I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waiheke Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 13 November 2014 4.15pm Oneroa
Bowling Club |
Waiheke Local Board
Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shirin Brown |
Members |
Becs Ballard |
John Meeuwsen |
Beatle Treadwell |
(Quorum 3 members)
Carmen Fernandes Democracy Advisor
6 November 2014
Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6210 Email: Carmen.Fernandes@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waiheke Local Board 13 November 2014 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
9.1 Jason Meadows - Stormwater 5
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Councillor's Update 7
13 Waiheke Community Art Gallery Annual Report and Funding Agreement 9
14 Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund Allocation 2014/2015 Funding Round 1 63
15 Request for feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy 73
16 Waiheke Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2014/2015 ~ November 2014 update 91
17 Change of time of Waiheke Local Board business meetings 103
18 Chairperson's Report 105
19 Board Members' Reports 107
20 List of resource consents 111
21 Restatement of Report in open agenda - Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards 117
22 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
Kua uru mai a hau kaha, a hau maia, a hau ora, a hau nui,
Ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho
Rire, rire hau…pai marire
Translation (non-literal) - Rama Ormsby
Let the winds bring us inspiration from beyond,
Invigorate us with determination and courage to achieve our aspirations for abundance and sustainability
Bring the calm, bring all things good, bring peace….good peace.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 23 October 2014, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days’ notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests to speak had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
Jason Meadows wants to make an appeal to the Board to address the issue of storm water runoff on to his property at Sea View Road, Onetangi from the road corridor. |
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Waiheke Local Board 13 November 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/25459
1. Providing Councillor Mike Lee with an opportunity to update the Waiheke Local Board on Governing Body issues.
a) That the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee, be received.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 13 November 2014 |
Waiheke Community Art Gallery Annual Report and Funding Agreement
File No.: CP2014/25069
1. To present the Waiheke Community Art Gallery annual report for 2013/2014 and to seek approval from the Waiheke Local Board for the funding agreement for the 2014/2015 financial year between Auckland Council and Waiheke Community Art Gallery.
Executive summary
2. The Waiheke Community Art Gallery is a community arts and culture organisation located on Waiheke Island.
3. On 10 July 2014 the Waiheke Local Board confirmed the gallery’s 2014/2015 funding agreement to the value of $10,353 (CPI adjusted figure) subject to the 2013/2014 Annual Report being received and the 2014/2015 funding agreement, including key performance indicators, being approved by the Waiheke Local Board chair and arts portfolio holders.
4. The 2013/14 Annual Report has been received. Reporting against the objectives specified in the 2013/2014 Waiheke Community Art Gallery funding agreement shows that key performance indicators have been satisfactorily met. The 2014/15 funding agreement is attached.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive the Waiheke Community Art Gallery annual report for 2013/2014 b) approve the 2014/2015 operational funding agreement of $10,353 for Waiheke Community Art Gallery to assist the gallery to achieve its objectives of providing arts and cultural programmes and opportunities that inform and reflect the cultural diversity of the local Waiheke community. |
5. The Waiheke Community Art Gallery is a community arts and culture organisation located on Waiheke.
6. On 10 July 2014 the Waiheke Local Board confirmed the 2014/2015 funding to the value of $10,353 (CPI adjusted figure) for the Waiheke Community Art Gallery subject to the 2013/2014 Annual Report plan being received and the 2014/2015 funding agreement, including key performance indicators, being approved by the Waiheke Local Board chair and arts portfolio holders.
7. The operational funding from the Waiheke Local Board provides cornerstone support to the Waiheke Community Art Gallery. The organisation leverages this funding to secure additional external funding from charitable and corporate funders and from other revenue sources.
8. The Waiheke Community Art Gallery received a $10,000 grant from the Waiheke Local Board in 2013/2014. Reporting against the objectives specified in the funding agreement show that key performance indicators have been satisfactorily met.
9. In 2013/2014 The Waiheke Community Gallery operational delivery included; 42 exhibitions, with 25 programmes including local artists, including “Totally Local”, an exhibition to accompany the publication of the Waiheke Art Map and the Te Hurihi School Exhibition. The Gallery partnered with community groups such to deliver programmes including; the Waiheke Book Festival Event and the Waiheke Winter Arts Festival.
10. As requested at the July 10 local board business meeting the Waiheke Community Gallery 2013/2014 Annual Report is presented with this report (see Attachment A: Waiheke Community Art Gallery Annual Report for 2013/2014 and Attachment B: Waiheke Community Art Gallery Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2014). The Annual Report represents the successful operation and delivery of exhibitions, events and programmes for the community and visitors. The Gallery has operated within a challenging environment during the new library build. The Strategic Plan for 2014 sets goals which will see the Gallery develop their community engagement initiatives, financial sustainability and profile as a key destination on Waiheke Island.
11. Strategic goals for the Waiheke Community Gallery in 2014 include; maintain a diverse and high quality exhibition programme, increase community engagement and interaction with the Waiheke Library, maintain the profile and success of Headland Sculpture on the Gulf, provide exhibitions for Waiheke artists, provide educational support programmes and increased engagement with visitors.
12. The proposed 2014/2015 funding agreement between Auckland Council and Waiheke Community Art Gallery was requested at the 10 July local board business meeting (see Attachment C: Waiheke Community Art Gallery Funding Agreement 2014-2015). This agreement proposes a payment of $10,353 (CPI adjusted) to be paid in one lump sum to contribute to operational management of the Gallery.
13. It is recommended the funding agreement of $10,353 for the 2014/2015 period be approved. Reporting to staff against the objectives specified in the funding agreement show that key performance indicators have been satisfactorily met.
Local board views and implications
14. As requested at the July 10 local board business meeting the Waiheke Community Art Gallery 2013/2014 Annual Report and 2014/2015 funding agreement have been received by the arts portfolio holders and chair.
15. The 2014/2015 operational funding agreement responds to the priorities in the Waiheke Local Board Plan, and aligns with the local board’s operational budget for the Waiheke Community Art Gallery.
Māori impact statement
16. Arts and culture funding agreements are not specifically linked to council’s strategic priorities for Maori. However, in accordance with its funding agreement the Gallery will report on their provision of programmes that meet Maori outcomes.
17. Once the funding agreement is confirmed, the Waiheke Community Art Gallery will be required to report monthly to council staff. The local board will receive regular updates based on these monthly reports and formal reporting quarterly and annually.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Attachment A Waiheke Community Art Gallery Annual Report July 2013 - June 2014 |
13 |
bView |
Attachment B Waiheke Community Art Gallery Financials for year end 30 June 2014 |
35 |
cView |
Attachment C Waiheke Community Art Gallery Funding Agreement 2014-2015 |
49 |
Authors |
Renee Tanner, Arts and Culture Advisor |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - Manager - Community Development, Arts and Culture Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund Allocation 2014/2015 Funding Round 1
File No.: CP2014/25167
1. This report presents the Waiheke Local Board (the board) with an application assessment summary and funding recommendation for the eligible application received during the first round of the Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund (ACNHF) for the 2014/2015 financial year.
Executive summary
2. The Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund is one of the initiatives outlined in the former Auckland City Council’s Biodiversity Management Strategy (adopted in 2001). The Biodiversity Management Strategy aims to encourage and support private landowners to manage their land in a manner that protects and enhances native biodiversity.
3. This report presents information and a funding recommendation on the application to the Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund received from within the Waiheke Local Board area.
4. One application from the local board area was received during the first funding round. This application has been assessed against fund criteria and a funding recommendation is presented to the board for consideration.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Approves the allocation of $7,000 from Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund to Omiha Welfare and Recreation Society as a contribution towards bait stations and bait. |
5. The Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund (ACNHF) is a legacy Auckland City Council fund that provides funding for conservation projects on private land. To be eligible for funding projects must satisfy the following criteria:
a. Be on land under private ownership in the Hauraki Gulf islands – land that is under ownership of a public authority is not eligible;
b. Result in direct environmental gain;
c. Start after the applicant has received notification that the application has been approved. Funding is not retrospective.
6. Applications to ACNHF are assessed by Council subject matter experts against fund criteria stated in the ACNHF guidelines appended as Attachment A. These include:
Significance: The significance of the natural area with consideration given to factors including connectivity, biological gradients and importance of the areas as a species stronghold.
Biodiversity: Factors including rarity, presents of any threatened species, size shape and connectivity of the area, age of the vegetation present and quality of the area relative to natural condition.
Enduring environmental outcomes: The anticipated improvement in natural values including water quality and soil conservation of an area given the proposed management actions. Compliance with Good Practice: The extent to which the project reflects Auckland Council accepted best practice methods for the project tasks to be carried out.
Community Education & Partnership: The educational or scientific value of the site will be assessed, including visual amenity or physical public access.
Legal Protection: Formal protection including QEII covenants and covenants with the Department of Conservation or with the Auckland Council. Formal protection entered on the certificate of title for a property means that an area is more secure from future development.
7. This assessment forms the basis of funding recommendations presented to the board for their consideration.
8. The current interim approach to community funding endorsed by Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) in May 2011 allocated decision-making responsibility over the Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund to the Central Local Boards. In March 2014, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee endorsed the extension of the current approach to community funding for the 2014/2015 financial year.
9. In total $50,000 was available for allocation in the Annual Plan for the 2014/2015 financial year. The Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund is split between the Great Barrier Local Board (budget allocation $40,000) and the Waiheke Local Board (budget allocation $10,000).
10. ACNHF grant allocation recommendations will be presented to the Great Barrier and Waiheke Local Boards twice a year. The first funding round for the ACNHF opened for applications on 17 July 2014 and closed on 22 August 2014.
11. Table One. Summary of ACNHF application assessment periods.
Application cut-off date |
Funding decisions expected |
Funding meeting 1 |
Friday 22 August 2014 |
October- November 2014 |
Funding meeting 2 |
Friday 13 March 2015 |
May-June 2015 |
12. The availability of environmental funding and information on the 2014/2015 funding rounds has been promoted through the Auckland Council website, through Auckland Council publications, press advertisements in local print media, email notification to community stakeholders, and communication through the Environmental Service unit.
13. One application from within the board area was received during funding round one that closed on 22 August 2014.
14. An assessment of the eligible application has been completed by an Auckland Council Biosecurity Officer. Grant allocation recommendations are made in line with ACNHF assessment criteria and funding policy, and in accordance with the priorities identified when allocating additional budget to this fund. An application assessment summary for the application is attached to this report and the funding recommendation is presented for the board’s consideration.
15. In summary, the project will fill in a currently unbaited area between Whakanewha Regional Park, Onetangi Sports Ground and the Golf Club reserves. This project will support the installation of rat baiting stations and the maintenance and monitoring for these stations in 150 sections for 12 months.
16. Following the application assessment, it is recommended that the application is supported with a grant totalling $7,000.
17. Finance and resourcing requirements for the delivery of the ACNHF are within current heritage incentive budgets provided in the 2014/2015 annual plan.
18. Annually $10,000 is available through the ACNHF for allocation by the Waiheke Local Board. Current funding recommendations would allocate $7,000 to one application leaving $3,000 available for allocation in the second funding round.
Local board views and implications
19. This report seeks the view of affected local boards
Māori impact statement
20. The provision of community funding to support environmental initiatives provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes and activities that benefit Maori.
21. No legal and implementation issues have been identified. The fund will be allocated in accordance with the decision of the Waiheke Local Board.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Auckland City Natural Heritage Fund Guidelines |
67 |
bView |
ACNH applicant report |
71 |
Authors |
Fran Hayton - Environmental Funding Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Dragicevich - Manager Infrastructure and Environmental Services Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
Request for feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy
File No.: CP2014/25779
1. The purpose of the report is to seek local board feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy (LAPP).
Executive summary
2. On 9 October 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved the draft LAPP for public consultation (REG/2014/123). The LAPP sets rules regarding where retail outlets of psychoactive substances may operate. The Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 provides that a policy may regulate the location of retail outlets by reference to broad areas within a district, proximity to other premises selling approved products and/or distance from certain types of premises such as schools, places of worship and other community facilities.
3. Local boards are being asked to provide formal feedback on the draft LAPP by the end of December. There will be an opportunity for local boards to present their views to the hearings panel in February 2015.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Provides feedback on the draft Local Approved Product Policy in the attached report.
4. On 9 October 2014 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved a draft LAPP for public consultation (REG/2014/123).
5. The LAPP sets rules regarding where retail outlets of psychoactive substances may operate. The Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 provides that a policy may regulate the location of retail outlets by reference to broad areas within a district, proximity to other premises selling approved products and/or distance from certain types of premises such as schools, places of worship and other community facilities.
6. The draft LAPP will prevent licences being granted in areas of high deprivation, near high schools and near addiction and mental health treatment centres. It would also limit how close to an existing shop a new shop could open. The policy also has a separate set of rules for the city centre where licences won’t be granted in areas of high residential deprivation and new shops would have to be a certain distance from existing shops. This draft would reduce the availability of these substances in areas where their presence is likely to have the greatest potential for harm.
7. Public consultation on the draft LAPP will be conducted via a special consultative procedure. The consultation will begin on 28th October and run for four weeks. The consultation is being publicised via social media, Our Auckland, the peoples panel, various public events and advisory panel networks.
Local board views and implications
8. Local board views are being sought via this report. Local boards have previously provided feedback on possible options and on a proposed draft. Workshops on the proposed draft were held with a number of boards. 17 boards provided feedback on the specific options, three requested a complete ban. Great barrier declined to comment as they did not consider it an issue for their area.
9. As a result of local board feedback to the proposed draft the following changes were made:
· Buffer zones around schools were increased
· Buffer zones around mental health and addiction treatment centres were increased
· New rules for the city centre were added.
10. Local board feedback is being sought in in a parallel process to the special consultative process. The local board process will last until the end of December with local boards having the opportunity to present their views to the hearings panel in February 2015.
Maori impact statement
11. Māori are over represented amongst the groups of vulnerable people likely to be affected by using approved psychoactive substances. This over representation has two effects. Firstly getting the right option for the LAPP to maximize harm reduction will be more effective for Māori. Secondly, any solutions need to be designed in close collaboration with Māori to ensure they are workable and support wider initiatives aimed at improving Māori outcomes. Both of these goals are consistent with outcomes set out by Auckland Council to improve social outcomes for Māori in Auckland.
12. The consultation process with Māori has been developed in partnership with Māori agencies. A workshop has been undertaken with representatives from Hapai Te Hauora Tapui, an agency representing Māori health providers in the Auckland region, to provide initial feedback. Council staff are working with the Independent Māori Statutory Board, Te Waka Angamua and Hapai Te Hauora Tapui to ensure effective engagement with Māori. The initial work has centred on ensuring information is available to iwi and maata waka.
Step |
Estimated timeframe |
1. Special consultative procedure |
28 October – 28 November |
2 Local board consultation |
20 October – 19 December |
3 Hearings |
February 2015 |
4. Adopt final policy |
April 2015 |
5. Implementation and review |
Ongoing |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Changes from proposed to draft summary |
77 |
bView |
Statement of Proposal - Draft Local Approved Product Policy |
79 |
Authors |
Callum Thorpe - Principal Policy Analyst |
Authorisers |
Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
Waiheke Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) Programme 2014/2015 ~ November 2014 update
File No.: CP2014/23537
1. This report provides an overview of the Waiheke Local Board 2014/2015 Small Local Improvement Project (SLIP) programme and recommends projects for approval and commencement in the 2014/2015 year.
Executive Summary
2. The Waiheke Local Board had $241,748 SLIP’s operational funding and $664,292 SLIPs capital expenditure available in the 2013/2014 financial year.
3. A number of projects have deferred across from 2013/2014 financial year to be completed in 2014/2015. A capital budget of $121,222.60 is required to complete these projects.
4. Leaving $543,069.40 capital budget remaining available to allocate to capital projects in 2014/2015.Of this capital budget remaining, a total of $75,182 capital budget has been allocated to projects.
5. To date a total of $10,000 operational budget has been allocated to projects.
Operational Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Recommendations |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Opex 2014/2015 |
$241,748 |
$10,000.00 |
4% |
$90,000 |
37% |
$141,748 |
Capital Expenditure |
Total Budget |
YTD Allocated (%) |
Recommendations |
Remaining Budget |
SLIPs Capex 2014/2015 |
$664,292 |
$194,404.60 |
29% |
$152,090 |
23% |
$314,928 |
6. This report includes the following capital SLIPs projects for consideration by the board for funding in the 2014/2015 year:
No |
Project description |
Capex/ Opex |
Budget value |
Description |
1. |
Ostend Reserve basic concept plan - stage one |
Capex |
$9,000 |
Undertake a concept plan for the Ostend Reserve with costings |
2. |
Onetangi hitching post and sign
Capex |
$900 |
Install a hitching post for horses with a sign |
3. |
Ballysaggart easement opening
Capex |
$6,600 |
Open up an easement across 306 Sea View Road easement |
4. |
Te Matuku to Orapiu walkway SLIPs project |
Capex |
$80,000 |
Contribution to walkway as part of the Walk Waiheke programme of works |
5. |
Wellington/ Nelson St bus shelter |
Capex |
$15,000 |
Installation of a bus shelter |
6. |
Fisher Track improvements |
Capex |
$3,000 |
Installation of signage |
7. |
Walking tracks on ‘paper roads’, opening work : Te Matuku Creek Esplanade |
Capex |
$14,590 |
8. |
Onetangi Sports Park / Rangihoua Orientation Signage stage two |
Capex |
$23,000 |
Completion of stage two, to deliver the signs as identified |
Total Capex |
$152,090 |
7. This report includes the following operational SLIPs projects for consideration by the board for funding in the 2014/2015 year:
No |
Project description |
Capex/ Opex |
Budget value |
Description |
1. |
Fruit tree planting, stage 2 through island villages up to $20,000 |
Opex |
$20,000 |
Build community partnership(s) to design, deliver, maintain and monitor the planting of 400 fruit &nut trees in parks, road verge in the Surfdale and Ostend areas. |
2. |
Removal of fill from Rangihoua / Onetangi SP
Opex |
$68,500 |
Move clean fill from site and re spread around golf course to return the natural contours of the land and water flows. |
3. |
Research and implementation of a ride sharing scheme on Waiheke - stage one of two |
Opex |
$1,500 |
Research and report on the available ride-sharing apps and how to achieve the goal of having more people using fewer cars on Waiheke. |
8. After approval of the recommendations in this report the Board will have allocated a total of $349,364 capital budget, leaving $314,928 capital budget remaining for allocation to projects.
9. After approval of the recommendations in this report the Board will have allocated a total of $100,000 operational budget, leaving $141,748 operational budget remaining for allocation to projects.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the Waiheke SLIPs November 2014 programme summary. b) Acknowledges the below project budgets are not required in 2014/2015 to complete the projects and approves the return of capital funding for reallocation in the 2014/2015 financial year:
c) Approves the following SLIPs capital projects for 2014/ 2015 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson/s:
d) Notes upon approval of the above recommendations, a total of $349,364 capital budget will be allocated, leaving $314,928 capital budget remaining for allocation to projects. e) Approves the following SLIPs operational projects for 2014/ 2015 year and confirms the Project Spokesperson/s:
10. Notes upon approval of the above recommendations, a total of $100,000 operational budget will be allocated, leaving $141,748 operational budget remaining for allocation to projects. |
11. Information regarding projects carried forward from the 2013/2014 financial year is shown in the Waiheke Island Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) 2014/2015 combined programme which will be circulated under separate cover.
12. The Waiheke Island Local Board has $664,291 SLIPs capital funding available to complete FY2013/2014 deferred capital projects and allocate to new FY2014/2015 capital projects.
13. The Waiheke Island Local Board has $241,748 SLIPs operational funding available to allocate in the 2014/2015 financial year.
14. A number of projects have deferred across from 2013/2014 financial year to be completed in 2014/2015. A capital budget of $121,222.60 is required to complete these projects.
15. Leaving $543,069.40 capital budget remaining available to allocate to capital projects in 2014/2015. Of this capital budget remaining, a total of $75,182 capital budget has been allocated to projects.
16. The Waiheke Island Local Board has $241,748 SLIPs operational funding available to allocate in the 2014/2015 financial year.
17. To date a total of $10,000 operational budget has been allocated to projects.
18. Decisions from the board are being sought for the following capital funded projects:
19. Ostend Reserve basic concept plan - stage one. Undertake a concept plan for the site that will include three key proposed projects: the Ostend Causeway boat club wash down area, construction of a seawall and boardwalk Ostend Reserve and construction of a pedestrian and cycle path through Ostend reserve. The planning will include for photography and consultation / background research / planning checks / site analysis and constraints/opportunities plan / draft concept plan for the Reserve / meetings & review process / rough order of costs for detail design, consents and implementation / collation of a brief report including planning constraints, assumptions, risks, concept plan and indicative costs.
20. Ballysaggart easement opening. Open up the easement with gates at both ends (suitable for horses, walkers & cyclists to go through). Maintaining a grade of 1:6 or less. Installing 2x gates, 2x stiles, wooden routed signage, 5x marker posts and removal of pampas for access from Crescent rd. extension to Hill Rd access across 306 Sea View Road easement.
21. Te Matuku to Orapiu walkway project (contribution funding). This is part of the walk Waiheke project which Parks Capex delivery is managing. It is consented and ready to be tendered and is in the boards parks work plan for FY 15.
22. Wellington/ Nelson St bus shelter. Build and install of a standard bus shelter at Wellington/Nelson Street as agreed.
23. Fisher Track improvements. Installing 2x wooden routed signs and 10x 125 by 125 wooden marker posts.
24. Walking tracks on ‘paper roads’, opening work: Te Matuku Creek Esplanade. To provide route based walkway in Te Matuku creek Esplanade. Works include obtaining an arborists report and Tree consent then the installation of 2 x Routed wood signs, clearance of walkway and marker posts,
25. Onetangi Sports Park / Rangihoua Orientation Signage stage two. Completion of the installation of sings to provide orientation for visitors to Onetangi Sports Park / Rangihoua.
26. Upon approval of the above recommendations, a total of $349,364 capital budget will be allocated, leaving $314,928 capital budget remaining for allocation to projects.
27. Decisions from the board are being sought for the following operational funded projects:
28. Fruit tree planting, stage 2 through island villages up to $20,000. To build a community partnership(s) to design, deliver, maintain and monitor the planting of 400 fruit and nut trees in parks and road verge in the Surfdale and Ostend areas. This includes slow release fertiliser tabs, wooden stakes, mulching, straps and a celebration event at the end.
29. Removal of fill from Ranighoua/Onetangi SP. Move clean fill from site and re spread around golf course to return the natural contours of the land and water flows. An area size of approximately 3000m3 containing clean fill. The budget includes allowances for consenting and the required supporting reports and project management.
30. Research and implementation of a ride sharing scheme on Waiheke - stage one of two. Phase one involves researching and reporting on the available ride-sharing apps and how to achieve the goal of having more people using less cars on Waiheke. The report will include a short list of apps with a clear recommendation of which one would be the most suitable, taking into account the current transport use patterns on the island, the communications technology available, and social links that exist. It will describe the proposed strategies to be used to run a trial, the promotion and the support of a ride-sharing scheme in the community.
31. Upon approval of the above recommendations, a total of $100,000 operational budget will be allocated, leaving $141,748 operational budget remaining for allocation to projects
Local Board Views
32. This report canvasses the views of the Waiheke Local Board.
33. The recommendations contained within this report fall within the Local Boards delegated authority.
Maori Impact Statement
34. Parks and open spaces contribute significantly to Maori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua, appropriate consultation will follow.
35. Communities are impacted by SLIPs projects. They provide an opportunity for staff and elected representatives to engage with the communities on their specific needs. SLIPs staff will liaise directly with all residents and stakeholders impacted by any SLIPs or Discretionary funded projects to be delivered.
36. Funding for the proposed projects within this report would be obtained from the Waiheke Local Board’s Small Local Improvement Project budget allocation. After allocating budget to all the projects listed in this report and elsewhere, the Waiheke Local Board will still have SLIPs capital and operational funding remaining unallocated. Further reporting as part of the monthly work programme reporting will be used to determine what other projects the board may wish to fund.
37. SLIPs need to comply with all relevant legislation, including the Resource Management Act 1991, the Local Government Act and all Auckland Council policies.
Implementation Issues
38. All 2014/2015 projects should have budget allocated to them within the first quarter of the 2014/2015 financial year; to enable commencement and completion between prior to 30th June 2015.
39. Most projects will need eight months or more to be successfully delivered within the 2014/2015 financial year. Projects that have budget allocated to them with less than six months remaining within the current financial year will be at risk of not being completed by 2014/2015 financial year end.
40. Projects funded from 2014/2015 SLIPs capital expenditure must be physically complete and fully expended within the 2014/2015 financial year.
41. Projects funded from 2014/2015 SLIPs operational expenditure must be physically complete and fully expended within the 2014/2015 financial year.
42. The ability to spend and deliver upon the expected outcomes is dependent on the timely decision making by the Local Board in allocating budget to projects.
No. |
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aView |
Waiheke Island Local Board Small Local Improvement Projects (SLIPs) 2014/2015 combined programme |
97 |
bView |
Projects Sheet |
101 |
Authors |
Katrina Morgan - Team Leaders SLIPs |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
Change of time of Waiheke Local Board business meetings
File No.: CP2014/25493
1. To enable the Board to formally change the start time of the business meetings to 4.45pm.
Executive summary
2. The Waiheke Local Board business meetings commence at 4.15pm which means that some of the members who work full time are unable to make it to the meeting in time. The Board discussed this issue informally and decided to change the start time of the business meetings to 4.45pm.
3. This report requests the Board to formally adopt the new start time of 4.45pm of the business meetings of the Board from 27 November 2014 business meeting onwards until further notice.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Adopts the new start time of 4.45pm from 27 November 2014 business meeting onwards until further notice.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 13 November 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/25456
Executive Summary
1. Providing the Chairperson with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues he has been involved with since the last meeting.
a) That the Waiheke Local Board receives the Chairman’s verbal report. |
Paul Walden,
Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Council
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
Waiheke Local Board 13 November 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/25457
Executive Summary
1. Providing Board members with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
a) That the Waiheke Local Board receives the Waiheke Local Board members’ written and verbal reports.
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Deputy Chair's Report for October 2014 |
109 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
File No.: CP2014/25458
Executive Summary
1. Attached is a list of resource consents applications received from 15 September 2014 to 31 October 2014 related to Waiheke Island.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Receives the list of resource consents lodged during 15 September 2014 to 31 October 2014 related to Waiheke Island.
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List of resource consents for Waiheke from 15 September to 31 October 2014 |
113 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
13 November 2014 |
Restatement of Report in open agenda - Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards
File No.: CP2014/26127
1. The purpose of this report is for the Waiheke Local Board to restate the Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards in the open agenda as it was considered in the Confidential Section of the Board’s business meeting held on 23 October 2014.
Executive Summary
2. A report regarding the Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards was considered by the Waiheke Local Board on the 23 October 2014. The report was taken forward as a confidential item as it contained information that may impact the employment of staff within the Auckland Council group. The confidentiality no longer applies as the information was with the media on 3 November 2014, therefore the report and its resolutions can now be treated as being public.
That the Waiheke Local Board: a) Agrees to restate the “Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards” report to the open agenda as the reasons for confidentiality are no longer relevant as this item has been discussed in the media. |
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Council Controlled Organisation Review, Progress Report to Local Boards |
119 |
Authors |
Carmen Fernandes - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |