Local board views and implications
19. There has been regular reporting on this programme of work to the Chair of the Local Board and council officers.
Māori impact statement
20. This programme of work captures both Maori and non-Maori businesses within the area of benefit.
21. The continuing implementation of this work will remain the responsibility of the Economic Development Unit until the end of the initial funding period (December 2014). This arrangement will continue if additional funding is approved until May 2015.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment One - Scope of Work July to December 2014 |
13 |
bView |
Attachment Two - Scope of Work January to May 2015 |
15 |
Authors |
Gillian Plume - Team Leader - BID Partnership Programme |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
20 November 2014 |
Local & Sports Parks West 2014/2015 Capex Programme
File No.: CP2014/24552
1. To seek approval from the Henderson-Massey Local Board for the capex programme proposed by Local & Sports Park West (LSPW) for the 2014/2015 financial year.
Executive summary
2. The Local Boards LSPW capex budget for 2014/2015 is $3,944,596. The programme has been developed from information received through asset condition auditing, requests from the Local Board and from residents through the Councils service request system.
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Local & Sports Parks West 2014/2015 Capex Programme report. b) Approves the Local & Sports Parks West 2014/2015 Capex Programme. c) Delegates the authority to the Parks Portfolio Holder and the Board Chair to make changes to the programme to the value of $50,000.
3. LSPW manages a range of assets on local parks and sports parks. The programme includes the renewal of existing assets and the development of new assets. These include sport fields, car parks, playgrounds, amenity and sport field lighting, seats, bins and signage, toilet and changing room facilities, walkways, footpaths and footbridges, storm water and drainage requirements. Provision is made for the programme in the Long Term Plan.
Programme Process
4. The renewal programme is compiled using information gathered during condition auditing undertaken during 2011 and 2014, requests received from the Henderson-Massey Local Board and from residents.
5. A draft programme was approved by the Board during March 2014. Following this period the governing body sought budget savings for the 2014/2015 financial year and confirmation of final budgets were received by LSPW during October 2014. LSPW has continued with the project process for the majority of the priority projects to ensure these projects would be completed this financial year.
6. LSPW is seeking Local Board approval of the Parks development and renewal programme for the 2014/2015 financial year. The following are the key proposed projects:
· Te Rangi Hiroa Reserve development;
· Te Pai Park toilet block upgrade;
· Royal Reserve renewal of no 1 sports field
· Te Pai Park Playground upgrade;
· Fred Taylor Park sports field renewal;
· Ranui Domain construction of a perimeter footpath; and
Fred Taylor Park installation of sports field floodlights.
7. All proposed activities are funded from approved budgets within the 2014/2015 Local Board Annual Plan.
8. The Henderson-Massey Local Board 2014/2015 Parks development and renewals budget is $3,944,596.
9. The costs shown on the attached programme are estimates only and the actual cost will not be known until the project work is taken through the procurement process. Adjustments to the programme may be required when the actual costs are identified. Changes of under $50,000 will be reported back to the Parks Portfolio Holder and Board Chair for approval. Changes of over $50,000 and any savings will be reported to the Local Board for their approval or reallocation.
Sport Field Capacity Development Programme
10. The Sport Field Capacity Development Programme is a regional programme aimed at reducing down time on the Cities sport fields. $537,075 is available from a regional fund during the 2014/2015 financial.
Local board views and implications
11. The Henderson-Massey Local Board approved a draft Local & Sports Parks West 2014/2015 Capex Programme during March 2014. A workshop was held on 14 October 2014 with the Board to determine the final programme.
Māori impact statement
12. The programme will ensure that facilities continue to be well maintained for everyone to use and enjoy, including Maori.
13. Weather conditions and budget restraints may have an impact on Councils ability to deliver this programme of work within the time restraints.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Local & Sports Parks 2014/2015 Capex Programme |
19 |
Authors |
Helen Biffin - Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development |
Authorisers |
Ian Maxwell - Manager Parks, Sports & Recreation Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 20 November 2014 |
Project Title |
Park Name |
Local Board |
Suburb |
Project Description |
Funding Option |
Current Status |
FY15 |
FY16 |
Armada Reserve Bike Track |
Armada Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
New Dev - bike pump track |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 20,000 |
$ - |
Corban Reserve Carpark upgrade |
Corban Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Improve entrance to park off Hsn Valley Road and Corban Ave |
Development & renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 50,000 |
$ - |
Flanshaw Esp & Epping Esp Pontoon investigation |
Flanshaw Esp & Epping Esp |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Investigate feasibility of constructing pontoons near end of Flanshaw Road and at Epping Esp |
Development |
Not yet started |
$ 15,000 |
$ - |
Fred Taylor Park Park refurbishment |
Fred Taylor Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Whenuapai |
Refurbishment fencing bollards bins and seating |
Development & renewal |
Completed |
$ 42,000 |
$ - |
Fred Taylor Park sports field floodlighting |
Fred Taylor Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Whenuapai |
Replacement of previous club owned lights |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 191,963 |
$ - |
Frisbee Golf Course |
Henderson Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Installation of 18-hole Frisbee golf course at Henderson Park |
Development |
Detailed design phase |
$ 22,000 |
$ - |
Henderson Park removal of sports field floodlighting |
Henderson Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Urgent removal of floodlights on Henderson Park following condition audit (previously allocated to Starling Park footpath) |
Renewal |
Underway |
$ 5,000 |
$ - |
Huruhuru Walkway Provision of Lighting for walkway |
Huruhuru Walkway |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
New lighting footpath from Woodside Rd to Sunline Ave |
Development |
Completed |
$ 5,575 |
$ - |
Huruhuru Walkway Shared path investigation |
Huruhuru Walkway |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Investigate feasibility of a shared path from Don Buck Cnr to Triangle Rd via Sunline Esp, Sunline Park & Chorley Res |
Development |
Underway |
$ 15,000 |
$ - |
Kingdale Reserve Lighting of Walkway |
Kingdale Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Kingdale Reserve Lighting of Walkway |
Development |
Detailed design phase |
$ 71,680 |
$ - |
Massey Leisure Centre half pipe |
Massey Leisure Centre |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Install a half pipe |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 73,675 |
$ 80,000 |
McLeod Park Sports field upgrade |
McLeod Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
Construction of baseball diamond and backstop |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 80,000 |
$ - |
Paremuka Lakeside Dog Exercise Area |
Paremuka Lakeside |
Henderson-Massey |
Western Heights |
Install a fenced dog exercising area |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 9,276 |
$ - |
Pioneer Park Walkway/track Upgrade |
Pioneer Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Upgrade of stairs and track off Alderman Drive |
Development |
Tendered |
$ 9,000 |
$ - |
Ranui Domain Perimeter footpath |
Ranui Domain |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Install new footpath around the perimeter of the park |
Development |
Detailed design phase |
$ 200,000 |
$ - |
Renata - Tawa Esp Walkway/track Upgrade |
Renata - Tawa Esp |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Walkway extension - planning & consultation 13/14 |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 30,000 |
$ 120,000 |
Royal Reserve Upgrade of park with playground and additional parking |
Royal Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Upgrade of park with playground and additional parking |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 51,943 |
$ 1,152,879 |
Project Title |
Park Name |
Local Board |
Suburb |
Project Description |
Funding Option |
Current Status |
FY 15 Includes deferral |
FY16 |
Sherwood Park exercise equipment |
Sherwood Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
Install exercise equipment along the cycleway |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 50,000 |
$ - |
Starling Park Murals |
Starling Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Design and paint of murals of the two dugouts at Starling Park (previously allocated to Starling Park footpath) |
Development |
Tendered |
$ 25,000 |
$ - |
Starling Park Refurbishment Project |
Starling Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
New Dev - park layout plan of softball |
Development |
Detailed design phase |
$ 16,958 |
$ - |
Starling Park softball facilities upgrade |
Starling Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Re-erection of old no1 backstop to new location, construct dugouts for no 2 diamond, planting of new swale |
Development |
Detailed design phase |
$ 55,657 |
$ - |
Sunhill Scenic Reserve Walkway/track Upgrade |
Sunhill Scenic Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Sunnyvale |
Walkway/track upgrade |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 66,495 |
$ - |
Te Pai Park Install public court signage |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Install signage advising of public courts |
Development |
Not yet started |
$ 1,000 |
$ - |
Te Rangi Hiroa Reserve Development |
Te Rangi Hiroa/Birdwood Winery |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Development of old wood yard site with youth facility |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 664,822 |
$ 55,000 |
Various Sites Renewal of Sports Field Assets |
Various Sites |
Henderson-Massey |
Various |
Renewal of goal posts, art turf wickets etc. |
Renewal |
Unallocated |
$ 36,690 |
$ - |
Coletta Esplanade Footbridge Upgrade |
Coletta Esplanade |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Requires the handrails to be lengthened and wires replaced with steel balustrade panels. |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 44,365 |
$ - |
Coletta Esplanade Retaining Wall Renewal |
Coletta Esplanade |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of 75m of retaining and cycleway opposite 55 Central Park Drive |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 30,000 |
$ 80,000 |
Covil Park Car park Renewal |
Covil Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
Renewal of car park surfaces |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 5,000 |
$ - |
Cranwell Park Walkway/track Upgrade |
Cranwell Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Surface restructure of path adjacent to cycleway boardwalk |
Development & renewal |
Tendered |
$ 10,000 |
$ - |
Emerald Valley Park Playground upgrade |
Emerald Valley Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Renewal of existing playground - Design and Build |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 100,000 |
$ - |
Fred Taylor Park Sports field renewal |
Fred Taylor Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Whenuapai |
Renewal of no 5 sand field |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 200,008 |
$ - |
Glendene Reserve Footpath renewal |
Glendene Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Glendene |
Renew and realign footpath from Glendene Rd to playground. Also renew bollards. |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 35,000 |
$ - |
Harbourview - Orangihina Park refurbishment |
Harbourview - Orangihina |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Upgrade footpaths and park furniture in park at Harbour View Rd end |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 50,000 |
$ - |
Henderson Park Car park renewal |
Henderson Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of car park surface |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 5,000 |
$ 40,000 |
Henderson Park Lighting of Walkway |
Henderson Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Install walkway lighting across pedestrian bridges |
Development |
Concept design phase |
$ 78,348 |
$ - |
Project Title |
Park Name |
Local Board |
Suburb |
Project Description |
Funding Option |
Current Status |
FY15 Includes deferrals |
FY16 |
Henderson Park Structure upgrade |
Henderson Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of footbridge components - on cycleway between Henderson Park And Vintage Reserve To Khaleel Place. Design/consents FY15 build FY16. |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 14,783 |
$ 80,000 |
Jack Pringle Sports Park Car park lighting upgrade |
Jack Pringle Sports Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Upgrade car park lighting |
Development & renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 25,000 |
$ - |
Jack Pringle Village Green Renewal of existing toilet - installation of a double plan facility |
Jack Pringle Village Green |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Toilet - Adjacent To Te Atatu Rd. |
Renewal |
Completed |
$ 69,436 |
$ - |
Kemp Park Playground Renewal |
Kemp Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
New Seats |
Renewal |
Near completion |
$ 40,004 |
$ - |
Kemp Park Playground Renewal |
Kemp Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
New Dev - Upgrade of existing playground |
Renewal |
Near completion |
$ 20,000 |
$ - |
Kensington Gardens Park refurbishment |
Kensington Gardens |
Henderson-Massey |
Western Heights |
Renew park furniture including signage |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 8,000 |
$ - |
Moire Park Goal Post Renewal |
Moire Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Install rugby goal posts |
Renewal |
Completed |
$ 2,680 |
$ - |
Moire Park Walkway/track Upgrade |
Moire Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Walkway and walkway structure upgrades |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 60,000 |
$ 250,000 |
Opanuku Reserve Renewal of area and removal of road frontage car park |
Opanuku Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Remove car park on roadside of kindy. Increase size of car park adjacent to kindy. |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 60,000 |
$ - |
Paremuka Lakeside Park refurbishment |
Paremuka Lakeside |
Henderson-Massey |
Western Heights |
Renew park furniture including interpretive signage as required |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 19,000 |
$ - |
Raelene Reserve Park refurbishment |
Raelene Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Install bollards along road frontage and renew park id sign |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 10,000 |
$ - |
Ranui Domain Park refurbishment |
Ranui Domain |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Installation of park furniture, footpaths, swales |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 25,000 |
$ - |
Various Sites Upgrade of sports field lighting |
Ranui Domain, Te Atatu Pen Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Various |
Renewal of electrical components for sports field lights at Jack Colvin Park, Ranui Domain & Te Atatu Peninsula Park |
Renewal |
Underway |
$ 37,800 |
$ - |
Renata Esplanade Walkway/track Upgrade |
Renata Esplanade |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Renewal of Walkway/track |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 8,000 |
$ - |
Reynella Reserve Park refurbishment |
Reynella Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Upgrade of fixtures and furniture including signage |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 3,000 |
$ - |
Rotary Park refurbishment |
Rotary Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renew parks ID sign |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 5,000 |
$ - |
Royal Reserve Renewal no 1 sport field |
Royal Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Renewal of no 1 sand field |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 230,368 |
$ - |
Project Title |
Park Name |
Local Board |
Suburb |
Project Description |
Funding Option |
Current Status |
FY15 Includes deferral |
FY16 |
Shona Esp Res - footbridge renewal |
Shona Esplanade Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal footbridge SAP ID: 22499-L003-L01-R06 |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 30,000 |
$ - |
Shona Esplanade Reserve Walkway/track Upgrade |
Shona Esplanade Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Construct a boardwalk over kauri roots |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 15,000 |
$ - |
Spinnaker Strand rock armouring and boardwalk |
Spinnaker Strand |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Construct rock armour walls and reconstruct the boardwalk |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 20,460 |
$ 70,000 |
Spinnaker Strand rock armouring and boardwalk |
Spinnaker Strand |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Construct rock armour walls and reconstruct the boardwalk |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 20,000 |
$ 50,000 |
Sunhill Scenic Reserve Park refurbishment |
Sunhill Scenic Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Glendene |
Renew signage and park furniture as required |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 6,000 |
$ - |
Tabitha Crescent Park refurbishment |
Tabitha Crescent |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renew signage and park furniture as required |
Renewal |
$0 |
$ 2,000 |
$ - |
Te Atatu Peninsula Park Car park upgrade |
Te Atatu Peninsula Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu Peninsula |
Provide footpath from park to Matipo Road |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 50,000 |
$ - |
Te Atatu South Park Conversion of sport fields to sand fields |
Te Atatu South Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
New Dev Convert No 1 and 2 fields into sand fields with drainage, irrigation and sand carpet |
Renewal |
Tendered |
$ 173,910 |
$ - |
Te Pai Park Car park renewal |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Kerb and infill garden tips as per plan |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 21,000 |
$ - |
Te Pai Park Court surface upgrade |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of netball court surfacing (14/15 concept plan only) |
Renewal |
Underway |
$ 36,220 |
$ 150,000 |
Te Pai Park Playground upgrade |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of existing playground - Design and Build |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 249,510 |
$ - |
Te Pai Park refurbishment |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renew park furniture as required |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 8,000 |
$ - |
Te Pai Park Toilet block upgrade |
Te Pai Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Upgrade of existing toilet - installation of double pan facility |
Renewal |
Detailed design phase |
$ 231,412 |
$ - |
The Concourse Strand Car park upgrade |
The Concourse Strand |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson |
Renewal of cantilevered car park |
Renewal |
Tendered |
$ 7,325 |
$ - |
Triangle Park Flying Fox |
Triangle Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Renew of existing flying fox stopping mechanism and/or investigations into relocation |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 31,427 |
$ - |
Triangle Park Toilet Block Door Renewal |
Triangle Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Door renewal on toilet |
Renewal |
Completed |
$ 7,805 |
$ - |
Triangle Park Toilet block renewal |
Triangle Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Renewal of existing toilet - installation of a single pan facility |
Renewal |
Not yet started |
$ 20,000 |
$ 160,000 |
Urlich Esplanade Reserve Signage Renewal |
Urlich Esplanade Reserve |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Renewal of all park id signage to AC standard |
Renewal |
Concept design phase |
$ 10,000 |
$ - |
Total |
$ 3,944,595 |
SFCD Project Title |
Park Name |
Local Board |
Suburb |
Project Description |
Funding Option |
Current Status |
FY15 Includes deferral |
FY16 |
Ranui Domain no 2 and training area lights |
Ranui Domain |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
New lights on the no 2 field and training area |
Detailed design phase |
$ 200,000 |
$ - |
Massey Domain Sports field upgrade |
Massey Domain |
Henderson-Massey |
Massey |
Development of no 1 field to artificial turf |
On hold |
$ 140,000 |
$ 1,900,000 |
Te Atatu South Park Lighting and Sand field |
Te Atatu South Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
New Dev - Installation of Lighting on fields 1 and 2 and sand field on No 3 |
Detailed design phase |
$ 120,000 |
$ - |
McLeod Park No.3 No 4 and Diamond Field Sand Development Design |
McLeod Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
No 3 sand lights No 4 sand slits plus diamond Design only |
Detailed design phase |
$ 27,075 |
$ - |
Ranui Domain Sports field upgrade |
Ranui Domain |
Henderson-Massey |
Ranui |
Development of No 2 field with sand carpet |
Detailed design phase |
$ 25,000 |
$ 200,000 |
McLeod Park No.1 and 2 Field Lighting |
McLeod Park |
Henderson-Massey |
Te Atatu South |
No 1 and No 2 Lights |
Detailed design phase |
$ 25,000 |
$ 30,000 |
Total |
$ 537,075 |
20 November 2014 |
Henderson-Massey Local Event Fund Allocation 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/24657
1. To approve the events programme allocation funding through the discretionary local event fund for 2014/2015 for the Henderson-Massey Local Board.
Executive summary
2. The Henderson-Massey Local Board allocated $164,010 to their discretionary local event fund. (HM/2014/138)
3. Discussion with the Henderson-Massey Local Board event portfolio holder and workshops with the local board have guided the event programme to reflect a range of activities across the Henderson-Massey Local Board area.
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Notes that the board had initially allocated $164,010 budget to establish a discretionary local event fund. (HM/2014/138) b) Notes that to date $13,000 of the local event fund has been allocated to multi-year funded events as follows: Westgate Christmas Parade (HM/2013/214-d) $5,000 Elvis in the Park (HM/2013/184-b) $3,000 Te Atatu Christmas Parade (HM/2013/184-b) $5,000 c) Agree to the following specific allocations from the discretionary local event fund:
d) Reallocates the remaining $45,510 from the event support fund to the Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Fund.
4. The Henderson-Massey Local Board transferred $164,010 from their local event support fund (contestable) to their local event fund. (HM/2014/138)
5. Following guidance from the local board event portfolio holder and local board workshops this report contains the event programme for the local event fund including budget allocation.
6. As previously agreed $13,000 of the balance remaining in the local event fund has been allocated to multi-year funded events as follows:
Westgate Christmas Parade (HM/2013/214-d) $5,000
Elvis in the Park (HM/2013/184-b) $3,000
Te Atatu Christmas Parade (HM/2013/184-b) $5,000
7. The remaining $45,010 from the event support fund will be reallocated to the Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Fund.
As a condition of receiving this funding, events funded by the local board are required to commit to a zero waste programme and promote themselves as a smokefree event. Consideration
Local board views and implications
9. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board event funding. The Henderson-Massey Local Board has identified key priorities for the local area within its local board plan, some of which could be achieved through events.
10. The Henderson-Massey Local Board seeks to engage with their diverse communities and provide for their social and cultural needs.
11. The Henderson-Massey Local Board allocated $164,010 to the local event fund. The allocation of this fund was discussed at workshops on July 8, 2014. The CDAC work programme adopted on June 14, 2014 included high level budget allocation for events but did not refer to specific events. (HM/2014/138)
12. The decisions sought within this report fall within the local board delegations.
13. The decisions sought do not invoke the Auckland Council Significance Policy.
Māori impact statement
14. These funds do not specifically target Maori groups; however Maori communities are likely to benefit from the events supported by the local board, alongside other groups in the community.
15. Once the Henderson-Massey Local Board has resolved the funding allocations, staff will contact external event deliverers to notify them of the outcome, and commence contracting and payment.
16. Content for events delivered by the Auckland Council Event Delivery team will be discussed and confirmed at a monthly portfolio catch up.
17. Following the individual events supported by the local event fund the event organisers are required to submit an accountability report to the CDAC events funding team. This information will be supplied and discussed within the event portfolio catch up.
18. Waste Management contractors will be requested to run an independent assessment of each event on the success of the implementation of the zero waste to landfill. This information will be supplied to the event portfolio holders as it becomes available.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Barbara Cade - Team Leader Events North/West |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 20 November 2014 |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Community Funding - Round One 2014/2015
File No.: CP2014/25002
1. To present applications received for round one of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Funding Programme 2014/2015. The Henderson-Massey Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.
Executive summary
2. For the 2014/2015 financial year, the Henderson-Massey Local Board set a total community funding budget of $50,627. This is the first round for the financial year.
3. Twenty-one applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $208,149.
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Considers the applications listed in Table One and agrees to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round. Table One: Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Funding Applications
4. In March 2013, the Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) resolved to continue the interim community funding approach for the 2013/2014 financial year (RDO/2013/32). The interim community funding approach remains in place until the adoption and implementation of the new Community Grants Policy.
5. Two community funding rounds are scheduled for this financial year. This first round closed on 15 July 2014.
6. Through community grants, the local board recognises the vital role that community groups and organisations play in developing strong, sustainable communities. The Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Discretionary Fund aims to assist groups to provide activities, projects, programmes, initiatives and events that make a positive contribution within the local board area.
7. When reviewing applications, the local board should be guided by the following aim of the fund (these are not eligibility criteria; rather they are guidelines to help the local board when considering the merits of each proposal):
· the benefit of the proposal to the local area
· the group’s role in the local area
· the alignment of the proposal with the priorities of the Board, such as:
o young people
o Maori
o the environment
o culture and arts
o social cohesion
o recreation and sport
o heritage
8. This fund is allocated at the local board’s discretion. In accordance with its fiduciary duties, the local board is to act honestly, avoid conflicts of interest and act in what the local board believes to be the best interests of the community.
9. Round one of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Funding closed on 15 July 2014. The fund was advertised through local community networks, local publications and on the Auckland Council website.
10. For the 2014/2015 financial year the Henderson-Massey Local Board set a total community funding budget of $50,627. None of this budget has been allocated to date. If the budget is split across the two rounds for the year, the budget for this round is $25,313.
11. Twenty-one applications were received in this round, with a total requested of $208,149.
Local board views and implications
12. Local board feedback on the community funding applications was sought at a workshop with the Henderson-Massey Local Board.
Māori impact statement
13. Community funding is a general programme of interest and accessible to a wide range of groups, including Maori. Maori are therefore likely to benefit alongside other groups in the community.
14. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted annual plan.
15. Following the Henderson-Massey Local Board allocating funding for round one, Community Development, Arts and Culture will notify the applicants of the local board decision.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment A: Henderson-Massey Local Board Discretionary Community Funding Application Summaries |
31 |
Authors |
Kim Hammond - Community Grants and Support Officer West |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture |
20 November 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/23583
1. To provide an opportunity to the Chairperson of Henderson-Massey Local Board to update the board on her activities, projects and issues since Monday, 25th September 2014.
Monday |
Westgate Road Naming discussion and site visit with NZRPG |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Wednesday |
Henderson Lincoln Metro Business Assn Catch Up |
Community Development (including youth) programme portfolio meeting |
Thursday |
Local Board Member Briefing on Spatial Priorities and the draft Infrastructure Strategy |
Westgate Road Naming workshop |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Friday |
Dawn Blessing - Ranui Library |
Discussion about homeless breakfasts |
Open Space provision in Don Buck Road |
Saturday |
Official Opening- Rānui Pātaka Kōrero- Rānui Library |
Monday |
Communications catch-up |
Regional Film Fees discussion for Local Board
Economic Development |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Tuesday |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
Wednesday |
Local Board Chairs discussion |
CCO review - Governing Body / Local Board discussion |
Thursday |
Parks deferrals discussion |
Catch-up with West Relationship Manager |
Fortnightly Safety meeting |
Ranui "Youth Park" |
Friday |
Meeting with Area Commander Scott Webb |
Catch-up with Penny Hulse |
Meeting with Kay McIntyre |
Monday |
Local Board Chairs Discussions |
Meeting with Supt Bill Searle and Cr Wood |
Waitemata Football Club |
Tuesday |
Weekly catch-up (Agenda run thru) |
Catch-up with John Cranefield (Parks) |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
Wednesday |
Te Atatu Community Network Meeting |
Walkthrough #1 - Henderson Safer Town Centre Plan |
Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence SAP – Local Board Engagement |
Thursday |
Quarterly meeting with CAB |
Henderson-Massey LB Community Facilities-Community Development Portfolio Catch up |
Site visit to Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre |
Henderson-Massey Local Board (2nd) Business Meeting |
Friday |
Parks Portfolio meeting |
Saturday |
Flanshaw Road School's unveiling of Pou |
BIZ Kids Presentation Day |
Monday |
Jim Diers Breakfast Conversation |
"Making Central Henderson a better place" - facilitated by Jim Diers |
LTP Financial Policy Discussion |
Tuesday |
Communications catch-up |
Local Board Weekly Update |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme Invitation |
Wednesday |
Ranui SST Contracting Catch Up |
Budget Committee discussions with Henderson-Massey Local Board (LTP) |
Community Development (incl youth) programme portfolio meeting |
Meet with Larry McCullough at Triangle Rd |
Thursday |
Safety catch-up in Henderson |
Mitre 10 MEGA - Westgate |
Friday |
Local Board Chairs Discussions |
Budget Committee workshop - |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Community Development (incl youth) programme portfolio meeting |
Thursday |
Discussion re UNITEC street art project |
Ranui SST Advisory Group Meeting |
Meeting with Michael Moka |
Citizenship Ceremony |
Westpac Business Awards |
Friday |
Western Joint Funding Committee - Workshop |
Saturday |
McLeod Park, Baseball Diamond Opening |
Monday |
Communications catch-up |
Encroachment - Fred Taylor Park |
Chairs discussion prior to Local Board & Budget Committee workshop |
Budget Committee and Local Board chairs workshop re key LTP issues |
Overview of the new LTP consultation
documentation and proposed |
Tuesday |
Henderson-Massey Catch-up |
Consultation on AT bus route changes |
Parks, Recreation and Sport Cttee & Local Board chairs Workshop re: Proposal for Heritage status |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
Community Liaison Group Meeting - NZ Transport Agency's Te Atatu Interchange and Causeway Upgrade projects |
Wednesday |
Budget Committee |
Thursday |
Budget Committee |
Fortnightly safety catch-up with the Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
Henderson Lincoln Metro Business Association |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Business Meeting |
Friday 7 November |
LTP Local Board Cluster Workshop - West |
Divestment process for Council owned properties |
Monday |
Monthly Arts Portfolio meeting |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
Local Board Plan (first proof) |
Tuesday |
Encroachment - Fred Taylor Park |
Invitation-Pacifica Living Arts Festival 2014 |
Discussion re: Memorial for |
Henderson-Massey Local Board Workshop |
Wednesday |
H-M Local Board Plan Design Mock-up |
Community Facilities-Community Development Portfolio Catch up |
Feasibility Study for Massey Pony Club |
Te Atatu BID Association |
Western Ring Route Working Liaison Group |
Community Liaison Group Meeting |
Thursday |
Massey Matters Fund Allocation |
Meeting with Anne Adams |
Hobsonville Point Secondary School |
Friday |
Dawn Blessing - Te Atatū Peninsula Whare Hiranga Hapori Pātaka Kōreo - Te Atatū Peninsula Community Centre and Library |
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Symposium |
Saturday |
Civic Opening - Te Atatū Peninsula Whare Hiranga Hapori Pātaka Kōreo – Te Atatū Peninsula Community Centre and Library |
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Chairperson’s report. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 20 November 2014 |
Confirmation of Workshop Records
File No.: CP2014/25377
1. This report presents records of workshops held by the Henderson-Massey Local Board from 1 July 2014 to 11 November 2014 as shown in the attachment to this report.
That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Confirms that the records of the workshops held on the following dates are true and correct: - 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July 2014 - 7th, 12th, 19th and 26th August 2014 - 2nd , 4th, 16th, 18th and 23rd September 2014 - 2nd, 7th, 14th and 21st October 2014 - 4th and 11th November 2014. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
1 July 2014 to 11 November 2014 Workshop records |
105 |
Authors |
Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |